Certificate of Distinction
Horace Abbott (1938) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
James D. Adams (1954) - James D. Adams, Columbia City, has served the interests of his community, agricultural and otherwise, with singular distinction to himself and the service ideal for at least three decades. He has been active as a farmer, a breeder of Cheviot sheep, Guernsey and Angus cattle, and has had wide business interests in his home community. He was a member of a small group which established the Columbia Woolen Mills in 1916. This group fought through bias and skepticism in making the mill a reality. He again exhibited his exceptional organizational ability by bringing to Columbia City the Blue Bell Overall factory and the Columbia Products Company (a screw machine factory). He himself set up the Whitley Product, Inc. (another screw machine plant) which has been operating very successfully since its founding. He has been editor of the local newspaper, and has served on numerous other public service groups such as the State Highway Commission. Jim was an early booster of the rural electrification program and fought (before REA) for the local municipal plant to sell energy to farmers in the area. When REMC services became available, he helped bring service quickly to the county. He has been an ardent supporter of conservation activities. He has been president of the Citizens State Bank in Columbia City since the 1930's. His unalterable devotion to his community has established a precedent in this state. His life of public service can only be properly rewarded by the satisfactions of a job well done.
W. A. Aitkenhead (1947) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
J. C. Allen (1963) - John Calvin (J. C.) Allen was born September 11, 1881. His mother died when he was a year and a half in age, and when he was six his father passed away. Before J. C.’s father died, he made arrangements for J. C. to live at the Indiana Soldier’s and Sailor’s Children’s Home. The Children’s Home operated a farm which gave J. C. his earliest agricultural training. He graduated from the Home in 1897 and took on a myriad of jobs. He was employed in railroads, coal mining, farming, and as a telegraph operator. In 1904 he married Mary Abby Peavy. The Allens later had a son, Chester, and a daughter, Martha. Following their wedding, J. C. and Mary attended the World’s Fair in St. Louis and purchased a portable Kodak camera for the trip. This is how J. C. Allen was bitten by the photography bug. Later that year he purchased a wooden box camera that used 5 x 7 inches glass plates and found the clarity of the photographs to be superior to his other camera. The married couple settled in on a farm along the Illinois-Indiana state line. Over time Allen developed proficiency in agronomy and livestock—the skills that led him to a position at Purdue in 1909. Allen stated that he was hired by the Purdue College of Agriculture to work in livestock judging, animal nutrition, poultry and agronomy. According to John O. Allen, J. C.’s grandson, he found using photographs in judging livestock useful because you could easily compare animals and look for examples of conformation. J. C. Allen’s hiring by Purdue coincided with the brisk expansion of the College of Agriculture. He was able to document the early activities of Agricultural Extension around the state. Purdue placed several of his photographs in Agricultural Experiment Station publications. His work expanded beyond the College of Agriculture to chronicling the activities of the entire University, including taking photographs of Amelia Earhart when she was a lecturer at Purdue in the 1930s.Allen also took photographs for his own personal business, J. C. Allen, later renamed J. C. Allen & Son. His photographs began appearing in publications such as Prairie Farmer, Breeder’s Gazette, and Farm Journal, as well as books. Allen would not only travel the Midwest and take photographs, but also the entire country taking photographs of farm life. However, he always returned to West Lafayette. In 1929, after Chester graduated with a B. S. in Horticultural Science from Purdue, he went to work in his father’s office. Chester’s son John joined the family business in 1967 after receiving his B. S. in Agricultural Economics from Purdue and a stint in the Navy. J. C. Allen retired in 1952, but still continued to take photographs for almost twenty-five more years. He passed away in 1976 at the age of 94.
W. Robert Amick (1968) - Member of Indiana 4-H Club Staff - Purdue University 1928 until present. 4-H Accomplishments Developed in cooperation with Extension subject matter specialists, a total of fifteen 4-H projects with more than 40,000 members enrolled. This is the largest project enrollment in U.S.A. Directed State 4-H Conservation Camp since 1935 (attendance 3000 4-H members) State Fair Club Camp since 1929 (attendance-12,000) and initiated and directed Junior Corn Growers Jamboree Program since its beginning (14 years-attendance 7,000). Developed 4-H Flower project and present State Chairman of the 4-H American Beautiful Program. Directed 4•H Rotary Training Program for adult 4-H Leaders for past ten years (attendance 17,200 I, chairman of 4-H Staff Committee for Temporary Club Agents Workshop, and chairman of 4•H Staff Committee for Extension Agents Workshop Joint Staff responsibility for planning leader training in Southern Indiana Counties for 30 years. Author or coauthor of seven printed 4-H publications, pertaining to 4-H project, and activities as well as many mimeographed outlines. Former Chief-Epsilon Sigma Phi, Present President of Purdue Class of 1925 Secretary/treasurer, Indiana 4•H Foundation, former Chairman and now a member of National 4-H Extension Committee on Conservation of Natural Resources directed Indiana 4-H Camping Program for 10 years. Started Vocational Agriculture Department at Cambridge City High School-1925. Member of Presbyterian Church, Mason, Farm Bureau, American Men of Science, and Extension Specialists Association since 1951. Graduate-Purdue-B.S.A.-1925, Purdue-M.S.-1935, Special three week course- Cornell University, Alpha Zeta-Agriculture, Tau Kappa Alpha-debating, Kappa Delta PI-education, Epsilon Sigma Phi extension, and Pi Kappa Phi-social. Military Service Fort Bragg-October 1942-March 1943.
William T. Anderson (1976) - William T. "BiB" Anderson, Bedford, Indiana, is about as well known in Indiana agricultural circles as anyone imply because he is always where the action is as far as our great profession is concerned. Bill was raised on a small farm near Brazil in Clay County. After graduation from Purdue in 1931, he taught vocational agriculture at Shawswick and Bloomington High Schools. His livestock judging teams were recipients of many high honors. He worked for several years in the Livestock Marketing Division in the Indiana Farm Bureau, serving part of that time as manager of the Logansport Producers Stockyards. In 1949, Bill joined the Purdue Animal Husbandry Department as an Extension Livestock Specialist. He was a leader in organizing the Southern Indiana Feeder Calf Sales. To put it mildly, Bill is a devoted enthusiast of Southern Indiana agriculture. Many a farmer in that part of the state has seen his livestock business improve as a result of Bill's insistence that he use a proven bull, ram, or boar to upgrade his breeding herd. It is a commonly known fact that Bill often financed these purchases himself. Bill Anderson's knowledge of agriculture made him a natural to become the farm director of WTTV television at Bloomington. He quickly became a household word for thousands of Indiana farmers. Later, he returned to the Indiana Farm Bureau Livestock Producers organization to head up their Tend-R-Leen pork program. Bill was right where he belonged - with his foot up on the fence, helping farmers in Southern Indiana produce and market their feeder pigs in the best way possible. The job was only a part of Bill's interest in agriculture. He was a member of the Indiana State Fair Board for nine years where he served as swine superintendent and as director of the Coliseum. He is presently in his sixth three-year term as a Soil Conservation District Supervisor, and is president of the Lawrence County Farm Bureau organization. He is active in the Erie Methodist Church, the Lawrence County Purdue Ag Chapter, and the Lawrence County Fair. Bill and son Tom operate a 560 acre grassland farm out near Heltonville where they breed Berkshire hogs and run around one hundred Angus cows. He is tremendously proud of all the things he has been able to do for agriculture, but let me tell you a little secret. His most cherished attainment is the fact that he has not missed a Purdue home football game in the last fifty years. That should tell you something about Bill Anderson's loyalty.
O.K. Anderson (1985) - Anderson, Knox County clerk, is a 1940 graduate of the School of Agriculture. After service in World War II he earned an M.S. at the University of Missouri and joined the Indiana Cooperative Extension Service, serving 32 years as an agricultural agent in Bartholomew, Spencer, Pike, Sullivan, Grant and Knox Counties. Anderson retired from the CES in 1975, and was elected to the Indiana State Fair Board, serving eight years before he was elected president of the fair board in 1983. In Knox County he has served as Rotary Club president and executive director of the Knox County Chamber of Commerce, and as a member of the Wabash Valley Association, the Vincennes Historical and Antiquarian Society, the Sons of the American Revolution, the Farm Bureau and the Knox County Cattlemen’s Association. He received, in 1984 Vincennes university’s Walter A. Davis Memorial Citation for community service.
Phillip G. Anderson (2003) - Phil Anderson was raised on a diversified grain and livestock farm in Clinton County, Indiana. He was active in both FFA and 4-H, receiving state and national honors, including serving as Indiana FFA State Northern Region Vice-President in 1979-80. He graduated from Purdue University in 1983 with a B.S. in Agricultural Economics in the Sales and Marketing option. He has spent most of his career as an association executive, representing agricultural commodity and producer groups. He served as the Executive Director of the Indiana Corn Growers Association (ICGA) from 1985 to 1991. For the next two years, he was the Communications Director for the American Veal Association. Since 1988 he has also served as the Executive Director of the Indiana Veal Promotion Committee. In 1993 he was named Executive Vice President of the Indiana Beef Cattle Association (IBCA). As Executive Vice President of IBCA he has led the organization to its all-time high in membership and, from 1993 to 1996, implemented a strategic plan that reversed a serious financial crisis and took IBCA to its strongest financial position ever, one that included operating reserves. He has forged new partnerships to benefit Indiana’s beef industry, including leading efforts to coordinate beef programs and resources through the Five State Beef Initiative, and he has worked with Purdue University to refocus Indiana’s Beef Improvement Programs into programs like Indiana Quality Plus (IQ+) BEEF, Indiana Beef Evaluation and Economics Feeding (IBEEF), the On-Farm Carcass Performance Program, and the Indiana Farm Fresh Beef program, all of which serve to improve the marketability of Indiana beef cattle and help Hoosier cattlemen capture more value from their products. Anderson is a graduate of the Indiana Agricultural Leadership Program and has served the Indiana Agricultural Leadership Institute both as chairman of the Ag Forum programs from 1999 to 2000 and as a member of the Board of Directors. He used his coalition building skills to found the Indiana Land Use Consortium, which he chaired during its first five years, and to help create the Indiana Ag and Natural Resources Land Use Working Group, which he chaired from 1997 to 1999. He was a member of the Team Ag Steering Committee for the World Trade Organization Listening Session held in Indianapolis in 1999. He was vice-chairman of the Governor’s Indiana Millennium Celebration for Agriculture in 1999-2000. In 1999 he spearheaded an effort to conduct an industry-wide Indiana Ag Leadership Summit. He is a member of Purdue’s Animal Science Advisory Council, and he is on the board of the Center for Agricultural Science and Heritage. Anderson’s service extends to his community as well. He is active in St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, where he has chaired the Liturgy Committee and has served as a cantor/soloist in the choir. He is a member of the Purdue Chapter of Delta Upsilon International Fraternity where he has served as Alumni Secretary and Strategic Planner, leading to construction of a new chapter house. He is a member of the Carmel Club of Rotary International where he served as club president in 1995-96, District Governor’s Representative 1997-99, and District Trainer 2000-01. Since 2000 he has been a 4-H project leader in Hamilton County. In 2001 Governor Frank O’Bannon honored Phil Anderson as a Distinguished Hoosier. Anderson’s impact on Indiana agriculture was best summed up with these words from his nominators: “His unselfish commitment and passion to do the right thing for his state, industry and community are an example for all to follow.”
Jess C. Andrew (1946) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Fred Andrews (1978) - Fred Andrews received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Massachusetts and his Ph.D. from the University of Missouri. Dr. Andrews became a Purdue Staff member in 1940 as a member of the Purdue Dairy Department. From 1949 to 1953 he was assistant to the dean of the Purdue graduate school. When the college decided to consolidate the Dairy, Poultry Science, and Animal Science, Dr. Andrews was named the head of the new department. Dr. Andrews was widely known for his work on the endocrine regulation of growth, reproductive physiology, and environmental physiology in domestic animals. He initiated the teaching and research program at Purdue for physiology of reproduction of domestic animals. He also was one of the first people to work on artificial insemination of dairy cows. In 1956 he was a member of a special Colombian mission for the Rockefeller Foundation. He also served on committees of the National Academy of Sciences, as a member of the screening committee for Fulbright awards, and as a reviewer for the National Science Foundation. His fraternal associations include Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta, and Sigma Xi.
Beth Archer (2011) - Beth Archer has a talent for influencing people she comes in contact with. After graduating from Purdue with a B.S. in Home Economics Education, she worked as a Consumer and Family Science teacher and for the state Department of Education. In 1991 she became an employee of AgrIInstitute and was eventually promoted to her current position of Executive Director. Beth has since touched the lives of over 300 Indiana agriculturalists through her work with the Indiana Ag Leadership Program. Beth is one of the most vocal advocates for advancing Indiana agriculture through her leadership with AgrIInstitute. Under Beth’s direction the program has grown, become financially independent, and been recognized as the premier leadership opportunity for cultivating leadership in Indiana’s agriculture industry. Participants in the Ag Leadership Program are developed to be pro-advocates of agriculture. The program uses well-developed media training so that the graduates are able to appropriately meet the challenge of explaining agricultural practices to opposition groups. She has secured grants for the program from Cenex Harvest States Foundation, Phillip Morris, Farm Credit Services Foundation, Lily Endowment, Office of Community and Rural Affairs, Pioneer Hybrid, and the Indiana Department of Rural Affairs. With Beth in charge, AgrIInstitute has been brought to a level that is both admired and envied by Ag Leadership programs across the country. Her hard work was recognized by her colleagues when she was named Leader of the year for the International Association Programs for Agriculture Leadership. Beth’s strong advocacy for agriculture has also led her to work with other organizations within the industry. She was appointed to the Indiana Rural Development Council by the Lt. Governor and was elected to chair the Council by her peers. She also chairs the Indiana Agricultural Round Table and is President of the Indiana Leadership Association. Even after all of her other responsibilities, Beth still finds time to volunteer in her local community. She served two years on the Purdue Extension Advisory Council for Hendricks County, assisted with the formation of the Leadership Hendricks County program, and served as team captain for the Danville Relay for Life. Additionally she is a children’s ministry team leader and secured a grant for the building expansion at Clayton Christian Church.
Shalamar Armstrong (2023) - West Lafayette, Indiana
Indiana is considered a leader in cover crop adoption. Still, a recent study concluded that cover crops are used in just 7.2 percent of Midwest fields. That’s a four-fold increase from 2011, but cover cropping clearly is not a common practice. In position to change that is Shalamar Armstrong, who has worked his way to the front lines of that agricultural battlefield.
Armstrong, an associate professor of soil conservation and management in the Department of Agronomy at Purdue, does not have a formal Extension appointment yet has built an extensive state and regional network that generates on-farm research collaborations, emerging research questions, and partnerships with federal and state conservation agencies. The overarching objective of his research program is to determine the agronomic, environmental and economic benefits of cover crops.
His degrees are from Southern University, Alabama A&M and Purdue (PhD, 2010, agronomy/soil chemistry). Armstrong worked as a research soil scientist at the USDA-ARS National Erosion Research Laboratory, then was an assistant professor of soil science at Illinois State before returning to Purdue in 2015. He was promoted to associate professor in 2020.
“While maybe perceived as a relative newcomer to Purdue, he has already supplied significant contributions to Indiana agriculture,” says a director with the Nature Conservancy of Indiana, writing in support of Armstrong’s Certificate of Distinction nomination. “Building on efforts he initiated in Illinois, he seamlessly jumped the border, brought his knowledge, expanded his projects and is now empowering growers on soil health efforts to enhance our state’s water quality.” He admires Armstrong’s “actionable research.”
Armstrong’s collaborative efforts include helping to design a web-based cover crop decision support tool that provides users with data and information in a practical, easy-to-use format. In the Upper Mississippi River Basin, his applied research program has generated significant interest in soil conservation, carbon sequestration, soil health and climate-smart cropping systems and how they affect nutrient fate and availability.
“His research is cutting edge,” another nominator says of Armstrong, who received the College of Agriculture’s Unsung Diversity Hero Award in 2019. “Moreover, he is a great teacher who is doing an excellent job teaching several essential classes.”
Katherine Armstrong (2018) - Grand corporate strategies wither without leadership. When Dow AgroSciences (DAS) decided that seeds and traits warranted major investments of research and dollars, Katherine Armstrong was chosen to head a new research and development department — Trait Product Development. “Katherine was the obvious candidate,” says a retired vice president of DAS who worked with Armstrong for nearly two decades. “She embraced a daunting task. She successfully attracted outstanding talent from both inside and outside the company, developed novel capabilities and technologies, and delivered scientific as well as pipeline contributions that fully met or exceeded expectations. Much of Katherine and her team’s impact is just now starting to make its way into the hands of growers.” In another letter written in support of Armstrong receiving a Certificate of Distinction, Armstrong is praised for being “a stellar example of leadership, and she left a powerfully positive legacy with Dow AgroSciences R&D for scientific excellence and advancement.” The Indianapolis-based global company’s seed business doubled, thanks in part to the research strategy that she “brought to fruition and championed.” In the same vein, to steer reticent co-workers through Six Sigma, a productivity initiative, she chose a “unique focus” that “captured the heads and hearts of the R&D organization and drove dramatic changes and technical progress across her domain.” Ms. Armstrong helped strengthen the long Purdue–Dow AgroSciences relationship. The DAS-Purdue Joint Steering Team, now in its 11th year, has a goal of boosting the partnership between the two entities in research, teaching, and Extension. Armstrong was co-leader of the committee from 2008 to 2014, and she oversaw a steady flow of resources from DAS to the College of Agriculture, supporting both applied and basic plant sciences research, especially by graduate students. DAS specialists helped Purdue design the Indiana Corn and Soybean Innovation Center, which opened in 2016 and is the first field phenotyping facility in North America. “The relationship stands the test of time,” a DAS executive says. A recently announced discovery of a novel soybean gene that confers resistance to a particular pathogen is one result of the collaboration. “Due to the clear outcomes for both Purdue and Dow AgroSciences, Purdue embraced this university-industry connection, which now serves as a model for relationships with other universities as well. The strategy she set continues to thrive.” This and that • Bachelor’s degree (Biology) from the University of Virginia, 1978; master’s (Molecular and Population Genetics) from the University of Georgia, 1981. • “Mapping genes conditioning in vitro androgenesis in maize using RFLP analysis,” published in 1992, has been cited in scientific publications 62 times and as recently as 2016. • The listed inventor on six patents pertaining to the genetic modification of plants. • College of Agriculture’s Dean’s Advisory Council member, 2007-2010. • Worked 18 years for Dow AgroSciences; previously with United Agriseeds and Dow Chemical Company. • Commitment to STEM outreach includes serving as secretary (2009-2013) and editor (2012-present) for 500 Earth Sciences, a community group engaged in science outreach throughout central Indiana. • Current treasurer, past president of Indiana Society of Paleontology; is leading efforts to choose a state fossil.
Harry T. Armstrong (1986) - Harry T. Armstrong, Route 2, Springville and his son, Kent, operate a 1,800 acre hay-grass and livestock ranch in Lawrence County. They feed some 300 commercial cows and 200 yearlings. Armstrong attended both Purdue and Indiana Universities, and served in the Army Air Corps during World War II. Armstrong is a past president of the Indiana Cattlemen’s Association and the Indiana Livestock Breeders’ Association. He has served on the Lawrence County Extension Board, the County Fair Association board of directors, and the Stone City Bank of Bedford and the Bedford Medical Center boards of directors. Armstrong has also served on behalf of agriculture at the state and national levels. He is a member of the advisory committee for the Southern Indiana Purdue Agricultural Center, and the Dean of Agriculture’s advisory committee, and the Governor’s Rural Policy Commission. He also serves as a part-time agriculture representative on the staff of Senator Dan Quayle.
Max Armstrong (2004) - Max Armstrong is one of the most widely recognized and highly regarded agriculture journalists in America. His broadcasts have been seen and heard by millions of farmers and consumers for nearly 30 years. As co-host of the nationally syndicated U.S. Farm Report television show, Max is seen each weekend on nearly 200 local television stations coast-to-coast. His tv broadcasts are also carried almost every day on the RFD-TV satellite channel via DirecTV and DishNetwork. From studios in Chicago, Max is heard daily with his agriculture and business news broadcasts on legendary radio powerhouse WGN. His Farming America reports are carried each day on radio stations in every region of the country. In pursuit of the news of agriculture, Max has originated broadcasts from every state in America and at least 30 nations. His work has earned dozens of honors from agriculture groups, trade associations, professional organizations and fraternities. He has been honored four times in the Oscar In Agriculture program for excellence in agriculture journalism. In addition to being recognized as Agriculture Communicator Of The Year by the National Agri-Marketing Association, Max was also presented the Master Writer recognition by the American Agricultural Editors Association. In 2001, he was given the Farm Broadcaster Of The Year Award by the National Association Of Farm Broadcasters. A year later he was recognized with the highest civilian honor given by the Governor of Indiana, the Sagamore Of The Wabash Award, presented by the late Indiana Governor Frank O'Bannon. Max is also an honorary member of the Alpha Gamma Rho agriculture fraternity. A graduate of Purdue University, Max is proud of his Indiana roots, having grown up on a farm in Southern Indiana. He has maintained close ties with agriculture and often displays at parades, fairs and festivals the 1953 Farmall Super H tractor on which he learned to drive as a boy. Max and his dad's old tractor have been featured on calendars, videos, playing cards and collectible farm toys. Many of those items were donated or sold to benefit the 4H and FFA youth organizations. Since 1990 Max has contributed his time as a Fire Commissioner in the Western Suburbs of Chicago. In that role he hires and promotes firefighters and paramedics for the Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District, one of the highest rated fire districts in the United States. It is here where Max resides with his wife, Linda, and teen-age daughters Kristi and Lisa.
Russell Arndt (1980) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Dan J. Arnholt (2015) - Dan Arnholt is a native of Bartholomew County, Indiana, and graduated from Purdue University in 1968 with a B.S. in agricultural economics. After graduation, he began a career in the electric utility industry that would last until his retirement. He first worked for Public Service Indiana (later PSI Energy) for 22 years. He left PSI to become the General Manager and CEO of the Bartholomew County REMC, a position he held for 18 years until his retirement. In 1968, Arnholt and his wife Susan bought their first farm in Bartholomew County, and they continue to farm that land together today. Arnholt, along with Susan and their son Clint, is owner/operator of Sudan Farms, Inc. and Sudan Ag Lime Service. Arnholt has an extensive record of achievement and service to the rural electric utility industry. He wrote several farm energy papers published by the American Society of Agricultural Engineering (ASAE), including "Timer Switches for Low Temperature Grain Drying;"'lndiana Farm Electrification Council's Neutral to Earth Voltage Seminars;' "Computer Aided Wiring Instruction Program;' and "Technical Brief on Low Temperature Drying:' He is also the co-author of Farmer's Guide for Electrical Grain Drying. He has served as a member of the Governor's Task Force Committee on Indiana Agriculture; the Indiana Statewide Competition Task Force; the National Committee for Ag Mechanics; and several National Food and Energy Task Forces on Electrical Wiring Systems for Livestock Facilities, Livestock Ventilation, and Farm Energy Audits. Arnholt was a graduate of the first class of the Indiana Agriculture Leadership Program, a program of Agrllnstitute (then known as the Indiana Institute of Food, Agriculture and Nutrition). He has served on the Agrllnstitute board of directors since 1987. He was elected treasurer in 1993, a role in which he continues to serve. He served as chairman of Agrllnstitute in 2004-05. Arnholt's many service activities encompass roles in his community, his profession, and Purdue University. Arnholt and his son Clint have been leaders of the Bartholomew County 4-H Tractor Safety project since 1995. Purdue Agriculture Fish Fry· 2075 Project enrollment numbers have doubled in the last two years, and in 2014 project members placed first and second in the state tractor driving competition. Arnholt has served on the Bartholomew County Extension Board and Bartholomew County 4-H Council. He is active at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, serving on both its Board of Elders and School Board. Arnholt's passion for economic development has led to roles as the Vice-Chair of Education and Workforce Development committee of the Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce; Chair of Columbus Economic Development Board; Chair of the Columbus Enterprise Development Corporation and Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce Agribusiness Council. He has served as Chair for Hoosier Managers Association, on the board of the Farm Electrification Council, as Vice-Chair for Indiana FFA Foundation, and as a board member of Purdue's Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity. In 1987, Arnholt was elected to represent southeast Indiana on the board of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association, and he served that role for 13 years before serving as Vice President (2000-2002) and President (2002-2004). His philanthropic service has had wide-ranging impact on a number of organizations as well. Arnholt's extensive activity with the Community Foundation of Bartholomew County includes service to the Heritage Fund, serving as a member of the Board of Directors, and as chairman of the Grants and General Scholarship Selection Committees. In Bartholomew County, Arnholt has given leadership to the Heritage Fund Gifts of Grain program, with Sudan Farms being one of several farms participating. To support Agrllnstitute through the Community Foundation of Bartholomew County, Arnholt led an effort to raise funds in the county, which has resulted in $55,000 in contributions to the Agrllnstitute Endowment Fund of the Heritage Fund since 1987. Arnholt shared this success with other agricultural communities and led an effort to establish similar funds in other community foundations. To date, thirteen other endowment funds totaling $336,000 have been established in community foundations around the state to support Agrllnstitute. Arnholt's work has been recognized with several awards. In 2002 he received the Bartholomew County Rural Service Award. In 2008, the Rural Electric Association honored him with its Regional Award for Outstanding Service. In 201 O Sudan Farms was named Conservation Farm of th-e Year by the Bartholomew County Soil and Water Conservation District. And in 2014 the Heritage Fund of the Community Foundation of Bartholomew County presented Arnholt with its James A. Henderson Award.
Arthur E. Arnott (1959) - Arthur E. Arnott, Rensselaer, has carved a significant and a productive career through his singular devotion to agriculture. He has devoted his life to helping farmers. Born in Carroll County, he moved as a boy to Jasper County. He has held a Farm Bureau office, township, county, or state since 1919. He was Director of the Farm Bureau Third District from 1931 to 1958. He has served as manager of the Jasper County Farm Bureau Co-op since 1930. This is the largest cooperative of its kind in the entire country. He was a pioneer for the R. E. M. C. in his county. During the depression, he worked without pay in the Farm Debt Adjustment program. He has served on the National Advisory Committee of the Farm Credit Administration and is on the board of the Rural Acceptance Corporation. He is an active community worker, and is vitally interested in the churches and schools of his area. The constructive contributions of Arthur Arnott to his community and his state cannot be readily measured. His steady and visionary leadership have set him apart as a strong, responsible disciple of a modern agriculture.
Janet S. Ayers (2017) - It is possible that rural Indiana has never had a better friend than Janet Ayres. She has conducted more than 2,000 workshops and trained 65,000 leaders and professionals in the areas of leadership and rural development. More than 200 Indiana communities have benefited from her efforts to develop leadership skills to deal with change and conflict. In 2012, she launched the Rural Issues series of Extension publications. The series features a set of factsheets on rural Indiana. Counties are grouped into three categories (rural, urban, and mixed) in order to analyze changes over the past decade, identify issues and highlight policy implications. Among the topics covered so far: Growth and decline, aging, poverty, poverty and teen childbearing, community banks, population trends, food insecurity and methamphetamine use. The series is a definitive source for legislators, scholars and others. “Through her many Extension programs … Dr. Ayres has improved the quality of life in rural Indiana,” wrote a colleague who nominated her for the Certificate of Distinction. “Her efforts have led to increased personal and professional networks of change agents with the skills and understanding of how individuals, groups and institutions change and strengthen.” The 1973 Purdue graduate earned a master’s degree in regional planning from Cornell University in 1975. She came back to Purdue in 1977 as a research associate and Extension specialist. After earning a Ph.D. in 1983, she joined the Agricultural Economics faculty as an assistant professor. She was promoted to associate professor in 1989 and became a full professor in 1995. In the 1990s, she spent six years as assistant director of Purdue Extension, led the Community Development Program, and established the Purdue Land Use Team — one of the first collaborative efforts between campus specialists and field educators — and the Leadership Development Team. From 2003 to 2008, she was a senior fellow with the North Central Regional Center for Rural Development as a 25 percent appointment. She produced the Foundations of Practice, which became one of the early online courses in community development. It led to the USDA/Rural Development’s community development online course. Extension educators and specialists have long benefited from Dr. Ayres’ focus on professional development. Her workshops at state park lodges around the state provided educational opportunities to learn about personal, interpersonal, group, and community leadership methods of engagement, forming “the foundation of Extension teams and collaborative efforts among staff to this day,” a nominator wrote. “The workshops led to many county leadership academics and youth programs which remain today.” Her off-campus accomplishments are considerable, and College of Agriculture undergraduates can attest to her on-campus impact. Those who took her “Leadership and Controversial Issues in Agriculture” class saw and heard her facilitate group discussions about sources of conflict, power, influence, and privilege. She also led the effort to establish and revise the College’s Leadership Development Certificate Program, which earned the Outstanding Program Award from the Association of Leadership Educators. Carroll County has been home for Dr. Ayres and her husband, Dr. Lynn Corson, since 1986. They restored a historic farm on the edge of Delphi. Janet led the Carroll County at the Crossroads efforts in 2004 and 2009, and co-created Carroll County Focus on the Future, Leadership Carroll County, and the Heritage Tourism group. She served on the Community Foundation board and is a member of the Land Use and Zoning Committee, Wabash & Erie Canal Association, Carroll County Historical Society, Delphi Preservation Society, the county Chamber of Commerce, and the Carroll County Ag Association. “Janet’s passion for community development, combined with her tireless commitment to develop and deliver programs and work with community leaders and groups, led to increased quality of life for individuals and communities throughout rural Indiana and beyond,” a nominator said. “She has a passion and an innate ability to relate to and inspire others,” wrote another nominator. A sampling of Janet Ayres’ awards and achievements:
- Charles Carroll Award, Carroll County Chamber of Commerce, 2011
- Dean’s Team Award for CAFO study, co-recipient, Purdue College of Agriculture, 2010
- Carroll County Agriculture Hall of Fame, Carroll County Agriculture Association, 2010
- Award of Appreciation, Rural Business Cooperative Services, USDA/Rural Development, 2009
- Team Award for CAFO team, co-recipient, Purdue Extension Specialist Association, 2009
- Friend of Conservation Award, National Association of Conservation Districts, 2008
- State Senior Faculty Continued Service Award, Epsilon Sigma Phi, 2007
- Distinguished Service Award, Community Development Society, 2006
- Leadership Carroll County Recognition Award, Carroll County, 2006
- Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence in Educational Service to Rural People of Indiana, 1998
- Medal of Commemoration, Agricultural University of Krakow, Poland, 1996
Jim Baird (2021) - Current US Representative in the 4th District, Mr. Baird served on the front lines of the US Army, worked as an Extension Educator in Parke, Putnam and Vermillion Counties, and started his own business.
Ira L. Baldwin (1945) - Ira Baldwin was born in 1895 on a 40-acre farm in Indiana. In his youth, he earned money to attend college by selling ducks and husking corn. In World War I, he served as a second lieutenant in an artillery unit, state-side. Baldwin attended college at Purdue but sought his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. In 1943, Baldwin became the first scientific director of the U.S. Army Biological Warfare Laboratories at Camp Detrick, Maryland. After World War II, Baldwin returned to the University of Wisconsin–Madison and became the founder and director emeritus of the Wisconsin Academy Foundation. He held positions as chair of the Department of Bacteriology, dean of the Graduate School, dean and director of the College of Agriculture, university vice president for academic affairs, and special assistant to the president. He was also involved in programs for agricultural development both in the United States and abroad.
Stanley A. Barber (1987) - Stanley A Barber, West Lafayette, a professor of agronomy at Purdue, was honored for his extensive research into soil fertility. A native of Wolseley, Saskatchewan, Canada, he earned B.S. and M.S. degrees at the University of Saskatchewan and a Ph.D. degree at the University of Missouri. He joined the Purdue faculty in 1949. He applied basic principles of chemistry, physics and biology to the study of plant-soil relationships. His research work has established him as an expert in soil fertility, plant nutrition and computer simulation models of how plants use nutrients. Well-known as an educator, Barber has supervised 55 graduate students and 21 postdoctoral scholars. He has published over 170 research publications and a book, “Soil Nutrient Bioavailability: A Mechanistic Approach.”
Freddie Barnard (2024) - Freddie wasted no time. Armed with degrees from two land-grant universities, Kentucky and Illinois, and two years of experience as a Farm Credit System loan officer, Freddie Barnard arrived at a third land-grant university, Purdue, in 1982. He was a newly minted assistant professor. An agriculture financial crisis was beginning a five-year run. So, Barnard quickly took leadership of the Indiana Bankers Association Midwest Agricultural Banking School. He spoke to and wrote for anyone who would listen or read. He stressed practical agricultural finance and problem-solving research. The American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers eventually gave him three Gold Quill awards. He directed the Midwest Agricultural Banking School for 36 years; in 2005, Barnard began leading the Advanced Agricultural Credit Seminar for graduates for the school. He coordinated the annual Indiana Bankers Agricultural Clinic and Advanced Agricultural Credit Workshop and was an original member of the Farm Financial Standards Council, founded in 1989. He helped establish the council's task force, commissioned by the American Bankers Association, which produced guidelines utilized at all levels of the agriculture industry over the decades. In 1994, he led a three-member team that taught farm financial reporting and analysis to 227 students at three Russian agricultural institutes. Barnard's students learned about real-world situations faced by lenders, producers, and business managers. His use of the Purdue Agribusiness Management Simulation made financial and operational management decisions come to life. His honors include three Agricultural Economics outstanding counselor awards, Purdue's Book of Great Teachers (2003) and Hovde Award (2015, for service to the people of rural Indiana), the American Bankers Association's Blanchfield Award (2018, for a nonbanker's contribution to agriculture and rural banking), and the Farm Financial Standards Council's Buel Lanpher Achievement Award (1993, to an academician for outstanding service) and Lifetime Emeritus Membership Award (2019). Those writing in support of Barnard's nomination cite his "expertise in producer, banker and academic curriculum development and delivery;" "exemplary" Extension and applied research programs; "core values of development of people in a caring manner;" and "being on the cutting edge of banker education" on all levels. " He definitely has carried the banner for Purdue University in carrying out its mission."
James Barnett (1996) - James Barnett is a respected advocate of, agriculture and conservation. His skill, diplomacy and common sense have prevailed when discussing such issues as wetlands and hazardous materials in front of the General Assembly and other groups. He helped develop the "T by 2000" erosion control plan, worked on the cooperative well testing project, and contributed to the 1994 Environmental Laws and Regulations Handbook. He has been unswerving in his support of education and was the driving force behind the Indiana Soil and Water Conservation Speech Contest. He also gave leadership to the Hoosier Chapter of Soil and Water Conservation Society scholarships. He has been an appointed to the Governor's Commission on Water Resources and Water Law, the Governor's Water and Mineral Resources Council, the state drought management plan, the Governor's Technical Committee on Drainage Issues, and the advisory committee to write the Forestry Best Management Handbook. He is also a member of the state wetlands management plan advisory committee. Barnett worked as a member of the Cooperative Extension Service (1955-1974) and then joined the Indiana Farm Bureau as an assistant in Natural Resources. He later took over as departmental director and became an active member of the Indiana Water Resources Assn. He is past president of the Hoosier Chapter of the Soil Conservation Society and a member of the International Soil Conservation Society. He delivered two research papers at Soil and Water Conservation Service national conference and co-authored the Indiana agricultural handbook, "Nitrate and Pesticides in Private Wells of Indiana."
Marion F. Baumgardner (2000) - During the past fifty years Marion Baumgardner has earned many titles, including: dedicated teacher, respected soil scientist, trusted mentor and committed servant. And while the research that undergirds his career has led him to be called “Dr. Remote Sensing” among his colleagues, the Purdue University community could well call him “Dr. Global Agriculture” for the legacy of international and cultural awareness that he has given to the campus and for the international collaborations and partnerships he has built during his journeys to more than 110 countries. Following his graduation from Texas Tech University in 1950, Baumgardner accepted a three-year appointment from the Methodist Board of Global Ministries to teach at the Allahabal Agricultural Institute in north India. When he returned to the U. S., he entered graduate school at Purdue. Baumgardner earned both his M.S. and Ph.D. from Purdue, in 1955 and 1964, respectively. Baumgardner served three years (1959-1962) as the director of the Indiana Soil Testing Lab at Purdue. In 1961 he was named an instructor in the Agronomy Department, and in 1964 he was appointed to the faculty of the department. During his 36 years as a teacher, the courses Baumgardner taught included Introductory Soils, Soil and Water Conservation, Intermediate Soil Science, Soil-Water-Air Contamination, Remote Sensing of Land Resources, and Global Awareness. Global Awareness, Agronomy 350, was initiated by Baumgardner and now draws more than 120 students each spring semester, students representing nearly all departmental disciplines at Purdue. In the early 1990's he chaired the Dean of Agriculture's committee which internationalized the curriculum for Purdue Agriculture students to better prepare them for the workplace of the 21st century. Baumgardner's first assignment as a Purdue faculty member was a two-year stint as a program specialist in Argentina. When he returned in 1966, he joined the research program of the Laboratory for the Applications of Remote Sensing (LARS). His primary research interest was the relationship among spectral properties of soils and their physical, chemical and biological characteristics, always seeking ways to use remote sensing to effectively map and monitor changes in soil and land resources from the local to the global scale. Close to home, Baumgardner has served his local United Methodist Church in many capacities. He recently led an effort to raise relief funds for Central American flood victims, and he retired in 1998 from 30 years of teaching an adult Bible class. A member of Lafayette Kiwanis Club since 1972, he served as club president (1983-1984) and recently co-chaired the local club's effort to raise $10,000 (at last count, the project had exceeded the goal by at least $3,000) for Kiwanis International's joint effort with UNICEF to eliminate iodine deficiency disorder, a major cause of mental retardation among 500 million of the world's most vulnerable children. He is also a member of the board of the Museums at Prophetstown, a 300 acre project within the new 3,000 acre Prophetstown State Park. He chairs the Museums' Prairie Restoration Committee that will restore about 200 acres to natural prairie grasses and wild flowers. Baumgardner's work has been recognized by his peers who have elected him a Fellow in the American Society of Agronomy, the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Soil Science Society of America and the Indiana Academy of Science. He has received honorary doctorate degrees from DePauw University, Greencastle, and G6d6ll6 Agricultural University in Hungary.
Bill R. Baumgardt (1998) - Researcher, animal scientist, administrator, agricultural spokesman and church leader. Bill Baumgardt has worn many hats during his career and worn them all with distinction and honor. After Feb.1, you can add the hat that says “retired.” Baumgardt is closing down a long and storied career. As associate dean and director of agricultural research programs at Purdue University, Baumgardt provided leadership to 272 faculty with research expenditures of $45.5 million. “As a scientist and administrator of people and public funds, he has always demonstrated the highest level of integrity and commitment to excellence,” says Edward L. Veenhuizen, past president of the Purdue Council on Agriculture, Extension and Teaching (PCARET). Baumgardt earned degrees from Purdue (B.S. 1955, M.S. 1956) and Rutgers (Ph.D. 1959). “Bill is a tireless, unselfish, state-of-the-art person,” says Jack L. Albright, of the Indiana Commission of Farm Animal Care. “He epitomizes what the Certificate of Distinction represents by recognizing service to Indiana and our nation’s agriculture above and beyond the call of duty.” Baumgardt came to Purdue from Penn State University, where he was professor of animal nutrition (1967-80), head of the department of dairy and animal science ((1970-75) and Associate Director of the agricultural research station and Associate Dean for Research (1979-80) “Bill has been a strong advocate for the land grant university system and its agricultural research and education programs,” says Charles R. Krueger, agronomy researcher at Penn State. “He has articulated convincingly the important role these programs have made to improving the agricultural industry of the United States for the benefit of all its citizens.” Baumgardt is a past president (1984-85) and director (1978-81) of the American Dairy Science Association. The group honored Baumgardt in 1993 with its Award of Honor and again in 1997 by naming him a Fellow of the Association. “Bill grew up on a dairy farm,” recalls H. L. Thacker, Director of the Purdue Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratories. “He has not forgotten his roots. He has shown remarkable dedication to honoring those roots through service to the agricultural community of this state.”
E. W. Baumgartner (1952) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
William J. Beard (2011) - After graduating from Purdue University with a B.S. in Agricultural Economics, William Beard and his wife founded Beard Industries in Frankfort, IN. Originally, Beard Industries began as a distributor of Steckley’s Genetic Giant Hybrid seed corn and sold Steckley grain bins on the side. However, when grain bin sales exceeded the seed corn business, the Beards decided to concentrate on a sales line of independent grain dryers. With that decision, Beard Industries began to grow. In 1966 the factory was moved off the Beard farm and in 1968 the factory was expanded to accommodate the production of the Super-B Automatic Grain Dryers. In response to rising energy costs in the 1970’s, Beard Industries developed their own dryer, the Superb Energy Miser Dryer. In 1988 the Meyer Dryer was added and in 1997 the factory was expanded. The Superb Energy Miser Dryer and Meyer Dryer have been shipped throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico as well as to Ecuador, Venezuela, Russia, England, China, and Turkey, making Beard Industries a world-wide leader in grain dryer manufacturing. Bill has also provided his talents and generosity to various organizations within agriculture. He has been a member of the Clinton County Farm Bureau since 1950 and a member of the Indiana Association of Expert Swine Judges since 1940. He was named as an Agriculture Life Benefactor by the Purdue University Agriculture Dean’s Club and in 2003 was the Interim Director of Agriquest. Although Bill retired in 2002, he did not slow down. After his retirement he was elected as a County Commissioner for Clinton County. During his term he has been a leader on several different projects including a six million dollar sewer and water project for the town of Jefferson and sufficient improvement to the county EMA Program. He is presently serving his second term, continuing to provide leadership and sacrificing his time for his community. Bill and his wife were instrumental in bringing a YMCA to Clinton County, raising over four million dollars for the project. Bill now serves on the Board of Directors for the YMCA. Additionally he is an elder in the Frankfort First Christian Church, President of the Red Barn Summer Theatre Board of Directors, Chairman of the Clinton County Community Foundation Board of Directors, and President of the Frankfort Kiwanis.
Michael A. Beard (2006) - Mike Beard owns and operates Meadowlane Farms, a diversified family farming enterprise in Clinton County that includes 1,000 acres of commercial grain production and a 30,000 head per year contract hog finishing operation. A graduate of Rossville High School, Beard received his B.S. degree in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University in 1968. Beard began farming in 1972, taking over his father’s dairy operation. In 1987 he sold the cows and transitioned to a 450-sow farrow-to-finish operation. Later he added a 4,000 head contract finishing unit, and in 2003 completely transitioned to contract finishing. He’s known as an excellent record keeper and analyst, and as an innovator in his farming practices. Beard fertilizes his 1,000-acres of cropland almost completely with manure, and, instead of using his grain only to feed the hogs, aggressively markets his crop to create another profit center in his operation. In 2002, Beard formed Meadowlane Waste Applications, a custom manure hauling and dragline application operation, in partnership with his son David and son-in-law Chris Pearson, who are also actively involved in the farming operations. Beard has been a leader in agricultural advocacy and policy activities, serving local, state and national organizations, including five years (1995 to 2000) on the Purdue Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching (P-CARET). As president of the Clinton County Farm Bureau since 1998 he has launched three major programs: Agstravaganza, a one-day educational expo that draws more than 1,000 people; Farm Education Conservation Camp, a two-day program that reaches all 4th grade students in Clinton County; and Farming the Courthouse, an educational program for officeholders and decision-makers. All three programs have been Indiana Farm Bureau (IFB) state program award winners, and Farming the Courthouse was recognized nationally in 2006 by the American Farm Bureau Federation. Beard has also served as president of the Clinton County Extension Board (1995-2000), the Indiana Pork Advocacy Coalition (2005), and has served on the boards of Ross Township (1993-2005), AgMax Cooperative (1995-2000), Livestock Services of Indiana (1995-2000), Indiana Pork Producers (2002-present), Clinton County Pork Producers (2002-present), Indiana Soybean Board (2004-present) and the Clinton County Soil & Water Conservation District (Associate Supervisor 2002-present). He is also a member of the newly created Indiana Odor Elimination Task Force and was elected to the Clinton County Council in 2004. He and wife Pam were selected to travel to Brazil in 2005 as IFB Agriculture Cultural Exchange (ACE) Ambassadors, and he traveled with Lt. Gov. Skillman’s agricultural trade mission to Central America in 2006. Since 1987 he has served East Side Christian Church in many roles from Sunday School teacher and superintendent to Deacon, Elder and Chairman of the Church Board. Beard’s honors include receiving the State Leadership Award from the American Milk Producers, Inc. in 1976, and the Dairy Award from Indiana Young Farmers in 1979. In 2002 he received Indiana Prairie Farmer’s Master Farmer Award.
Beth Bechdol (2020) - With her recent appointment as deputy director general at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Beth Bechdol continues her service to the agricultural industry — now on a global scale. “Beth is an inspiring leader, an excellent collaborator, a consummate professional and delivers tirelessly,” says Aaron Schacht, executive vice president of innovation/regulatory/ business development at Elanco Animal Health. Bechdol will lead a number of programs as well as a new office of innovation at the FAO, an agency focused on reducing world hunger and headquartered in Rome, Italy. For the past five years, Bechdol has been president and CEO of AgriNovus Indiana, the state’s initiative focused on advancing the Indiana agbioscience sector as a nationally recognized leader. “She has been an ideal partner and collaborator,” says Schacht, who is chair of the AgriNovus executive board. “I believe Beth’s hallmark service has been in the formation and leadership of AgriNovus Indiana,” says Greg Deason, senior vice president of entrepreneurship and place making, Purdue Research Foundation. “She worked to strengthen, align and connect people and resources in the agbiosciences. Her service to AgriNovus made an impact on Indiana and beyond.” Jay Hulbert, president and CEO of Ag Alumni Seed, says Bechdol assembled a diverse group of agribusinesses, state agencies, universities and non-governmental organizations to create an AgriNovus team and community devoted to promoting agbiosciences in Indiana. “Beth is an indispensable leader, building Indiana into a Midwest hub for ag startups and major businesses. Her work will keep Indiana at the forefront of agbioscience technology and business,” Hulbert says. “Her ability to take quick, effective tactical action while never losing sight of the larger strategic picture and keeping the diverse group that was her board moving in the same direction was awesome to behold.” Early in her career, Bechdol became the youngest and first female vice president at agribusiness consulting firm Sparks Companies and worked for the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee and the USDA’s Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services in Washington, D.C. In 2005, she and her family returned home to Indiana. That same year, the Indiana Legislature established the Indiana State Department of Agriculture as a separate state agency and Bechdol assumed the role of deputy director. Bechdol and her family currently live in her hometown of Auburn, where she continues to support Brechbill Farms, Inc., their seven-generation family farm. In her new role with the FAO, the Bechdols will relocate to Rome. Prior to her leadership of AgriNovus, Bechdol was director of agribusiness strategies at Indianapolis-based law firm Ice Miller LLP and also president of the Agribusiness Council of Indiana. Throughout her career, Bechdol has given her time to industry and community organizations, including currently serving on the board of directors of the Purdue Research Foundation, the Agricultural Alumni Seed Improvement Association, Inc., Conner Prairie and Indiana Humanities. One project Bechdol supported through the Indiana Humanities was Food for Thought, an award-winning program examining and celebrating the ways food helps to define Indiana’s culture. She helped bring state agriculture organizations to the table to partner in that effort. As part of the Purdue Research Foundation board of directors, Bechdol has worked to ensure the foundation and its key assets, such as Purdue Foundry and the Purdue Research Park network, are positioned to help advance ideas to impact, Deason says. “She recognizes the impact that Purdue has on the community and the world. She works tirelessly to remain engaged and active in the Purdue community and to find numerous ways to leverage the incredible assets of Purdue to fuel and further Indiana’s agriculture and biosciences economy.”
- B.S., Foreign Service, International Relations and Law, Georgetown University, 1994; M.S., Agricultural Economics, Purdue, 1996.
- Currently sits on Indiana State Fair Commission.
- Purdue University College of Agriculture Advisory Council, 2006-2009.
- Purdue University Distinguished Agriculture Alumna Award, 2009.
- Served on National FFA Sponsors Board (chair), National Grain and Feed Association, Farm Foundation Round Table and Community Harvest Food Bank of Northeastern Indiana.
Tom Bechman (2024) - An “unsung hero” of Indiana agriculture. A widely respected agricultural communicator – even the “dean” of Indiana ag journalism. Earning that reputation is easy – but only if you are indefatigable and everywhere at once and capable of being that more than 40 years. “Whenever I find a new idea or a new thought that could either improve someone’s life or their income,” Bechman has said, “I consider it a personal challenge to discover how to present it in the most useful form.” So, it’s no surprise that he directs the new products team at the annual Farm Progress Show, the nation’s largest outdoor farm event. Agriculture is on the front lines of technology, and 600 exhibitors, spread over 90 acres, use the show to display their latest offerings. Bechman’s collaborators fan out, fine who’s pushing the boundaries of innovation, then write about what they found. “It’s a daunting task,” says one who wrote of support of Bechman’s nomination, “but Tom is a fearless leader who master’s the details, encourages his team and gets it done.” Bechman is editor of Indiana Prairie Farmer magazine, one of 18 state and regional magazines in the Farm Progress family of publications. He signed up in 1981 after earning degrees from Whiteland High and Purdue, and a stint teaching vocational agriculture. FFA and 4-H leaders and participants benefit from his insight, his network of farm experts might be unmatched, and it's possible that not many Hoosiers have been to more Indiana hamlets. In 2023 he was inducted into the Indiana Livestock Breeders Association Hall of Fame. The Purdue Agriculture Alumni Association named him Distinguished Ag Alumnus in 2005. In 2017, the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts bestowed its Friend of Conservation award. “Agriculture has changed a lot over the course of Tom’s career,” a Purdue professor said, “and he can take credit for helping stimulate some of that change with the spotlight he’s shone on new technology and management recommendations. Indiana Agriculture is stronger and better because of the contributions Tom has made throughout his career.”
Lawrence C. Beck (1994) - In 1964, Sonny Beck joined the seed business founded by his father Francis. Today he is president and general manager of Beck's Superior Hybrids, Inc. in Atlanta, Ind. As general manager he oversees. all phases of the operations from planting through final distribution and service. Beck, who received his bachelor's degree in agrono¬my from Purdue in 1962 and his master's degree in agricultural economics from Purdue in 1964, has long been a leader in both the agricultural industry and his local community. Among his many honors as a student at Purdue, he was named the university's top agricultural student and Farmhouse Fraternity Outstanding Senior in 1962. He was a. member of several honorary organizations, including Iron Key and CERES. Beck also served as vice president of the Indiana Future Farmers of America. Beck continues his involvement with Purdue by serving on the Dean's Advisory Committee and the President's Council and participating in other activities. Recently he and his family hosted two Ukrainian exchange students for a summer. Beck is a founding member of the Independent Professional Seedsmen Association, which provides a unified voice for more than 500 family seedsmen nationwide on matters affecting the industry. The association maintains a clearinghouse for private and public information to all members, furnishes coordination and funding for essential research, offers seed for testing and gives members access to the latest professional management techniques. He also is a member of the American Seed Trade Association. Beck also serves on the Indiana Crop Improvement Association and Agricultural Alumni Seed Improvement Association, Inc. In 1979, Beck received the Indiana Master Farmer Award. Beck and his father Francis are the only father and son to receive this prestigious honor. In 1992 Beck was named a Distinguished Agricultural Alumnus by the Purdue School of Agriculture. Beck and his wife Glenda are the parents of three children. They are active in Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Arcadia, Ind. Beck also is involved in the.Cicero (Ind.) Chamber of Commerce, the Arcadia Lions Club and the Hamilton Heights School Board.
Isaac K. Beckes (1970) - In this time when being a university president is not one of the most enviable of professions; it is the pleasure of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association to confer our Certificate of Distinction on Dr. Isaac Beckes, President of Vincennes University. He steadfastly has maintained the philosophy that all those who earnestly desire to achieve an education should be provided the opportunity to do so. When he became president of Vincennes, it was a small struggling institution of less than 300 students. Today that same institution (although you would hardly recognize it) has enrollment exceeding 2800 pupils. Dr. Beckes led the community in an extensive program to improve facilities. Existing buildings were remodeled to meet University needs. New buildings were built. Equipment was added. What used to be a small trade school is now a well endowed, energetic, two-year university. Our particular reason for honoring Dr. Beckes is for his cooperation with the Purdue School of Agriculture in developing a two year program in agriculture at Vincennes. Almost 200 students are now enrolled in the program. Most all of them later transfer to Purdue to finish their work and have established an enviable record here. For his dedication to grass roots community education, and for his success in building a most useful University, we salute Dr. Isaac Beckes.
K. E. Beeson (1961) - As drum major for the Purdue marching band, Agronomy Legend Keller Beeson mastered leadership lessons as a student that would serve him well in a 40-year career devoted to agriculture. Beeson first worked in sales, then seven years as a high school teacher and principal and two eradicating barberry. He joined the Purdue staff in 1924. He’s best known for teaching—through demonstrations, short courses, winter schools and published circulars—with lessons that focused on crop production. He rode the Purdue Soil Testing Special, a train that traveled the state. He reviewed soil samples farmers brought to him for recommendations on lime, fertilizer and crop rotation. He also directed corn and soybean yield contests at state grain and seed shows. Beeson was involved in the seed certification program from 1924 to 1962. He helped found the American Soybean Association. And he served as a 4-H club leader.
William M. Beeson (1976) - William “Mac” Beeson, West Lafayette, Indiana, is considered “Mr. Animal Nutrition” by his fellow animal scientists. He is recognized as one of the nation's leaders in nutrition as it applies to beef cattle, sheep, and swine. He has authored or co-authored 136 scientific papers and over 400 technical and popular articles on the subject. Those of us who had him in animal nutrition while in college remember him to be a concise, thorough, and factual teacher whose excellence in the classroom can be excelled only by his expertise as an animal researcher. Dr. Beeson's contributions to animal nutrition are so numerous that we cannot possibly list them all here. So, here are only a few of his most significant accomplishments;
- Purdue Supplement A for beef cattle was developed by Dr. Beeson and must be considered one of the most significant developments by a Purdue researcher.
- The need for the addition of vitamin A to certain beef cattle rations was demonstrated by him.
- Dr. Beeson and colleague F. N. Andrews pioneered the use of stilbestrol implants as a beef cattle growth stimulant.
- He performed extensive research in the safe use of urea in beef cattle supplements.
- Mac and his co-workers revealed the increased nutritive value of high moisture corn.
- He has led research on a great variety of experiments concerning antibiotics as they effect beef cattle.
Dr. Beeson graduated from Oklahoma A. & M. in 1931, and received his Masters and Doctors degrees from the University of Wisconsin. He was on the faculties of Texas A. & M., the University of Idaho, and the University of Arizona before joining Purdue in 1945. He now holds the position of Lynn Distinguished Professor of Agriculture in the Purdue Animal Sciences Department. He is a member of a great many scientific and professional societies, among them, Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, the American Society of Animal Science, the American Institute of Nutrition, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is a member of and has served as national president of the American Society of Animal Production. The scientific and educational accomplishments of Mac Beeson are magnified thousands, in fact, millions of times in their end result. For every farmer who feeds livestock, Dr. Beeson has improved his efficiency, and his opportunity for profit. For every consumer, a higher quality product at a more reasonable price can very well be attributed in some considerable part to the work of Dr. Mac Beeson. We salute you, Dr. Beeson, with this Certificate of Distinction.
James N. BeMiller (2004) - James BeMiller began a distinguished career at Purdue University when he received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. all in Biochemistry. Upon graduation he went on to teach at Southern Illinois University for 25 years. However, he could not stay away from his alma mater. For the past 17 years he has been a Professor of Food Science at Purdue and the Director of the Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research. At the beginning of his career BeMiller studied alkaline degradation in polysaccharides. This work was instrumental in wood pulping to prevent losses of pulp and polluting of rivers. Additionally, alkaline degradation is important for modifications in cellulose and starch which is very influential in the alternative fuels industry. BeMiller’s research has also been used to improve starch’s use in the food, pharmaceutical, paper, and building industries. As Director of the Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research, Dr. BeMiller has made carbohydrate emphasis a distinguished area for the Department of Food Science. One aspect of Dr. BeMiller’s career that cannot be omitted is the number of students that appreciate the role he has played in shaping them to be scientists. Dr. BeMiller has been very involved outside the classroom as well. He has been a member and officer of the American Chemical Society, the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Institute of Food Technologists, American Institute of Chemists, and the International Union of Biochemistry. In his local community he has been on the Board of Directors for the Purdue Alumni Assoc., Chairman of various committees within Boy Scouts of America, and an Executive Board Member of the Lutheran Church in America. He has been extensively honored for his work. He was named the Outstanding Teacher at SIUU in 1982 and 1983. He was also awarded with the Research Award of Merit by Gamma Sigma Delta in 1993 and the Andrew Jackson Moyer Lectureship by the USDA in 1999.
H. S. Benson (1938) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Robert L. Benson (2000) - For more than 40 years, Bob Benson has worked in the agricultural industry, both as a respected professional and, perhaps more importantly, as a tireless volunteer, taking on leadership roles for the benefit of several different sectors of agriculture. Purdue weed science professor Thomas Bauman says of Benson, “I consider him to be one of the best agricultural ambassadors that I know.” After graduating from the Ohio State University in 1956 with a B.S. in Agricultural Education, Benson spent 8 years as a county extension agent in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. From 1964 until 1991, he worked for the Monsanto Agricultural Company, retiring as a Senior Development Associate in Product Development and an Environmental Affairs Specialist / Field Sales. Currently he serves as Director of the Indiana Grain Buyers and Warehouse Licensing Agency. During his career with Monsanto, Benson was a leader in the Indiana Plant Food and Agricultural Chemicals Association (IPFACA), servIng as both Chairman of the Board (1989) and as Treasurer (1990-1993), and in the North Central Weed Control Conference, where he was president from 1982-1983 and was named an honorary member in 1988. During his service to IPFACA, he led the effort to establish the Crop Diagnostic Training and Research Center at Purdue. Cresswell Hizer, IPFACA President and CEO, says of Benson's leadership, “He led the industry into a new era of environmental stewardship via his work in product storage and containment that protects the environment today.” In recent years, Benson has devoted his efforts to the Indiana and U.S. sheep industry. He has served the Indiana Sheep Breeders Association as President, Vice-President and Treasurer and has been Indiana's representative on the board of directors of the American Sheep Industry Association, where he has served on the Legislative Action Council. Closer to home, Benson serves as the ring announcer for the Indiana State Fair Sheep Department and works with loca14-H exhibitors as a director of the Hamilton County Sheep Producers. Benson's service to the sheep industry has earned him a Sagamore of the Wabash citation. Benson's service to his community is also exemplary and transcends the boundaries of agriculture. He has served his church, Christ United Methodist, as finance chairman and as a trustee. Currently he is a member of the Indianapolis East District Finance Committee. A 27-year member of Lions International, he has served his local club in every office, was District Governor (1983-1984) and was named a Melvin Jones Fellow, Lions International's highest award.
D. William Biddle (2014) - Bill Biddle is a native of Benton County, Indiana, and graduated from Purdue in 1964 with a B.S. in agricultural economics. Following graduation, Biddle served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army from 1965 to 1967, including one year in Vietnam. In 1968, he returned home and joined his father in Biddle Farms. Late that year, upon his father's untimely death, he became the owner and manager of the family's farming operation and the fourth generation of his family to farm in Benton County. In 1970, he founded Biddle Seeds, Inc., and began a career-long engagement with the seed industry. In 1986, he expanded the family's business interests with the founding of Biddle Insurance Service, Inc. Biddle has an extensive record of leadership in Indiana agriculture and in the seed industry, prompting one nominator to write, "this award was designed to recognize men like Bill Biddle:' He is a graduate of the first class of the Indiana Agricultural Leadership Program, and from 1985 to 1986 he served as the second chairman of the program's sponsoring organization, the newly formed Indiana Institute of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition. He was a charter board member of the Public Varieties of Indiana program, which promotes certified public varieties. He served on numerous committees of the Indiana Crop Improvement Association (!CIA) over more than 40 years of service, and held leadership roles that included 27 years on the board of directors (1978-81 and 1985-2009). He was a member of the board of directors of the Indiana Seed Trade Association (ISTA) from 1982-86. In 1986 he served as president of both !CIA and ISTA. During more than a decade of service to the American Soybean Association (1970-1981 ), he served as secretary and as treasurer, and he was part of the ASA Trade Committee that visited China and Japan in 1980. He is a longtime leader of the Ag Alumni Seed Improvement Association, the foundation seed company of the Purdue College of Agriculture that is affiliated with the Purdue Ag Alumni Association, Inc. Since 1980 he has been a member of the board of directors of Ag Alumni Seed, and since 1988 he has served as president/chairman of the board. Since 1990 he has served on the board of directors for Indiana Farmers Mutual Insurance Company. Biddle's service and leadership extends to his church and community as well. He is a former president of the Purdue Acacia Fraternity Building Association. He is a former member of the Benton County Extension Board and the Advisory Board of Gilboa Township. From 1992 to 1998 he served on the Tri-County School Corporation Board. And for 30 years, from 1969 to 1999, he was Clerk of the Session for the First Presbyterian Church in Remington, where he was also a longtime member of the church choir. His community memberships also included the Remington American Legion and the Remington Masonic Lodge. In 1982, Biddle's seed farming operation was chosen to host the Indiana Farm ManagementTour. Biddle's honors include the Indiana Crop Improvement Association's Crops and Soils Merit Award (1994) and being named a Distinguished Agriculture Alumnus of the Purdue College of Agriculture (2000).
Chester B. Biddle (1956) - Chester B. Biddle, Remington, Indiana, graduated from the Purdue School of Agriculture in 1924. Since his graduation, he has farmed an extensive acreage in Benton County. This has been a highly successful operation, specializing in the production of certified seed, hybrid corn, and Aberdeen-Angus cattle. He has served his local community unselfishly, and has long been an inspiring force for progress. He is a prominent churchman. He has taught a Sunday School class of young people for many years, and has helped organize a church affiliated Youth Club designed to provide wholesome recreation for young people in a rural community. He has provided th.e leadership that has, for the last 30 years, made the Remington Soybean Day one of the outstanding events in Indiana agriculture. He has served as President and Director of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association, as Director of the Agricultural Alumni Seed Improvement Association, as President and Director of the American Soybean Association as Vice-President, President, and Director of the Purdue General Alumni Association. His extraordinary willingness to serve the ideals and interests of agriculture in the face of his farm, seed, and insurance operations truly indicates that he has served beyond the call of duty.
Donald J. Biehle (2017) - In 1977, the State of Indiana transferred 900 acres in Jennings County to Purdue University. The brand-new Southeast Purdue Agricultural Center needed a superintendent. The ink was barely dry on Don Biehle’s bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics, but the Purdue University graduate — and Jennings County native — got the job. He stayed 39 years. Biehle retired in June 2016. During his tenure SEPAC expanded to more than 2,400 acres, and in 2015 an estimated 64 research projects were underway, involving more than 50 researchers, graduate students, Extension educators, and industry collaborators. That year nearly 1,150 people attended more than 30 Extension education programs at a research center that is widely regarded as efficient, effective, and impactful. So clearly Don Biehle knew what he was doing. How he did it was impressive, too. “Don demonstrated how to run an operation, work with campus and state Extension staff, develop ideas into plans that will benefit producers in the area — and how to be a true and honest human being,” said Jason Tower, who supervises the Southern Indiana Purdue Agricultural Center (SIPAC) in Dubois County. “As a young superintendent, he taught me how to lead and make suggestions to folks in a way that gets ideas across and accomplished, without being overbearing.” A nominator for the Certificate of Distinction said Biehle’s “collaborative and supportive nature, plus his ‘can-do’ attitude, greatly enhanced researchers’ abilities to conduct practical agricultural research. His insight and knowledge of local agricultural concerns provided researchers with focus and helped ensure that research results were applicable to growers and input providers through southeast Indiana.” Eileen Kladivko, a professor in Purdue’s Department of Agronomy, has conducted a considerable amount of applied crop production research at SEPAC. She recalls Biehle going “out of his way, on a regular basis, to make our research work there more productive and easier to accomplish. He and his staff have helped us flesh out crazy ideas so that we could test out something new. Over the past 30 years, many times Don went the extra mile to help me or my graduate students accomplish an experiment in the late hours, Saturdays, or under other unusual circumstances. SEPAC has grown into a model of integration of research and Extension in our state.” Installation of soil drainage systems, development of no-till crop production techniques, development of wetlands for wildlife and fire protection, adoption of precision technologies for field research, and automated weather stations are among the innovations that Don encouraged and supported at SEPAC. Jennings County is also home to MUTC — the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center, operated by the Indiana National Guard. In fact, MUTC and SEPAC are next-door neighbors, and Don Biehle was instrumental in developing a partnership: A land/feed exchange program that provides grain for MUTC animals, educational support for agricultural development teams readying for deployment to Afghanistan, and the use of various SEPAC sites for training exercises. Maj. Stephen Spencer, MUTC’s deputy base operations manager, said Biehle helped replicate an “agrarian city in a failed state” that is used to train “war fighters, peacekeepers, emergency responders, and diplomats for the ever-changing challenges in a world of persistent conflict. The education he provides and flexibility he offers to MUTC has worldwide implications for soldiers and civilians going into harm’s way.” Creating (and seizing) opportunities, thinking ahead, going the extra mile — those are hallmarks of good managers. John Poehlmann, a retired assistant director of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, saw it firsthand years ago during discussions with fellow members of Division A-7 (Agricultural Research Management) of the American Society of Agronomy. “Most of us were debating how GPS, yield monitoring and similar technology might have a positive effect,” Poehlmann recalled. “Don was presenting results of how this system was already returning new information to himself and the scientists working at his station.”
- Works with the Jennings County Growers Co-op to teach farmers how to use high-tunnel technologies.
- A township fire department member for 34 years (chief, grant writer, president, secretary, treasurer). Leadership positions with the county Emergency Management Board, 911 Board, Soil and Water Conservation District Board (Distinguished Service Award, 1988; Conservationist of the Year, 1990).
- Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence in Education Service, 2013, Indiana Farm Bureau.
- Hoosier Chapter of the Soil & Water Conservation Society of America, Conservation Accomplishment Certificate of Achievement, 1990.
Albert M. Bishea (1967) - As far as Southeastern Indiana is concerned, Albert M. “Bish” Bishea, Evansville, is Mr. County Agent, Mr. Agriculture, and Mr. Purdue. Born in Batesville, Indiana in 1900, he received his B.S. Degree from Purdue in 1923. After being awarded a Masters Degree from Indiana State Teachers College, he taught vocational agriculture at Switz City and Elnora. In 1934 “Bish” became County Agent in Daviess County. In 1939, he was hired as Agriculture Agent for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, a position he held till he was appointed County Agent in Vanderburgh County. In Vanderburgh County, Al Bishea has been a pioneer in the development of a cooperative climate between city and country. He developed and promoted many community action programs. He has been a leader in radio and television coverage for the “Pocket” area. He spearheaded the development of one of the finest 4-H grounds in the Midwest. In addition to his professional pursuits, Mr. Bishea has been one of Evansville's civic leaders. His qualities of leadership have been unselfishly given to his fellow Extension Agents, too. Dozens of younger agents have turned to him for counsel and advice. As far as Ag Alumni is concerned, he has been steadfast in his loyalty to the Association and to the purposes it pursues. On that basis, and for many others, we are proud to give Al Bishea the Certificate of Distinction.
O. T. ''Ted'' Blank (1977) - You will find good farmers in most every neighborhood in Indiana. Likewise, you can find a lot of dedicated community workers out there. It's a rare combination when you can find all those good qualities in one person. O. T. ''Ted'' Blank is just such a person. Raised most of his life on a farm northwest of Logansport, Indiana, Ted attended the Purdue School of Agriculture. He returned to the home farm and, along with his Father, developed an outstanding herd of Chester White swine. He served as National Chairman of the Chester Wh ite Swine Record Association, and is past president of the I ndiana Livestock Breeders Association. In 1973, his portrait was hung in the Livestock Hall of Fame at Purdue University. From 1958 to 1966, Ted was a member of the Indiana State Fair Board, and served as its chairman in 1966. Cass County has an outstanding 4-H Fair, and Ted Blank was a leader in the development of the excellent facilities at their new location. His influence is felt in other ways. Ted was chairman of the Logansport YM-YWCA Board in 1967-70, and continues as an active member of that Board. He also is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Logansport. For eight years, Ted was a member of the Cass County Republican Central Committee, and served as its chairman for two years. In 1975, Ted Blank was chosen as one of four former 4-Hers to receive the Indiana 4-H Alumni Award. This past year, he was one of eight people in the country to receive the National 4-H Alumni Award. Only four Hoosiers have received that honor in the past twenty-five years. Ted Blank, you are a credit to your profession, and we salute you with this Certificate of Distinction.
Lawrence P. Bohl (1999) - “Elite teacher” and “superb Counselor” are two descriptions that Purdue faculty uses time and again to describe Larry Bohl. But Bohl's many career achievements are best captured in the words of a former student who said “He has truly given a big part of his life to see that students are successful.” Since 1970 Bohl has been a faculty member in the Department of Agricultural Economics. For almost 30 year he has taught multiple sections of an introductory agricultural economic course that is taken by most freshmen in the School of Agriculture. And for the past 20 years he has been the head undergraduate counselor for the school's largest undergrad pro gram, Agricultural Economics. All told Bohl has taught and counseled more than 10,000 students in a school that only has about 30,000 living alumni. No matter how many students passel through his door, Bohl clearly took time to get to know them and help them formulate academic plans and career paths to best serve their objectives. One former student said, “He remember your name, no matter how long ago it was you knew him.” “Among Purdue Agriculture's good teachers, Larry is clearly one of the best. He is a champion of the cause of quality teaching,” said Lowell Hardin: professor emeritus and former department head of agricultural economics. Bohl's service to students has taken many forms outside the classroom. He has served as an advisor to the Agricultural Economics and National Agri-marketing Association student clubs, and he has served as a faculty fellow at Vawter Hall for many years. Bohl graduated from Montana State University in 1953. He earned both his master's and doctoral degrees from Purdue, in 1967 and 1971, respectively. He has received many honors for his dedication and service. Purdue has awarded him the Amoco Outstanding Teaching Award and the Omicron Delta Kappa Award for Outstanding Counselor. He has been named the School of Agriculture’s Outstanding Teacher in 1978 and it’s Outstanding Counselor in 1984. The American Agricultural Economics Association presented him its Outstanding Teacher Award twice during his career, first in the “less than 10 years experience” category and later in the “more than 10 years experience.” In 1996 Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc. awarded Bohl the Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence for educational service to the rural people of Indiana. The Purdue Alumni Association in 1998 recognized him with the Special Boilermaker Award for making a difference in the lives of a significant number of Purdue students. “Professor Larry Bohl is a superb representative of the elite group of teachers and counselors,” said Richard Kohls, professor and dean emeritus. “To thousands of Purdue Age, Larry Bohl is the Purdue they know and support.”
John H. Bone (1969) - We're celebrating two Centennials this year. One is for Purdue University for its 100 years of service to people. The other is for John H. Bone, Lafayette, for nearly 100 years of loyalty to the agricultural profession. Born on June 19, 1869, Mr. Bone graduated from Ohio State University in 1893. In 1896, he became Assistant to the President and Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College (now Oklahoma A & 1). In 1900, he started farming in Tippecanoe County, Indiana. For many years, he was a Farmers Institute speaker. He is a charter member of the Indiana Farm Bureau and, in 1920, attended the Purdue Winter Short Course. In 1938, he became the first president of the Tipmont R.E.M.C. For 16 years, Mr. Bone was a director of the Indiana Wool Growers Association. He is a life member of the Indiana Corn Growers Association. In 1963, he received the “Outstanding Corriedale Sheep Breeder of the Year” award from the American Corriedale association. The ultimate goal of every person is to achieve a long life well lived. J. H. Bone has achieved a full measure of both and has, in turn, converted his many years and extraordinary talent to the good of his profession and his fellow man. We salute you, sir.
Ralph E. Booker (2016) - Ralph Booker is a native of Plymouth, Indiana. He graduated from Purdue University in 1971 with a B.S. in agricultural economics, and later earned his M.S. of public administration in 1983 from Indiana University. He began his career as 4-H Extension Educator in 1973 in Parke County, a role he maintained until 1977 when he became County Extension Director in Brown County, Indiana. In 1988, Booker was named County Extension Director of Marshall County, Indiana, the position from which he retired in 2003. Since retiring from Purdue Extension, Booker has continued his community service as the Marshall County Plan Director and Zoning Administrator/Plymouth Plan Consultant. Booker served in the U.S. Army Reserves from 1972 through 1999, retiring as Lieutenant Colonel. As a Purdue Extension educator, Booker was responsible for a considerable number of successful ventures that significantly benefited the counties that he served. While in Brown County, he developed and administered the county budget, developed and conducted the county agriculture education program, and secured funds to start the first county park. Booker also developed the county’s fairgrounds, upgrading from a single outdoor livestock arena to a new livestock facility, 4-H and open class building, and a new Extension office. His contributions to Marshall County during his time as County Extension Director were particularly noteworthy. In 1990, he started the Ag Day Program for third grade students within the county, a model that is used by many counties across the state to educate elementary school students about agriculture and food production. Booker has also been instrumental in securing multiple grants, and utilizing them to improve the county as a whole. A National Science Foundation grant was secured to provide the first free internet access in Marshall County to over 800 clients. Additionally, he served on a committee that secured a $5M grant from the Lilly Foundation that was used by the Marshall County Community Foundation for a broad community initiative that started Crossroads Academy, a technical education center; Heart and Hands, a non-profit organization to teach English as a Second Language (ESL), and ultimately other classes serving the Latino community; and childcare training at Ancilla College, where he also taught a basic agriculture course. Booker supervised the coordination of Crossroads Academy, and hired and supervised its first director. This academy is a center dedicated to serving the residents of Marshall County, and hosts classes for high school and college students as well as adults for the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) designation, along with other computer applications. Booker managed all of this while also being responsible for supervising four Extension program areas, which include 4-H and Youth, Consumer and Family Sciences, Agriculture, and Leadership and Community Development. One nominator summarized his view of Booker in his letter of support, “Ralph is, in my view, the consummate professional in anything he undertakes.” Booker has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to providing educational and training opportunities to every stakeholder group he has served. From teaching the Dairy Option Pilot Program for USDA and starting the Dairy Excel Management Course, to his class on QuickBooks at the Crossroads Academy, it is evident that he believes in the importance of agricultural education as well as technology, and is a strong advocate of lifelong learning. After retiring from his career in Extension, from October 2004 to July 2005 Booker served as the Marshall County Public Health Coordinator. His responsibility in this position involved writing the Mass Prophylaxis Plan for the county, which is a plan to treat all healthy individuals in the event of a massive disease or bio-terrorism outbreak. From 2004 until 2012, he served two terms as a Marshall County Councilman. Booker currently holds a position as Marshall County Plan Director and Zoning Administrator/Plymouth Plan Consultant, and played a crucial role in completing the county comprehensive plan and updating county zoning ordinances. His expertise has even led him outside of the county to assist other communities with updating their comprehensive plans and ordinances, answering questions and advising them on zoning. Booker continues his commitment to technology and education by serving on the Marshall County Technology Squared committee, which is an agriculture and technology economic development initiative that promotes job creation. He also chairs the Marshall County Life Long Learning network. Booker has served in many state and national leadership roles. He served as the President of the Agriculture Section of the Indiana Extension Agents Association (IEAA) from 1992-1993, and as IEAA President from 1996-1997. In 2000, Booker served as Agricultural Economics National Chair of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents. He served as the Plymouth Rotary Club President from 1994-1995, and is currently still involved in the local club, representing agriculture interests. Booker has been recognized with numerous awards, including the IEAA Innovator Award in 1996, the National Association of County Agricultural Agents Distinguished Service Award in 2000, and the Beck's Hybrids Beyond the Fence Award for Public Official of the Year in 2007.
Phillip E. Boring (2012) - A native of Shelby County, IN, Phillip Boring received a B.S. degree in General Agriculture from Purdue University in 1961. Following graduation, he served in the U. S. Army. He returned home in December of 1962 and joined his father in the family farming operation, a portion of which has been continuously owned by the family since 1852. Today he is the president of Boring Farms, Inc. and LOI Farms, Inc. Boring grew the farm from 550 acres of crops and a 50-sow operation that marketed about 500 hogs per year to 3100 crop acres and a hog operation that during its peak in the 1990s consisted of 500 sows and marketed 8,000 to 10,000 hogs per year. Boring has been an innovator with his farming operations. His was one of the earliest family farms in Indiana to incorporate. He has innovated with new and non-traditional crops such as cucumbers and canola, as well as tomatoes and popcorn, which he is still growing along with corn, soybeans and wheat. Boring has been invited to serve on numerous national panels and symposia boards on topics ranging from pork production to farm business transition and estate planning. Boring’s farm operation has played a pivotal role in his public service activities. Each year from 1997 to 2003, he and his wife Janice hosted senior diplomats from the United States State Department for a farm stay of several days during their stateside training to learn about agricultural production and policy. The Borings’ have hosted many state and national delegations on tours of their farm, as well as international farmers and visitors, including Bernard Vernier-Paillez, France’s Ambassador to the United States. Their farm hosted Farm Fest in 1994 and was featured on the Indiana Farm Management Tour in 1978. Boring has been both a member and a leader in numerous agricultural organizations, including: Indiana Young Farmers Association (1960-1980); Shelby County Pork Producers Association (member and past president, 1960s-2000); International Flying Farmers (member 1965-2000; Indiana Chapter President 1967-1969; Chair of IFF convention held in Lafayette in 1975); Indiana Farm Policy Study Group (pre 1976 – present); Shelby County Co-op (Director, 1995-present); Red Gold Grower Action Fund Board (member and past chairman, mid 1990s-2009); Indiana Farm Management Association (President, 1981; Director At-large, 1982; Member of General Planning Committee for the Farm Management Tour, 1980 and 1982). Boring plays tenor and baritone saxophone in the Shelby County Community Band, Greenfield Community Band, Brandywine Wind Jazz Band and the Dixie Kats. These bands share their love of music at free concerts and numerous festivals, parades and other public events. He also entertains as a soloist at senior communities in Shelbyville every month. Boring’s community service has also included four years on the Shelby County Northwestern School Board (1972-1976), during which he campaigned for, and got approval for, building a new middle school and hired the architect to design the project. He also promoted and helped implement a trial period of year-round school, an innovative idea for that time. Boring has been a member of Carrollton United Methodist Church for more than 50 years, where he has taught Sunday School, served on the Board of Trustees and on numerous committees and other offices. Boring was named a Master Farmer by Indiana Prairie Farmer magazine in 1983. He received Red Gold’s Master Grower Award in 1998 and 2001. And in 2007 the Mid-America Food Processors awarded him its Roman R. Romanowski Award for contributions and excellence in the Midwest vegetable industry.
