Senegal: Safer Milk Production and Processing

Project Description
Senegal’s diverse and fragmented supply chain of small farms, aggregation sites, artisanal processing facilities, and transport from rural areas to urban centers creates challenges for protecting food safety in dairy products. This project, led by Manpreet Singh of the University of Georgia, advanced data-driven food safety practices among dairy producers and processors. Researchers collected baseline pathogen data from farms and small dairy processors; strengthened food safety laboratory research capacity; assessed current food safety knowledge, attitudes, and practices in the dairy value chain; and conducted food safety trainings for dairy producers and small-scale processors.
Co-PIs: Cheikh Ndiaye, Woubit Abebe, Victoria Collins McMaken, Younoussa Diallo, Rawah Faraj, Jessica Marter-Kenyon, and Harshavardhan Thippareddi