J. Carroll Bottum (1965) - Professor Bottum's keen ability to apply the problem solving process to public policy issues, and to communicate the results to others earned him a national reputation and respect. Carroll joined the Agricultural Economics staff in 1928 in research and extension in Farm Management. He was involved in the pioneering work in Outlook, and soon became involved in the farm policy area, concentrating on national farm program concerns. In 1945 he served one year as Research Economist for the American Farm Bureau Federation. In 1947 he became Assistant Head for Extension in the Department, a position he held until 1969. During the 1950's, he lead the entry into Community Development. In 1969, he was appointed Hillenbrand Distinguished Professor in Agricultural Economics. The following year he became Director of Community Development at Purdue. He received the USDA Superior Service Award in 1960, was made a Fellow in the American Agricultural Economics Association in 1966, received a Certificate of Distinction from the Purdue Ag Alumni Association in 1965, and was made a “Sagamore of the Wabash” by Governor Whitcomb in 1971. Carroll always has given generously of his time to his community and to the First Methodist Church. B.S.A. South Dakota State, 1926; M.S.A. Illinois, 1927; Illinois, 1928; Harvard, 1930; Purdue, 1930-35; Dr. of Science (Hon.) South Dakota State, 1969; Dr. of Agriculture (Hon.) Purdue, 1972.
Dr. Otis R. Bowen (1989) - Bowen, 70, a native of Rochester, is a graduate of Indiana University, receiving a bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 1939, and a doctor of medicine degree in 1942. Bowmen served in the Pacific Theater during World War II as a member of the Army Medical Corps. At the end of the general family medical practice in Bremen. He first ran for public office in 1952, and became the Marshall County coroner. He served as a Republican member of the Indiana House of Representatives in 1957-58, and from 1961 to 1972. He was minority leader in 1965-66, and speaker of the house three terms, 1967-72. He was elected governor in 1972, and served two terms. He has served as U.S. secretary of health and human services since 1985.
Charles F. Bowman (1993) - Charles F. Bowman was cited for being instrumental in determining research needs of the Pinney Purdue Fann, near Wanatah, and service to the Porter LaPorte Agricultural Alumni chapter. He is president and chief executive officer of Chester, Inc., Valparaiso, a highly specialized service providing products and technology for agriculture, business and industry, the firm has five divisions. A native of Lowell, Bowman attended Lowell High School where he was a distinguished student and president of the class. He completed a B.S. degree in agricultural education at Purdue in 1941. Bowman served as manager of the Indiana Crop Improvement Association from 1941 to 1946, and then manager of the Agricultural Alumni Seed Improvement Assn. from 1947 to 1953. Bowman is president of the Valparaiso Community Schools board of directors, and also a member of the board of directors for seven other organizations, including the Gainer Bank, the Pinney Purdue Research Center, the Valparaiso YMCA, the Valparaiso Scholarship Foundation, N.W. Indiana Entrepreneurship Academy, and the Christmas in April program. Bowman is a so a member of the Purdue North Central Chancellor's Council, Dean's Club of Valparaiso University, John Purdue Club, Purdue University President's Council, John Porter Group of Porter County United Way, and the State Council on Agriculture Research, Extension and Teaching. Bowman has served as president of several organizations, including the Valparaiso Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, United Way, First Methodist Church board of trustees, U.S. 30 Farms Industrial Park and U.S. 421 Farms. He has served as chairman of the Porter County Airport Advisory Committee, Butler Manufacturing Co. advisory council, Valparaiso University Fund Campaign, Popcorn Festival, YMCA Advisory Board, and the Porter County Fairgrounds and Expo Center Development Committee. He has also served as a. state director of the Ag Alumni Assn. Bowman's honors include the Sagamore of the Wabash Award, an honorary doctorate of agriculture from Purdue University North Central Campus, the Purdue University Soils and Crops Awards, and the Meritorious Service Award from the Purdue Ag Alumni Assn. He has also been honored for his work with the United Way, the Rotary Club, the Chamber of Commerce and the Purdue Alumni Assn. Bowman and his wife Mary have three daughters and three grandchildren.
Kenneth W. Bradfield (1992) - Bradfield, a 1942 agricultural education graduate, was honored by the agricultural alumni as a pioneer environmentalist and expert on spray technology who contributed to the development, manufacture and sales of spray equipment, and to the education of people on proper spray application methods. Bradfield has spent most of his career in pest control. He worked in sales, engineering, education and promotion for Hahn Inc., Sprayer Manufacturing, and then for Chem-Farm Inc. in chemical applicator service and training. A founding member of the North Central Weed Science Society, Bradfield served the organization in several positions, including president. The society named him an honorary member in 1979, its highest honor. Bradfield served as president, vice president, program chairman, a member of the board of directors, and chairman of the industrial committee for the North Central Weed Control Conference. Bradfield has been called on to consult for several professional organizations, including the Weed Society of Washington, and has appeared before the federal Environmental Protection Agency twice. He was the first editor of Custom Applicator magazine, and edited a sprayer technicians' book for the World Food Organization. He has helped train pesticide applicators at Purdue and in Kentucky, Illinois, Oklahoma, Nebraska Minnesota, Wisconsin, and abroad in Greece, Mexico, France, and Canada chiefly for Dupont and Allied Chemical Corporations. He also served as an applicator instructor for the National FertiIi zer Solutions Association, and for the Golf Course Superintendents Assn. Bradfield has also provided community leadership. He served as president a Vanderburgh-Warrick Counties Agricultural Alumni Assn., The West Evansville Civitan Club, the Mens' Garden Club and the Southern Indiana Beagle Club. He also served as governor and lieutenant governor of the Midwest District of Civilian International. He has served as chairman of the Vanderburgh County 4-H Committee, a committee chairman for the Evansville Chamber of Commerce, magazine editor for the Junior Chamber of Commerce, and precinct committeeman for the Democratic Party. He has served as an advisor to Congressman Roger Zoin, and as an executive in residence at the University of Southern Indiana. Bradfield served with General Douglas MacArthur in the Army during World War II. He received the Army Commendation Medal and was recognized by the Phillipine Government for his work with prisoners of war.
R. Leroy Brammer (2000) - There is scarcely an Indiana farmer who has not benefited from Leroy Brammer's decades of service to agriculture. And his leadership on local planning and policy organizations has had an impact on every citizen of Switzerland County. Brammer's farming career spanned four decades, was played out in both Delaware and Switzerland Counties, and was marked by recognition of his innovation and accolades of excellence at every step along the way. For more than 35 years, Brammer was manager of Fisher Farms, a grain and livestock operation that included farrow-to-finish swine production and, at various times, a cattle feeding operation and a cow-calf herd. The Switzerland county farm, North Bend Farms near Patriot, began in 1963 with 300 acres, an 80 sow farrow¬to-finish operation and annual production of 1400 head of finished cattle. By the mid 1990's, the operation encompassed 2,400 acres (l ,400 tillable) and the sow herd had grown to 600 head. Also by that time, the cattle feeding operation had been phased out and replaced with a 290 head brood cow herd. Early in the 1990's Brammer adopted no-till practices on all of his crop acres. Brammer was a progressive, innovative manager. North Bend Farms was the site of many research trials for herbicides, insect control and swine growth compounds. Brammer was tapped as a resource speaker for national satellite teleconferences on swine production. And, with Brammer's backing, the first fire drafting basin in Switzerland County was installed on the farm in 1993. Brammer's service to agriculture spans many organizations. He served eight years on the Indiana Pork Producers Council, working to develop a check-off to fund marketing efforts. From 1992 to 1995 Brammer was member of the Indiana Soybean Development Council, where he worked to develop the National Soy Diesel Development Board. He represented Indiana on the national soydiesel board, serving on the committee which oversaw the testing that allowed the Environmental Protection Agency to approve soy diesel as an alternative fuel. Brammer also served on the Switzerland County Soil and Water Conservation District board and the Ohio-Switzerland Cattlemen's Association. He was an organizing director of the Southeastern Beef Cattle Association, a four county alliance. For eight years Brammer was a member of the Switzerland County Extension Board and served as board president. He served 12 years on the Switzerland County 4-H Fair Board, and worked to develop the livestock show and sale. Brammer's service to his community has been far-reaching, as well. He was a founding member of the Posey Township Volunteer Fire Department, and served as the department's president and chief for several years. As president of the Switzerland County School Board, Brammer worked to consolidate the elementary schools and spearheaded the building project for the resulting new school. Brammer also served as president of the Switzerland County Area Planning and Zoning Board, where he wrote the county's first new zoning plan in 32 years. Brammer is a member of Patriot Baptist Church, where he has served as moderator. Brammer was recognized in 1965 as Delaware County's Outstanding Young Farmer. In 1987, he was named a Master Farmer by Indiana Prairie Farmer magazine. In 1993 Brammer was Switzerland County's Conservation Farmer of the Year. Also in 1993, the Indiana Soybean Development Council recognized him with the SoyDiesel Pioneer Award.
Cliff B. Breeden (1953) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Fayte Brewer (2013) - Fayte Brewer was born in Corpus Christi, Texas, grew up in western Kentucky and ultimately made his mark in agriculture across the globe. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army, serving with the 173rd Airborne Brigade, including two tours of duty in Vietnam. After discharge, Brewer earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Murray State University, and completed his Ph.D. in agronomy from the University of Arkansas. For 13 years, Brewer worked for Pioneer Hi-Bred International in Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal, and South Africa. At Pioneer, Brewer's areas of responsibility were wide-ranging, including starting new seed businesses, sales, marketing, training, quality control, research, finance, production, and administration. Following his service with Pioneer, Brewer taught farm management, agricultural economics, and agricultural marketing as an associate professor at Berea College in Kentucky. In addition to his teaching duties, he also managed the college farm. In 2003, Brewer became president and CEO of the Agricultural Alumni Seed Improvement Association Inc. He assumed leadership of the company at a time when it had $6 million of debt and significant inventory problems. By the time of his retirement in November 2012, the debt had been eliminated and equity had increased by more than 500 percent. He led the company to nine consecutive years of profitability, the longest period of sustained profits in the company's history. During his tenure, popcorn sales increased, investments were made in seed production and conditioning capacity, and Purdue-developed small grains were commercialized. He also led the efforts to move the company from a traditional foundation seed company marketing new hybrids and varieties to one that markets Purdue-developed traits. The company continues to be a leading producer of popcorn genetics worldwide. As a result of his success in turning the business around, the Agricultural Alumni Seed Improvement Association has been able to endow undergraduate scholarships, provide financial support for graduate student fellowships in plant breeding and genetics, and provide other research funding support for faculty in the College of Agriculture at Purdue. Brewer developed a special relationship with the Area 9 Purdue Ag Alumni golf outing, which supports scholarships for Purdue Agriculture students studying abroad. Through increased sponsorships, he helped the event to more than double its giving level to these programs. Brewer was recognized for his outstanding leadership of the company, and the resulting impact on Purdue Agriculture programs, at his retirement in November 2012. He was presented the Certificate of Distinction by President Roger Hadley at his retirement reception. Brewer passed away on December 25, 2012.
Marvin J. Briggs (1956) - Marvin J. Briggs, Indianapolis, was born in Macy, Indiana, and received his college training at Indiana Normal College, Indiana University, and Purdue University. He was a teacher in the public school system in Rochester, Indiana for five years. He was on the Purdue Agricultural Extension staff from 1913 to 1918, and has farmed in Miami County since 1927. His service to agriculture in Indiana is widely acclaimed. He now serves as President of the National Council of Farm Cooperatives; Vice-Chairman of the Federal Farm Credit Board; Vice Chairman of the American Institute of Cooperation; and as Manager of the Indiana Farm Bureau Cooperative Association, Inc. In the past, he has served as a Director of the Central Bank of Cooperatives; Director of the Farm Credit District of Louisville; Member of the Joint Farm Credit Committee; Director of United Cooperatives, Inc.; Director of National Cooperative, Inc.; Director of the Farm Bureau Milling Company; President of Cooperative Plant Foods, Inc.; and as Secretary of the Indiana Grain Cooperative, Inc. Marvin Briggs is listed in “Who's Who”, and has received a DePauw University citation for “Outstanding Achievement and Distinguished Service Contributing to the American Way of Life”. His dedication to his work in the field of cooperatives has left its mark from coast to coast.
Robert Brinson (2009) - Robert Brinson retired in 1998 as superintendent of the Clinton Central School Corporation, completing a 37-year career that included 12 years as a classroom teacher and 25 years as a school administrator. A native of Henry County, Brinson graduated from Purdue University in 1958 with a B.S. He earned his M.S. in 1965 and his Ed.S. in 1978, both from Purdue. After completing his undergraduate degree, Brinson served two years in the U. S. Army at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey. His classroom teaching career began at Fayette Central High School near Connersville. In 1961, he was hired as the vocational agriculture teacher at Clinton Central. He established a highly regarded agricultural education program for secondary students and adults alike. During his tenure, the Clinton Central FFA Chapter was recognized with numerous awards, including being named the number one chapter in Indiana for four years, number two chapter for four years, National Gold Emblem chapter for five years, and Silver Emblem for three years. His FFA judging teams in livestock, soils and crops were in the state finals every year of his last ten years of teaching, and he coached four state champion Parliamentary Procedure teams. His students’ achievements included: 62 Hoosier FFA Degrees, four American FFA Degrees; one State FFA President; six state officers; one Indiana FFA Star State Farmer; and five District Star Farmers. Brinson established three Young Farmer chapters serving 36 families. One chapter was named Indiana’s top chapter in 1971, and one continues to meet more than 40 years later. He also established an Agricultural Cooperative Education Program for placing seniors in afternoon jobs each day. For ten years, he conducted adult education courses that included Farm Management courses during the winter and Welding and Farm Mechanics classes taught in three-hour sessions. In 1973 he became assistant principal, then in 1978 became the principal of Clinton Central. During these years, and the subsequent 12 as superintendent, Brinson continued his commitment to agricultural education, hiring two teachers on twelve month contracts to insure year-round instruction. For 23 years he served in the dual role of Vocational Director for the school corporation. He worked to build a high school class schedule that minimized conflicts with Agricultural Science and Business classes. In 1980 he led a movement to expand the agricultural education facilities by adding a classroom, a shop, a new tool room, and additional storage and workroom areas. With his support, the department and the Clinton Central FFA Chapter continued to thrive, receiving additional state and national recognition, and the Young Farmer chapters grew to seven, serving 155 families. Brinson’s service to the agricultural education profession includes serving as supervising teacher for 14 student teachers from Purdue. Five of his own students became Agricultural Science and Business teachers. He guided more than 200 students to Purdue University to study agriculture, engineering, and science or to enroll in the Ag Winter Short Course. He served 10 years on the Indiana FFA Consultant Committee, and six years as consultant to the Indiana Secondary School Principals on vocational and agricultural education. He served as Indiana State FFA Convention Parliamentarian (3 years) and Indiana Vocational Association State Convention Parliamentarian (3 years). Other committee service included: Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents (IAPSS) – Vocational and Educational Technical Committee (8 years); IAPSS liaison to the Indiana Commission on Vocational and Technical Education (6 years); and Purdue University Agricultural Education Advisory Committee (15 years). In retirement, Brinson has remained active in community service activities. He is a 12-year member of Frankfort Rotary, and has been a Farm Bureau member for more than 20 years. He has served for four years on the Clinton County Area Plan Commission, and is currently in his second elected term on the Clinton Central School Board. Brinson has served as vice president, and now is president, of the Area Four Agency on Aging and Community Action Programs, and eight-county agency with a budget of $8M and 130 employees. He serves on the board of the Clinton County Community Foundation. With his wife, Brinson established two annual scholarships to support Purdue students in Agricultural Education. He has served for over eight years on the Clinton and Carroll County Head Start Policy Council, and serves as the council’s liaison to the Area 4 Board which administers Head Start for 3 to 5 year-olds who are disabled or economically disadvantaged. Brinson is chair of the administrative council and chair of the finance committee of the Michigantown United Methodist Church. A 44-year member of the church, he has taught Sunday School for 30 years and served as Sunday School Superintendent for 12 years. Brinson’s awards and honors include: Honorary State FFA Degree (1967); National FFA Honorary Degree (1980); IAPSS Retirement Award (1988); Outstanding Administrator of Adult Agriculture Education Award of the Indiana Young Farmers (1990).
Carl Brown (1997) - Carl Brown has had a distinguished career as a successful farmer, agricultural banker, and director of the Indiana Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS). His half-century old dedication to agriculture began in 1946 when he completed four years of service with the U.S. Marine Corps, married the former Betty Lou Sundqvist, and began farming in partnership with his brother-in-law. A lifetime resident of Warren County Brown and his family continue to operate a progressive 1,500-acre grain and livestock farm.' In addition to his family ¬farm responsibilities, from 1969 to 1973, Brown was district director of ASCS, now known as the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). He was selected as a member of the state ASCS Committee in the 1980's, serving as chairman in 1987 and 1988. One of his nominators said “…he was chairman of that five ¬member group during a time of enormous change at ASCS. He helped to bring about greater harmony among its employees and the farmers they serve.” Brown was hired as farm manager for Purdue Nation¬al Bank, now Bank One, Lafayette, in 1973. During his tenure there, he was made a vice president and• trust officer and promoted to senior farm manager. He retired Dee. 31, 1996. According to one of his nominators, he developed a tremendous trust among his clients. Outside, his career accomplishment, Brown also has been involved in many community and civic groups, and is a long-time supporter of Purdue. His nomination stated: “There is no bigger booster of Purdue University, its athletic teams and its School of Agriculture.”
Raymond S. Bundy (1942) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Robert D. Burke (2014) - Bob Burke is a native of Montgomery County and graduated from Purdue University in 1960 with a B.S. in forestry. Prior to his graduation, he had served two years in the U.S. Army assigned to the 33rd Field Hospital in Fontainebleau, France. Burke's distinguished career began after graduation with a job as a walnut log grader, buyer, and sawmill worker for the Pierson Hollowell Veneer Company, Indiana's leading hardwood veneer company. In 1965, he implemented a new hardwood forest management department for the company, and for the next 33 years until his retirement, he was the company's head forester. He managed a teamof four foresters, and established walnut and hardwood plantations throughout Indiana for the company, as well as for research purposes for the U.S. Forest Service and Purdue University. In 1979 he established an independent forestry consulting business focused on the establishment and management of walnut plantations. His clients include former U.S. Senator Richard Lugar and sportscaster Chris Schenkel.His nominator called Burke"Mr. Forestry" in Indiana, saying his name is synonymous with the highest standards for the practice of forestry and with service to the profession. He has served as chairman of the Indiana Tree Farm Committee of the American Forest Council (AFC) since 1970 and has served on numerous AFC committees. With Senator Lugar and Dennis LeMaster, former head of Purdue's Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, he co-founded the Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center (HTIRC) at Purdue, and serves on its advisory committee. Burke has promoted the Indiana hardwood industry on trade missions to Vietnam and Taiwan, participated in international hardwood study tours in Germany and France, and traveled to 12 European countries to exchange forest management practices. He co-founded the Walnut Council in 1970 and served as its president in 1983. In 1995 he co-founded the Walnut Council Foundation and has served as its president since that time. Burke has been a member of the Indiana Hardwood Lumberman's Association (IHLA) throughout his career, serving as chair of the forestry committee. As a member ofthe Society of American Foresters (SAF) he has served as chairman (1974) and secretary-treasurer (1968-71) of the Indiana Chapter. Burke served six years as chair of the forestry committee of the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD), the first person from Indiana to ever be appointed to this committee. He was co-founder of the Hoosier Heartland Resource Conservation & Development Council and served as its vicechairman for five years. Burke's community service includes 10 years of membership in the Kiwanis Club of Martinsville, which he served as president in 1983. He was a supervisor for the Morgan County Soil & Water Conservation District for 30 years, serving as its chairman for 28 years. Burke's many awards and recognitions include: the Walnut Council's Black Walnut Achievement Award; IHLA Honorary Director (1978) and Honorary Life Member (1995); election as a Fellow of the SAF (1985), Indiana Chapter SAF Distinguished Career Award (1997) and Outstanding Career Award (2002); Certificate of Recognition from the U.S. Senate (1987); Indiana Wildlife Federation's Forest Conservationist of the Year (1988); Friend of Forestry Award from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (1996); and the Indiana Forest and Woodlands Owners Association's President's Award (2000). In 2010 he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Agriculture degree by Purdue University.
Dale R. Butcher (2003) - Dale Butcher grew up in Purdue’s back door, graduating from Klondike High School in West Lafayette. He received a B.S. in Agriculture from Purdue in 1961, and an M.S. in Agricultural Education in 1967. From 1961 to 1964 he held sales positions with Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing and Ferry-Morse Seed Co. And then in July 1964 he accepted a position with the Benton Community School Corporation as the agricultural science and business instructor at Benton Central High School, a job he would hold for 38 years until his retirement in June 2002. In that position he found his calling, that of a teacher, and from that position he would make an impact on agriculture and agriculture education through an exemplary record of professional achievement and service to his profession. Since 2002 he has been a partner in Agricultural Education Specialists Consulting, and he serves in the unpaid position as the Executive Director of the Indiana Association of Agricultural Educators. Butcher didn’t just teach Benton Central agriculture students, but he also helped teach those who would themselves become agriculture teachers. In his 38 years in the classroom, he supervised or co-supervised 41 student teachers and 51 early teaching experience students from Purdue University. In 1972 he helped one of his students found the Benton Central FFA Alumni Machinery Auction that, in the next 30 years, would raise over $75,000 for local agriculture scholarships. During his distinguished career, Butcher served as president of numerous professional organizations including the Benton Education Association, 1971-72; the Indiana Vocational Agricultural Teachers Association, 1974-75; the Indiana FFA Alumni Association, 1989-91; Indiana Partners for Agricultural Education, 1991-94; the Indiana Association of Agricultural Educators, 1999-2000; and the National Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association, 1982-84. In 1982 he was a member of the founding committee of the National Council for Vocational and Technical Education in Agriculture, and would serve on the group’s board of directors from 1991-94. Butcher has been actively involved in setting the national agenda for agricultural science and business education. He served on a National Academy of Sciences panel that evaluated secondary agricultural education and prepared the National Research Council report, “Understanding Agriculture—New Directions for Education” which resulted in changes in all levels of agricultural education. From 1991-94 he served as Vice President of the Agriculture Division of the American Vocational Association, the highest leadership position in agricultural education. He has served Mt. Zion United Methodist Church as chairman of the board of trustees. Through his service on the Benton County Fair Board, Butcher worked to organize tours of the local prairie during the fair. He is a member of the Tippecanoe County Historical Association and has been a volunteer for that organization’s Feast of the Hunters’ Moon. Butcher has been honored numerous times for his achievements at the local, state and national levels. In 1969 he was the Outstanding Young Member of the Indiana Vocational Agricultural Teachers Association. He received an Honorary Indiana FFA Degree in 1979, and the next year the National FFA Association presented him with its Honorary American Farmer Degree. In 1984 the National FFA Association presented him with its Distinguished Service Award. In 1990 he was honored as the Teacher of the Year by the Benton Community Schools and received the Distinguished Teacher Award from Western Illinois University. Purdue’s School of Agriculture bestowed its highest honor on him in 1995 when he was named Distinguished Agricultural Alumnus. Butcher’s influence on agriculture extends beyond his own record of accomplishments in the field of agricultural education. A former student who called him “my teacher, my mentor and my friend,” said, “His involvement in agriculture education, FFA and the community shines through in his students and their achievements.” And a fellow teacher wrote, “The agriculture teachers in Indiana are better teachers because we have worked with Dale Butcher.”
John N. Butts (2013) - Through his dedication to innovation in the field of food science, John Butts has worked to help make Land O' Frost the third largest brand of sliced lunchmeat in the United States. Butts received his B.S. in Agriculture and M.S. in Food Science from Kansas State University. In 1974, he graduated with his Ph.D. in Food Science from Purdue University, where he was honored with the Outstanding Food Science Award for the inaugural food science class. After graduation, Butts immediately began working at Land O' Frost Inc. as the director of research and is now the vice president for research at the company. Through his projects and programs, Butts has been a direct contributor to the growth of Land O' Frost as a company. One of these products was the retort pouch, which Butts was responsible for developing, improving, and assessing quality assurance. He also worked with a Japanese food company as host and liaison for technical exchange. Butts also worked on commercialization of a retortable, peelable and microwavable entree tray and the development of a proprietary sealing method to eliminate flange contamination as a critical factor for the hermetically sealed trays. For 10 years, from 1991 to 2001, Butts provided technical and management support to the largest beef processing plant in Uruguay — Frigorifico Canelones. He was instrumental in creating food safety programs that would allow the company to export food to the U.S., European Union, and Japan. Butts is passionate about reducing pathogens in cooked processed meats, and has developed investigative tools that enable plants to identify and control growth niches, and has used technology to minimize the transfer to and within high-risk areas. Now, Butts is working to develop sanitation process control methods and procedures. As a founding member of a special poultry research committee in the 1970s, Butts has played a key role in getting approval for the use of sodium nitrite in poultry products. However, he did not stop there. He also worked to secure approval for the use of sodium nitrite in red meats, as well, through fundraising and research. Butts was awarded the 2008 Meat Processing Award from the American Meat Science Association for his work in the meat industry. He is a member of the Institute of Food Technologies, American Society for Quality, Poultry Science Association, American Meat Science Association, Institute of Packaging Professionals, and International Association of Food Protection. As a 30-year member of the American Meat Institute's Scientific Affairs Committee, Butts has held the position of chair from 2000 to 2003. During this time, he has helped to bring the meat industry back from a serious outbreak of environmental pathogens and regain sanitation approval. Butts has also served on the American Meat Institute Board of Directors for 15 years, where he championed the policy that food safety is not a competitive issue. This policy has led to further knowledge of E. coli and other pathogens potentially present in ground beef and processed meats. Butts has the ability to share his knowledge with others in a way that is easy to understand. He has given numerous presentations on food safety and helped to develop programs for the AMI Listeria Intervention and Control Workshops, which have been shared with more than 1,000 people in the meat industry. His long-term efforts on behalf of the meat industry have not gone unnoticed. In 2005, he received the Food Safety Leadership Award from NSF International, followed by the Food Safety Magazine’s Distinguished Service Award in 2006. In 2009, Butts was awarded the prestigious Scientific Achievement Award from the American Meat Institute Foundation, which was presented to him at the Annual Convention of the American Meat Institute.
Earl L. Butz (1956) - Professor Butz was an early researcher in the field of agricultural finance and an outstanding teacher of finance and agricultural policy. He was a prolific writer. But the arena in which he starred was as an administrator. Earl served as head of the Department of Agricultural Economics from 1946 to 1954. From 1954 to 1957 he was Assistant Secretary of Agriculture under Secretary Benson and President Eisenhower when he returned to Purdue in the capacity of Dean of Agriculture. Earl served in that position until 1971 when President Nixon called on him to be Secretary of Agriculture. In 1974 he headed the United States delegation to the World Food Conference. He has served on the Board of Directors of a number of major U.S. corporations. Earl was the first recipient of the Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Economics at Purdue. He is a member of a number of professional societies and has served as an officer of three of them. His honors, in addition to the honorary degrees listed below, include the Alpha Zeta Distinguished Service Award, the American Farm Bureau Alumnus Award of Alpha Gamma Rho, of which he was National President for three years. Upon his official retirement from Purdue in 1972, he was designated Dean Emeritus. He was a continuous and active member of his church and community. B.S. Purdue, 1932; Ph.D. Purdue, 1937; Chicago (Special Study); LL.D. (Hon.) Purdue, 1973; D.P.A. (Hon.) Tri-State College (Ind.), 1973.
Bruce Bye (2021) - Mr. Bye received his BS in Agricultural Economics in 1968, and enjoyed a successful career with Elanco as a market researcher. After his retirement, he has worked tirelessly to develop a vocational agriculture program near Indianapolis, which engages underrepresented students in agriculture. He also started a community garden through his church with 71 volunteers and produced over 5000 pounds of fresh produce to local food banks.
Harry F. Caldwell (1950) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Ralph M. Caldwell (1965) - Ralph Caldwell was a dynamic, innovative plant pathologist and plant breeder. His contributions to small grain cereal production in the Eastern United States were at the top of his field, and his achievements brought respect and honor to the Purdue University/US Department of Agriculture small grain research and breeding program, which he led. His approach to scientific problems was incisive. Dr. Caldwell was practically oriented, never losing sight of the societal benefits of his work. Nevertheless, he was a strong participant in and supporter of more basic research-believing that it was essential but not the total answer. One of his guidelines was that the applied program breeding for disease resistance-was central and required a team effort. As department head, he initiated the Purdue research program in soybean diseases. Caldwell was also a productive advisor of graduate students. He encouraged and challenged students to do their own thinking. Caldwell served the American Phytopathological Society in several official capacities, including President of its Northcentral Division and Treasurer/Business Manager.
Estel Callahan (1996) - Estel Callahan has helped make the Indiana State Fair one of the best in the nation. And he is known all over the United States and Canada for his work with the International Association of Fairs and Exposi¬tions. He is a real “watch dog” for the industry he loves. He has lobbied for such causes as amusement ride inspections, financing of county fairs, state fair issues, and animal rights issues. He is past president of the Indiana Association of County and District Fairs. He has been a vocational agriculture teacher, 4-H club leader, assistant principal, and educational direc¬tor of Indiana Farm Bureau before becoming secretary-manager of the Indiana State Fair. Callahan is a member of the Pur¬due Alumni Association, Indianapo¬lis Purdue Alumni Association, Indi¬ana Farm Bureau, Indiana State Fair, Marion County Fair (organizer), Marion County Extension Service, FFA, 4-H, and charter member of Lions Club. His other community work includes the Masonic Lodge, Scot¬tish Rite, Murate Shrine, Christian Church, FHA, PIA, and Cooperative Extension Service.
Noel E. Callahan (2008) - Noel Callahan is the retired founder of Callahan Enterprises, Inc. and Callahan Seeds. A native of Rush County, he graduated from Purdue University in 1954 with a B.S. in Agricultural Education. He served for two years after graduation as an artillery officer in the United States Army, and then was employed from 1956 to 1964 at the Agricultural Alumni Seed Improvement Association as Assistant Manager in charge of production and sales. In 1964 he and wife Jo founded Callahan Enterprises, Inc., the beginning of the entrepreneurial ventures that he would lead to bring innovations to the seed industry. Callahan began Callahan Enterprises, Inc. as a company supplying the seed trade with foundation seedstock of hybrid corn and other related products, but by the 1970’s he envisioned and helped create an entirely new business segment within the U. S. seed industry – genetic stock and field seeds for soybeans, now a huge segment of the seed and biotechnology markets. Callahan Enterprises, Inc. became a foundation seedstock supplier of corn and soybean varieties to the U.S. seed industry and to Western Europe. In 1988, Callahan sold his company to Rhone-Poulenc and continued to work for the new owners, retiring as an employee three years later, but continuing for another year as a consultant. Ever the innovator, while employed for Rhone-Poulenc in 1989, he built a new research laboratory near Lebanon, IN that had a molecular marker laboratory when seed molecular genetics was in its infancy. In February, 1993, Callahan began consulting for Agricapital, Inc., a New York firm that provides investment banking services to agribusiness, including providing financial consulting and initiating and/or negotiating mergers and acquisitions, as well as arranging financing and facilitating the transactions throughout the world. One nominator described Callahan as “part innovator, part motivator, part coach and friend” and said that “people’s careers, lives and livelihoods have been improved by Noel Callahan.” Callahan’s professional activities included service to the American Seed Trade Association and the Indiana Crop Improvement Association in various capacities. He was part of the original group that worked to form the Indiana Seed Trade Association (ISTA), and in 1984 he was awarded honorary membership in ISTA in recognition of his dedicated service and contributions. In addition, he has served the agricultural profession as a member of the board of directors of the Indiana Institute of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition, Inc. and as a member of the Resource Committee of the Indiana Corn Growers Association. His community service activities reflect his deep interest in supporting education, youth leadership activities and Purdue University. Callahan is a past member of the board of directors of the Indiana 4-H Foundation, Inc. where he served as director and chairman of the Indiana 4-H Foundation Sponsors Board. Callahan is a past member of the Dean’s Advisory Council of the College of Agriculture. He has also served as a member of the alumni board of Delta Chapter, Alpha Gamma Rho, and is a former member of the National FFA Membership/Development Board. Callahan has been honored for his many contributions with numerous awards. In 1985 Lt. Gov. John Mutz awarded him an Honorary Commissioner of Agriculture for Indiana citation. Purdue honored Callahan in 1993, naming him as one of its Old Masters, defined as “an exceptional person who has made significant contributions to his or her own field.” In 1992 the John Purdue Club presented him its Distinguished Service Award.
Ward Calland (1962) - J. WARD CALLAND, Decatur, graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in Forestry in 1913. He was with the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station until 1918 when he took over the management of the Miami Conservancy District which included 10,000 acres of Ohio farm land. At that time he became interested in a new crop - soybeans. He soon became known as a national authority on soy· bean production. From 1929 to 1944, he was affiliated with the sugar beet industry in the Adams County area. In 1944 he was made Director of Agronomy for Central Soya and developed an extension research program with that company. Calland's deep interest in research and teaching led to his appointment to the Purdue Board of Trustees in 1947. He was one of the leaders in the building of the Life Scjence Building and establishment of the new Agronomy Farm. In 1948, he was selected to serve as Director of the National Soybean Crop Improvement Council where he has provided real leadership in the improvement of soybean varieties, culture and utilization. In his community, he was chairman of the Decatur Memorial Foundation which built the nationally publicized youth center in Decatur. He is a devoted family man, active church worker, Rotarian, and Mason. He is an active member of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association. Ward Calland has served agriculture and humanity with unselfish dedication.
Joseph A. Carroll (1969) - Joseph A. Carroll, Crawfordsville, has often been referred to as the complete county agent. He has proved his competency in youth work, in managing a county program, in community development and in agriculture. Here is what people are saying about Joe Carroll: “I don't care whether you are the largest farmer or the smallest; you will get the same attention from Joe Carroll.” “Joe Carroll is the type of person who never had idle time. He is always engaged in something constructive or productive.” “Joe Carroll has always been a fast worker, and he still moves like he has something else to do.” Who can speak better than those who know him? Born in Posey County, Indiana, Joe entered the Purdue School of Agriculture where he received his Bachelor's Degree in 1934 and his Master's in 1941. He taught vocational agriculture in Tangier and Chalmers before entering the Extension Service in 1944. He has served in Benton, Jasper, and Montgomery counties. He was president of the Indiana County Extension Agents' Association in 1960. Such dedication to his profession and practical application of technical skill makes Joe Carroll a logical recipient of the Certificate of Distinction.
Ben Carter (2024) - “It was always Purdue Agriculture, all the time, in our house,” his daughter recalls. A colleague says Ben Carter “consistently gives of himself – time, leadership, and expertise,” to such an extent that “there’s not a place he can go without knowing someone, having helped them somehow.” Another colleague says Carter “has the knack to interact with all generations, and with those in the industry – as well as those who do not fully understand the contributions of that agriculture provides humanity.” Long before he imagined a long run as head fishmonger for the annual Purdue Ag Alumni Association’s Fish Fry, Carter played the baritone in the Purdue “All-American” Marching Band and was a third-generation Boilermaker. After graduation in 1972, he returned to the family farm. He was a member of Class 4 of the AgriInstitute’s Ag Leadership Program. In 1996, he returned to campus, taking classes and then becoming assistant director of the Purdue Crop Diagnostic Training and research Center at what is now ACRE (Agronomy Center for Research & Education). “I had much interaction with him coordinating fields plots for forage-focused training to clientele,” Professor Keith Johnson recalls. “He was part of an effective planning and education-delivery team where his input was valued. Ben’s enthusiasm for agriculture is sincere and consistent. He’s remained upbeat about the present and future possibilities of agriculture.” Then came roles with the Indiana departments of natural resources and agriculture. Soil health and water quality were the focus; he developed statewide education, financial, and technical programs for rural and urban audiences, and assisted with the Indiana Sate Fair’s Pathway to Water Quality effort. As a district sales manager for a seed company and certified crop agronomist, he expanded his wide network. He received the FFA Honorary Degree, partly for his work with the group’s Agronomy Career Development Event, serving as a contest judge since it’s 2000 debut. The National Agricultural Alumni Development Association’s National Volunteer Service Award was bestowed in 2020. Carter is deeply involved in Pioneer Village at the state fair and just completed a term on the Purdue Ag Alumni Association board.
Steve Creech (2022) - When a wildfire breaks out, Steve Creech is a knowledgeable, reassuring on-scene presence. He’ll know what to do when the fire is out, too. But Steve is at his best long before anyone sees flames. He has been instrumental in developing and coordinating fire response and training programs in Indiana and throughout the country. Without him, wildfire management would not be where it is today. Creech earned a bachelor’s degree in Forestry and Natural Resources in 1974. A year later he was a district forester with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and a volunteer firefighter in Greencastle. Part of an Indiana wildland fire crew since 1977, he’s been mobilized nationally since 1987 and has responded to hurricanes, floods and 9/11. He’s served on a Type 1 national incident management team since 1996, was Indiana’s fire coordinator from 1978 to 2003, and is a two-time recipient of the Northeast Forest Fire Supervisors Award. Working with the USDA, Forest Service, and Indiana University, he helped initiate a geographic information system analysis of the wildland-urban interface fire problem in 20 northeastern states. For two decades he was an adjunct instructor for FNR’s fire ecology class, and for years directed the department’s forestry summer practicum in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. He now heads Bloomington-based Wildfire Management and Training Specialists. Steve has literally protected homes and properties in communities across the country and assisted those in their greatest time of need. He also has educated many young people so that they can go on to provide the same protection to others. In the extraordinary fire years that we have seen recently, we are reminded about the immense importance of the kind of dedicated work that Steve has done during his career.
John Chaille (1980) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Ellsworth P. Christmas (2006) - Ellsworth Christmas, Professor of Agronomy and Extension Soybean Specialist, retired in December 2004 after more than 40 years of service to Purdue University’s College of Agriculture. A native of Warrick County, Indiana, Christmas received his B. S. in Agricultural Education from Purdue University in 1958. After two years as a high school vocational agriculture teacher, he returned to Purdue for graduate studies and received his M.S. in 1961 and Ph.D. in 1964, both in Agricultural Education, with a minor in Agronomy. Christmas joined the Purdue faculty in 1964, and his first position was as a teacher and extension specialist located at Vincennes University. From 1969 to 1974 he served with the Purdue-Brazil Project in Vicosa, serving first as forage management specialist, and completing his assignment as Chief of Party. Following his return from Brazil, Christmas served for 15 years at the Assistant Director and Agricultural and Natural Resources Program Leader for the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service. In 1989 he returned to the Agronomy Department as an Extension Specialist, devoting most of his time to activities related to the production of soybeans, canola and small grains. His career service activities include representing the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service for more than 25 years on both the State Soil Conservation Board and the USDA State Technical Committee. He has served on the board of directors of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association since 1983, and has served as secretary to the board and as chair of the Certificate of Distinction committee since 1986. Christmas is also a long-time volunteer for the Ag Alumni Association’s Pioneer Farm and Home Show at the Indiana State Fair, where he uses old wood working tools to make hand split shingles and fence rails, as well as in the restoration of the Association’s many antique artifacts. He also operates the Pioneer Village smokehouse, where he has a waiting list for his delicious hams and bacon. He also volunteers each year at the Battle Ground Steam and Gas Power Show. Christmas has served as a member of the board of directors of the Purdue FarmHouse Association for more than 30 years, serving as the treasurer for approximately 28 of those years. He is also active in Lafayette’s Immanuel Church of Christ where he serves as Trustee. Christmas has received numerous awards and honors, including the Indiana Vocational Association’s Citation Award (1986); Purdue University Cooperative Extension Association’s Career Award (1987); Indiana Forage Council’s Maurice Heath Award (1988); Meritorious Service Award of Epsilon Sigma Phi (1989); USDA Superior Service Award (1989); and the Indiana Vocational Teachers Association’s Meritorious Service Award (1990). In 1990 he received the Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence In Educational Service To Rural People of Indiana, and in 1998 FarmHouse National Fraternity named him a Master Builder of Men. In 2002 he received the Epsilon Sigma Phi North Central Region’s International Service Award, and in 2003 he received the Distinguished Education Alumni Career Achievement Award from the Purdue College of Education for dedication to the best educational practices, exemplary research and assistance to colleagues throughout the world. In 1988 Indiana Governor Robert Orr named him a Sagamore of the Wabash.
Frank M. Clark (2010) - Frank Clark operates a family farm in Warren County that includes a cow-calf operation and feedlot, as well as cropping corn, soybeans and wheat. Clark graduated from Purdue University in 1954 with a B.S. in Animal Husbandry. As a student, he worked his way through school working at the Animal Sciences Research Farms, and he was a student athlete, competing as a pitcher on Purdue’s baseball team. Clark’s dedication to the cattle industry is described by his nominators as a passion, and his record of local, state and national service bears that out. His industry service includes: President of the Indiana Beef Cattle Association (IBCA) and Dues Director of the National Cattleman’s Beef Association (NCBA) as well as a three-year appointment by the USDA Secretary to the Cattlemen’s Beef Board, the national check-off board. While on the IBCA board, he helped guide the organization through a financial crisis, personally backing a loan that allowed IBCA to turn around and become financially stable. His dedication to recruiting NCBA members has earned him perennial recognition as a Top Hand recruiter by NCBA. At the state level, Clark has served several terms as Chairman of the Indiana Commission for Farm Animal Care. His service also extends to Purdue, where he has served on the advisory board of the Animal Disease and Diagnostic Laboratory and for nearly a decade on the Scholarship Committee of the Animal Sciences Department. In 2001, Frank and his wife Wini endowed a beef scholarship in the department to recognize a student for academic, leadership and beef industry excellence. Additionally, the Clark’s have frequently hosted industry tours and activities at their farm, including Purdue Extension educator training, and tours for Purdue students and campus visitors. On one notable occasion, the Clark’s welcomed 100 freshman Animal Sciences students into their home, serving lunch after a tour on a snowy day after a corporate sponsorship for the lunch was cancelled. Clark has served tirelessly in his community as well. He has been a member of the St. Vincent-Williamsport hospital board for more than 30 years, where he has advocated for quality service for an underserved area. Clark served on the Warren County Council, where as member and as chairman he advocated for Purdue Extension, and he is a former member of the local school board. He served two terms on the Warren County Extension Board, and is a past member of the Warren County 4-H Fair Board, where he served as 4-H Horse and Pony Superintendent. He continues to be active on the Warren County Economic Development Board, and serves as an elder of Trinity Presbyterian Church. He is currently serving on the local committee for the Lilly Education Grant program. In recognition of Clark’s achievements and his service, IBCA has honored him with its Outstanding Cattleman Award (1992) and the Robert Peterson-Lynnwood Farm Lifetime Achievement Award (2002). In 2004 the Purdue Department of Animal Sciences honored him with the Distinguished Animal Science Alumni Lifetime Achievement Award.
Russell J. Clark (1998) - Russell J. (Pete) Clark has worked on the family farm near Frankfort, Ind., since 1958, but his impact on agriculture is felt nationwide. Clark has shared his vast knowledge of the pork industry with fellow producers through numerous Extension and pork producer seminars, meetings, workshops and field days. Clark graduated from Purdue in 1958. After a stint in the Navy, he returned to the 1,200 acre family farm to manage the family’s 200-sow farrow-to-finish operation. “I know of no one in the state who is more highly respected among his peers,” says Wayne L. Singleton, professor of Animal Sciences at Purdue. “When tough decisions are needed, industry leaders still consult with him for advice. Pete has been an informal mentor for many younger pork producer leaders as they become involved in state and national activities. Simply put, when Pete Clark speaks, people listen.” And when people speak about Clark--people like United Feeds President John Swisher--they use words like “skilled, successful, intelligent, honest, humerous, dedicated and ethical.” “He has contributed to the industry in his continued involvement in the eradication of the pseudorabies virus. He serves on an on-going committee in this attempt, but maybe more importantly than this, is that he has eradicated the disease on his farm in an area where it was believed to be impossible because of the high incidence of contiguous farms. He put his money where his mouth was,” Swisher says, “and that is always impressive.” Clark was named a Pork All American in 1973. In 1984, he served as president of the Indiana Pork Producers and was named Master Farmer by Prairie Farmer Magazine. Clark helped organize the Clinton County Pork Producers and served as its president. He currently is a member of the Swine Advisory Committee to the State Animal Health Board, working with the State Veternarian Office establishing animal health regulations for Indiana. Clark also is a community leader in Clinton County. He helped establish the Clinton County Area Plan Commission and again put his money where his mouth was by serving on the commission for 12 years.
Cloyce Clover (1997) - “Red Clover is an educator, a former, a community leader and a friend of agriculture and Purdue University” according to one of his nominators. His career includes trail blazing programs in agricultural production and marketing. He experimented with Landrace hogs and Polled Hereford cattle as manager of the Pinney-Purdue Agricultural Research Center during and after World War II. As manager and part owner of a 200 cow corporate dairy farm he pioneered the first milking parlor in Indiana and did the first research on cannel fresh milk. He also worked on a corn borer project for the USDA, built and managed farms, and worked for Brookside Labs for more than a quarter of a century. Clover was president of Porter County Farm Bureau for two years and founding supervisor and first secretary of the Porter County Soil and Water Conservation District. He’s been involved with Extension board, Ag Advisory Committee, and Ag Day Committee. His nominator stated: “Red has been the motivation and force behind most agricultural organizations in this area. He offers wisdom and understanding that can only come from broad experience.” A 1932 graduate of Purdue's Ag School, Clover had held numerous offices in ag alumni groups. He was a founder of the Purdue Ag Fish Fry and has attended all but one. “He is probably the greatest lay ambassador that Purdue has supporting ag alumni activities on all levels,” his nomination stated. It also reads: “Red's profound interest in people is shown by the many activities as well as friends he has around• the state and the nation.” His community involvement includes a 12 year stint as Washington Township trustee, Indiana Christian Men’s' Association and Wanatah Lions Club memberships, two-time state Republican Party Convention representative LaPorte County Red Cross and various other church and civic activities.
Russell L. Cole (1982) - Some folks act effectively and steadfastly in very quiet ways. Russell L. Cole, Indianapolis, works in just that way. His quiet and effective work in behalf of agriculture over the past four decades has resulted in a long standing improvement in his profession. A graduate of the Purdue School of Agriculture, Russ learned his lessons well. He has devoted every day since college to the agricultural profession. He began his career as a county agent in Fulton County for two years. In 1946, he joined the Baltimore and Ohio railroad as their agricultural agent. In 1953, he was appointed agricultural counsel for the Indiana Chain Store Council and Indiana Retail Council. In 1964, he was hired by the Indiana Grain and Feed Association as their secretary and executive vice-president, and has remained in that position to this day. A chronological rundown of Russ Cole's jobs doesn't, by any means, tell of his real contributions to agriculture. Those jobs have, however, placed him in a position to organize and activate constructive programs of an endless variety. He is co-founder and past secretary of the Indiana Plant Food and Agricultural Chemicals Association, a member of the board of directors of the Indiana 4-H Foundation, past national president of the Agricultural Relations Council. past national president of the Agricultural Associations Executive Council, and co-organizer of the Indiana Farmer-Retailer Committee. Russ has been, for thirty-five years, an effective instigator of sound agricultural legislation both on a state and a national basis. He is said to be the most esteemed representative of Indiana agricultural organizations in the Indiana General Assembly for many years. Russell Cole is a friend of Purdue Agriculture•re. He has always monitored the interests of the School. the Extension Service, and the Agricultural Experiment Station in the Legislature. He has worked actively for the Indiana 4-H Foundation, is a keen supporter of the activities of the State Chemist's office, and has inspired the good work of the Indiana Farmer-Retailer Committee. He has served willingly as an advisor of Purdue agricultural leaders. Russ, you have earned this Certificate of Distinction from the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association.
Tom A. Coleman (1944) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Leroy E. Compton (1972) - Head, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Station; Senior Entomologist, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Agricultural Research Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture; and Assistant Plant Pathologist, Bureau of Plant Industry, Soil and Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Research Administration, U. S. Department of Agriculture, respectively.
Randolph Core (1945) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
George E. Corya (1986) - George E. Corya, Route 1, Commiskey, is a lifelong farmer who has proven that good management, hard work, integrity and a desire to be on the land can result in a growing, satisfying and profitable farming operation, according to those who nominated him. Corya and his two sons and their families farm some 4,000 acres in Jennings County, producing row crops, field crops, beef cattle and swine. Corya is an active Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc. member, and has served as county president, state and national field grains committees member, and chairman of the district’s political action committee. He is a past emmber of the Extension Board, and the Agricultural Stabilization and Consercation committee. He has been an officer of the Southern Indiana Market Hog Association, and chairman of the Southeast Indiana Purdue Agricultural Center Advisory Committee, and has served on the Jennings County Fair board of directors and the Jennings County Farm Bureau Coop board. Corya is a deacon and Sunday School teacher in the Commisky Baptist Church. Indiana Prairie Farmer named him as a Master Farmer, and he has also been honored as the Jennings County Consercation Farmer of the Year, and as one of the Top 25 farmers in the nation by Future Farmers of America.
John T. “Jack” Costello (2016) - John T. Costello is a native of Stratford, Connecticut. He graduated from Purdue University in 1952 with a B.S. in forestry, after serving his country in the U.S. Navy from 1945 until 1946 as an aircraft carrier radar operator on the USS Philippine Sea near the end of World War II. After graduating, he began a career in the forestry industry that lasted until his retirement. He is described as being the common thread in the executive leadership of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources for more than three decades. In addition to the positions he held in his professional life, Costello has also been involved in multiple organizations dedicated to serving Indiana’s natural resources and wildlife industry. From the time he began his career until his retirement, Costello showed dedication in his stewardship of public lands and natural resources in both Illinois and Indiana. In 1962, he left his position as Regional/Farm Forester to become the District Forester for the Illinois Department of Conservation (now the Illinois Department of Natural Resources). He held this title until 1987 when, after fourteen years of service to the forestry industry of Illinois, he became the Assistant State Forester for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). In 1969, he was promoted to State Forester, and in 1972 he was named as IDNR Deputy Director, a position he held for twenty-nine years until his retirement in 2000. As deputy director, Costello’s realm of leadership was expanded to include state parks, museums, reservoirs, recreation, acquisition, preservation, reclamation, and more. Not only is he well-respected and esteemed as an accomplished forester, but also as a leader whose ability to listen and work with people allowed him to remain steadfast in navigating IDNR policy, even through the most conflicting of interests and challenging of topics. It is this ability that led him to be successful as an IDNR executive liaison for both the IDNR Advisory Board, and the Natural Resource Commission. One nominee describes Costello, “He was able to work with everyone regardless of political or ideological viewpoint to effect necessary changes that were beneficial to the state’s resources.” He was instrumental in the passage of the Property Manager’s Act, which professionalized land management in Indiana. Additionally, he played a crucial role that led to the successful passage of the Indiana Trails Act and the Indiana Natural and Recreation Streams Act. Since their implementation, both pieces of legislation have resulted in an improved quality of life for Hoosiers and visitors. It is truly Costello’s talent as a communicator and problem-solver to which most nominators accredit his success. When describing his attributes as a professional, his colleagues mention the calm and patient manner with which he deals with people and situations on a daily basis, and the fortitude that earned him the respect of everyone he worked with. One nominator, who describes Costello as a mentor, says, “His guidance, patience, and support are an important reason why the IDNR that exists today is so successful.” His ability to see the bigger picture allowed him to work with individuals of different mindsets. As deputy director, he worked under six governors and seven IDNR directors. Costello's leadership extends to professional and community organizations as well. He was a member of the National Association of State Foresters, the Society of American Foresters, the Illinois Technical Forestry Association and Xi Sigma Pi, the international honor society for forestry and related sciences. During his time in Illinois, he was active in the Boy Scouts of America, serving as regional coordinator and training scout leaders and actively establishing new troops. In Indiana, he was instrumental in organizing the Hoosier Buffalo Riders, a roundtable of persons interested in conservation and natural resources that advised IDNR on how best to keep natural resources from disappearing, or going the way of the buffalo. The Buffalo Riders instituted an awards program to recognize those with achievements in natural resource conservation. Costello is extremely involved with in St. Susanna Catholic Church in Plainfield where he and his family attend. He is in leadership in the parish council, school board, and men’s club. He also coaches Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), and serves as a lay minister in the church. Regarding his professional and community service, one colleague wrote of Costello, “He has been and is an outstanding example of what Purdue graduates have done for the citizens of Indiana.” Costello’s honors include twice receiving meritorious service trophy awards from the Boy Scouts of America for his work in southern Illinois. He has been named a Sagamore of the Wabash on four occasions, most recently by Governor Frank O'Bannon in 2000. Twice, he was officially cited by U.S. Senator Richard Lugar. In 2000 he was named Indiana Power and Light Company (IPALCO) Enterprises Environmental Steward of the Year.
Otis Crane (1941) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Hobart B. Creighton (1944) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Myron Cromer (1938) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
R. Leon Crowe (2013) - Not many educators are as passionate or as beloved as Leon Crowe. Crowe taught high school agriculture and business for 40 years and influenced the lives of hundreds of students. He graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in 1965 and a M.S. in 1974. He worked his way through school while also supporting his family. After earning his undergraduate degree, Crowe began his teaching career at Clarksburg High School, where he remained for two years. In 1967, Crowe began teaching at North Decatur High School, a position he held until his retirement in 2005. An entire wall at North Decatur High School is devoted to the display of pictures and awards won by FFA students that Crowe taught and coached. During his time as FFA advisor, the students at North Decatur traveled to 30 national conventions. Two of his students became state FFA Stars (the top FFA member in Indiana), and three became National Proficiency finalists. Crowe also advised a National Proficiency winner and a state FFA officer. Not only did he spend time advising FFA students, but also served as state fruit sales coordinator for state FFA activities for 31 years, raising over $1 million. His other contributions to the Indiana FFA program include serving as chair of the Indiana FFA Degree Selection Committee and hosting Indiana state FFA officer training sessions. In the 1970s Leon Crowe devoted even more of his talent for teaching when he began instructing veterans as part of the GI Bill. These GI veterans' classes continued for seven years, meeting three nights a week for four hours each night. Throughout the course of these classes, Crowe provided additional education and benefits to more than 80 United States veterans. He also worked with Purdue as a cooperating teacher, helping many become agriculture teachers. Crowe has also held many leadership roles within education. For 40 years, he has held membership in the Indiana Association of Agricultural Educators (IAAE). In those 40 years, he served two terms as president. His second term as president occurred when the organization was in crisis, and his leadership was instrumental in helping the organization navigate a precarious situation. He was honored with the Outstanding Service Award from the National Association of Agriculture Educators, a prestigious and elite award presented to only six individuals in the United States. Crowe has also served on national committees, the Indiana Vocational Association, and as a presenter at national and regional conferences. Those who know Leon Crowe speak of his great energy and enthusiasm. As an advisor, he had faith in his students and worked patiently with them until they improved and accomplished their goals. He has been a long-time advocate of community service and has served Decatur County through his work with many community organizations, as both member and leader. He served as president of numerous community organizations, including the Decatur County Fair, Greensburg Optimist Club, Lake Santee Property Owners Association (four years), Decatur County Education Association and the Board of Realtors. Crowe's positive influence on the life of Decatur County is indeed widespread. A passionate teacher, Crowe led many students to become successful individuals. Upon his retirement in 2005, he chose a former student to be his successor as agriculture teacher at North Decatur High School. His students remember him for the impact he had on their lives, and his leadership throughout his community continues to inspire others and benefit every organization he touches.
Robert D. Culler (2017) - People who know Robert D. Culler call him Bob. Or Cul. They appreciate his dry sense of humor, his calm demeanor, his no-nonsense approach, and the way he tirelessly shares knowledge. They consider him a go-to person, a data-based, fact-driven manager with unmatched technical skills. They praise his work ethic, his honesty, and how he works to do the right thing in the most positive manner. “The work experience and accomplishments described above paint a picture of a very impressive career,” wrote one of his nominators for the Certificate of Distinction. “This does not tell the full story of Bob’s contributions to agriculture.” That story started in Clay City High School and Vincennes University. Purdue University awarded him a bachelor’s degree in food science in 1972. His master’s degree was earned at Iowa State University; he studied beef tenderness as it related to carcass grades, and three peer-reviewed scientific journal papers were published based on his research projects. The corporate world beckoned. Promotions followed accomplishments:
- At Hormel Foods Corp.’s Research & Development Division, significantly extending the shelf life of pork loins with modern atmospheric packaging.
- At Land O’ Frost’s Product Development Group, leading the development of the industrial and food service product lines, then guiding the quality team at the Searcy, Ark., plant, a large sliced meats operation.
- At Sara Lee Corp.’s Bil Mar Foods Inc. division, he was corporate director of quality assurance, and he developed the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) systems for turkey harvesting and processing.
- Kent Quality Foods made him vice president of quality assurance, and he led the implementation of the HACCP system. An expansion during his tenure grew daily production from 30,000 pounds to 160,000 pounds.
Culler retired in 2013, but he soon formed Culler Consulting LLC. Large and small clients seek his wisdom on regulatory compliance, produce quality, and processing issues. Since 2013 he’s been director of regulatory affairs for the Michigan Meat Association. “His understanding of federal- and state-level policy, coupled with his passion to find solutions for industry, puts him in a strong position to advocate for our members,” another nominator wrote. Culler played a significant role in developing the Michigan Specialized Retail Meat Processing Variance Program. The plan, aimed to meet federal Model Food Code requirements, is being considered as a national model. In their nomination letters, several colleagues noted that Culler’s career has spanned challenging times for the food business: “The complexity of regulatory compliance continues to grow, and Bob has been very willing to share his vast experience on continuous improvement, food safety, and compliance, especially with smaller operators. Whenever a foodborne illness or a product recall is avoided, all of agriculture benefits. His counseling, seminars, and articles play a significant role in avoiding these types of unfortunate food safety events.” “His skill,” wrote another nominator, “to take difficult situations and create win-win opportunities has touched all who have had the opportunity to work with or for him. It would be easy for a person in his position to just do his job without representing and championing many causes for the meat industry. His dedication to help small businesses and entrepreneurs work their way through technical and regulatory issues is stellar.” Culler was another nominator’s first boss. “No one joining the meat industry, especially an East Coaster with a newly minted degree in Human Nutrition and Foods and no meat industry experience or background, could have asked for a better mentor and coach,” she wrote. “Bob was and is, first and foremost, a teacher. His patience and ‘no question too basic’ approach gave me a solid foundation (for) my 36-year career.” A former Boilermaker who hired Culler at Land O’ Frost recalls an employee who had a high school education. He said Culler “taught and mentored her to become a statistician. She went from an hourly worker to one of the key members of our technical staff of professionals — and is still in that role 30 years later.” “He not only changed her life but many others, as he continually brings out their strengths and then mentors the pathway to success. This trait does not show up on a bio or CV.”
- He was president (1998-2002) of the Michigan Meat Association and received that group’s Outstanding Service Award in 2009. He received a Hometown Leadership Award for helping bring the 2004 American Association of Meat Processors national convention to Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- Culler has been a presenter or coordinator for more than 20 meat processing seminars for groups in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. He is the author of 30-plus articles, programs and white papers for small meat/food processors.
Larry D . Curless (2000) - During a career that is approaching 50 years, Larry Curless has distinguished himself as a farmer, as the owner of a financial services business, as the board chairman of Indiana's largest system of farm cooperatives and as a community leader. Curless received his B.S. in Agriculture from Purdue University in 1953. With his son, he owns Curless Farms, which consists of 925 acres of crops and a 600 sow farrow¬to-finish operation in Wabash County. When his son returned to the farm in 1979, Curless expanded his bookkeeping and accounting enterprise into a full time business. Curless Bookkeeping and Tax Service, Inc. now has three full-time and three part-time employees and serves more than 100 corporate and 650 individual clients. As a bookkeeping and tax professional, Curless was a leader in adopting computer technology and offered its benefits to farmers at a time when the technology was still prohibitively expensive for many producers. Curless expounded the benefits of computerized record keeping systems to farmers as an improved management tool that could be used to test different management schemes “on paper,” before making the commitment to them in an operation. Over the years Curless has lent his talents to many agricultural organizations, both locally and at the state level. His service has included memberships on the Indiana Pork Producers Research Committee, the Wabash County 4-H Fair Board, and the Region 5 Soil Erosion Assessment Committee. Curless was the secretary of the Wabash County Pork Producers and was the shareholder representative of CF Industries. Curless has assumed leadership roles by serving as president of the Indiana Farm Management Association, Wabash County Farm Bureau Co-op, Noble Township Farm Bureau, Wabash County Extension Advisory Council, and the board of Pro Ag Co., Inc. Curless served as chairman of the board of the Indiana Farm Bureau Co-op beginning in 1990 and presided over its 1991 merger with the Countrymark co-op system that covered Ohio and Michigan. Curless then served as board chairman of the merged system, Countrymark Co-op, Inc. As chair¬man of the $2 billion Countrymark, Curless encouraged the cooperative to be innovative and to expand its operations into new ventures, including customer financing, value-added crop pro-duction and marketing, and certifying producers and contracting hog production for a packing plant. Curless continued to serve on the Countrymark board after his term as chairman, and he is currently a director of Countrymark's successor, Land 0' Lakes, Inc. Curless has been generous with his time in service to his community, as well. He has served as chairman of the Wabash Valley Music Association, director of the Wabash County Leadership and Development Committee, and chairman of the Pastor's Pulpit Committee-Presbyterian Church. Curless has been an advocate for local schools, serving as president of the School Reorganization Committee (1963), president of the Southwood Grade School PTO, president of Southwood High School Music Parents Association, and member of the Committee for Direction of Metropolitan School District of Wabash County. Currently Curless serves as director of the Honeywell Foundation, Inc. in Wabash and is a member of the YMCA Steering Committee. He teaches adult Sunday School at the First United Methodist Church of Wabash. A member of the Purdue All-American Marching Band Alumni, Curless has been a supporter of local and school music groups and is a member of the Wabash Community Theater and Orchestra.
John Curry (1960) - JOHN P. CURRY, Sullivan, has led a full, productive, and interesting life that has been singular in only one respect--his dedication to the good of his fellow man. Born in 1886 at Coffee, Clay County, Indiana, he attended DePauw University (1911 and 1913). He taught school at Hymera, then worked as a coal miner in Sullivan County for thirty-four years. In addition to these occupations, he has spent his entire life close to the soil. He was a part-time farmer until 1944 then farmed full-time till this past year where he raised angus cattle, sheep, and hogs. John Curry was a true pioneer in the organization and growth of the Indiana Farm Bureau Cooperative Association. He was on the board of directors when this cooperative was founded in 1932, and was an active and prominent member of that board until 1954. He was president ofthe Indiana Farm Bureau Cooperative Association from 1950 to 1954. He was one of the original directors of the R.E.M.C. and served on that board until 1951. He was Sullivan County president of the Farm Bureau from 1927 to 1932 and is presently a director of the Sullivan County Credit Union. He was a Sullivan County Councilman for twenty years. He is active in agricultural extension and Ag Alumni work, is an elder in the Presbyterian Church and was a Sunday School teacher for many years. A list of activities and accomplishments cannot adequately describe John Curry. The firm conviction, the unalterable character, and the sincere dedication to his community and his agriculture, are the things that truly describe him.
Thomas B. Daugherty (2009) - Thomas Daugherty is the agricultural science and business teacher at Maconaquah School Corporation, a position he has held for his entire 37 year career. He graduated from Purdue University in 1972 with a B.S. in Agricultural Education. He received his M.S., also in Agricultural Education, from Purdue in 1977. Daugherty also graduated from Class IV of the Indiana Agricultural Leadership Program. In addition to his teaching responsibilities for Maconaquah, Daugherty has been the school corporation’s Peer Tutoring Director since 2005 and the Link Crew Freshman Orientation Director since 2002. In addition to his many teaching accomplishments, he has distinguished himself through scholarly activities in service to agriculture and natural resources education. Daugherty has written several curricula that are in use statewide, including the Indiana Advanced Life Sciences: Animals course (2004); the River Expedition Project of the ArrowHead Resource Conservation and Development District (1993) and the Indiana Natural Resources Management course (1991). In 2002, he co-authored a textbook, Managing Our Natural Resources, that is now in its 4th edition and is used throughout the United States in secondary agricultural education. As a teacher, he has mentored 10 agricultural education student teachers, six of whom are still teaching. Daugherty has served in numerous leadership positions for his profession and for Purdue University. He served the Indiana Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association (Indiana Association of Agricultural Educators) as District Director (1984-87); State President (1987-88); and as the state delegate to the National Agriculture Teachers Association Conference (1987, 1988). Locally he supported Purdue as a member of the Miami County Extension Board, serving as Vice Chairman (1998-99) and Chairman (1999-2000). He has also served in college-wide roles, as a member of the College of Agriculture Dean’s Advisory Committee (1999-2002). His long-time service to the Purdue Council on Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching (PCARET) includes a number of leadership roles: local representative (1998); area vice chair (1999); area chair (2000); state vice chair (2001); Washington, D.C. Legislative Leadership Team (1998-2001). He has also served as chair of the Purdue Agricultural Education Advisory Board (2000 to present), where he helped to evaluate and revise the undergraduate teacher education curriculum, and he presided over the move of the faculty from the College of Education to the College of Agriculture. In Miami County, Daugherty’s service has left an indelible mark. As the recipient of the prestigious Christa McAuliffe Fellowship for Indiana in 1999, he used the fellowship award to establish Together Everyone Accomplishes More (T.E.A.M.) Miami County Youth Leadership Academy that focuses on at-risk youth and engages them in community service projects. Daugherty serves as the director/principal facilitator of the T.E.A.M. academy. He was a member of the steering committee to establish Miami County’s Leadership program and was the curriculum chairperson for the program in 1998 and 1999. He graduated from Leadership Miami County in 1999, then chaired the board of directors (2000-03); currently serves as recruitment chairperson (2003-present); and has been a session facilitator since the program began in 1999. His voice is well-known, too, as he’s been the public address announcer for all Maconaquah varsity football and basketball games since 1995. He was a member of Class 1 of the Miami County Sheriff’s Citizen Academy in 2005 and has been a volunteer presenter for the Transition Program at the Miami Correctional Facility (1999-present). Other community service includes: Miami County 4-H Fair Board (member 1989-92, treasurer 1990); and Converse Lions Club (member for 15 years; president 1990-91). Additionally, Daugherty has served as part-time pastor of the Santa Fe United Methodist Church since 1989. Daughterty’s accomplishments and service have garnered many awards and recognition, including: Maconaquah Teacher of the Year (1976); Indiana FFA Association’s Distinguished Service Award (1988) and the Honorary Hoosier Farmer Award (2002); Miami County Citizen of the Year (1999); Epsilon Sigma Phi’s statewide Friend of Extension (2000); Miami County Soil & Water Conservation District Outstanding Conservation Teacher (2002 and 2005); Honorary Member, Indiana Association of Ag Educators – Purdue Chapter (2003); and Max E. Simon Leadership Award (2005).
C. C. Dean (1944) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Simon M. Deeb (1985) - Deeb, a 1949 graduate of Purdue’s School of Agriculture, has taught vocational agriculture at Rochester High School since 1953. Deeb is well known for his positive influence on the lives of hundreds of students, for his impact on vocational agriculture in Fulton County and the state, and his highly successful soil judging teams which have frequently placed high in state and national contests, winning the national contest in 1983. Deeb has served as president of the Indiana Vocational Agriculture in Fulton County and the state, and his highly successful soil judging teams which have frequently placed high in state and national contests, winning the national contest in 1983. Deeb has served as president of the Indiana Vocational Agriculture Teachers’ Association, and founded the Rochester Chapter of Future Farmers of America. He was a catalyst in founding the county’s 4-H livestock auction and served some 24 years on the committee, 10 years as chairman. He also initiated the 4-H Fair Livestock Judging Contest and served as chairman of the 4-H Fair Livestock Judging Contest some 30 years. Deeb served as Fulton County Councilman, a member of the Rochester Waterways board, and on the board of directors of the Farmer’s and Merchants’ Bank. Deeb was named the Rochester Chamber of Commerce’s “Outstanding Citizen of Fulton County” in 1984. He was named a Friend of Extension for his contributions to the 4-H programs.
Frank E. DeLaCroix (1965) - Frank E. DeLaCroix was born near New Trenton, Indiana on July 27, 1912. He died at his home on July 4, 1964. He graduated from the Purdue School of Agriculture in 1939. Following graduation, he joined Sears Roebuck and Company and worked there until 1941 when he became assistant county agent in Benton County. In 1943, he was transferred to Jasper County as county agent. Frank joined the Purdue Dairy Extension staff in 1945. In 1951, he left Purdue to become district sales manager of American Breeders Service - a position he held until his death. Frank became vice-president of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association in 1956 and was elevated to the presidency in 1959. He presided over our Association until 1961, and was a director until his death. He was elected a director of the Agricultural Alumni Seed Improvement Association in 1960 and later became vice-president of that organization. He also served as a director of the Purdue Alumni Association for a three year term. In 1938, Frank DeLaCroix married Alma Knollman. They have four children: Robert, Mrs. Robert Toomes, Clifford, and Margaret. Frank DeLaCroix was a man of many talents, and he gave his best on any job he undertook. His warm personality made him a friend of all who knew him. His wisdom and wise counsel in the application of available information made him an invaluable part of his business, his social activities and his church. His basic good judgment and his compassion for things worthwhile caused him to be the focal point of all his co-workers. To say that Frank DeLaCroix will be missed seems lacking in adequacy. His mortal being will leave a perpetually empty spot in the hearts of all who knew him. His work, his great qualities and his love for life will, however, live on forever.
John D. Diehl (2014) - John Diehl is a native of Dansville, Michigan, and graduated from Purdue University in 1969 with a B.S. in agricultural engineering. At Purdue he was a member of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity, where, according to him, he forged friendships with brothers who "are the real winners of this award:' Following graduation, Diehl worked for a year at International Harvester designing tractor engines. He then enlisted in the U.S. Navy and became a P-3 Patrol Plane Crewman. After three years in the Navy, he returned to the family farm in Dansville, becoming a thirdgeneration farmer in the family enterprise. Diehl's father had begun growing Michigan Certified Seed in 1968, and John continued growing certified seed upon his return. During the next 20-plus years, he and his family farmed thousands of acres of corn, wheat, navy beans, and soybeans. During this time, Diehl developed a true passion for soybean and wheat seed genetics. His "Best of the Best" soybean variety trial was started in 1976 to compare public varieties. In 1980, proprietary varities were added along with tests of various seed treatments. As the "Best of the Best" continues today with over 132 varieties entered in 2013, Diehl evaluates disease and insect patterns, maturity and planting date patterns, and numerous patented traits. In 1996, Diehl Fields closed down and the farming partnership was dissolved. In 1997, with the financial backing and moral support of his fraternity brothers from Purdue, John established D.F. Seeds, Inc., as a contract soybean seed producer for several national brands that also sold some of their Michigan Certified Seed soybean and wheat varieties. As seed companies consolidated in the early 2000s, D.F. Seeds, Inc., began to sell their own brand of proprietary soybean and wheat varieties, and today markets their own brand exclusively through an independent retailer network throughout Michigan, a brand that in 2013 included 31 soybean varieties. Diehl served on the Michigan Foundation Seed Association board of directors from 1985 through 1993, serving as secretary/treasurer for seven years and vice president for one year. He also served on the Michigan Crop Improvement Association (MCIA) scholarship committee and quality assurance committee. He was a member of the Ingham County Farm Bureau Board from 2001-2005, during which he served on the Statewide Commodities Advisory Committee and worked with legislative seminars held at the Michigan capitol. Diehl is a long-time supporter of Dansville athletics, academics, and civic programs. Parenting a special needs son led him to become active in county education policies, and he was recognized in the 1980s for his several years of service on the Ingham Intermediate PAC committee that was instrumental in mainstreaming special needs children into regular classrooms. He served as a volunteer firefighter and EMT for Ingham Township for 20 years and on the Executive Fire Board for another 10 years. He passionately supports local 4-H youth, funding the Ingham County Goat Barn Award and supporting livestock auctions and other activities. According to his nominator, when he gets outbid buying an animal of one of "his kids;' he sends them a check anyway with an apology that he didn't get their animal. In 2007, Diehl was named Outstanding Alumnus from Dansville High School, a recognition that is given not only for personal success, but to someone who continues to give back to the community. In 2009, he received the MCIA's highest honor, its Honorary Membership Award, in appreciation for his support and efforts to improve the association.
Thomas E. Diener (2000) - It was a family business that Tom Diener and his brother George took over from their father Walter, and it was a family business that Tom Diener turned over to the next generation when he retired from Diener Seeds, Inc. in December 1997. Diener's business achievements are matched by 50 years of exemplary service to the seed industry and to his community. Tom Diener officially joined his father's farming operation and seed company in 1950. In 1958 Tom and George phased out their dairy and livestock operations and expanded the seed company which they led together until George's death in 1985. Diener Seeds was an industry innovator, and the plant they built in 1958 was one of the most modern in the industry. In 1969 the company patented the Quali-Kote process and Diener Seeds became the first in Indiana to offer seed treatment for protection during long, cold, wet springs. In 1975 the company introduced its private line of DB soybean varieties. And in 1987, Tom added hybrid seed corn to his product line so that his sales force could offer a full line of seed to their customers. When Diener retired, his company had annual sales nearing $10 million, with major distribution centers in Reynolds, Indiana and Hudson, Illinois and about 35 other warehouses throughout Indiana and Illinois. The Diener Family Farm operation covers more than 1,300 acres, mainly in soybeans and corn for seed production. Other growers produce nearly 10,000 acres of seed for Diener Seeds. Of Diener's service to the industry, Alan Galbreth of the Indiana Crop Improvement Association (lCIA) said, “Tom has always made time to serve others.” Diener served ICIA as a board member and president. He also has served on the board of Public Varieties of Indiana. A long time member of the Seed Improvement Committee of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association, Diener is currently a board member of the Ag Alumni Seed Improvement Association, Inc. Diener was a charter member of the Indiana Seed Trade Association (ISTA), was member of the ISTA board of directors and was chairman of the ISTA Soybean Committee. Diener is also a member of the American Seed Trade Association, the Indiana Agricultural Leadership Institute, the Independent Pro¬fessional Seedsmen Association, and the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. Diener has worked with Purdue University on many projects. He was a cooperator in disease plots including phytophtora. Diener served on the Appropriation Committee and participated in the Conservation Reserve Education program which developed best management practices for putting Midwest CRP acreage back into production. Diener has hosted the Indiana Farm Management Tour, Purdue's People to People Tour, Indiana Department of Commerce Tour and the Area IX P-CARET Legislative Update. Diener has volunteered his time to support conservation groups such as Pheasants Forever, S.A.F.E. Club and the White County SWCD. He has been a devoted supporter of St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Reynolds, serving in many capacities including membership on the cemetery board. For several years he also served on the board of directors of the Bank of Reynolds. Diener was honored inl996 by ICIA with its highest honor, the Crops and Soils Merit Award. Governor Frank Q'Bannon hailed him in 1998 as a Sagamore of the Wabash, the governor's highest honor for private citizens of Indiana.
Howard G. Diesslin (1981) - Howard G. Diesslin completed his Ph.D. at Purdue in 1947 after service in the U.S. Navy. He was on the faculty in Agricultural Economics from 1948 to 1955 with teaching and research responsibilities in farm finance and management. Diesslin served from 1955 to 1962 as Associate Managing Director of the Farm Foundation where he coordinated regional and national Land Grant research and extension committees in various fields of agricultural economics. In 1962, he returned to Purdue as Professor of Agricultural Economics and Director of the Indiana Cooperative Extension Service. During his tenure (1962-1983), Indiana became the first statewide computerized extension service in the U.S. Diesslin served on the National Extension Committee on Organization and Policy from 1970 to 1974. In 1983 Dr. Diesslin accepted a position with the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges as the first Executive Director for Extension. He retired from Purdue in 1988 as Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics.
H. Wayne Dillman (2010) - Wayne Dillman is the retired Legislative Director of the Indiana Farmers Union, now serving as a lobbyist with Indiana Farm Bureau. A native of Morgan County, Dillman graduated from Purdue University in 1951 with a B.S. in Animal Husbandry. After graduation, he served in the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict, returning to Green Township in Morgan County to operate his family farm. Dillman has dedicated his life to serving agriculture as a public affairs advocate, a career that spans 40 years. As one nominator said, “During that time, there has not been any significant agricultural legislation passed in Indiana without his review and counsel.” He represented both state and national interests during his long career with Indiana Farmers Union. He served as the organization’s lobbyist for 34 years, and also served as President, 1st Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer. He served on the National Farmers Union Executive Board and as Chairman of the Audit and Budget Committee. Dillman is also an accomplished storyteller, humorist, author and historian, and is a member of the National Association of Storytellers. He has published a book, Growing Up Country, about rural life around Banta, Indiana. Dillman has been tapped for service by many public boards and commissions, including: Indiana Commission for Agriculture and Rural Development (ICARD); the Indiana Governor’s Citizen Commission on Taxation; and the Hoosier Farmland Preservation Task Force. He is a charter member of the Center for Agricultural Science and Heritage, which relocated and refurbished the Normandy Barn on the grounds of the Indiana State Fairgrounds. He has also served as a member of the board of the Indiana FFA Foundation and the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association (1992-2006). After his retirement from Indiana Farmers Union, Indiana Farm Bureau hired Dillman to join their state lobbying team. In addition, he is a key volunteer for the Pioneer Farm and Home Show, a project of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association at the Indiana State Fair. During the fair, he is one of Pioneer Village’s senior historical interpreters and serves as the announcer for the daily antique farm machinery exhibitions. During the month preceding the fair, he cooks for the dozens of volunteer workers who set up the show’s exhibits. In 2009, the Indianapolis Star published a feature about Dillman’s lunches, and the dignitaries he hosts alongside the volunteers each day. In his local community, he has served as a member of the Martinsville School Corporation Board; Morgan County Veterans Memorial Committee; and the Green Township Trustee Advisory Board. His civic memberships include the Masonic Lodge, Shrine Lodge and the American Legion. He is a member of the First United Methodist Church of Martinsville. In recognition of his professional service and accomplishments in rural and agricultural public policy, Dillman has been honored by the Indiana General Assembly and he was named a Sagamore of the Wabash by Governor Joe Kernan.
Otto C. Doering, III (2004) - Otto Doering is a Professor of Agricultural Economics at Purdue where he has responsibilities in research, teaching, service, and adult education. His primary focus is on economic analysis of public policy issues in agriculture and natural resources. He received his B.A. and his Ph.D. from Cornell University and his M.Sc. from London School of Economics. Dr. Doering truly understands what it means to be part of a land-grant university. Throughout his career he has been able to successively integrate research, teaching, and extension. He has over 130 professional publications in agricultural policy, energy economics, and natural resources and environmental issues. He led the State Utility Forecasting Group to modify electric utility rate setting processes and achieve an early shut-down of a nuclear plant in Indiana without the major commotion that occurred in surrounding states. In the early alcohol fuel debates, Dr. Doering was able to speak with farm groups and communicate economic facts without upsetting a large number of them. Dr. Doering is well-respected in the classroom and is one of the highest rated teachers in the department. He also shares his talents with many different committees. He has served the following organizations throughout his career: ICARD Small Farm Committee, 2001-present; Indiana Tobacco Advisory Council, 1999; Hoosier Farmland Preservation Taskforce, 1997-1999; Director, American Agricultural Economics Association, 1985-1988; Chairman, National Public Policy Education Committee, 1981-1982. He has been awarded with the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Career Award, 2000; National Distinguished Policy Contribution Award from the AAEA in 1978 and 1990; Recognition for Quality of Communication by the AAEA in 1979 and 1984; Blue Ribbon Award for Educational Programming, 1981; National Extension Economics Teaching Award, AAEA, 1977. Dr. Doering has been described as the premium utility infielder for his department and he is exactly the type of player we want on agriculture’s team.
Reuben Dooley (1967) - In almost every community that is anything, you will find a person or persons who have the imagination, the drive, and the sense of public responsibility to assert positive leadership. West Central Indiana is fortunate in having Reuben Dooley. A resident of Rockville, Indiana, Mr. Dooley has been manager of the Parke County R. E. M. C. since its beginning and was one of the pioneers in achieving electric energy for rural people. An enthusiastic exponent of long range community planning, Reuben was one of prime promoters of Mansfield Reservoir. At the same time, he was instrumental in implementing proper zoning and planning of the area around this recreational facility. He has given of his strength to other people, too. He has aided in the planning of the area around the Monroe Reservoir. He has helped with community development in the Lincoln Hills area. He is active in the Wabash Valley Association and has helped in the work of the Interstate Compact Commission, and the Army Corp of Engineers. He also has served on many state and national committees in behalf of rural people. The stimulant to Reuben Dooley's activity has been his loyalty to and belief in rural people. His awareness to their problems and the strength of his convictions have driven him to true community service. We salute Reuben Dooley.
D. Howard Doster (2015) - D. Howard Doster is a native of Warren County, Ohio. He graduated from The Ohio State University with a B.5., M.5., and Ph.D. in 1955, 1959, and 1968, respectively. Doster joined the Purdue Agricultural Economics faculty as an Extension Farm Management Specialist on January 1, 1968, just in time to help 40 other ag faculty start the Purdue Top Farmer Crop Workshop, a program he would go on to lead for more than 30 years. Doster says he will always remember the second Tuesday in March 1973. Without taking a breath, his department head said, "Congratulations, you have been promoted to Associate Professor, but you will never be promoted to Professor at Purdue. However, you can stay here and run the Top Farmer workshop, and work on your management information system:' Doster and his family are glad they stayed. His wife Barbara created a great career in the Purdue Krannert School of Management. After rising from a part-time, no promotion job to Director of Undergraduate Programs, she won multiple distinguished service awards, and still gives the opening motivation speech at each annual Doster Leadership Forum weekend in Indianapolis to the top 100 Krannert School students. Howard and Barbara's four children and their spouses earned 17 degrees, including seven from Purdue. One son is a Purdue Distinguished Agriculture Alumnus. Freed of the need to publish in academic journals, Doster says he "just did good things with and for students and farmers:' Leading the Top Farmer Crop Workshop, he helped develop the machinery and tillage budgets and initiated the idea of farmers using the workshop's linear program computer budget to test four kinds of changes: crop mix, machinery size, tillage system, and farm size. Doster coordinated 250 Top Farmer Workshops on three continents, helping 7,000 farmers interpret 25,000 farm budgets. "Test Before You Invest" is Doster's seven-minute machinery economics speech that highlights his hallmark principles: timeliness, use of big machinery, "test before you invest;' and associate with positive-thinking persons. He has given this speech some 900 times in eight countries. The speech was also used to help create three 27-minute movies sponsored by Allis-Chalmers, John Deere, and International Harvester. Recognizing the influence of farm magazine writers, Doster set a goal of helping to write a national or regional article each month. He cowrote extension and research articles with 43 university colleagues, including annual crop budgets and influential papers on land rent, tillage economics, and no-till long before it was generally accepted. In 1983, he created the term "site-specific farming" in a proceedings paper titled, "Big Ten Crop Farming" for the Purdue On-Farm Computer Conference. Now, he has a new site-specific paper, "Surprise Moment Management with a Plan:' Doster taught six classes at Purdue, including "How to Go Home and Start Farming with Dad:' He co-wrote three high school texts on entrepreneurship. He also created and coordinated 20 annual Farming Together Workshops, and coordinated the farm records program and the annual Indiana Farm ManagementTour. Doster was an undergraduate member of agricultural honorary Gamma Sigma Delta, and was the co-founder and president of the Purdue chapter. He was a member of Alpha Zeta at the Ohio State University (OSU) and served as faculty advisor to chapters at both OSU and Purdue. In 2006 he spearheaded organizing the union of OSU's Alpha Zeta fraternity with the university's new Farm House chapter. At Purdue, Doster was a senior faculty fellow at Shreve Hall and coached the 1983 Purdue women's softball team to its best-ever record. He was honored as a Kentucky Colonel for helping start the Kentucky Chapter of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (ASFMRA) while serving as secretary of the Indiana Chapter. He earned designations as Accredited Farm Manager and Accredited Agricultural Consultant from ASFMRA. He has been active in numerous professional organizations including the American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC), where he was in the first class to earn the title Certified Agricultural Consultant (CAC). He is a longtime member and speaker for the American Agricultural Economics Association and the American Agricultural Engineering Association, and he has been a speaker and presented papers for the American Soil Conservation Society and the American Entomology Society. He served on the founding advisory committee forThe Executive Program for Agricultural Producers (TEPAP) and was the first membership chairman forThe Association of Agricultural Production Executives (AAPEX), the TEPAP alumni group. Doster has an extensive record of community service, having held all church offices, including presiding officer, at three churches in three cities during major building campaigns. He taught Sunday school for many years, and in 2013 wrote the 175th anniversary history of his present church. He is a member of five nearby historical societies and is writing a massive local history that includes the stories of many of his mostly Quaker ancestors. Doster is his family's recorder and is also writing the history for the 150th annual reunion of their descendants. Doster retired from Purdue in 2001 at age 67, but continued to coordinate the Top Farmer Workshop for another two years. Since retiring, he and Barbara have counseled multi-generation farm families in eight states. After coining the term "site-specific farming" 31 years ago, he has come full circle and is now finishing his whole entity, precision ag, monitoring/planning software. The programmer is committed to offering it free to high school students and their crop farming parents who help Doster start his proposed 4-H, and perhaps FFA, serious farm management program. Among his many honors and recognitions, Doster received the Purdue Extension Specialists Association (PUCESA) Career Award just before retiring. In 2004, he was honored with Indiana Prairie Farmer's Honorary Master Farmer Award. The American Agricultural Editors' Association gave him their 2005 Distinguished and Meritorious Service to American Agriculture Award. In his acceptance speech, Howard made one point: "Let's do what we can to revitalize land grants:' He still is.
Maurice Douglas (1942) - Maurice Douglas was a state legislator, founder of Indiana Farm Bureau, farmer, lawyer, and insurance agent in Shelby County. He graduated from Franklin College in June 1896 and joined the Indiana Bar in December 1986. He took a job in Michigan until 1904 when his parents urged him back to the family farm. Here he served on the stock Special Train in 1912 and as an instructor for Farmer's Institute sponsored by Purdue in 1935. Additionally he was a member of the Indiana House and the Indiana Senate focusing on agricultural concerns. In 1919 as part of the Grange Institute he helped found Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc. He was the District 8 Director from 1936-1946. During the Great Depression and WWII, Douglas served on the Agricultural Administration Act Board.
George Doup (1963) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
W. David Downey (2007) - Dave Downey is Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University where he taught for more than 40 years. Downey graduated from Purdue with a B. S. degree in Agronomy in 1961. He continued his graduate studies at Purdue, earning both an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics in 1963 and 1967, respectively. Downey began his Purdue teaching career as an instructor of agricultural economics while in graduate school. Upon receiving his doctorate, he joined the faculty, a position he held until his retirement in 2005. During his career Downey was known as an innovative and visionary teacher. He recognized long before other academics the crucial role that sales play in the marketing strategy of an agribusiness firm, and set about building a program to develop the leaders that the agricultural industry would need to staff their sales and marketing efforts. He developed a creative course in agricultural selling in the early 1970’s that has grown to enroll more than 800 students annually at Purdue—and more than 10,000 over the course of his career. Students in this course participate in Downey-created experiences such as Sashay With A Salesperson (SWAS) and Ready Set Sell (RSS) which engage students with sales professionals to experience what a sales career would be like, and to get feedback on their performance from these professionals. From this course, Downey developed the Sales and Marketing Option within the Agricultural Economics Department that was for many years the only four-year program in agricultural sales in the United States. Downey’s influence on teaching professional agricultural sales reaches far beyond the Purdue campus. He authored AgriSelling: Principles and Practice which is used as the required text in over 30 university sales classes in the U. S. and as a handbook for new sales professionals in many agribusiness firms, and he has counseled numerous instructors from across the country on how to adopt his highly engaging approach to sales education. In 1986, with colleague Bill Dobson, Downey launched Purdue’s Center for Agricultural Business (CAB), now known as the Center for Food and Agricultural Business, an innovative model for providing executive management education and applied research to the food and agribusiness industries. Downey served as the Center’s director during its first 15 years. The Center is now one of the world’s premier public providers of management education for the food and agribusiness industries and employs nine full-time staff, delivering more than 30 programs annually involving more than 1000 industry managers from around the globe. Downey was selected in the 1980’s to lead a blue-ribbon panel, the National Agribusiness Education Commission that developed recommendations that directed agribusiness education in the U.S. for the next 15 years. In 2003 he was selected to chair the steering committee for the National Food and Agribusiness Management Education Commission. Downey is a charter member of Purdue’s Book of Great Teachers and is a member of Purdue’s Teaching Academy. His teaching awards include: two major national teaching awards from the American Agricultural Economics Association; the Amoco Award as one of the three best teachers at Purdue; and the Helping Students Learn Award which annually recognizes outstanding contributions to teaching innovation. Purdue’s agribusiness program was recently ranked number 1 in the nation in a study done by Oregon State University, a tribute, according to his Purdue colleagues, to Downey’s pioneering efforts to establish a program that develops and delivers both premier educational programming and well-trained graduates to serve the needs of the food and agribusiness marketing industry.
Leo P. Doyle (1954) - Dr. Leo P. Doyle, Lafayette, was born on October 15, 1885, on a farm near Loogootee. After spending his youth on the farm, he attended Purdue, and then taught vocational agriculture in a Minnesota high school for three years. In 1915, he returned to Purdue as an assistant in the Department of Veterinary Science. Since that time, he has earned a Master of Science degree at the University of Michigan, a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree at Michigan State College, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree at the University of Chicago. This educational background makes Dr. Doyle one of the best trained veterinarians in the United States today. He has devoted his productive lifetime to research on diseases of livestock and poultry. He is the author of more than 60 articles and many bulle~ins. He was among the first in the world to recognize and describe swine dysentery, anemia in baby pigs, atrophic rhinitis, ictero anemia, and transmissible gastro-enteritis. His most recent contribution was to call attention to the close similarity in the pathology of the rheumatoid types of arthritis in swine and man. This has attracted much interest in high level segments of the medical profession ancLhas resulted in a substantial grant of funds to Purdue University from the United States Public Health Service for further research with arthritis in swine. As a result of his long and fruitful years of research, Dr. Doyle enjoys a most enviable world wide reputation as one of the most outstanding veterinary scientists of modern times, and yet he has never lost sight of the everyday problems of the livestock industry.
Robert Eddleman (1994) - Indiana has Robert Eddleman to thank for much of its success in soil and water conservation efforts. As the state's soil conservationist, Eddle¬man built a team to conserve the state's soil and water resources. The group includes professionals from the Soil Conservation Service, the Division of Soil Conservation, Indiana Department of Natural Resources and Purdue. This unique cooperative effort is a model for other states. Under Eddleman's leadership, Indiana was the first major agricultural state to complete the Soil Survey. Indiana also established an ambitious program to reduce soil erosion to tolerable levels by the year 2000, and Eddleman was major contributor to the effort. In 1986 Eddleman's efforts were recognized with the President's Award from the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts. A native Hoosier, Eddleman received his bachelor's degree in agricultural education from Purdue in 1959. At Purdue, Eddleman was involved in Circle Pines Cooperative, the Agricultural Education Society and the Poultry Club,' as well as the Agriculture Council and Collegiate 4-H. He later received his master's degree in public administration from the University of Oklahoma. Eddleman began his career with the U.S. .Soil Conservation Service, training in various locations in Indiana. In the 1970's his career took him to New York as assistant state conservationist and to Illinois as deputy state conservationist. . He was named Indiana's state conservationist in 1980. In the 1960's Eddleman served as president of the Purdue Ag Alumni chapters in Fayette and Vigo counties. He has served as president of the Hoosier chapter of the Soil Conservation Soci-ety of America. Eddleman has been recognized by the U.S. awards for superior performance. A resident of Indianapolis, Eddleman is involved with the Marion County Extension Board, the Indianapolis Swim Club and the Board of Directors for Indiana Swimming. He is certified as an Indiana swim meet official. Eddleman also is a lector at St. Christopher's Church in Speedway, Ind.
J. Ben Edmondson (1952) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Richard E. Edwards (1962) - RICHARD E. EDWARDS, Peru. is one of the real pioneers in the improvement of the Indiana Livestock Industry. He has participated in the Gold Medal Beef Project every year since it began. He was president of the Indiana Livestock Breeders Association for several years.A Harvard graduate, he is a successful Hereford breeder as well as a Peru banker. For eleven years, Edwards was a member of the Indiana Livestock Sanitary Board and worked closely with the late Dean L. M.Hutchings in recodifying and updating the Indiana Animal Health Laws. He was very active in work to eliminate brucellosis and vesicular exanthema. He was a tireless booster for the Purdue School of Veterinary Medicine. “Dick” Edwards, a former Winter Course student at Purdue, is an example for all who know him. He is forceful, enthusiastic, and honest in all the many things he has done for the betterment of Indiana agriculture.
Carl Eiche (1994) - Since 1959 Carl Eiche has been a fixture on Indiana's agricultural scene. Known.to thousands of Hoosiers as “Indiana Ike,” Eiche has written about farmers and farming in each of Indiana's 92 counties. In his work for Indiana Prairie Farmer magazine, Eiche has traveled enough miles on Indiana roads to equal 155 trips around the world. He has averaged one day per week on the Purdue campus, gathering information from specialists for Indiana farmers. His work als9 has taken him outside Indiana to bring the story home to Indiana farm¬ers. Said one Purdue agronomist in recommending Eiche for the award, “For many of us at Purdue, having Carl's “translation' of our information through Indiana• Prairie Farmer was the most direct route to Indiana farmers. His down-to-earth knowledge of farming and writing style has . made 'technology transfer' easier for everyone concerned.” Eiche's work with the Master Farmer program has brought much-needed recognition to farm families. Since that program was revived in 1968 he has carried much of the load behind the scenes. He has been a key promoter of Farm Progress shows; and Indiana agriculture has benefited from Eiche's involvement in farm tours and Ag Day celebrations. A graduate of Kansas State University with a bach¬elor's degree in agricultural economics, Eiche has been recognized with induction into the Indiana Livestock Breeders Hall of F.ame and the Spirit of Extension award and Gamma Delta membership. Eiche has worked closely with Indiana's farm organi¬zations, including the Indi¬ana Pork Producers Assn, Indiana 'Beef Cattle Association, Indiana Associ¬ation of Soil and Water Con¬servation Districts, Indiana Farmers Union and Indiana• Farm Bureau. He was active in the Indiana Agri-Business Club in its heyday, serving as its president. Eiche also has been active in the American Agricultural Editor's Associa-tion. Eiche and his wife Harriet have two children. Eiche belonged to the Frankfort Toastmasters Club for many years. Eiche, senior editor at Indiana Prairie Farmer, will retire from the magazine in March.
Ed C. Elliott (1945) - Edward C. Elliott was born in Chicago IL in 1874 but grew up in North Platte, NE. He attended the University of Nebraska where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry in 1891 and a Master of Arts degree in 1897. He began his career in education at a high school in Leadville, CO where he served as superintendent for five years. He resigned from his position as superintendent in 1903 to accept a fellowship at Columbia University’s Teachers College. Elliott found his true passion for education administration while at Columbia and obtained two doctorates degrees in 1905 in philosophy and education. After graduation, he accepted the position of associate professor in education at the University of Wisconsin. Four years later he became the director of the Course for the Training of Teachers at the University of Wisconsin. In this position he co-authored many momentous studies on education and developed the first rating scale for teachers in the country. In 1916 Elliott became the Chancellor at the University of Montana and in 1922 he became the president of Purdue University. Over his 23 years at Purdue the university experienced its largest period of growth; enrollment more than doubled, 28 major buildings were established, and the net worth of the university tripled. He was a key player in establishing the Graduate School and the School of Home Economics as well as the Ross-Ade Foundation, the Purdue Research Foundation, and the Purdue Aeronautics Corporation. Purdue was also the first university to own and operate its own airport because of his leadership. During WWII he served on the U.S. Committee on War-Time Requirements for Specialized Personnel and as the chief of the Division of Professional and Technical Employment and Training. In 1945 Elliott retired from his presidency after reaching the mandatory retirement age of 70. The Board of Trustees then created the office of President Emeritus specifically for him. However, his work did not stop there. He and his wife then moved to Washington D.C. for two years where he directed a study on pharmaceutical education. Upon returning to Lafayette Elliott was named Director of Educational Relations for the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education. In 1956 he was awarded the National Sward of Meritorious Civilian Service and in 1958 Purdue renamed its Hall of Music the Edward C. Elliott Hall of Music. This was the first building on campus to be named after a former president. Elliott died on June 16, 1960 at the age of 85 after suffering a stroke three years prior.
J. Ralph Emerson (1952) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Wayne Emigh (2013) - Turning a good thing into a great thing has never been a struggle for Wayne Emigh. His passion for his family farm, Maple Home Farms, helped him expand the livestock and field crop farm run by his parents, even introducing horticulture, beekeeping, and forage crops to the already sizable farm. Emigh's parents bought the farm during the Great Depression, but despite the tough economic times, were able to pay the mortgage and keep the Starke County farm running. When Wayne returned from military service, he worked with his parents to make the farm more profitable and up-to-date. In 1948, he graduated from Purdue's Winter Course in Agriculture, where he was a recipient of the Scholarship Award. Back home on the farm, Emigh added a Polled Hereford herd and increased the Duroc swine herd, and also began growing peppermint, spearmint, and Emerald crown vetch. His efforts to modernize the farm brought tractors instead of horses to the fields and electricity to the barns and farmhouse. While bringing his family farm into the modern era, Emigh never compromised the integrity of the original farm, and was awarded the Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana's John Arnold Award for rural preservation of historic structures in 2007. If anyone is an advocate for Starke County, it is Emigh. In 1962, he assisted with the organization of the Starke County Soil and Water Conservation District by holding conservation field days for no-till, minimum and conservation tillage test plots. When the mapping of Starke County soils occurred, the First Acre Ceremony was held on the Emigh farm. Emigh served on the State SWCD Board and, in 2012, was named a River Friendly Farmer by the Indiana Association of Conservation Districts. Emigh was also a member of the Starke County Co-op Board of Directors for 23 years. During that time, he served as president, vice president, and secretary, helping build the Starke County Farm Bureau Co-op into a thriving, self-supporting business benefiting local farmers. In 2006, the Indiana Association of Fairs, Festivals and Events inducted Emigh into its Hall of Fame from Region 1 for his work on the Starke County Fair Board, which he has served since 1994 as treasurer. Emigh's involvement in the Starke County 4-H program is long-standing, beginning in in 1958 as an original member of the 4-H Council. For many years, he was head of the trophy committee, and continues to help in this area. The 10-year 4-H member has volunteered as a 4-H leader for 64 years, holding electric project workshops and serving as superintendent of the electric project in Starke County. Emigh has contributed to the promotion of agricultural education through many programs. He has provided a hen and eggs to elementary school classrooms, offered his farm as a site for field trips, and worked at field days for fourth-grade students to learn about soil and water conservation. An amateur beekeeper and member of the Michiana Beekeepers Association, he invites those who are interested in beekeeping to visit his apiary, helps them set up beehives at their own homes, and assists them in harvesting of honey and care of bees. Electricity is a passion for Emigh, and he has shared that passion with both 4-Hers and students at St. Ann's Catholic School, by teaching them the basics of electricity, electrical safety, and basic home electric repair. As a 10-year member of Indiana Rural Youth, Emigh has held the offices of county president and vice president, and District 1 president, helping develop programs to support the organization and its members. In 1959, he assisted with organizing the staff and gathering statistics to support programs benefiting American agriculture as an Agricultural Census crew leader. Emigh also served as president and vice president of the Starke County chapter of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association and assisted with the Latta Games ag quiz bowl program for youth at the Starke County 4-H Fair, wiring a buzzer answer system for the program. Emigh is also a long-time member of Indiana Farm Bureau and has served in many volunteer and leadership roles. He was both township and county president, has chaired numerous county committees, and has been a delegate from Starke County to the state convention.
Dean Eppley (2017) - “Father of Indiana’s corn checkoff program.” Dean Eppley has achieved a great deal, but the Wabash County farmer is perhaps best known for what happened in 2007, after 20 years of trying. “Without Dean’s determination and willingness to put years of time into getting a corn checkoff passed in Indiana, we probably would never have gotten one passed,” said Dennis Maple, former president of the Indiana Corn Marketing Council. “He was there in the trenches, asking our national organization for more money for one year to help Indiana get it done. And finally, our state passed the checkoff. We have Dean to thank.” The checkoff, administered by the ICMC, was first established in 2001. In July 2007, after a vote by the Indiana General Assembly, a new corn checkoff program went into effect to manage funds collected at the first point of sale. Legislators updated the law in 2012. The assessment — ½-cent ($0.005) on each bushel of corn marketed in the state — does not apply to popcorn, seed corn or sweet corn. The purpose is to fund research, promotion and educational programs that enhance corn production and use, and to distribute industry information. As noted by Dennis Maple, one of those who nominated Eppley for the Certificate of Distinction, Indiana had no ethanol plants before adopting the corn checkoff program. Now it has about a dozen. “Dean helped promote ethanol as a new market for corn, and it has made a significant impact on Indiana and its farmers,” he said. Dean Eppley graduated from Purdue University in 1957 with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture. The next year he married Carolyn Schuler. Three children and just a few years later, he and a son, Barry, work Pleasant Home Farm’s 1,200 acres of corn, 1,000 acres of soybeans and 200 acres of alfalfa. He was a no-till pioneer in the mid-1960s. “To me, ‘plow’ is a four-letter word,” he told Indiana Prairie Farmer in 2011, when he and Barry were advocating vertical tillage. “I believe the plow is one of the chief pieces of equipment for enhancing erosion on soil that has any degree of slope.” Back when no-till farming was a “novel concept,” he said, “I never heard any negative comments directly from neighbors, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there weren’t some conversations around the area about, ‘What’s that nut trying this time?’“ He’s worked with those neighbors over the years on the county Soil and Water Conservation District board, the Wabash County Farm Bureau, the Bowen Five-County Mental Health Board, and the Wabash County Board of Commissioners. Dean has been a delegate to Corn Congress, a function of the National Corn Growers Association. He retired from the association’s Research & Business Action Team, where his last official action was to vote to approve the formation of the National Agriculture Genotyping Center in Fargo, North Dakota. He represents Indiana corn farmers on the U.S. Meat Export Federation and has traveled far and wide promoting red meat products for export. He’s been a longtime member of and held leadership roles for the Indiana Corn Marketing Council and the Indiana Corn Growers Association. He helped those two organizations and the Indiana Soybean Alliance “forge one of the most unique partnerships in the country,” said Jane Ade Stevens, chief executive officer of the alliance. “These three organizations share one staff and office. No other state does this. It is a credit to Dean’s vision to see how this partnership made sense to Indiana farmers and approved its concept as a board member.” Dean Eppley, she said, is a “top-notch, forward-thinking farmer.” Dennis Maple, of the Indiana Corn Marketing Council, echoed that praise. “Without Dean’s leadership,” he said, “the Indiana corn industry would look much different today.”
- Dean was a founding member of the Wabash County Historical Museum, serving from 1999 to 2008. He was instrumental in making sure the county’s agricultural roots remained in the picture. “Dean’s expertise in agriculture was invaluable in the development of the museum’s farming exhibit,” read a quote from a certificate presented to him. “His devotion to the project helped turn the idea for a museum into a reality.”
- He teaches a Sunday school class and sings in the church choir. A former member of Purdue’s marching and concert bands, he was active in the Wabash Area Community Theater for several years — and was Mayor Shinn in the 1997 production of “The Music Man.”
Byron Ernest (2011) - Byron Ernest did not intend to become a teacher when he started at Purdue, but during his sophomore year, Professor Hobe Jones convinced him that he had a talent for educating. He earned his B.S. from Purdue in Agricultural Education and Animal Science as well as an M.S. in Agricultural Education. He has spent the last 25 years in education and is currently working on his Ph.D. from Walden University in Teacher Leadership. For the past six years Byron has been an agriculture instructor, FFA Advisor, and department head at Lebanon High School. Byron is the first agriculture instructor the school has had since the program was cut from the curriculum in 1963. He restarted the program, established new facilities, and designed an enticing curriculum that encourages students to enroll in Ag classes. He teaches three different Advanced Life Science courses that can also earn students credits from Purdue University. The Advanced Life Science courses appeal to students who would normally not be interested in taking an agriculture class and helps them understand the role of agriculture in our everyday lives. Mr. Ernest has been able to grow the agriculture department to a four-teacher program with 584 students enrolled in Ag classes. Bryon is a leader in advancing agriculture education into a new dimension of education. He implemented a new state-of-the-art welding shop that uses the same equipment as a technical school welding program. When he was chosen as a Distinguished Fellow of the Lilly Endowment’s Teacher Creativity Grant, it allowed him to improve the Advanced Life Science courses he taught into a model now used by Purdue University. He is now leading the movement to turn conventional classrooms into learning environments that link the latest technology, applications, and tools to traditional content area. Among his many awards, Byron was named the 2010 Teacher of the Year. He has made it his mission to relay the importance of agriculture education as he travels throughout the state. Additionally he was named a Smithsonian Teacher Ambassador and SMART Exemplary Educator in 2010. He also shares his time and talents with his community as a football and baseball coach, Vice-President of the Lions Club, and member of the Community Vision Committee.
William W. Erwin (1985) - Erwin, as a graduate of the University of Illinois College of Agriculture, is a life-long farmer who is president and general manager of his family’s Triple “E” Farm, Inc., near Etna Green. He is known for his public service, avid interest in wildlife conservation and rural development, and assistance to young people interested in farming. Erwin served two terms as an Indiana state senator, and in the federal government under four Presidents, Eisenhower, Johnson, Nixon and Ford. As assistant secretary of agriculture during the General Ford administration, he coordinated all federal rural development assistance programs. He currently serves as agricultural consultant to the I.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Erwin received the national Jaycees Outstanding Young Farmer Award and the National Vocational Agricultural Alumni Award of Merit, and the Outstanding Consecration Award of Marshall County. He is a member of the board of directors for the Indiana Institution of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition, Inc., a member and past chairman of the Purdue Farm Policy Study Group. He is also chairman of the Dana and Edith Bennett Agricultural Round Table, a member of the White River Park Development Commission, director of Foundation of American Agriculture, a trustee of the Farm Foundation and past president of the Purdue Farm Policy Study Group. Erwin is active in the United Methodist Church, the Masonic Lodge, the Shriners, Scottish Rite, American Legion and Indiana Farm Bureau.
Max W. Evans (2015) - Max Evans is a native of Delaware County, Indiana, and graduated from Purdue with a B.S. in animal science in 1957. At Purdue, his activities included Livestock Judging Team, Hoof & Horn Club, Collegiate 4-H Club, Folk a Whirlers (called square dances), Wesley Foundation, and Junior Board of Student Union. He was a member of Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity and a walk-on member of the football team. From 1962 to 1964 Evans took courses at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, toward an M.B.A., but was transferred to southwestern Indiana prior to completion of degree requirements. Upon graduation from Purdue, Evans began a distinguished career in farm management and consulting that would last more than 55 years, until he retired in 2013. From 1957 to 1966 he worked for Opekasit, Inc., first in Lebanon, Ohio, then in Washington, Indiana. From 1966 to 1968 he worked for Irwin Union Bank & Trust Company in Hope and Columbus, Indiana. In 1969, he moved to the Northern Trust Company Bank in Chicago, where he was the operational manager of the Farm Real Estate Department and later promoted to Assistant Secretary. In 1972, Evans moved to Memphis, Tennessee, with Nortrust Farm Management, a wholly owned subsidiary of Northern Trust. At Nortrust he was the office manager and the farm manager of the Deerbrook Company, a 10,000- acre crop and livestock operation in east-central Mississippi. Evans grew the company to 12,000 acres, and he increased the sizes of the hog operation (33% to 18,000 head/year) and the beef cow herd (from 50 to 2500). To achieve efficiencies and improvements at Deerbrook, Evans worked with multiple faculty at Purdue including Howard Doster, Hobe Jones, and agricultural engineering faculty. He also worked with Dr. Bud Harmon at Purina and faculty at Mississippi State University. In 1976, Evans returned to Chicago and assumed the additional responsibility of managing Norris Farms, a 12,000-acre hired labor farm with 9,500 acres of row crops in the Illinois River bottom with a 1,500-head cattle feeding operation. Again, Evans worked with Doster at Purdue to analyze data and design efficient cropping systems for the farm. While at Nortrust, Evans consulted for several notable farms and projects including Shelburne Farms in Burlington, Vermont, on a study to verify the funding of an applied grant to the Rockefeller Foundation; Biltmore Farms in Ashville, North Carolina, on a management study on two large dairy production facilities; an agricultural project in Haiti to develop 100,000 acres of irrigated corn, soybean, and wheat plus a large hog operation; and an investigatory project in southwest Saudi Arabia. In 1981, Evans became Vice President and Head of the Farm Management Department for Union Central Bank & Trust, Des Moines, Iowa. In 1984, with two partners he founded Agri Partners Central, a Des Moines farm management, appraisal, and real estate brokerage firm, of which he would later became the majority stockholder. As CEO, Evans appraised loan collateral for the liquidators in charge as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation took over failed banks during the farm crisis in Iowa and Missouri and was a part-time consultant appraiser from 1984-1986 for Farm Credit Capital Corporation (parent company to the Federal Land Bank and Production Credit). He served as a consulting appraiser in 26 states. In 1992, Evans sold Agri Partners Central to Farmers National Company (FNC). From 1992 to 2013, he worked for FNC as an independent contractor doing appraisals on a fee-sharing basis. During his career, Evans was a leader in numerous professional organizations including the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (ASFMRA), national officer 2001-2004, president in 2003, president of ASFRMA Indiana Chapter 1970, president of ASFRMA Iowa Chapter 1993; and the American Society of Appraisers (ASA), regional governor 1997-2001, chairman of education committee 1992- 1996, president of ASA Iowa Chapter 1994. Evans was a key player in the consolidation of ASA & National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers (NAIFA) in 2000. In 1992, Evans worked on the farm management and appraisal team of a three-year USAID grant administered by Iowa State University in association with the Iowa Chapter of ASFMRA to assist the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the move from socialism to a market-driven society. In addition to six one-week trips to each country to teach appraisal and real estate sales, representatives from these countries made several trips to Iowa each year, hosted by Evans and his team. Evans is a Life Member of the Purdue Alumni Association and served on the Purdue Alumni Board of Directors representing region 13. He was a member of the diversity committee (2005-2006) and the finance committee (2006-2012). He was a founding member of the Purdue Alumni Club of Central Iowa and served on its board (2005-2008). Evans is currently a member of both the Purdue Alumni Club of Central Iowa and the Purdue Alumni Club of Kansas City. He was a member of the Des Moines Golf & Country Club from 1981 to 2012, and served on its tennis committee (1985-1990) and as an ex-officio member of the board of directors. Evans has a long record of service to the Methodist Church, holding numerous committee memberships, and has served as a choir member, lay leader, Sunday school teacher, and administrative board member for several congregations in Indiana, Ohio, and Iowa. Evans was elected to the College of Fellows of the American Society of Appraisers (FASA) in 2004, and received two Awards of Recognition from ASA for developing a Valuation of Agricultural Chattels course and for codeveloping an Agricultural Business Valuation course. In 2010 ASFMRA honored him with its D. Howard Doane Award, presented annually to a member or nonmember who has demonstrated such qualities and outstanding contributions in the field of agriculture with emphasis on farm management and rural appraisal. From 2000 to 2011 he annually received the Top Appraiser award from FNC. In 2012, received a Lifetime Professional Recognition award from FNC. 13
John M. Evans (1994) - John M. Evans defines the word “cattleman.” His beef cattle operation, Evans Beef Farms, markets 1,200 head of cattle annually and operates an order buying and trucking service which purchases 6,000 head of feeder cattle annually for other Indiana cattle feeders. The Greensburg, Ind. farmer also purchases 130 slaughter cattle per week for Kluener Packing Company of Cincinnati. But Evans doesn't stop there. A past president of the Indiana Beef Cattle Association, Evans has looked beyond his own operation to improve the beef industry for all producers. Evans served as the host of the first U.S. Red Meat Foreign Buyers Convention Trade Show. The event brought more than 400 agricultural leaders and foreign trade professionals together for three days, resulting in . red meat exports to Mexico and the Pacific Rim. According to the U.S. Meat Export Federation Board of Directors and the National Cattleman's Association. At home in Indiana, Evans has hosted the Indiana Farm Management Tour and is a charter member of the Indiana Commission for Agriculture and Rural Developmerit (ICARD). For 13 years he has been a guest speaker for one of Purdue's advanced farm management courses. Evan's beef operation has deep roots in its Decatur County home. From 1834 to 1838, Evans' great, great, great-grandfather homesteaded the land where John and his wife AnnaBelle now live. The original sheepskin deeds, signed by Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, are displayed in their home. A graduate of Kansas State University with a bachelor's degree in agricultural economics, Eiche has been recognized with induction into the Indiana Livestock Breeders Hall of F.ame and the Spirit of Extension award and Gamma Delta membership. Eiche has worked closely with Indiana's farm organizations, including .the Indiana Pork Producers Association, Indiana Beef Cattle Association, Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Indiana Farmers Union and Indiana Farm Bureau. He was active in the Indiana Agri-Business Club in its heyday, serving as its president. Eiche also has been active in the American Agricultural Editor's Association. Eiche and his wife Harriet have two children. Eiche belonged to the Frankfort Toastmasters Club for many years. Eiche, senior editor at Indiana Prairie Farmer, will retire from the magazine in March. Evans serves his community by working with the Decatur County Fair Board, the Decatur County 4-H Council and the Decatur County Farm Bureau. He is a member of Sardinia Baptist Church and has been a deacon since 1952. He is a member of Westport Masonic Lodge. He has been named the Decatur County Master Farmer and the State Cattleman of the Year. Evans also has received the Decatur County Agricultural Hall of Fame Award.
Byron Fagg (2022) - During 22 years as the Purdue Extension director and ANR educator in Washington County, Byron Fagg was an effective leader. Byron was good at most everything, but his specialty was cattle. He was instrumental in the success of so many programs. At the Indiana Beef Evaluation Program, Bull Test Station, Byron worked with cattle producers and Extension educators on weigh days, screening bulls to identify structural soundness and disposition issues that are major influencers of productivity and economic returns. In 1983 Fagg started an annual breeding soundness evaluation clinic He determined that each bull identified as being unable to breed cows cost the producer $10,000. Washington County producers have avoided more than $1 million in potential losses by identifying these bulls. The Indiana Beef Evaluation and Economics Feeding Program began in 1997, with unflagging support from Fagg. Producers have entered more than 10,000 steers and heifers in the program. Fagg earned Purdue bachelor’s and master’s degrees in animal sciences. Byron has been a resource for many. One of his favorite expressions has been, “I may not know much about something, but I know a little about a lot of things, and if I don’t know, I will find out.” He has also served as a role model. His ability to build relationships with farmers, to be a positive leader, to respond quickly and accurately with information for those who need Extension assistance, to provide practical and applicable information during educational programs, and to promote agriculture have been guiding principles.
Roy N. Fenn (1953) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Virginia R. Ferris (2017) - Virginia Ferris took the long way to academic and professional success. Not that she had a choice. She labored in obscurity yet was one of the world’s foremost experts on the soybean cyst nematode when Purdue University hired her in 1965 as an assistant professor. Ten years had passed since she left an identical position at Cornell University, where she’d earned a Ph.D. She used her final Cornell paycheck to buy a microscope. Her husband and major collaborator, John, joined Purdue’s entomology faculty in 1958. Virginia set up a home lab, conducted research as a freelance consultant, and waited for an opportunity to prove her greatness. When that time finally came, it didn’t take long for the first woman appointed to the College of Agriculture faculty to make her mark. Nine years later (1974) she was a full professor in the Department of Entomology, having already added associate professor, assistant dean of the graduate school, and assistant provost to her resumé. By then she’d also been president of the Society of Nematologists, associate editor of the Journal of Nematology, and recipient of the Helen B. Schleman Gold Medallion Award. What solidified her national and international standing came at the turn of the century, when she and fellow researchers — including her husband, John, Jamal Faghihi and Rick Vierling — identified genes in soybeans that provided resistance to the cyst nematode, a destructive plant parasite that has cost soybean farmers untold millions of dollars. “Nematology was a young science,” Dr. Ferris said in a 2005 interview. “I grew up right along with it.” Years before gaining access to state-of-the-art scientific equipment in Whistler Agricultural Research Building, she made good use of her microscope. Back when she and John were traveling extensively, collecting species of nematodes, she even processed soil samples in hotel bathrooms. Indiana’s state chemist and seed commissioner, Robert D. Waltz, is a former student and colleague of Ferris. “Few careers with which I have been made aware share the breadth of reach and stretch of scholarship demonstrated by the career of Dr. Virginia Ferris,” he wrote in a letter recommending her for the Certificate of Distinction. He said she “exemplified the authority of a respected academic pedagogue, with high professorial expectations of her students.” He hadn’t forgotten the occasional “hidden personal sacrifice and contribution … for a successful student in a time of need. Her level of expected rigor in student performance was matched by her equally high level of concern for a student’s success.” Nor had he forgotten the doors that didn’t open early in her career. “Her engagement with the practice of her discipline as an academic in nematology could be characterized as more confrontational and combative than an accolade of recognized accomplishment,” Dr. Waltz wrote. “Her gender was seen apparently as barrier to academic and administrative recognition in a time when women were not privy to the full rights of her male academic colleagues. Her persistence and her … successes have paved the way for those who have followed her lead and her example as a woman engaged in male-dominated academic pursuits.” Dr. Ferris has often spoken about the role of women in science and academia. Some of her listeners “find the stories hard to believe,” she said. “Women have proven themselves — there’s no question about it.” And Virginia Ferris has paved the way for many of them by proving herself through her scientific achievements and dedication to the pursuit of research excellence.
- The Kansas native was an undergraduate at Wellesley College, near Boston. When she entered Cornell, she was the lone female incoming graduate student in plant pathology. She earned a Ph.D. in 1954.
- Assistant professor, Cornell, 1954-55; assistant professor, Purdue, 1965-70; associate professor, Purdue, 1970-74; assistant dean of graduate school, Purdue, 1971-75; assistant provost, Purdue, 196-79; professor, Purdue, 1974-present.
- Phi Beta Kappa. Fellow: National Science Foundation, Indiana Academy of Science, Society of Nematologists, European Society of Nematology.
- Helen B. Schleman Gold Medallion Award, 1973; FinOvation Award for CystX, Farm Industry News, 2000; Dean’s 2001 Agricultural Team Award for CystX Technology, 2001.
- Society of Nematologists: president, 1969-70; vice president, 1968-69; secretary, 1965-68. Associate editor, Journal of Nematology, 1974-76. Governing council member, Society of Systematic Zoology, 1979-82.
- Purdue University Graduate Council, 1971-75. Faculty fellow, Earhart Hall, 1971-2000. President’s committee to elect provost, 1973. Provost’s committee to select dean of agriculture, 1980. Chair, Dean’s Leadership Review Committee, 1995.
- Dr. Ferris was the first woman to ever buy a ticket to the Purdue Ag Fish Fry. Her request was met with resistance from her male colleagues and the Fish Fry organizers, but, as she has done so many times in her career, she insisted that she be treated fairly and equally.
John N. (Jake) Ferris (2007) - Jake Ferris is Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics at Michigan State University where he was on the faculty for 40 years. Ferris graduated from Purdue with a B. S. degree in Agricultural Economics in 1951. He earned his M.S. in Agricultural Economics from Cornell University in 1952 and continued his graduate studies at Michigan State University, where he received his Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics in 1960. Ferris’ professional career focused on agricultural marketing, market outlook, and both domestic and international economic development. His career exemplified the tripartite land-grant mission, as he spent nearly 50 years channeling his creative and intellectual energy into research and education programs that enhanced the knowledge and decision-making abilities of his students, extension educators, farmers and agribusiness professionals. For many years he headed the agricultural outlook education program in Michigan, leading numerous marketing workshops and producing monthly newsletters to assist county extension agents with their outreach programs to farmers. More than 8,000 farmers have completed his intensive three-day marketing workshops. As a teacher, he developed two new courses: “Commodity Market Analysis” for graduate students, and “Commodity and Futures Marketing” for undergraduates. The graduate level course gave rise to his textbook, Agriculture Prices and Commodity Market Analysis, now in its second edition. As a researcher, he has developed “gross margin” variables to predict crop acreages and livestock numbers, a procedure that emphasizes profits rather than product and input prices. Ferris has always had an interest in long-term forecasts, and his agricultural modeling tools have been widely used. He collaborated on the development and management of the “MSU Agriculture Model,” an econometric representation of U.S. and international agriculture. He later developed AGMOD, an econometrics simulation of U.S. agriculture with a satellite model on Michigan. AGMOD uses approximately 800 variables to generate 10-to-25-year forecasts for major U.S. crops and livestock with an international component. Ferris has worked internationally, coordinating and participating in programs in both the United Kingdom and South Korea. And he has twice taken leave from Michigan State to work on projects in Washington, D.C. In 1973 he was on the staff of the President’s Cost of Living Council, directing the Food Policy Appraisal Division of the Office on Food. From 1989 to 1990, he worked with USDA’s Economic Research Service, improving and expanding AGMOD and analyzing the impact of ethanol as an oxygenate under the Clean Air Act of 1990. In retirement he remains actively involved with the Michigan agriculture community, in long-range economic forecasting and the economics of renewable fuels. In 2005 he joined Michigan Biodiesel LLC, a group of farmers organized to build the first major biodiesel plant in Michigan, a 10-million gallon plant that began production in late 2006. Ferris was named the Outstanding Specialist by the Michigan Extension Specialists’ Association in 1980, and in 1991 he received the Outstanding Extension Specialist award from the Michigan Association of Extension Agents. In 1996, Michigan Farm Bureau honored him with its Distinguished Service to Agriculture award. The American Agricultural Economics Association honored him with a Distinguished Extension Program award in 1975, and five times has presented him with its Extension Outlook Committee’s Premier Forecaster award: in 1989 for crops, 1991 for livestock, 1994 for crops, 1999 for general business and overall forecasting, and 2000 for crops. Ferris’ community service includes many roles at Peoples Church where he is a past elder and currently co-chairs the 100th Anniversary Celebration. In 1968 he co-founded the non-profit Michigan Montessori Internationale, Inc. that established a pre-school and early elementary education program that serves about 150 students. He has been a continuing member of the school corporation’s board of trustees and has served in numerous other roles.
William E. Field (2009) - Bill Field is Extension Safety Specialist and Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue University. A native of New York, Field graduated in 1971 with a B.S. in Industrial Arts from State University College at Buffalo. He received both his M.A. in Agricultural Education and his Ed.D. in Vocational Education from the University of Minnesota in 1976 and 1978, respectively. Before joining the Purdue faculty in 1977, Field worked in New York as a high school agriculture instructor and as an agricultural mechanics instructor for upstate New York’s Otsego Area Occupational Center and as a power and machinery instructor for the University of Minnesota Technical College of Waseca. During his more than 30 years on the Purdue Agriculture faculty, Field has become recognized nationally and internationally as the leader in helping protect the safety of farm and rural residents and helping those with disabilities pursue livelihoods in agriculture and related fields. In 1979 he established the Breaking New Ground (BNG) Resource Center at Purdue to serve farmers and ranchers with disabilities who desired to remain active in their chosen profession. Since 1979 the center has responded to more than 45,000 requests for technical information on modifications to agricultural machinery and worksites and has conducted more than 350 workshops in the U.S., Canada and five other countries, produced over 60 technical publications and published over 30 issues of a national newsletter. BNG’s database of assistive technology for agricultural worksites is the most widely used in the world. Field led the development of one of the first World Wide Web sites on farm safety (farmsafety.org), and now oversees several that serve specific audiences. Field has made extensive use of the media to promote safer, healthier workplaces, preparing more than 575 news releases and participating in more than 335 interviews that include special reports by NPR, CNN, ABC, CBS’s 60 Minutes, Ag Day and other national syndicated programs. For nine years he administered Purdue’s THE CHAPs Program that provided therapeutic horseback riding and horse care experience for local children with disabilities. At its peak, THE CHAPs had three employees, over 100 volunteers and served 65 children a week. His greatest impact, though, may be through the employees and graduate students he has mentored. He has supervised the completion of 32 graduate degrees and is currently supervising 10 graduate students conducting research in agricultural safety and health. Field has served as a director and leader of numerous Indiana health and safety organization boards and advisory councils including: Indiana Society to Prevent Blindness (board member 1979-1990; chairman, Farm Eye Safety Committee 1978-1984); Hoosier Safety Council (1982-2001, chair of steering committee 1984-85; treasurer 1986-88; president 1991-92); Indiana Easter Seals Society (1988-1995); Indiana Rural Health Association (1998-2004); Indiana State Department of Health’s Injury Prevention Advisory Council (2003-present); Indiana Occupational Safety Standards Commission (1992-present); Indiana Arthritis Initiative (2002-present). On campus, Field served in the Purdue University Faculty Senate from 1985-87 and was president of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service Specialists Association (PUCESA) in 1980-81. He has served extensively with the National Safety Council including: Board of Directors (1993-97); Member, agricultural division (1979-2001; secretary 1988-90; chairman 1995-97); chairman, Joint Task Force to Study PTO-Related Accidents (1980-85); and chair, National Farm Safety and Health Week Committee (1997-99). Other regional and national service includes: American Society of Agricultural Engineers (T-2 Safety Committee, secretary 1979-81, chair 1984-86); National Institute for Farm Safety (board 2003-06); Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America (chair, Rural SIG Committee 1987-89); North Central Temporary (NCT) Agricultural Safety and Health Research and Extension Committee (chair 1998-99); National Institute for Farm Safety (co-chair summer conference planning committee, 1997); Assistive Technology in the Heartland Conference (chair, 1998-99). He is currently an associate editor of both ASAE’s Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health (since 1994) and Haworth Medical Press’s Journal of AgroMedicine (since 2008). Field has won numerous awards, including most notably: ASAE’s National Blue Ribbon (27 times for ag safety and rural rehabilitation materials); ASAE Young Extension Worker (1985); First Hoosier Safety Council Award (1987); USDA Superior Service Award (1989; two awards, one for rural health, one for drought response); Innovative Caregiver from the National Council on Aging (1997); Progressive Farmer Leader of the Year (2000); Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence in Educational Service to the Rural People of Indiana (2000); M. L. King Sprit of Justice Award (2004). In 2002, Governor Frank O’Bannon named Field a Sagamore of the Wabash.
Robert F. Fields (2000) - Bob Fields has been a successful in business, farming and government. But when you talk to folks who know him, they tell you of a man who has a strict code of honesty and fairness and whose word, according to one business associate, “is as good as the Bible.” By the time Fields received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University in 1951 and 1953, respectively, he had already served his country as a B-29 navigator in the China-Burma-India Theatre in WWII. For 37 years he owned R. F. Fields Implement Company, a John Deere dealership, in Lafayette. For many years, Fields was one of John Deere's leading dealers in the state. Fields' associates say that he would amaze customers and employees alike with his ability to recall every detail of a transaction, no matter how long ago it had occurred. This phenomenal grasp of detail and attention to “the numbers” earned Fields the respect of the John Deere organization and resulted in a customer base that was “the most loyal of any dealer's in my territory” says Larry Carr, former Territory Manager for John Deere Company. Fields was also a mentor to young farmers and provided much more than just equipment for their operations. His proximity to Purdue also meant that when agriculture classes, particularly those in farm management, had assignments that involved assembling prices and equipment specifications, the Fields dealership would be inundated with students. Says Lafayette farmer Gary Standiford, “Even though Bob was running a very busy dealership, he treated the students just like he treated the customers. He and his staff spent a lot of time working with them. Bob remembered what it was like to be a student, and he just wanted to help out.” He also helped a lot of young people as a major buyer at 4-H fair livestock auctions for many years. Fields was a sponsor of 4-H programs, and he was a major buyer at area 4-H fair livestock auctions for many years. Fields is still actively farming with his son, with farms in the Buck Creek and Brookston areas. The operation includes grain, hay and cattle feeding. Fields has been a member of the Livestock Feeder Association and the Indiana Beef Cattle Association. His Brookston farm hosted the M & W Farm Power Show in 1971. His community activities include service to local government as a Tippecanoe County Commissioner for two terms, 1972-1980. As one friend said, “Bob was already working 20 hour days. He sure didn't need another job, but he told me that he needed to do this to give back to the county.” Fields applied his business experience to help the county better manage its affairs, and his common sense approach and sense of fair play meant that constituents got fair and equal consideration of any problems or concerns they brought before the commissioners. Fields is a 28-year member of the Lafayette Rotary Club and a member of Lafayette's Central Presbyterian Church. He has served as the president of the advisory board for Alpha Gamma Rho agriculture fraternity, and he served on the board of trustees for Ivy Tech State College representing Region 4. He is currently serving on the board of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Trust Fund where, in administering the fund's scholarship programs, he continues to help young people pursue higher education.
Rome Findling (1958) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
John H. Frischie (2018) - Newton County bears numerous examples of John Frischie’s influence and impact. “John’s experiences as a teacher, team leader, administrator, and presenter have enabled him to assess a situation, develop a plan, and work with others to implement change,” said one of his nominators for the Certificate of Distinction. Frischie moved to Kentland in 1969, armed with a Purdue degree in Agricultural Education and memories of a junior-year internship at Seymour High School, “a foundation for my years as a teacher,” he wrote in 2012. His tenure with South Newton School Corp. began with 28 years as an ag education instructor and chairman of the vocational department. From 1997 to 2003, he was director of secondary education and technology, and for two years he was an administrative assistant. “The opportunity to see students’ expressions when they succeeded at something they said they couldn’t do motivated me to raise expectations for students,” he wrote. In 2016, when he received the Hall of Fame Award bestowed by the Kentland Area Chamber of Commerce, past students testified on his behalf. They perhaps noted his efforts to create opportunities in entrepreneurship areas, such as FFA career development activities, or hands-on activities at an array of test/ research plots. Others could cite the adult education classes in agribusiness management, farm computing, and mechanics. Frischie introduced the Junior Achievement program at South Newton in the late 1980s, was the first president and remains on the board today. Now director emeritus of the Newton County 4-H Fair Board, he served as a board member from 1987 to 2003 and as president from 1990 to 1995. Four new buildings or expansions at the fairgrounds occurred during those years. “One needs only to view his list of accomplishments and leadership responsibilities to understand that John can get things done and gather community support,” a nominator said. This and that • Charter president of Kentland Jaycees; on the original committees for the Kentland Corn Festival and George Ade Festival. • Member of Kentland Rotary Club since 2006, president in 2010-2011; trainer (55 clubs) and assistant governor coordinator for District 6540; on the administrative council and numerous committees; will be District Governor in 2020-21. In November was among 29 U.S. Rotarians who visited Rotarians in Mexico City; helped rebuild donated wheelchairs. • A member of the Newton County Purdue Extension Board since 2016. • Indiana Young Farmer Agribusiness Teacher of the Year in 1976, and Indiana Agriculture Teacher of the Year in 1997. • ‘“We were required to film a lesson we presented as a part of our coursework in Ag Ed at Purdue. I continued to videotape many of my classes to enable students to make up work missed. I knew that if I was bored by my own lesson as I reviewed it, just imagine what it would be like for a high school student. I often thought, ‘What would Dr. James Clouse, Bob Myers or Dale Butcher do in this situation?’”
M. L. Fisher (1943) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Barry Flinchbaugh (2021) - Dr. Flinchbaugh passed away after his nomination was received, thus making him the first posthumously-awarded Certificate of Distinction winner. He received his PhD in Agricultural Economics in 1971 and worked for Kansas State University for his entire career. Dr. Flinchbaugh was highly regarded for his work in public policy and led trade missions and People-to-People tours around the world.
Donald E. Foltz (1977) - Some people just seem to have the knack of tackling tough unpopular issues and hammering them through to their successful conclusion. Just such a man is Donald E. Foltz, Clinton, Indiana. Never one to sidestep an issue when his own convictions dictate that he move ahead, he has amassed an impressive array of accomplishments. Graduate, Highest Distinction, Purdue School of Agriculture; Masters Degree, University of Maryland; Veteran of Korean War; County Extension Agent for three years; Member, Indiana State Legislature, 1955-61; Majority Leader of the House, 1959-61; Active in the School Reorganization Act; Author of the Purdue Veterinary School Bill; Creator of the Indiana Department of Administration; Director, Indiana Department of Conservation, 1961-65. While Director of Conservation, Foltz acquired over 30,000 acres of land for recreational and conservation purposes at the Huntington, Salamonie, Mississinewa, and Monroe reservoirs. For the first time in several decades, he expanded over half of the Indiana state parks. He replaced the political patronage system in the Conservation Department with a merit system for professional workers. In 1963 he personally promoted a special cigarette tax for the establishment of the Indiana Museum. Don Foltz, who farms 800 acres in Vermillion County, is a man for his community, too. President, West Central Indiana Development District; President, Swope Art Gallery, Terre Haute; Organizing Chairman, Clinton State Bank; Member, Purdue Ag Alumni Board of Directors, 1965-75; Member, Purdue Alumni Association Board, 1972-75; President, Purdue Ag Alumni Association, 1971-74. It's a little more difficult to describe the informal attitudes that causes Don Foltz to strive to improve soil conservation practices, to activate school reorganization, and to get a new Church built in his community. Don Foltz, we congratulate you for the many causes you have “championed.” We thank you for standing on principle, oftentimes at great personal sacrifice. For “service beyond the call of duty” you richly deserve this Certificate of Distinction.
James Foster (1995) - James Foster embodies the role of .” Extension swine specialist.” For 34 years, Foster, who retired from Purdue last fall, used a variety of avenues to inform and educate pork producers in Indiana and across the nation. Foster is probably best known as the co-founder and co-leader of the national Pork Industry Handbook and as chairman of the nationally televised swine Extension education series. In nominating Foster for the Certificate of Distinction, one professor of animal sciences wrote, “Extension education and the role of the specialist have changed in the last 30 years, and Jim Foster has changed with the times as evidenced by the introduction of the televised swine Extension programs. This is the only swine program of its kind in the United States,” Another of Foster's former co-workers called the Pork Industry Handbook “a national gem for the swine industry.” Foster was an innovator in youth activities-he is largely responsible for the initiation of the annual Junior Pork Day and the Animal Science Workshop for Youth. Many of Indiana's swine organizations have benefited from Foster's leadership. He has served (secretary-treasurer of the Indiana Expert Swine Judges Association, secretary-treasurer of the Indiana Pork Producers Association, a member of the Hoosier Spring Barrow Show Executive Committee, and a member of the Indiana Pork Production Derby Advisory Committee. At Purdue, Foster wrote or co-wrote more than 80 extension publications and videos. He was (leader in collecting and disseminating information on producing and marketing leaner hogs and in on farm testing programs for seed stock producers. He also conducted research to- further aid his Extension programs. For his efforts, Foster has been honored with numerous awards, including the USDA Superior Service
Donald E. Frantz (1975) - One of the most subtle of leadership skills is to establish a position of respect, responsibility: and influence without subjugating those around you to the role of mere followers. Just that has been one of the skills of Don Frantz, Warsaw, Indiana. The esteem with which he is held by his fellow Extension workers, by agriculturalists where he has worked, and by the community leaders wherever he has lived, is undeniable. Don graduated from the Purdue School of Agriculture in 1939. Before going into the Army, he worked for the Farm Security Administration. As both an enlisted man and an officer in World War II, his record in both tank and amphibian forces was distinguished. Following the war, Don was appointed assistant county agent in Knox county. He was then transferred to Wells county as county agent for six years, then became county extension agent in Kosciusko county, where he served until his retirement in December of 1973. In 1971, Don was chosen “Man of the Year” by the Warsaw Chamber of Commerce. The Warsaw Times-Union said of him, “People like Don are essential to the forward movement of our community. The Extension office touches as many lives in our community, both rural and urban, as any other we know. Don Frantz is the ideal public servant, with a sense of civic responsibility that has carried him far beyond the call of duty.” Come to think of it, that defines Ag Alumni's Certificate of Distinction, too. We salute you, Don, for a good life.
Roscoe Fraser (1962) - ROSCOE R. FRASER, Monticello, is probably known by more people than any other Purdue staff member. An Extension Vegetable Crops Specialist, he joined the Purdue staff in 1933. Before that, he was vocational agriculture teacher, county agent, and a buck sergeant in World War I. People know Roscoe for these things:
- Pioneered muck crop development and commercial tomato production in Indiana.
- Vigorous and imaginative youth programs in horticulture.
- Second only to Governor Schricker in crowning tomato queens and kissing junior vegetable growers.
- Mr. Tomato of Indiana. (He has a wooden replica to prove it.)
- Creator of 'the potato to spudnik.
- Longtime promoter of the Muck Crops Show.
- Rooster crower organizer.
- Salesman of hotdogs and apples at Purdue athletic events.
- Encourager of long morning glory vines.
In addition, Roscoe' Fraser, was one of the early workers in the Ag Alumni Association, and one of the founders of the Ag Alumni Seed Improvement Association. Truly, Roscoe “gets the job done” when others say it is impossible. No job has looked too big or too ridiculous for him. While others stand back and say “I don't know about that,” he has the thing half done.
Eldon E. Fredericks (2008) - Eldon Fredericks retired in 1997 from Purdue University where he had served seven years as Education Technology Specialist and previously for eight years as Head of the Department of Agricultural Communications Service and Assistant Director, Cooperative Extension Service. A native of Elkhart County, Fredericks graduated from Purdue University in 1956 with a B.S. in Agriculture. He earned his M.S. in Extension Communication, also from Purdue, in 1969. Fredericks is a pioneer and innovator in extension communication, but he began his career, as did many of his generation, in the United States Army. After graduating from Purdue, he served two years of active duty as an information officer in the Army Ordinance Training Command in Maryland. In 1984 he retired after completing an additional 26 years in the Army Reserve where he used his extensive communication talent at postings throughout the United States, including three summers of active duty at the Pentagon. In 1958 Fredericks became publications editor for Purdue’s Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, serving until 1967 when he moved to the University of Minnesota as publications editor. He then served as acting head of the department of information and agricultural journalism at Minnesota from 1974 to 1977 before going to Michigan State to become manager of extension research information. After three years at Michigan State, he worked for one year at the U. S. Department of Agriculture in Washington in 1980 with the Science and Education Administration. In 1981 he came to Purdue as department head in Agricultural Communications Service and served for eight years, returning to USDA for a year in 1989 to work with the extension service on national computer networking. He continued this appointment half time until his retirement, though he returned to Purdue in 1990 as and Education Technology Specialist in the Department of Agricultural Communication Service. Fredericks was a true innovator and early adopter of computer technology in all aspects of extension communication. He recognized the benefits of this technology, and not only worked to implement it, but developed training programs to teach Extension professionals how to use it and how to teach their clients to use it. Early in his career he developed a computerized inventory system to predict publication usage and schedule revisions and printing. He later used an early computer (a cathode ray tube connected to a keyboard) to produce publications, and in 1979 he pioneered electronic transmission of news releases to newspapers. In the mid 1980’s he helped introduce thousands of Hoosiers to emerging computer technology through exhibits at the Indiana State Fair. During his stint at USDA in 1989 he helped bring Extension into the Internet world, and was part of the team that set up the first White House World Wide Web site. Back at Purdue, he developed the national water quality database of digitized Extension publications that could be retrieved by electronic mail, as well as a computerized photo and video feature that allowed high-speed transmission of field problems for identification and recommendation to Purdue’s Agronomy Department. In the mid 1990’s he developed a course to teach Extension staff how to use electronic mail, and the course was taught via electronic mail. Fredericks service activities to the profession are numerous and include Agricultural Communicators in Educator (ACE) (director 1977-82, vice president 1979-80, president-elect 1980-81, president 1981-82, and retirees director 1999-2001); Association of Agricultural Computing Companies (1981-85); Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists Association (1981-97) and Epsilon Sigma Phi (1970-present). Likewise Fredericks’ community service has been noteworthy. From 1984 to 1989 he served as faculty advisor to Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity, a period during which the house burned in the midst of a remodeling project. Other service to Alpha Gamma Rho includes: alumni board member (1991-present); Regional Vice President (1998); chaired 50th anniversary of 1956 AGR class, raising $100,000 scholarship endowment; annual organizer of Purdue AGR reunion in Florida. He is a volunteer for the Prophetstown Living History Farm, the Wabash and Erie Canal Center, and the Lafayette Historic Automobile Club (LHIAC) and has helped all three organizations to set up computerized membership data systems and, in the case of Prophetstown and LHIAC, a web page. From May to November he is a volunteer at the Dauch Alumni Center at Purdue, serving as receptionist and public relations host. Active in Immanuel Church of Christ, he has been elected an elder and served as president of the congregation, and he has chaired one ministerial search committee and served as a member of another. In Florida during the winter he and wife Marsha volunteer at the Community Congregational Church Thrift Store that raises $75,000 per year for local community and church charities. In his local housing community in Florida, he serves the housing association as secretary and has set up web pages to keep non-resident owners apprised of renovations and repairs. He also volunteers at the annual garage sale, raising $6,000 for community charities. Fredericks has received numerous awards for his professional and volunteer contributions, including the ACE Award of Excellence in Computers (1987); ACE Gold Award for Innovative Use of Communication Technology (1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997); USDA Team Superior Service Award (1989); Outstanding Fraternity Advisor, Purdue University (1986-87); and Outstanding Fraternity Advisor, Alpha Gamma Rho National Fraternity (1987-88).
Verne C. Freeman (1959) - Verne Freeman attended Purdue University and graduated in 1923 with a BSA and Masters Degree in 1926. He then held a position in Fairview, IN as a high school science teacher before coming to work for Purdue. While at Purdue he was the Assistant to the Dean and Instructor in Animal Husbandry; Assistant Dean of Agriculture; Associate Dean of Agriculture; and Dean of Resident Instruction for the School of Agriculture. He has numerous professional affiliations including: American Farm Economic Association, American Society of Animal Production, American Association of University Professors, delegate representing Purdue University in the National Collegiate Athletic Association, Big Ten representative for Purdue University, and director of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association. His Fraternal affiliations range from Past Grand President of Alpha Gamma Rho to Past High Chancellor of Alpha Zeta to 33rd Degree Mason. He also served as an elder and Trustee of First Christian Church and a trustee of the Harrison Trails Council of the Boy Scouts of America.
I. F. Garrott (1946) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Fay C. Gaylord (1955) - Fay C. Gaylord, Lafayette, Indiana, attended normal school and taught county schools for three years before attending Purdue University. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture in 1917 and joined the department of Horticulture as an extension specialist in vegetable crops. He organized production clubs such as the 400 Bushel of Potatoes Club and promoted sound horticultural practices. He introduced the first bushel, the first carload, and the first trainload of certified seed potatoes in Indiana. Outstanding among his accomplishments was the development of grades for tomatoes. These standards have been accepted as United States grades and from coast to coast tomatoes are purchased on the basis of his original work done in 1926. Occasionally his work has been too far ahead of his times. Research on pre-packaging, now nearly 10 years old, while not at first accepted, is today coming into its own. Fay was one of the organizers of the Purdue Threshing Crew. He was one of the sponsors of a State Fair Barbecue which resulted in a deficit and had much to do with the birth of the Agricultural Alumni Seed Improvement Association. The original note which guaranteed the debts of the Purdue Agrimiltural Alumni Association for its Seed Improvement Association activities was signed by F. C. Gaylord and L. E. Hoffman. Fay Gaylord has served as the Secretary-Treasurer of the Indiana Vegetable Growers Association, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Seed Improvement Association and as President of n National Association of marketing officials. His untiring devotion to the ideals of service has been an inspiration and a challenge to his colleagues.
William Gehring (1946) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Nola J. Gentry (2010) - Nola Gentry is Manager and Corporate Treasurer of Gentry Farms, Inc., a 950-acre grain farm in Tippecanoe County which also includes a Becks Hybrids seed dealership. She is also a Director of the Farmers State Bank in Brookston. A native of Hamilton County, Gentry graduated from Purdue University in 1974 with a B.S. in Family Economics. Upon graduation from Purdue, Gentry became an Assistant Cashier at the Farmers State Bank in Brookston. She continued her education with graduate courses at Purdue; receiving both standard and basic certificates from the American Institute of Banking in 1979; and completing the Ag Banking School at Purdue in 1981. In 1981 she took over as manager of her family’s farming operations in Tippecanoe County. In 1986 she became a director of Farmers State Bank. From 1989 to 1990, Gentry was the District Office Manager of the U. S. Bureau of the Census, responsible for census operations in 20 Indiana counties, and completed the task substantially under budget. From 1990 to 1996 she served on the Tippecanoe County Commission. During her service on the Commission, she held numerous leadership positions including: Chair, Wildcat Creek Solid Waste Management Board; Chair, Legislative Committee, Association of Indiana Counties (1995); and Treasurer, Indiana Association of County Commissioners (1996). She is also a past member of both the Tippecanoe Economic Development Commission and the West Lafayette Redevelopment Commission. In 2005, Gentry was appointed by Gov. Mitch Daniels to the Indiana State Soil Conservation Board, and since 2008 has served as Chair of the Board. Gentry’s community service record is extensive. She has served on the board of numerous organizations, including: YWCA, YWCA Foundation, Harrison Kiwanis Club, United Way of Greater Lafayette, Meals on Wheels, and the American Cancer Society – Tippecanoe County Unit. Organizations she has served as both board member and president include: The Museums at Prophetstown (Historic Prophetstown); Indiana 4-H Foundation; and Shared Enterprise Management, Inc., the non-profit owner of the Howarth Center which houses seven non-profit agencies and an office of the Indiana Vocational Rehab Department. She is a member and past treasurer of the League of Women Voters of Greater Lafayette, and is a member of the Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce where she serves on both the Third House and Federal Government Committees. Gentry is a passionate supporter of Purdue University, especially women’s athletics. She is a member and past president of the Boilermaker Network (women’s basketball booster club) and a past board member of the Gold Block Volleyball Booster Club. She also served on the Purdue Alumni Association Board as the Region One representative. Her leadership roles at First United Methodist Church of West Lafayette have included: Lay Leader; Trustee; Chair, Education Committee; and Chair, Relocation and Building Project ($5 million) from 2001-04. In 2001, in conjunction with its 75th anniversary, Purdue’s College of Consumer and Family Sciences honored Gentry as one of 75 recipients of its Hidden Diamond Award, designed to recognize “unsung heroes” who had not previously been honored by the college but who have been “instrumental in inspiring families and building communities.”
Gary J. Geswein (2000) - As an agriculture education teacher, Gary Geswein has few peers. But as a motivator of young people and as a developer of agriculture programs, Geswein is definitely in a class by himself. Harrison County Extension Director Gerald Dryden called him “the most capable and responsive vocational agriculture teacher that I have encountered in twenty years of Extension assignments.” Geswein received his B.S. in Vocational Agriculture Education from Purdue University in 1969. For the next five years, he was a vocational agribusiness instructor for school systems in Franklin and Crothersville. In 1974 Geswein received his M.S. in Vocational Education from Purdue, and later that year he became a State Consultant in Vocational Agribusiness Education for the Department of Public Instruction. In this position, Geswein served as the Horticulture, Cooperative and In-service coordinator and was the Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Indiana Young Farmers Association. After nearly 10 years in the state office, the North Harrison Community School Corporation persuaded Geswein in 1984 to accept the challenge of reviving a defunct vocational agriculture program. The move also allowed Geswein to be actively engaged in farming with his brothers on Geswein Farms in Floyd and Harrison counties. In fifteen years, the North Harrison ag education program went from zero to more than 200 students enrolled at a high school of 800 students. An additional 130 students are enrolled in agriculture at North Harrison Middle School. And the program that had died for lack of interest became so popular under Geswein’s leadership that a second full time agriculture teacher had to be hired. Geswein has worked with other local agriculture agencies to develop curriculum and educational programs, including a firearm safety program, a farm safety program for farmers and farm safety seminars for local emergency medical technicians. Throughout his career, Geswein has served in numerous professional organizations. He is a past member of the National Agriculture Supervision Association and National Young Farmer Executive Committee. Geswein served as president of both the Indiana FFA Alumni and the Indiana Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association (IVATA). He is on the steering committee and chairs the spouses committee for the Indiana Vocational Association (IVA). At the national level, Geswein served as summer conference chair and as alternate Region IV vice president of the National Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association (NVATA). He is also an active member of the American Vocational Association (AVA), Classroom Teachers Association (CTA), Indiana State Teachers Association (ISTA) and the National Education Association (NEA). Geswein has been a member of the board and served on the finance and personnel committees of the Indiana FFA Foundation. He has also served his local church as a member of the parish council. All three high schools Geswein served have awarded him an FFA Honorary Chapter Degree. Both American FFA and Indiana FFA presented him with Honorary Degrees and the state chapter presented him with its Outstanding Service Award. Geswein has been named Indiana’s Outstanding Young Vocational Agriculture Teacher and was honored by IVATA with its District Outstanding Program and Teacher award. He has also received the Outstanding Service Award from both IVA and NVATA.
W. Phil Gordon (2007) - Phil Gordon retired in 2003 as the County Extension Director and Leadership Community Development Educator in Elkhart County, completing a career as a counselor and an educator that included service at universities and public school corporations, and 21 years with Purdue’s Cooperative Extension Service. Gordon graduated from Purdue University in 1965 with a B.S. in Animal Sciences. He continued his studies at Ball State University, earning an M.A. in Counseling Psychology in 1968, an Ed.D. in Counseling and Psychology Guidance in 1972, and a Superintendent’s License in 1976. Gordon began his career by serving two years as a residence hall counselor at Purdue. From 1967 to 1970 he was an agriculture teacher, work experience coordinator and guidance counselor for the Delaware Metropolitan School District. For the next year worked for the Randolph Circuit court as a Probationary Court Counselor. He then worked for two years at Grand Valley State University in the Counseling Center and Educational Studies. From 1974 to 1982 he worked in various capacities for the Pike Township schools in Marion County, including elementary guidance counselor. During his first six years with the school district, he also served as the Pike Township 4-H program supervisor. In 1982 Gordon joined Purdue Extension as Marion County’s 4-H Program Coordinator and Youth Educator. In 1986 Gordon moved to Elkhart County to become the County Extension Director. Gordon’s career achievements have been numerous, but some of his most innovative and lasting accomplishments have been to improve the Elkhart County community through long range and comprehensive planning activities. Through his land use efforts, the county adopted one of the state’s first agricultural zoning ordinances that protected large farms from nuisance complaints. For nine years he was a member of the Purdue Extension Land Use Team, the first-ever collaboration of county educators and campus specialists devoted to working on a public issue. The Land Use Team trained more than 1,300 local plan commission staff members and gave guidance to numerous communities as they developed plans or revised their zoning. In the early 1990’s he led the Take Charge program that identified communication and efficiency needs in Elkhart County government, creating two monthly forums that still meet. The Elkhart County-Elkhart City Advisory Board brings political, business and community leaders to discuss community issues and activities. A second group, the Inter-Government Forum, brings government leaders together to discuss policy and community-wide coordination. In 2000 Gordon led the effort to construct a new Extension Office/USDA Service Center at the county fairgrounds. Gordon served on numerous local boards and his leadership record includes: Elkhart County Park and Recreation Board President 1993-94; Elkhart County Plan Commission President 1992-93; Elkhart County 4-H Fair Board, Executive Board and Long Range Planning Committee. In retirement he has been a member of Kosciusko County Fair Board since 2003 and leads the effort to develop and master plan as the facilitator for the Long Range Planning Committee. He was an active member of the First United Methodist Church of Goshen from 1987-2003 and has been a Goshen Rotarian since 1987. At the state level, he served on the boards of the Indiana Council for Economic Education (1987-2003) and the Indiana 4-H Foundation (1991-95). He has been active for 21 years in the Indiana Association of County and District Fairs, serving as Hall of Fame Chair from 2001-03. Gordon’s influence has extended far beyond Elkhart County, as he has participated in a Rotary International Group Study Exchange to Japan in 1993 and worked with dairy farmers in Uzbekistan as a representative of Winrock International in 1999. He was selected in 1992 as a participant in the National Extension Leadership Development (NELD) North Central Region program. In 2001 Gordon was honored by Purdue Extension with the Senior Innovator Award in Community Development and Public Policy. In 2002 he received the National Extension International Award for Service. Also in 2002, the Purdue Extension Land Use Team, of which Gordon was a nine-year member, received the Dean's Team Award from Purdue Dean of Agriculture Vic Lechtenberg.
Jay Gould (1968) - Every school of agriculture around the county has its dean. Northeastern Indiana has its own “Dean of Agriculture.” He is Jay Gould, Farm Service Director of Radio Station WOWO, Fort Wayne, Indiana Jay was born on a farm near Kalamazoo, Michigan. He was educated in a one room country school and later attended four universities. During what he calls, “the adventure of my life,” he worked as a farmer, lumberjack, iron miner, educator, musician, composer, playwright, naturalist, and essayist. Gould's radio career spans well over 30 years. He began, rather surprisingly, as a creator of children's programs for NBC. Since 1941, he has concentrated his efforts on broadcasting and lecturing in the field of agriculture. His “Little Red Barn” is faithfully followed by millions of listeners. His energy seems limitless. A rather typical schedule for him is to rise at 3:00 a.m. to prepare for his early morning program, then on to preparing for his noon broadcast. After a busy afternoon, he moves out that evening to lecture to some farm or urban audience on his agricultural philosohpy. Then, a little sleep and back to the station he goes. The most notable characteristic of this man is his unending belief in agriculture and his unquenchable thirst to know and tell more about this field he loves so much. As a matter of fact, he has worked directly with 0ur Ag Alumni Association. He was one of the originators of the “Brain Train” which brought over 300 students to Purdue in 1964 to attend Operation Brainpower College Day. Jay Gould has been described thusly, “The philosophies, the poetry, the sound science, earthy common sense and humor of this unique gentleman have made him both student and scholar, master and servant, to the millions of people to whom his name is a household word.” We salute you!
Thomas E. Graham (1975) - Thomas E. Graham, Washington, Indiana, is a member of one of Indiana's more notable families. At some time in his life, he must have been tempted to just sit back and take it easy, and let those who must do the toiling and straining. But, that's not the kind of stuff Tom Graham's made of. You will find him knee deep in mud on a wet spring day, driving cattle on a hot dusty day, helping his neighbors with a watershed program, or possibly engaging in the multifaceted chores of a Purdue trustee. No, life's not very easy for Tom Graham. That's the way he chose it. Tom graduated from the Purdue School of Agriculture in 1942. He served in World War II as a Naval officer in both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters. After the war, Tom returned to Daviess county to enter the family farm corporation. He now is vice-president of Graham Farms, Inc., which consists of more than 5,000 acres, part of which has been in the family for more than 125 years. They now produce corn, soybeans and cattle. Until recently, they were one of the largest turkey growers in the country. He also is vice-president of the Graham Cheese Corporation at Elnora. Well, you say, that's where it will end. Not so ... Tom Graham has served his community well. He is a former director of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association. He is now serving his third term as a Purdue trustee. For ten years, he was president of the Daviess County Soil Conservation Board of Supervisors. He and his group organized one of the first small watershed programs in the state. Tom also has been active in the business of the Wabash Valley Association and served as its vice-president. He was the first president of the Indiana Forage Council, and he supports and lends his leadership to many other agricultural causes. Tom Graham is fiercely loyal to his agricultural profession and believes unstintingly in its destiny. For that, we salute him with this Certificate of Distinction.
Claude Gramelspacher (1955) - Claude Gramelspacher was born in Jasper, Indiana. He is a graduate of Jasper High School and obtained a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue in 1916. During World War I he served as a pilot in the U. S. Air Force. After discharge from service his duties have been varied and many. In the business world he has devoted much energy to the direction of the Jasper Veneer Mills, Jasper Wood and Products Company and the Jasper Novelty Furniture Company. He is president of the Gramelspacher Farms Inc., a family corporation that operates some 2400 acres of land. His time and effort was extremely helpful in founding the Purdue Southern Indiana Forage Farm. He has long been an advocate of practical soil conservation and has served as Chairman of the Soil Conservation District Committee, Du Bois County District since this committee was first organized. At present he is president of the Jasper City school board. His volunteer leadership in Boy Scouts of America has been outstanding and has been recognized on local and regional levels by administrators of the Boy Scout movement.
Dale Griffin (2020) - Dale Griffin provides a host of opportunities for students at Rossville Jr.-Sr. High School to take what they learn and put it into action in their community and beyond. From state FFA and 4-H contests to community service projects, his reach goes well beyond the classroom. “Dale views all of his teaching, advising and coaching in school, FFA and 4-H as continuous and interwoven,” says Dr. Natalie Carroll, a professor in the Department of Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication, Purdue University. “He is motivated to assist youth in any way he can to help them learn and become competent, caring adults.” Griffin teaches a variety of agricultural sciences classes at Rossville and co-advises the FFA chapter with his wife, Christina, and Jesse Davis. More than 3,300 students have passed through his classroom over the last 33 years. “Dale’s impact on his middle and high school is enormous. From teaching subject matter, to life skills, to service training, and creating both personal and community ethics, his reach is immeasurable,” Carroll says. “He has introduced career opportunities and personal growth experiences to all his students.” Each year he coaches student teams participating in 4-H and FFA Career Development Events. Many of his teams have won state events and moved on to win national contests, including the North American International Envirothon Competition. In 2013, as a member of the national planning committee, Griffin helped bring the National Wildlife Habitat Education Contest to Indiana. According to Dr. Rod Williams, chair of the national committee, he was devoted to providing the best experience possible during the weeklong event. “I was impressed with his excitement, passion, work ethic and Purdue pride,” says Williams, a professor and Extension wildlife specialist, Purdue University. “He received no fewer than two standing ovations from the participants.” During his time at Rossville, the high school has had three students elected to the Indiana FFA State Officer team and one to the National FFA Officer team. “His leadership of Rossville FFA is in its second generation of students, which means the spirit of community service and commitment to leadership is evident in Rossville residents from ages 14 to 40-plus. What an impact!” says Dr. B. Allen Talbert, coordinator of Purdue University’s Agricultural Education Program. If you live in Clinton County, you have seen Griffin’s students in action. Griffin oversees student crews as they annually landscape 20 homes in the community. In 2019, Rossville FFA members picked more than 4,300 dozen ears of sweet corn worth $13,000 at Meadow Lane Farms in Frankfort to donate to local food banks and other organizations. The chapter volunteers at the Clinton County Farm and Conservation Camp; organizes a breakfast with Santa and the animals; tests local waterways for water quality in conjunction with the Soil and Water Conservation District; and raises pheasants to release in the county every two years. “I am continuously amazed and in awe of Mr. Griffin’s ability to share his vision for the future of agriculture with so many people by transferring his innate intellectual curiosity and work ethic to individuals on a 24/7 basis,” says Michael Priest, mathematics instructor at Rossville High School. Griffin opens his classroom to aspiring agricultural educators by partnering with Purdue’s Department of Agricultural Science Education and Communication. He’s hosted more than 80 Purdue students for early field experiences and weekly visits to observe his classes. Since 1990, Griffin has been a cooperating teacher for 17 Purdue agricultural education student teachers. Fourteen are still teaching and one is a university professor. “Mr. Griffin’s passion to serve people of all ages in the agribusiness industry is only surpassed by his unbound enthusiasm for helping people within the broad spectrum of the area we call agriculture,” Priest says. THIS AND THAT • B.S. Animal Sciences, Purdue, 1981; B.S. Agricultural Education, Purdue, 1983; M.S., Agricultural Education, Purdue, 1985. • Morning Sunshine Farm co-owner with his wife, Christina. • Honored as National Young Ag Teacher, 1992. • USDA Living to Serve Award to Rossville FFA Chapter, 2010. • Resurrected the Forestry FFA Career Development Event, 2013. • Received the Purdue University College of Agriculture Distinguished Alumni Award in 2015, and the College of Agriculture Distinguished Alumni Award, Department of Animal Sciences, in 2011. • Indiana State Fair volunteer in livestock barns and as forestry projects judge. • Member of Clinton County Extension Board, past president. • Past Swine and Sheep superintendent, Clinton County Fair. • Russiaville Friends Church Board Member, 1992-present.
Don Griffith (1996) - Don Griffith, a Purdue University agronomist since 1968, is considered by his peers to be the foremost authority in the Midwest on conser¬vation tillage. His major contribution has been to provide information on conservation tillage planting systems for corn and soybean production that both increases profitability and pro¬tects our state's soil and water resources. He has received awards for his work from Purdue University Coop¬erative Extension Specialist Associa¬tion, the American Society of Agronomy, the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, and the Soil and Water Conservation Society. He is listed in Who's Who in Technolo¬gy Today. He has worked as an agronomist for Libby-McNeil & Libby and Pur¬due University and has been active in the Indiana Cooperative Extension Service, Soil and Water Conserva-tion Society, Farm Bureau, Ameri¬can Society of Agricultural Engi¬neering and other organizations. He was coordinator and chair of tillage research for more than 25 years. Griffith has held membership in Alpha Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta and Epsilon Sigma Phi.
Lloyd Franklin Grove (2002) - Frank Grove’s service to agriculture throughout his career has been rendered through his unselfish service to others—his colleagues and coworkers whose professional successes were directly dependent on the exemplary level of cooperation that Frank Grove gave to each of them during a 35 year career. A native of Clinton County, Frank began his career with Purdue University in 1958, working in routine farm operations for the Dairy Department. Four years later, he became part of the operations staff of the new department, Animal Sciences, which combined the staffs of the former Dairy, Poultry and Animal Husbandry departments. Several years later he was promoted to the position of farm foreman, responsible for managing all of the field operations for the department’s farms. He was a key player in combining the formerly separate departments into one cohesive unit. Retired director of Purdue Ag Centers Horace Paarlberg said that “although Frank’s title did not change for 35 years, he developed his responsibilities to a level never performed before.” In the late 1960’s, he oversaw the relocation of the farming operations from West Lafayette to the current location near Montmorenci, a transition period during which he managed crop production on more than 4,000 acres. A big undertaking for any farmer, Frank accomplished this monumental task while maintaining uninterrupted service to the feeding operations of all the livestock units and their numerous large animal research projects. Several of Frank’s nominators noted his mentoring of Animal Sciences students as one of his greatest contributions to our profession. One of those former student workers, Larry Underwood, now the coordinator of the Animal Sciences Research and Education Center, said Frank often became a “father figure to young men who needed guidance.” Researchers in the Animal Sciences Department depended on Frank’s support for the success of their projects, and in Frank they found a willing and able partner. Whatever special needs that projects required, Frank was willing to devise a plan to make it work, whether it meant planting a special crop, handling crops and feedstuffs in special and unusual ways, or procuring by-products from a local factory for a special nutrition trial. One nominator said Frank’s work has contributed to the success of research work conducted by virtually every member of the Animal Sciences faculty in recent years. Professor Tip Cline called Frank’s contribution to these endeavors “one of Indiana’s best kept secrets.” Paarlberg noted that Frank’s assistance extended to many of Purdue’s distinguished faculty members, including Agronomy graduate student Vic Lechtenberg who presently serves as Dean of Agriculture. Frank’s service activities at Purdue included many of the special events and activities conducted by the School of Agriculture, including field days, Farm Progress Shows and our own Purdue Ag Fish Fry. For many years, he was a faithful member of the Fish Fry set-up and serving crews. Frank is a long time member of Crestview United Brethren, where he teaches Adult Sunday School, is on the Board of Administration and previously served 10 years as church treasurer. In 1989, he was honored by USDA with an Award for Superior Service as part of the Purdue Drought Response Team that provided service to Indiana Agriculture during the 1988 Drought. Nominator Harry Pearson summed it up best by saying “if there was ever an ‘unsung hero,’ a person who has given tirelessly and unselfishly to help others be successful in their professional careers, that person is Frank Grove.” Frank, for your service to the agricultural profession above and beyond the call of duty, it is my pleasure to award you this day, the Purdue Ag Alumni Association’s Highest Award, the Certificate of Distinction.
Nancy Guernsey (1995) - Nancy Guernsey is dedicated to Indiana agriculture, She shows it by increasing awareness about agriculture and garnering support wherever possible, In her two years as chairman of Purdue CARET (Council on Agriculture Research I Extension, and Teaching), Guernsey has helped Indiana lawmakers understand the Purdue School of Agriculture's efforts in research, Extension and teaching, “She has been an advocate of Extension and technology for years,” says one individual in support of her nomination for the Certificate of Distinction, “She is a great organizer,” notes Guernsey's nomination. “She took the state CARET organization to a level at which every area of Indiana has held a summer briefing for members of the General Assembly, She doesn't use Purdue people to tell the public about Purdue; she uses-clients very effectively to demonstrate the success of Purdue programs.” Guernsey is an avid supporter of Extension in Boone County, serving on the local Extension board as well as the 4-H Awards Committee, Guernsey also keeps records for the Boone County 4-H Swine Show. In 1989, Guernsey served as co-chairman 0 the Boone County Farrr Fest, a tour of local farm that attracted approximately 1,500 non-farmers In 1993 Guernsey, along with husband Robert and son Bruce hosted a group of Hungarian farmers a their own farm, a grain swine and beef operation In addition to her effort: on behalf of agriculture Guernsey is involved with the Appalachian Service Project, which assists with construction work for poverty-stricken families.
Robert Guernsey (1995) - Robert Guernsey is considered a spokesman for the Extension and research programs of the land-grant system, as well as Midwest agriculture, He tells his story to a variety of audiences, from county extension boards to members of Congress. Guernsey is known for his support of the land grant mission. His most notable support has come through his involvement in the national and state CARET(Council on Agriculture Research, Extension, and Teaching) groups, Guernsey has served as chairman of Purdue CARET and president of National CARET.As a member of CARET, Guernsey has testified before congressional hearings on behalf of research and extension. He also chaired the first annual statewide Purdue CARET Legislative Day at the Capitol in Indianapolis in 1984. A grain, hog and cattle farmer from Boone County, Guernsey is involved in nearly all facets of agriculture. He is active in commodity groups, local extension and 4-H boards and the Indiana Farm Bureau. He has been honored with numerous awards, including the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service Friend of Extension Award and the Indiana 4-H Alumni Award. Guernsey's nomination for the Certificate of Distinction includes the notation, "Despite his extra duties nationally, Bob never loses sight of his ties locally, to Boone County, Purdue University and to the state of Indiana," Guernsey is praised for his fiscal responsibility in overseeing Extension programs and has tailored programs to fit many counties, at their request. He and his wife Nancy, who also is a leader in CARET and other agricultural organizations, have been called "two of the truly creative thought leaders in Indiana agriculture.”
Chester Hackleman (1963) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Noah Hadley (1966) - Professor Hadley's efforts contributed materially to passage by the U.S. Congress in 1954 of a special appropriation for Farm and Home Development work across the nation. He is widely recognized for his keen analytical ability and excellence as a teacher. He is highly respected for his Long Range Outlook projections. Noah began his Purdue career as a County Agent in 1930, serving successfully in Franklin, Fulton, and Parke Counties. While in Parke County, he pioneered the unit approach to farm planning. He joined the Agricultural Economics staff in 1945 as a Farm Manage-ment Specialist where he developed and expanded the individual farm planning work to a state wide activity. Following his retirement, in 1971, he has continued to be sought as a consultant. He has received numerous honors. They include the Certificate of Distinction from the Purdue Ag Alumni Association in 1966, the Outstanding Extension Pro-gram Award of the American Agricultural Economics Association in 1969, and the Career Award of the Extension Specialists Association, also in 1969. Both the Federal Intermediate Credit Bank (Louisville) and the Indiana Bankers Association presented him with recognition awards. He continued to pursue his interest in good bird dogs, bird hunting, golfing, and fishing after his retirement. B.S.A. Purdue, 1930
Roger Hadley II (2020) - Roger Hadley II is considered a pioneer in the use of soy biodiesel in Indiana. He started mixing soy biodiesel on his northeastern Indiana farm in the 1990s, before it was widely distributed or used. “He was instrumental in promoting soy biodiesel as an alternative fuel,” says Tom Bechman, editor of Indiana Prairie Farmer. “That effort alone has far-reaching consequences beyond the borders of his farm, Woodburn and Allen County. Roger has made a real difference in this area.” After graduating from Purdue University, Hadley started his career at Maumee Valley Seeds, Inc. in 1975, spending 12 years in various roles, including research manager, before leaving to farm full-time. He currently grows corn and soybeans and raises cattle for freezer beef. Hadley makes it a priority to be involved in organizations that better his industry today and into the future. “His commitment to production agriculture is unparalleled as is his commitment to improving the Indiana agricultural industry,” says Chris Novak, former CEO of Indiana Soybean Alliance and current CEO of CropLife America. “Roger approaches all his work with a zeal and enthusiasm that helps ensure success.” In his involvement with Indiana Soybean Alliance and American Soybean Association, Hadley understood the importance of advocating for farmers at a grassroots level at the Statehouse and in Washington, D.C. He also served on the agriculture advisory councils for two former U.S. representatives. He made it his mission to encourage more farmers to join the soybean associations. “Indiana’s soybean organizations face an uphill battle convincing our independent-minded farmers about the benefits of cooperation. Roger has been able to overcome this mindset,” Novak says. “Roger treats every meeting and business transaction as a membership opportunity.” Over the last 30 years, Hadley has recruited hundreds of farmers as members of the soybean organizations and in 2007 received the American Soybean Association Membership Lifetime Achievement Award for his efforts. “I have worked with Roger over the years on projects which support the Indiana and American soybean growers, and his demeanor is always one of convincing people to follow his lead,” says Sonny Beck, CEO of Beck’s Hybrids. He was a charter member of the Indiana Grain Indemnity Board in 2008 and served on the Farm Credit Services Advisory Board through 2019 and the Allen County Extension Office Advisory Council. “Roger is truly the go-to guy when we are looking for a thoughtful, common sense farmer and leader,” says Don Villwock, former president of Indiana Farm Bureau. He supports the Woodlan FFA Chapter by serving on its advisory board and allowing the chapter to host 2,000 kindergartners on his farm each spring. Hadley also served on the Indiana FFA Foundation for three years. Hadley has given back to Purdue University as past president of the Ag Alumni Association board of directors and a representative on the Purdue Alumni Association board. He served on the Dean’s advisory council and the Department of Agronomy advisory council. In 2008, Hadley received the College of Agriculture Distinguished Alumni Award for the Department of Agronomy. “Roger is a great ambassador for Purdue and role model for young people who desire to have careers in agriculture. His love of agriculture and energy will provide benefits to many for years to come,” says Bill Johnson, Purdue professor of weed science. Roger met his wife, Vickie, at Purdue, and they married in 1978. After 41 years as an educator, Vickie retired from Purdue Extension. Their two children are graduates from Purdue’s College of Agriculture. The couple has seven grandchildren. THIS AND THAT • B.S. Agricultural Economics/Farm Business Management, 1975, Purdue. • American Soybean Association, DuPont Young Leader, 1988; and board of directors (1996-2005), vice president of membership (1998-2001). • United Soybean Board, board of directors, 2010-2013. • Indiana Soybean Growers Association, president (1994-1995), vice president (1992-1993), director (1989-1999), membership chairman (6 years). • Indiana soybean checkoff, board of directors, 1991-2013. • Allen County Farm Bureau president, 2009-present; Indiana Farm Bureau member, 1980-present; and American Farm Bureau Soybean Advisory Board, 1996-1999. • National FFA American Farmer Degree, 1973; Indiana FFA Honorary Member Degree, 2002; Woodlan High School Honorary FFA Chapter Degree, 2002; Purdue University Alumni Award of Merit, Gamma Sigma Delta Honorary, 2002; and Indiana Prairie Farmer Master Farmer, 2005. • Serves the Woodburn United Methodist Church in various roles; currently vice chairman.
F. Howard Halderman (2023) - Howard Halderman, Wabash, Indiana
The writer of a lengthy letter in support of Howard Halderman’s nomination for a Certificate of Distinction concluded with a lament: “I don't know that I have adequately expressed the impact he has had on Wabash County.”
The Halderman family has deep roots in the county. After his 1988 Purdue graduation – he majored in agriculture and received the G.A. Ross Award, presented to a top senior male – Halderman joined the family business, Halderman Farm Management Service, Inc. In 1990 he co-founded Halderman Real Estate Services, Inc. He’s president and owner of both corporations. The former manages $2 billion worth of properties scattered across the nation. The latter corporation has grown to sales and/or acquisitions of more than $250 million of farm properties and makes 1,200 appraisals annually.
Another supporter noted Halderman’s 30-plus years of civic involvement – and his big-picture skills: “His entrepreneurial nature, coupled with his commitment to the organizations, allows him to act as a strategic connector. I appreciate that he sees cooperative partnership opportunities that many might not recognize, and he takes the time to share those thoughts and make introductions.”
Halderman has been on the board of the Honeywell Foundation, a nonprofit that supports the arts and culture, since 2011, and chairman since 2018. Early on he led the facilities committee, and the purchase of the Eagles Theater led to a renovation project that contributed to the city being recognized in 2014 as one of Indiana’s Stellar Communities. That state program provides resources for transformative quality of place community improvements.
“Howard is a multi‐skilled businessperson and an agri‐business expert,” a banking company chief executive says. “And yet, his judgment and people skills are most prominent in my mind. He is extremely generous with his time and knowledge.”
Halderman’s long ties to the county hospital helped smooth the transition when the much-bigger Parkview Health system took control. “It is easy for a small critical access hospital to get lost in the daily work of a large system,” the Parkview Wabash Hospital president says. As board chairman, Halderman “is consistently bringing Wabash to the forefront in identifying our successes, asking for assistance when we need it and providing new ideas for accomplishing goals.”
Robert K. Halderman (1993) - Robert K. Halderman, a native of Wabash, was cited for leading the Halderman Farm Management Service. Founded in 1930 by his father, ROBERT R. Howard, the HALDERMAN firm has become one of the largest professional farm management and farm real estate firms in the country. Halderman was graduated from Wabash High School in 1954, completed a B.S. degree in general agriculture at Purdue in 1958, and returned to the family business. He managed the home farm, taking leave to spend six months in the U.S. Army at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in 1959. The Halderman Farm Managemen.t Service now manages over 700 farms, over 145,000 acres of farmland, and over $261,000,000 of farm property in six states, and employs 26 people. Halderman has served as president of the Indiana Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. He is also a member of the American Society of Farm Managers, serving on several committees and participating in numerous workshops. Halderman was an incorporator of the Frances Slocum Bank and Trust, Wabash, and is vice president of the board of directors. He is a member of the Wabash Chamber of Commerce, and serves on the board of direc-' tors of WEDCOR an organization of residents interested in Industrial Park Development. Halderman is president of the Wabash Kiwanis Club, United Fund board of directors, and the Northfield Area Booster Club. He served as director of the Wabash Chamber of Commerce and the Wabash Country Club. He is also a member of the Masons, Shriners, and Big Brother Organization. An ardent supporter of education; Halderman has actively sponsored the Wabash County Future Farmers of America Award, and has received the FF A honorary chapter degree for the service to the Northfield chapter. He is a member of the Acacia Fraternity board of directors, and the John Purdue Club. He is a frequent guest speaker in Purdue agricultural economics classes. Halderman has also received the Boy Scouts of American Guardian Member plaque and the Distinguished Service Award. Halderman and his wife, Janet have two sons
Ed C. Hamke (1943) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
P. Allen Hammer (2006) - Allen Hammer is a Professor in the Purdue College of Agriculture’s Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, where he has served on the faculty since 1973 with an appointment in floriculture extension and research. A native of North Carolina, he received his B. S. in Horticultural Science from North Carolina State University in 1967. He earned his M. S. in Floriculture in 1970, and his Ph.D. in Floriculture and Statistics in 1973, both from Cornell University. Hammer joined the Purdue faculty in 1973, and has spent the past 33 years serving the Indiana floriculture industry and, in the words of one nominator “keeping floriculture and floriculture and Purdue in the forefront.” He established and maintains the Purdue greenhouse media analysis lab, which serves as a critical resource for the Indiana greenhouse industry. He was the key technical advisor during the construction of Purdue’s new greenhouse complex, a state of the art facility that has been used as a model by numerous other institutions for their construction projects. He is frequent invited speaker at regional, national and international scientific and professional floriculture meetings. One nominator described him as “one of very few culture advisors of national prominence in the floriculture industry today.” Hammer is the lead scientist on the National Poinsettia Trial, and under his leadership Purdue is one of only three sites for trials funded by the world’s poinsettia breeders. This trial examines over 120 cultivars each year. In recent years, Hammer has also taken the specimens to the Indianapolis Zoo for consumer evaluation in the conservatory at White River Gardens. The research results are shared annually through Hammer’s national presentations, and through the website www.poinsettiatrial.org. As an extension educator, Hammer’s work extends far beyond poinsettias, and he is cited by his nominators as a leader in evaluating major floricultural trends and in teaching growers to critically analyze business and cultural practices to maximize their success and profitability. Hammer was instrumental in establishing the HORTECUS (HORTiculture in EC and US) student-faculty exchange program between three U.S and four European Union universities. In addition to his research and extension activities, he has taught six courses in topics ranging from horticulture and greenhouse management to the design and analysis of horticultural research. He was instrumental in helping to form the Indiana Flower Growers Association, and has served as the group’s secretary-treasurer. His memberships include numerous growers associations that he has supported tirelessly, as well as many national and international professional societies. As a continuous monthly contributor since 1985, Hammer has written over 250 monthly columns for Grower Talks magazine, the top paid circulation magazine in the U. S. greenhouse industry, a contribution that was recently recognized by a special article in Grower Talks. His service to the American Society for Horticultural Science includes 16 years as the Associate Editor for Statistical Interpretation for both HortScience and the Journal of ASHS (1986-92); Chairman of both the Computer Applications in Horticulture working group (1988) and the Floriculture Working Group (1991-93). From 1985 to 2000 he was Technical Advisor to the Ohio Florist Foundation. Hammer has been a volunteer firefighter and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) for over 20 years, serving with the Wabash Township Volunteer Fire Department (WTVFD). He now serves as Deputy Chief of the department that made over 650 emergency runs in 2004. As Deputy Chief, he keeps all the records of the emergency runs and was at the forefront of computerizing the department’s records. He has been a key member of the Wabash Township Strategic Plan committee, and played a vital role in determining the location of the US 231 bypass through input with regard to fire response times. Awards and honors bestowed on Hammer include: the Society of American Florists’ Alex Laurie Award for Floriculture Research and Extension (1999); Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists Association’s (PUCESA) Special Award (2003) for Extension Response to outbreak of southern bacterial wilt of Geranium in Indiana greenhouses; and the Southeast Greenhouse Conference’s 9th Annual Horticulture Initiative Award (2003). The ASHS has honored him with both the Outstanding Extension Educator (2003) and Ornamentals Publication awards. And he has been named an Outstanding Alumnus by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and by the Department of Horticultural Science at North Carolina State University.
Harold H. Handley (1961) - HAROLD HANDLEY was born in La Porte, Indiana, and graduated from Indiana University. He helped his father with the management of a furniture company in La Porte and became sales representative for a North Carolina-based furniture manufacturer. Handley's political career in the state senate (1940-1941) was interrupted by his army service during World War II. Upon his return he was elected to the state senate in 1948 and lieutenant governor in 1952. Handley ran for governor and lost in 1952 but was elected governor in 1956. Handley raised some controversy when he ran for the United States Senate in 1958 midway in his term of office. He lost the Senate race to Democrat Vance Hartke and returned to the State House to complete his term. Handley was accessible to both the press and the public, establishing an unusual rapport with the citizens. In 1961 Handley began an Indianapolis public relations and advertising firm convinced that, although a novice in the business, he would “go out and sell it.” A large, gregarious man, Handley's political trademark was a blue polka-dot tie.
Clifford M. Hardin (1971) - Clifford Morris Hardin (October 9, 1915 – April 4, 2010) served as United States Secretary of Agriculture from 1969 to 1971. Hardin was born near Knightstown, Indiana, to J. Alvin Hardin and Mabel (Macy) Hardin. He earned a B.S. (1937), an M.S. (1939) and a Ph.D. (1941) from Purdue University. He taught Agricultural Economics at Michigan State University in Lansing from 1944 to 1948, when he became the assistant director and then director of the Agricultural Experiment Station. He became the school's Dean of Agriculture in 1953 and Chancellor of the University of Nebraska in 1954. In 1969, Hardin was appointed Secretary of Agriculture by President Richard Nixon. As Secretary, he extended the food stamp program, and established both the Food and Nutrition Service to administer food programs for the poor, and the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs to coordinate efforts with state and local officials. He served as Secretary until 1971, when he was succeeded by Earl Butz.
Lowell S. Hardin (1979) - Almost every person who attended the Purdue School of Agriculture will remember Dr. Lowell S. Hardin as an articulate, inspirational, down-to-earth teacher of farm management. As important as his influence as a teacher may be, Lowell Hardin's abilities as an administrator have reached far beyond the classroom. A native of Henry County, Indiana, he was a member of the Purdue Agricultural Economics Department for twenty-one years. There, he achieved a national reputation in the farm work simplification area. He always carried a heavy teaching load, and was active in university affairs. He was head of Agricultural Economics from 1953 until 1965. While at Purdue Dr. Hardin became interested in international agricultural affairs. He contributed significantly to the development of the cooperative program between Purdue and Rural University of Minas Gerais, in Viscosa, Brazil. In 1965, he joined the Ford Foundation as Program Officer for Agriculture. He now is the senior officer in charge of management, project development, and organization of a worldwide network of several hundred projects. His responsibilities encompass a significant share of the Ford Foundation's budget for overseas operations. Dr. Hardin has served as secretary-treasurer, vice-president, and president of the American Agricultural Economics Association. In 1977, he was elected a Fellow in that distinguished body. Lowell Hardin distinguished himself in the college classroom. He distinguished himself as a college administrator. Currently, he is distinguishing himself in the agriculture of the world. He distinguishes the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association by allowing us to confer upon him this Certificate of Distinction.
Dr. Russell W. Hardin (1990) - Now retired from his veterinary practice, Dr. Hardin is still active in the operation of a 600-acre hog farm in Boone County. He is also president of the board of directors, Union Federal Savings and Loan, Lebanon He has served as president of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association, the Lebanon Rotary Club, the Indiana School Boards Association, and the Lebanon School Board. He was a member of the Lebanon City Council, and served as co-chairman of the county-wide United Fund Drive. Dr. Hardin served as a member of the Indiana Veterinary Examining Board, the Indiana Controlled Substance Advisory Board, and the Advisory Council of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources’ Bureau of Land, Forest and Wildlife Resources. A member of the John Purdue Club, Dr. Hardin also served as agricultural representative on the Purdue University Alumni Association Board. He received the Lebanon Jaycees’ 1980 Annual Distinguished Service Award for Community Service. Dr. Hardin is a deacon and elder in the United Presbyterian Church, and is a third degree Mason. He is a member of the Elks Club, the American Legion, and the Ulen Country Club. A native of Kingstown, Dr. Hardin completed a baccalaureate degree in animal science at Purdue University in 1942, and a doctor of veterinary medicine degree in Kansas State University in 1946. He served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps during World War II.
John D. Hardin, Jr. (1992) - Hardin, a 1967 graduate in agricultural economics, was cited for providing leadership for animal agriculture while operating a 1,400-acre swine and grain farm in Hendricks and Marion Counties that is a “model of efficiency and incorporation of technology.” His 6,OOO-hog farrow-to-finish operation was the winner of the 1982 Pork All-American Award. Hardin was selected Indiana's Pork All-American, and was named an Indiana Prairie Farmer Master Farmer. Hardin is president of the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) and chairman of the Legislative and public policy committee of the Indiana Pork Conference, and has served on the executive board of the Indiana Pork Producers. He was instrumental in adopting the slogan, “Pork-The Other White Meat.” He was the first president of the Hendricks County Pork Producers Association, and serves on the organization's board of directors, and on the county's Cooperative Extension Service board of directors. Hardin is a former chairman of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of the Chicago Board of Trade, and represents the NPPC on the Board's Advisory Committee. He is a member of the executive committee of the U.S. Meat Export Federation, and chairman of its Pork Committee. Hardin has testified before Congress, and has hosted numerous foreign dignitaries, including Secretary of Agriculture Edward Madison and Russian president Boris Yeltsin. He served as president, vice president and national affairs coordinator of the Hendricks County Farm Bureau, and as chairman of its Young Farmer Committee. He also served five years as Indiana's representative on the American Farm Bureau Swine Committee: He served as chairman of the Advisory Committee to the Hendricks County Plan Commission, and as a trustee of the Hendricks Community Hospital. Hardin has served as chairman of Ag Committee 208 Water Pollution Control Plan for the eight-county area around Indianapolis, and was a member of the Governor's Rural Policy Commission. He is also a director of the Indiana Institute of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition. Hardin has been an Indiana representative on the National Council on Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching. He is a member of the Dean of Agriculture's Advisory Council and Dean's Club, and the Purdue President's Council. He received the Gamma Sigma Delta Alumni Award of Merit, and was named a Purdue University Old Master. He is a member of the Bridgeport Masonic Lodge, the American Soybean Assn., and the National Corn Growers' Assn.
John Hardin, Sr. (1984) - John Hardin, Sr. graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. degree in agricultural education in 1940. He taught vocational agriculture for two years before returning to the home farm in Marion County. The Hardin grain and hog operation is an outstanding example of a successful American farm. Hampshire hogs from the farm have won many state and national championships. John Hardin has an unsurpassed record of service to his profession, community, and state. He exemplifies the dynamic role of volunteers in American society. He has been a director of Indiana Swine Breeders, Indiana Livestock Breeders and the Marion County Cooperative Extension Service Board, which he served as president of for six years. He was the' leader in organizing the Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District which he served seven years as president. He also served as president of the Indiana Association of SWCDs and as a councilman to the national association. He has served on the Indiana CES Research Support Committee from his area and was appointed by Governor Bowen to the White River Park Commission. He is also active on his County Council, taxpayer association, Lions Club and Masonic Lodge. John Hardin, Sr. has worked hard to improve the quality of life for those in his community as well as for future generations.
Bud Harmon (2024) - In 2018, when Bud Harmon was 87 years young, he and his wife, Mary Lynn, were on campus for the Book/Harmon Leadership Forum, which he and his colleague Bob Book, a longtime Eli Lily/Elanco employee, had created in 2004. A former student, who Harmon hired as an assistant professor in 1990, welcomed an opportunity to catch up. “He was excited to visit with me about the latest research in gut health and feed formulations and animal performance. When an hour passed, Mary Lynn coaxed Bud to take a break for lunch! Dr. Harmon’s greatest contribution and legacy is his keen sense of curiosity and passion for learning and teaching.” It started in 1931 in Camden and continued in Deer Creek, Carroll County dots on an Indiana map. After four years in the U.S. Navy, Harmon earned degrees at Purdue and Michigan State, then spent 13 years as a professor at the University of Illinois. His 90 research publications focused primarily on amino acid nutrition. Ralston Purina made him director of swine nutrition research in 1975. His contributions were instrumental in the development of High-Octane 2.6 feed, which influenced swine production across the globe. He returned to Purdue in 1986 and was the Animal Science head until 1997. As Harmon fostered fundamental research and graduate student programs, his industry acumen contributed to the department establishing a mindset of working with private industry to solve real-world problems. In 1989, the U.S. Department of Agriculture have his its Unit Award for Superior Service for his efforts during the 1988 drought. While advancing strategic collaborations international agribusiness, Harmon was president of the American Society of Animal Science, was the lone American on a task force to support emerging democracies in Eastern Europe, lectured in 37 countries and earned six patents. A much-honored Purdue Animal Sciences graduate, writing in support of Harmon’s nomination, mentioned selflessness. “I believe Dr. Harmon’s impact is very significant when you consider his reach with students who live and work around the globe and have been shaped by his vision of developing leaders and providing scholarship opportunities, leadership experiences, industry connections and the confidence to impact our world in unique ways.”
Bruce F. Hardy (1942) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Robert S. Harper (1989) - Harper, 73, a native of Noble County, was cited for having “lived worked and promoted agriculture all of his life.” He was also recognized for his leadership In the state’s livestock industry, his church and community, and state 4-H and extension programs. A 1939 Purdue graduate in animal husbandry, Harper was president of Wright Packing Company, Chandler, and managed 800 acres of corn, soybeans, hay, silage, and cattle feed lots from 1949 until 1972. Earlier in his career, he managed McMahan Farms, Rochester, and the Paul Thompson Farm, near Vincennes. Harper served as president, cvice president and secretary of the Indiana Forage Council, and the Indiana Livestock Breeder’s Association. He served as president of the Warrick County Farm Bureau and was elected as district director. He has also been president of the Warrick-Vanderburg Purdue Agricultural Alumni Chapter. Harper is a 17-year member of the board of directors of Peoples’ Trust and Savings Bank, Chandler. He served on the State Marketing Committee of the Indian Beef Cattle Association. A leading enthusiast for county and state fairs, Harper has attended every Indiana State Fair since 1926, except for five years during World War II when he served in the U.S. Army as a battery commander. Harper has been elected to the Indiana State Fair Board eight years, and served as director of the Cattle Department four years. He received a $2,000 Ford Almanac Beef Efficiency award in 1963 that was applied to the construction of a new Livestock Barn at the Warrick County Fair Grounds. He was a National 4-H Alumni Winner at the 1970 Club Congress in Chicago. Harper was a state forage production winner, sponsored by the Indiana Forage Council, and was named a Prairie Farmer Master Farmer. He was named Indiana Cattleman of the Year, and was named to the Indiana Livestock Breeders Hall of Fame. Harper was named a Sagamore of the Wabash by Governor Bowen, and a Distinguished Purdue Ag. He is a 33rd degree Mason, and received the Demolay Cross of Honor.
F. Vince Harrell (2004) - Vince Harrell has been the Extension Educator in Wabash County since 1979. Previously he worked with the Area Extension Farm Management at Iowa State University for three years. He earned his B.S. from Purdue University and his M.S. from North Carolina State University. He also graduated from the Purdue Agricultural Bankers School and the Iowa Agricultural Bankers School. Within extension Harrell has been widely recognized as a leader in the area of record keeping and financial analysis. He has worked closely with farmers and other Extension Educators to mentor them in this area. He took a leadership role in strategic planning in farming by developing the program “Positioning the Farm Business”. The program targeted cutting edge producers, involved the collaboration of several Educators, and was recognized by his peers through the Extension Educator Team Award in 2001. Harrell has also worked with a series of no-till soybean field trials in northeast Indiana to give producers local information on not only agronomic practices but also the economic component of their production. In 2002 Harrell was involved in analyzing the 2002 Farm Bill with 200 producers. Vince Harrell has been deemed “Mr. Farm Management” of Extension in Indiana. He sets an outstanding example of leadership for other Educators to follow. Outside of Extension, Vince has been a part of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents and has received their Distinguished Service in Farm Management and Crop Production. He also served three months with the USDA/USAID project in Syria, Russia, and Poland. In his local community he has been the President of South Elementary PTO; Southwood High School FFA Advisory Committee; Wabash Marketplace Inc.; Wabash Kiwanis Club; and First United Methodist Church.
Kenneth Harris (1980) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
E. Ralph Harvey (1947) - Ralph Harvey was born on a farm near Mount Summit, Henry County, Ind. He was active in Purdue’s campus activities and developed an early interest in public affairs. He began his career as a farmer and teacher of Vocational Agriculture. He was elected to fill the un-expired term of his deceased father on the Henry County Council and thus launched a career that took him through the Indiana State Legislature to the United States Congress in 1947. His service as a Congressman included work on the Agriculture Committee. He traveled several times to Africa, Europe and South America. His service in Congress included the years 1947-1959 and 1961-1966. Ralph made significant contributions to the Delta Chapter reconstruction project in the late 1970s. He and his wife Charlene retired to Fort Lauderdale, FL where he died in 1991.
Susan A. Hayhurst (2012) - Susan Hayhurst grew up in West Lafayette and graduated with a B.S. from Purdue University in 1982, majoring in Child Development and minoring in Journalism. s After pursuing a career in communications in Indianapolis, she returned to West Lafayette and worked for the Purdue Alumni Association. In 1989 she joined her new husband in his family farming operation in Vigo County and continued her career in the Public Relations Department of St. Mary of the Woods College. Since 1992 she has been a freelance writer for a number of agricultural publications and has channeled her communications talent and her passion for agriculture into providing advocacy and leadership to many agricultural and community organizations. Hayhurst Farms consists of 1200 acres of crops and a purebred Polled Hereford cow-calf operation. Hayhurst works with her husband Terry to provide support to all of the farm business operations. She is a regular contributor to Indiana Prairie Farmer with her column “Hayhurst Haylofts” and articles on other special topics, and for more than ten years has been a panelist for the magazine’s Young Farmer Forum column. For three years, Hayhurst has written features on people from Vigo and surrounding counties who were participating in the Indiana State Fair for the Terre Haute Tribune-Star. Her work has also appeared in Farm World, AAA Hoosier Home & Away, and My Indiana Home, the new magazine of Indiana Farm Bureau targeted to non-farm insurance customer members. In addition to her writing, she speaks to numerous community organizations about her life on the farm, and has been a presenter at the Midwest Women in Ag Conference. Hayhurst has been a tireless volunteer for agricultural organizations at the local, state and national levels. She served the Vigo County Farm Bureau as a director for nine years, and as county communication director for ten years. At the state level, she has volunteered for the Indiana Beef Cattle Association’s Cattlemen’s Club food concession stand at the Indiana State Fair, and she has served Indiana Farm Bureau on the Young Farmer Committee (two years) and on the Women’s Leadership Advisory Committee (2009-2011). She served as president of the Indiana Hereford Women in 2009, and as a volunteer for the Indiana Hereford Association, she served on the fundraising committee for the 2010 National Junior Hereford Show that was held in Indiana. In 2010 she was elected to a 4-year term as a Director of the National Hereford Women and is currently a member of that organization’s By-Laws and Newsletter committees. Hayhurst also has an extensive record of community service. She has served the YWCA of Terre Haute as both director and as president. She is a member of Tri Kappa Sorority and served as Terre Haute Chapter Treasurer (1995). Hayhurst organized and established both the Mothers of Pre-Schoolers (MOPS) and Moms In Touch (MIT) ministries in Terre Haute. She participated in Leadership Terre Haute (now known as Leadership Wabash Valley), and for three years provided the agricultural venue for the annual program to teach participants about the ag industry. She also served on the Wabash Valley Region Ag Advisory Committee for Ivy Tech Community College. In 1995, Terre Haute hosted the Farm Progress Show, and Hayhurst coordinated the local marketing and advertising campaign for the show programs. In 2001 she co-authored the book, Terre Haute: The Crossroads of America, commissioned by the Greater Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce. Since 2007 she has served as the Chair for the annual Indiana Prairie Farmer/CountryMark Essay Contest for Indiana youth. Hayhurst has served on the Indiana State Fair Commission since 2005 and is presently a member of the Fundraising Committee for the Pepsi Coliseum Renovation.
Terry A. Hayhurst (2005) - Terry Hayhurst is owner/manager of Hayhurst Farms, a family partnership based in Vigo County, Indiana that includes 1,200 acres of crops, 30 head of Polled Hereford cattle, and a 4,000 head per year weaned-to-finish hog operation. He graduated from Purdue University in 1984 with a B.S. in Animal Sciences. He is an alumnus of Class III of the Agriculture Leadership Program of the Indiana Agriculture Leadership Institute. In 1996 Hayhurst Farms was a host of the Purdue Farm Management Tour. Hayhurst is recognized as a innovative thinker whose leadership and consensus-building skills have been transforming for the many organizations he has served. His service to the Vigo County Farm Bureau included a term as Young Farmer chairman, nine years as chairman of the Natural Resources Committtee and six years as the county president. At the state level, he has served on at least a half dozen different committees and has represented Indiana Farm Bureau on lobbying trips to Washington and at numerous national conventions. He has served for six years on the Indiana Soybean Board (ISB), currently serving as chairman of the board. In 2001 he was one of two ISB delegates to the Middle Eastern Soybean Conference in Instanbul, Turkey. As ISB president from 2002 to 2004, he led the effort to establish the ISB endowed chair in soybean utilization at Purdue University, an innovative use of ISB research funding and soybean checkoff funds that guarantees a perpetual influence on Indiana production agriculture and the soybean industry. For 13 years, until 1997, he was a supervisor and vice chairman of the Vigo County Soil and Water Conservation District. For the past 10 years he has been a member of the Purdue Farm Policy Study Group, serving as chair in 1999 to 2001. He is a director of Grower’s Cooperative, a position he’s held since 1994. Hayhurst is a familiar figure in volunteer circles in the Terre Haute community, as well. He is a 4-H leader and serves the Vigo County 4-H Fair as assistant superintendent of the beef barn as a member of the livestock sale committee. He was a member of the Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee from 1994 to 1998, and served five years on the Vigo County Extension Board. For more than 20 years he has served in leadership at Prairie Creek Wesleyan Church where he has been worship leader, Sunday School superintendent, vice chair of the board, and a youth Sunday School leader. Terry and his wife Susan received the Terre Award in Agriculture in 1993 from the Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce, and in 1996 they were chosen by Countrymark as Indiana ambassadors to the National Institute on Cooperative Education in St. Louis. Indiana Farm Bureau selected them as ACE USA Ambassadors in 1999.
Ralph R. Heine (2009) - Ralph Heine retired in 1993 after 43 years as the owner of Gobblers’ Retreat, his family’s Whitley County turkey and dairy farm. He graduated from Purdue University in 1950 with a B.S. degree in Agriculture. A native of Auburn, Indiana, Heine moved with his family to Whitley County, when he was ten years old. After graduating from Purdue, Heine returned to the family farm in and worked with his father for a year before being inducted into the Army. He served for 21 months in the Army Transportation Corps in the Korean Conflict. He was discharged as a 1st Lt. and went back to the family farm where he would spend the rest of his noteworthy career. He started farming 50 head of dairy cows and continued to develop the turkey raising and processing operation. The Heine’s were early adopters of new production practices, one being strip pasturing of the turkey flock on Ladino clover. In 1966, Heine took over the operation of the farm from his father, and sold the dairy cows to allow his sole focus on the turkey operation. Under Heine’s leadership, Gobblers’ Retreat grew to 135 employees and processed between 10,000 and 11,000 birds per day, five days a week. Heine’s operation was one of the first innovators of further processed turkey parts, developing 35 different turkey products which were distributed regionally throughout Indiana and surrounding states. When Heine retired, Gobblers’ Retreat was the third largest operation in Indiana. Heine was active in many community activities, often in support of agricultural enterprises or Purdue University. He was one of the early organizers of the Whitley County Soil and Water Conservation District, working with B. V. Widney, the Whitley County Purdue Extension educator. He also helped, in 1965, to organize the Whitley County Chapter of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association, which remained active until the mid-1990’s. Heine was also active in Indiana Farm Bureau, serving as the president of the Whitley County Farm Bureau for three years and as the Rural Youth Chairman for three years. He served for four years on the Whitley County 4-H Board. Heine also established himself as a local political leader. He was chairman of the Whitley County Young Republicans for two years and chairman of the Whitley County Republican Party for three years. In 1967 he was elected as a State Representative in the Indiana General Assembly, where he served until 1975. From 1973-75 he served as the Majority Caucus Chairman, a position that allowed him to work on behalf of agricultural and education issues, including those important to Purdue. Heine’s service to the poultry industry included serving two years as president of the Indiana State Poultry Association and two years as president of the Indiana State Turkey Association. He was a member of Purdue Dean of Agriculture Richard Kohls’ advisory committee for two years. Heine is a lifetime member of the Lutheran Church and served in numerous leadership positions at the Zion Lutheran Church in Columbia City, including 18 years as a Sunday School teacher. Heine has been honored by being selected to the Purdue ROTC Hall of Fame. Both Governor Otis Bowen and Governor Frank O’Bannon named Heine a Sagamore of the Wabash.
Harold Heinold (1979) - Harold Heinold, Kouts, Indiana, typifies the kind of person who possesses the industriousness, the ingenuity, the imagination, and the ambition to accompl ish the goals that he has set up for himself. His record should give heart to any person who believes that the great American dream no longer is possible. Harold has always lived in Porter County. In 1941, he attended the Purdue eight-week Winter Course in Agriculture, and returned to his home community. In 1949, he purchased the Kouts Hog Market. In 1950, this market was incorporated as the Heinold Hog Market, and he was on his way toward becoming one of the largest marketers of livestock in the United States. Presently, there are 90 Heinold Hog Markets located throughout the midwest. In addition, Heinolds operate ten buying stations for cattle, and one for sheep. Th is past year, they merchandised 4,700,000 hogs, 300,000 cattle, and 42,000 sheep. In 1967, Heinold obtained a seat on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange,and in 1969, became a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. He was a pioneer in the development of the live hog contract method of marketing swine and, currently, is a national leader in that area. . He is a leader in other professional areas, too, as a director of the Northern Indiana Bank and Trust Company, a board member of the Midwestern United Life Insurance Company, a member of the advisory council for the United National Assurance Company, a trustee of the Livestock Merchandising Institute, and a past director of the Independent Livestock Marketing Association. Harold is active in his church and has served as a trustee, a Sunday school teacher, and as Sunday school superintendent of the Apostol ic Christian Church. He is active in the Kouts Chamber of Commerce, and is a council member for Valparaiso University. He is a long time supporter of youth activities. He and his company actively supported 4-H livestock projects. He has made land available for the local FFA chapter for their use as a demonstration farm. Harold Heinold is a booster of the Purdue School of Agriculture and appears frequently on Extension programs. For his uncanny ability to progress professionally in the agricultural profession, and for his unselfish willingness to be a working part of his community, we salute Harold Heinold with the Certificate of Distinction.
David Heller (2014) - David Heller graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in landscape architecture in 1991. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1996 with a master of science in business, majoring in real estate development and investment analysis. He holds landscape architecture licenses in Wisconsin and Illinois. From 1991 to 1994 he worked for Van Zelst Incorporated, a residential landscape firm in Wadsworth, Illinois, where he activated a computer bidding and job estimation program to improve the firm's efficiencies. After earning his master's degree, he worked for three years in Milwaukee for WISPARK, a full-service real estate development company that specializes in complex commercial developments. At WI SPARK, Heller directed the development of an 85-acre business" park adjoining Mitchell International Airport and was instrumental in coordinating infrastructure to a 185-acre Milwaukee-area industrial park. In 1999 he founded Heller & Associates, based in Racine, Wisconsin. Heller's expertise has led him to create master landscape plans for residences, senior living facilities, corporate headquarters, and college campuses. He is the primary landscape consultant for several architecture firms and building contractors in Wisconsin and Illinois. He has developed more than 16 landscape designs for independent senior living facilities throughout Illinois. Major projects include landscape plans for the new corporate headquarters for Manpower Incorporated, the new corporate facility for GE HealthCare and the regional distribution facility for GE Healthcare. One of Heller's largest projects is the $1.5 million master plan for the corporate headquarters of ULINE Corporation, and he is currently working on the plan for a national distribution and fulfillment center of a major national retailer with an installation budget of approximately $500,000. Heller has volunteered his time and talent for numerous community projects. Purdue Agriculture Fish Fry • 2074 In 2009, he was appointed as a plan commission member for the village of Wind Point, Wisconsin. As a plan commissioner, he has helped the committee with zoning regulations, overseeing parks and facilities and preserving the integrity of the Lake Michigan shoreland and surrounding watershed. In 2012, he was elected a village trustee, and he now serves as a trustee liaison to the plan commission. He is helping a lighthouse built in 1880 in the village become ADAaccessible, so people of all ages and abilities can use it. Heller is actively involved in the ministry of St. Michael's Church where he is a lay leader. He is an adult mentor for the youth group and serves as the science coordinator and teacher for the church's annual vacation Bible school where he designs and runs a series of participatory experiments each of the five program nights. Heller has coordinated and actively leads Super Tuesdays, a twelve-week, twice-a-year adult education program. He has also contributed his professional talents to the church after a major restructuring of the property, providing a new landscape design, donating all the plant materials, assisting with installation, and paying neighborhood youth to keep everything watered. Heller has been an active member and leader of the Purdue Alumni Club of Milwaukee, serving as a board member, vice president/social chair (his current role), and two terms as president. He also serves on the scholarship selection committee. For many years, Heller has organized the club's support of the Purdue Crew when they row in the Milwaukee River Challenge in September, coordinating food and drinks both during and after the race for the 90+ students, as well as organizing local alumni to gather and cheer for the rowers. He also leads the club's service project, coordinating Boilermaker volunteers to source, prepare, and serve a donated meal at the Milwaukee Ronald McDonald House.
Kern S. Hendrix (2008) - Kern Hendrix retired from Purdue University in 2003 as Extension Beef Specialist, a position he held for almost 30 years. In retirement Hendrix continues to give leadership to Indiana’s beef cattle programs as the managing secretary/treasurer of the Indiana Beef Evaluation Program (IBEP) and director of the IBEP Bull Test Station. A native of Martin County, Indiana, Hendrix graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Animal Sciences in 1967. He earned his M.S. in Animal Science from Oklahoma State University in 1971, and his Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition from the University of Nebraska in 1974. Hendrix’s career focused on extension and applied research in beef cow-calf and growing and finishing nutrition and management. Hendrix was responsible for many innovations to the beef extension programs in Indiana. In 1983 he developed and released the FACTS Ration Analyzer for Beef (FX-110), a beef nutrition management software program that was, at the time, one of the more complex agriculture field application software programs designed to run on a microcomputer. The program could determine nutrient requirements based on a number of physical and environmental characteristics, while determining costs of various rations and predict rate of gain and cost of gain. The software could also make ration adjustments based on available feedstuffs to optimize the economic level of animal performance. Also in the early and mid 1980’s he helped develop and conduct beef telecourses that were among some of the earlier distance education programs offered at Purdue, and were attended by hundreds of beef cattle producers and extension educators from around the state. In addition, he was active in the Indiana Beef Forage Integrated Resource Management Program and, from the inception of IBEP in the late 1980’s, he gave leadership to the program that involved the testing and evaluating of about 300 bulls per year. Hendrix also served as co-director of the Indiana Beef Evaluation and Economics Feeding Program (IBEEF), a steer feedout program, and he was co-chair of Purdue’s Applied Research/Demonstration Task Force to enhance the collaboration among Purdue Extension field staff and campus based specialists. Throughout his career, Hendrix was known as an “elite extension specialist,” meaning, in the words of one extension educator, he “was always available, and always willing to participate in a meeting, answer a phone call or travel to the farm to help with a problem.” His professional expertise in cattle nutrition and management were invaluable to Hoosier cattle producers, but it’s his manner and ability to communicate with anyone at any level that they remember most. It was said that his classrooms were their feedlots and pastures; he met his clients where they were, and taught them in their real life classrooms. His leadership of the IBEP Bull Test Station is credited with its longevity, even as similar programs have faded in other states. Of his service to Indiana’s beef cattle producers, one nominator said, “He’s been a very unselfish, deserving servant to our industry.” Hendrix has been active in the America Society of Animal Science, serving as Chairman of the Pasture and Forages Section (1980); Chairman of the Pasture and Forages Committee of the Midwest Section (1982-83); Beef Committee Member (1984-85); Beef Committee Program Chairman (1985-86). Hendrix received many awards for his professional and industry service. Professional recognition included the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service Junior Recognition Award (1983), USDA, Drought Team Response for Outstanding Service (1989) and the Indiana Extension Educators Association’s Agriculture and Natural Resources Team Award (2002). Industry service awards include: Indiana Beef Cattle Association’s Friend of the Beef Industry (1984); Purdue University Block and Bridle Club Honorary Member (1984); Indiana Forage Council’s Outstanding Service Award (1986) and Certificate of Appreciation (1990); Farm Progress Show Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Service and Cooperation (1992); and the Indiana Beef Cattle Association’s Distinguished Service Award (2003).
Alfred Hesler (1960) - ALFRED J. HESLER, Veedersburg, lives in the house where he was born. His influence, however, has spread far beyond the confines of his own community. He has been a schoolteacher, an early 4·H Club leader, a county agricultural agent, and now is a very practical farmer and overseas director for “World Neighbors, Inc.,” an international good will organization. He was the first 4·H Club leader in Fountain County. He became their county agent in 1921 and worked loyally, imaginatively, and with great enthusiasm in that job until his retirement in 1946. After his retirement from extension work, he turned his efforts to the entire world. His work as Overseas Agricultural Leader for “World Neighbors, Inc.” has taken him to Europe, Africa, New Zealand, the Middle East and around the world for the cause of international good will. John L. Peters, World Neighbors president says....”his informed, but unassuming, good will has won countless friends for him (Hesl er) and for his country ....” At home, A. J. Hesler has been busy. He has served as chairman of CROP, as a member of the board of supervisors of the Soil Conservation District, an important member of his Church, organized the Fountain County Purdue Ag Chapter, and was a large contributor to the new 4-H Fairgrounds building program. A. J. Hesler's selfless devotion to agriculture and community, and his unquestioned integrity has made him an inspiration to everyone who knew him.
Jim Hicks (2013) - From a small Morgan County, Indiana, farm to co-founding and founding two successful businesses, Jim Hicks has lived a successful life. Hicks graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Agricultural Economics in 1961, and immediately was hired by the California Spray Chemical Company (later renamed Chevron Chemical Company) as a representative to sell ag chemicals for tobacco and corn growers in Kentucky. While his work was interrupted briefly in 1962 when his Air Force Reserve unit was called to active duty during the Cuban Missile Crisis, he resumed work directly afterward. His work in the Midwest earned him the job of district manager of fertilizers in California with Chevron. In 1975, Hicks left Chevron to pursue another project. He co-founded Western Ag Supply in Anaheim, California. After seven years, he again set out to create a new company, this time founding Jim Hicks and Company in Brea, California, where he continues to serve as CEO. Jim Hicks and Company distributes commercial fertilizers to the western United States and Mexico. The business is located in Arizona, where the manufacturing plant and liquid terminals are located, as well as California and New Mexico, where other liquid terminals are located. In 30 years, Hicks has grown his company from a one-employee operation to a business that sells more than 100,000 tons of fertilizer annually. Although he has experienced a tremendous amount of success, Hicks has never forgotten his humble beginnings and the university that propelled him toward his career in agriculture. He began giving back to Purdue with a single endowment scholarship, but was so impressed with the first recipient that he now supports four scholarships for students in agricultural economics or agribusiness at Purdue University. For the 2012-13 academic year, 40 undergraduate students are supported by Hicks' contributions, and Purdue matches with scholarships totaling $4,500 each. These students are referred to as Hicks Scholars and are chosen as recipients for their leadership and academic qualities and achievements. When visiting Purdue, Hicks is always eager to speak with undergraduates in the College of Agriculture about the future of the agriculture business and how they can work to make it successful. He enjoys serving as a mentor for students and providing them with insight and experience in the field of agriculture. He is an inspiration to Purdue students and faculty alike, and as a life member of the President's Council at Purdue, he is able to influence the entire university. While Hicks has been a staunch supporter of Purdue, he also is passionate about education in California. For more than 20 years he has supported the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom, and serves as a member of the organization's board of directors. He also serves on the board of the National Philanthropy Council of the Pacific Legal Foundation. Hicks and his wife, Neta, have also extended their philanthropy to California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly). Generations of agricultural leaders will count Jim Hicks among those who have contributed to their success.
John W. Hicks (1973) - A lot of people remember John Hicks, West Lafayette, Indiana, for his jokes in his Agricultural Economics classes, and for his tearful rendition of ''Casey at the Bat'', but the truth of the matter is that they are among the lesser of his accomplishments. John received his Bachelor's Degree from the University of Massachusetts. In 1950, he joined the staff of the Purdue Agricultural Economics Department, and soon became one of Agriculture's most popular teachers. He earned his Master's and Doctorate Degrees from Purdue. In 1955, John was appointed executive assistant to Purdue's President. There, one of his primary responsibilities has been to work with the Indiana General Assembly on matters concerning Purdue. He also has served as chairman of the Indiana Post High School Education Commission, and as a consultant to the Brookings Institute, the U. S. Office of Education, and the Academy of Educational Development. In 1963, he received the Leather Medal from the Purdue Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi as the person making ''the greatest contribution to the welfare, success, and reputation of the University''. Through good times and bad, John W. Hicks has been a stabilizing influence on high level policy makers at Purdue. His brilliant intellect, and his common good judgment make him a most valuable gear in Purdue's executive machinery. He richly deserves Purdue Ag Alumni's Certificate of Distinction.
Thomas W. Higgins (1982) - Over 2,500 Purdue Ags who annually attend the Purdue Ag Fish Fry acclaim the fish that is so hot, so crispy, and so good. Few of them realize just who is responsible for all that goodness. That man is Tom Higgins, Shelburn, Indiana. As president of Neptune Foods, he is one ofthefew people in the country that can fry fish fast enough to feed that many hungry Purdue Ags in just thirty-five minutes. You may not believe this, but that is not the reason we are honoring Tom Higgins this day. We are honoring him for his skills as a successful farm manager, businessman, and as a highly regarded member of the agricultural community. Tom Higgins graduated from the Purdue School of Agriculture in 1949. He then became assistant county agent in Elkhart County for two years. In 1951, he joined Peabody Coal Company as farm manager, vice-president for farm management, and director of reclamation and land use. Since 1979, he has served as director of lands forTempleton Coal Co., Terre Haute, executive vicepresident of Calvert and Youngblood Coal Company in Pinson, Alabama, and as president or chairman of Singer Farms. Hoosier Land and Cattle Company, Neptune Foods, and Higgins Realty Corporation. He has managed or operated as much as 20,000 acres of land at one time or another. He has served his profession well in the Indiana and American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, as president of the Sullivan County Long Range Planning Committee, and as a member of the Sullivan County Extension Committee. Tom Higgins is receiving this Certificate of Distinction because of what his friends say about him: “a man of vested virtue”, “the ability to rise above the trivial”, “a gentleman in the truest sense of the word” and so on. In an area of work of representing coal companies in their relationship with the land and the community, Tom Higgins has a remarkable record of success. He richly deserves this honor we have conferred on him. We also hope he fries the fish for the Purdue Ag Fish Fry for many more years.
Dr. A. R. (Rudy) Hilst (1984) - Dr. A. R. (Rudy) Hilst has devoted his career to the well-being of the agricultural people of Indiana. Starting as an instructor in the Agronomy Department in 1949, he has had a remarkable influence on the agricultural students of Purdue University. He has taught and counseled hundreds of students and, in so doing, has won their confidence and respect. Truly, he has excelled among excellent teachers. He won the Outstanding Teacher Award of the School of Agriculture and the Purdue University Outstanding Teacher Award sponsored by Standard Oil of Indiana. The American Society of Agronomy presented him with the Agronomic Education Award in 1961. As associate dean, Hilst has been energetic in promoting better teaching and counseling. Under his guidance 10 new options have been added to the School of Agriculture. He has developed a teaching methods program for new assistant professors and a method to evaluate the teaching load of a staff member which has proven successful. In spite of his work load he interacts regularly with students in his home, in club activities and seminars. He is a willing participant in Agricultural Alumni meetings. His eminence in the field of education has been recognized by his appointment to several national committees on educational policy.
Diane Hnat (2023) - Diane Hnat, Danbury CT.
Diane Hnat had a legitimate excuse for missing the meeting, but the city council needed to be told why Exit 6 off Interstate 84 in Danbury, Connecticut, should not be the site of yet another outlet for a ubiquitous coffeehouse chain. The council found her plea unpersuasive but did hear out the resident wearing black and blue on her face. She’d fallen in her driveway after a storm. “I always look forward to practicing my snow shoveling skills,” she says now. Hnat cherishes her collection of “hobby” shovels.
Her can-do approach produces results and admiration. “Kind and compassionate and cares about Danbury … a dedicated public servant who gives back to her community whenever possible,” former Mayor Mark Boughton says of Hnat. Kumar Venkitanarayanan, an associate dean in the University of Connecticut’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, “was always impressed with the high standards that Diane set and maintained, her open approach in interactions and collaboration with faculty and students, her commitment toward professional and career development of students, and always acting as a source of information and positive energy.”
The 1974 Purdue graduate, and 2013 recipient of the Outstanding Food Science Award, earned an MBA from the University of New Haven in 1980. She settled in Danbury, raising two children and commuting about 200 miles daily, working 39 years total between Nabisco and DSM (formerly Roche Vitamins). She has spent 25 years as a food scientist with CPG’s Nestle, Heublein, and Nabisco, and nearly 25 years as technical services and project scientist at DSM, The Wright Group and now Glanbia Nutritionals in Connecticut. She considers herself a creative, enthusiastic, thorough technologist.
Her involvement with the Institute of Food Technologists began while a student at Purdue. She has been an officer in the local Nutmeg Section for decades and was a founding member of the IFT Student Association at UConn. “Diane has been relentless in advocating and expanding Nutmeg Section’s scholarship and award programs,” Venkitanarayanan says. “Diane’s efforts reflect both her personal beliefs and the very positive experience she had as a student at Purdue. She frequently has credited her undergraduate experience with helping her enjoy a successful food science career. She has been a wonderful ambassador for Purdue.”
George N. Hoffer (1944) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
L. E. Hoffman (1957) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Robert L. "Bob" Hogue (1983) - Robert L. "Bob" Hogue, Mulberry, Indiana, is just one of those kind of people that always seems to be where the action is in professional agriculture. If there is a big agricultural show or exposition, there Bob will be. Go to some big conference. He might be there. Or go to a huge chicken barbecue, and there he is, cookin' chicken. Bob Hogue's versatility stems from his unselfish willingness to be helpful, no matter what the job might be. He graduated from the Purdue School of Agriculture in 1936, and worked as general manager of C.!. Bashore at Silver Lake for ten years. For the next decade he was Extension Poultryman at Purdue. From 1957 till the present, he has served effectively as Executive Secretary of the Indiana State Poultry Association, and, in addition, has acted as Executive Secretary of the Indiana State Egg Board since 1967. As well as Bob has done at his job, that may not be his greatest contribution to agriculture. He has been deeply involved in the poultry industry on a national and worldwide basis. Recently, he was made a life member of the World Poultry Science Association. He has served on the National Poultry Council, and on the Poultry and Egg National Board. He is a member of the National Poultry and Turkey Improvement Plan, the National Turkey Federation, and is a member of the board of the United States Livestock Sanitary Association. He has travelled extensively to promote the virtues of poultry. Bob Hogue also served his turn as a director of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association. For years, he has run the poultry exhibit at the Indiana State Fair. To say that Bob has been a member of all those organizations is not enough. He has been a leader in all of them. His enthusiasm for the poultry industry and his unstinting willingness to give all his energies to them makes him a logical recipient of this Ag Alumni Certificate of Distinction.
Eric A. Holm (1971) - Since 1937, Eric Holm has been dedicated to youth through the Indiana Cooperative Extension program. In 1942, he became a member of the State 4-H Staff. Eric has developed many new organizations and given them enough help and inspiration that they continue to support themselves. Eric was founder of the Extension Specialist Association, the Purdue Collegiate 4-H Club, the Indiana IFYE program, the IFYE Alumni Association, the IFYE Host Family Organization, and the 4-H Caravan program. More than one quarter million dollars has been raised to develop 4-H international programs with 68 countries of the world, and 686 men and women have personally benefited by this program. In 1965, Eric presented a program at the World IFYE Conference in Berne, Switzerland. Three years later he accompanied the first 4-H group to five South American countries. Eric has been responsible for the Horse and Pony project and developed the Indiana Horse and Pony Director organization. He also organized similar groups for rabbit and dog enthusiasts. Eric was graduated from Purdue with his B.S.A. in 1933 and a Master’s in 1945. He organized the Class of 133 Breakfast Club. Eric and his ,wife, Charlotte, have a son Dr. Robert Holm, who is Director of research for Diamond-Shamrock, Gainsville, Ohio, and a daughter, Marjorie, a Purdue graduate who is Director of food services at Bloomington Hospital, Bloomington, Indiana. They also have three grandchildren. Eric is a member of Lafayette Rotary Club, the Central Presbyterian Church, a director of the Swedish American Society in Chicago, and President of the Swedish Mission Church Alumni Association in Donaldson, Indiana. He lives on a grass farm north of Lafayette and raises registered Angus cattle and Shetland ponies.
Larry Horstman (2023) - West Lafayette, Indiana
Passengers in Larry Horstman’s truck knew what to expect during the return trip to campus.
Horstman, who spent 36 years on Purdue’s veterinary medicine faculty, didn’t overlook many teachable moments. Former students recall how he quizzed them on what they had just witnessed during visits to area farms. The hands-on professor with the no-nonsense, common-sense approach was “so good at taking what was learned in the classroom and putting it to good use in the field,” says a nominator for Horstman’s Certificate of Distinction.
“His reputation is impeccable, and his knowledge of beef cattle without question,” another nominator says. “I have enjoyed his expert analysis of problems and how to treat those problems. He has often presented options and alternatives for treatment with the best interest of the animal as well as the owner in a common, everyday manner that is easy to understand.”
He is an authority on theriogenology, a specialty of veterinary medicine concerned with animal reproduction. An emeritus diplomate of the American College of Theriogenologists, Horstman helped develop and use embryo transfer in the beef industry. When the Indiana Livestock Breeders Hall of Fame inducted him in 2015, a supporter wrote, “His knowledge of veterinary science and his ability to relate to producers, 4-H’ers, and anyone in between is unmatched.”
Horstman played a major role in bull evaluation and testing at Feldun-Purdue Agriculture Center near Bedford and was the consulting veterinarian for the Indiana Beef Evaluation Program for more than 25 years. He’s a familiar presence in 4-H circles. At the Indiana State Fair beef show, Horstman “was not only teaching veterinary students how to collect samples and care for the 4-H members’ animals, he was also on the forefront of keeping the playing field level so that all exhibitors had a fair opportunity to compete and gain experience,” another nominator says.
Horstman Cattle Company is about 10 minutes from campus, just north of West Lafayette. His consulting service, Horstman Bovine Reproduction Services, is well-known in the commercial and purebred cattle world. “Simply put, he is one of the best in this field because of his knowledge, patience and commitment to details,” an industry executive says.
Frederick Hovde (1957) - Frederick L. Hovde was born in Erie, Pennsylvania but grew up in Devils Lake, ND. He graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1929 with a Chemical Engineering degree. After attending Oxford University for three years he became the Assistant Director of the General College of the University of Minnesota. During WWII he served on the national Defense Research Committee and became the Executive Assistant to the chairman of the committee. Because of his war service he was awarded the President’s Medal for Merit and the King’s Medal for Service. Upon completion of his war duties in 1946, he became the president of Purdue University. Enrollment at Purdue grew by 20,000 students under his leadership and the budget increased significantly. Along with his duties as president he was a member and chairman of many military and educational boards. Hovde also received over 20 honorary doctoral degrees from universities across the United State throughout his lifetime. Hovde retired in 1971, making him the longest-serving President at Purdue. In 1975 the Purdue Executive Building was renamed Frederick L. Hovde Hall of Administration in honor of his years of service.
David W. and Mary J. Howell (2014) - David and Mary Howell are first-generation farmers who took borrowed equipment and 300 acres of rented land and built it into a farm operation that includes more than 4,000 acres of corn, soybeans, processing tomatoes, and jack-a-lantern pumpkins in Indiana and international farm operations in Brazil. The Howells were nominated together for this award. As one supporting letter writer observed, theirs is a 11true partnership in life;1 and that 11in character, Mary was Dave, and he was her:1They built their operation together, and so the record of supporting material is shared by two people who are equally deserving of this recognition. David graduated from Purdue University, receiving both his B.S. and M.S. in agricultural economics in 1969 and 1971, respectively. While at Purdue, he was inducted into Ceres and Alpha Zeta honorary societies. Mary graduated from Ball State University with a B.S. in nursing in 1973, and was inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau nursing honorary. In 1972, the Howells founded Howell Farms. For the first two years, Mary worked as a nurse in charge of obstetrics at Ball Memorial Hospital, then resigned to devote full time to the family1s farm business. In the farm crisis of the 1980s, they struggled to hold onto the land they had purchased, and, out of necessity, they launched innovative ventures that would fuel their success. The loss of a farrowing house in a fire prompted the Howells to seek enterprises other than livestock to provide mid-season cash flow. They diversified with fruits and vegetables sold through four retail outlets, one of them located onsite. They planted and managed a 3,000-tree apple orchard. Mary began hosting school tours-the beginning of agritourism before it had that name-and this grew into a small industry. Each fall, Howell Farms hosted several thousand children, parents, and teachers; taught them the importance of agriculture; and sent them home with a freshly picked apple and apumpkin. During the two decades of farm tours, they estimate that around 200,000 visitors heard 11the story of food;' creating goodwill that is still evident today, several years after the retail markets were closed. Labor and management on the farm were shared by David and Mary, with both operating equipment. David made the agronomic decisions and Mary handled cash flow planning, along with the tax and enterprise accounting. Before most farmers ever thought about computers, the Howells employed a programmer and developed software to keep the detailed records they wanted, and they built a special room to house the temperature and dust-sensitive, refrigerator-sized NCR computer that ran it. As their two sons came back into the farm management in the 21st century, the Howells again innovated and changed to fuel the necessary growth of the operation. They shifted from retail sales to the production of pumpkins and processing tomatoes for wholesale customers. And they grew the grain operation, increasing yields and efficiency with new practices and intensive management. To continue their growth, they purchased a farm in Bahia, Brazil. Both sons had become fluent in Portuguese, and one of them, Aaron, moved to Brazil to manage the farm. Seeing opportunities, they organized an investor-owned company to purchase a larger farm. Before receiving an attractive offer to sell, the farm had grown into a multi-thousand-acre operation growing cotton, soybeans, and corn. But both will tell you that their best crop is their four children, three of whom work with them in the farm business. The fourth is a teacher who lives just across the road from the farm headquarters. The Howells served agriculture and their community in numerous roles. Early in their careers, they were appointed to the Indiana Farm Bureau Young Farmer Committee. They represented Indiana at the national level as members of the American Farm Bureau Federation(AFBF) Young Farmer and Rancher Committee when David was elected president of the Indiana group. David then was elected president of the national committee, and became a member ofthe AFBF board of directors. In this role, they traveled together, speaking at young farmer conferences to encourage involvement. They wrote and presented a dialogue relative to young farm families to the American Institute of Cooperatives. More recently, David and Mary have written and made presentations about commercial Midwest American agriculture to the French-American Foundation in Paris at the AGri-Days II symposium. They have represented U.S. farmers at a U.S. Grains Council sponsored Corn Conference and Japanese Feed Manufacturers meeting in Tokyo. And, they have presented programs about their family's involvement in Brazilian agriculture to both the Missouri and Indiana Farm Bureau state conventions. David and Mary are founding members of the Crossroads Lutheran Church Historical Preservation Society, which rescued an historic 19th century abandoned church and, after many fund-raising events, restored the building and gained its listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Philanthropically, the Howells annually fund the care of a child at Hope Children's Home in India and support the education of the older children of this home. They also actively participated in the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts through Red Gold, Inc. David has served on the Purdue Dean of Agriculture's Advisory Committee. He was instrumental in establishing the first corn check-off program in Indiana and served on the first Indiana Corn Marketing Council board of directors as Vice President. David also served as chairman ofthe U.S. Grains Council's Asia A-Team and represented them on their corn production tour of China and at the formal signing of the new Free Trade Agreement in Columbia. He also served on the Advisory Council on Agriculture, Small Business and Labor for the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank, and has twice testified before Congressional committees. David has served his home community on the board of directors for First Merchants Bank and Ivy Tech Region 6, and as chairman of the Delaware County Extension Council and the Muncie Delaware Metropolitan Plan Commission where he helped establish the first agriculturalzone in Indiana. Currently, David is a member of the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) Trade and Biotechnology A-Team, and he serves on the advisory boards of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) and the Purdue Center for Commercial Agriculture. Mary was active as the Fall Creek Township boy's 4-H club leader, and served on the Wapahani Girl Scout Council board of directors. The farm they've built has been host to numerous tours, many of which showcased their innovations and management practices, including the Indiana Farm ManagementTour, the Purdue Agriculture New Faculty Tour, Congressional Town Hall Meeting, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture's Midwest Farm Tour and the Royal Netherlands Agriculture Minister's Midwestern Tour. On other occasions they've hosted trade missions from Taiwan and China, helping to enhance U.S. grain exports. David and Mary were named honorary commissioners of agriculture by Indiana Lt. Gov. John Mutz. They have received multiple Red Gold Master Grower awards and the Reichart Award for professionalism and excellence in the tomato industry. David was awarded the Order of the Red Tie by Indiana Horticulture Congress and in 2008 was named a Distinguished Agriculture Alumnus by Purdue University. In 2011, David and Mary were jointly named Master Farmers by Purdue University and Prairie Farmer magazine.
Dana and Ted Huber (2019) - The wine industry is an increasingly important piece of Indiana’s agritourism industry. Dana and Ted Huber are two reasons why. “Their personal impact on the growth of the wine industry in Indiana cannot be overstated,” says Christian E. Butzke, a professor of enology in Purdue’s Department of Food Science and enologist for the Purdue Wine Grape Team. “The Hubers are one of the most dynamic and entrepreneurially spirited wifeand- husband teams that I have encountered in my 25 years working for the U.S. wine industry. I have traveled around the world with Ted and Dana as they joined our international Extension classes, and I have been most impressed by their ability to rapidly implement new production techniques they observe during our visits. That keeps their Indiana operation on the cutting edge of agricultural technology.” Huber’s Orchard, Winery and Vineyards is on the western edge of Clark County, which hugs the Ohio River in southern Indiana. The seventh-generation operation began with 80 acres. Now more than 600,000 people annually visit 650 acres that include 65 acres of vineyards, making Huber’s the state’s largest estate-bottled winery, producing 18 varieties of grapes and 650,000 pounds under normal weather conditions. The winery opened in 1978. Huber’s now also includes a farm market, a banquet facility for 1,200, children’s farm park, ice cream shop, distillery, bakery, cheese shop and cafe. Orchards and gardens produce apples, peaches, pumpkins, a variety of berries, several varieties of squash, Christmas trees and a wide assortment of seasonal produce. In the late 1990s, the Hubers let former farm broadcaster Jeanette K. Merritt produce radio programming at their farm. “They were at the forefront of agritourism and led the way in nontraditional agriculture and its impact on Indiana,” says Merritt, who also spent 11 years with the Purdue Wine Grape Team and is now director of checkoff programs for Indiana Pork. “I believe Ted and Dana are some of the most highly regarded individuals that we have in Indiana’s agritourism industry.” The state boasts more than 100 wineries, and the Hubers “have always taken time to work with wineries and help them through the process of creating a space that benefits the entire industry. They are unselfish with their time and talents. They have held the belief that if the Indiana wine industry is strong, it benefits everyone.” The president of WineAmerica echoes that thought. “Ted and Dana are the ultimate ‘doers’ and collaborators,” says Jim Trezise, head of the Washington, D.C.- based national association. “Their combined commitment, collaborations and collegiality are what makes them so special.” Butzke, longtime chairman of the Indy International Wine Competition held at Purdue in conjunction with the Indiana State Fair, says the Hubers’ “accomplishment-based political clout in Indiana and beyond has much protected the Purdue Wine Grape Team’s existence from political uncertainty over the years. Ted’s national service for the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States and the American Craft Distillers Association has greatly improved the ability of family craft distillers to flourish, create jobs and impact their state’s economy.” Ted Huber is chairman of the council’s small-distiller membership committee and vice president of the association. This and that • Family-owned business was founded by Simon Huber in Baden-Baden, Germany, in 1843. • Dana is vice president of marketing and public relations at Huber’s. An Indiana University Kelley School of Business graduate, she joined the business in 2003 after working for Humana, Citicorp and Kindred Healthcare. • Ted is head winemaker and president of Huber’s and master distiller for Starlight Distillery. • Both are frequent judges at the Indy International Wine Competition. Huber’s has won the Indiana Governor’s Cup, given to the winningest winery, several times. Ted has won national winemaker of the year, and Vignoles — which is produced at Huber’s — won the most prestigious award, International Wine of the Year, in 2013.
Levi Huffman (2013) - Levi Huffman is committed to serving his community and the agricultural profession, both locally and at the state, national and international levels through service to various industry organizations and Purdue University. Huffman and his wife Norma began farming in 1972 with Norma's father, Ralph Wise. After renting land and trading labor for the use of machinery, Huffman invested in his own land and machinery and has since grown his family farm into a thriving operation. Huffman-Hawbaker Farms is operated by Huffman, his wife, their two children and their spouses. On 3,000 acres near Buck Creek, Indiana, the family grows corn, soybeans, wheat, processing tomatoes, peppers, gourds and swine in a farrow-to-finish operation. Tomatoes are grown for Red Gold. The specialty crops were added to the farming operation in order to provide opportunities for their children and their spouses to join the family farm business. Huffman operates the farm based on four specific goals: produce quality agricultural products while utilizing wisely their resource base; preserve the family farm entity while meeting the needs of each family; offer a helping hand to others where needed; and maintain a sense of community responsibility while being governed by good Christian principles. Locally, Huffman is involved in many organizations. He is a member of the Tippecanoe County Pork Producers and the Tippecanoe County Extension Advisory Board, where he served as president from 2005-07. He is also a member of the Prophetstown Living Historical Farm Planning Committee. At the state level, he serves on the board of directors for both the Indiana Soybean Alliance and Indiana Pork. He is also a member of Purdue's Farm Policy Study Group and served on the advisory council for the North Central Management Education Center from 2001-06. Huffman was also a member of the Indiana Certified Livestock Producer advisory group that developed a voluntary certification program for the state's producers. Huffman hosted the Indiana Farm Management Tour in 2000 and has spoken to numerous farm management classes at Purdue. He has also done significant work for the Center for Food and Agricultural Business (CAB) and since 2010 has served on its advisory council. In 2009, he helped CAB design an educational program for agribusiness professionals as a way for them to understand the decisions that a farmer makes daily. As a means of instruction, Huffman provided these professionals with details about how he runs his farming operation, a comparison and contrast of his farm with others, and a 10-page document about the decisions, strategies, and philosophies of his farm. Huffman also volunteered his services to the organization as “farmer faculty,” traveling to Purdue's campus to answer questions from a panel and participating in an extensive interview at his farm. He has taught this program six times with much success. In addition to Huffman's work with CAB, he has spoken to numerous classes in the Department of Agricultural Economics, and the family has hosted departmental guests, including international delegations, for tours of their farming operation. Huffman says sharing his knowledge with the agriculture community is not a burden for him, but a fun way for him to give back. He has been honored by the Tippecanoe County Extension Service for Outstanding Leadership and Service. In 2006, he and Norma received the APEX Award from the Department of Agricultural Economics for their service to the department.
J. F. Hull (1939) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Harvey Hull (1948) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Dale Humphrey (2001) - Service just seems to come naturally to Dale Humphrey, as he has spent the last forty years working to better his community and his profession. He has offered his leadership skills to organizations ranging from local school corporations to national commodity organizations. Fellow cattleman George Morton says that Humphrey “has the unique ability to blend strong wills into cooperative efforts,” and that trait has been the hallmark of his service. Humphrey received a B. S. in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University in 1957. For two years following graduation he was a farm mortgage lender with America United Life Insurance Company. In 1959 he returned to his family farm near Springville, a 2000-acre grain and cattle farm that has included a commercial cow-calf operation, as well as backgrounding and cattle finishing operations. From 1973 to 1975 he served part-time as an instructor in the Veterans’ Agriculture Program, teaching agriculture to veterans of the Korean and Vietnam wars. In the mid-1960’s he got involved when Lawrence County organized a local cattleman’s chapter. Humphrey served as a board member with the Springville Feeder Auction Association, a group that gave marketing clout to small producers by grading and sorting cattle into trailer loads. He also became active at the state level with the Indiana Beef Cattle Association (IBCA) where he served in numerous leadership roles, including president. He worked diligently at IBCA on a feasibility study of an Indiana-based beef packing facility to serve the Eastern Corn Belt. Humphrey served the National Cattlemen’s Association (NCA) in numerous positions including chairmanship of the resolutions, nominating and farm policy committees, as well as membership in the Four Nations Trade Group for the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. He represented all cattlemen east of the Mississippi River as the Region I Vice President of NCA. The regional vice presidents’ positions had been created when two associations merged to form NCA, and at the time of his service there was no job description other than serving on NCA’s executive committee. Humphrey quickly identified regional issues of concern and built coalitions of state associations and other industry leaders to find solutions for several marketing, educational and animal health issues. According to former IBCA executive director Larry Ralston, when Humphrey completed his term as regional vice president, NCA made a list of his efforts and converted it into a job description for these positions that no one had really understood before. Humphrey served a term as NCA president, a commitment that meant spending more than half his time out of the state. His accomplishments included the repeal of the preproductive expense on replacement heifers, negotiating the Beef Citrus Agreement between Japan and the United States, and working with Congress and coalitions of state and national cattle associations and the National Livestock and Meat Board to develop a national beef check-off. Locally, Humphrey has served on the Lawrence County Fair Board and was president of the county’s extension board. He served on a committee that oversaw the consolidation of seven local high schools into Bedford North Lawrence. At Popcorn Christian Church, he served on the board of trustees for a number of years. As a member of the Board of Governors of Dunn Memorial Hospital, he helped craft the merger of two local hospitals, the establishment of a walk-in clinic and two construction projects totaling more than $7 million. He has also served as a member of both the Dean’s Advisory Council of the Purdue School of Agriculture and the Advisory Committee for Farm Credit Services.
Herschel Hunt (1966) - It would appear that the Agricultural Alumni Certificate of Distinction is awarded, for the most part, to persons direcdy engaged in agriculture and dedicated to its improvement. In the case of Professor Herschel Hunt, Lafayette, Indiana, however, we are making this highest award for his great influence on young men and women who are preparing for a professional place in agricultural. Many of us remember, rather unhappily I'm sure, our experience with freshman chemistry. As far as agriculture students are concerned, that fear has now largely been replaced by an enthusiasm for chemistry, and a realization of its importance to their career. This rather remarkable change has been brought about by Herschel Hunt. A farmer himself, Professor Hunt assumed the teaching of chemistry to freshmen in agriculture with the supposition that it must be, above all else, useful. He made many investigations to determine the chemistry involved in a modem agriculture, and then set out to teach basic chemistry, and to emphasize its practical application. Ask any agriculture student you see, and he will tell you what a difference it makes. Hunt was born in Gibson County, Indiana, and received his bachelors degree from Oakland City College. He holds masters and doctors degrees from Indiana University. Before joining the Purdue Chemistry Department in 1930, he was an instructor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1951, he was chosen “Outstanding Teacher” at Purdue University. He is well known as a Hereford breeder, and has, along with his sons, achieved a notable show record in this field. For his dedication to teaching, not for itself but for its eventual benefit to society, we salute Herschel Hunt.
Chris Hurt (2017) - When Chris Hurt speaks, people listen. They read what he writes. They care what he thinks. They trust him. Who are they? Decision makers. Members of the agricultural committees in the U.S. Congress. USDA statisticians and economic analysts. Federal Reserve banks in Chicago and Kansas City. State and national boards that cover a wide agricultural spectrum: dairy, poultry, beef, pork, corn, soybeans, etc. He gets 300 interview requests each year — from USA Today and the New York Times to the National Hog Farmer and the Corn and Soybean Digest. But Dr. Hurt can see the big picture because he knows agriculture up close, from ground level. He joined Purdue University’s Department of Agricultural Economics in 1981, bearing a master’s degree from Cornell and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. Before that he gained experience as a Cargill grain merchant, a farm supply manager, a community college ag teacher, and an Illinois family hog farmer. Those jobs aren’t found in ivory towers. His perspective is grounded in the real world. As one of his nominators for the Purdue Ag Alumni Certificate of Distinction put it, “It would be difficult to overstate the contribution that Dr. Hurt has made to the understanding of agricultural markets for a wide-ranging audience that includes peers, students, agricultural producers, professionals, practitioners and policy makers.” The “wide-ranging audience” includes those who visit FarmDocDaily, a website sponsored by Illinois, Purdue and Ohio State universities. The site has 45,000 unique visitors per month and 1.2 million annual page views. Dr. Hurt coordinates Purdue’s Ag Outlook program. Ten economists cover their specialty areas — such as crop production costs, input prices, ag trade and ag policy — and Chris then delivers programs for grain outlook, livestock outlook, and general agriculture outlook. The foundation of his success lies in identifying economic issues that are important to decision makers, then developing educational programs to promote understanding of the issues, providing analysis of alternatives, and developing aids to assist decision makers who want to test the outcomes of alternatives for their individual situation. Chris reaches 6,000 to 8,000 individuals a year in face-to-face educational programs. He makes presentations in nearly 60 counties each year. He has helped train about 80 Purdue ag and natural resources Extension educators on how to use materials with clients in all 92 counties. Local crop farm clients receive valuable information thanks to Dr. Hurt’s training programs for Certified Crop Advisors. Banking associations ask him to help train loan officers, who then rely on Dr. Hurt’s income, market outlook, and government programs information as they evaluate requests for agricultural loans. Sales and management personnel in the seed, feed, chemical, and machinery industries rely on his expertise. “Dr. Hurt has remained focused on helping our Ag Community better understand both grain and livestock markets by extending the research and knowledge generated by the Ag Economics Department out to the people,” wrote another nominator. “He often presented Ag Outlook information in my county during the annual Fall Ag Outlook Campaign. The large crowds generated by these meetings were in large part due to the respect my agricultural clientele had for Chris and the information he delivered. Similar stories could be told in many other counties.” Chris Hurt’s influence has grown in part because he “provides the most comprehensive and the best quality analysis that is available,” a nominator said. “Dr. Hurt’s career has exemplified the mission of the land-grant university at the highest level.” Chris Hurt has developed educational programming for these (and more) issue areas:
- Economic impacts of biofuels
- Government farm program decisions
- World food shortages
- Farm income situation, economics of drought
- 30-year commodity price cycles
- PED virus education
- Agricultural marketing education
Some of the professional organizations that have sought Chris Hurt’s training and guidance:
- Indiana Bankers Association, American Bankers Association, Midwest Bankers School, Chicago Federal Reserve Bank, Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank.
- Mid-America Cooperative Council, Indiana Corn Growers, Indiana Farm Bureau, American Farm Bureau, Indiana Soybean Association, United Soybean Board, Farm Foundation, Ag Equipment Manufacturers Association, American Society of Ag Engineers.
- Indiana Pork Producers Association, National Pork Producers Association, Indiana Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, National Dairy Producers Association, National Broiler Council, National Egg Board, U.S Meat Export Federation.
A sampling of individual and group awards:
- Agricultural and Applied Economics (AAEA) Outstanding Group Extension/Outreach Award for FarmDoc, 2014.
- Paul A. Funk Team Award for Excellence, 2013, College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois. FarmDoc team member.
- Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialist Association (PUCESA) Team Award: Managing Moldy Corn Team, 2010
Kenneth A. Huseman (2019) - W. Dean Jones, director of Purdue Extension in Lake County from 1983 to 2003, never forgot a long-ago lesson from a county agent whose tenure dates to the 1950s. In every county, the agent said, you’ll find an outstanding agricultural leader who is dedicated to the good of the community — and places that above his personal gain. Someone like Kenneth A. Huseman. No one with passing knowledge wonders why four consecutive deans of Purdue Agriculture — Vic Lechtenberg, Randy Woodson, Jay Akridge and Karen Plaut — have chosen to rely on Huseman’s counsel and expertise. A primary, but not sole, connection is PCARET — Purdue’s Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching, a lay advisory and legislative advocacy group for the dean. Huseman has represented Purdue’s group since 1980 and joined the national group, known as CARET, in 1994.
- “Ken was, and is, outstanding in this role,” Lechtenberg says. “He understands the broader political context in which funding requests must be framed. Ken’s personal relationships with several members of the Indiana congressional delegation enabled him to be unusually influential and effective.” • “Ken was extraordinarily helpful to me when I was first named dean,” Akridge says. “He had already accumulated years of experience as a CARET representative. I learned much from Ken about how to best share our story with our federal elected officials. He was always well informed, passionate and articulate.” • “I had no experience with CARET when I came to Purdue in 2010,” Plaut says. “He showed me how to build relationships with politicians and how he identified the Senate or House members’ strengths. His vast experience and warm style make it easy for people to listen to and work with him.” U.S. Rep. Peter J. Visclosky, who has represented Indiana’s 1st District in Congress since 1985, is very familiar with Huseman’s skills. “I have consistently found Ken’s advocacy efforts to be effective and informative, evidence-based and, most importantly, focused on the local farmers and students in Indiana,” he says. Robert E. Guernsey worked 20-plus years with Huseman on state and national advisory and advocacy issues. “It was always our intent to customize our request for funding for that congressional office,” he says. “Ken always had a way of crafting our request as being very credible. Ken has a way of making friends with whomever he meets, and that includes Washington, D.C.” Purdue Extension gave Huseman its Friend of Extension Award in 2014. “His ability to form meaningful relationships with county, state and federal legislators has been an asset to the mission of Purdue Extension,” says Jason Henderson, director of Purdue Extension. Henderson, who arrived in 2013, says Huseman “was a tremendous help to me as I was learning and getting acquainted with my new position, making my transition so much easier.” Donya Lester, former director of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association, became director of public engagement for the College in 2011. “My job was to support the CARET delegates, but they took me to school,” she says. “Purdue has one of the most effective CARET delegations in the country, and Ken Huseman is one of the dedicated people who has made that so. Ken showed me the ropes of the advocacy game. I learned what worked, and didn’t, on Capitol Hill. And I watched as he helped to mentor a new CARET delegate. It wasn’t just enough to do his job. He taught all the rest of us how to do ours.” This and that • B.S., Agriculture, Purdue, 1961; M.S., Agricultural Economics, 1966. • Swift & Co., (Chicago Board of Trade), commodity merchandiser, trader, market analyst, 1961-1970. • Huseman Farm, Cedar Lake, Indiana, 1970-present. • Lake County: Purdue Cooperative Extension Board, 1980-2015; Soil and Water Conservation District, 1975-1992; Planning Commission, 2005-present; Drainage Advisory Board, 1998-present.
Henry A. Huston (1955) - The roots of the climatology program at Purdue run very deep. In 1884 Henry Huston, Indiana State Chemist and Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) staff member, organized the Indiana Weather Service, one of only three such state programs in existence at the time. He directed the service for several years and is regarded as the “father” of Indiana’s cooperative observer network. In 1896 Huston enlisted the help of the new Indiana Section of the USDA Climate and Crop Service of the Weather Bureau to publish the observers’ data in a monthly bulletin. The Weather Bureau integrated the Indiana Weather Service into the federal program and soon, similar weather networks were established in other states. Huston was an observer, setting up the Purdue weather station on the south grounds of the AES building. He was observer even after being named Director of AES and served until he left Purdue in 1903.
L. M. Hutchings (1960) - DEAN LESLIE M. (PAT) HUTCHINGS was one of the world's leading research veterinarians. He was recognized as the leading authority on brucellosis in domestic animals. Born in Portland, Maine, he received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Maine in 1937. He earned his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Michigan State University in 1940 and his Masters Degree two years later. In 1942, he joined the Purdue Veterinary staff. In 1947 he received his Doctor of Philosophy degree from Purdue and became head of the Veterinary Science Department in 1950. In 1947, Dr. Hutchings was cited as the outstanding young man in Indiana by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. That same year, he won the Sigma Xi research award. A member of many national research committees, he also was a member of the executive boa'rd of the American Veterinary Medical Association. He also was a member of the committee on eradication of brucellosis in the United States, and of the Wotld Health Expert Panel on Brucellosis. Dean L. M. Hutchings died on July 22, 1959 at Billings Hospital in Chicago after a long illness.
David Hyink (2021) - Dr. Hyink received his PhD from Purdue in Forest Biometrics in 1979 and worked in academia before becoming a Forest Scientist at Weyerhaeuser Company. Using his scientific and technical expertise, and his leadership skills, he created value for his employer, for regional and national forestry research, and for the national forest inventory.
C. G. Irion (1964) - CHRISTIAN G. IRION, WEST LAFAYETTE is unknown probably to several of you. He is however, a man who has made his devotion to his job and his attention to detail important to most every person in Indiana. Chris, as we call him, is Assistant Comptroller for Agriculture for Purdue University and is rather correctly known as a vigilant watchdog of the taxpayers money. He is known and respected by all who work with him, and is characterized as a man who “hues the line” when public funds are concerned. His dedication to carrying out the responsible use of money appropriated by both public and private agencies to the Purdue Agricultural Experiment Station and Agricultural Extension Service has made him an indispensible member of the Purdue Ag team. Irion served his apprenticeship in financial matters as a stenographer and clerk with the Monon Railroad. In 1925, he left the Monon to join the National Fowler Bank in Lafayette where he was successively bookkeeper, assistant cashier, and auditor. In 1934, he joined the chief accountant's office at Purdue. A year later, he became assistant chief accountant and was promoted to assistant comptroller for agriculture in 1960. Chris Irion's service to agriculture through his wise and frugal handling of funds allocated to the furtherance of agriculture is known by Purdue researchers and extension men alike. They, along with the rest of us, thank him for his help.
Gerald W. Isaacs (1979) - When this author was a struggling, overage sophomore in the Purdue School of Agriculture, Gerald Isaacs was his teenage Luma Co-op House brother working on his Master's degree. This fact is used only to point out the intellectual capacity that has been the trait of Isaacs since his high school days in Parke County, Indiana. Gerry holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Purdue, as well as a Master's degree from here in the same field. In 1954, he earned his Doctorate in agricultural engineering from Michigan State University. He then returned to Purdue and joined the Agricultural Engineering faculty, where he carried on an active research program in crop drying. He was a dedicated teacher. In 1964, Dr. Isaacs became head of his department. His guidance has contributed to the establishment of the Purdue Agricultural Engineering department as one of the leaders in the profession. Isaacs has been awarded many professional honors. He is a Fellow in the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. He has served as a visiting lecturer in Germany, and has been on four short term assignments of Rural University in Minas Gerais, Viscosa, Brazil. His distinguished professional career might lead you to think that Isaacs is, somehow, separated from the practical everyday life. Not so - Gerry has a nice little place out west of town where his prize flock of sheep are his pride and joy. He is a faculty advisor for the Boilermaker Tractor Pull, and is always available to talk with students. Dr. Isaacs is an active member of Redeemer Lutheran Church, the Lafayette Rotary Club, and a District Chairman of the Kidney Foundation of Indiana. It pleases the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association to recognize a person who excels in his own community, his university, and nationally, in his chosen profession. Gerald Isaacs is our kind of man.
Ross Jabaay (2010) - Ross Jabaay is the Senior Director, Food Safety and Quality, for Burke Corporation of Nevada, IA, a manufacturer and marketer of pizza-toppings and other fully-cooked meat products now owned by Hormel Foods. A native of Jasper County, Jabaay graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in 1968 in Animal Science. He received his M.S. from Purdue in 1973, also in Animal Science with a concentration in meat science. Jabaay is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, serving with the Veterinary Food Inspection Division. Upon completion of his master’s degree in 1973, he began his distinguished career in meat science as a quality engineer with Hormel Foods in Austin, MN. Jabaay moved to Farmland Foods, Inc. in Kansas City and during 11 years there established the Technical Service Function that combined Research and Development, Quality Control, Regulatory Affairs and Consumer Services. Career moves took him to Sugardale Foods, Canton, OH (1985-87) and Henry House, Inc./Tyson Foods, Inc., Springdale, AR (1987-95). At Henry House/Tyson, Jabaay was Director, Technical Services and Director, Beef and Pork Research and led initiatives to consolidate R & D teams from Tyson’s corporate acquisitions, and he organized and led projects teams to comply with the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act that had been passed as a new national standard in 1990. From 1995-2001 he was Director, Product Design and Quality for FreshMark, Inc. in Canton, OH where he initiated new product lines that added $5M in annual sales and three new lines of business to the company, and he implemented major plant expansions. He created a corporate food safety advisory board for FreshMark that included experts representing many aspects of food safety. Since 2001 Jabaay has been in his current role at Burke, which was acquired by Hormel in 2007. During his tenure at Burke, bioterrorism and food safety concerns have given rise to several major new federal laws with tremendous impact on food producers and manufacturers. Jabaay has been responsible for implementing Burke’s compliance with these new laws and has proactively implemented several new processes (temperature monitoring, database reporting for microbiological and temperature test results, metals database for identifying source of minute contaminants, and a quality performance database for better management of quality complaints) that enhance Burke’s quality and safety assurance programs. Jabaay has an extensive record of service to the American Meat Science Association (AMSA) throughout his career, serving on numerous committees and authoring educational materials. Twice he has chaired the Meat Industry Research Conference. Other professional memberships and leadership positions include: Institute of Food Technologists (Chair-Elect, Iowa Section 2006-07, Chair, 2007-08, led industry scholarship drive resulting in three awards), American Meat Institute (Scientific Affairs Advisory (since 1977), Inspection Policy, Processed Meats, Convention Planning and Food Security Working Group committees); International Association of Food Protection; and American Society for Quality. Jabaay’s civic and volunteer activities include serving as an ordained deacon in the Presbyterian Church. Since 2002 he has been an active volunteer at the Living History Farms in Des Moines where he has built authentic tools, researched pioneer meat processing techniques, and written a history of Walnut Hill Shorthorn cattle herd in order to recreate the herd books and the cattle activities of the 1800s. He has served as board member, vice president (2006) and president (2007) of the Purdue Club of Central Iowa. With Jabaay’s leadership, the club raised fund to award eight scholarships and achieved Gold Recognition Status from the Purdue Alumni Association during his leadership. He led the club’s effort to participate in the World Food Prize ceremonies in 2007 when Purdue’s Phil Nelson received the prize and hosted Dr. Nelson for a club activity. Jabaay’s achievements have been recognized with many honors, including: President’s Award, Henry House Inc. (1989); Meat Processing Award, American Meat Science Association (1999); and Iowa Section Outstanding Leadership Award, IFT (2007-09). In 2003 the United Way of Central Iowa presented him with its Exceptional Volunteer Service recognition, in honor of his work with the Living History Farms.
Scott Allen Jamieson (2015) - Scott Jamieson is a native of Gary, Indiana, and graduated in 1984 from Purdue University with a B.S. in forestry, majoring in urban forestry. He earned an M.S. in forestry from Michigan State University in 1985 and an M.B.A. from DePaul University in 1994. Jamieson began his career as a field arborist at Hendricksen, the Care ofTrees, worked his way through the ranks, and by age 35, after only nine years, became president and CEO of one of the nation's largest tree care companies. As president and CEO of the newly named The Care ofTrees, he was responsible for 26 offices in seven states with more than 500 employees. He spent nearly 20 years at the company, the last 10 as president and CEO. He led many successful and innovative initiatives, growing the company into the second largest commercial and residential tree preservation firm in the world at the time. He is currently a vice president at BartlettTree Experts, responsible for corporate partnerships and national recruiting across 27 states for 100 offices, at a company with more than 1,500 employees and revenues exceeding $170 million. His recruiting strategy involves building robust alliances with university urban forestry and agriculture programs. He has been a guest instructor at Purdue, Michigan State, and Iowa State universities, and he is an Elmhurst College mentor. He has served on advisory boards for both the Michigan State and Purdue forestry departments, as well as the Purdue College of Agriculture Dean's Advisory Council. Jamieson is also the director of Bartlett Inventory Solutions (BIS), a technologically advanced system for conducting tree inventories and management plans for Bartlett clients across the United States using a proprietary mapping and inventory software program developed under his leadership. Jamieson has devoted his career and much of his extensive civic contributions to advancing the tree care profession, keeping arborists safe, protecting and enhancing the urban forest, and empowering others to be environmental stewards. His extensive record of professional service ranges from local to national organizations. In the Chicago region, he has literally changed the urban landscape through many targeted efforts to improve tree culture and care. He has served on the boards ofThe Morton Arboretum, Friends of the Parks, Midwest Ecological Landscape Alliance (chair and vice-chair of board), Chicago Environmental Fund (founding board member), Openlands urban conservation group (founding Steering Committee Member and tree care instructor for the TreeKeepers program, which has trained 1,500 volunteers to spot problems with urban trees), and the Greater North Michigan Avenue Association (now the Magnificent Mile Association; 20 years of service on the Beautification Committee, including the chairmanship). Jamieson has also served on Mayor Richard M. Daley's Landscape Committee where he chaired the Landscape Ordinance Review Committee; has been a tree care instructor for Green corps Chicago; and has been a member of the Operations and Maintenance Working Group for the Chicago Trees Initiative. At the state level, Jamieson has served the Illinois Arborist Association (Finance Chair), the Illinois State Urban Forestry Council (Board of Directors), and the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association (Public Relations, Program and College Liaison committees). His national memberships include the American Society of Consulting Arborists, International Society of Arboriculture, and the American Society of Landscape Architects. He has served on the national boards of directors for the Alliance for Community Trees, the National Safety Council, and Companies That Care. Additionally, he has extensive service to the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) where, as chairman, he led the development of a TCIA company certification program focused on safety records and other business operations and practices. Currently, he is a board member and president-elect of PLANET, the Professional Landcare Network, the national lawn and landscape association, where he is leading safety initiatives for the 4,000 corporate members and is helping to rebrand the association and strengthen its governance and committee structures. Jamieson has made a significant impact on his local community as well. Using his service on the board ofthe National Safety Council,he helped the Village of Arlington Heights, Illinois, become a Safe Community, a designation that is a partnership between the National Safety Council and World Health Organization. He has taught a variety of classes at both The Morton Arboretum and Chicago Botanic Garden, introducing local residents and professionals to state-of-the-art tree care and landscape practices. Jamieson volunteered for many years to conduct tree plantings and environmental education classes at Our Lady of the Wayside Elementary School, and also served as a volunteer coach for the Arlington Heights Park District's youth baseball and basketball leagues. Under Jamieson's leadership, The Care ofTrees was recognized with the Arthur Andersen Best Practices Award for motivating and retaining employees. It was also recognized for four consecutive years by the Center for Companies That Care, the only green industry company to be so acknowledged at the time. Jamieson has been honored by Lawn and Landscape magazine with its Leadership Award and by the Midwest Ecological Landscape Association with its Polaris Leadership Award. In 2004, he was named a Distinguished Agriculture Alumnus by the Purdue College of Agriculture.
Travis Jamison (1979) - While our agricultural profession might go very well if everyone stayed at home and tended solely to the day to day business, the cohesiveness of objectives, and the cooperative advancement of the profession could never occur without some members of the group unselfishly rising above the rest to take the lead. Travis Jamison, Jackson County, Indiana, is just such a man. He is a highly respected and progressive farmer with an intense desire to make his community, state, and nation a better place in which to live. Jamison, in partnership with his son-in-law, farms a 600 acre corn, soybean, watermelon, and popcorn business. Consistently high yields are proof of his farming capabilities. Travis Jamison has asserted his agricultural leadership principally through the Farm Bureau organization and its affiliates. He is active in the local and county organizations, and has been a member of the Jackson County Farm Bureau Cooperative board of directors since 1947. He has served as president of the local Farm Bureau, the county Farm Bureau, and as a director of the Jackson County REMC. He was elected to the Board of Directors of the Indiana Farm Bureau Cooperative Association, and became its vice-president in 1973. In 1977, he was elected to the presidency of that organization of farmers. Active in the American Institute of Cooperatives, he has participated in world affairs through the National Federation of Farm Bureau. He is active in his community. For 40 years, he has taught a Sunday school class in his church, where he also served as a deacon, elder, and chairman of the church board. The Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association is always pleased to present its Certificate of Distinction to one who has excelled in his profession. When a person has dedicated his life to the improvement of his community and his nation, as well, we're especially honored to make this award. Just such a man is Travis Jamison.
Jules Janick (2022) - Jules Janick is one of the world’s best-known scientists and plant breeders. That’s been true for decades. Jules' passion for horticulture and art is contagious, and his vitality and enthusiasm are legendary. Whether a person is a professional horticulturist or hobbyist, in academia or business, breeder or physiologist, author or reader, you’ve likely heard about and benefited from his multiple interests. Jules is also known as a Renaissance man, the poet laureate of the Horticulture Department and a talented artist. His credo has been that advances in horticulture throughout the centuries represent some of the greatest human accomplishments for the betterment of humanity, and he is strongly committed to the view that horticulture provides food for body and soul. Janick came to Purdue in 1951. He has contributed iconographic studies on Dioscorides, the Drake Manuscript, the Unicorn Tapestries, Caravaggio, Cotan, and the Raphael frescoes in the Villa Farnesina in Rome. He has written on the inter‐relationship of horticulture and scholarship, art, ethics, and the contributions of horticulture to human welfare. More recently he has contributed to unraveling the Voynich codex. His scholarly work in plant breeding led to the release of 23 varieties of disease-resistant apples. He has authored, co-authored or edited 142 volumes of books, journals, or proceedings. He alone has authored 63 book chapters and 222 refereed journal articles. His seminal text, Horticultural Science, first published in 1964, is translated into Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, and Hindi. He taught online for more than a decade, and two courses, History of Horticulture, and Tropical Horticulture, were taken by at least 6,000 students.
Chris J. Johannsen (2006) - Chris Johannsen is Professor Emeritus of Agronomy and former Director of the Laboratory of Remote Sensing (LARS) at Purdue University. A native of Nebraska, Johannsen graduated twice from the University of Nebraska: in 1959 with a B. S. in agronomy, and in 1961 with an M.S. in agronomy. In 1969 he received his Ph.D. in soil physics from Purdue University. Johannsen has been an international leader in developing agricultural uses of remote sensing technologies. He was a pioneer in the analysis and applications of remotely sensed data in agriculture systems, work that has helped develop what we commonly call “precision agriculture.” He provided leadership at Purdue for spatial technologies—remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), and global positioning systems (GPS)—and has been involved in many national and international remote sensing committees. He was the first soils and land use scientist to join Purdue’s multidisciplinary team, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) in 1966, to conduct pioneering research on the applications of data obtained by sensors on orbiting satellites. Johannsen first joined the Purdue faculty in 1963 and served as a program leader for the newly established LARS from 1966 to 1972. From 1972 to 1985 he was on the faculty of the University of Missouri, returning to Purdue in 1985 as Director of both the Agricultural Data Network (ADN) and LARS. In 1996-97 he was a Visiting Chief Scientist with Space Imaging, Inc., developing ag applications of remote sensing. He has worked and traveled in 53 countries and has given remote sensing presentations to international meetings in ten countries and has taught his remote sensing course in both Argentina (2004) and the United Arab Emirates (2005). He assisted in establishing a joint M.S. program in Earth Observations between Purdue University and the University of Leuven, Belgium. A program that he helped develop between the United States, Greece and France has trained more than 100 participants in the digital analysis of remotely sensed data, and he helped develop AGRIDAYS, an agricultural exchange program that focuses on the use of spatial technologies in the U.S. and France. His professional memberships and service are numerous. His primary professional society is the Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS), where during his term as President, he pushed for they society’s name change (formerly it was the Soil Conservation Society of America) to properly reflect water conservation and to encourage international membership. He is also an active member of the American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) and the Indiana Academy of Science, all of whom have awarded him the distinction of Fellow. His numerous community activities include Boy Scouts, where he is currently a sustaining member of the Sagamore Boy Scout Council and counselor for the Environment Merit Badge. He is active in the Lafayette Rotary Club where his service includes director (1995-97) and chairing the World Community Service Committee (1993-2002). He is active in Lutheran Church activities and served on the church council in both West Lafayette (1965-68, 2005-07) and Columbia, MO (1974-79). For more than 10 years he has been chair of the Men’s Breakfast Group that meets monthly. From 1985-95 he served on the board of the Purdue Lutheran Ministry and was president from 1988-95. In addition to the four professional societies that have awarded him the distinction of Fellow, Johannsen’s awards include National Commendation Award, SWCS (1975); Outstanding Service Award, SWCS (1978); NASA Technology Innovation Award (1991); Outstanding Service Award, ASPRS (1992); and the Alumni Merit Award, University of Nebraska (1995).
Hub Johnson (2012) - Hubert “Hub” Johnson graduated from Purdue University in 1961 with a B.S. in Animal Sciences. A student leader, he was a varsity basketball player and vice president of the Hoof and Horn Club. In 1965 he received his M.S. from Purdue, also in Animal Sciences, and during his graduate studies was an instructor for meats classes and became Purdue’s first meats lab manager. After working as a meats instructor at Colorado State University and in the processed meats industry, he returned to Purdue and earned his PhD. in 1975. He then joined Purdue’s faculty for two years in the area of meat science teaching, research and extension. His 50-year career has included positions with a number of processors, service as a USDA staff officer and many years as a consultant to the meats processing industry. His expertise has earned him the nickname “The Ham Doctor.” Johnson has had a major impact with the companies and clients he served, and also in academia and government where he played a major role in transforming regulatory policy as it affects the meat industry. One nominator said of him, “I have yet to meet another person who understood so many different meat processing procedures.” His professional knowledge and expertise is matched with extraordinary management and people skills, acknowledged many times by his various nominators as the total skill package that made him their most valued consultant. Johnson’s unique skill package resulted in his often being sought after and hired as a “fixer” for a process or a meat processing plant. As a result, his experience includes positions in general management, production management and quality management with many companies, including: Dinner Bell Foods, Defiance, OH (1966-69); Hygrade Food Products, Livonia, MI (1969-73 and 1980-82); OhSe Foods, Topkea, KS (1973 and 1994-96); Bil-Mar Foods, Zeeland, MI (1978-80); Cook Family Foods, Detroit, MI (1982-83); Wilson Foods, Monmouth, IL and Logansport, IN (1985-94); ABC Research, Gainesville, FL (1997); American Foods, Mitchell, SD (1997-99); and Ohio Packing Company, Columbus, OH (1999-2000). After his stint on the Purdue faculty, in 1977 he launched his own company, H. B. Ham, Inc. in Rossville, IN and his first year sales exceeded one million pounds. As a consultant in food processing management and technology, food safety, HACCP, TQC, TQM and management training, his clients have included dozens of companies, including high profile industry leaders Allied Mills, Armour-Swift-Eckrich, ConAgra, Emge Foods, Farmland Foods, Purina Mills and Marsh Supermarkets. Johnson has served his profession through the American Meat Science Association where he was a member of the Committees for Continuing Education (1965), Food Engineering (1974-75) and Rules for Intercollegiate Meat Judging Coaches Association (1976-77) and through the American Meat Institute as a member of its Processed Meats Committee (1969-70). He served on the Carcass Evaluation Committee of the AK-SAR-BEN 4-H Livestock Exposition in 1976. He has served as treasurer of the Indiana Food Processors Association and on the board of directors of the Indiana Meat Processors Association. He has authored 10 peer-reviewed publications, three Extension publications and 112 abstracts, and he has given numerous invited presentations for university and industry seminars and conferences. Johnson is a community servant leader as well. While at Purdue he was an advisor to Farmhouse Fraternity and a Faculty Fellow at Cary Quad. He has served on the Executive Board of the Sagamore Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Johnson has been a 4-H leader, Little League Baseball manager, volunteer baseball umpire and a member of the McCutcheon High School booster club. He is a member of the Flora United Methodist Church where he has served on the Administrative Board, Board of Trustees, as Liturgist, and chairman of the Pastor-Parish Committee. He has also served as a foodservice volunteer for the church camp for four weeks each year. Johnson’s honors and awards include membership in Alpha Zeta and Sigma Xi. In 1965-66 he was named Colorado State University’s Outstanding Teacher in Animal Science. He was also named an Honorary Commissioner of Agriculture for the State of Indiana.
D. B. Johnson (1939) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Paul Johnson (1964) - PAUL C. JOHNSON, CHICAGO Editorial Director, Tbe Prairie Farmer is recognized throughout the Midwest as one of the farmer's most fervent supporters and will readily come to the aid of agriculture in any cause that he feels is to the public good and one that is right for the farmer. His humble ways, his country manner, and his fearless ability to support his views make him a popular figure on the speakers platform as well as on the printed page. Reared on a Minnesota dairy farm, Johnson was engaged in the purebred livestock business with his father and brothers. He left the home farm soon thereafter and entered the journalism profession. In 1940, while serving as editor of the Worthington Minnesota Daily Globe. he was called to the University of Minnesota to take charge of publications, radio, visual aids, and agricultural journalism for their School of Agriculture. In 1947, he was made editor of Tbe Prairie Farmer. In that position, he has provided dynamic leadership to the agricultural writing profession. Through his magazine, he has soundly fostered accurate agricultural reporting, the providing of good informational material for farmers and unhesitantingly spoken forth for what he believes to be sound principles in agriculture. Certainly, Paul Johnson is a fearless, a thoughtful, a visionary man. Therefore, we give him our Certificate of Distinction.
LaVerne A. Johnson (1984) - LaVerne Johnson, a native of Illinois, graduated from Purdue University in 1940 with a B.S. degree in Agriculture. While at Purdue he was on the varsity football team where he displayed the kind of enthusiasm he now has for agriculture. He began his career as a tenant farmer in 1941. Now, with his sons and daughters, he farms nearly 3,000 acres in conjunction with a 3,500 farrow-to-finish hog enterprise. La Verne Johnson has been a leader in the swine industry. He became a pioneer in the confinement rearing of swine as he made the economic decision early that the DeKalb County land he farmed had more valuable alternatives than to use for range areas for swine. He is one of the reasons that a Pork Producers - Association exists today. Johnson and agriculture teachers in his area formed a Swine Herd Improvement Association which he served as the first president. The National Swine Growers Council was formed in 1954 and Johnson served as president from 1961-63. In 1968 the organization name was changed to the National Pork Producers Association. In addition, LaVerne Johnson has served his community as a school board. member, Junior College Board Chairman, on the County Fair Board and 4-H Club leader for more than 20 years.
C. Leon Johnson (2005) - Leon Johnson is the founder of River View Farms, a diversified crop and livestock operation in Orange County Indiana, where he built a legacy of innovation and community service that now spans eight decades. He attended Purdue University for one semester in 1931, returning home upon the death of his father to care for his family and their dairy farm. He returned to Purdue in 1933 as a student in the Ag Winter Shortcourse. Johnson was known throughout his career for trying and developing new methods of production, and even new enterprises. While he returned home in 1931 to a traditional dairy farm, he later converted the dairy barn into a three story broiler house. He became a Ralston Purina feed dealer, and started his own hatchery on the farm. He pioneered the use of space heat in broiler houses, and he was one of the first people to start turkey chicks using open room brooding. In the early 1940’s he put air ducts and a large fan in a hayloft to dry baled hay. In 1950 he built a wooden building for drying wet shelled corn, and in 1955 he built his own feed mill so that he could utilize his own corn. Over the years, his innovative enterprises included raising birdsfoot trefoil for forage and seed production, milo grain production in the 1950’s, popcorn production, sheep and hogs, and pheasants for a specialty market. In addition to his grain and broiler and turkey operations, this diversification helped him manage his risks. He worked with equipment manufacturers to design and test new technologies, including automatic turkey feeders for confinement feeding and a John Deere prototype planter than planted corn into fresh plowed soil. In the early 1960’s he was one of the first southern Indiana farmers to adopt minimum tillage for corn production, and hosted the statewide Minimum Tillage Field Day about two years into their experiment. Johnson relied on meticulous record keeping to make an objective analysis of the profitability of his various enterprises, and he was continuously updating his enterprises and his production methods to maintain his profitability. He adopted the Purdue Farm Record Book System in 1936, and he set a goal of being in the top 10% for efficiency. His management proficiency and innovation was recognized by numerous national farm magazines who profiled him and his management systems. In 1963 Johnson was selected to represent Indiana on an agricultural trip to Russia. Throughout his career he was an invited speaker at numerous national and state conferences including: Ralston Purina’s dealer conventions; the National Institute of Animal Agriculture; Iowa Pork Producers; and the Institute of American Poultry Industries’ Fact Finding Conference. The Indiana Farm Management Tour has visited River View Farm three times, twice when Leon was the principal manager and most recently in 1994 under his son Lee’s leadership. The farm has hosted numerous other management field days and programs, as well as many visitors from countries around the world. Johnson has an impressive record of community and agricultural service. He was one of the first presidents of the Orange County Farm Bureau, and as one of the three founders of the Orange County 4-H Club Association, Inc. he led that group’s effort to purchase twenty acres and construct with public funds a community center that was used by 4-H and other activities. As a member of the Orleans Community School Board in the 1950’s and 1960’s, he led planning and implementation of several building projects. As an active member of the Syria Christian Church, Johnson has chaired the Board of Elders and the Joint Board and has served 40 or more years as a deacon and elder. He chaired two major building projects for what is now the current church sanctuary and education wing which includes classrooms that are used daily for a pre-school. Leon Johnson’s career is marked by a list of firsts, as he was always an early adopter—and even developer—of technology. One retired Purdue professor remarked that Johnson is the only person over 90 with whom he regularly conducts a conversation by e-mail.
Thomas R. Johnston (1963) - In 1914, Johnston became a reporter for the Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette. In 1916, he joined the staff of the Indianapolis Star as state editor. A year later he returned to the Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette as city editor. On December 1, 1917, he began a 45-year career at Purdue University. Four years after joining the Purdue staff, he established the Bureau of Information there and served as its director until retiring in 1963. In 1951, he went to Italy for a year to set up a farm education plan for the Marshall Plan. Johnston was an organizer of the Tippecanoe County Farm Bureau in 1919, the Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce in 1926 and the Hoosier State Press Association in 1930. He was also a member of the Lafayette Home Hospital board for 16 years and the West Lafayette Park Board for 14 years. Johnston was a 33rd degree Mason and belonged to many other fraternal and church organizations. He also served as Purdue's representative to the Indiana General Assembly and in 1956, took a leave of absence to seek the Indiana gubernatorial nomination, but was unsuccessful in his bid.
Hobart W. Jones (1982) - Many people will tell you that Hobart Jones, West Lafayette, Indiana, is one of the best hog judges in the country. Others will tell you of his expertise in the field of swine management. Those former students of his in Purdue swine production classes will tell you that he is one of the great classroom teachers. All those things are certainly true. However, I would propose to you that none of those virtues are his highest priority. “Hobe” Jones, by his every act, reinforces his basic belief in the importance of the individual human being. We are not the first group to notice that good quality as it applies to his professional life. He has received the Hovde Award for Service to the Rural People in Indiana, the American Society of Animal Science Award for Excellence in Research, the Purdue School of Agriculture Best Teaching Award, the American Pork Congress Meritorious Service Award, is in the Indiana Livestock Breeders Hall of Fame, the Indiana Pork Producers Meritorious Service Award, Indiana FFA Honorary State Farmer Award, and the Purdue School of Agriculture Best Counselor Award. Jones graduated from Purdue in 1943, and later was awarded advanced degrees from Ohio State and from the University of Kentucky. Hobe Jones raised his family in the country. That should say something about his love and respect for the land. He is active in his community. He was one of the founders of Covenant Presbyterian Church in West Lafayette, and has served in many administrative capacities there as well as in the Otter-bein Methodist Church. He has worked for the United Way, has worked loyally for his Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, and he and his wife Lois have contributed many hours to Church youth work, music boosters, township and county 4-H Clubs, and other volunteer efforts. Prof. Jones is a recognized national authority in hog circles. He did much of the early research work on swine confinement, and is noted throughout the country as a leader in swine production practices. Most importantly of all, perhaps, is the simple fact that Hobe Jones is dedicated to human beings and their individual improvement. He is a teacher of the highest caliber, and a trusted counselor of young people. He makes it better for lots of hogs to be sure, but it is much more significant that he makes it better for hundreds of human lives as well. Thank you, Hobe Jones.
Gordon F. Jones (1991) - A native of Chicago, Jones earned baccalaureate and master’s degrees in education at Purdue, and joined the 4-H staff in 1949. He served as assistant county agent for youth in Marion County , and two years later joined the state 4-H staff at Purdue. He taught a recreation course in the Physical Education Department, and served as a guest lecturer at Indiana University, University of Illinois, University of Kentucky, and other universities. He retired in 1979 and was named professor emeritus of 4-H youth. Jones was cited for the “design and successful implementation of “The Dec en S’s of Recreation,” a widely known and respected teaching technique for his seminars. His career has been a model of innovative, creative, humorous and understanding spirit for Extension education.” He was also cited for inspiring thousands of 4-H youth to seek academic achievement. Hones is a member of several national recreation associations, including the American Camping Association, the National Cultural Arts Committee, and the Indiana Square Dance Callers Association. He received the 1971 Outstanding Service Award from the Indiana Park and Recreation Association, and Man of the Year Award from the Tippecanoe Kiwanis Club. He is a member of the Epsilon Sigma Phi, extension honorary, and the Purdue Retiree Organization. He is working on a retiree’s committee to compile a history of Indiana 4-H. Jones has played a key role in nearly every Purdue Ag Alumni Fish Fry, and has performed at many local ag alumni chapter meetings. He has provided education leadership for many state 4-H programs, including the Hoosier Recreation Workshop, Extension Homemakers Chorus, Indiana Farm Safety Council, American Institute of Cooperatives, Qibache 4-H Leadership Program, Purdue Collegiate 4-H Club, the 4-H Roundup and Share-the-Fun, and the State 4-H Junior Leader programs. Jones is a past chairman of the West Lafayette Park and Recreation Advisory Board, and a member of the Tippecanoe Historical Association.
W. Dean Jones (2008) - Dean Jones retired in 2003 after serving Purdue Extension for 30 years as a county and area educator, the last 20 years as County Extension Director in Lake County. A native of Spencer County, Indiana, Jones graduated from Purdue University in 1961. In 1971 he received an M.S. in Community Development from the University of Louisville. Following his graduation from Purdue, Jones served in the United States Army in Germany. In 1965 he became the Executive Director of the Lincoln Hills Development Corporation in Tell City, Indiana, a Community Action Agency that operated federally funded programs in four Indiana counties. Essentially the founding director (the first director had died after only two months in office) of the agency that was the local arm of the U.S. program commonly known as the War on Poverty, Jones was responsible for all the activities necessary to get these new federal programs, such as Head Start, up and running. In addition to his local responsibilities, he served as president of the statewide Community Action Agency Directors’ Association from 1970-72 and from 1969 to 1972 he served on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Community Development. He also found it necessary to make numerous trips to Chicago to articulate the unique needs of the rural poor to the urban administrators of these new programs. One nominator said “a book could be written of the impact” Jones had in starting this agency that is now national recognized and has won numerous awards for the service it provides to the poor. After eight years at the helm of the Lincoln Hills Development Corporation, and earning his master’s degree from the University of Louisville, Jones joined the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service in 1973, serving as Agriculture Agent and County Extension Coordinator in LaGrange and Knox Counties before moving to Fort Wayne in 1980 to become the Area Community Development Agent. In 1983 he became the County Extension Director in Lake County, where he also served as coordinator of the Lake County Community Development Committee, the last of a group of community study committees formed by Purdue Extension in the 1960’s. Under Jones’ leadership, the Lake County committee continued to have influence on growth and development including the Gary airport, community recreation facilities, health care infrastructure and various community improvement projects. They have also made recommendations that have resulted in state legislation regarding criminal justice and poor relief. Jones’ passion for community development activities is evident in his other activities. He has served on the Lake County Park Board, and during his term as president, he led the development of plans that resulted in a multi-million dollar bond that expanded the parks system to include new parks, including the Deep River Water Park. Jones was a board member for Leadership Northwest Indiana, and he has served as a member and president of the Lake County Plan Commission, and as president of the Lake County Library Foundation. Jones is a member and past president of the Crown Point Rotary Club. Currently he is secretary of the Hammond Chapter of the Nation Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE). He is a life member of Epsilon Sigma Phi, the national extension honorary fraternity, and is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta, the honorary agricultural fraternity. In 1981 Jones was honored by the national County Agents Association with its Achievement Award, and again in 2003 with their Distinguished Service Award. The Hammond Times in 2000 named him as one of the top twenty community leaders in Northwest Indiana. In 2003 he was named a Sagamore of the Wabash by Indiana Governor Frank O’Bannon.
Don D. Jones (2008) - Don Jones is Professor and Extension Agricultural Engineer in Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue University, where he has served on the faculty since 1976. He was recently appointed Assistant Extension Program Leader for Agriculture and Natural Resources. With his extensive applied research, teaching and extension programs in the area of agricultural structures and environmental systems, Don Jones has made a tremendous impact on the discipline of waste management, both as it relates to livestock production and to home sewage disposal. He is recognized worldwide for his innovative development and implementation of computer-based learning tools and decision support systems for rural waste management and water resources protection. These tools have been adopted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and are accessible by users via the Internet at no charge. With more than 90 numbered extension publications, 79 technical publications, 14 books and handbooks, and 80 copyrighted software programs to his credit, Jones has benefited agricultural, government regulators, industry consultants, equipment and service providers. He is an avid supporter of the Midwest Plan Service (MWPS), a project of the land-grant universities in the twelve North-Central states, and has contributed as reviewer and author of 11 MWPS publications. His current work with MWPS is targeting a new client base and is projected to have far-reaching impacts on rural residences. One of his unique contributions has been his leadership in innovative delivery of extension environmental programming, developing many computer programs to train stakeholders in nutrient management and related issues. As one nominator said, he “has a tendency to boil down complex issues into practical, deliverable pieces.” Another said, “I have never seen an audience he could not reach with his delivery style and humor.” A main thrust of Jones’ program of more than 100 applied research grants totaling $9 million has been the improvement of rural life in Indiana. He has developed innovative septic systems to respond to recent state regulations restricting on-site soil treatment systems for sewage effluent. In addition to his extension publications, he has developed 28 livestock housing construction plans and many other papers to assist rural dwellers, including a series of 24 publications dealing with rural energy conservation in the 1980’s. He has taught six university courses, including “Agricultural Computer Applications” which reached nearly 2,000 students in five years and “Farmstead Planning” (ASM 333) which he team teaches with Dr. Alan Sutton and is a popular course because it presents comprehensive scientific and applied information in an understandable format. Jones has been active for more than 30 years in the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), formerly the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE), chairing both the beef and extension committees and serving as associate editor for their publication Transactions. He provided expertise to various Information and Electrical Technologies and Soil and Water division committees. He has served in officer positions in the Indiana section, including chair. At Purdue he has served on numerous department and university committees, including serving as the Extension Leader for the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. He has served on committees with the Indiana State Department of Agriculture and Indiana Farm Bureau. He was instrumental in developing a national curriculum on waste management with USDA-CSREES, EPA, NRCS, MWPS, LPES and numerous land-grant universities, and he was on the executive committee for the USDA-sponsored National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management. Despite having only a minor appointment in teaching, Jones has three times been his department’s nominee for the College of Agriculture’s Outstanding Teacher award. In addition to receiving 25 Blue Ribbon Awards from ASAE/ASABE, Jones received the Aerovent Fan & Equipment Young Extension Man of the Year from ASAE (1981), the Senior Extension Worker Recognition Award from the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service (1991), the Industry Meritorious Service Award from the Indiana Pork Producers Association (1992), and the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service Team Recognition Award (1993), the Purdue Agriculture Dean's Team Award (1996 and 2002), the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists’ Association Team Award (1998), the Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence in Educational Service to the Rural People of Indiana (2002) and the ASAE Giese Extension Award (2002). In 2007 he was named a Fellow of ASABE, an honor granted to less than two percent of the ASABE membership and bestowed only on those who demonstrate unusual professional distinction, with outstanding qualifications and experience in the field of agricultural engineering.
Harold P. Jordan (1972) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Max Joseph (1981) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Glenn Juday (2023) - Fairbanks, Alaska
When his family moved from Indianapolis to 18 forested acres near Frankfort, Indiana, Glenn Juday began his immersion in nature. “It was like going to a gigantic mansion, knocking and having the door swing open. Everything is there for the taking.” A career was being planted.
Ten years later, in 1970, he helped organize activities at Purdue University for the nation’s inaugural Earth Day. As a student he helped lead a successful campaign to foil efforts to construct reservoirs on Wildcat and Big Pine creeks. In the months after he earned a forestry degree, his state-funded research contributed to the establishment of the Indiana Natural Scenic and Recreational River System. For five decades Juday’s comprehension of the legislative process made him invaluable on a national scale.
The recipient of the Agricultural Alumni Association's Senior Achievement Award headed west. While working on a PhD (plant ecology) at Oregon State, he contributed to helping establish Oregon’s first state government natural area preserves. After 10 years as a research scientist at the Pacific Northwest Research Station, from 1981 to 2015 he was a professor of forest ecology at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks.
He also was one of the early investigators to tackle climate change as a scientific question. As director of UAF’s tree-ring laboratory he led expeditions across Alaska to collect samples. “I was looking forward to a nice, quiet academic pursuit.” However, his tree ring results provided some of the earliest clear evidence of climate change. His findings “blew up” into a loud, divisive debate that hasn’t abated. “I rode the leading edge of that for quite some time.”
In spring 2022, Juday accepted the Lifetime Achievement Award from Purdue’s Department of Forestry and Natural Resources. “I grew up next to this institution,” he said then. “I went there and then went out into the larger society and exercised the capabilities that I developed there. To give me this award in the end is just like one of those corny Hollywood movie endings."
“My parents,” the world-renowned forest ecologist and climate change expert says, “taught me not to brag. But there are natural areas thriving today in Indiana, Oregon and Alaska that may not have survived had I not been one ingredient in the picture.”
Max Judge (2022) - It’s unlikely that anyone from Kennard High School in Henry County ever squeezed more from a Sears, Roebuck 4-H college scholarship. Max Judge spent it at Purdue University, where he earned two degrees and was a full professor for 27 years. He developed and taught the first meat science course offered at Purdue. It remains in the curriculum lineup; thousands of Boilermakers have taken that course and others he developed. In 1974 he co-authored “Principles of Meat Science” is still one of the most-used undergraduate meat science textbooks. Laboratories were in the poultry science annex. The 1974 move to Smith Hall was an upgrade, but none of the labs bore much resemblance to the Max Judge Classroom for Meat Science and Muscle Biology in the gleaming Land O’ Lakes Center for Experiential Learning, which opened in 2018. His research led to improved meat quality with reduced fat content in pork. He published the first report in the United States indicating a definite effect of growing environment on swine meat quality. He demonstrated technology to measure swine carcass lean content on the production line in pork harvest plants. The Lean Team, funded by the USDA and the Indiana Pork Producers Association, received the USDA’s Distinguished Service Award for Scientific Research in 1992. The American Meat Science Association’s highest honor, the R.C. Pollock Award, is another on a long list of national and international salutes. Like all great leaders, Max deflected credit. Dr. Judge should be recognized for his dedication to agriculture, but more so for the manner in which he accomplished these achievements. Judge, runner-up in a long-ago Henry County poetry writing contest, is a member of a writer’s group in Hilton Head, South Carolina, and author of eight books of memoirs, poems, short stories and devotionals.
Clarence E. Kaiser (1954) - Clarence E. Kaiser, Eckerty, has made such an outstanding success of grassland farming on his 110 acre Crawford County hill farm that over 1,000 farmers and agriculturists visit his farm annually to get the story behind his extraordinary accomplishments. In the late 30's, Mr. Kaiser cooperated with his County Agent, Sam Dixon, and M. O. Pence, extension agronomist, on a lime and fertilizer project with Korean Lespedeza. By 1945, he had his farm completely in grass, and has grown no grain since that time. On 78 acres of grassland he produces 141 lambs from 100 ewes, and maintained 17 Milking Shorthorn cows with their calves this last year. He is carrying on a long time program of woods improvement on 30 acres of steep slopes in cooperation with the Forestry Department. He has been a president of his County Farm Bureau, has served on a number of extension committees, and also was one of the leaders of the movement to develop a .county soil conservation district. One son, Clarence, was a graduate of the School of Agriculture, and is now in military service. Another son, Phillip, is a sophomore in Purdue at the present time. Mr. Kaiser's success in applying modern technology in pasture improvement and management has given courage and inspiration to farmers throughout the hill areas of southern Indiana. He receives the thousands of visitors who come to his farm with courtesy and consideration. By precept and example, he promotes a successful system of 100 percent grassland farming. His recommendation for this award carries this statement, “His farm of green acres is as outstanding in its setting as an oasis in a desert.”
Clarence James Kaiser (2003) - Jim Kaiser was raised on the family farm in Crawford County, Indiana. He received a B.S. in Agricultural Education from Purdue University in1952. In 1959 he received his M.S. in Education Administration from Indiana University, and in 1971 he graduated from the University of Missouri with a Ph.D. in Agronomy and Statistics. Following his graduation from Purdue, Kaiser taught vocational agriculture, physics and chemistry at Milltown High School for two years. From 1957 to 1968 he was superintendent of the Southern Indiana Purdue Ag Center (SIPAC). Following his graduation from the University of Missouri, he joined the faculty of the University of Kentucky as an extension forage specialist. From 1973 to 1985 he was associate professor and director of the University of Illinois Dixon Springs Agricultural Center. In 1985 he became associate professor of agronomy for forage crop production and pasture management at the University of Illinois Department of Agronomy. From 1949 to 1990 he served in the U. S. Army, U.S. Army Reserves and the Indiana Army National Guard, attaining the rank of Colonel. In 1993 he retired from academia and moved backed to Indiana to operate Kaiser Farms / Breezy Heights Charolais, the family cattle and timber farm in Crawford County. During his 40 years of service in the public sector, Kaiser authored more than 325 publications, primarily on forage crops and pasture management, for students, producers and scientists, and he participated in international projects in nine countries. But it is his record of volunteer service to his community and to agriculture that distinguish Kaiser among his peers. He served on numerous committees for the American Society of Agronomy and for the American Forage and Grasslands Council, where he served as a director from 1985-89. From 1991 to 1993 he was president of the North Central Section, Society for Range Management. He is a charter member of the Indiana Charolais Association, the Indiana Forage Council and the Illinois Forage and Grassland Council, and served the latter as president in 1986-87. His local community and agricultural leadership activities are numerous. He was president of the Crawford County Farm Bureau 1955-57, chairman of the Dubois County (Ind.) Soil and Water Conservation District 1962-65, and chairman of the Natural Resources Committee, Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts 1997-2001. His current memberships and activities include: Board of Supervisors of the Crawford County Soil and Water Conservation District, Secretary of Indiana Grazing Land Conservation Initiative Committee, Forestry Committee of the Lincoln Hills Resource Conservation and Development Council, Board of Directors of the South Central Indiana Livestock Marketing Corporation, President of the Crawford County School Building Corporation, Advisory Committee of the Corydon office of Farm Credit Service, Community Foundation of Crawford County, Board Member of Crawford County Cattle Association, Chair of the Advisory Council for Rural Health Initiatives. He is also active in the Newton Stewart Masonic Lodge where he is Past Master and in the Wickliffe United Methodist Church where he is presently a youth Sunday School teacher and secretary of the board of trustees. Kaiser has continued the conservation and environmental stewardship legacy of his father, who eliminated tillage and row crops from the farm after WWII. He manages his registered Charolais herd of approximately 100 cows and 30 replacement heifers as a commercial herd to maximize returns. Bulls are leased for the breeding season only. Ownership is retained in feeder cattle that are shipped off-farm (currently to Central Iowa Feeders) for finishing. Kaiser practices rotational grazing and has installed eight ponds and a number of other erosion control features throughout the farm that has a range of 250 feet in elevation . The farm’s 108 acres of hardwood forests are enrolled in the Indiana Classified Forest Program and are managed for both timber production and wildlife habitat. Cattle are excluded from all forestlands. Kaiser frequently speaks to livestock and conservation meetings throughout southern Indiana, and he has hosted numerous field day activities and farm tour groups, believing that “show and tell” is the primary educational tool available to farm operators who seek to persuade others to adopt responsible conservation programs. A multitude of organizations have honored Kaiser’s achievements over the years. Capstone awards include being named Forage Specialist Extraordinaire by the Illinois Forage Friends in 1994, and receiving the American-International Charolais Association’s Environmental Stewardship Award in 2002.
Ned E. Kalb (2009) - Ned Kalb is a consultant specializing in agricultural and economic development for several projects in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. He retired in 1997 from Purdue Extension, after spending more than 20 years of his 33-year career as the county extension director in two of Indiana’s most populous counties, LaPorte (1974-89) and Marion (1989-97). A native of Elkhart County, Kalb graduated from Purdue University in 1963 with a B.S. in Agriculture, and earned his M.S. in Extension Education in 1966, also from Purdue. Kalb distinguished himself during his Purdue Extension career as a leader in community and leadership development, building partnerships among various community stakeholders to solve problems. Immediately after graduating from Purdue, he spent two years as the extension youth agent, followed by a year as the assistant radio editor in the Communication Department at Purdue. In 1967 he was hired as the agricultural extension educator in LaPorte County, an area he would serve for the next 22 years as both a county and area educator. He established a Row Crop Farmers organization that hosted numerous educational and farm management programs. In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s he was on the cutting edge of agricultural programming, teaching computerized record keeping to farmers and agricultural banker. For two years as the area Community Development Agent (1972-74), he worked to build partnerships between Extension, local government and community leaders to solve the problems of a growing area and the problems of urbanization. For 15 years, from 1974-89, he was the County Extension Director for LaPorte County. He was a member of the county Plan Commission and the Park and Recreation Board, serving as president of each board. Kalb served for 15 years on the Board of Directors of the Greater LaPorte Chamber of Commerce as the representative for agriculture. During this time, he served on a Community Development Study Committee for the county and, identifying a need for qualified community leaders, helped to found LaPorte County Leadership, Inc. in the early 1980’s. The program continues to this day, providing 25 to 30 people per year with intensive leadership training. He also worked extensively with competing interest groups on issues of the Kankakee River Basin, an area important to agricultural production and environmental and wetland preservation, helping each side to achieve a portion of their objectives. He also worked with the Lt. Governor’s Commission on Agriculture and Rural Development, assembling data and leading the discussions dealing with activities of the Cooperative Extension Service. Kalb spent the last eight years of his Extension career (1989-97) as County Extension Director in Marion County, with responsibility for the community and economic development program. After his retirement from Extension, Kalb worked on the Purdue-Krakow University project in Poland, helping to develop programs for information transfer for agricultural producers and businesses. Beginning in 1998, he consulted with Mercy Corps International on agricultural projects in both Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. From 1998-2001, Kalb worked part-time for Winrock International’s Farmer-to-Farmer program as the program director for Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, assessing local needs and orienting volunteers and evaluating their efforts on behalf of local agriculture. He then spent a year as Winrock’s project coordinator for the Women’s Integrated Legal Literacy Project in Uzbekistan. Since 2002 he has managed a number of projects, including serving as managing director of Kelajak Ilmi, the International Business School in Uzbekistan through a University of Michigan partnership. He developed educational programs on nutrition and other factors affecting tuberculosis infection and recovery rates as a consultant for the Federation of the American Red Cross / Red Crescent Society of Uzbekistan. And he is currently the senior agribusiness advisor to the Small Enterprise Assistance Fund (SEAF) which facilitates funding of agricultural enterprises in rural communities. From 2006-2008, he has conducted several studies and produced recommendations for the Asian Development Bank for the development of cotton production and ginning enterprises in both Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Kalb owns and manages a 250-acre family farm in northern Indiana, which includes 40 acres of woodlands and over 200 crop acres. His professional affiliations include: National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA); Indiana Extension Educators Association (IEEA) which he served as president 1985-86; Epsilon Sigma Phi and Gamma Sigma Delta. Kalb has been honored for his achievements with several professional and community awards: Outstanding Citizen – LaPorte Jaycees (1987); IEAA State Senior Community Development-Public Policy Award (1989); Epsilon Sigma Phi State Distinguished Service Award (1991); and NACAA Distinguished Service Award (1994).
F. E. Kempton (1959) - Dr. Forrest E. Kempton, Centerville, received his B.S. degree from Earlham College, his Masters degree from the University of Wisconsin and his Doctors degree from the University of Illinois. A plant pathologist, he taught biology in a number of colleges in Illinois and Ohio. He was a plant pathologist in charge of barberry eradiation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture from 1918 to 1927. In 1929, he returned to the farm where he was born in Wayne County, Indiana. As a farmer and public servant, he has excelled. In addition to managing his farms of over 500 acres, he has been one of the tireless workers for soil conservation. He played a major part in the organization and development of Soil Conservation Districts throughout Indiana. He has been chairman of the board of supervisors of the Wayne County District since its organization in 1947. He also served as secretary-treasurer of the Indiana Association of Soil Conservation Supervisors for two years, and as chairman of that Association for another two years. In 1957, he was appointed to the State Soil Conservation Committee by Governor Handley and has been a prominent member of that group. He was also one of the originators of land judging for 4-H and FFA boys in Indiana and has served on the Land Judging Committee for several years. Conservation of our soil and natural resources has been the life ambition of “Doc” Kempton. In 1944 he was named one of the “American Men of Science”. His contributions to science and agriculture have been many, and his tireless efforts have been one of the strongest forces in the development of sound soil, water, and resource conservation practices in Indiana. He has, indeed devoted his life to a cause.
Ralph Kennedy (1978) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Sherman O. Kessler (1989) - Kessler, 75, a native of Montgomery County, earned a bachelor’s degree in animal husbandry at Purdue in 1936, and a master’s degree in agricultural economics two years later. He is an owner of Kessler Farms which produce livestock and grain. A one-time extension economist, he studied at the University of Chicago on a Farm Foundation Fellowship. He has provided leadership in a variety of professional organizations and government activities. As chairman of the Indiana Hog Cholera Eradication Committee, he led the state’s efforts to eradicate swine cholera, and received the 1978 Merit Award from the National Livestock Conservation Institute for his success. He served as chairman of the Legislative Committee for the Indiana Livestock Breeders’ Association and the Indiana Farm Bureau Livestock Commodity Committee. He helped change the Indiana Livestock Sanitary Board to the Indiana State Board of Animal Health, and is leading efforts to establish a National Center for Enhancement of Animal Health at Purdue. He received the Indiana Pork Producers’ Association’s Meritorious Service Award in 1970. He was president of the Indiana Farm Management Association, and a charter member of the Indiana Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. He is a member of the Purdue Farm Policy Study Group, and was a member of the Advisory Committee on Grains for three U.S. Secretaries of Agriculture. Kessler has served as a Purdue trustee 15 years, and served as the group’s representative to the 4-H Club Foundation. Kessler is a member of the board of directors for the 4-H Foundation. He has served as president of the Montgomery County Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association, and director of the Alpha Gamma Rho Scholarship Foundation. He was a member of the Dean’s Advisory Committee and, with his wife, Jane, Is a member of the President’s Council. For six years he served as a director of Indiana Vocational Technical College Region IV. He has been a director of the First National Bank and Trust Co. of Crawfordsville for 25 years. He was named Prairie Farmer Master Farmer in 1972 and a Sagamore of the Wabash in 1980. He is a member of the Indiana Livestock Breeders Association Hall of Fame and has received the Meritorious Service Award from the Indiana Pork Producers’ Association.
Eileen Kladivko (2022) - With cover crops on more than 1 million acres, Indiana is the epicenter of soil health. That’s part of Eileen J. Kladivko’s legacy. So is her style. She leaves lasting impressions. There are few people who garner such respect from researchers, conservation agencies, agronomists, and farmers. She is exceptionally friendly, patient, and earnest with everyone she encounters. Eileen has a drive for advancing important science in a logical and relevant manner that is understood and respected. Eileen has helped lead two significant changes in agriculture: the use of cover crops as a technique to reduce farm field nutrient losses and soil erosion; and the use of soil health to improve the understanding of soil systems management. She was instrumental in helping to start, fund and lead the Midwest Cover Crop Council and the Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative. More than 90,000 copies of the Cover Crop Pocket Guide that bear her imprint are in circulation. Students become the heart of an informed community. In her 39 years at Purdue, scores of Boilermakers have taken her Soil Physical Properties, and Soil Physics courses which are essential and foundational for soil scientists, hydrologists, civil engineers, and agronomists. Kladivko’s sphere of influence is exceptionally wide. No one at Purdue has had a bigger impact on soil health-focused farms throughout Indiana. Kladivko, the 2021 recipient of Purdue’s prestigious Corinne Alexander Spirit of the Land-Grant Mission Award, is a generous scientist, still curious about new insights and applications. In 1982 she became the first female faculty member in Purdue’s Department of Agronomy. Her tenacity continues to shine through in her passion to promote regenerative agriculture.
John B. Kohlmeyer (1966) - Professor Kohlmeyer's major emphasis was teaching, research and extension in Public Policy and local government, where he gained a national reputation. His efforts were a major factor in the passage of the Indiana School Re-organization Act. Since his retirement in 1969, he continues to be sought after for his counsel and analysis by government leaders. “Heavy” joined the Purdue Agricultural Economics staff in 1925 as a teacher in Farm Management. Until 1935, he also taught courses in prices, statistics, and accounting. In 1935, he was project manager for the Land Use Section of the AAA, supervising land acquisition in Brown and Martin Counties. In 1936, he returned to Purdue on the staff of the BAE, USDA. He served as State Supervisor for the Emergency Farm Labor Office from 1942-1946 where he re-joined the Agricultural Economics staff. He served five years under two Governors as Director of the School Reorganization Commission for Indiana. He was visiting professor at the Wisconsin University Summer Session for Extension Workers for 13 years. He was honored by being designated a “Sagamore of the Wabash” by Gov-ernor Welch in 1963, and received the Certificate of Distinction from the Purdue Ag Alumni Association in 1966. No commentary on “Heavy” would be complete without mention of his accomplishments as a bird hunter and dog raiser. Oakland City College; Evansville College; B.S.A. Purdue, 1928; Cornell, 1928 and 1932-33.
Richard Kohls (1981) - Richard L. Kohls served Purdue University from 1948 to 1986 as a faculty leader, teacher, researcher, and administrator. He helped devise the university student scholarship standards and the faculty senate form of governance. As Vice President of the AAEA he helped formulate the association award programs for teaching and extension. His courses, Agricultural Marketing and Macro Economics were taken by most of the students in Agriculture. His book, Marketing of Agricultural Products (with Professor Uhl in its 6th edition) has been a leading text since 1954. He was the recipient of both the University and the AAEA Best Teacher Awards, and the 1984 F. L. Hovde Award of Excellence in educational service to the rural people of Indiana. He served one year as Assistant Head of Agricultural Economics, two years as Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and from 1968 through 1980 as Dean of Agriculture. In 1981, he returned to teaching and research as the Hovde Distinguished Service Professor of Agricultural Economics.
W. C. Kolb (1942) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Herbert H. Kramer (1974) - Dr. Herbert H. Kramer, Director of the Purdue Agricultural Experiment Station is, as you would expect a scientist to be, orderly and efficient, yet tremendously effective in caring for the multifaceted duties of directing the agricultural research for our state. As you also would expect for a scientist in his position, Dr. Kramer has the scholarly background for the job. A native of Colorado, he earned his Bachelor's Degree from Colorado State University, and his Master's and Doctor's Degrees from the University of Minnesota. In 1968, he received the Outstanding Achievement Award from Minnesota as an alumnus “who has attained high eminence and distinction.” In 1953, he was awarded the Stevenson Award for research in crops science from the American Society of Agronomy. In 1946, Dr. Kramer joined the Purdue Agronomy staff with the specific duty of developing a program to investigate new crops of potential industrial importance. This research on Kramer's part resulted in the development of high amylose corn, now of great importance to the starch industry. Herbert Kramer was appointed director of the University of Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station in 1961. Six years later, he returned to Purdue to head up our agricultural research program. He holds many professional memberships; among them are Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, the American Society of Agronomy, the Genetics Society of America, and the Crop Science Society of America. He has served as national president of the Crop Science Society and the American Society of Agronomy. Dr. Kramer, the aid, through research, that you have given our agriculture is incalculable. For that, we present you this Certificate of Distinction.
William E. Kuhn (2014) - Bill Kuhn graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in agronomy in 1968. After two years in the U.S. Army where he served in the military police, he continued his education at the University of Minnesota, earning both an M.S. and a Ph.D. in plant breeding in 1973 and 1974, respectively. Following graduation, Kuhn began his career with Pioneer Hi- Bred International, Inc., where he spent 32 years and established a distinguished record of accomplishments in maize breeding and in service to the plant breeding and seed professions. He began as a corn breeder with Pioneer and retired as Research Director, Maize Product Development for North America. As a corn breeder, he developed early generation topcross evaluation methods, and his breeding work directly resulted in more than 52 corn inbred lines and six hybrid varieties. One of the hybrids identified by Kuhn's methods, Pioneer 3489, sold 500,000 units from 1982 to1992. In his role as research director, he managed a budget of $21 million to develop the product lines that contributed over $1 billion per year in revenue to the company. In 1997, Pioneer honored Kuhn with its Owen J. Newlin Business Excellence Award. Kuhn's national professional service included 16 years on the Scientific Advisory Council for the American Seed Research Foundation. He served in numerous capacities for the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) and, as chairman of its Corn and Sorghum Basic Research Committee, established a strong linkage to USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS). He served as ASTA's North Central Regional Vice President and provided leadership on discussions on intellectual property rights. Kuhn served on the board of directors of the National Council of Commercial Plant Breeders from 1999 to 2002, and on the awards committee from 1996 to 1998. In his role at Pioneer, Kuhn oversaw a donation of $1.5 million to the Latin American Maize Project, which preserved and evaluated more than 12,000 maizeaccessions from twelve countries and resulted in this germ plasm's global availability to breeders. He helped realign responsibilities for ARS's Genetic Enhancement of Maize (GEM) project, and worked to review GEM programs at the University of Missouri and Iowa State University. Kuhn also served on the ARS grain crop improvement review team in 1996 and on the Cold Spring Harbor Advisory Committee. Locally he has served Aldersgate United Methodist Church in many capacities, including serving on the administrative board; leading or co-leading the Trustees, Finance, Church & Society, and Vision Teams; teaching Sunday School; and, currently, acting as Missions co-chair. Since his retirement in 2006, he has been active with the Urbandale Lions Club, where he served as third, second, and now first vice president and co-chair of the Sight and Hearing Committee where he spends many hours on Lions' signature programs. In 2011, he received the Warren Coleman Honorary Award from the Iowa Lions Foundation for dedicated service in Lion ism. He is a charter member of the Purdue Alumni Club of Central Iowa (PACCI) where he has chaired the committee that established the club's scholarships for Iowa students attending Purdue. He has served two terms as president of the group, which is consistently one of the leading clubs outside of Indiana in terms of both number of scholarships and total dollars awarded. He and wife Joyce established the Emerson J. Kuhn Endowed Memorial Scholarship at Purdue for students in animal sciences and agronomy; 22 undergraduates have received awards from this endowment. In 2006, he was named a Fellow by the Crop Science Society of America, the society's highest honor reserved for less than half a percent of its members. And in 2010, he received the Agronomic Achievement Award from Purdue's Agronomy Department.
Victor Lechtenberg (2021) - Dr. Lechtenberg received his PhD from Purdue in Agronomy in 1971. He progressed through his career entirely at Purdue, starting as an Assistant Professor in 1971 and becoming dean in 1994. He also served Purdue in numerous university-level roles. He is recognized for his leadership by many international organizations and as for serving on many local community boards.
Mark Legan (2020) - Mark Legan didn’t let his lack of a production agriculture background stop him from pursuing farming as a full-time career in 1988 after seven years working as a county Extension Educator. Today, Legan and his wife, Phyllis, operate Legan Livestock and Grain Inc. in Putnam and Hendricks counties with their daughter, Beth, and her husband, Nick Tharp. After repopulating the herd and modernizing buildings in 1997, the Legans now raise 2,200 sows that produce about 60,000 pigs per year. In 2012, the family started forming partnerships with other family farms around Indiana to raise additional pigs. “He has had a successful professional career, but his passion for sharing and helping others is what makes him stand out,” says Don Villwock, former president of Indiana Farm Bureau. “What sets him apart is that he has always gone above and beyond what is expected of him.” Currently, Legan serves on the Indiana Soybean Alliance board of directors and on the executive committee for the U.S. Meat Export Federation. He commits his time to the pork industry at all levels, previously serving as president of both the Putnam County Pork Producers Association and the Indiana Pork Producers Association. While on the National Pork Producers Council board of directors, Legan participated in numerous committees, including budget, competitive markets and the farm bill task force. “He is a nationally respected agriculture leader and a sought-after speaker on multiple livestock issues,” adds Villwock. “Mark, Phyllis and their daughter and son-in-law operate what I consider to be one of the best managed farms in the Midwest.” Legan is the swine industry representative on the Indiana State Board of Animal Health. “Always willing to serve when called, Mark serves as a teacher to some, a mentor to others and as an example to us all,” says Bret Marsh, DVM, state veterinarian, Indiana State Board of Animal Health. From hosting foreign trade delegations to granting media interviews, Legan never hesitates to open the family farm to the public to help tell the story of today’s agriculture. The family has hosted the Purdue Farm Management Tour and National Association of Conservation Districts Tour. With a focus on improving soil health, Legan has been recognized for his efforts to innovate and conserve with the American Soybean Association Conservation Legacy Award in 2014 and the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts River-Friendly Farm Award in 2016. “His willingness to learn, adopt and apply new technologies on his farm has ensured the continuing success of the operation, which is important since the third generation of family members now resides on the farm,” Marsh says. Mark and his family place a high priority on serving and giving back to their community, according to Marshall Martin, senior associate director of agricultural research and assistant dean of agriculture, Purdue University. Legan volunteers his time to help a variety of local groups, including the 4-H program, school groups and the economic development program. “They feel by being involved they can help improve the future of the community,” Martin says. THIS AND THAT • B.S., Animal Science, Purdue, 1982; M.S., Agriculture, Purdue, 1987. • Extension Educator, Purdue University, 1982-1988. • Indiana Prairie Farmer Master Farmer, 2006. • Served on three district congressional advisory committees, Indiana State Department of Agriculture Advisory Committee and Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s Water Pollution Control Board. • Received the Purdue University College of Agriculture Distinguished Agricultural Alumni Award, 2005. • Served on Purdue University Dean of Agriculture Advisory Council and the Chicago Federal Reserve Agricultural Advisory Committee. • Member of the Indiana Horse Council. • Featured farm family at the 2018 Indiana State Fair. • Past treasurer and deacon of Bethel Baptist Church.
Don Lehe (2024) - Don Lehe’s agricultural ties started on a farm east of Brookston as the first of four siblings. Educated at Frontier High School – back then in Brookston – and Purdue (agriculture education and animal science), he taught agriculture at Frontier, then at South Newton High School. Involvement in the Young Farmers Organization led to being state president of that group. In the mid-70’s, he began farming with his father and brothers, taking charge of the swine operation at Lehe Farms and building a farrow-to-finish operation. “Growing up in a small, rural community,” a nominator for this award says, “you have a sense to serve and take pride in your community.” Lehe eventually led the White County Pork Producers and the White County Ag Association, which runs the county fair, and was on the board of directors for the Indiana Port Producers Association. So, when the Frontier School Board had an open seat, he was a logical choice to fill it. He stayed for 18 years, long enough to lead the board for several years and be part of a building project that moved the high school to Chalmers. That project “added a lot of drama to the situation,” says one who hasn’t forgotten. Lehe’s negotiating skills weren’t unnoticed. He was urged to run for the legislature. Though he lost his first race for the House, he won the next 10, and his background helped him become influential. “His degree from Purdue University couples nicely with his experience teaching agriculture as a high school teacher,” and award nominator wrote. “These experiences provide him with a unique perspective that extends beyond the farm gate.” As vice-chair of the agriculture and natural resources interim study committee, he helped fashion confined feeding operation rules and regulations. He led the agriculture and rural development committee and was a member of the public health and environmental affairs committees. He was an advocate for the Indiana corn checkoff program, legislation that promoted livestock health, and expanding health benefit programs for farmers. At Lehe Farms, for several years Lehe operated a successful swing gilt multiplication operation as part of a national swine genetics organization.
Glen E. Lehker (1971) - Prof. Glen E. Lehker will always be remembered as the guy who draws those funny bugs and cows. But, after it's all said and done, the funny bugs and cows were only Glen's way of educating thousands of Indiana farmers on improved entomological practices. Glen, a native Hoosier from laPorte, graduated from the Purdue School of Agriculture in 1933 and earned his Master's Degree in 1939. He joined the Cooperative Extension Service at Purdue in 1936 as Extension Entomologist, a position he has held since that time. Glen has been a leader in the development of better extension teaching methods. His mimeo sheets and colored picture sheets are classic in their simplicity and clarity and are used by thousands of farmers throughout the state. In 1958, Professor Lehker accepted a position as advisor to the Pakistan government on Extension training. He also is much sought after as a speaker and advisor to pest control organizations throughout the country. Glen also was, for many years, a director of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association. For those endless nights you spent on the road, for those countless hours you've spent in the field, helping farmers, we honor you with the Certificate of Distinction.
Donya C. Lester (2019) - The legendary Mauri Williamson led the Purdue University Ag Alumni Association for 37 years. In 1990, he more or less hand-picked Donya Lester to succeed him. No pressure. Lester retired last year after 28 years of building and nurturing relationships with 33,000-plus alumni. A key to her successful tenure? Not standing still. “To me, one of the hallmarks of Donya’s leadership was her ability to continually reinvent how we approach alumni relations,” says Karen Plaut, the Glenn W. Sample Dean of the College of Agriculture at Purdue University. Among her many reinventions; • In 2000, Lester instituted the College of Agriculture’s consolidated Homecoming alumni reunion, Ag Tailgate, an event that grew steadily. In 2013, she launched a new Homecoming event, the Alumni Pancake Breakfast, and tied it to a major spring student event, the Moonlight Pancake Breakfast. Students handle all food preparation for the fall event, raising money for their spring event while engaging with alumni. Attendance routinely exceeds 500. • The Ag Alumni Fish Fry has an 80-year history. Lester led a major redesign in 2001 — securing a larger off-campus venue, shifting the event to Saturday from Friday, revamping ticket sales and making child care available. Perhaps most importantly, a keynote speaker was added. A packed house — 1,500 seats — in 2002 heard former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole. Ticket revenue increased nearly 90 percent that year, and the net cost to the alumni association decreased $4,500. In 2004, the Fish Fry moved to an even larger venue (room for 2,500) at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. • In 2005, Lester initiated a redesign of the College’s commencement reception. A pre-finals chili supper for seniors was drawing about 300 people, and half that many went to the small reception after the ceremony. Now, a reception on commencement day includes exhibits, “gathering points” for each academic department and gift bags for graduates. The May 2005 reception drew more than 900 guests, and more than 450 attended in December. Those numbers have continued to grow. “Parents and graduates have praised the event as a fitting capstone to the Purdue Agriculture experience,” Plaut says. • The Ag Alumni Board of Directors has never been more diverse. A restructuring placed representatives from every department in the College on the board, as well as undergraduate and graduate student representatives. “Her intentional focus on bringing more recent alumni to the board is paying real dividends,” Plaut says. • The Ag Alumni Mentoring Program that Lester launched in 2012 pairs alumni with current undergraduates. Relationships are built. Careers are enhanced. • In partnership with Indiana Farm Bureau, she helped establish the Purdue Collegiate Farm Bureau chapter and served as the club’s staff advisor for more than a decade. Williamson helped found the National Agricultural Alumni and Development Association. A member since 1986 and president from 1994 to 1996, Lester hosted the national conference in 1988 and led the launch of the awards program in 1991. She received the organization’s Ray A. Miller Professional Achievement Award in 2015. The current president, Renee J. Keese, says Lester set a “stellar example” and was “always well organized, prepared, eloquent and beloved. She represented the agricultural college extremely well.” This and that: • B.S.A., Animal Science, University of Georgia, 1981; M.S., Animal Breeding and Genetics, Virginia Tech, 1983. • International Brangus Breeders Association, director of performance programs, 1983-1986. • University of Georgia, roles in development, student recruiting, alumni relations, 1986-1990. • In 2011, Lester took on the duties of director of public engagement for the College of Agriculture. She helped connect the College to members of Congress and their staffs, and she trained volunteers to advocate for the College with local, state and federal decision-makers. • As a keynote speaker and leadership trainer, she has presented to state and national agriculture organizations across the country. • 2018, Alumni Award of Excellence, University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Science Alumni Association; 2016, Sagamore of the Wabash, Gov. Mike Pence; 2001, Honorary Commissioner of Agriculture, Lt. Gov. Joseph Kernan.
O. W. Luetkemeier (1978) - Born September 12, 1920, on an 80 acre family farm in Southern Indiana's Knox County, Oscar William “Ozzie” Luetkemeier learned to appreciate the land at an early age. He recalled working the fields with teams of horses and mules. In 1938, he entered Purdue University setting in motion a lifelong relationship with the university. After completing undergraduate work, he began graduate school with special interest in the application of high rates of fertilizer on corn, tomatoes, and sugar beets. These were the years of World War II, however, and Ozzie served in the Navy for three years as an electrician's mate assigned to a landing craft that transported Marines in the Pacific Theatre. In fact, Ozzie witnessed United States troops raising the flag on Iwo Jima. After the war, Ozzie returned to Purdue and, in 1949, received his Master's Degree in Soils. During his studies, he pioneered irrigated-corn research. Ozzie was offered the post of Superintendent of the newly-created Purdue Agronomy Farm, a position he accepted and held for 37 years. During his tenure, he oversaw the conversion of a 374-acre general purpose family farm into a 714-acre outdoor research laboratory considered to be one of the finest in the U.S. Ozzie was a tremendous ambassador for Purdue, hosting an average of over 50 groups of visitors to the farm per year, including 10 to 15 international groups. Ozzie retired from his responsibilities to the farm in 1986. Ozzie maintained numerous professional affiliations, including: the Indiana Crop Improvement Association, Indiana Forage Council, and Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association. Among the achievements he was most proud of was his work in establishing a professional affiliate for experimental farm superintendents like himself, the American Society of Agronomy's Division of Agricultural Research Station Management. Ozzie was selected as its first national president. In 2007, he was selected as one of twelve charter recipients of a prestigious new award: the “Legends of Agronomy.” In 1952, Ozzie and Louise joined the Evangelical and Reformed Church in Lafayette, which later became Immanuel United Church of Christ. He worshipped at Immanuel until his death. He served as Elder and Deacon, taught Sunday school, assisted with the Youth, sang in the choir, and served in many other capacities.
A. N. “Newt” Liming (1977) - Recently, Cincinnati radio station WLW saluted A. N. “Newt” Liming of Versailles, Indiana, as its “Citizen of the Day.” Bob Miller, their Farm Director, gave this tribute. “You are a most fortunate man. The work that you have done will be bringing benefits to the people for many generations to come. The youth, with whom you worked will pass along not only reforestation information and conservation awareness but also a bit of your personal practical strength. The timberlands that have been developed as a result of your leadership will be responding probably for centuries.” This testimonial accurately portrays Newt as a dedicated, practical, serious worker for his forestry profession, for his community, and for the world of which he was so very much a part. For over a quarter of a century, Newt Liming worked as Purdue Extension Forester for Southeastern I ndiana. He was a pioneer in the establishment of forestry projects and camps for 4-Hers. For many years, he was a leader on the State 4-H Conservation Camp Committee, and served far more than his turn as a camp director. For hundreds of I ndiana youth, he was their first real contact with the woods and the nature that abounded therein. Newt was a “teacher” among adults, too. He is a respected professional forester with farmers, timber buyers, and sawmill and veneer mill operators. He never was too busy to walk a woods with a farmer, or assist in the establishment of a new plantation, or to just drop in and visit with a sawyer. He was a leader among the I ndiana Tree Farm Committee, and the Society of American Foresters, and was a valued consultant for the Indiana Christmas Tree Growers Association. In Harrison County, many years ago, Newt helped a farmer plant a stand of black walnut trees. I n respect for this great friend of the forest, the farmer named it “The Newt Liming Walnut Grove.” To this day, that's what everybody calls it. Newt Liming is a retired Colonel in the Army Reserves, and recently retired from the Cooperative Extension Service. For his high level of dedication and idealism, we give this Certificate of Distinction to A. N. “Newt” Liming.
Bernard Liska (1995) - When Bernard Liska stepped down as Purdue University's dean of agriculture, he stepped back into a role he clearly enjoyed: teacher. In 32 years at Purdue,• Liska has served as a teacher, e researcher, an extension specialist and an administrator, He has held the positions of director of the Food Science Institute m well as associate director and director of the Agricultural Experiment Station (now known as the Office of Agricultural Research Programs), Today Liska is a professor of food science. Liska's commitment to agriculture doesn't end with the boundaries of the Purdue campus; He has served on a number of boards of directors, including those of the 4-H Foundation, the Indiana Dairy Products Association and the Indiana Institute of Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition. Liska has served as president of the Institute of Food Technologists. Known for his vision, Liska has been involved with the creation and development of numerous facilities and programs, including a new center for plant science research, new undergraduate scholarships and the Indiana Leadership Training Program, In nominating Liska for the Certificate of Distinction, one individual wrote that as an administrator, Liska "provided outstanding intellectual leadership for the enhanced development of science in the School of Agriculture at Purdue University. He had the, foresight to identify critical areas in which expertise should be developed to be positioned for future leadership roles in science," Liska has published more than 90 research publications, and he has served as editor of the Journal of Food Science for 10 years
Jack Long (1997) - Though-not a Purdue graduate or a Hoosier originally few have served Indiana agriculture and Purdue with such dedication as Jack Long. In Purdue's Poultry Science Department from 1955 to 1961, Long taught poultry science classes, supervise undergraduate counseling coached the poultry judging team, and taught Ag Winter Short Course classes. Following the formation of the Deportment of Animal Sciences in 1962, Long helped develop AnSc 102, “Introduction to Animal Agriculture.” He was the recipient of the Purina Teaching Award for outstanding poultry teacher in America, faculty advisor to Alpha Zeta honorary, and faculty fellow from 1965 to 1986 at Earhart, Owen and Wiley residence halls. According to one of Long's nominators “His expertise, skill and success in teaching gained him recognition of Outstanding Teacher in Agriculture. Hi ability to relate to student was recognized by his appointment as assistant dean of the School of Agriculture.” Promoted to associate dean of agriculture in 1972 Long, directed the School of Agriculture scholarship program and the Ag Winter Short Courses. He also supervised freshman ag lecture talent by all-ag students. In addition, Long was member of the Purdue University Senate. He served four years on the Purdue University Publications Committee during the “volatile late '60s, one year as chairman. He was a member and chairman of the Purdue United Way Committee past editor of Poultry Tribune, and secretary-treasurer of the Agricultural Alumni Trust Fund Committee. “Jack Long has served on the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Trust Fund Committee since the late '70s. He is presently our secretary-treasurer. Jack is reliable, involved, honest, and dedicated to making the trust fund serve the needs of Indiana agriculture and the university, a nominator said. Long's community involvement includes active membership in his church and homeowner's association.
Norman D. Long (2000) - Through his career with the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service's 4-H Youth Department, Norm Long touched the lives of more than 225,000 young people and 9,200 adult volunteers in Indiana, the North Central Region and nationwide. A role model among his colleagues for his dedication to professionalism, Long tirelessly promoted Purdue Agriculture, especially those programs which encompassed youth and animals. Long received his B. S. in Animal Sciences from Purdue University in 1964. He served as county extension educator in Pulaski, Wabash and Porter counties from 1964 to 1972. In 1972 he earned an M.S. in Extension Education from Purdue and was named State Extension 4- H Livestock Specialist, a position that he held until his retirement in 1998. In 1978 Long earned an Ed.D. in Educational Administration from Ball State University. During most of his years in the state 4- H office, Long served as executive secretary of the Indiana 4-H Foundation, Inc. (1978 to 1993), providing a bridge between the lay members of the foundation's board and the 4-H staff members. Long was a co-founder of the Animal Sciences Workshop for Youth, which in its 27-year history has impacted more than 7,500 Indiana youth. For 26 years, Long was the Indiana State Fair 4-H Livestock Coordinator, overseeing the second largest 4-H livestock exhibit in the U.S., with a staff that included 10 show managers, 110 extension educators and more than 200 volunteers. He developed numerous livestock and companion animal publications and curricula. Most notable among these is the juried publication that he co-authored with Rex Warner A Guide for 4-H Animal Care which is used for educational training in all 50 states. Long was a strong supporter of volunteer leader training, assisting with the training for 4-H councils and boards in many counties. He continually sought ways to further recognize 4-H leaders for their service to youth programs. He had a particular interest in risk management, legal issues and tort liability as they related to the 4-H program and its volunteers and conducted education programs on these topics for volunteer managers throughout the state. Long served three terms on the University Senate (1984-86, 1989-91 and 1992-95) and chaired the School of Agriculture's senators in 1993. His service to Indiana organizations is extensive. Just since 1995 Long has served on four state-wide boards: the Indiana Commission on Farm Animal Care, the Companion Animal Advisory Committee to the State Board of Animal Health, Indiana Horse Council Board of Directors, and the Indiana Livestock Promotion Board in the Lt. Governor's office (charter member). In his community, Long is a charter member of the Battle Ground Lions Club and the Battle Ground Stearn and Power Show. He is an elder of Lafayette First Christian Church where he has served as a trustee and chairman of the board. He is a past director of the Purdue Employees Federal Credit Union, member of the parents selection committee for Harrison High School principal, and a Little League volunteer and assistant coach. Long received Junior, Senior and Career Recognition awards from the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists Association (PUCE SA) in 1980, 1989 and 1995, respectively. The National Association of Extension 4-H Agents presented him with the Distinguished 4-H Service Award (1982) and the National 4-H Communicator Award (1990). Long received Purdue Extension's Eric G. Sharvelle Distinguished Extension Specialist Award in 1990. Governor Frank O'Bannon named him a Sagamore of the Wabash in 1998.
P. S. Lowe (1943) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Frances Lueken (1972) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Charles J. Lynn (1945) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Robert C. Lyons (2009) - Robert Lyons retired in 2006 after a 46-year career teaching biology and vocational agriculture in Jay County, Indiana, first at Portland High School and later Jay County High School. He is now a full time farmer with 1400 acres in production. A native of Bryant in northern Jay County, Lyons graduated from Purdue University in 1960 with a B.S. in Agricultural Education. He received his M.S. in Agricultural Education from Purdue in 1967. Lyons has a distinguished record as an educator and a record of unequaled service to Jay County agriculture and to FFA programs. In 46 years, he built Jay County’s vocational agriculture program from 17 students with one instructor to 548 students and three instructors. He personally taught approximately 1,200 biology students and 4,000 vocational agriculture students during his career. His judging teams participated in 11 state crops contests; 12 state dairy contests; eight national and 12 state soils contests; and 18 national and 34 state poultry contests, winning the district poultry judging contest for 21 consecutive years. His FFA program produced over 200 Hoosier Farmers and 20 American Farmers. For several years Lyons was the most successful FFA fundraiser in the state, and in 1985 he founded the Jay County High School FFA Foundation which now has more than $100,000 in its endowment in the Jay County Foundation for FFA member scholarships. He worked with other school staff, FFA members and the agriculture advisory board to build a state of the art greenhouse for $270,000, using no tax dollars. The greenhouse is widely believed to be the best high school greenhouse in the state. Other career accomplishments include the establishment of the annual Jay County High School Community/Parent/Member FFA Banquet, and the establishment of the FFA Summer Ag Experience (SAE). Lyons is a 40-year member of the Jay County Fair Association’s board of directors, where he is recognized as the founder of the new, successful fair. More than 20 years ago he developed Young McDonald’s Farm, an exhibit of young farm animals targeted to young audiences which is still an integral part of the county fair exhibits.. He also was responsible for developing the “Jayland Classics” display more than 10 years ago which now fills a 4000 square foot exhibit area with antique equipment and historical artifacts. He has also been active in the community as a 46-year 4-H leader and as a member of the Tri-State Antique Engine Association. And for 32 years he has served as the Pike Township Trustee/Assessor. As a farmer, he is now active in the promotion of the development of wind energy and alternative, renewable fuels. His professional memberships include: Indiana and National Agriculture Teachers Association (46 years); Jay/Portland Classroom Teachers (46 years); Indiana State Teachers Association (46 years); National Educational Association (life member; 46 years); and Indiana Township Trustees Association (32 years). Lyons was honored for his work with the Jay County Fair when he was inducted into the Indiana Association of County and District Fairs Hall of Fame in 1987. Governor Mitch Daniels named him a Sagamore of the Wabash in 2008.
Charles Maddox (1964) - CHARLES M. MADDOX, OTTERBEIN has accumulated an array of activities and achievements that reaches far beyond agriculture. The fact remains, however, that the Maddox farm north of Otterbein, Indiana has been the base and basis of his good works. The 1916 County Agent's Annual Report for Benton County says that “....Benton County gave a trip to Washington, D. C. to the boy having the highest (corn) yield. This was won by Charles Marion Maddox ... who had a yield of 87.5 bushels per acre ... “ He subsequently graduated from the Purdue School of Agriculture in 1924 and returned to the home farm where he has long been a leader in improving agricultural productivity. He has entered the five acre com club for 24 years and has won 21 gold medals in that time. In the Soybean Club, he has accumulated 12 gold medals in thirteen years. His Gold Medal Calf Club record is likewise impressive. He is a member of Ag Alumni's Agricultural Hall of Fame and has been cited as a Distinguished Purdue Ag for 21 years. Perhaps, however, Maddox' greatest contribution to Indiana society has been his long and wise tenure in our State Senate. Here Charley's good judgment and cool head has, on many an occasion, come to the rescue of things that are best for all concerned. First elected to the State Senate in 1947, he has served continuously since that time. He has acted on the Budget, Finance, Roads, and Education Committees, and has been chairman of the Finance and Roads Committees. He has rapidly risen to the ranks of the senior Senators and frequently serves wise counsel to those junior to him in politics. It is our pleasure to give this Certificate of Distinction to Charles Maddox - who has excelled in both his professional and his public efforts.
William L. Madigan (1977) - William L. “Bill” Madigan, Veedersburg, Indiana, has never attended a Purdue Ag Fish Fry. The reason - he was back in the office writing the news releases so they could be in the mail that afternoon and on the way to newspapers and radio and television stations. For more than twenty years, Bill Madigan has collected myriads of material from teachers, researchers, and extension workers in the Purdue School of Agriculture, and assimilated it into concise, accurate, and readable articles for use by the news media. He knew what they wanted, and they knew that it was good when it came from Bill. They used it. A real “Hoosier,” Bill graduated from Indiana University in 1934. His first job was as a news writer for the Indianapolis News. In 1937, he became political news writer for the Associated Press with Indiana as his beat. He was inquisitive, he was persistent, and he knew where to dig for the information. He knew the politicians; what they said, and what they thought but didn't say. It was a delightful thing to hear Bill spin yarns about the oldtime boys in his cryptic and analytical fashion. In 1952, he decided that he had had enough. He headed back to his beloved farm in Fountain County to pursue a satisfying career as a farmer. Three years later, a crippling auto accident denied him the life of an active man of the soil. He returned to his journalistic talents and joined the Agricultural Information Staff in the Purdue School of Agriculture as a news writer. B ill is highIy respected by newspaper people, and respected (and occasionally feared) by his fellow Ag staff members. By his very nature, Bill is concise, accurate, and coldly analytical. Those qualities in themselves make Bill Madigan a good newspaper man. Purdue University was indeed fortunate to have such a person responsible for the things that were printed about it. Thanks, Bi”, for lending us your talents.
Cecil A. Madill (1974) - A life packed full of vigorous professional activity, and selfless devotion to public service makes Cecil F. Madill, Muncie, Indiana, a logical recipient of Purdue Ag Alumni's Certificate of Distinction. A lifetime farmer, Cecil operates a 700 acre farm near Muncie in partnership with his son David. He graduated from the Purdue School of Agriculture in 1925. Son David continued the Purdue tradition - being an Ag School graduate himself. The Madill farm has long been an example of good farm management practices. They annually produce around 2500 hogs. For 47 years, Madill has been an Indiana Farm Record Cooperator. For 25 of those years, he kept detailed farm cost accounts. These records have been used extensively as a teaching aid by the Purdue Agricultural Economics Department. Madill's farm consistently ranks among the upper one-third most profitable farms among all record keepers. Cecil Madill's work in agriculture doesn't stop at the line fence either. He has served as a state director of the Indiana Farm Bureau Cooperative Association, as president of the Indiana Farm Management Association, and as chairman of the board of the Delaware County Farm Bureau Co-op. He is on the board of directors of the American National Bank and Trust Company of Muncie, a past member of the Muncie Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee, and has his picture hung in the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association Hall of Fame. Cecil Madill is one of those kind of people that you will find around anything good that is going on in agriculture. Cecil, we thank you for your good help.
Jerry V. Mannering (1991) - A native of Oklahoma, Mannering earned a bachelor’s degree in agronomy at Oklahoma State University, and both master’s and doctoral degrees in soil science at Purdue, and then joined the Department of Agronomy faculty in 1967 as an assistant professor. He retired in 1990. Mannering has been cited for his significant research contributions in soil erosion control, and the effect of conservation tillage on soil properties. He is a developer of the Universal Soil Loss Prediction Equation. He also developed and presented educational programs on soil erosion, conservation tillage, irrigation and drainage, human, animal and industrial waste management, and water quality. Mannering has authored over 70 scientific publications, more than 35 Extension bulletins, and numerous magazine articles and news stories on soil and water conservation. Prior to doctoral studies at Purdue, Mannering worked as a researcher for the University of Idaho Branch Experiment Station, and as a U.S.D.A. soil scientist based at Purdue where he was in charge of simulated rainfall research designed to refine factors used in the universal soil loss equation. More recently he has cooperated in a multi-dimensional Purdue corn-soybean tillage-planting systems research project. At Purdue, Mannering has been responsible for educational programs in soil erosion, tillage, soil compaction, irrigation, animal waste management, strip mine reclamation, and water pollution from agricultural lands. In 1967 he served as state chairman of a joint Purdue-U.S.D.A.-state government Nonpoint-Source Pollution Committee to inform Indiana people of the national water quality law, especially its impact on agriculture. For many years, Mannering taught an undergraduate course in soil conservation and water management for 30-50 students per semester. He served on the graduate committees of 32 master’s and doctoral students from agronomy, agricultural engineering and agricultural education. Mannering received the Fredrick L. Hovde Award of Excellence in Educational Service to Rural People of Indiana in 1982. He is a fellow of the American Society of Agronomy, the Soil Science Society of America, and the Soil Conservation Society of America. He is also a member of the American Society Science, Sigma Xi, Alpha Zeta, Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta and Epsilon Sigma Phi professional and honorary societies.
Oran Mansfield (1939) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Paul E. Marsh (2018) - Back when Paul Marsh was stalking a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics, one of his Purdue classmates admits he “didn’t always appreciate Paul. He was always leading each class in grades and setting the curve at a much higher level than this old farm boy liked.” A decade later, Marsh was a regional manager, supervising farm managers for the Northern Trust Co.’s farm management division—and guiding a recent Purdue College of Agriculture graduate as well: “Not only my boss, but also a mentor. Paul’s farm management knowledge, coupled with his attention to detail and sense of how to act in a professional setting, provided a great example for me and for other young professionals just starting their careers.” By 1986, he was with Prudential, where he’s become “one of the most respected farm mortgage lenders in the nation, whose counsel is frequently sought not only by senior management, but also by outside groups,” writes the former co-worker in support of Certificate of Distinction recognition for Marsh. The former classmate says, “Many graduates achieve great heights in their careers, but Paul Marsh has always gone above and beyond, and that is what makes him so worthy of receiving this award.” In recent years, soil productivity and land conservation issues have been a focus. In 2016, he presented a report at the inaugural Soil Health Institute’s meeting in Louisville, Kentucky. He’s been associated with the Farm Foundation since 2010 and was on the Economics Task Force of the Soil Renaissance Project from 2014 to 2016. The nominator for Marsh’s Certificate of Distinction had lost touch with Marsh over the years, but after receiving a professional promotion at Purdue, “one of the first people I heard from was Paul. He took the time to provide advice about topics we should delve into and how we could improve our delivery techniques to reach a wider audience. In short, after more than three decades, he was still serving as a mentor both to me personally and to his alma mater.” This and that • Portfolio Manager, Chief Underwriter, Principal in the Agricultural Investments division of Prudential Mortgage Capital Company, Lisle, Illinois, since 1998. Responsible for credit risk review and asset management for a $3.94 billion mortgage portfolio secured by agricultural, agribusiness and timberland properties in 33 states, producing more than 100 crop types. Loan production total $835 million in 2015. • Bachelor of Science, 1972, Agribusiness Management, Purdue University; Master’s degree, 1979, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University. • FarmHouse Fraternity, Purdue: pledge class co-chair for new chapter house fundraising campaign. • Drustar Agro-Industrial Project, Silistra, Bulgaria, 1976. Participated in a joint venture with Swift Packing Co. of Chicago to evaluate the agricultural potential to support a commercial-size livestock slaughter and packing facility. Spent four months in-country, supervising the management of an 800-acre seed demonstration plot. • 1980, member of the Grace Commission, also known as President’s Private Sector Survey on Cost Control. Served on the USDA Task Force.
Bret D. Marsh (2005) - Bret Marsh has distinguished himself in the field of public animal health, serving as Indiana State Veterinarian since January 1994. A Boone County native and a graduate of Marion-Adams High School in Sheridan, Marsh graduated from Purdue University in 1981 with a B. S. in Animal Sciences, and in 1984 earned the D.V.M. degree from Purdue’s School of Veterinary Medicine. Marsh has spent his entire career with the Indiana Board of Animal Health. His first position was in the meat and poultry inspection area as a supervisor and training officer. He later became director of Swine Health Programs, a position he held until 1994, and where he had primary responsibility for the Pseudorabies Eradication Program. It was through his leadership and continued efforts that Indiana gained classification as free of pseudorabies, protecting the valuable pork industry of the state. As State Veterinarian, Dr. Marsh is charged with protecting Indiana’s $5 billion animal agriculture sector from numerous health threats and diseases that would compromise food safety. Since 2003 Marsh has served on a special detail for the USDA Secretary’s Homeland Security Staff. Marsh has been president Indiana Veterinary Medical Association and served as the First Vice President of the U.S. Animal Health Association from 2003 to 2004. He was recently elected treasurer of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), a position he will assume in July. He’s served in the AVMA House of Delegates for nearly a decade. In that time, he has twice been elected a member of the House Advisory Committee and is currently a member of the Constitution and Bylaws Task Force. Marsh has been recognized as a Distinguished Alumnus by both Purdue’s School of Veterinary Medicine (1997) and the College of Agriculture (2003). He was named a Sagamore of the Wabash in 1997 by Governor Evan Bayh.
Henry W. Marshall (1944) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
J. Holmes Martin (1967) - Esprit de corps is a term, according to Webster, that means “group spirit.” If this exotic term can apply to any particular segment of the agricultural business, it most surely typifies the poultry industry. One man has been a moving force in the inspiration and the amalgamation of poultry people into an efficient, progressive, and useful group of productive agriculturalists. That man is Dr. J. Holmes Martin of West Lafayette, Indiana. J. Holmes graduated from Purdue in 1917. He received a Master's Degree from the University of Kentucky in 1924 and a Doctor's Degree from the University of Kentucky in 1929. He was in charge of Poultry Husbandry and Genetics at Kentucky• from 1917 until 1938. In 1940, he came to Purdue as Head of the Poultry Department. He served illustriously in that position until he was appointed Assistant Head of the new Animal Sciences Department in 1962. From 1963 until 1965, he served on the staff of the Purdue - Brazil Project. Dr. Martin's productivity is clearly exemplified by his membership in many professional societies. He was grand president of Alpha Gamma Rho, secretary-treasurer of the Poultry Science Association, a member of the Executive Council of the World's Poultry Science Association, and belonged to a great many other organizations. He was one of only two poultry men from the United States elected a life member of the World's Poultry Science Association in 1966 - a coveted and much sought after honor. For being in love with his profession, we honor Dr. J. Holmes Martin with the Certificate of Distinction.
James R. Martin (1988) - James R. Martin, Clarksburg, Indiana, certainly meets the criteria of being a responsible steward of the land and its resources in full meaning. After graduating from the Purdue School of Agriculture, Jim returned to the home farm in Decatur County. It soon became his first priority to turn his attention to the land and its preservation. He and his father were among the first to install gradient terraces. He was a pioneer in no-till farming, and first experimented with planting corn in red clover sod. In those days of limited knowledge in weed control, Jim developed his own sprayer system for controlling regrowth in no-till corn. He is a conservation innovator. His singular goal is to achieve maximum crop yield without soil deterioration on his rolling 600 acre farm. He also has given careful attention to waste management for his beef cattle herd, and to production rotational grazing. In 1982, Jim was chosen Soil Conservation Farmer for Indiana, and, in 1983, was one of the top three Soil Conservation Farmers in the United States. Him Martin is a Prairie Farmer Master Farmer. Read your 1983 U.S. Department of Agriculture Yearbook and there you will find an article on “Corn, Cattle and Conservation” – all about Jim Martin and his farm practices. In 1984, Martin was appointed chairman of the Governor’s Soil Resources Study Commission. Their two years of intensive study and research ultimately led to the current “T by 2000” legislation to activate necessary soil conservation practices. There is much more that can be said for Jim Martin and his progressive work for his profession and for his community. One fact overshadows all the rest, however, and that is his unswerving commitment to the basic principle that the land is the most basic of all resources, and it must be preserved, if there is to be a future in American agriculture.
Marshall A. Martin (2008) - Marshall Martin is Associate Director of Agricultural Research Programs and Professor of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University. He earned his B.S. in Agricultural Economics from Iowa State University in 1966, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University in 1972 and 1976, respectively. He joined the Purdue Agricultural Economics faculty in 1976 and has served his entire career in educational service to agriculture in Indiana, the United States and internationally. In addition to his academic accomplishments in teaching, research and extension at Purdue, Martin has served in various administrative roles, including Associate Department Head of Agricultural Economics, Associate Director of Agricultural Research Programs (ARP) and Director, Center for Agricultural Policy and Technology Assessment. His expertise and skill in communicating management and policy implications have made him a much-sought consultant and board member for a number of Indiana agricultural organizations. Martin is the Executive Secretary of the Indiana Farm Policy Study and organizes bi-annual educational meetings for Indiana farm leaders on a variety of policy topics. He is the secretary of the Indiana Pork Board where he has assisted with the past year’s reorganization. He is an ex-officio member of the board of the Indiana Soybean Alliance and has helped allocate check-off funds to support research and extension programs in the College of Agriculture. Martin has organized and moderated the educational programs for the Indiana Crop Improvement Association’s annual meetings, and as a member of the board of the Agricultural Alumni Seed Improvement Association’s board, he has assisted in the transition to a more economically sustainable operation. He’s also worked with other Indiana farm organizations, including Indiana Farm Bureau, Indiana Ag Leadership Program, Indiana Farmers Union and the Indiana Farm Management Association’s annual Farm Management Tours. Martin has served in numerous roles in professional organizations, including the American Agricultural Economics Association (member, program participant, chair of research and extension awards committees), the Atlantic Economic Society (executive committee) and the National Agricultural Biotechnology Council (board member and annual program organizer and speaker). His leadership is recognized in the areas of agricultural policy and the economic assessment of agricultural biotechnology and integrated pest management. Martin was appointed by Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman to serve on the USDA Ag Biotechnology Advisory Board (3 years), and he was chair of both the North Central Multi-state Research Committee (MRC) and the North Central Experiment Station Directors’ Association (NCRA) and has served on several USDA-CSREES committees including the National Information Management System Oversight Committee for multi-state research projects and the National Research Support Programs (NRSP) Oversight Committee for off-the-top Federal formula funding for national research support. He also served for three years on the Chicago Region Federal Reserve Bank’s Agricultural Advisory Committee. Internationally, he has lived in South America for six years (Bolivia and Brazil) and has taught and conducted research in more than 20 countries. He led the first two Indiana Ag Leadership classes’ international seminars in Mexico and Brazil, respectively. In the Purdue and local communities, Martin has been equally active and influential. He has served Purdue as president of Sigma Xi, as a member of the Graduate Council and as chair of the Purdue University Band Advisory Board. His service to the West Lafayette School Corporation includes: vice-chair of the Parents’ Council, Chair of the Band Committee and member of the Superintendent Search Committee. As a member of St. Andrew United Methodist Church, he has chaired the Administrative Board, the Council on Ministries, a Capital Campaign Committee, and most recently (2006-2007) has been the chair of the Building Committee for the relocation to a new site and construction of a $4.5 million facility. He has been President of the Board of Global Missions for the Indiana United Methodist Church and he and his wife led a medical mission of Purdue students and church members to Bolivia over spring break. He and his wife also manage Martin Acres LLC, a u-pick blueberry farm which attracts hundreds of customers who learn about modern agriculture and where their food comes from. Martin’s numerous awards include several research and quality of communication awards from the American Agricultural Economics Association: Purdue Agricultural Economics departmental teaching awards; local and national Gamma Sigma Delta and Epsilon Sigma Phi extension service awards; the Block “P” Award from the Purdue Department of Bands (2005); Certificate of Merit from USDA-CSREES (2006); and the Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence in Educational Service to the Rural People of Indiana (2006).
Lynn P. Martin (2013) - Lynn Martin has spent his life caring for both people and animals alike through the many service projects and his career in veterinary medicine. Martin graduated from Purdue University in 1960 with a B.S. in Agriculture. Four years later, in 1964, he earned his DVM from Purdue. The Allen County native was a second lieutenant in the Purdue ROTC program in 1960 before transferring to the Veterinary Army Corp in 1964. Also in 1964 Martin completed Food Inspection School in Chicago. He was the only veterinarian at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, where he was responsible not only for the care of 3,000 pets and 70 horses, but also for all food that entered the base. Martin began a small animal clinic on base that was open regularly for three hours three days a week. He also set up a 24-hour emergency care clinic for base animals. Back in Indiana, Martin has worked as an associate at the South Bend Animal Clinic and the Dufore Veterinary Hospital in Elkhart, IN. He also founded the Fort Wayne Pet Hospital (FWPH) in 1969, a practice with two full-time veterinarians, one part-time veterinarian, a staff of 12, and high school students who work there as part of school curriculum. To this day, Martin still spends more than 40 hours of his week working at the pet hospital. He is a member of AVMA, IVMA, NEIVMA, and the Fort Wayne Veterinary Medicine Association, having been a past president of NEIVMA and a past secretary and treasurer of the Fort Wayne Veterinary Medicine Association. Martin also volunteered to run blood tests on 4-H pigs for both Allen County and the state fair for pseudorabies at no charge. On average, Martin contributes more than 1,000 hours per year to various community organizations. He has taught students at Carroll High School about veterinary medicine in a six-week course and instructed elementary school students about veterinary care and pet ownership. Martin has worked extensively with the 4-H program. He has served as a 4-H leader in Allen County for more than 40 years. He set up farm tours for the Perry Booster 4-H Club so that the youth could see beef, swine, sheep, and poultry. He was one of the founders of the 4-H cat project and wrote the first record book and manual for the project for the state of Indiana. To promote the cat project, he taught cat workshops for 22 years and gave health checks to cats entered in the Allen County 4-H Cat Show for 23 years. In addition, he has supervised 4-H exhibits at the county fair for 20 years and was a leader in reinstating the 4-H parade at the new Allen County Fairgrounds. Martin has supported numerous agricultural programs through his service to the Allen County Purdue Ag Alumni and FarmHouse Fraternity. He is a charter member of the Center for Agricultural Science and Heritage, helping to establish the fund that moved the Normandy Barn to the Indiana State Fairgrounds. The Boy Scouts have long been a passion for Martin, as all three of his sons and one of his grandsons have earned Eagle Scout rank. Martin has been an active member of the Boy Scout Committee for St. Vincent's for more than 40 years. He has hosted fundraisers and has made red oak plaques for new Eagle scouts — 214 to date. Martin was a volunteer for the Boy Scout program's Halloween fundraiser, The Haunted Castle and Black Forest, for 32 years, through building and donating lumber used for the buildings in the Black Forest. This project raises money for 65 Boy Scout troops. He also taught merit badge classes for agribusiness, animal science, bird study, dog care, farm mechanics, forestry, mammal study, pets, plant science, soil and water, and veterinary medicine, helping 35 boys to achieve these badges. Over the years, he has mentored 12 young men who have earned their Eagle Scout rank. For his extensive contributions, Martin was honored by Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels with the Distinguished Hoosier Award, one of the state's highest citizen awards.
William F. Marvel (1993) - William F. Marvel, a native of Middlebury arid Elkhart County was cited for his service to Indiana agriculture as a veteran's teacher, an extension agent, and as a member of the Indiana Farm Bureau's Education and Legislative Departments. He headed the Legislative Department from 1979 until his retirement in 199'0. He was known for his effectiveness in tracking legislation that affected Indiana farmers, his support for state investment in Purdue Cooperative Extension Service and other educational programs. After completing high school at Burnettsville in 1943, Marvel served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps at Bruns General Hospital in Santa Fe, N.M. After World War II he returned to Purdue, completing a B.S. degree in horticulture in 1949. He taught general agriculture in the veterans' on-the-farm program in Kosciusko County. In 1952 he was appointed assistant county agent in Tippecanoe County, working with 4-H and youth programs. Marvel joined the staff of the Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc., Education Department in 1958. There, he worked as an advisor for many Indiana youth groups, particularly the Indiana Rural Youth (now Young Adults) organization and 4-H clubs. He transferred to the Legislative Department in 1968. Marvel chaired the Indiana Council of' Economic Education, and served on the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association board of directors. He served as chairman of the Hamilton County Extension Board and president of the Carmel Lions Club, and later was a member of the Johnson County Ag Alumni chapter. Marvel was appointed by Edgar Whitcomb to the state's Welfare Study mission, by Gov. Otis en to the State Health Planning Committee, and Gov. Robert Orr to the state’s Tax Study Group. He was also appointed by state tax commissioner to serve on a reassessment study group that was expanded to consider all taxation. Marvel has been honored Several times for his longtime work with the Indiana Council of Economic Education, based in the Purdue’s School of Management. He received the first statewide Paul Samuelson Enterprise Award for Community Leaders in 1991, and three other recognition plaques from the council since he began working with the council in 1958. The State Legislature passed a special resolution recognizing Marvel's contributions to good government at the time of his retirement. Purdue President Steven Beering and Dean of Agriculture Robert Thompson honored him for helping guide legislation rough the state legislature to support construction of a new animal science research farms and the agricultural research building. He was also honored by the Farm Credit Council Louisville District. Marvel and his wife, Cathie, have two daughters and five grandchildren.
Russell Mawby (1983) - Mawby attended Michigan State University and graduated with a baccalaureate degree in horticulture. In 1951 he completed his Master's degree in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University, and in 1959 he received his doctorate, also in Agricultural Economics, from Michigan State University. Mawby served on the faculties of both institutions once he completed his degrees and later became a professor and assistant director of the Cooperative Extension Service responsible for 4-H Clubs and youth programming throughout Michigan. In December 1964, upon the completion of his doctorate degree, Mawby joined the staff of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation as director of the Division of Agriculture. In that position, he developed the Michigan Agricultural Leadership Program, which became a model for the national rural leadership movement. Just three years later he was promoted to vice president and in 1970 became the president and chief executive officer. Under his guidance, the Kellogg Foundation became the national leader in providing support and funding for innovative programs in a number of fields including adult continuing education, access to primary health care, and the development of leadership, especially through the Kellogg National Fellowship Program. Additionally, he spearheaded projects throughout the United States of America, Europe, and Latin America. Upon Mawby's retirement in 1995, he served as a foundation trustee until 2000 and currently serves as an honorary trustee.
Henry Mayo (1970) - What can you say about a man who has unobtrusively and selflessly given of his whole life for the betterment of others, yet has asked little for himself? His life and his influence on others is his testimonial. That life given so enthusiastically to others belongs to Henry Mayo. He is a natural leader in cattle and sheep industry. In 1936 he became an Extension Animal Husbandman at Purdue and served in that position until his retirement a few months ago. He's a natural born organizer. He instigated sheep shearing schools, was organizer of the National Sheep Shearing Contest. In fact, he personally taught many winners of that event. He has helped organize Indiana Sheep Days, Indiana Cattle Feeder Days, and many Indiana Cow-Calf Field Days. Henry is a member of the American Society of Animal Science, the American Grassland and Forage Council and Epsilon Sigma Phi, National Extension Fraternity. He is a past national director of Farmhouse Fraternity and received this fraternity's "Master Builder of Men" award in 1968. More than all this, though, Henry Mayo is a philosopher and humanitarian. He doesn't preach new technology for technology's sake. He does it if he feels it will help men find their way toward a more fulfilling life. He doesn't always move with the crowd. He moves with the hearts of men. For 33 years of dedicated service to the livestock industry and the men who run that industry, we give Henry Mayo this Certificate of Distinction.
J. A. McCarty (1952) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
John McCormick (1965) - John McCormick, Delphi, has excelled in his agricultural profession on a primary basis - farming. He is a large and efficient farmer, but, more than that, he is willing to share his success with others. His farm is a frequent stop for groups and for individuals who seek to discover his formula for success. He is a “teacher” in the true sense of the word. He is a Purdue Farm Record keeper and has appeared on the Farm Science Days program. McCormick is chairman of the Soil and Water Conservation District, on the county Extension Committee, and is on the Carroll County Economic Development Committee. He has participated in the IFYE program and is active in his church affairs. He also is a long-time member and worker in the Farm Bureau, Grange, and the Farm Bureau Co-op. John farms 540 acres, mostly in corn, and feeds about 5000 hogs a year. In 1964, he won the coveted Ford Farm Efficiency Award for his management practices. It always is a pleasure for the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association to honor a man on the land for hi s contributions to his community as well as his contributions to his profession. John McCormick certainly fills the bill.
Clarence J. McCormick (1968) - Mr. McCormick lived in the Vincennes area all his life, and was a farmer and teacher. Mr. McCormick, a graduate of Vincennes University and Indiana State Teachers College, began his administrative career in agriculture as secretary-treasurer and office manager of the Knox County Corn-Hog Association. He became Under Secretary of Agriculture in 1949, and later became chairman of the Interagency Committee of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. He returned to Vincennes in 1953. From 1971 to 1976 he was president of the Board of Trustees of Vincennes University.
Harold A. McCutchan (1981) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Homer C McDonald (1993) - Homer C. McDonald, a native of Fountain County, was graduated from Covington High School in 1946, and completed a B.S. degree HOMER C. in agriculture at Purdue four years later. With his son and son-in-law he farms 3,535 acres. He feeds 70 registered Shorthorn cows and 50 commercial cows. He was cited as a highly regarded, progressive and successful farm operator, and for his support years on the Indiana State Fair Board of Directors, and was president, vice president and treasurer of the board. Also, he has been in charge of the Swine Building from 1985 to 1989. He has also headed the Cattle and Harness Racing departments. McDonald served as president of the Indiana Shorthorn Association, and is active in the Indiana CatIeman's Assn. and the American Shorthorn Assn. McDonald is also an active leader in his community. He is a past president of Community Boosters, a former member of the Fountain County Extension Board and 4-H Council, and coached youth baseball. McDonald is chairman of the administrative board and a trustee of the Hillsboro United Methodist Church, and the Sunday school superintendent. He is also a member of the Masons and the Scottish Rite. McDonald has served as president and treasurer of the Southeast Fountain School board of directors, and as a township trustee. McDonald was named an Indiana Master Farmer by Indiana Prairie Farmer magazine in 1949. McDonald and his wife, Esteleen, have four children.
William W. McFee (2002) - Bill McFee received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Tennessee, and his master’s and Ph.D from Cornell. Between his undergraduate and graduate programs, Bill served in the U. S. Army as an aviator and artillery observer. In 1965, he began his career at Purdue as an assistant professor of agronomy in the area of soils. For seventeen years he was the director of the Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences interdisciplinary undergraduate degree program. And, from 1991 until 2000, he was head of the Purdue Agronomy Department. After nine years in administration, he returned to the department’s faculty where he teaches and conducts research in soil science. Bill’s career has been devoted to studying the interactions of soils and the environment. He has studied the effects of environmental pollutants on soils and their resulting effects on forest and crop ecosystems. In 1983 he coauthored a chapter on acid rain that was included in USDA’s annual Yearbook of Agriculture. Equally devoted to his teaching career, Bill also pioneered new methods in the classroom. Nineteen years ago he coauthored a journal article on the development of computer programs to assist in soils instruction. And his record of leadership and service activities to the agricultural profession are as distinguished as his professional activities. From 1991 to 1992 he served as president of the Soil Science Society of America, and from 1996 to 1997 he was the president of the 12,000-member American Society of Agronomy. During his tenure, he brought about important changes to these societies by involving soil and crop consultants in joint meetings, establishing new discipline divisions and adding to their publication journals. He has consulted with the U. S. Department of the Interior and USDA, planning research needs for mine land reclamation and developing competitive grant procedures for acid rain research, respectively. He was a research advisor to the U. S. Forest Service’s Eastern Hardwoods Research Cooperative. And he chaired the Environmental Protection Agency’s review panel for its Forested Watershed Manipulation Research Plan. Closer to home, he has been on the board of directors for the Indiana Crop Improvement Association and the Indiana Agricultural Leadership Institute. Bill has been involved in community activities as well. He’s coached basketball and little league baseball, and he’s served the Boy Scouts of America as a Webeloes Leader, Scoutmaster and member of the Troop Committee. He is an elder of Covenant Presbyterian Church in West Lafayette where he has chaired the Stewardship Committee. Bill’s career accomplishments have been recognized with numerous awards. He’s received both the Outstanding Teacher and Outstanding Counselor Awards from Purdue’s School of Agriculture. In 1981 he was named a Fellow of the American Society of Agronomy and a Fellow of the Soil Science Society of America. In 1999, the Indiana Crop Improvement Association honored him with its Crops and Soils Merit Award. Bill, for your service to the agricultural profession above and beyond the call of duty, it is my pleasure to award you this day, the Purdue Ag Alumni Association’s Highest Award, the Certificate of Distinction.
Renee McKee (2020) - If you need an example of an individual living the 4-H pledge, look to Dr. Renee McKee, who puts the line “my hands to larger service” into action. Whether it is sewing costumes for dance recitals, baking treats for her church’s Sunday school, or writing grants to bring youth development programs to Indiana communities, she brings energy and passion to them all. “Dr. McKee’s outstanding leadership, interpersonal skills and ability to build partnerships have contributed to improving the quality of life for many Indiana families,” says Gerald Powell, a program process leader at Corteva Agriscience. McKee recently retired from Purdue University after more than 40 years of service. As assistant director of Purdue Extension and 4-H Youth Development program leader since 2003, she oversaw Indiana’s 4-H youth development programming. “Throughout her career, Renee has given unselfishly of her time and expertise for the long-term benefit of young people through 4-H and Extension. She is leaving a legacy for which Purdue University can be proud,” says Kathleen Lodl, national 4-H program leader working group chair and Associate Dean, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension. Over the past 16 years, she secured more than $22.7 million in grants to support 4-H youth development programming across the state in a variety of areas, including sustainable communities, youth mentoring, economic education, and alcohol, drug and tobacco prevention. Lodl says McKee’s work with the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Agriculture created opportunities for other states to access resources, resulting in opportunities for military children and their families to engage with Extension and 4-H nationally and worldwide. McKee’s impact goes beyond the Indiana 4-H program. In addition to several programs she helped develop being used in other states, McKee served on multiple committees, helping mold the future of the 4-H Youth Development program nationally. “Dr. McKee is a strong leader who both pushes and inspires the groups that she is part of to expand their perspective of 4-H programming and audiences that those programs should attract,” says Powell. McKee believes in “learn by doing,” and that is reflected in the programs she helped develop, including Teens as Teachers, which is also used in other states. It provides teens with resources to teach youth and adults topics related to biotechnology, animal biochemistry, healthy living, teen leadership and computer coding. Since 2014, almost 600 teenagers have completed the program in Indiana. “Dr. McKee is passionate about providing youth the skills to teach, mentor and give back to their community. As she has stated many times, who better to talk about the 4-H youth development program than youth themselves?” says Tony Carroll, Purdue Extension specialist, 4-H Youth Development. She oversaw the many 4-H activities at the Indiana State Fair each August, from the show rings in the livestock barns to the fashion revue stage. Many of her contributions provided hands-on experiences for visitors and 4-H members, including the maker space, the sewing program and the woodworking shop. “Dr. McKee’s leadership has been extremely important in keeping the 4-H program vibrant in Indiana. We are so proud to have worked alongside her in connecting education with experiences,” says Cindy Hoye, executive director, Indiana State Fair. Pastor Darlene DeHaai of First United Methodist Church is familiar with McKee’s involvement in a number of volunteer activities in her hometown of Attica. “Renee’s humble and down-to-earth nature makes a great example for all, especially when dealing with folks who are struggling with life and all that life throws at them,” DeHaai says. THIS AND THAT • B.S., Clothing & Textiles, Indiana State University, 1977. M.S., Extension Education, Purdue University, 1980. Ph.D., Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University, 2000. • County Extension Educator in Carroll County, 1977-1979, and Warren County, 1988-1997. • Campus-based Extension Specialist in state 4-H office, overseeing the program’s leadership and volunteer administration, 1997-2003. • Co-chaired Extension Committee on Organization and Policy 4-H Leadership Committee, National 4-H Council. • Served on numerous curriculum design teams, chaired planning committees of national events, including National 4-H Congress. • Honored with the Epsilon Sigma Phi Distinguished Ruby Award. • Active member of Attica First United Methodist Church. Currently chair of Staff Pastor Parish Relation Committee and lay member to annual conference.
John F. McKee (1974) - The Certificate of Distinction of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association reads “for service to agriculture beyond the call of duty.” Nowhere, will you find a man who has, throughout his life, given more completely of himself to his profession than John F. McKee, Williamsport, Indiana. John is a member of an outstanding agricultural family. He was an extremely successful 4-Her, winning many state and national awards. A graduate of the Purdue School of Agriculture, he joined the Extension Service after completion of college and served 38 years as a “county agent” until his retirement last June. He was an assistant agent in Hancock and Shelby counties and extension agent in Daviess County for ten years and in Warren County for the past 24 years. Dedication is no idle thought with John McKee. He has been a tireless leader of adult programs in crops and livestock, of 4-H Club activities, and has been a builder of 4-H fairs wherever he has been. He has been an activator of soil conservation groups, and has quite a following as a farmstead planner. John is not one who organizes a thing and then says “you do it.” He is there, working, himself. A meticulous record keeper, he can show you that he has traveled 950,000 miles on Extension business, and has attended more than 11,400 meetings in his 38 year career. He is an active Rotarian, and has served as a district governor of that service organization. He is a Church leader in his community, and the power behind the throne in the Warren County Purdue Ag Chapter. He is a world traveler, too, and has led several groups to Europe and the Southwest Pacific. John has now retired from organized work, but, rest assured, he has not retired from the active life that he loves so much. Well done, John. We commend you.
Lewis McKee (1983) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Bruce A. McKenzie (1986) - Bruce A. McKenzie, an extension agricultural engineer at Purdue University, is an established national and international leader in the area of system planning for grain and feed handling facilities. He has been called upon to advise the governments of Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela on grain drying and storage problems. After earning B.S. and M.S. degrees in agricultural engineering at Purdue and Michigan State University, McKenzie was named assistant professor and agricultural engineer at Purdue, and was promoted to associate professor in 1963 and full professor in 1969. While working on grain drying and handling problems, McKenzie has become a prolific writer, speaker and workshop leader on all aspects of the technologies that comprise grain-feed handling systems. Over 50,000 copies of his extension leaflet, “Selecting a Grain Drying Method,” were distributed. He conceptualized and developed over 90 percent of the contents of a grain-feed handling system book, a 65-page manual still in use today. He played a key role in Cooperative Extension Service programming when the corn leaf blight devastated the 1970 corn crop, and in 1972 when the Gibberella mold attacked the corn crop. He organized over 60 educational meetings concerning alcohol production, problems and cost-benefit issues. McKenzie has also excelled as an undergraduate teacher of “Farmstead Machinery Management” for over ten years. He has served as chairman of two committees and a member of two other committees of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, and as chairman of the Indiana Section of ASAE. He is a member of two standing committees of the National Council for Agricultural Science and Technology, and is one of three ASAE representatives to the council. McKenzie has received the Fredrick L Hovde Award of Excellence in Educational Service to Rural People of Indiana, the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service Association Senior and Career Awarded the ASAE Metal Building Manufacturers’ Association Award, the U.A.D.A. Superior Service Award, and was elected a fellow of the ASAE.
Thomas H. “Tom” McKinney (2013) - Tom McKinney's leadership and dedication are a love letter to Tipton County. A 1980 graduate of Purdue University with a B.S. in Agricultural Economics and Animal Science, McKinney helped to increase McKinney & McKinney, his family farming operation, fivefold. Today he serves as president and general manager. He is also involved with Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. as a seed dealer for north central Indiana, holds a Precision Planting and Ag Leader dealership, and operates a custom spraying and tassel pulling business for seed corn in north and central Indiana. From 1975 to 2003 he operated McKinney Seed Corn Detasseling and Deroguing, which eventually employed 600 local youth who learned the importance of a strong work ethic. McKinney is active in many agricultural organizations. He serves as vice president of the Indiana 4-H Foundation, was president of Purdue Council for Agriculture Research, Extension, and Teaching (PCARET) for four years, and served as a member of the commodity committee of Indiana Farm Bureau Inc., as well as the USDA's Indiana Farm Service Agency (FSA) State Committee. McKinney served a four-year term on the Purdue College of Agriculture Dean's Advisory Council. McKinney has also worked as an advisor to bank employees in regard to agricultural loans and trusts at First National Bank & Trust (now Harris Bank) for 17 years. He has also served on the advisory board of Indiana University-Kokomo (IUK) since 1992, representing the agricultural interests of the community through advancing the agricultural programs at IUK. McKinney is also a member of the Indiana Corn Marketing Council and the Indiana Soybean Association. While McKinney is involved in many state and national programs, he is the greatest advocate for Tipton County. The list of local programs that he volunteers his time toward include the Tipton County Library, Tipton County Hospital, Tipton County Extension Board, Kemp United Methodist Church, and Tipton County Purdue Alumni Association. McKinney has been involved with the Tipton Community School Corporation in two influential ways. He is a member of the Tipton Community School Building Corporation, and he has been very involved in the FFA program in the county. When the agriculture teacher who advised Tipton FFA and the judging and leadership contests left midway through the school year, McKinney took the responsibility of the FFA upon himself for almost two years. While doing much of the coaching himself, he also enlisted the help of experts in the community. Under his leadership, the Tipton FFA never missed a contest. Another of McKinney's great contributions to his community is his service on the Tipton County Foundation Board. A large donation was made to the city of Tipton from the Mount Estate and was used to fund a community center for children and adults. McKinney was appointed as one of the leaders of the project in charge of making decisions on how to best spend the financial gift. Today, the community center is used to house the Tipton County Boys and Girls Club, The Encore Senior Center, Encore Food Pantry, IU Health Lifetime Fitness Center, three banquet rooms, a gymnasium, a walking track, and private events. McKinney's guidance of this project was instrumental to its success. It was also through his passion and hard work that the Tipton County Education Center received a $4.1 million grant from Lilly Endowment, Inc. McKinney's decades of service continue to help Tipton County, and through the C.W. Mount Community Center and the Tipton County Education Center, in particular, his influence will be felt for decades to come.
Lawrence McKinney (1986) - Lawrence McKinney 1016 Orchard Dr., Covington, a native of Newtown, began farming in 1938 and retired 40 years later. He organized the Fountain County and State Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, and was elected a supervisor in 1944. He served as secretary and president of both organizations. He also served as a director of the National Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, in 1951 and 1952. He served on the State Soil and Water Conservation Committee from 1953 until 1957, appearing several times before congressional committees investigating conservation. McKinney served as an elder in the Newton Community Church, is a past Masonic Lodge, and served as president of the Veedersburg Public Library Board. He served five years as a director of the Covington Building and Loan Association, and is also a director of the Bi-County Chamber of Commerce, and serves on Fountain County’s Overall Economic Development Plann Committee. He helped organize the Fountain County Historical Society and was appointed county historian. McKinney became active in Cooperative Extension Service work and served three years as president of the Fountain County Extension Board, and has represented the Area Nine Extension Research Support Committee in Washington, D.C. He has been chairman of the state-wide 4-H Foundation Fund Drive, and on the 4-H Espansion and Review Committee. He received the Purdue Centurion Award in 1969 to recognize his “Outstanding service to the county, state, education and community.” He was named a Sagamore of the Wabash, and received the Friends of Extension Award, both in 1982. A graduate of Wabash College, he is also an Honorary Purdue Ag.
Harold W. McMillen (1971) - The world of industry offers the opportunity for its leaders to exert influence on the world around them in addition to the personal gain that they may accrue. Some turn their position and their opportunity to the good of all around them. Some do not. Harold W. McMillan, retired board chairman of Central Soya is one of those men who dedicates his position and his resources to the improvement of his community and his agricultural profession. The son of Dale McMillan, founder of Central Soya, he attended Oberlin College and the Purdue School of Agriculture. Following college, he worked for a few years outside the industry but returned to the Central Sugar Company in Decatur and later became its president. In 1945, he joined Central Soya as vice-president and sales director. He later became executive vice-president and then chairman of the board. He has served his community well - as an elder in the First Presbyterian Church in Fort Wayne, president of the Fort Wayne YMCA, president of the Parkview Memorial Hospital, and president of the McMillan Foundation. He has been a substantial contributor to educational and charitable causes, as well. For excellence in your business, we salute you, Harold McMillan, but, more than that, we thank you for your understanding benevolence and your genuine concern for those about you.
William G. McVay (2006) - Bill McVay was a high school agricultural science and business teacher for 34 years, 31 of which were on the faculty of South Whitley High School. A graduate of Camden High School, Mc Vay received his B.S. in Agricultural Education from Purdue in 1953. After teaching two years in the Washington Township schools in Whitley County, he returned to Purdue and received his M.S. in Agricultural Education in 1956. After completing his master’s degree, McVay taught at Swayzee for one year before beginning his career at South Whitley where he would influence two generations of students. In the early days he taught farm management and record keeping to adult farmers in the area and was the township’s only 4-H club leader. He was a leader in training agriculturalists to keep and analyze farm records. As a vocational agricultural teacher and FFA advisor, he was advisor to 4 Indiana State FFA Officers, 6 National FFA Degree and 91 State FFA Degree winners. He coached 7 state winning Livestock Career Development Event (CDE) teams and 5 state winning Dairy CDE teams. He coached 5 state winning Farm Business Management Teams, including the National Championship Team in 1978. McVay authored the Indiana FFA Farm Management curriculum and the Indiana FFA Farm Business Management CDE, and is the co-author of a high school farm management textbook. As one nominator said, “He was the standard in agriculture education in Indiana during the 1970’s and 80’s.” McVay was tireless in his service to agriculture and the teaching profession beyond the classroom. He has been a farm manager since 1986. A member of the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE); Indiana Association of Agricultural Educators (IAAE); Indiana Vocational Association (IVA); and the American Vocational Association (AVA), McVay served two years as a state officer of IAAE. He served as a member of the Indiana State Fair Board of Directors for two years where he was in charge of the Swine Barn, and he served on the Indiana Commission of Farm Animal Care. McVay was president of the Purdue University Expert Swine Judging School, a member of the Purdue University Livestock Judging Council, and served as show manager of the Hoosier Barrow Show for four years. McVay also served on thirteen state Agricultural Science and Business committees, judged at 36 county fairs, published three articles in Agricultural Education Magazine, and taught two graduate courses at Purdue. He was on the board of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association for ten years (1985-95), and served on the selection committee for Purdue’s Marquardt Scholarship. In his local community, McVay’s service included 42 years as a member of the Lions Club, including two terms as club president; 25 years as a 4-H leader/coordinator; member and president of the Whitley County Extension Board, and charter member and organizer of the Whitley County Pork Producers. He has been active in the Lutheran Church, teaching Sunday School for 15 years and serving his local congregation as President, Vice-President, Secretary and Elder. McVay’s awards and accolades are as numerous as his activities. He was named Citizen of the Year by the South Whitley Chamber of Commerce; received the V.I.P. award from the Indiana FFA Foundation; and the Block and Bridle Royal award. He was recognized by the Indiana Department of Education with a Certificate of Award, was named Outstanding Secondary Educator, and in 1983 was a finalist for Indiana Teacher of the Year. In 1986 he was one of four National Agricultural Teachers of the Year.
Scott Meiks (1947) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Edwin T. Mertz (1990) - Mertz and a Purdue plant pathologist, Oliver E. Nelson, Jr., discovered high-lysine values in Opaque-2 corn in 1963, and quickly gained national acclaim for their potential contribution to solving the world’s protein shortage. Lysine is an amino acid that enhances the quality of protein in grains. They also discovered the Floury-2 gene that has substantially higher tryptophan values. Tryptophan is another essential amino acid. Their work stimulated world-wide research toward improving plant protein quality through genetic manipulation. In addition, Mertz extensively researched the biochemistry of mental retardation, and the nutrition of pigs, salmon and trout fingerlings. A native of Missoula, Montana, Mertz joined the Purdue faculty in 1946, teaching undergraduate courses in biochemistry, protein chemistry, and graduate courses in amino acid methodology and proteins in nutrition. He retired in 1976, and is a consultant to the INTSORMIL (International Sorghum and Millet) project in agronomy. Mertz authored more than 100 scientific articles and a college textbook on elementary biochemistry. He is a member of the Society of Biological Chemists, the American Institute of Nutrition, and the American Chemical Society. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, and Phi Lambda Upsilon honorary societies. He has received no less than eight national and international awards, and was elected to the National Academy of Sciences. He was named an honorary Indiana Prairie Farmer Master Farmer in 1975. Mertz earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry at the University of Montana in 1931. He later earned master’s and doctorial degrees in biochemistry at the University of Illinois. Prior to joining the Purdue staff he taught at the university of Missouri and University of Iowa, and was a chemist for Armour & Co., Chicago and Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington, Del.
Morgan L. Miers (2000) - Throughout his farming career, Morgan Miers was an innovator and visionary who adopted new technologies that would not only improve his operation, but would leave the land more productive than when he began. A desire to also “leave the world a better place” has been Miers’ foundation for a lifetime of public service that has touched virtually every aspect of life in his native Decatur County. Miers received a B.S. in Animal Husbandry from Purdue University in 1941. Upon graduation, he was commissioned into the U.S. Army, where he served four years in WWII in the European Theatre, earning both the Purple Heart and the Bronze Medal for Bravery. After WWII, Miers returned to Decatur County and became the fourth generation to assume the reins of his family’s farm. Upon his retirement, the farm was primarily a producer of seed corn, soybeans and wheat for Pioneer Hi-Bred International. Miers grew specialty crops like popcorn and sorghum long before it became fashionable, and he was among the first farmers to use herbicides and insecticides to increase yields. In the late 1950’s he was an early adopter of double cropping soybeans after wheat. In the early 1960’s he was one of the first farmers in the state to use the Purdue computerized farm record keeping system. Miers aggressively improved the fertility, soil pH and drainage of his farm to build a sound foundation for maximizing yields and profits. He installed more than 400,000 feet of drainage tile and began the practice of land leveling to improve surface drainage. Miers worked closely with USDA’ s ASCS and SCS agencies to adopt environmental and conservation practices, and to construct erosion control structures long before their value was widely accepted. Miers’ community leadership has included the presidencies of the Decatur County’s United Fund, Cancer Society, YMCA and Historical Society. He also chaired the Decatur County 4-H Fair from its inception until about 1980. Miers served as the Decatur County Democratic Chairman for 32 years, was a five-time delegate to the Democratic National Convention, and was treasurer of the 9th District Democratic Party. Miers was also an active member of the Greensburg Area Chamber of Commerce, as well as numerous other cultural and education groups and local veterans’ and Masonic organizations. A life-long member of the Greensburg Methodist Church, Miers taught youth and adult Sunday School for more than 40 years. A lay leader, he also is past chairman and member of the board of trustees. Miers is committed to championing the cause of education and the belief that public higher education should be made readily available to citizens. He is a founding member and has served for 20 years on the Indiana University - Purdue University - Columbus (IUPUC) advisory board. IUPUC Dean Paul Bippen says that through numerous activities and introductions, both formal and otherwise, Miers has increased Bippen’s visibility and that of the IUPUC campus in Greensburg and Decatur County. Miers has been honored locally with the Decatur County Extension Certificate of Distinction, the Decatur County REMC Distinguished Service Award, the Community Service Award from the Greensburg Area Chamber of Commerce, and induction into the county’s Agriculture Hall of Fame. He was recognized for Meritorious Service by Gov. Roger Branigan and Congressman Lee Hamilton, and he has twice been named a Sagamore of the Wabash, by Governors Evan Bayh and Matthew Welsh.
David L. Miers (2008) - David Miers is president of Miers Farm Corporation (MFC), a producer of seed and specialty grains in Decatur County, Indiana. Miers is a sixth generation farmer, operating a farm that has been run by his family for 173 years. Miers graduated from Purdue University in 1970 with a B. S. in Agricultural Economics. He served for two years in the United States Army before returning to the family farm in 1972. In 1990-91 he completed the two-unit curriculum of The Executive Program for Agricultural Producers (TEPAP) at Texas A&M University. Miers has been an innovator in agricultural production, having been an early adopter of GPS technology, grid soil sampling and variable rate lime and fertilizer application. He has engaged in an extensive program of farm drainage improvement that has included the land-leveling over 1,300 acres, installation of 500,000 feet of drainage tile, surface draining all fields, and the installation of dry dams and rock chutes. In the early 1980’s he planted 3,000 black walnut trees, and Timber Stand Improvement has been completed on the 150 acres of woodland. In 2004 he established approximately 60 acres of warm season grasses for wildlife habitat. Miers primary crop is seed corn for Pioneer Hi-Bred International, and he has consistently been among top seed corn producers and has worked closely with the company to experiment with different planting patterns to maximize yields. Since 1989 MFC has raised 27 different seed corn hybrids for Pioneer, and was the top yielding grower for 18 of those. Miers has an extensive record of agricultural leadership and service. He was a member of Class 1 of the Indiana Agricultural Leadership Program, and served on the board of the Indiana Institute of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (1986-1993). He served as Governor Evan Bayh’s first Deputy Commissioner of Agriculture and was the Chairman of the Indiana State Fair Commission. He has been a member of the Indiana Farm Policy Study Group since 1986, and he was a ten year member of the board of the Decatur County Grain Growers where he also served terms as treasurer and president. He served on the board of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association from 1975 to 1990 (president 1986-1988), representing the group on the Dean of Agriculture selection committee (1986) and on the board of the Purdue Alumni Association (1988-1990). He’s been a board member (1990-1994), vice president (1992) and president (1993) of the Indiana Farm Management Association and hosted the Indiana Farm Management Tour in 1997. Miers served on the Decatur County Extension Board (1993-1999; vice president 1998-1999). He’s been a member of the Decatur County Ag Day Committee since 1981 and served six years (1983-1989) as its treasurer. He was the founding chairman of the successful Decatur County Purdue Ag Alumni Steak Fry Committee, serving for 26 years (1975 to 2001) and establishing a scholarship endowment fund that provides scholarships to all Decatur County students who are sophomores in the Purdue College of Agriculture. Miers is a tireless community servant. He is a trustee of the Decatur County YMCA (2001-present; board member 1976-82 and 1994-2000; vice president 1997-1998; president 1999-2000), and a board member of the Decatur County Historical Society (1998-present; president 2005-2006), the South Park Cemetery (1985-present; president 2001-present); and Main Source Bank (1997-present). He is a member of the Decatur County Economic Development Committee’s Ag Division (2004-present) and the Greensburg Area Chamber of Commerce (1986-present; board member 1998-2001). He’s played a key role in several community fund raising campaigns, chairing the Decatur County Memorial Hospital Capital Campaign (2003), the United Fund Annual Campaign (2005) and the YMCA Capital Campaign Major Gifts Division ($4 million campaign; 1999). He is a Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary International (2003) and was a past member (1973 to 1994) of the Elks Lodge where he served in numerous leadership roles, and is a member of the American Legion (since 1972), Veterans of Foreign Wars (since 1990), Indiana and Decatur County Farm Bureau (since 1972) and the Greensburg United Methodist Church (since 1947). Awards and honors presented to Miers include: Outstanding Tree Farmer and Tom Wallace Forestry Award (1988); Decatur County Agriculture Hall of Fame (1990); Sagamore of the Wabash (1992); Purdue University Distinguished Agricultural Alumnus (1999); Decatur County YMCA Volunteer of the Year (2000); Purdue University ROTC Hall of Fame (2002); Decatur County United Fund Volunteer of the Year (2004); Decatur County Chamber of Commerce Community Service Award (2005); and Indiana Prairie Farmer Master Farmer (2007).
Max G. Miller (2009) - Max Miller retired in 1996 after serving Purdue Extension for 36 years as a county educator, the last 26 years as County Extension Director in Vigo County. Miller graduated from Purdue University in 1959 with a B.S. degree in Agriculture. In 1963 he received his M.S. in Agricultural Extension and Community Development from Purdue. From 1960 to 1970 Miller was an extension educator in Hamilton, LaPorte and Huntington counties, serving as County Extension Director in Huntington County 1966-70. As County Extension Director in Vigo County, Miller left his mark in many ways, but particularly distinguished himself as a champion of Purdue Agriculture in the Wabash Valley region and as an exemplary leader in community and economic development. The crown jewels of Miller’s legacy in Vigo County include the establishment of an industrial park; establishment of two wetland park reservations, including one of more than 1,200 acres along the Wabash River; development of an exemplary county park system that includes a Pioneer Village and a 15-mile Heritage Trail and which he led as board president for 14 years; and the founding of Leadership Terre Haute in 1977 (now Leadership Wabash Valley) that has now prepared more than 900 citizens to assume leadership roles in the community. Miller has served on virtually every community development group in Vigo County, and he has continued to be active since his retirement. In the 1970’s his leadership of the Alliance for Growth & Progress led to the establishment of several other economic development groups, as well as the industrial park. Miller’s work with Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce led to establishing their first Agribusiness Committee which resulted in bringing the 1995 Farm Progress Show to Vigo County. He served on the Chamber’s strategic arm, Terre Haute Tomorrow from 1991 to 2007, resulting in success stories including: the establishment of a community master plan; establishing a brand, Terre Haute: A Level Above; organization of the Terre Haute Neighborhood Association; enhancement of the trail system and creation of Wabash River Development & Beautification, Inc. As chairman of the latter organization, Miller has established the 1,200 acre Wabash River National Road Wetland Reservation; his personal efforts raised over $2.5 million for the land acquisition. Since 2001 he has served on the Chamber’s Washington, DC Legislative Committee. Miller also helped found Trees, Inc. (1991-present; president, 1992-95) which has added more than 2,000 hardwood trees to Terre Haute, and he worked to get an urban forester for the local park system. During the 1980’s and 1990’s, Miller worked on behalf of fellow Extension educators, first serving on a committee that formulated a plan to reduce Extension’s administrative structure and develop a new organizational structure to bring staffing levels in line with available resources. Later he worked with members of the Indiana General Assembly to secure resources to bring Extension educators’ salaries in line with classroom teachers, as well as to remove the cap on retirement benefits that was in existence at that time. Miller’s professional memberships include: Indiana Extension Agents Association (1960-present; chairman of interest committee 1994-95); Community Development Society (1970-96; president 1984); and Epsilon Sigma Phi (1960-present). Miller’s other community service and leadership roles include: Kiwanis Club (1965-present); Wabash Valley Fair Board (1970-1996); Hamilton Center Mental Health Center (board 1991-2002, 2005-present; president 1999-2003); Leadership Terre Haute (1977-present; president 1980 and 1998); Vigo County Park Board (1970-1996; president 1970-1984); Terre Haute Children’s Museum Board (2005-present); and Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association (1959-present; board member 1994-2007). After retirement, he made 3 trips (1996-2001) to Poland and Slovakia as a representative of Purdue Agriculture helping to develop and extension education model in those countries. He is active in the Memorial United Methodist Church (1970-present) where he has served as a Sunday School teacher and on the Board of Trustees and the Administrative Council, and as a Lay Leader (1995-2006). He has also done volunteer work as an agriculture missionary to Russia. Miller has been recognized by many organizations for his accomplishments and service, including: Farm Foundation Award (1968); Outstanding Citizen Award – Jaycees (1975); Purdue Extension Innovator Award (1979); Alan Rankin Service Award – Leadership Terre Haute (1983 and 2001); Handclasp Award – Kiwanis (1986); USDA Certificate of Distinction (1987);Terre Award (1989); Indiana Extension Agents Association Senior Award (1990); National Extension Meritorious Service Award (1993); Wabash Valley Fair Award (1997); Mighty Oak Award – Trees, Inc. (2003); Optimist Book of Golden Deeds (2005) and International Service Award for Poland and Slovakia. In 1996, Governor Evan Bayh named him a Sagamore of the Wabash.
Paul Moffett (1947) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Marshall Mohler (1996) - Marshall Mohler is “Mr. Red Poll.” He is recognized by the entire beef cattle society for his pioneering development of selective breeding among the Pinney-Purdue cattle. His efforts propelled that herd into pre¬mier status among cattle breeds. His portrait hangs in the Live¬stock Hall of Fame. Mohler has developed carcass evaluation for numerous 4-H, Junior and Open programs and has promote¬ed the importance of carcass quality, milking ability and those traits that produce faster gains. Mohler is frequently solicited as the “patron saint” of the Red Poll cattle breeders. He is known as the singular national author for Red Poll cattle, with a focus on statistical measurement for beef cattle perfor¬mance and testing. Mohler developed the Advance Registry and was instrumental in garnering Gain Registry acceptance and use. His leadership with the National Red Poll Association brought about Carcass Registration, which trust the Red Poll breed into national prominence. He has been president of the Pure¬bred Livestock Association, chair¬man of the Indiana Bull test Station Board, and a member of the Indiana Beef Producers association and the Hoosier Beef Show Committee. In his retirement Mohler created and marketed a new industry publication, “Total Performance Newsletter¬ Conception through Consumption.”
Ray H. Moistner (2018) - He majored in Communications. Good choice. Since January 2000, Ray Moistner has been executive director of the Indiana Hardwood Lumbermen’s Association (IHLA), a trade association that now boasts 375 member firms and draws more than 1,000 people to its annual convention. “It has become the largest state hardwood trade association meeting,” says a lumber company executive who wrote in support of Moistner’s Certificate of Distinction nomination, “and a must-attend for those who work in the hardwood industry around the world.” The IHLA is the nation’s second-oldest lumber association, and its membership includes residents of more than 30 states and more than a few countries. Exports are vital to the hardwood industry. A statewide “hardwood strategy” will analyze business opportunities available based on the supply chain and identification of specific locations best suited for expansion and new manufacturing, along with the determination of domestic and global demand. Moistner is helping develop this strategy, which, “when completed will be a first for the hardwood industry, not only in Indiana but in the U.S.,” a state agriculture official says. Moistner is well known to legislators at the Statehouse. “Perhaps his greatest achievement has been to incorporate the hardwood industry into the agricultural sector of Indiana’s government and legislature,” says the one who nominated Moistner for the Certificate of Distinction. “The state’s lumber industry no longer plays second fiddle. The importance of the multiple benefits provided by Indiana’s forest resources is now widely recognized.” His communication skills are on display at hearings (Hardwood Export Council), board discussions (State Department of Agriculture, Purdue Agriculture Dean’s Advisory Board), and in letters to the editor (recently, in support of harvesting at Yellowwood State Forest). Hardwood lumber’s primary markets include furniture and fixtures manufacturers, and previous positions with builders groups helped Moistner become “knowledgeable about their needs and purchasing practices. This has allowed him to take a comprehensive approach to mutually satisfying the needs of all components of the hardwoodrelated industry,” his nominator says. “The accomplishments of the executive director of an industry association are best measured by the success of the industry supported. Components of Indiana’s hardwood industry include the production of the timber serving as raw material, harvesting of timber, transporting logs and processing into lumber, veneer and byproducts, and markets for these products. Ray has established and led programs supporting all of these components.” Moistner has strengthened the relationship between IHLA and the Purdue Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, an FNR professor says, citing “political, logistical and seed funding support to a number of projects, such as the Hardwood Tree Improvement Center and the Hardwood Scanning Center. I cannot even count how many occasions, when I had an idea for a workshop or a seminar, Ray volunteered the help of IHLA staff to help promote, market and administer these workshops. I have never seen him say no to anything we asked of him.” This and that • Past assistant director of the Indiana Builders Association and executive director of the Indiana Lumber and Builders Supply Association. • Bachelor’s degree, Communications, Indiana University, 1985.
James Monger, Jr. (2018) - It’s the rare freshman who isn’t saddled with an early morning class or two. Psych 120 provided James Monger with reasons to be wide awake at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Thursday and, yes, Saturday. “Talk about learning about time management while adjusting to the college environment — the value of that experience was beyond belief,” he recalls. “It really forced me out of my comfort zone and helped me understand that Purdue was about more than just an education. It helped develop discipline as well.” Armed with a marketing degree in 1984, he headed into a career with a single employer but many locales. Now a West Lafayette-based Regional Merchandising Leader, Monger is responsible for Cargill’s commodity supply chain for more than 20 agricultural facilities east of the Mississippi River. He has traded multiple product lines on both coasts, managed people and assets, and been involved in acquisitions and divestitures for the nation’s largest privately held company. Cargill provides platforms for employees to be involved in their communities, and Monger has seized the opportunities. For the past four years, he’s led Cargill Cares, the company’s community relations and involvement committee. At Purdue, Monger has helped secure financial support from Cargill for the MANRRS chapter. The Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences chapter also gets time with Monger, at not only the end-ofthe- year banquet but at regular meetings as well. “Many corporate sponsors provide important financial support for student activities,” Purdue Provost Jay Akridge, former Dean of the College of Agriculture, writes in a letter supporting a Certificate of Distinction award for Monger, “but their personal engagement is limited. I believe it is impossible to overstate how important it is for underrepresented minorities in the College of Agriculture to interact with accomplished African-American professionals such as Mr. Monger.” In Greater Lafayette, food insecurity is rising. Monger’s leadership “has transformed” the Food Finders Food Bank Inc. board, says CEO/President Katy Bunder. “We were in a period of growth driven by the number of food-insecure. The board was divided into factions: those who wanted to meet the need for food aid, and those who wanted to make sure that our organization did not spend money. James quickly assessed the situation and began asking the right questions and proposing the right strategies to accomplish attitude change. He convinced those anxious about spending to focus on the mission as much as the bottom line. He brings extraordinary insight in finance, human resources, board governance, and interpersonal relationships to our board and makes it a higher functioning board.” This and that • Board of Directors: Northwestern Ohio Food Bank, 1995-1999; Food Finders Food Bank, Lafayette, 2014-present. • Bachelor’s degree, Marketing, Purdue University, 1984 • 33 years with Cargill Inc. - Regional Merchandising Leader, 2014-present - Ohio Merchandising Leader, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2004-2014 - Farm Service Group Manager, Burns Harbor, Indiana, 1999-2004 - Sector Manager and Location Manager, Toledo, Ohio, 1995-1999 - Oilseeds Merchant, Des Moines, Iowa, 1993-1995 - Feed Grains Merchant, Sacramento, California, and Des Moines, Iowa, 1988-1993 - Origination Merchant, Dubuque, Iowa, and Buffalo Iowa, 1984-1988
Paul Morton (1970) - Paul and Wendell Morton of Lebanon, Indiana operate one of Indiana's most successful commercial farms. It has been analyzed by economists, judged by management teams, scanned by college classes, photographed by foreign visitors, and generally admired by all those who appreciate good farmers. Yet, that farm is not the only reason we wish to honor these two men. Despite their extensive farm operation, they find time to give of themselves to their community. Paul is a director of the Producers Marketing Association, Eastern Order Buyers, and the Chicago Producers Livestock Credit Corporation. He has served as president of the Boone County REMC for 16 years and formerly as a director of the Statewide REMC. He is past president of the Indiana Cattle feeders Association, and a delegate to the National Sheep and Wool Council. In Boone County, Paul is a Rotarian, an elder in the Lebanon Presbyterian Church, and on the Extension Advisory Committee. Both of his children are Purdue graduates-Linda, a home economist with the National Dairy Council, and George, in the home farm organization.
Wendell Morton (1970) - Paul and Wendell Morton of Lebanon, Indiana. operate one of Indiana's most successful commercial farms. It has been analyzed by economists, judged by management teams, scanned by college classes, photographed by foreign visitors, and generally admired by all those who appreciate good farmers. Yet, that farm is not the only reason we wish to honor these two men. Despite their extensive farm operation, they find time to give of themselves to their community. Wendell likewise spends considerable time serving his community. He is a past president of the Indiana Cattlefeeders Association, is a director of the Indiana Cattlemen's Association, and was one of the founders of the Greencastle Production Credit Association. He is a director of the Boone County State Bank, a charter member of the Lebanon Kiwanis Club, a member of the Boone County Development Commission and past chairman of the Extension Advisory Committee. He has long been one of the leaders in the 4-H movement.
Jim Moseley (2019) - Nominations for the Certificate of Distinction Award occasionally turn up the question: “Doesn’t he/she already have one?” Sometimes — as in Jim Moseley’s case — nominators and those writing in support are astonished. “I was shocked. I can think of no other person more deserving.” “Frankly, I was very surprised when asked to write this letter. … I assumed that Jim had received a Certificate of Distinction years ago.” “I was shocked when I looked over the list of previous CD winners. … I may have abused my nomination threshold, but this is one we shouldn’t let by.” Jim Moseley started earning local, state, national and international respect soon after leaving Purdue with a bachelor’s degree in horticulture in 1973. He and his wife, Kathy, started farming near Clarks Hill. (Still there.) By 1984, he was in the first class of the Indiana Agriculture Leadership Program. Five years later, he was the agriculture advisor to the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “His ability to bring diverse ideas and thoughts together in different groups is a hallmark of his career,” says Don Villwock, former Indiana Farm Bureau president. “Many extremely difficult issues have needed his thoughtful talents and skill set.” Spotted owls, old-growth forests and wetlands were among the more contentious issues. For two years, Moseley was the USDA’s assistant secretary of agriculture for natural resources and environment. Jane Ade Stevens, CEO of the Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Indiana Soybean Alliance, worked with him in Washington, D.C., at that time and recalls Moseley’s “steady leadership even in the most adverse conditions because of the highly political issues he had to manage.” He returned to Purdue as director of agricultural services and regulations for Indiana, then brought “cutting edge” ideas, Villwock says, as chairman and lead negotiator of the industry team for the National Pork Producers Council’s National Pork Dialogue. So when the U.S. Senate confirmed him as deputy secretary of the USDA, he was well prepared to oversee the day-to-day activities of the department from 2001 to 2005. He was designated the primary lead on the post-9/11 security needs of the nation’s food and agricultural system and worked on agricultural issues involving Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa and Asia. “Jim is one of the most thoughtful leaders I have ever known, and he is always willing to take on the most challenging issues,” says Jay Akridge, Purdue’s provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and diversity, and former dean of the College of Agriculture. Villwock calls Moseley “the farmer leader that many to this day call upon to resolve conflict and find positive win-win solutions.” Beth Archer, executive director of AgrIInstitute, says Moseley “lives the service that he encourages from others. Jim is a bit of an unsung hero in that the bulk of his impact and success is not immediately obvious. Those who have worked with Jim are fully aware that he truly makes a difference in large and small ways. He has earned a deep respect from his colleagues and friends.” This and that • Co-chair of AGree, a Washington, D.C.-based food and agriculture policy generator. • Has created opportunities for College of Agriculture faculty and students to work with him on his farm. Examples include offering students the opportunity to work and then encouraging shared ownership with those who graduated and needed an opportunity to farm; and helping his children each establish their own independent farm business from the core farm he and Kathy built over the years. • Recent activities include chairman of the Farm, Ranch and Rural Advisory Committee for the EPA, Steering Committee member of 25x’25, board member of Farm Safety 4 Kids, Lafayette Community Foundation and chair of the Eisenhower Foundation Agricultural Program. • Board member, American Farmland Trust.
Bruno C. Moser (2003) - Bruno Moser is a native of Glyn Ellen, Illinois, the son of a nurseryman. He received a B.S. in Ornamental Horticulture and an M.S. in Horticulture from Michigan State University in 1962 and 1964, respectively. He operated the landscape construction phase of his family business for two years, then entered Purdue to study ornamental horticulture with Dr. Charles Hess. He transferred to Rutgers University with Dr. Hess, and received his Ph.D. from Rutgers in 1969. He was a professor of horticulture at Rutgers from1969 to 1975. In 1975 he became Head of Purdue’s Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, a position he held for 20 years. In 1995 he became Professor of Horticulture and Extension Specialist for Nursery and Landscape Crops. Moser was one of the first department heads in the country to recognize the potential of new technology in horticulture research. He then built Purdue’s Horticulture Department into one of the strongest basic research programs in the country, a leader in molecular genetics and an important player in genetic engineering, with a faculty that is recognized as world-class. Remarkably, he did this without sacrificing the delivery of applied production programs and while strengthening the undergraduate teaching programs in both horticulture and landscape architecture. Throughout his career at Purdue, Moser has remained committed to the horticultural industries of Indiana. He led the effort to establish regional extension specialists, developing programs at both the Southwest Purdue Agricultural Center in Vincennes and at the Purdue North-Central campus. In his current position he teaches all horticulture undergraduate students in his Plant Propagation course, as well as all undergraduates from the Landscape Horticulture and Design option in his Nursery Crop Production course. He also conducts research in sustainable agriculture, investigating multi-use plantings that generate income while providing a beneficial effect to the environment, and in the area of woody perennials, improving cultural practices and post-harvest quality of cut branches for the florist trade. His extension program is focused on the nursery industry, and he represents Purdue University to both the Indiana and the American Nursery and Landscape Associations. He has developed the industry’s most complete internet resource, the PLANT-Purdue Nursery and Landscape Thesaurus, which has over 4,500 landscape horticulture links for industry professionals in the Midwest and the Northeast and is visited over 60,000 times a year. His professional service and leadership roles include extensive service to the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS). He has chaired numerous ASHS committees including: Department Head Administrators Working Group (twice), Finance, Investment Trustees, Endowment Fund, Graduate Student Activities, and Scholarship. In recent years he has been appointed to several select committees to look at the future of ASHS and its role in both academia and commercial agriculture, including: Strategic Planning 1996-99; Blue Ribbon Committee on Annual Meetings 1998-99; and the Seach Committee for ASHS Executive Director 1999. Locally, Moser has served as a trustee of St. Andrew Methodist Church since 1998, is actively involved with both the Lafayette Museum of Art and the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and is a member of the West Lafayette Tree Fund and Planting Program. He has been involved in United Way since 1980, serving as the Purdue School of Agriculture chairperson in 1988. Moser’s honors and awards reflect the importance of his contributions. He has been selected for membership in national academic and professional honorary organizations including Sigma Xi (scientific), Pi Alpha Xi (floriculture and ornamental horticulture), Alpha Zeta (agriculture), Gamma Sigma Delta (agriculture), Blue Key (activities) and Epsilon Sigma Phi (extension). His awards include induction into the Knights of the Red Tie by the Indiana Food Processors Association in 1987, the Indiana FFA Honorary Degree in 1994, and the Award of Merit from the Indiana Nursery and Landscape Association in 1998. In 1990 he was named a Fellow of the American Society for Horticultural Science, the organization’s highest honor.
John Myers (1997) - Congressman John Myers has had a long and dedicated career in the U.S. House of Representatives working with Indiana's agricultural leaders and educators. He has been a leader and proponent of agriculture and rural issues while serving 30 years in Congress. “Over many years, Mr. Myers advanced agricultural issues with the Congress, playing instrumental roles with the House Agriculture Committee and the Appropriations Committee,” one of his nominators said. “His support of the research and educational systems that help develop the necessary tools for producers to be successful is a credit to his government service.' As a member of the House Agriculture Committee and its Appropriations Subcommittee, Myers played an important role in the development of the 1995 Farm Bill, which instituted much-needed reform in the system. He also sponsored the Midwest Plant l3iotechnology Consortium and an initiative to increase the Agricultural Research Service's presence at Purdue. He was instrumental in bringing the National Disabled Farmer Program headquarters to Purdue. Serving as chairman of the Energy and Water Development Subcommittee, Myers' helped steer flood-control projects to his farming-intensive district. “During his tenure, he had been a stalwart supporter of agriculture and rural America,’ according to a nominator. This support hasn’t gone unnoticed garnering him the American Farm Bureau Federation's Golden Plow Award in 1989, the National Farmers Union Award in 1991, another Friend of Farm Bureau Award in 1996. Another nominator said: “He has served Purdue University; ‘Indiana agriculture and the citizens of Indiana with dedication and pride.” Myers also served on the Congressional Ethics Committee and the Post Office and Civil Service Committee. Prior to his 1966 election to Congress, he formed and held several senior positions in the Fountain Trust Co.
Larry Nees (2016) - Larry Nees is a native of Poland, IN and graduated from Purdue University in 1975 with a B.S. in turf management. After graduation, he began working in the Office of the Indiana State Chemist where he has spent his entire career, now serving as Indiana State Seed Commissioner. He has a long record of state and national industry leadership and volunteer organizational involvement for which he has received numerous awards. In the Office of the Indiana State Chemist, Nees began as a state seed inspector and worked in the field for one year. Over the next two years, he served as the assistant in the seed commissioner’s office. Since 1978, he has been in charge of administering the seed law enforcement program and has been director of the State Seed Testing Laboratory. In this position Nees is an advocate for consumers, which includes farmers and homeowners, protecting consumer interests by assuring that high quality seed, correctly labeled seed is sold in Indiana. One colleague wrote of Nees, “He has stood the test of time because he is efficient, effective, and he is fair.” These are some of the qualities that have led to his success, and gained him the respect of his industry colleagues. In fact, he has been a source of counsel to his peers across the country as they administer seed programs in their respective states. Although he advocates for the consumer, Nees has built a strong rapport with seed companies as being fair in upholding the seed law in the state of Indiana. He understands both sides of the regulatory and commercial relationship, and is known for being open and understanding with the goal of coming to mutually rewarding solutions, according to a colleague. A seed company representative who has worked extensively with Nees praised these traits, “[He] always made me feel like he was working for us and not just laying down the law.” Nees has gone above and beyond the duties of his role, working to provide education on the law, so that people are fully aware of it and understand it. He has championed needed changes to the Indiana State Seed Law through the Indiana General Assembly to keep pace with an evolving Indiana seed industry. The industry he serves is vital to Indiana's agriculture economy, as Indiana is currently a net exporter of seed, its companies producing far more high quality seed than can be sown on Indiana acres. Nees has assumed numerous leadership roles in the industry, and is heavily involved in multiple industry organizations at the state and national levels. He served the Association of American Seed Control Officials as President two different times; was both 2nd Vice President and 1st Vice President; and was Secretary for seventeen years. He participated in numerous committees, and sat on the Board of Directors. Currently, he acts as elder statesman for the association due to his tenure and experience as a seed control official. Additionally, he is on the Board of Directors for both the Seed Testing Research Foundation and the Association of Official Seed Analysts. For the Indiana Seed Trade Association, he serves as Ex-Officio Director and is a part of the Seed Testing and Labeling Committee. For the Indiana Crop Improvement Association, he is a valued member of the Seed Lab Advisory Committee. Nees is a co-contributor to the AASCO Handbook on Seed Sampling, which is used across the U.S. by seed companies and seed control officials. Additionally, he is the author of Indiana Seedsman’s Handbook, A Guide for Distribution and Labeling of Seed in Indiana. Because of Nees’ expertise, he has had much influence on the Recommended Uniform State Seed Law (RUSSL), and has served as a moderator and a speaker at the Illinois/Indiana Seed Conditioning Workshop and the Corn Belt Seed Conference. Nees has served since 2000 as a director of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association. For many years prior to that, he had served on the program committee for the Purdue Ag Fish Fry. Since 2012, he has served as treasurer of the board of directors. His passion for improvement extends to community organizations as well. Nees is a past chair and a current member of the West Lafayette First United Methodist Church finance committee, and served on the building committee when the church relocated from the Village to a site west of town. He was a member of the United Way allocation committee from 1994 until 1997, and served on the task force to evaluate school facilities in the Lafayette School Corporation. Nees has received numerous honors, including several capstone awards from the organizations he has served. In 1991, the Indiana Crop Improvement Association awarded him its highest honor, the Crop and Soils Merit Award. He also received the Honorary Member Award from the Indiana Seed Trade Association in 2005, and in 2015 he was honored with the Distinguished Service Award from the Association of American Seed Control Officials.
Ralph E. Neill (2003) - Ralph Neill was born and raised on the family farm in Adams County, Iowa. After graduation from Corning High School, Neill served two years in the U. S. Army. He graduated from Purdue University in 1962 with a B.S. in General Agriculture. During his Purdue years, he attended two summer sessions at Northwest Missouri State University. In 1963 he graduated from The Ohio State University with an M.S. in Rural Sociology. From 1963 to 1964 he did post-masters study and research as and Organization of American States Fellow to the Universidad National de Colombia, Facultad de la Sociologia. In 1964 he returned to Iowa and the family farm. Neill and his wife Joyce own and operate the 1856-acre Douglas Center Stock Farm. Their home is located on a quarter section that has been continuously owned by the Neill family since 1875, so their intense devotion to the stewardship of the fertile Middle Nodaway River valley and the adjacent hills is easy to understand. In 1969 Neill purchased a cow herd and discontinued his yearling feeding operation, and for the next 30 years he grew crops on the river bottoms, while devoting the hills to forage production and pasture lands for the cattle. Neill never grew crops on erodible acres, and he was much stricter than the government in defining erodible (“anything with a slope” is his definition). All calves were fed out on the farm, and from the beginning all the cattle performance records were tracked from birth to slaughter to optimize production and profits. Neill has long been a cooperator with Iowa State University’s Animal Science Department and Cooperative Extension Service, making his farm available for various research projects. His conservation goal is to hold on the farm all the rainfall that falls on it, bringing erosion as close to zero as possible and protecting the river and streams on their land. Water retention ponds have been systemically built in sloping pastures to capture water before it flows onto, and erodes, the crop land below. Hybrid willows were planted on streambanks to control erosion and planted trees by the hundreds to create windbreaks and provide wildlife habitat. Great blue heron nests are now common sights on the farm, and in recent years bald eagles have been sporadic visitors. Neill has hosted numerous cattle and conservation tours on the farm, with visitors coming from around the globe, for groups ranging from the World Bank and the Beef Improvement Federation to the World Angus Forum. Neill has given more than 25 professional presentations to conservation and livestock organizations since 1980. A career highlight was the celebration of the farm’s 125-year anniversary, and its five generations of Neill management, in July 2000 that included speakers, tours, entertainment and the serving of almost 700 meals—beef, of course. Neill has given service to a number of local, state and regional organizations. He has been president of the Iowa Beef Improvement Federation, the Corning Public School Board, and is currently president of the Iowa Master Farmer Club where he is working to establish a foundation to support the Iowa Master Farmer Award program. He has served as vice president of the Green Valley Area Education Agency Board, the Iowa State University Extension Citizen Advisory Board, and the Iowa International Farm Youth Exchange (IFYE) Alumni Association. He has served in a number of positions at both the Iroquois Masonic Lodge where he is Past Master and at Corning United Methodist Church where he has been lay leader and chairman of the administrative board. Neill’s accomplishments and environmental stewardship have been recognized with a number of honors and awards. The Iowa Beef Improvement Association named him Commercial Producer of the Year in 1978 and gave him its Distinguished Service Award in 1981. In 1986 he received the Bryon Lodwick Pasture Management Award from the Iowa Chapter of the Soil Conservation Society of America. In 1993 he and Joyce were named the regional winner (five state area) of the National Cattlemen’s Association Environmental Stewardship Award. And in 1994 he was named an Iowa Master Farmer by Wallace’s Farmer magazine. In 1999 twin tornadoes cut a two mile path across the Neill farm, destroying most of the cattle facilities and changing what the farm had been all about for five generations – raising beef. Nearing retirement, Neill elected to expand the alfalfa enterprise rather than rebuild the lost facilities, saying that production agriculture continues to change and he, too, was determined to change with the times and to continue succeeding while farming in an environmentally sensitive manner.
Werner L. Nelson (1987) - Werner L. Nelson, West Lafayette, who retired in 1985 after 31 years with the Potash and Phosphate Institute, was honored for his contributions to improving crop production and soil management practices. Nelson earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in agronomy and soil chemistry at the University of Illinois and a Ph.D. in soil physics at the Ohio State University. He was a faculty member at North Carolina State University and joined the American Potash Institute in 1954. He was named senior vice president in 1967. In that role he coordinated research, education and service programs in soil fertility throughout North America. Nelson coauthored a widely-used textbook, “Soil Fertility and Fertilizers,” and has contributed 15 chapters to other books.
Philip E. Nelson (2001) - Phil Nelson is an accomplished food science researcher, developing ground-breaking technologies in aseptic processing that have significantly changed the food processing industry worldwide. But Nelson’s finest legacy to the food industry, the academic community and his alma mater may well be the visionary leadership he has given to Purdue’s Department of Food Science, leadership that has fueled the growth and development of the department into one of the nation’s leading programs. Nelson graduated from Purdue University in 1956 with a B.S. in Horticulture, the home department of food processing work at that time. Following graduation, Nelson served for three years as plant manager of the Blue River Packing Company. In 1961 he returned to Purdue as an instructor in Horticulture. Nelson received his Ph.D. from Purdue in 1967, also in Horticulture, and joined the department’s faculty that same year. In 1975, Nelson was promoted to professor of food science and named director of the Food Sciences Institute. He directed the institute for the next eight years until 1983, when, spurred by Nelson’s vision and leadership, Purdue created a Department of Food Science. Since the department’s inception, he has served as its only head. The department’s growth under his leadership has been truly phenomenal. During the early years of the Department of Food Science, the Purdue School of Agriculture was faced with downsizing, but Nelson was undaunted in his vision for the department’s programs. He initiated the Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research, now the premier center of its kind. His own research in aseptic processing made Purdue a leader in that area of technology, and resulted in 12 U.S. and 28 foreign patents. Nelson has presided over the introduction of a wine teaching and research program, and the computer network he developed for the department became the Computer Integrated Food Manufacturing Center. In 1998 USDA selected the department to house its Food Safety Engineering Center. Nelson continues to keep his department at the forefront of industry trends, forming in 199_ the interdisciplinary Center for Functional Foods that brings together researchers from the schools of Agriculture, Pharmacy and Consumer and Family Sciences. Through the years, Nelson has forged partnerships with industry that allowed his department to grow, even during times of university and school austerity. These partnerships have fostered a synergistic relationship that has resulted in the development of a curriculum that is in sync with industry’s changing needs, a 100 percent placement rate for Food Science graduates and the completion of a state of the art Food Science complex in 199_. Nelson’s service to his profession is extensive. He is a charter member of the Purdue chapter of Phi Tau Sigma, the food science honorary fraternity. He served as the fraternity’s national membership chairman and as its national president. He has served on numerous national committees for the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), including three years on the Executive Committee. He has twice served on IFT’s National Long Range Planning Committee, and twice he has served as the national chair of the committee, from 1982 to 1986 and from 1995 to 199_. He chaired the Indiana Section of IFT from 1974 to 1977. He has served on several committees for the National Academy of Science, and has served three separate terms as chairman of the North Central Food Science Administrators. Nelson served for nine years as a trustee of the Food Processors Institute, five of them as the institute’s chairman. Nelson’s research in aseptic technology earned him many accolades, among them the 1976 IFT Industrial Achievement Award, the first time the award was presented to a university professor. Four years later, in 1980, he was named a Fellow of IFT. In 1995, IFT awarded him its highest honor, the Nicholas Appert Award, for preeminence in the field of food science and technology. That same year, the food processing industry presented him its highest award, the Forty-niner Service Award. And in 1997 he was presented the USDA Secretary’s Award for Personal and Professional Excellence in recognition of his sustained demonstration of accomplishment and notable achievements in scientific research.
Craig Newman (2016) - Craig Newman is a native of Veedersburg, Indiana, where he was raised on a corn, soybean and hog farm. He graduated from Purdue in 1971 with a B.S. in agricultural business management. After graduation, Newman began his career with Procter and Gamble, where he worked as a field sales representative in the health and beauty market, and eventually was promoted to District Sales Representative, and then to Unit Sales Manager. After nearly eight years in that role, he changed careers, taking a position at Akin Seed Company in southern Illinois in 1979 as the operations manager. That same year, Akin Seed began selling under the AgriGold brand name. Newman just recently retired as the President and CEO of AgReliant Genetics, parent company of the AgriGold brand. When he first began working for Akin Seed as general manager, Newman was instrumental in the development and implementation of the new AgriGold brand. In the mid-1990s, Newman also became the general manager of Callahan Seeds when it was purchased by Group Limagrain of Chappes, France. In 2000, he became the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for AgReliant Genetics, which was a joint venture formed by Group Limagrain, and KWS, a German company. Both companies recognized the need for a strong leadership foundation in order for AgReliant to become successful, and Newman became a part of that foundation as a leader, and as an industry professional. Today, AgReliant ranks as the third largest corn seed company in North America. Over the past thirteen years, its eight seed brands have cumulatively grown their sales volume by over 300 percent, with almost 7% market share in North America, in part due to Newman’s leadership and vision. He is described by one of his colleagues as “a tireless supporter of expanding the role of technology and innovation in field crop agriculture, worldwide.” Newman's participation in industry organizations is as impressive as his professional success. He served as the President of the Illinois Seed Dealers Association in 1990 and 1991. For the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), he has served on the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. Newman has held positions as ASTA Second Vice Chair and Central Region Vice President. Additionally, he has served on multiple committees and divisions within ASTA, including Seed Advocate, Corn and Sorghum Seed Division Member, Soybean Seed Division Member, Membership Committee Past Chair, International Executive Committee Member, Legislative and Legal Concerns Committee Member, Management Skills Committee Member, and Future Seed Executives Mentor. In 2013, he was elected Chairman of the ASTA Board of Directors. Through his work with the ASTA Board of Directors, he implemented a strategic plan developed over two years by ASTA membership, with the key focuses including strengthening intellectual property rights, expanding seed producers’ intellectual business opportunities and working to make ASTA a high-value resource for the seed industry. As chairman, Newman was instrumental in bringing the ASTA National Conference to Indianapolis. A colleague writes, “Hosting the top minds and most influential executives in the seed industry is an honor Indiana can directly attribute to Craig Newman’s leadership.” Newman’s dedication to the agriculture industry extends to the investment of tomorrow’s agriculturalists, researchers and leaders. He has been an influential mentor for many young professionals and college students interested in careers in the seed business. He was also influential in the development of the AgReliant Genetics Graduate Student Endowment. Totaling $1 million, this endowment was created to provide funding for graduate students conducting research in plant breeding, soil science, genetics, and other agronomic areas of study. Outside of the seed industry, Newman is a member of the Board of Directors for Advanced Microelectronics, and the Board of Directors of the Old National Bank. He serves on the Parish Council of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Mt. Carmel, Illinois, where he also works to works to raise funds for philanthropies and educational programs, causes very important to the Newman family. In 2015 Newman was named a Distinguished Agriculture Alumnus by the Purdue College of Agriculture.
James E. Newman (1988) - James E. Newman, Lafayette, is one of the best known members of the Purdue faculty. His predictions on weather trends – what we may expect for weather trends – what we may expect for weather for the spring or the fall, should we plant early or late, should we hurry with the harvest – are known throughout the country. To farmers, commodity brokers, merchants and processors, Newman is one factor that must be included in all their decisions. Newman, however, is not a meteorologist in the usual definition of the term. He is a highly trained agronomist, a very definitive researcher, an observing statistician and has the ability to study the markeys, the crop reports and the weather trends and make cery comprehensive predictions concerning crop size, yields and projection prices. Newman is an Ohio farm boy. He earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Ohio State University, and did prosgraduate work at Purdue and the University of Wisconsin. He joined the Purdue agronomy faculty in 1950. He was the leader in the establishment of an agricultural meteorology curriculum at Purdue, and was one of the organizers of the Department of Geosciences. In addition to his research work, Jim is a teacher in the agronomy department and has worked as extension agricultural meteorologist and acting state climatologist. Jim knows how to hit the road, too. He has spoken at extension meetings of all kinds, many Purdue ag chapter meetings, at a wide variety of conferences, and is one of those dedicated individuals who has worked in every county in Indiana. Professionally, Newman is a leader. He has applied as visiting prefessior in California, Alaska, and England. He has published articles in the proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, the Agronomy Journal, the Soils and Crops magazine, and in the International Journal of Agricultural Meteorology. He is a Fellow in the American Association of Atmospheric Science, the American Society of Agronomy and the Indiana Academy of Science. He is president-elect of the International Society of Biometeorology. Newman is active in his community, unselfish with his time and talents, and dedicated to his profession. He is an avid bird hunter and a fair shot.
Herschel D. Newsom (1944) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Roy Newton (1948) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Steve Nichols (2024) - A couple of Duroc gilts, his first pigs, put Steve Nichols on an agricultural path that led from near Advance, a small Boone County town, to national recognition, lifetime achievement honors, halls of fame and multiple professional awards. The 4-H’er graduated from Granville Wells High School – now Western Boone – and earned an animal science degree from Purdue. While studying for his master’s, he managed the Purdue Purebred Swine Unit. He was a Purdue Extension agent – the title is now director – in Clark County for two years, then took the same job in a swine stronghold, Caroll County, in 1977. He retired in 2006 and now works with a consulting firm that helps livestock producers meet permitting, regulatory, and environmental compliance requirements. At the Indiana State Fair in 2006, after more than 650 shows across the country, Nichols retired from swine judging. Considered one of the nation’s premier swine judges, he worked the World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa, and many other major shows. His approachable personality and ability to teach youth while critiquing their livestock made him legendary. “Swine judging combines and highlights Steve’s love of pigs, people/kids and education,” says an industry executive writing in support of Nichol’s nomination. “Simply put, Steve was the most highly demanded swine judge in the U.S. due to his integrity, ability to quickly evaluate and discuss swine quality traits, and the way he positively interacted with exhibitors.” Nichols puts it this way: “What I learned at Purdue and through livestock judging was how to make decisions and how to defend them. It’s something that has carried over to most things in life.” The Indiana State Fair board president says Nichols “treats each exhibitor and their stock with kindness and respect and leave everyone, both inside and outside of the ring, feeling great.” At the 2023 event, the Indiana State Fair board presented Nichols with lifetime achievement recognition, and Indiana Farm Bureau designated Nichols a legend for his impact on the swine industry. He’s the Indiana Livestock Breeders and Carroll County Ag Association halls of fame, and Indiana Pork Producers awarded him to Meritorious Service and Outstanding Young Pork Producer awards.
Jerry Nickel (2010) - Jerry Nickel is the President and founder of Midwest Ag Finance, a financial services firm based in Rushville that services a loan portfolio of $170 million and insures 190,000 crop acres in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. A native of Hamilton County, Nickel graduated from Purdue University in 1975 with a B.S. in Animal Science. Nickel grew up on the historic Lynwood Farm in Carmel where his grandfather worked for more than 50 years and his father managed the show herd of Polled Shorthorns. Nickel was active in 4-H and was an accomplished showman of Polled Shorthorn cattle and Berkshire hogs. At Purdue he was a member of Alpha Gamma Rho and competed on the meats and livestock judging teams. After graduating from Purdue, he took a position managing a farm in central Kentucky, but returned to Indiana in 1980. Nickel took a position as ag loan officer with Production Credit Association in Rushville, thinking it would be temporary until he could get back into production agriculture. But it turned out that he had found his calling. Nickel was hired by Rush County National Bank in 1985 where he developed the bank’s ag loan portfolio. He stayed with the bank through several mergers and acquisitions, eventually working for Norwest Bank. He became Norwest’s Regional Ag Credit Administrator for the Indiana region. In that role he worked with bank management to develop ag credit policy and mentored the region’s agricultural lenders. In 1998, amidst tremendous bank consolidation, Nickel saw a niche for a specialized agricultural finance company with local ties to its borrowers. He assembled investors and founded Midwest Ag Finance (MAF) with three employees. Today the company has 37 employees, including crop insurance agents. MAF has gained a reputation of integrity and commitment to working diligently with clients to achieve financial soundness and success in the volatile agriculture market. MAF’s impact on the Indiana ag credit community is impressive: just over 25% of the loans guaranteed by the Indiana Farm Service Agency (FSA) are originated by MAF. Cumulatively, the company has over $86 million in loans guaranteed by FSA, nearly twice as much as FSA’s second most active lender. FSA attributes this to Nickel and his commitment to producers and his business acumen in effective structuring of agricultural loans. Nickel has been active with the Indiana Ag Bankers Society, serving from 1985-93 in the roles of President and Secretary/Treasurer. He has served on the Ag Committee of the Indiana Bankers Association (1989-95). In 2007 he was an invited lecturer for the Mid America Cooperative Council Credit Conference. He was a member of Sen. Dan Quayle’s ag advisory committee (1988) and the Indiana Agriculture Strategic Planning Committee (2002). Nickel’s service to Central Christian Church in Connersville is extensive. He has served as Chair of the Church Board, Chair of the Financial Committee, Treasurer of the Church Board, Small Group Lay Minister and a host of other committees. He is currently the Chair of the Board of Elders. During his leadership of the Church Board, Nickel led the church through a difficult period of divisiveness, eventually restoring the congregation to spiritual and financial health. Since 2006 he has served on the board of directors of Paraclete Retreat Center, Inc. in Brown County, Indiana. Paraclete is a non-denominational center with the purpose of facilitating Christian spiritual growth for individuals and organizations.
Robert L. Nielsen (2010) - Bob Nielsen is Professor of Agronomy at Purdue University, where he has served as the Extension Corn Specialist for almost 28 years. A native of southeast Nebraska near Springfield, Nielsen graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1977 with a B.S. in Agronomy. He earned both his M.S. and Ph.D. in Plant Breeding at the University of Minnesota in 1980 and 1982, respectively. Nielsen’s primary responsibility at Purdue is the transfer of corn production information to Indiana agricultural clientele. Since 1983 he has taught in over 1200 Extension programs reaching 141,000 individuals in Indiana, the U.S. and other countries. Nielsen has been an innovator in adopting new technologies, including the internet, for teaching and disseminating information. His KingCorn website had 377,000 page accesses in 2007. At KingCorn’s Chat ‘n Chew Café, Nielsen links to current information about corn production from around the country. The Café had 113,000 page accesses in 2007. Nielsen was a member of the team that established Purdue’s Diagnostic Training Center, and has been a program participant ever since. He is particularly skilled at creating field plot examples of the problems he wants to teach clients to recognize and manage. His current research projects focus on nitrogen management and use of foliar fungicides. In addition to his own research, Nielsen is a frequent collaborator on corn research and extension projects across several College of Agriculture departments. He is a major contributor to Purdue’s popular Corn & Soybean Guide and the Purdue Crop Cost & Return Guide. Since 1983 he has authored more than 380 hardcopy newsletters and more than 400 on-line newsletter articles since 1995. He has been featured in more than 500 news releases and farm magazine articles and has participated in more than 150 radio and television interviews. He is a skilled photographer as well, and many of his publications use his own photographs as illustrations. Known as both an effective speaker and presenter and a prolific writer, Nielsen is a model extension specialist to his peers. To many Indiana producers, his truck’s license plate says it best: Nielsen is simply the “Corn Guy.” Nielsen’s professional memberships include: American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists Association (PUCESA), Alpha Zeta and Gamma Sigma Delta. He is also a member of the Indiana and national corn and soybean growers’ associations. At Purdue, he serves on the Indiana Crop Improvement Association Seed and Grain Committee, and the Biweekly Crops and Weather Group. He is a member of the advisory committee for both the Purdue Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory and the Agronomy Research Center. He also serves on the Agronomy department’s Beck Ag Center Committee and the Agronomy Web Advisory Committee. An active member of Our Savior Lutheran Church, Nielsen has served as a member of the Finance Committee for the past 23 years, providing leadership as Treasurer (1986-91) and as Building Fund Treasurer (1992-2009). He served on the Purdue Lutheran Ministry Board from 1995-97. He has also served Harrison High School sports program as a photographer for Girls’ Soccer (2004-07) and Boys’ Tennis (2006-09). Nielsen’s many honors include: USDA Unit Award for Superior Service (1989, for responding to the 1988 drought); Team Award (1993) and International Service Award (1997), Epsilon Sigma Phi; Eric G. Sharvelle Distinguished Extension Specialist Award, Purdue University (1999); Crops and Soils Merit Award, Indiana Crop Improvement Association (2001); Purdue Extension Team Award (2006); and Entomology Educational Project Award, Board Certified Entomologists of Mid-America (2007). He has received several citations from the American Society of Agronomy, including: the Werner L. Nelson Award (1995), Extension Educational Materials Award (1998); Division A-7 Innovator Award (2005); Educational Materials Certificate of Excellence (2006); and Agronomic Extension Award (2009).
Robert P. O'Bannon (1968) - Robert P. O’Bannon entered newspaper work in 1930 and became editor of the Corydon Democrat in 1943. The weekly newspaper has won numerous state and national awards for its professional and journalistic excellence. O’Bannon is a former president of the Hoosier State Press Association and Indiana Democratic Editorial Association. On May 31, 1977 he received The Indiana State Bar Association’s “Indiana Liberty Bell Award” which recognized his career as a newspaper publisher and his 20 years as an Indiana state senator. O’Bannon has been recognized by the bar association of Indiana as a “worthy representative of individual citizens who have given outstanding service in the Indiana General Assembly, and his contributions through editorials and columns to the public’s understanding of the rule of law and of the functions of governmental institutions.” The newspaperman’s 20 years as a member of the Indiana Senate included 12 years as a member of the State Budget Committee which studied reorganization needs of the State Highway Department in 1951-1952. He retired from the senate in 1970 and returned to his home for a full and active life as a publisher of the Corydon Democrat. There he publishes a regular column of his own entitled “By The Way.”
Warren O'Hara (1942) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Herbert W. Ohm (2005) - Herb Ohm is a professor of agronomy at Purdue University, where he has distinguished himself in the area of wheat and oat breeding research. Ohm graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1967 with a B.S. degree, and received his M.S. in 1969 from North Dakota State. He received a Ph.D. in 1972 from Purdue, and he joined the faculty that year. Ohm is an accomplished scientist, recognized internationally for his development of improved wheat and oat varieties. He has developed cultivars of wheat, both through traditional plant breeding and through gene transfer, that have dramatically improved profitability for Indiana producers, addressing issues of disease resistance, hardiness and yield potential. The cultivars Goldfield and Patterson set standards for winter hardiness, and Patterson has been the most widely grown public cultivar in Indiana since 1988. Currently Ohm leads a team that has released cultivars with resistance to glume blotch and Fusarium head blight, fungal diseases which have increased in reduced tillage production systems, as well as yellow dwarf virus, and aphid-borne disease, and the team has advanced lines in which multiple resistance genes against all three diseases are pyramided. The oat cultivar Classic has the highest level of yellow dwarf resistance among commercial varieties. Ohm’s influence in crop breeding is immense; he has former graduate students in position of research and management at all of the major U.S. seed companies. Ohm has served on the board of directors and the executive committee of the Indiana Crop Improvement Association (ICIA), where he continues to serve on the small grains committee. He received ICIA’s Crops and Soils Merit award in 1988. He has also worked with the Ag Alumni Seed Improvement Association on special problems of cultivar release. In 2000 the wheat research team that he leads received the Purdue College of Agriculture Team Award. He is active and has served in many capacities for both the American Society of Agronomy (ASA) and the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and he was chairman of the American Oat Workers Conference from 1990-1994. He received ASA’s Agronomic Achievement Award in Crops in 1994 and was elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2001.
Donald E. Orr, Jr. (2016) - Donald E. Orr, Jr. is a native of Tipton, Indiana, where he grew up raising and showing hogs. He graduated from Purdue University in 1967 with a B.S. in animal science. He earned his M.S. in animal husbandry from Penn State University in 1969, and a Ph.D. in animal husbandry/institute of nutrition from Michigan State University in 1975. He and his wife Pam currently live in Nobleville, Indiana, and have grain farms in two western Indiana counties. While at Penn State from 1967 until 1969, Orr worked as a Research Assistant in the Animal Science Department, and from 1974 until 1975, he worked for Central Soya Co. in Decatur, Indiana as a Swine Research Specialist. After receiving his Ph.D. in 1975, Orr began teaching in the Animal Science Department at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. He was both Assistant and Associate Professor, and Director of the Swine Research Center, all while working as a Swine Consultant in Europe and Asia, a position he held beginning in 1977 until 1984, when he began his career with JBS United. Orr was the first Ph.D. nutritionist at JBS, using research and development to drive swine nutrition innovation, providing effective products and building business models to facilitate producer decisions. With his leadership, the company has built a team experienced in the research of both swine and poultry, and today, 45 animal science research and technical employees use the company’s four research farms to work to meet the global needs of the company. Over the course of 29 years, he has helped reinvent JBS from a small feed company in three Midwestern states to a livestock nutrition technology-based company with a U.S. and global footprint, with 14-fold revenue growth, up from its $40 million when Orr started in 1984. Orr was a distinguished leader within his company, as well as in the swine and feed industries, gaining additional credibility through his experience as a Yorkshire and Landrace swine breeder for the Orr Family Farm Operation from 1969 until 1994. Orr currently sits on the Board of Directors of JBS United, a position he has held since he began in 1984. From 1997 until 2015 he served as its President, from 1997 until 2007 he was the General Manager of the Nutrition Division, and from 1984 until 1997, Orr served as the Vice President of Nutrition and Development. In 1999, he became the founder of three China joint venture companies, of which he currently sits on the Board of Directors. Orr's leadership extends to the broader agriculture industry as well. He has served on the Board of Directors of Maple Leaf Farms since 2010. From 1999 until 2002, he was a member of the Dean’s Advisory Council in the Purdue College of Agriculture. He has been a Charter Diplomate for the American College of Animal Nutrition since 1995, and has served on the Executive Steering Committee of the Indiana Food and Agriculture Innovation Initiative since 2013. Orr served on the Board of Directors and the Foundation Board of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), and served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and on the Executive Committee as the Chairman-Elect and Past Chairman of the American Feed Industry. His community service record is extensive. Orr has served on the Board of Directors of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce since 2007, and is currently serving a three-year term on the Hamilton County Extension Board. He was the President of the Alpha Gamma Rho (Delta Chapter) Alumni Corporation at Purdue from 1997 until 1999, and is a current member of the Rural Areas/Small Town Commission for Thriving Communities. Additionally, he is a founding member of the Executive Steering Committee of AgriNovus Indiana. Orr has earned multiple awards and honors for his contributions. In 1982 he received the Distinguished Hoosier Award, presented by Indiana Gov. Robert Orr. In 1999 he was selected as a Purdue Old Master, and also in 1999 he was recognized as a Distinguished Agriculture Alumnus by the Purdue College of Agriculture. Orr received the Brothers of the Century National Award from the Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity in 2004, and in 2006, he was recognized as a Distinguished Animal Science Alumnus from Penn State University. Orr was selected to address the Midwest Swine Nutrition Conference as the keynote speaker in 2006. In 2008, he was recognized by Penn State University as an Outstanding Alumnus. In 2014, he was named a Fellow of the American Society of Animal Science. The Purdue Animal Sciences Department named him as a Book Harmon Leadership Fellow, also in 2014. In 2015, Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann recognized his career achievements with the AgriVision Award.
Raymond L. Ortman (2010) - Mick Ortman is the Chairman of the Board of Kokomo Grain Co., Inc. He retired in 2003 as the company’s President and Chief Executive Officer. A native of Howard County, Ortman graduated from Purdue University in1951 with a B.S. in Agricultural Economics. After serving two years in the U.S. Marine Corps in the Korean Conflict, where he attained the rank of sergeant, he came home to Howard County in 1953 and began his career with what was then Kokomo Grain and Feed Company as a seasonal employee. He became sole owner of the family business in 1970. Under Ortman’s leadership Kokomo Grain grew from a single feed mill with 12,000 bushels of storage to one of the largest privately held companies in Indiana, with seven locations in Indiana and three in Tennessee with 33 million bushels of storage. Originally a company that also sold fertilizer and feed, Kokomo Grain was also involved in producing swine breeding stock for pork producers. Ortman grew Kokomo Grain to its present size through innovation, revolutionizing the company by building flat storage buildings for inexpensive long-term commercial storage of grain and erecting fast, efficient grain dryers. He was also the first in the nation to build unit train loaders at his primary locations, dramatically altering the grain business landscape and opening up broader markets to local farmers. Ortman is also the sole owner of Winamac Southern Railway Co., a 52-mile short line railroad serving Howard, Cass and Carroll counties, primarily for agricultural clients. He has also been in instrumental in buying and rehabilitating other endangered Indiana rail segments. Ortman’s commitment to retaining quality of stored grain has built a premium market for Kokomo Grain’s products, many for human consumption, adding value for the Indiana farmers who are his customers. Over the years he worked closely with many Purdue Agriculture departments to fund and evaluate research to improve grain drying and storage techniques, at one point making his swine farm available to Purdue’s Animal Sciences Department to conduct on-farm feeding studies. Ortman has served the grain industry in many organizations including: Indiana Grain and Feed Association (Chairman); Agribusiness Council of Indiana; Grain Elevator and Processing Society; and the American Short Line Railroad Association. He has been an active board member of the National Grain and Feed Association, serving on the Executive, Grain and Feed, Rail Shipper and Receiver, and Country Elevator committees. He was instrumental in forming the Agribusiness Council of Indiana and its political action committee (PAC). Locally Ortman served many years on the advisory board for Indiana University-Kokomo and the St. Joseph Hospital Governing Board (Finance Committee), and he is a former board member of Union Bank. He is a former member of the Purdue University College of Agriculture Dean’s Advisory Council. Other organizations he has served include: Kokomo Rotary, Kokomo/Howard County Chamber of Commerce, United Way, Community Foundation of Howard County, Howard County Historical Society and Boy Scouts of America-Sagamore Council. His memberships also include the Elks Club and the Kokomo Country Club. He is an active parishioner at St. Patrick Church in Kokomo and a supporter of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Tipton. In December 2009, Ortman was honored with the Distinguished Hoosier Award by Gov. Mitch Daniels.
John V. Osmun (1984) - John V. Osmun a native of Massachusetts came to Purdue University in 1948 as professor of entomology. Prior to coming to Purdue he had served as a U.S. Army entomologist and as a research entomologist for Merck and Company. Dr. Osmun has received numerous honors during his distinguished career as an entomologist, including the Sigma Delta Chi Best Teacher Award and the Cooperative State Research Service Certificate of Merit. During his tenure at Purdue, Dr. Osmun was active on the Washington political scene. He served on a special appointment to the Cooperative States Research Service. From 1973 until 1975 Dr. Osmun served as director of the operations division of the EP A pesticide programs. During this period he was the principal author of standards and structure of the national program of pesticide applicator training and certification now in place in all of the U.S. He also fought for the premise that education of those using pesticides should be carried out by states Cooperative Extension Service Osmun was one of the founders of the American Registry of Professional Entomologists. At Purdue Osmun served as chairman of the president's faculty/student committee appointed to deal with the furor over the Exponent that developed in 1968 at the height of student unrest. In 1981-82 Dean of Agriculture B. J.' Liska asked Dr. Osmun to chair the Task Group for Future Agricultural Complex Development.
Homer Ousley, Jr. (2011) - Conservation and good management practices are very important to Homer Ousley. For the past 40 years, Homer has been the crop farm manager for Creighton Brothers located in Warsaw, IN. Before becoming the crop manager, Homer was in charge of Creighton Brothers’ cow/calf operation, the largest in the state. Homer graduated with a B.S. and an M.S. from Purdue University. As a farm manager at Creighton Brothers, Homer is in charge of 8000 acres of cropland, 700 acres of forage land, and 1200 acres of woodland. Many of the wooded acres have been planted under Homer’s guidance and suggestion. Natural resource conservation is very important to him, especially the use of grass and trees to control erosion and protect water quality. Recently, he cooperated with SWCD, NRCS, and the Nature Conservancy to install a two-stage ditch on one of the farms as a pilot water quality practice to protect the Tippecanoe River. As the farm manager, Homer has used no-till farming, crop rotation, filter strips, tree planting, and environmental enhancement to preserve the soil and waterways for future generations. Because of his attention to soil quality and balance of nutrients, the farm has seen an increase of 40 bu. per acre in corn yields and 10 bu. per acre in soybean yields. He has also used these practices on his own farm and his wife’s family farm. Also as a farm manager, Homer writes a newsletter each month that is mailed to all of the employees and owners of Creighton Brothers. Homer is very actively involved and well respect in his community. Before Creighton Brothers sold their cow-calf herd, he was president of the Kosciusko County Cattleman’s Association and Cattleman of the Year. For his conservation work, he has been awarded the Conservation Farmer of the Year and the Master Farmer of the Year by the Kosciusko County Soil and Water Conservation District. He has been on the Warsaw School’s Ag Advisory Board and is currently a member of the Northern Tippecanoe River Water Shed Board. Homer also serves as a volunteer at the food pantry and is active in two churches, especially in the Men’s Bible study groups with each church. He and his wife can often be found visiting shut-ins or hospital patients.
James B. Outhouse (1993) - James B. Outhouse, a native of Canadaigua, New York, worked as a professor of animal science at Purdue since his appointment in 1956. He was cited for his “quality performance” in teaching, research and extension work. Outhouse earned B.S. and M.S. degrees at Cornell University and the University of Maryland until he began doctoral studies at Purdue in 1948. He completed that degree in 1956 in animal nutrition and physiology, and was named an assistant professor. He was promoted to professor in 1961. Outhouse has served as secretary-treasurer of several organizations, including the Indiana Southdown Breeder's Assn., the Indiana Sheep Breeder's Assn., and the Indiana Livestock Breeder's Assn. He served as assistant to the director of the Indiana State Fair Sheep Department, and as a member of the executive committee of the Hoosier Spring Barrow Show and the Hoosier Beef Show, and on the Animal Agriculture Coordinating Committee. Nationally, Outhouse has been superintendent of the Sheep and Wool Show at the International Livestock Exposition, and treasurer of the National Institute of Animal Agriculture. He also served as president and secretary-treasurer of the National Block and Bridle Club. Outhouse was elected to the Livestock Breeders' Hall of Fame, and received the Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence in Educational Service to the Rural People of Indiana, and the Indiana Farm Bureau Award for Service to Indiana Agriculture. Outhouse received the Senior Extension Specialist Recognition Award from the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists Association. He has been recognized by two governors with Sagamore of the Wabash and Kentucky Colonel Awards. Purdue students named Outhouse an honorary member of Purdue's Block and Bridle Club. He was named to the first “Who's Who” among former 4-H Club members and was elected an honorary fellow of the American Society of Animal Science. Outhouse has authored a number of research publications and a chapter of a textbook on sheep management. In retirement he has served as president of the Lafayette Chapter of the American Association of Retired People, and the People-to-People International program. He is also a member of the Purdue President's Council on Retirement. He and his wife, Louise, have three children, eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
Don Paarlberg (1960) - Dr. Don Paarlberg rose to prominence as a dedicated and revered teacher, researcher, and administrator in the fields of price analysis and agricultural policy. Don joined the Purdue faculty in 1946. He is widely known as an expert in American farm policy. In 1953 he was called upon to serve as Economic Advisor to Secretary of Agriculture, Ezra Taft Benson. In 1957 he was appointed Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, and in 1958 he was named Special Assistant to President Dwight D. Eisenhower. He was instrumental in formulating the Food for Peace Program and was named coordinator of the program. Upon his return to the University in 1961, Professor Paarlberg was named Distinguished Professor and quickly developed a reputation as a truly great teacher--both on and off campus. His contributions as teacher are recognized through awards such as the Sigma Delta Chi Award for the Best of Purdue's Good Teachers (1961), and the Purdue Award for Outstanding Teaching Performance, (1969). Don was elected a Fellow by the American Agricultural Economics Association in 1971. Among Dr. Paarlberg's more than one hundred publications are three books (on Food, on American Farm Policy, and on Great Myths in Economics). Dr. Paarlberg served as Director of Agricultural Economics for the United States Department of Agriculture. In this capacity Don excelled as an outstanding teacher, lecturer, researcher, counselor, and leader. Following his retirement from the Purdue Faculty in 1975 he was designated Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics in 1976. In 2002, Purdue President Martin Jischke presented Dr. Paarlberg with the Order of the Griffin for extraordinary service to Purdue, noting Paarlberg's dedication to “agriculture, teaching, research and public service.” The Order of the Griffin is an honor bestowed only by Purdue presidents. B. S. - Purdue, 1940; M. S. - Cornell, 1943; Ph.D. - Cornell, 1946.
Horace Paarlberg (1989) - Paarlberg, 65, a native of Lansing, Illinois, was reared on a farm in Lake County, Indiana. He is a 1950 School of Agriculture graduate in agricultural economics, and once worked as an accredited farm manager for Farmcraft Service, Inc., West Lafayette. He joined the Purdue staff in 1962 as manager of the Animal Science Farm near Lafayette, and has served as Purdue’s director of agricultural research centers since 1965. Paarlberg was cited for his efficient management of Purdue’s regional farms, and for his personal philosophy that research and education can be combined applied in ways to enhance Indiana’s agricultural and rural economics. He is a past president of the Indiana Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, and served on the School’s Committee of American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. He is a past president of the Tippecanoe County Historical Association, and is a leader in the development of the Feast of the Hunter’s Moon which annually attracts more than 50,000 visitors from several states to Fort Quiatenon near Lafayette. Paarlberg has served as corporation president and alumni advisor to the Purdue chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity during the rebuilding after a fire destroyed the fraternity house two years ago. He is a member of the Lafayette Exchange Club and Federated Church, West Lafayette.
William J. Parvis (1968) - We're always happy when an industry or business elects to be public spirited; reaching beyond its own economic bounds to be helpful. We're even happier when they hire a man specifically to do the job. Even then, the success of the venture is not guaranteed. It takes a special kind of man. The Public Service Company of Indiana found just such a man in William J. Parvis, Indianapolis, Indiana. Bill worked relentlessly to take electricity to the farmer through the “Farm Better Electrically” program. He has actively fostered industry ·sponsored research programs on farm use of electricity and played a key role in the development of the electric research farm at Purdue. Parvis has been one of the 4-H Club's best friends. He helped develop and supports 4-H Electric Projects through awards and leadership training. Likewise, he has been helpful to vocational agriculture teachers through special training classes in farm electricity, and helped develop a textbook on that subject for high school teaching. Bill Parvis was one of the central figures in the leasing and the development of the old Ross Camp into the new and vital 4-H Leadership Center near Purdue. A 1928 Agriculture graduate of Purdue, he has lived up to all the hopes of those who preceded him and has served as an example of all who followed. That's reason enough to give him our highest award, the Certificate of Distinction.
George Patrick (2012) - George Patrick graduated from Cornell University in 1964 with a B.S. in Agricultural Economics. He then came to Purdue University for graduate school and, essentially, never left. Patrick earned both his M.S. and Ph.D. from Purdue in Agricultural Economics in 1966 and 1970, respectively. While earning his doctorate, he worked as a research associate in International Programs in Agriculture. Following graduation, he spent three years as project specialist for the Ford Foundation’s work in Brazil. In 1973 he joined the faculty of the Department of Agricultural Economics, where he still serves as Professor. Patrick’s career has had three major areas of impact. First, his applied research and Extension education program on risk management. He has been Purdue’s “go to” person for Extension programs on federal crop insurance for many years. His program “Risk Management in Your County” is grounded in solid research, and he mentors junior faculty to obtain grants to support risk management education. Second, Patrick is a leader in tax education in Indiana and the nation with an emphasis on tax issues. He is THE “tax man” for Purdue University, and has directed the Purdue Income Tax School since 1976. His work has national implications, too, with materials being shared among 25 states and some 28,000 tax professionals through the Land Grant University Tax Education Foundation, Inc. (LGUTEF) and the 700-page tax workbook it produces each year with significant writing and other input from Patrick. It is estimated that the professionals who use this workbook prepare more than three million tax returns annually. In Indiana, his annual school consists of 11 two-day sessions that are attended by more than 1,100 tax professionals who file over 300,000 tax returns annually in the state. He has been a leader in preparing educational materials for these preparers on income types and tax law that is specific to agriculture. More than 57,000 individual income tax returns filed by Indiana residents include farm income. Patrick’s education programs impact the vast majority of those returns through his tax education programs or preparers as well as for farmers who prepare their own returns. In addition to his tax school, Patrick hosts a year-end, two hour program via webcast each December that focuses on recent tax law changes and provides farmers with the opportunity to ask individual questions. Third, Patrick’s leadership in Extension at the departmental, regional and national levels has contributed to a more effective and efficient agricultural system. He was a founding Director of the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) Extension Section and later served as its president. He also chaired AAEA’s Extension Committee from 1998-2000 and he organized an international conference on the role of Extension in the 21st century. Since 1981 Patrick has served on the National Farm Income Advisory Committee which works with the IRS to improve Publication 225, The Farmer’s Tax Guide and meets with the staff of the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation. He served as the Committee’s chair from 1993-2000. He has served on the North Central Farm Management Extension Committee since 1998 and from 1992 to 1995 he served as its secretary, vice chair and chair. He is a founding director of the non-profit Land Grant University Tax Education Foundation, Inc. (LGUTEF) and served as president of the board from 2001-2008. From 2002 through 2010, Patrick served as the Extension Coordinator for Purdue’s Agricultural Economics Department. His additional professional service activities include the Task Force to Provide Guidelines for Commodity Wage Payments from 1993-94, serving at the request of U.S. Senator Richard Lugar. From 1998-2001 he served on Cornell University’s W. I. Myers Agricultural Finance and Management Advisory Council. Patrick’s work has had international impact through his appointments with the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (Visiting Professor, 1974 and 1975), the Federal University of Vicosa, Brazil (Visiting Professor, 1983), and the University of Melbourne (Visiting Research Fellow, 1985). Patrick is a member of a number of community organizations, including the Dayton Optimist Club. He is a member of Central Presbyterian Church, where he has served as a Trustee and as an Elder and has helped the church balance its budget and expand its contribution base. His honors include AAEA’s Quality of Communication Award (1987), AAEA Distinguished Group Extension Program Award (1992 and 1999), and AAEA Distinguished Individual Extension Program Award (2004), Australian Society of Agricultural Economics Best Journal Article (1988), USDA Unit Award for Superior Service as part of Purdue’s response to the 1988 drought, and the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists’ Association (PUCESA) Career Award (2002).
Fred L. Patterson (1975) - It takes at least double digits to tally every achievement of Agronomy Legend Fred Patterson, an internationally recognized plant breeder in small grains. In his 36 years at Purdue University, he developed more than 50 small grain varieties, served as major professor for 46 graduate students and added more than 200 publications on genetics and plant breeding to agronomy’s research literature. He also was known for his early applications of new genetics discoveries to crop improvements. His research included wheat, oats, barley, rice, sorghum, corn and alfalfa. He attained significant advancements in genetics, plant breeding, pathology and cultural practices, and oversaw development and release of 27 new wheat varieties, five types of barley and 20 oat lines, accounting for hundreds of millions of acres of crops. Patterson taught dual level and graduate plant breeding courses, earning great respect as a teacher. He also was appreciated for his humorous quips and ready tales, many with a lesson.
Harry L. Pearson (2000) - Harry Pearson is described as “a quiet, unassuming leader of people who has dedicated his life to the betterment of agriculture” by Thomas Reed, Vice President of MLE Marketing. As president of Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc. for more than 12 years, Pearson has been in an ideal position to pursue this noble goal, and he has succeeded on a number of fronts. Pearson graduated from Purdue University in 1959 with a B.S. in Animal Husbandry. His first job after graduation was working as a herdsman on Purdue's beef and dairy farms and as an administrative assistant in the Animal Sciences Department. In 1968 Pearson became a regional field assistant for the Farm Bureau organization, a position he held until 1974. He served as a director of Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc. from 1975 to 1982. In 1983 he was elected vice president of Indiana Farm Bureau, and he became president in 1987. A native of Grant County, Pearson is involved in his family's Blackford County farm in partnership with his brother Joe. “Harry spends endless time serving the profession he loves,” says Larry Tyler, retired Blackford County extension educator. “He works tirelessly helping agriculture at the local, state and national levels.” Pearson, as president of Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc., also serves as president of the United Farm Family Mutual Insurance Company of Indiana, the United Farm Family Life Insurance Company, and the Indiana Farm Bureau Service Company. He is a member of the board of directors of both the American Farm Bureau Federation and the Michigan Livestock Exchange. He is a past member of the board and executive committee of the National Producers Livestock Association. Pearson also was a member of USDA's Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee. At the state level Pearson serves on the boards of the Indiana Beef Cattle Association and Milk Promotion Services of Indiana. He is also a member of the Indiana State Fair Commission and the Citizens’ Tax Commission. He is a past member of the Indiana 4-H Foundation Sponsors Board; the board of the Indiana Institute of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition; the Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee; and the Purdue University President's Advisory Council. In his home county, Pearson was appointed a Blackford County Commissioner in 1979. He served as commissioner until 1983, when he resigned to assume the vice presidency of Indiana Farm Bureau, inc. Pearson is a member of Gideons International and is an active member of the Oak Chapel United Methodist Church, where he serves on the board of trustees. In 1993, President-elect Bill Clinton recognized Pearson’s agricultural expertise when he invited Pearson to be one of 100 participants, and the only one from Indiana, at his Economic Summit at Little Rock, Arkansas. In 1993 Governor Evan Bayh named Pearson a Sagamore of the Wabash. Purdue University's School of Agriculture honored Pearson as a Distinguished Agricultural Alumnus in 1993.
Joseph R. Pearson (2003) - Joe Pearson was raised on the family grain and livestock farm in Grant County, Indiana. He graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Animal Science in 1964. After a short stint in California as grain merchandiser with Continental Grain, Pearson returned to Purdue to pursue a degree in education. He completed his M.S. in education at Ball State University, where he is currently working on a doctorate in educational administration. Pearson has dedicated himself to the betterment of education in both his professional and volunteer service activities. After receiving his teaching credentials, Pearson moved to Ohio where he taught biology, science, and industrial arts. During this time he was active in leadership of his church’s youth group, and in 1967 he set out to Borneo to become an agricultural missionary. For the next four years, from 1967 to 1971, he worked with Borneo’s Iban people to help them integrate modern cultural practices into their production of rice, a staple in their diet and their primary crop. The Iban were utilizing “slash and burn” practices that were devastating to the country’s jungle, and Pearson’s work helped them to become more productive while become better stewards of their natural resources. In 1971, Pearson moved back to Indiana and became a partner in Pearson Brothers grain farming operation in Hartford City. He farmed full time until March 1995 when he was named Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture by then-Lieutenant Governor and Commissioner of Agriculture Frank O’Bannon. He has continued to serve in the same capacity for Lieutenant Governor Joe Kernan. Pearson told O’Bannon that he would take the job only after being assured that he would be allowed to “do what is right, do what is best for agriculture and operate in a bipartisan fashion,” and under Kernan’s leadership he has had the same agreement of philosophy. In his position, Pearson oversees the activities of many state activities including the Indiana Commission for Agriculture and Rural Development (ICARD), the Indiana Rural Development Council, the Indiana Land Resources Council, the Livestock Promotion and Development Fund and the Agricultural Value-Added Grant Program. He also represents Indiana on the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA). True to his roots in education, Pearson has found fulfillment in helping many segments of Indiana agriculture build successful programs, building coalitions among agricultural organizations and in helping individuals achieve professional development. During his farming career, Pearson held many local leadership positions. He served twelve years on the Blackford County School Board, including a term as board president. At the state level, he served as president of the Indiana School Boards Association. He also served as president as the Indiana Soybean Growers Association (ISGA) and was one of Indiana’s representatives on the board of the American Soybean Association. While heading ISGA he was responsible for conducting the first soybean check-off referendum held in Indiana. Currently he serves on the board of directors of USDA’s Fund for Rural America Animal Waste Group; the Center for Agricultural Science and Heritage; the Indiana State Fair and the Indiana Agricultural Leadership Institute. Pearson’s commitment to his public service on behalf of agriculture is easy to understand when you learn that after eight years on the job in Indianapolis, he still makes the 90 mile one-way commute from Blackford County so that he can remain connected to the land and to the family farming operation. “I will never leave the farm,” he declares. Pearson’s efforts and accomplishments have been honored by numerous organizations, but he keeps no list of them and the plaques and certificates are not displayed on his wall. He is much more comfortable honoring others’ achievements than even talking about himself, but those around him quickly see his “natural leadership,” noted former Purdue staff member Horace Paarlberg who first observed Pearson at work as Nobel Ruler of the Purdue chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho in 1964. Pearson has summed up the guiding principles of his life as ones that were imparted to him by his parents, “Have a strong faith, obtain a higher education, and do something for people other than yourself.”
Joe Peden (2011) - Joe Peden is a farmer, a conservationist, a community leader, a teacher, and a gentleman. He earned a B.S. in Agronomy from Purdue University and has since become a USDA District Conservationist, State Agronomist, and Self-employed farmer. Joe promotes the agricultural industry through his words and his deeds. As a soil conservationist, he educates farmers about no-till practices and building terraces and waterways. Second and third generation farmers trust that if Joe Peden says a practice is a good one, it must be. As a farmer, he promotes agriculture education by opening his farm each spring to thousands of elementary school students through the Children’s Farm Festival. This two-day event introduces children to all aspects of farming and shows them the importance it has in our lives. There are 30 stations and hands-on activities for the children to interact with animals and watch demonstrations. This event offers an opportunity for students to get out of the classroom and discover for themselves their food does not just come from the grocery store. But the Children’s Farm Festival does not just benefit elementary students; it is a community event. 250 adult volunteers, 50 to 75 high school students, even a state representative, volunteer each year to make sure the event is a success. Working at the Children’s Farm Festival gives 4-H and FFA members a sense of responsibility and shows them how important it is to educate the public about agriculture. This event is so important to the community that even in this financial climate, anonymous donors give large amounts to make sure the children get to the farm, the tractors can be fueled, there is plenty of food for the volunteers, and many other needs. Joe Peden has a love of teaching and sharing agriculture’s message that has impacted everyone from 5 to 85. Joe’s character and leadership shine through in everything he does. He and his wife have been awarded the Prairie Farmer Master Farmer Award, Friend of Extension, Monroe County Farm Family of the Year, and the City of Bloomington, “Be More Award” for Community Service. Joe and Joyce were also awarded Indiana University’s Alpha Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa International Outstanding Partners in Education in 2007. Joe is a part of the Monroe County Farm Bureau, Monroe County Fair Board, Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation Board, and leads the Maple Leaf 4-H club. Joe has also been the secretary of the White River Co-op for more than ten years. He serves as an elder at the Maple Grove Christian Church and is the director for South Central Indiana REMC.
M. O. Pence (1958) - Raised on a Grant County, Indiana, farm, where he worked three years after high school to earn the money to attend Purdue, Agronomy Legend Melville “M.O.” Pence never strayed far from his agricultural roots. In fact, he regularly returned to farms all around the state, riding the rails on the Purdue Soil Testing Special, dubbed the Extension Train. Analyzing soils brought to the train, he offered recommendations on lime, fertilizer and crop rotation. He oversaw the Five-acre Corn Club, which grew from 500 in 1925 to more than 4,000 members in 1956. He was the first to demonstrate the Purdue Soil Test Kit on the farm in 1934. He also promoted alfalfa as a forage crop, introduced Korean lespedeza and Ladino clover and gave demonstrations on pasture improvement through fertilization and renovation. He also was involved in improving small grains, soybeans, sorghum and sudan grass, which led to dramatically increased yields.
Hugh B. Pence (2000) - Hugh Pence is known as an outstanding professional farm manager, and he has made significant contributions to the agricultural industry as well as to the development of people. In all facets of Pence’s work his passion for agriculture – and things growing – has been equally yoked with his passion to grow people. Pence has deep roots in agriculture. His father, M. O. Pence, was a professor of agronomy from the 1920’s to 1957 who received the Purdue Ag Alumni Association’s Certificate of Distinction in 1958, making Hugh one of only a very few second-generation recipients of the award. After receiving his B. S. in General Agriculture from Purdue University in 1954, Pence served two years in the Army Corps of Engineers and then returned to Purdue and obtained his M. S. degree in Agronomy. In 1958 he began what would become a life-long career with Halderman Farm Management Service, Inc., working at first from the main office in Wabash. Within a short time he was moved to Lafayette to develop an area as Halderman’s area representative in west central Indiana, he position he still holds 41 years later. Pence’s excellent service to farm owners grew his business to a very full load of farm management. Over the years, he has transferred farms he was managing to three other Halderman representatives, both to help lighten his own management load and to help establish new area representatives with the Halderman Companies. As a result of Pence’s efforts and his extensive agronomic and forestry experience, thousands of acres are more productive and better preserved. Pence is a certified crop advisor, and says Robert Halderman, “Agronomically, there is not a better manager of the soil . . . and I would rate him as one of Indiana’s best timber managers as well.” Pence also owns several grain farms and woods. His most unique farm is his 180 acre walnut plantation near Lafayette. The plantation is planted in an innovative “agroforestry” configuration with grain crops growing between the rows of the 44,000 walnut trees. His love for trees is evident in his service to the Walnut Council where Pence served on the board and was the national president in 1998 and was secretary-treasurer of the Indiana Chapter. Pence is a member of the Indiana, American and International Societies of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, serving as president of the Indiana chapter in 1980. Pence has served as president and is a 35-year member of the Lafayette Lions Club, and he has been on the Theta Chi Alumni board serving as treasurer since 1963. His other professional memberships include the Indiana Nut Growers Association and the Indiana Woodland Owners Association. In recognition of Pence's’ excellent service to his clients and to the Halderman Companies, he was awarded the H. H. Halderman Innovative Effort Award in 1992 by Halderman Farm Management Service, Inc.
Donald J. Pershing (1999) - As an extension specialist in farm management, Don Pershing has made his mark with Indiana farm management, Don Pershing has made his mark with Indiana farm families. But, according to Georfe Patrick, Purdue professor of agricultural economics, “His most important impact came through the leveraging of his efforts through other educators and specialists. A native of Washington, Ind., Pershing received his B.S. degree in agricultural education from Purdue in 1951. He served in the U.S. Army in Korea, and then returned to Purdue to complete a master's degree in agronomy in 1954. After teaching vocational agriculture for five years, he began his career with extension in 1959. After serving 21 years as a field extension agent, Pershing was appointed in 1980 as a Farm Management Specialist in Purdue's Department of Agricultural Economics. In this position, he provided a key link between campus staff and field staff. This initially temporary appointment lasted more than 14 years until Pershing's retirement in 1994. Pershing was a pioneer in the use of computerized decision-making tools in farm management. He helped train and support more than 40 extension agents in the use of the Family and Agricultureal Resource Management (F.A.R.M.) program, which during the farm financial crisis of the early 1980s was used to help Indiana farmers make critical, and often difficult, business decisions. “Don's ability to talk the farmer's language made him a respected expert in the agricultural community, as well as among his peers,” recalled Larry Curless, a farmer and owner of a tax and record keeping business. Wayne Williams, extension educator in Clinton County, was one of the agents trained by Pershing in the use of F.A.R.M. Recalling how Pershing supported him as he worked with farmers, Williams said, “I have a great respect and admiration for Don's strength, sincerity and dedicated efforts during those demanding times!!” Pershing's professional passions are farm record keeping and comparative business analysis. He worked with the FINPACK computer financial analysis package, and developed a cooperative effort with Indiana Farm Bureau Services to reach more Hoosier farmers. In the early 1990s, he took his expertise into the international arena as he traveled to Poland and train Polish extension workers in the usefulness of farm records, comparative analysis and computerized decision-making aids. For many years Pershing served as the secretary-treasurer of the Indiana Farm Management Association, a role that included organizing the association's annual farm management tour. In retirement, he continues to offer farm management counseling to Hoosiers as a contributor to “Profit Planners” in Indiana Prairie Farmer. Pershing's volunteer service activities reflect the compassion and caring that he brought to his work. He is a long time member of Gideons International, he volunteers for Habitat for Humanity, and has served the United Methodist Church at the district level and as the long-time treasurer of his local congregation. “I never once can I recall when Don said “no” to a request for help,” said David Petritz, agriculture and natural resources program leader for Purdue Cooperative Extension. “In many cases, he didn't need to be asked. He just jumped in and helped when he saw a need.”
Jerry Peters (2023) - West Lafayette, Indiana
As Jerry Peters left positive, long-lasting impressions across a wide swath of agricultural education, he did so with a light touch. Most of the time.
“He pushed and pushed for me to complete everything perfectly,” a former student teacher recalled. “I won’t lie – I called him names! But he saw potential in me, and he extracted it. He is the most giving and professional man I have had the pleasure of working with.”
Others who wrote in support of the Certificate of Distinction nomination called him “an industrialist who possesses strength without boastfulness or vanity or pride. … Dr. Peters provided words of encouragement as well as blatant honesty when needed in his advice. … An extreme team player. He shares the limelight when others would keep it for themselves.”
In 40-plus years on the Purdue University faculty – he’s a professor emeritus since 2017 in the Department of Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication – Peters taught the Methods of Teaching Agricultural Education senior course to scores who have influenced thousands of young people. He supervised 134 student teachers, taught a leadership development course for College of Agriculture undergraduates and was instrumental in the initiation of the college’s leadership development certificate program.
Peters created two graduate courses for professional development – affectionately known as “Seminar on Wheels” (domestic) and “Seminar on Wings” (international) – that helped Purdue’s ag education curriculum gain worldwide respect. He conducted workshops in at least nine countries. The founding father of Agricultural Issues, a national FFA leadership development event, received that group’s distinguished service award in 2014.
The Science and Technology of Agriculture and Its Resources (STAR) program that he developed in 1994 is still going strong in the Indianapolis Public Schools system. The idea arose two years earlier during a “Seminar on Wheels” class discussion. “To say that it wasn’t an easy sell is a serious understatement,” says Sandy Martin, a “Wheels” student who worked with IPS magnet schools. “Administrators were dubious, worried that we would have ‘cows, plows and sows’ on campus. It was Dr. Peters who pulled together the players essential to convince them otherwise.”
Rolf Peterson (2012) - Rolf Peterson is Professor in the School of Forestry and Wood Products at Michigan Technological University where in 2009 he was named as the Robbins Endowed Chair in Sustainable Management of the Environment. Peterson received his B. A. in Zoology from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, in 1970, and in 1974 he earned his Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology from Purdue University. He has spent his entire career at Michigan Technological University (MTU) where he has established himself as a world-renowned authority on wolf biology and the predator-prey relationship of wolves and moose. Peterson’s connection to Purdue began when he read a National Geographic article by Drs. David Mech and Durward Allen outlining their research at Isle Royale National Park in Michigan that began in 1958. While in graduate school at Purdue, Peterson refocused the study back to its original subjects: wolves and moose. During his first year on the faculty at MTU, Dr. Allen turned the study over to him, and 37 years later Peterson remains devoted to studying the Isle Royale ecosystem and is still sharing leadership of the wolf study. Now in its 55th year, the study is the longest continuous predator-prey research ever conducted. It is the baseline for virtually all wolf-moose research in the world, and is the template for the long term study now being conducted on the reintroduced wolf population in Yellowstone National Park. Peterson and his wife conduct summer field work from May to October, and every winter Peterson spends seven weeks isolated in a cabin at Isle Royale to conduct the winter field work. Peterson has been responsible for many remarkable discoveries, including the documentation of wolves’ prey selection behavior that favors old or weak prey and showing how climactic variability has a critical role in regulating wolf-prey dynamics. One nominator said, “If you want to know what everyone else will be studying 10 or 20 years from now, I suggest taking a close look at what Rolf Peterson is doing now.” Since 1988 Peterson has been the expedition leader for more than Earthwatch volunteers studying the moose and wolves of Isle Royale. Since 1993 he has been a member and secretary of the board of directors of the International Wolf Center (Minnesota), as well as chair of the Houghton School Forest Planning Committee. In 1996 he was appointed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to be the team leader for the Recovery Team for the Eastern Gray Wolf, a position he still holds. He is a member of The Wildlife Society, the American Society of Mammalogists and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has published nine books and over 100 publications in refereed journals. Peterson has collaborated with numerous universities, state and federal agencies, including the National Park Service and the USDA Forest Service, and other organizations, including the International Wolf Center, the Timber Wolf Alliance, the Isle Royale Institute, Isle Royal Natural History Association and the Great Lakes Research and Education Center and Discovery World in Milwaukee. Peterson’s work has been highlighted in nationally recognized publications, including National Geographic, National Wildlife, Audubon, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. In addition to his scholarly publications, he has had 72 technical articles published in Science, Nature and 18 other scientific journals. His numerous awards include: Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Minnesota-Duluth (2004); Founders Award, Isle Royale Institute (2002); Best Reporting Award, Minnesota Magazine and Publications Association (1999); Research Award, Michigan Technological University (1991); Distinguished Moose Biologist, 26th North American Moose Conference (1990); Gulf Oil Conservation Award (one of ten recognized nationally, 1982).
Dr. John B. Peterson (1969) - Dr. John B. Peterson, West Lafayette, possesses a rare ability to combine, in a most applicable fashion, a very exotic scientific training, a dedication to teaching others, and a humble love for people, into a life productively serving the agricultural profession. A native of Oregon, Dr. Peterson graduated from Oregon State University in 1928, then went to Iowa State for his Master's and Doctor's Degrees. As a fundamental scientist, he has achieved national recognition. In 1948, he received the Stevenson Award “For Outstanding Research in Soils.” In 1951 he was elected a Fellow of the American Society of Agronomy and served as its president in 1958-9. Dr. Peterson came to Purdue as head of the Agronomy Department and has developed it into one of the strongest of its kind in the country - one respected for the qual ity of its research, the dedication of its teachers, and the excellence of its extension staff. Enrollment has increased many fold since his appointment. Dr. Peterson is a humanist. He has the peculiar trait of allowing his co-workers to freely develop their own interests, attributes, and goals within the departmental structure. His personal ethics and high standards have permeated all those who know him. For that, we thank him with this high award.
Robert C. Peterson (1991) - A native of Russiaville, Peterson earned a bachelor’s degree in biology and chemistry at Ball State University, and a master’s degree in animal nutrition at Purdue. He joined the Purdue farm management staff in 1954 as beef research leader at the Southern Indiana Forage Farm in 1965, where he established his credentials in research and teaching about the beef industry. He then moved to Lynwood farm at Carmel, and two years later was named superintendent of that 623-acre livestock research farm in Hamilton County. Peterson retired when the farm was sold for development in 1988. Peterson was cited for his “personal involvement in research activities, as well as in educational and public relations activities for the animal industry.” Peterson was instrumental in shifting the emphasis from purebred to commercial production research, while maintaining food relationships with the original constituents. Cooperation with the Department of Animal Sciences has emphasized management for performance within sound economic parameters. In 1974 an agreement with the Indiana Pork Producers Association established a twice yearly swine performance evaluation program called a “derby.” The program now involves as many as 200 pigs form various producers. Peterson’s efforts also led to the establishment of the Indiana Bull Testing Station at Lynwood-Purdue Agricultural Center. It is not located at West Lafayette. Peterson is a member and former officer of the Indiana Beef Cattle Association, the Indiana Simmental Association, and has served on the American Berkshire Association’s board of directors. He was elected a member of the Indiana Livestock Breeders’ Hall of Fame, and received the Oren A. Wright Award for outstanding contributions to the Indiana sheep industry, and the 1988 Outstanding Cattleman Award from the Indiana Beef Cattle Association.
David C. Petritz (2016) - David Petritz is a native of Rockford, Illinois. He actively participated in 4-H in Winnebago County and in FFA at Stillman Valley High School. He earned his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in agricultural economics from the University of Illinois. After earning his Ph.D. in 1972, Dr. Petritz joined Purdue’s Department of Agricultural Economics as an Assistant Professor, and in 1982 he became the Assistant Head for Extension in Agricultural Economics. His areas of research and Extension were in the economics of beef and sheep, forage production and marketing, and in agricultural market analysis and outlook. Early in his career, he served as local arrangements chairperson for the national meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association held at Purdue University. Through his Extension programming, Petritz was largely responsible for bringing regional and national recognition to Purdue's research programs on large hay bales and grazing systems. One of Dave's strengths was his strong commitment to seeking solutions for any problem. He worked on several programs to help farm families deal with difficult financial times, including the FARM project, which focused on financial decision-making tools for farmers. He also coordinated the 1988 drought response effort that included a toll-free hotline and extensive news media coverage. In 1989 Petritz was named Assistant Director of Purdue Extension and Agricultural and Natural Resources Program Leader, a position he held until 1999, when he was appointed as the sixth Director of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service. In 2002, he was also named the Associate Vice Provost for Engagement, and in 2004 he was appointed interim department head for 4-H Youth Development. He retired on June 30, 2007 after 35 years of service to Purdue. As an Extension specialist Petritz was regularly in leadership roles at the county level addressing issues of farm management and market outlook. Throughout the changes in his position, his commitment to county level Extension programming did not change. One colleague described this dedication that Petritz demonstrated in his role as Assistant Director of Extension, writing in his letter of recommendation, “…Purdue’s relationship with counties blossomed under Dave’s leadership.” As Purdue Extension Director, Petritz was effective in addressing the needs of farm families by combining the efforts of the Colleges of Agriculture and Consumer and Family Sciences and the School of Veterinary Medicine. He assisted staff members in various departments of these colleges to identify, develop, and implement educational programming. His vision created issue based teams for critical land use education with the Land Use Team and entrepreneurship with the New Ventures Team. He also worked to establish Learning Centers as part of the university engagement partnership with local communities. He was also a pioneer in fostering partnerships across state lines, working with both the University of Illinois and The Ohio State University to solve common problems. A specific outcome of the relationship between Purdue and The Ohio State University, which Petrtitz led in 2004, was the integration of Purdue Agriculture specialists into the programming of the Farm Science Review (FSR), one of the largest agricultural expositions in the Midwest. In his role as Associate Vice Provost for Engagement, Petritz was responsible for helping the entire university become engaged in finding solutions to the problems facing Indiana communities. He was tasked with the design and implementation of a community visitation program for Purdue President Martin Jischke. Of this program, Jischke said, “The program was hugely successful and not only highlighted Extension but connected the broader university to the needs of communities all around Indiana. Dave was absolutely central to the success of this program, and I believe it could not have been done without him.” Petritz has received many honors, but some stand out as career capstones. In 2011, the Farm Science Review Hall Of Fame inducted Petritz into its 22nd class. And in 2007, Epsilon Sigma Phi, the national organization of Extension professionals, awarded him its Distinguished Service Ruby recognition, which is the organization's most prestigious honor designed to recognize truly outstanding thinking, performance, and leadership in Extension by individuals who have made highly significant contributions at all levels of Extension programming over a lifetime career. Upon his retirement, Purdue Agriculture established an endowment in his honor that pays for educational and professional development opportunities for Extension educators and staff members throughout Indiana because, for Petritz, his leadership legacy was always about taking care of his Extension family.
David C. Pfendler (1969) - About once in a person's lifetime, everyone is profoundly influenced by the advise and counsel of someone - sometimes by request, but sometimes inadvertently. That influential person, by his very nature, in strong, dedicated, and oftentimes brutally honest. The one word to describe him is - impact. Just such a rare individual is Dean David C. Pfendler, Lafayette, Indiana. As Assistant Dean of the Purdue School of Agriculture, he is particularly charged with a task of the most personal degree - counseling, scheduling, and guiding each student to the successful completion of a professional education that best fits him for his own particular attributes and goals. Dean Pfendler can immediately establish rapport with agriculture students for he is indeed a man of the soil himself. He maintains an active interest in the Shelby County farm that has been in the family for generations. “Dave” graduated from the Purdue School of Agriculture in 1932 and returned to Shelby County to farm and work in public policy work as it relates to agriculture. But he soon returned to Purdue as assistant to the Dean of Agriculture. Since that day in 1937, he has influenced the lives of literally thousands of young people as they face the tribulations of a new life and a demanding educational task. Dean Pfendler has maintained an active interest in Alpha Gamma Rho, his social fraternity and in Alpha Zeta, his honorary, and has held high national offices in both. He also has been a leader in the Wabash Valley Association and the Indiana Angus Association. He also has worked as secretary, a director, vicepresident, and president of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association, and as a director of the Agricultural Alumni Seed Improvement Association. A host of thousands of former Purdue Ag students take this opportunity to thank you, Dean Pfendler, for your help.
Marvin W. Phillips (1998) - Marvin W. Phillips was known for his enthusiasm, positive approach, fairness and dedication to those with whom he worked and his ability to create and maintain a collegial and supportive environment for scholarly work. Under the guidance of Dr. Phillips from 1971-91, the agronomy department added multi-media resource centers for crops and soil courses, teaching seminars for graduate teaching assistants; computer hardware and software to assist research, teaching and extension programs, and the use of closed circuit television for delivery of courses and Extension programs at off-campus locations. Phillips sandwiched two years of military service between earning bachelor’s (1953) and master’s (1958) degrees from Purdue University. He earned his doctorate in soil fertility and chemistry from the University of Minnesota. Phillips joined the agronomy department at Purdue as assistant professor and Extension soil fertility specialist in 1961. He was promoted to associate professor in 1965, then to professor and assistant department Head in 1969. Throughout his career, Phillips has been heavily involved in the American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America and the Soil Science Society of America by chairing and serving on several committees. Nationally, Phillips was active in the United States Department of Agriculture Joint Task Force on Soybean Advancement, National Soybean Crop Improvement Advisory Board and served as a consultant on international projects in Brazil, Burkina Faso and Niger. Retirement in 1994 did not slow Phillips. He served three years as special assistant to the dean of agriculture, where he helped organize Executives in the Classroom, a seminar for seniors in agriculture. He currently is involved with the local United Way campaign as a member of its finance committee. “I cannot remember a single time he ever was too busy to provide our organization with guidance, counsel or any other assistance when we asked,” says Larry Svajgr, executive director of the Indiana Crop Improvement Association (ICIA). “Even in his retirement, he has assisted the ICIA with projects. I have been associated with Dr. Phillips for more than 22 years and have first hand knowledge of his significant contributions to Purdue University, the agriculture profession and the entire agricultural community.”
Rockefeller Prentice (1965) - J. Rockefeller Prentice, Chicago, Illinois was born in New York, received his A.B. degree from Yale University in 1928 and his LL. B from that institution in 193 I. He was admitted to the Illinois bar in 1931 and practiced law in that city until 1941. An officer in the Field Artillery in World War II, he is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi and a former president of the American Foundation for Biological Research. Mr. Prentice's interest in agriculture began when his father purchased, in 1910, Mt. Hope Farm in Massachusetts. The dairy operations on this farm was the beginning of his pioneering efforts in improving livestock through selected and scientific breeding, and led to his involvement in the (at the time experimental) artificial breeding of cattle. He was a leader in the formation of the Chicago Farmer's Club, The American Dairy Cattle Club, and the American Dairy Guernsey Association of Illinois. Following World War II, Rockefeller Prentice, (at a great personal and financial sacrifice) gave up his law practice and devoted all his efforts to the formation and management of the American Breeders Service. This company has emerged, to a great degree through Prentice's efforts, as a leader in artificial breeding. It has been estimated that this company under Prentice's leadership has added over $3,500,000 to the net earnings of dairy and beef cattle farmers. This was not however of prime consideration to Rockefeller Prentice. His first and constant objective was to improve the lot of the American farmer through technological development. The American scene has been changed repeatedly by pioneers who dared to do those things declared to be impossible or impracticable by most. Such a man was Rockefeller Prentice. We salute his devotion to the betterment of American agriculture.
Albert H. Probst (1972) - Dr. Albert H. Probst was born on a farm near Lawrenceburg, IN and received his B.S.A, M.S., and Ph.D. from Purdue. He began his career at Purdue May 1, 1936 and at the time of his retirement held the rank of research agronomist, Agricultural Research Service, U.S.D.A , and professor of Agronomy. During his 35 years of research, he provided leadership in the development and release of 30 varieties of soybeans, now the second most important crop in Indiana agriculture. Indiana’s soybean yield has increased from 14 bushels an acre in 1936 to a record 32 bushels last year. In addition to varietal development, his research made major contributions to soybean quality, breeding, genetics, and production. Probst is author or co-author of more than 100 technical and popular publications. Probst holds the Indiana Crop Improvement Association’s Soils and Crops Merit Award and honorary life membership in the American Soybean Association. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Agronomy and is a member of Sigma Xi, Kappa Delta Pi, and Ceres.
William A. Rafferty (1957) - William A. Rafferty was born at Ft. Wingate, New Mexico in 1892. Major Rafferty’s early life was spent in many different military camps and schools. He is a graduate of West Point and a member of General John J. Pershing’s staff in WWI. He also served under President Eisenhower in France during WWI. In the middle 20’s Mr. and Mrs. Rafferty moved to Colfax Township in Newton County where they owned 2700 acres of undeveloped land. Here Mr. Rafferty saw an opportunity to fertilize, drain, and in general improve their land. Today he manages approximately 2070 acres of the original spread. He is considered a pioneer in mechanical farming, soil fertilization, drainage and general soil improvement practices in Newton County. He contributes liberally to the support of 4-H Club work in his county. His financial aid has made possible many 4-H Club achievement programs and 4-H Club trips. He has also provided financial assistance so that approximately 10 former employees might begin a farming enterprise for themselves. Mr. Rafferty has served as president, treasurer, and as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Angus Breeders Association. Good judgment, fair dealings, interest in community improvements, perseverance, and high moral fiber are all terms which are descriptive of this man.
Orville Redenbacher (1983) - "I've loved popping corn as long as I can remember. Even when I was a boy and we popped corn my father grew in our garden, I dreamed of ways to develop a popping corn that would pop up fluffier and taste better than any other." I took that statement directly from a can of "Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn" to give you a clue to the secret of this man's success. His burning desire for excellence has taken him to the point in life where his name (even though often mispronounced) is a common household word throughout the United States. Orville Redenbacher, Coronado, California, was raised on a small farm near Brazil, Indiana. There, his tendency to excel began. He was a member of many state champion 4-H judging teams. He received an appointment to West Point, but chose instead to attend the Purdue School of Agriculture where he was active in the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, and was an editor of the Debris, the Agriculturalist, and the Exponent. In 1928, he graduated and became a vocational agriculture teacher for one year before joining the Indiana Cooperative Extension forces as an assistant agent in Terre Haute. Soon, he was appointed county agricultural agent, and served in an imaginative way until 1939. He left Extension to organize Princeton Farms, then the largest farm in Indiana. He instigated many innovative programs in purebred livestock production, hybrid seed corn, certified seed, and, as you would expect, began production of Princeton Farms popcorn. While there, Orville assumed positions of leadership in state programs in all the areas of agricultural production in which he was involved. In 1952, Redenbacher and Charles Bowman organized Chester Hybrids at Valparaiso. They rapidly became a leading regional producer of hybrid corn, small grain seeds, popcorn seed, and sold agricultural equipment and supplies as well. They also packaged popping corn, but it was not until 1970 that they entered the gourmet popcorn business with Marshall Field &. Co. in Chicago as their first customer. The idea of a high quality premium popcorn that catered to the desire of people to have something just a bit better caught on and Orville Redenbacher was soon to be famous.
Harry J. Reed (1948) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Richard “Dick” Reel (2013) - A graduate of Vincennes University and Indiana State University with a B.S. in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation in 1969 and a M.S. in Community Development, Institutional, City, County, and Rehabilitative Recreation in 1970, Dick Reel has taken his passion for community and used it to build a successful career as an Extension educator in both the 4-H Youth and Leadership and Community Development programs. Reel began influencing the lives of young people as a 4-H youth educator, a position he held for more than 20 years. In 1989, Reel was elected president of the National Association of 4-H Extension Agents. He took another leadership role as a north central director for the NAE4-HA, followed by membership on the national board and the highly esteemed position of chairman. His other contributions to the 4-H program include working with the beef project and livestock auction in his county. His facilitation of the Adult Leadership program while a youth educator helped to build leaders in public and private high schools, as well as homes where children are home schooled. In 1992, Reel became LaPorte County Extension Director. For the next 11 years, he worked directly with adult leadership and community development, while overseeing all of the county's Extension programs. As CED, he worked with Leadership LaPorte County, and now, almost 10 years after his retirement, continues as a volunteer facilitator for the program. He is also the lead volunteer of the program's high school leadership training program, which in 2012 graduated 35 students representing all of the county's high schools. Pioneer history is a passion for Reel, and he has shared that passion through his work with LaPorte County's Pioneerland and with the Pioneer Village at the Indiana State Fair. His work with Pioneer Village began 19 years ago. Reel has volunteered his time and skills in the art of woodworking for fairgoers, and each year donates a wood-burned bench as one of the featured artisan crafts to be auctioned, with the proceeds going to Purdue Ag Alumni to help restore antique artifacts. At the county level, Reel also is responsible for the development of Pioneerland at the LaPorte County Fairgrounds. The project's pioneer village has 12 buildings and is staffed with 130 volunteers who demonstrate what life was like in 1840 Indiana. Reel was important in raising more than $250,000 for the construction of the buildings. Reel's love for LaPorte County is clearly seen through his dedication to Pioneerland, but he has also participated in many other community activities over the years. He was a member of the Swanson Mental Health Board for five years, a member of the County Park Board and the Solid Waste Citizens Advisory Board for 10 years, a member of the Kiwanis Club for 12 years, and a beef committee and Purdue Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching (PCARET) committee member. When he retired, he said his biggest achievement was helping the county develop four parks over 10 years, including Creek Ridge County Park near Michigan City and Bluhm County Park outside Westville. Reel's honors include the John P. Daly Leadership Award and being named a Sagamore of the Wabash, the highest award given by the governor of Indiana. Reel is known as a people person who is energetic about the projects that he is passionate about. He took the passion that he had for agriculture and the Indiana State Fair as a 14-year-old usher and turned it into a career and lifelong volunteer project. Through his endeavors, he has touched a number of people in his community and the state of Indiana.
Brian Reichart (2011) - Brian Reichart is the President and CEO of Red Gold, LLC. Red Gold is a family-owned and operated tomato processing company headquartered in Orestes, IN. Brian graduated from Culver Military Academy as a member of Black Horse Troop Lancers and from Purdue with a B.S. in Industrial Management. Red Gold was founded by Brian’s grandfather in 1942. Brian worked at the cannery throughout high school and college before joining the staff full time as Plant Manager and Chief Engineer. When he became President and CEO, Brian took on the challenge of growing the company from a small regional and seasonal packer to a national supplier of tomato products. With Brian leading the company, Red Gold expanded into institutional food service supply and private labeling for grocery store chains across the U.S. Additionally, full-time employees grew from 170 to 1328. The physical plant expanded to three production facilities, a distribution center, a corporate office, and a trucking company. The company now processes over 10,000 acres of tomatoes. Today Red Gold is the largest privately owned tomato-processing company in the world, distributing tomato products to all 50 states and exporting to 16 countries. Community involvement is also important to the company and its leaders. Red Gold has partnered with the Indianapolis Colts and each time the Colts score within the 20 yard line, Red Gold donates tomatoes to Indiana food banks. Since 2008, 10,000 pounds of tomatoes were donated by Red Gold to a Hunger Task Force and 34,000 pounds of Red Gold products were donated to Gleaners. Additionally, Red Gold along with WQME sponsored a healthy cooking school for people in Madison County to help raise money for the Madison County 4-H Association. Red Gold has also donated products to help people affected by disasters, including 9/11, Katrina, and Indiana flood victims. On a more personal level, Brian works hard to serve the agricultural industry and his own community. He was President of the Indiana Canners Association, a member of the Board of Directors for the national Food Products Association, and was named the Mid-American Food Processors Association Man of the Year. In his community he is a member of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, the Elks Club of Elwood, and the Alexandria Church of the Nazarene. 1994, the Elks Club in Elwood named him Citizen of the Year and in 2004 was presented with the Indiana Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year and the Outstanding Food Science Award from Purdue.
Russell G. Reiff (1987) - Russell G. Reiff, Burnettsville, a 1920 Purdue graduate, was cited for his leadership in the soil and water conservation efforts, for his service to the dairy industry and to his home community. Reiff has served as chairman and director of the White County Soil and Water District. He has also served as president and secretary of the Indiana Soil and Water Association and was appointed by the governor to serve on the state’s soil and water commission. He also served as national director of the soil and water conservation districts and chairman of the research committee, and a member of the public lands and internal affairs committees. A dairy farmer who was named Dairyman of the year in 1966, Reiff has served as president and secretary-treasurer of the Indiana Holstein Assn., and president and director of the Indiana Creamery Licensing Board. In White County, he has served as chairman of the Burnettscille Town Board, and director and vice president of the Burnettsville State Bank. He has also help every office except pastor of the Burnettsville Brethren Church. Reiff has also served as chairman of the White County School Reorganization Committee which restructured the county’s schools to meet new state laws. He has also served as president of the White County Farm Bureau.
Hubert Reinhold (1995) - Northwest Indiana is known for its fertile farmland, The region also is known for its steel mills, Hubert Reinhold, as Northwest Area director of the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service and an active member of his community, worked hard during his career to improve the quality of life on both fronts, A native Hoosier, Reinhold began his career as a vocational-agriculture and science teacher before joining the Cooperative Extension Service, In more than 30 years with Extension, Reinhold helped develop one of Indiana's finest community centers and 4-H parks, created and used a Community Development Study Committee to seek out leaders and improve the quality of life in Porter County, and developed a new fairgrounds/ community center. Reinhold has a bachelor's degree in agricultural education from Purdue and a master's in journalism from Ball State University, He is an avid supporter of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association, Reinhold served as chairman of the County Plan Commission, which encompassed development of a comprehensive master plan and the expansion of two massive steel complexes along the shore of Lake Michigan, followed by the addition of the Port of Indiana, He served on the Coordinating Committee for the Kankakee-Elkhart River Basin Study and led efforts to create the Open Space Study Committee that resulted in the Porter County park land preservation effort. Reinhold’s nomination for the Certificate of Distinction states: “As a dedicated employee for the Purdue Extension Service, Hugh created many new projects in the community that will bear fruit for many years in the future.
Kenneth N. Rider (1943) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Robert M. Ritchie (2001) - Bob Ritchie has a life-long commitment to the youth of our country that has shaped virtually every aspect of his life. His 33-year career with the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service gave him an opportunity to impact the lives of countless thousands of young people and their families, an opportunity that Ritchie always made the most of. One of the first words most of his colleagues and former 4-H’ers and their parents use to describe Ritchie is “friend,” a most fitting tribute to a man whose guiding principle has always been the simple phrase, “what is best for the youth.” Ritchie received a B.S. from Purdue University in 1963, majoring in Animal Husbandry. He began his extension career in Grant County as a youth educator, a position he held for 15 years, while becoming the County Extension Director and continuing his education at nearby Ball State University. He earned his M.S. from Ball State in Executive Development and Public Service in 1969, and in 1979 graduated with an Ed.D. in Educational Administration. He then became a member of the Purdue University State 4-H faculty, a position he held for 18 years until his retirement. As a member of the State 4-H faculty, he was responsible for all horticulture and field crop programs and their associated state fair exhibits, the Indiana 4-H Scholarship program, national 4-H awards programs, field staff development, state fair 4-H fashion revue and awards program, and a significant portion of the state’s various agriculture judging contests. He developed and was responsible for the overall success of Purdue’s 4-H Plant Science Workshop, and, ever the organizer, he worked to improve management of the enormous data base of the Indiana 4-H/FFA Ag Judging Program. When the National 4-H Council decided to eliminate the 50+ year tradition of scholarships and competition of the 4-H Congress, Ritchie approached 4-H supporters in Indiana with the idea of establishing a similar program at the state level so that Indiana youth would still have the encouragement and opportunity that this competition and its scholarships had provided. With his guidance and leadership, the Indiana 4-H Congress was founded. The Congress features a one-day, first-rate leadership training program and 26 scholarship categories representing $30,000 in annual scholarships. In its six years of existence, the Indiana 4-H Congress has awarded more than $150,000 in scholarships. Ritchie is described by many as symbolizing “role-model professionalism.” He has contributed, formally and informally, to the professional development of his extension colleagues and numerous volunteer leaders. His professional service has included two terms on the Purdue University Senate. He has held many leadership positions, including the presidency, of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists Association (PUCESA). He holds a life-time memberships in the Indiana Cooperative Extension/Educators Association (ICEEA) and the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Association. Ritchie’s involvement with youth extends into his life away from work, as he officiates high school baseball, football and basketball. In both 1990 and 1995 he officiated at the state championship football games in the RCA Dome, an achievement few officials attain even once. He is a member of the board of the Tippecanoe County Exhibit Association, having served as a member and chair of the Queen Committee and currently serving as the sheep superintendent. He has been active on a number of community boards, including the YMCA, PAL, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Community Child Care Council, Jaycees and the County Youth Council. He was on the Board of Directors of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association from 1990 to 1998, serving as vice-president from 1992-94 and as president from 1994-96. He was a key volunteer in Operation Brainpower, a student recruitment activity of the Association, and for the Latta Games, a youth quiz bowl competition. He is also a long-time member of the Ag Alumni Fish Fry Super Committee which plans and implements the Association’s annual meeting. Ritchie has received numerous awards and citations, despite the fact that he is much more comfortable honoring the service of others. He is a member of both Epsilon Sigma Phi and Gamma Sigma Delta, honorary societies of extension and agriculture, respectively. He has been honored with the YMCA Youth Service Award, the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Meritorious Service Award, PUCESA’s Senior Award and the ICEEA Bob Amick Award for service to others. In 1999 Governor Frank O’Bannon named him a Sagamore of the Wabash in recognition of his exemplary community service.
Paul Robbins (1983) - Professor Robbins was an innovator and master extension teacher and researcher throughout his thirty year career at Purdue University. He was the leader in farm management extension starting in 1971, a period of rapid advancement in the application of computer technology. His areas of expertise included farm business organi-zation and accounting, crop economics, outlook, farm labor relations, tenure and finance. Following four years in the U.S. Air Force as a meteorologist in World War II, Dr. Robbins began his professional career as a farm management teacher at Murray State College, Kentucky in 1946, joining Purdue in 1949. In 1963 he spent his sabbatic leave at Michigan State. (A little known fact is that he was herdsman for “Elsie, the Cow” at the New York World's Fair in 1940.) Upon his election to retire in 1982 he was awarded the rank of Professor Emeritus. He pioneered efforts to provide foreign students an opportunity to visit Indiana Farms. Paul received the Purdue Extension Specialists Career Award in 1975 and the A.A.E.A. Award for Outstanding Extension Specialist in 1980. He led three People-to-People Goodwill Teams to Europe and Russia, and one to China. B.S.A. - Kentucky, 1942; M.S. - Kentucky, 1947; Ph.D. - Purdue, 1953; Visiting Professor, Michigan State University, 1963 (Sabbatic Leave).
L. S. Robertson (1961) - PROFESSOR LYNN S. ROB ERTSON, West Lafayette, was born and reared on a Minnesota farm and educated in a country school. He taught in a country school prior to entering the University of Minnesota Agriculture College where he graduated in 1914. That fall he came to Indiana as the first Farm Management Demonstrator in the United States. He remained in extension work until 1928 when he started research studies at Purdue. He has served continuously at Purdue except for brief absences for advanced study, to teach agricultural economics in France, in the Philippines and at the Garrett Biblical Institute. From 1958 to 1960, Professor Robertson served as Chief of Party of the Purdue group stationed in Brazil under an International Cooperation Administration contract. The purpose of this program is to improve agriculture and rural living in that county. Last December, he became Campus Coordinator of the Purdue-Brazil program. He is the author of two important textbooks on farm management and has published· many research bulletins on the subject. All five of Robertson's children are graduates of Purdue. Recognized nationally as an authority on farm management, Lynn Robertson has given himself unstintingly to his profession, to his University, and to agriculture the world around. All qualify him to receive this Certificate of Distinction.
Earl M. Robertson (2006) - Earl Robertson is a retired Professor and Department Chair of Agribusiness at Vincennes University, where he founded the Agribusiness Department and taught for 25 years. A native of Sullivan County near Dugger, Robertson received his A.S. degree from Vincennes University, then went to Purdue where he earned his B. S. in Agricultural Education in 1956. In 1970 he received his M.S. in Agricultural Education from Purdue. After receiving his undergraduate degree from Purdue, Robertson worked for three years as a quality control manager for Naas Foods in Portland, Indiana. In 1959 he became a farm chemical salesman for Armour, later Texaco, fertilizer company in Southern Indiana. In 1970, with assistance from Purdue, Robertson developed the Agribusiness program at Vincennes University (VU). In his 25 years as a professor he impacted the lives of hundreds of students, many from other countries. While at VU he was advisor to the Distributive Education Club of America (DECA) chapter, setting up competitions for several years for local high school students. The VU DECA students won many district, state and national awards, and his leadership ass DECA advisor was recognized at the state and national levels. He conducted on the job training programs at VU and taught many night classes at Vincennes, Jasper and Washington. Robertson made it a point to stay connected to, and current with the trends, in agriculture so that he could best prepare his students for the workplace. As one nominator said, “With limited resources he built a well respected program for VU students that served the needs of the agriculture community. . . . His passion for helping students was unmatched.” Outside the classroom Robertson gave frequent presentations to vocational agriculture classes, Farm Bureau meetings, ag chemical sales meetings and DECA meetings. He served as president of the Valley Management Association from 1991-92, and he was a 4-H leader and served as a judge of 4-H projects at several county fairs. Robertson is a member of tehe Indiana Retired Teachers Association where he currently serves on the Legislative Committee. He served a 4-year term on the Switz city Central School board, and is a member of the Green County Retired Teachers Association where he has served as vice president. Robertson is active in Hickory United Methodist Church, having held every office and taught Sunday School for many years. He has represented the church as a Conference Delegate for many years and, until becoming active with Gideons, was a Lay Speaker. As a member of Gideons International, Robertson has served in several district and state offices and has spoken at churches throughout Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois. Robertson has been recognized for his accomplishments throughout his career. In 1963 he was the Regional Sales Winner for Vertigreen fertilizer. In 1994 Vincennes University honored him with its Big Apple Award which is presented annually to faculty and staff who demonstrate dedication to student success. And in 2000 he received the Outstanding Service Award from the Vincennes University Business Area. In addition, the home countries of several of his international students have presented Robertson with Distinguished Service awards.
Danita S. Rodibaugh (2007) - Danita Rodibaugh is office manager and stockholder in Rodibaugh & Sons, a Jasper County farrow-to-finish and seedstock pork producer. Rodibaugh & Sons has 1,800 acres producing corn, soybeans and wheat. And the 400-sow operation markets 7,000 pigs annually. Rodibaugh received a B.S. degree in Consumer and Family Sciences Education from Purdue University in 1975. Rodibaugh is responsible for all the financial records, herd records and the customer database for the family farm corporation. During her more than 30 years as part of the family partnership, she has amassed a distinguished record of industry service and advocacy. She is recognized within the pork industry as an expert on environmental issues. One nominator said, “Few people have been fortunate to leave such a leadership legacy for animal agriculture as Danita. She is a leading American agricultural spokesperson.” Locally, Rodibaugh has been active in her church and has served as a 4-H leader, and she has been an active member of the Jasper County Pork Producers. At the state level, she has served as a member or officer of numerous agricultural commissions and organizations. She was a charter member and one of the longest serving members of the board of the Indiana Commission of Agriculture and Rural Development (ICARD) where she assisted in drafting the initial strategic plan for Indiana agriculture and served on the Environment Committee. In 2005 she became a charter member of the advisory board of the newly formed Indiana State Department of Agriculture. Rodibaugh is active in Indiana Farm Bureau where she serves on the Livestock and Poultry Policy Committee. She is a member of the Purdue Animal Sciences Advisory board and the Purdue Agricultural Policy Group. She is a past president of the Indiana 4-H Foundation and currently serves as a board member. Rodibaugh is also a board member of the Indiana Agricultural Leadership Institute. Her pork industry leadership at both the state and national levels has been extensive. She has served on the board of the Indiana Pork Producers Association Board for 10 years and is past chairman of their public policy committee. In 2001 the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture named Rodibaugh to the National Pork Board (NPB) that administers research, promotion and consumer information projects supported by the Pork Checkoff. She is past chair of NPB’s Budget Committee and the Budget & Plan of Work Task Force. She is a former member of both the Producer & State Relations and the Foodservice Advisory Committees. While Vice President of NPB in 2004-05, Rodibaugh championed the board’s Operation Main Street project that trained 200 producers to communicate with their neighbors and their communities about pork production in the 21st Century. In 2005 Rodibaugh was elected President of NPB. During her presidency she was a leading spokesperson for the industry, frequently cited in media reports on environmental and nutrition topics. Currently the NPB immediate past president, she is chair of the board’s Nominating Committee and serves on the Administrative Committee, Nutrition Committee, Environment Committee and Trade Committee. Rodibaugh has been recognized for her leadership with the Meritorious Service Award from the Indiana Pork Producers and the Spirit of Extension Award from the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists Association. In 2003 she received a Special Boilermaker Award from Purdue President Martin Jischke for her efforts in coordinating Purdue Day in Jasper County. In 2001, Purdue’s School of Consumer and Family Sciences honored her with its Hidden Diamond Award, given to those who are “unsung heroes” who have been instrumental in building families and communities.
William Rothenberger (1956) - William R. Rothenberger, Frankfort, Indiana, was born and reared in Clinton County. He entered Purdue in the fall of 1930, withdrew from the University in the spring of 1931, and then returned to graduate in 1936. He majored in Animal Husbandry, and was a leader in school and extracurricular activities while on the campus. Following graduation, he served for a short time in the Department of Agricultural Economics. Upon returning to the home farm near Frankfort, Bill and his father and brother organized one of the most efficient and profitable farm businesses in Indiana. This farm and its operators have been of unusual service to Purdue University. For over fifteen years, university groups and foreign visitors have studied carefully the excellent organization and operation of this farm. Many years, visitors to this farm have exceeded 500 people. In addition to his farm activities, Bill has shouldered the responsibilities of many community activities. Latest of these responsibilities has been the Presidency of the Indiana Farm Management Association. Bill Rothenberger's excellent farm and community record has indeed been an inspiration to those who know him.
Erland Rothenberger (1970) - The 1970's undoubtedly will be the decade when professional agriculture will come into its own. It will be the decade when the farmers who have successfully adopted advanced technologies, and have thoughtfully coordinated science and management to reach a high level of efficient farm operation will be richly rewarded for their excellence. Erland Rothenberger of Frankfort is one of the partners in Rothenberger Farms that truly represents one of the most advanced farm operations in the nation. Their farm is visited by touring farmers from throughout the nation, college agriculture classes, vocational agriculture groups, and foreign visitors. It seems that a Farm Management or Livestock Tour cannot be held without visiting their place. The Rothenberger hog operation is one of the most modern in the nation and produces literally thousands of hogs under the most advanced of circumstances. Likewise, their cattle feeding operation is the envy of the industry. Probably the most unique thing about this whole operation, though, is the manner in which every practice, cost, and factor is recorded, assimilated, and analyzed as a tool for production improvement. Their records are complex, complete, and extremely analytical. Erland is past president of the Indiana Farm Management Association, was recipient of the Ford Foundation National Award for Farm Management in 1962, and is an active member of the Frankfort Methodist Church. For being an agricultural leader in a most professional sense, we salute Erland Rothenberger.
Wayne Rothgeb (1980) - Wayne P. Rothgeb served in the US Army Air Corps from 1941 to 1945. In 1943 he was assigned to the 39th Fighter Squadron in New Guinea, where he flew 139 combat missions in aircraft including the P-38, P-39, and P-47. He was a flight leader and assistant operations officer in the squadron, and he received the Air Medal with four clusters and a unit citation. Rothgeb received in B.S. from Purdue in 1948, then for two years held the position of assistant county agricultural agent for Jay County. From 1951 to 1985, he was the farm director for WKJG-TV in Ft. Wayne. He was named National Farm Broadcaster of the Year in 1984.
Hal Royce (1962) - HAL ROYCE, Austin, is just now approaching one of the highlights of his long career of service to Indiana agriculture - he is president of the 1962 Indiana State Fair. A 1917 graduate of the Purdue School of Agriculture, he was a county agent in Wabash, Clay, and Parke counties for eighteen years. After that he was Director of the Department of Marketing of the Indiana Farm Bureau for ten years. He is a successful Scott County farmer and Angus breeder. Hal is recognized with this Certificate of Distinction for his long and tireless service to the public in stitution associated with· Indiana agriculture. May this good service continue for many years to come.
Lee R. Rulon (2000) - Lee Rulon is a man who “leads by example with hard work, integrity and a spirit of cooperation,” according to Larry Svajgr, executive director of the Indiana Crop Improvement Association, Inc. Rulon has labored unselfishly and used his talents for the benefit of his employer, the seed industry and his community. Rulon received his B.S. in Finance from the University of Kentucky in 1967. He was hired by Beck’s Superior Hybrids, Atlanta, Indiana, as the first non-family member to serve as marketing manager and to oversee the farmer dealers. Rulon built Beck’s Hybrids’ entire sales department from the ground up, according to company president Lawrence “Sonny” Beck. Rulon currently serves as the Marketing Director for Beck’s Hybrids. Herman Rettinger, a Beck’s dealer for nearly 30 years, notes that competitors in the seed business have long taken note of the intense loyalty of Beck’s dealers, a fact that he credits in large part to Rulon’s development of the dealer network. There is no doubt that Rulon has played a key role in the growth and expansion of Beck’s Hybrids in recent years, growth that has made the company one of the top regional seed suppliers in Indiana. Rulon has been a key partner with Purdue University’s Department of Agronomy, providing funding on behalf of Beck’s to develop a series of CD-ROM tools for use by crop managers across Indiana and throughout the U. S. In addition to his responsibilities at Beck’s, Rulon Enterprises, a family farming operation. Rulon served on the international committee of the American Seed Trade Association, and he has been on the executive committee and was president (1995) of the Indiana Seed Trade Association. He is currently on the board of the Indiana Crop Improvement Association (ICIA) and recently served on the executive committee. He was a key resource for ICIA as it planned and built its new headquarters, a facility that opened in 1999. Recently Rulon’s peers elected him to represent the seed industry on the Indiana Grain Indemnity Board. In his community, Rulon has served as president of the Cicero Police Board. And he is a two-term member of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department Merit Board, a five-member board that oversees the department’s personnel functions including hiring officers, pension plan administration and administration of disciplinary actions. Sheriff L. Joe Cook says that Rulon’s “leadership and people skills are quite evident as he participates in the solving of difficult problems often brought before the board.”
Scott Rumble (2011) - Scott Rumble retired in 2002 from a 42-year career with Purdue Extension Service. He worked in six different counties throughout his career as a 4-H Youth Agent, County Extension Director, Interim District Director, Ag and Natural Resources Agent, and Community Economic Development Agent. He also served in the Army National Guard and Air Force Reserve for a combined 20 years. Even in his retirement he still works with Coldwell Banker Shook as a Commercial Realtor. He has had an extensive education beginning with a B.S. from Purdue and an A.S. from Vincennes University. During Scott’s tenure in Extension he brought members of the community closer through different projects. He brought high profile leaders from around the state to mentor or share advice with farmers, 4-Hers, and Master Gardeners. He established good networking relationships among farmers, 4-H families, and government officials. He is also very knowledgeable regarding computers and computer programs. With this knowledge he was able to bring the extension offices up to date and encouraged others to learn it as well. He worked to improve the county fair, the 4-H program, and the community environment in all of the counties he served. Anyone that has worked with Scott can attest to his hard work ethic, leadership, and people-skills. He has the unique ability to instill confidence in and develop other peoples’ gifts and talents, even when the people do not know they have those skills. When working in southern Indiana Scott took a leadership role in working with low-income rural youth and benefited many families in Spencer and Perry counties. He is always willing to take on a challenge and works tirelessly to find a solution. Scott can also be found working hard in his local community. He is Chairman of the Tippecanoe County Park Foundation; Member and Past President of Tippecanoe Co. YMCA Board; Member of St. Mary’s Church; and Past Lafayette Leadership Board Member and Current Facilitator. This is only a small list of the committees and organizations Scott is a part of. He has also been awarded with the Sagamore of the Wabash; Distinguished Hoosier- Indiana General Assembly; Distinguished Service Award- Tippecanoe Co. Pork Producers; and Outstanding Citizen, Princeton, IN.
Glenn W. Sample (1953) - Glenn W. Sample was a pioneer of Indiana agriculture for more than 50 years. It has been said that two of Glenn’s proudest moments were when he received his bachelor's degree from Purdue in 1935 and when Purdue awarded him an honorary doctorate in 1972. Glenn W. Sample traveled throughout the state for speaking engagements, was host of a daily farm radio program and launched a travel service that enabled farmers to travel around the world. In 1957 he was elected vice president and secretary of Indiana Farm Bureau and became a leader in developing Indiana agricultural policy. During his tenure, he held close to 30 gubernatorial appointments to state boards, committees and commissions. His work on one of those commissions led to legislation creating the Indiana Vocational Technical College. He served on Ivy Tech's board of trustees from the college's inception and was named its president in 1975. He served in that capacity until his death at age 67 in January 1980. In 2005, the Sample family established an endowment that named the College of Agriculture deanship in honor of Mr. Sample.
George D. Scarseth (1951) - While Agronomy Legend George D. “Doc” Scarseth spent only a few years at Purdue University, part as department head, his contributions were far-reaching. He promoted new ideas and approaches in crop production, and he personally guided about a dozen graduate students who went on to high achievements. Scarseth was known for his talents as a teacher, speaker and writer, and was often invited to give guest presentations. He published widely, including two books: Man and His Earth in 1962 and Humans and Its Earth in 1964. As a researcher, he was especially well recognized for his soil fertility studies, options for increasing yield and early no-till or minimal tilling practices. He also explored various regions of the world for crop production, not just those with seemingly ideal conditions. He continued his research long after leaving Purdue, working nearby at the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Elynn D. Schall (1982) - Those of us who were raised on Indiana farms may remember the signature that was on the bottom of that tag that was attached to every bag of feed, seed, and fertilizer that we used. The main concern of us at the time was how heavy that sack really was, and not the significance of the signature. Our Dad's concern was not the weight of the sack, but the purity of the product therein. That's where the signature became important. Now, we see the signature Elynn D. Schall, West Lafayette, Indiana, on those tags, and that means that the seed is pure, that the feed meets the stated specifications, and that the fertilizer is just what the manufacturer says it is. Dr. Schall is the ""State Chemist"" for the State of Indiana. Our state is rather unique in the fact that the regulatory powers to assess the quality of fertilizers, feeds, seed, and pesticides are vested in the state Chemist who is located at Purdue University. For a great many years, the Indiana system has been recognized as one that administers the law in a thorough, fair, and accurate fashion. Elynn Schall has been Indiana State Chemist since 1965. Schall has a Bachelor's Degree from Ohio State University, and both the Master's and the Doctor's Degree from Purdue. He is an agricultural chemist by profession. He joined the Purdue faculty in 1949. He IS recognized as a national leader in agricultural regulatory activities. He led programs to upgrade laboratory analytical quality and efficiency. He did baSIC research work on methods to accurately verify levels of potassium and nitrogen in feed and fertilizer. He has written legislation that fairly protects farmers and agri-business. He was the leader in the preparation of the Indiana Pesticide Law. Dr. Schall is active in his Church, and has been a pillar for good work in the local Optimists club. He has served on many committees for the Association of American Feed Control Officials, the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials as president, as well as president of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. As Indiana State Chemist, Dr. Elynn Schall has directed a regulatory program that is one of high integrity and even-handedness that assures adequate protection for the agricultural community and for industry as well. His program has become an enviable example throughout the nation. Indiana is a fortunate state to have Elynn Schall as our State Chemist.
Hassil E. Schenck (1942) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Charles Schenck (1966) - Charles H. Schenk, Vincennes, Indiana, depicts the man who considers his talents, his abilities, and his good fortunes as property to be shared with his fellow man. Charlie is well known as a large and successful farmer and seedsman, but more than that as a man genuinely interested and involved in the problems and changes of an advancing agriculture. He started growing hybrid seed corn in 1937 and, in partnership with his three sons (all Purdue Ags), has become one of the prominent seed producers in that part of the state. In 1945, he purchased a large farm from the Federal government. That farm is now the center of his operations. In 1953, the firm established the first alfafa dehydrating plant in Indiana. Schenk Farms now number about 2500 acres of owned and leased land with about 400 acres in seed corn, 200 acres in wheat, and the rest in alfafa. Schenk was a prominent member of the Indiana House of Representatives from 1955 till 1962, and has been a member of the Senate since that time. He is one of the staunch supporters of the Wabash Valley Association, and is one of a group of pioneers investigating the potential for sugar beets in the Wabash valley. For industry, for ingenuity, for courage, and for proving that the individual can create his own success, we honor Charles Schenk.
John Schwab (1949) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Donald H. Scott (1999) - Don Scott traversed the back roads of Indiana for 30 years bringing news from the "department of smut and rot" I as Purdue's primary crop disease extension specialist. When he retired in 1998 he left a legacy of service that has touched many Hoosier farmers. Scott began his education at Purdue, receiving his B.S. in 1956. He then earned his M.S. in 1964 and his Ph.D in 1968, both from the University of Illinois. He joined the Purdue plant pathology faculty and quickly advanced through the academic ranks. From 1989-1996 he served as extension coordinator for the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. "Don has served Indiana farmers well," said Sonny Beck, president of Beck's Hybrids, Inc. "About 10 years ago when we had a phytophthora-type disease affecting our Resnik k-gene soybeans, he showed up in our fields the day after I called and followed through swiftly to get us an answer." Scott managed a tremendous workload throughout his career. "Dr. Scott had the enormous responsibility for all the diseases occurring on Indiana's three most important agricultural crops: soybeans, corn and wheat, as well as turf grasses," according to Ray Martyn, head of the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. "In many states, these responsibilities would be distributed among several people." While Scott was, first and foremost, an extension specialist, he also contributed important research to Indiana's crop and turf grass industries. He conducted applied research on disease problems including soybean sudden death syndrome, gray leaf spot in com and corn mycotoxin accumulation. In every case, his research addressed a current and important plant disease problem affecting Indiana producers. He also taught Purdue courses on plant diseases, and developed new courses in three subject areas. He developed special activities to make the hands-on courses more meaningful. He maintained and further developed a collection of 7,000 color slides of plant diseases, and he developed a collection of preserved plant materials. . Scott worked on many interdisciplinary plant disease programs during his career, most notably the development of the Purdue Crop Diagnostic Training and Research Center. Begun in 1986, the Center is one of the best and most prestigious of its kind in the United States. For his work, Scott has received many accolades, including the 1990 Crop and Soils Merit Award from the Indiana Crop Improvement Association. In 1995 Indiana Farm Bureau honored him with the Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence in educational service to the rural people of Indiana. The Midwest Regional Turf Foundation awarded him their 1996 Distinguished Service Award. ""Don Scott has had a major, positive impact on agriculture in Indiana and across the Corn Belt,"" says Larry Svajgr, executive director of .the Indiana Crop Improvement Association, Inc. ""His name is nearly a household word across the state, and for all the right reasons." In 1997 Scott gathered many years of photographs into Barns of Indiana, a book that celebrates the vanishing farm structures of the Hoosier landscape. He donated a portion of the profits to scholarships for Purdue agriculture students. "Don Scott is thoroughly in love with agriculture and all the people who operate it," says Mauri Williamson, executive secretary emeritus of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association. "This is the appropriate time to honor him for a lifetime of dedicated labors on behalf of Indiana farmers and all who benefit from a healthy and productive agriculture."
Leo N. Seltenright (1987) - Leo. N. Seltenright, Goshen, was honored for professional achievements and community service during a 38 year career as a county extension agent and director. Seltenright earned B.S. and M.S. degrees at Purdue University and joined the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service in 1948. He has spent 23 years on the executive committee of the Elkhart County 4-H Fair Board, and chairman of the Elkhart County Park and Recreation Board and the Elkhart County Plan Commission. He was credited by Indiana Representative Philip T. Warner with turning a “lackluster county fair into the second best fair in the nation by inspiring people…and enlisting their aid.” Warner also credited Seltenright with “foresight and leadership” to develop “one of the best county park systems in the state,” and for his participation on the county zoning board “to insure that the development of the county is done in an orderly and aesthetically pleasant manner.” He received the Distinguished Service Award from the Ntional Assn. of County Agricultural Agents.
Steve Shifley (2019) - If Steve Shifley had stepped aside after The Ecology and Silviculture of Oaks was first published in 2002, the book’s co-author would still be held in high regard in forestry circles. But a second revision (Shifley is the lead scientist this time) is complete and a third printing is underway because those who rely on it sing its praises — loudly: • “The defining reference for oak forest ecology and management. … No other book provides an equivalent synthesis.” • “Comprehensive and authoritative.” • “The significance of this book is indicated by its nickname: the ‘oak bible.’ “ Shifley is stepping aside now, retiring after a 40-year career with the U.S. Forest Service’s Northern Research Station, which covers 20 Northeast and Midwest states. The senior research forester was based since 1988 at the University of Missouri in Columbia. “How do you measure the impact of a forestry research career?” says his most recent supervisor, Lynne M. Westphal, project leader and research social scientist. “Publications and citations? Students and early career professionals supported? Foresters helped? Community service? Steve has done it all. Steve also brought kindness and caring, for individuals and communities, to his work and his life. I and many others are indebted.” “Steve’s curriculum vitae is a testament to his productivity,” says Hank Stelzer, a Missouri state forestry Extension specialist. “But what it does not reveal is the professionalism and collegiality displayed throughout his career. Dr. Shifley has a natural ability to comprehend complex themes, ask simple questions germane to the issue at hand and pose significant ‘what-if’ questions on larger spatial and temporal scales. He indeed possesses all the attributes of a forward-thinking futurist.” Shifley’s research had a fundamental effect on how forests are measured, quantified and modeled. He helped develop LANDIS, a landscape modeling system that can work at various scales and incorporate a full range of ecosystem components and functions. “Dr. Shifley works in ‘Pasteur’s quadrant’ — that is, use-inspired science that combines ‘basic’ and ‘applied’ in order to pursue a deep quest for new knowledge with commitment to the application of that newly gained knowledge,” Westphal says. “He saw early on the potential of computer modeling to help analyze forest trends and management options.” The Forest Service’s Forest Vegetation Simulator incorporates Shifley’s models. Before retiring, William Brad Smith of the U.S. Forest Service worked with Shifley on the National Report on Forest Sustainability. “The future of our nation’s, and indeed, the world’s forests,” he says, “depends in part on the tireless efforts of researchers like Steve Shifley, who has not only been a leader of those of us in the profession but also a leader for the public face of forestry. I know of no one more deserving of the Certificate of Distinction.” This and that • B.S., Forest Production, 1976, Purdue; M.S., Forest Biometry, 1978, Purdue; Ph.D., Forest Biometry, 1990, University of Minnesota. • Hired as research forester at the North Central Forest Experiment Station in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1978; promoted to project leader of the forest modeling project in 1985. Joined the research lab in Columbia, Missouri, in 1988; project leader in 1989. In 1995, named principal biometrician, and remained in that role until retirement in early January 2019. • Associate editor, 2015-2018, of Forest Science, the flagship research journal for Society of American Foresters. • National Silviculture Award from the U.S. Forest Service, 2007. Karkhagne Award, Missouri Society of American Foresters’ highest honor, 2015. • More than 160 publications; 75 invited presentations; $3 million In competitive research funding. • 14 years as volunteer with Columbia Public Schools. Helped spearhead a community partnership to build a nature-based education and play space for daily use by 600-plus at-risk urban students; it opened in 2017. • Adjunct faculty, Purdue University; cooperative professor, University of Missouri.
Henry F. Schricker (1945) - Henry Frederick Schricker was the 36th and 38th Governor of Indiana from 1941 to 1945 and from 1949 to 1953. He is the only Indiana governor elected to two non-consecutive terms, and the only governor between 1852 and 1977 to be elected to more than one term in office. His terms were marked by strong opposition party control of the Indiana General Assembly who attempted to remove powers from the governor that had been bestowed in during the Great Depression. Born in North Judson, IN he went to public school through eighth grade and then attended a local college to complete his education. After a year of studying law on the side, he passed the bar examination and began practicing law in Knox with his mentor, Adrian Courtright. He became the cashier of the Hamlet bank in 1907, and became the owner, publisher, and editor of the Starke County Democrat in 1908. He was actively involved in the community; organizing the first Boy Scout troop in Starke County in 1912, and presiding as the chief of the Knox Fire Department. He began his political career as a Senator in 1932 and then as Lieutenant Governor in 1937. As Lieutenant Governor he was also head of the state's agricultural department and spent considerable time traveling around the state for meetings with leaders of farming communities. Schricker was a popular Hoosier politician known for his small-town boy charm and his signature white hat. He was in demand as a speaker, and his advice and sanction were sought by Democratic candidates. He received national recognition when he was chosen to deliver the joint nomination speech for Adlai Stevenson at the Democratic National Convention in 1952. He retired to Knox in 1960, but played a role as himself in the 1962 movie Johnny Holiday.
Michael A. Shuter (2015) - Mike Shuter is a native of Madison County, Indiana, and graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in agricultural economics in 1973. Growing up on the family farm, he was active in 4-H. After graduating from Purdue, he returned home to farm with his parents, and today, with his wife Susan and sons Brain and Patrick, operates Shuter Sunset Farms, Inc., a fourth-generation family farm. Shuter's operation focuses on the traditional crops of corn, soybeans, cattle, and hogs, but brings innovative approaches to each enterprise. Shuter was one of the first in his area to adopt conservation tillage practices, going to no-till corn in 1983, partially in response to high energy prices. Before that, the Shuters were chisel plowing both corn and soybean ground. In 1988, he began no-till drilling soybeans, and in 2003, began strip-tilling corn. In 2006, he switched to a corn-cornsoybean rotation from a com-soybean rotation to take advantage of the projected increase in the local demand for corn with the construction of bioenergy plants. In 2009, Shuter changed from drilling beans to split row planting. Since 1993, Shuter has utilized variable planting rates and variable rate applications of phosphorus, potassium, and lime. Crop inputs are varied according to management zones established using yield maps, soil survey information, and information from Veris soil electrical conductivity mapping. This sitespecific approach is organized into a database utilizing MapShots technology, which aids in the analysis. Shuter's 20-year adherence to sound conservation practices has steadily increased the organic matter content of his soils, and soil erosion and excessive water runoff during heavy rains have been reduced due to increased cover. Value-added enterprises are also integral to Shuter's operation. Livestock have long added value to the farm's grain crops. Raising specialty crops of popcorn for Weaver Popcorn and seed soybeans for Beck's Hybrids are key to Shuter's business plan. Additionally, he is a Beck's seed dealer. The Red Poll cattle have been a family tradition since 1941 when Mike's farther Mervin and grandfather Leslie bought their first Red Poll heifer in to raise and show as a 4-H project. Maximum value is captured by marketing animals as replacements, club calves, and through a freezer beef business. Meat is marketed through Indiana Farm Fresh Beef, a certified freezer beef marketing program sponsored by the Indiana Beef Cattle Association and through Heartland Premium Aged Beef, LLC, a producer co-op that markets lndianaraised beef to grocery stores and restaurants. An 8,000- head per year contract hog finishing operation rounds out the farm's enterprises. Innovative finishing houses have computer-controlled ventilation and take pigs from 21 days to market weight in the same building, eliminating the shrinkage that can occur with moving to a new building. Shuter has an extensive record of ag industry service at the state and national levels. He has served in many roles for the Indiana Corn Growers Association and Indiana Corn Marketing Council, including president. He was very involved with the corn referendum that resulted in the Indiana Corn Check-off and, ultimately, the Indiana Corn Marketing Council. As president of the Indiana Corn Marketing Council, he served on the board of directors of the Indiana Grain Indemnity Board. Shuter serves on the Board of Directors of the Eastern Indiana Livestock Breeders Association and has served as the organization's president. He is also a board member of the Indiana Red Poll Breeders Association and of the Beef Ventures Group, the group that funded the research that led to the Heartland Premium Aged Beef marketing program for Indiana beef producers. Shuter served multiple terms on the Board of Directors of the National Corn Growers Association and on its Public Policy Action Team, traveling to Washington, D.C., to work with legislators to develop policy and provide testimony to Congress on farm issues. Shuter frequently opens his farm to visitors, from local school groups to national news reporters and international trade delegations. He has been a host for the Purdue Farm Management Tour, and has been a presenter at Purdue's Top Farmer Crop Workshop. Through numerous media interviews, letters to the editor, and speaking engagements throughout the state, he shares the important role corn and livestock farmers have in our economy and to national security. In his community, Shuter is active in the Frankton Lions Club, where he has served in many roles, including president. He has served on the board of directors of the Madison County 4-H Fair Board and for 25 years has been a volunteer leader of the Tractor Maintenance Club. An active member of the First United Methodist Church of Frankton Shuter has served on the Pastor Parish Committee and the Building' Committee where he helped organize a church project to convert an abandoned factory building into a community center. Shuter's honors include being named a Master Farmer by Indiana Prairie Farmer and having his farm selected to host the Purdue Farm Management Tour. He was named Madison County's Outstanding Conservation Farmer in 1995. The farm's Red Poll cattle have won awards for many years, most recently the 2002 and 2011 National Champion Bulls, the 2005 and 2006 National Reserve Champion Bulls, and the 2008 and 2011 National Reserve Champion Females.
Joe Sicer (1994) - Joe Sicer spent nearly all of his professional life teaching Indiana farmers about poultry production. The retired extension poultry specialist left the Cooperative Extension Service in 1968 with the rank of professor emeritus. Sicer, who today splits his time between Lafayette, Ind. and Lake Placid, Fla., is a 1923 graduate of Purdue. He received his bachelor's degree in agriculture. As an undergraduate, he was involved in the intercollegiate judging team, the Agriculturist, Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, Alpha Zeta and Sigma Delta Chi. He also served as president of the Purdue Ag Club. From 1923 to 1942, Sicer operated Chick¬enhaven Poultry Farm and Hatchery in Clark County, Ind. He was. a Record of Production breeder of Rhode Island Red chickens and achieved state and national recognition. In 1942 Sicer joined the Cooperative Exten¬sion Service as a poul¬try specialist. With L.A. Wilhelm he created the Poultry School of the Air, which was broad¬cast throughout Indi¬ana. He received the National Poultry Sci¬ence Extension award in recognition of his efforts in its production. Sicer also refined the Purdue Poultry Farm Record Program which was designed to devel¬op and maintain detailed production and financial records mak¬ing it possible to emphasize the prof-itability of poultry as an enterprise. He was instrumental in imple¬menting poultry exten¬sion activities on the Extension Train and played a major role in the development and production of two motion pictures about poultry and career opportunities in the industry. Sicer also was involved in 4-H judging programs and the poul¬try exhibit at the Indiana State Fair. Sicer is a fellow of the Poultry Science Association and has received its award for meritorious service and accomplishment. He has received the Indi¬ana State Poultry Asso¬ciation Golden Egg Award for Distin¬guished Service and the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service Career Award. In addition, Sicer has held offices in the Indi¬ana State Poultry Asso¬ciation and the Indiana Record of Performance Poultry Breeders Asso¬ciation. On the local level, Sicer has been active in the Rotary Clubs of Jef¬fersonville, Ind. and Lafayette, Ind. and St. John's Episcopal Church in Lafavette. Ind.
R. A. Simpson (1947) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Paul Singleton (2019) - Perhaps you purchased one of his handcrafted wooden items at a fundraising event. Such sales have raised more than $20,000 for worthy causes and individuals. Or, over the past 15 years, you might have met a former Vincennes University student who transferred to the College of Agriculture at Purdue, thanks to an endowed scholarship set up by the Knox County Purdue Ag Alumni Board. A second, fully endowed scholarship will be presented to a VU student this spring. Paul Singleton’s involvement in both scholarships was crucial. “Without his leadership and dedication,” fellow board member Jim Farris says, “I expect neither scholarship would have come to fruition.” Thousands of Hoosiers will never be directly aware of the impact that Singleton has had by being on the board of directors of the Evansville-based Community Foundation Alliance. “During Paul’s tenure, the nine counties of the alliance — Daviess, Gibson, Knox, Perry, Pike, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh and Warrick — have grown assets to $100 million,” says Jill Carpenter, the alliance’s executive director. “This is a direct result of board members like Paul who are willing to engage new practices for growing assets and to adopt new staffing models and procedures to engage donors and prospects in the communities we serve in southwestern Indiana.” As a USDA Farm Service Agency director, Singleton made and serviced more than 500 loans to beginning farmers in 11 counties over a 35-year period. He was FSA Manager of the Year in 1998. “Without his help, guidance and encouragement, I would not have been able to buy my first farm,” says Don Villwock, a retired Indiana Farm Bureau president. Singleton’s style does not attract attention, but it gets noticed: • “Paul takes his role seriously, always studying issues closely and carefully considering business brought before the board. Paul reflects a commitment to service above his own needs, which he quietly demonstrates with faithful attendance, active participation and, always, enthusiasm for the work being done.” — Carpenter. “His life and career path have been one of perpetual service to others. He stands tall among all who live and work in the agricultural arena in Indiana. His personal commitment to improving incomes and quality of life, with a special emphasis on helping young farmers, has been a cornerstone throughout his career.” — Villwock. • “I have known Paul my entire life and have always looked up to him with great respect because of his integrity, honesty and willingness to help others. He is a very selfless man who demonstrates humility — a great example for all of us.” — Julie Neal, USDA, Knox County Farm Service Agency. This and that • B.S., Animal Sciences, Purdue, 1969. Associate degree, Agriculture, Vincennes University, 1967. • USDA Farmers Home Administration / USDA Farm Service Agency, 1970-2005. Trained 18 loan officers. • 1975-present: Owns and operates 300-acre farm in Knox County. Strictly notilled since 1979. Has hosted the Knox County Soil and Water Conservation District No-till and Forestry Management field tours, Indiana Simmental State Field Day and the Indiana Beef Cattle Association state tour. • For 13 years, the farm has hosted Kindergarten Day, which has drawn about 1,200 students, plus teachers and chaperones. • 2001 Farmer of the Year, Knox County Soil and Water Conservation District. • Knox County Community Foundation board member for nine years; seven years on the Lilly Scholarship Selection Committee. • Freelandville Community Home board member for six years; president during a $175,000 fund drive for improvements to the nonprofit nursing home. • Contributed expertise and materials for improvements to the Life After Meth men’s and women’s group homes.
Wayne L. Singleton (2010) - Wayne Singleton is Professor Emeritus of Animal Sciences at Purdue University. He retired in 2003, after spending his entire career of 33 years at Purdue as Extension Swine Specialist in breeding herd management. Singleton is currently a swine breeding consultant as the principal of Reproductive Management Services LLC. A native of Knox County, Singleton graduated from Vincennes University in 1964 with an A.S. and from Purdue University in 1966 with a B.S. in Animal Science. He received both his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Animal Science from South Dakota State University in 1968 and 1970, respectively. Singleton joined the Purdue faculty in 1970, and throughout his career was dedicated to educating swine producers about improved reproductive management techniques. He is considered a pioneer in the discipline of swine breeding because of his contributions to the broad and successful adoption of artificial insemination (AI) in the swine industry. AI revolutionized swine production since 1990, when only 5% of females were mated artificially. Currently, 85% of matings utilize AI, allowing producers to use superior sires and resulting in significant improvement of market hogs. Singleton was tireless in his pursuit of improved educational delivery. He took two sabbaticals to research distance education methods and improving employee education programs so that he could better serve his swine producer clients, and even utilized a television series to teach AI techniques across the country. During his career Singleton authored 45 research publications, more than 50 Extension publications, six videocassettes and numerous other swine breeding herd management publications, and he was selected as one of six international authors for a comprehensive CD “Reproductive Management of Pigs-Ver. II” in 2003. He conducted more than 800 educational meetings in Indiana and nationally that reached more than 80,000 attendees, and he gave invited presentations in 20 states and 10 countries on four continents. He also served on 45 graduate student committees. His professional and scholastic memberships include: American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists Association (PUCESA), Sigma Xi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Theta Kappa, Alpha Zeta, Indiana Pork Producers Association and Indiana Pork Advocacy Coalition. His leadership activities include: ASAS (Editorial Board and Chair of Extension Section); Purdue Animal Sciences Extension Coordinator (nine years); Indiana Pork Producers Executive Board (Secretary 1986-2004); National Pork Board (current member, Producer Education Committee). Singleton also served on the board of directors of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association, where he chaired the Latta Games Committee. He was faculty advisor to Chauncey Cooperative House from 1976-86. Locally he was a Battle Ground 4-H Leader, coached youth soccer and baseball, and was active with the Battle Ground Middle School PTA and was a member of the Harrison High School Vocational Educational Advisory Committee. Singleton has received many accolades for his contributions, most notably: Outstanding Alumnus, Vincennes University (1988); Meritorious Service Award, Indiana Pork Producers Association (1980); Eric Sharvelle Distinguished Extension Specialist Award, Purdue University (1988); Extension Specialists’ Award, ASAS (1997); Outstanding Teacher in Animal Sciences, Purdue School of Agriculture (2001); Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence for Educational Service to Rural People of Indiana (2003); Distinguished Service Award, National Pork Board (2007); and Pork Industry Master, National Hog Farmer Magazine (2008).
Becky Skillman (2013) - As a public servant, Becky Skillman has distinguished herself as an advocate for rural communities and for Indiana agriculture. Raised in rural Lawrence County, she was a nine-year 4-H member. Skillman began her public service career in 1977 when she was elected as the Lawrence County recorder. Eight years later, she was elected as Lawrence County clerk. During her 16 years of service to Lawrence County, she was elected as president of the Association of Indiana Counties. In 1992, Skillman was elected to the Indiana Senate, representing five southern Indiana counties. Rising quickly through the ranks, she held the second highest position as majority caucus chair, becoming the first woman in Senate Republican leadership. During her 12 years in the Senate, she led the charge to include the state's small towns and rural communities in its economic development plans. Skillman authored plans for development in distressed counties and revitalization of downtown areas. In 2005, Skillman became Indiana's 49th lieutenant governor, and the first woman elected to that office. According to the National Lieutenant Governors Association, she had more legal duties than any other lieutenant governor in the country. She managed five state agencies that administered nearly $1 billion in programs: the Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA), the Office of Energy Development, the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, the Office of Community and Rural Affairs, and the Office of Tourism Development. Additionally, she chaired the state's Counter Terrorism and Security Council, and served as president of the Indiana Senate. Skillman was instrumental in the creation of both ISDA and the Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA). OCRA was formed to give rural communities a greater degree of equality with larger cities and towns. Skillman was key to successfully forging partnerships between the newly formed ISDA and existing agricultural agencies and offices, to ensure that Indiana producers were represented effectively. Through her influence, Indiana's Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), Indiana On-Farm Network, Certified Livestock Producer Program (CLPP), and Indiana Grown program were launched. She also helped bring the FFA Association into the Indiana State Department of Agriculture. While in office, Skillman led economic trade missions that resulted in partnerships and opened up opportunities for Indiana business, including agriculture, in Central America, Taiwan, Vietnam, Mexico, China, and Japan. As lieutenant governor, Skillman launched the Hoosier Agribusiness and Science Academy program. This program allows urban students in middle school and high school to see agriculture close up and prepare them to pursue college degrees in agriculture. She championed the Indiana Grown program to brand and more easily identify Hoosier-produced goods. The program is a cooperative effort that involves producers, processors, wholesalers, retailers, and ISDA. Skillman has been recognized with numerous awards, including the 2007 Woman of Influence from the Indianapolis Business Journal, the Patriot Award for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve in 2008, and the Niagara Foundation's Lifetime Leadership Award in 2012.
J. H. Skinner (1938) - John Harrison Skinner was born at Romney, Indiana, in Tippecanoe County, March 10, 1874. After the usual routine in the public schools he entered Purdue University in 1893 and completed the four-year course in 1897, with the degree of Bachelor of Science. For two and a half years following he managed his father's grain and stock farm, after which he returned to Purdue and began work in 1899 as assistant agriculturist in the experiment station, continuing until the fall of 1901, when he went to the University of Illinois as instructor in animal husbandry for a year. Returning to Purdue, he was made associate professor of animal husbandry, then professor of animal husbandry, and was later promoted to Dean of the School of Agriculture in 1907. Skinner was the first Dean of Purdue’s School of Agriculture (1907-1939). He grew the program from one building and 150 acres to ten buildings and 1,000 acres during his tenure as dean. He was a member of the American Breeders' Association, the Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science and secretary of the Indiana Live Stock Breeders' Association.
William "Brad" Smith (2020) - “Extraordinary analytical talent, astute strategic planning ability, savvy communications skills and community service” enabled William (Brad) Smith to leave a lasting mark on his industry, says Richard Guldin, who supervised Smith for nearly 20 years at the U.S. Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program. “I know that Brad’s work contributed much to the success of the FIA program over the past 28 years as associate national program leader,” Guldin says. Before Smith retired in 2017, he spearheaded three strategic plans for the FIA program that led to the modernization of the nation’s forest census and contributed U.S. forest resource data to four global assessments by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. “Brad’s contributions to the field of forestry through FIA, through his partnership with professionals and laypeople worldwide, and through his warm and engaging personality can’t be overstated,” says Sonya Oswalt, forester, USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station. Smith considered himself an “assistant to history” in carrying out the vision of the FIA program. He studied the 50 years of forest inventory work that preceded his tenure with the Forest Service and advanced the FIA program through improvements in the science of inventory, analysis and reporting. “By the nature of our work, where inventories become part of the history and the record against which future trends and changes are measured, Brad’s work will have impact for decades and generations to come,” says Andrew Gillespie, associate director of the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Exposure Research Laboratory. While his scientific contributions to the industry were significant, including authoring or co-authoring 195 scientific and technical publications, Smith’s ability to communicate forest data across audiences allowed him to build coalitions. He developed a U.S. Forest Resource facts and trends brochure that was translated into six languages and has helped counter criticism internationally on how U.S. forests were managed. Smith received a Presidential Management Improvement Award from President Reagan in 1986 and a Presidential Award for Outstanding Volunteerism from President Clinton in 1993. “His work to advance inventory methods and our knowledge about forest resources has helped improve how we fulfill our mission of sound, sustainable forest management,” wrote Thomas Tidwell, chief of the U.S. Forest Service, in a letter to Smith upon his retirement. Smith also worked to ensure a strong and diverse workforce in the forestry industry. “Brad has been a fantastic mentor for me, always willing to share his knowledge and experience and guiding me through the early stages of my work with the forest inventory and remote sensing communities,” says Mette Wilkie, director of Forestry Policy and Resources Division, UN FAO Forestry Department. “The existing gender and ethnic diversity in the FIA program is due in no small part to Brad’s efforts,” Guldin says. “His strong coaching and mentoring skills were an effective and diplomatic means of advancing the field of forest inventory in countries which did not have a strong history in this field,” Gillespie says. “In this way he has had a positive impact on the practice of forest inventory across the globe, helping grow the current generation of practitioners in many countries.” THIS AND THAT • Korean Radio Traffic Analyst, U.S. Army Security Agency Branch of Military Intelligence, 1969-1972. • B.S., Forestry, Purdue University, 1975; M.S., Forestry, Purdue University, 1977. • Research forester, USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis, North Central Forest Experiment Station, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1977-1989. • Timber products research group leader, USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis, North Central Forest Experiment Station, 1989-1991. • U.S. representative to UN Economic Commission for Europe Team of Specialists on Monitoring Sustainable Forest Management, 1997-2017. • U.S. national correspondent to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, responsible for U.S. reporting to global forest assessments, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015. • Co-authored A History of the Forest Survey in the United States 1834- 2004, 2007. • Presented 10 seminars to Purdue students, 1997-2010. • Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts volunteer, 2017-present.
W. W. Smith (1950) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Z. M. Smith (1950) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Mary Frances Smith (1977) - Mary Frances Smith, West Lafayette, Indiana, already has a middle name. If she could use another one, it would have to be ""Dedication."" Quiet, well organized, and unassuming in her approach to her work, her personal needs and wishes have always been secondary to the good things she can do for others. A 1932 graduate of Indiana University, she taught high school vocational home economics before joining the State 4-H Club Staff at Purdue in 1950. Since that time, she has been an innovator of the highest order. For eighteen years, Mary Frances was chairman of the 4-H Roundup. Some 3000 4-Hers attend this event at Purdue each year. Figure it up. That is 54,000 young people touched by her good work. In 1958, she assumed leadership of the 4-H Exhibit Hall at the Indiana State Fair, and has built it in to a real showcase for Indiana 4-H clubbers. Many present day leaders in agriculture, business, industry, and community service can remember the training and inspiration they enjoyed while attending the 4-H Junior Leaders Conference. As you might well guess, Mary Frances Smith had that responsibility, too. For years, the Rotary Adult Leaders Training Meetings have laid the groundwork for effective, largely volunteer direction of 4-H Club activity. She was responsible for the direction of these sessions for many years. Mary Frances Smith was in charge of the 4-H Scholarships. Without the financial assistance provided through these programs, it would have been impossible for many young men and women to attend the Purdue School of Agriculture or the School of Home Economics. We've listed some of the good things that Mary Frances has done in her life. But, somehow, statistics just don't ring with the real character of Mary Frances Smith. Quotes from people whose lives have been touched by her such as ""true professional,"" ""high esteem,"" ""unlimited energies,"" ""tenacity,"" and ""dedication"" seem to describe the real essence of her life. Thank you, Mary Frances Smith.
James Smoker (2009) - James Smoker is semi-retired from Smoker Farm, his family’s beef and grain operation in LaPorte County. He is also the co-owner of Mitchell and Schoppel, the International Harvester dealer in LaCrosse, as well as co-owner of BJSS Storage in Wanatah. He was a 10-year 4-Her in his native LaPorte County and is a U.S. Army veteran (1955-56). The family farm has been under his leadership since the 1950’s, during which time he has transformed it from a typical mid-century small, diverse livestock, forage and grain farm into the highly-specialized beef cattle production farm that it is today. Smoker is a progressive farmer and cattleman, who has experimented with feed sources to improve efficiency and profitability and, recognizing the opportunities that his visible location on US 30 offers, places a premium on environmental stewardship. He built cattle handling facilities from recycled Harvestore silos to improve cattle movement and respect the welfare needs of the animals, and hosted a large Beef Field Day to demonstrate the new facility. He opened his operation to a rule-making group from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to learn about cattle feeding in the eastern Corn Belt, and he and his family assisted in the development of a video presentation on environmental compliance and new Indiana confined feeding rules. Smoker’s management practices have been featured in articles in Indiana Prairie Farmer, Nation’s Agriculture (American Farm Bureau Federation), Regional News, LaPorte Herald-Argus, South Bend Tribune and the Farmer’s Exchange. His farm has hosted the Indiana Farm Management Tour (1968); Indiana Beef Cattle Association Field Day (1981, 1996) and the Indiana Beef Evaluation and Economics Feeding (IBEEF) Program (1997-present). Smoker Farm was involved in IBEEF from its inception, feeding 144 steers from 14 producers the first year, and now having fed a total of 2,247, more than any other participating feedlot. Locally, he has served a number of organizations, including: 4-H (volunteer leader 50+ years); South Central School Board (4 years); LaPorte County Fair Board (member 1991-present; vice president 2004-present; beef superintendent 1982-1995; auction committee; chair, 20-year plan committee); LaPorte County Soil & Water Conservation District; LaPorte County Extension Council; LaPorte County Row Crop Food Producers (charter member; host, 1990 annual farm/city barbecue; Ag Days participant); Beef Cattle Association, serving ribeye steaks and promoting beef at community events; and Indiana Farm Bureau (member for 53 years; 2008 voting delegate). At the state level, Smoker has a lifetime of service as well. He was active in the Indiana Livestock Feeders Association, and played an important role in the merger that created the Indiana Beef Cattle Association (IBCA) in the early 1970’s. He has served IBCA as a director, executive council member, cattle feeder representative and as first vice president. As an IBCA volunteer, Smoker has recruited members for both state and national cattle organizations, and he has cooked Hoosier Ribeyes for activities throughout the state to promote beef and support IBCA’s programs. Smoker has received a number of awards and recognition including: IBCA Outstanding Cattleman (1989); IBCA Lifetime Achievement Award (2000); Indiana Prairie Farmer Master Farmer (1996); Indiana 4-H Foundation 50th Clover for 50 years of volunteer leadership (2003) and Certificate of Recognition for invaluable contribution to the State of Indiana from U.S. Senators Richard Lugar and Dan Coats (1996).
Charles Snyder (1948) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Thomas E. Springstun (2015) - Tom Springstun is a native of Spencer County, Indiana. He graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in animal science in 1977, and earned his M.S. in extension education in 1981. He began a career with the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service in the fall of 1977, a career that would last 35 years until he retired in 2012. During his tenure, he served Clark, Greene, and Scott counties. At the time of his retirement, he was the County Extension Director in Floyd County where he served as an educator for both Ag and Natural Resources and Economic and Community Development. From 2003 until his retirement, he also served as the Area 2 Aquaculture Specialist. Springstun led many innovative programs during his career and was continually participating in educational development programs that expanded his areas of expertise. He has numerous achievements in the area of recycling, resulting mostly from the necessity his community faced in the late 1990s. In 1997, the Scott County Commissioners came to Springstun to enlist his help in creating a local Trash Force. The county landfill had become full, and the county had to contract with a waste hauler to dispose of residents' waste. The cost of disposal was increasing each year, and the state was about to require a reduction in such things as yard waste being discarded in the regular trash stream. Springstun enlisted the help of five other community leaders, and the group came up with ideas that he presented to the county commissioners. The commissioners approved their ideas, and Springstun led the implementation of the project. A free countywide recycling program was created. Outside the Purdue Extension- Scott County Office, Springstun constructed various demonstration composting structures. He conducted numerous instructional programs on proper composting and recycling methods. He encouraged enough people to participate in recycling that it became a profitable business for a contractor. The county hired a firm to operate the same four drop-off locations each week, plus every day at the county transfer station. The net result was a savings for the county, and more responsible management of waste by residents. For his efforts to establish the recycling program, Springstun received the Governor's Recycling Task Force recognition for Outstanding Recycling Program in 1999. Springstun went on to develop a recycling curriculum called "Saving the Environment Saves $$;'which teaches the importance of recycling and provides specialized information about how to prepare bottles, cans, and other items for recycling. He also coordinated spring and fall recycling events for harder-to-recycle items such as freoncontaining appliances, tires, car batteries, and mercury. Another area in which Springstun has distinguished himself is aquaculture education. Aquaculture production holds promising opportunities to be profitable primary or secondary ventures for farmers, opportunities that might be especially beneficial to those with marginal croplands or with small land holdings. Springstun became a leader in promoting aquaculture to his clients and took the initiative to learn as much as he could about the best practices of the industry. Some of the significant aquaculture programs in which he participated include the Extension Educators Aquaculture Team training in Ohio in 2005, the Growing Power training in Wisconsin in 2006, an IP video training from Missouri on Barn Conversions in 2007, the Financing Aquaculture Workshop in Indianapolis in 2008, and a Recirculating Aquaculture Short Course in Virginia in 2008. Springstun applied for and received a $1,000 scholarship from the National Association of County Agricultural Agents Association (NACAA) in 2009, which he used to pay for the graduate level on line course, Principles of Aquaculture, from Kentucky State University under the instruction of Dr. James Tidwell. Springstun was a member of the Purdue Aquatic Sustainable Seafood (PASS) team that presented three webinars and a two-day workshop in 2011 for clients interested in aquaculture ventures, specifically how to take the next step into processing. Springstun developed and taught the Fresh Water Prawn Workshop in 2005, 2006, and 2007 in Scottsburg, Martinsville, and Sellersburg, and a 2006 Beginning Aquaculture Workshop in Scottsburg. For more than six years he assisted a Floyd County farmer in establishing a system to raise fresh water shrimp, a venture that expanded after three years to also include raising tilapia. Wherever he has served, Springstun has forged partnerships that improved and strengthened the county. In Scott County, he worked with local government to implement the first Leadership Scott County program. Also in Scott County, Springstun helped to develop the county government's website into a more robust, user-friendly platform, and was a key player in establishing the YMCA and Lifelong Learning Center. In Floyd County, he assisted with the Southern Indiana Botanical Society (SIBS) and directed the Sunnyside Master Gardener program. He contributed to the Floyd County Program of Excellence, "Eat Your Way to Better Health" and conducted professional horticulture seminars at Indiana University Southeast in New Albany. In 2010 he was recognized for his economic development work presenting a series of free workshops to help improve the productivity of Floyd County companies. Springstun has received numerous awards for his professional achievements including National Association of County Agricultural Agents Association (NACAA) Achievement Award (1986), Indiana Extension Educators Association (IEEA) Team Award (1993), IEEA Ag Senior Award (1994), IEEA Ag Innovator Award (1997), Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) National Conservation Committee recognition for Outstanding Achievement (1998), Governor's Recycling Task Force's Outstanding Recycling Program (1999), IEEA Leadership and Community Development Career Award (2003), IEEA Leadership and Community Development Innovator Award (2004), NACAA Distinguished Service Award (2005), IEEA Ag and Natural Resources Career Award (2006), and IEEA Economic and Community Development Individual Award (2010). In 1996, Spring stun was chosen as one of five Scott County citizens to participate in the relay of the Olympic Torch as it passed through the county on its way to Atlanta, Georgia, for the 1996 Summer Olympic Games.
Clarence L. Spuller (1973) - Clarence L. Spuller, Plymouth, Indiana, is, in every sense of the word, a county agent's county agent. His long tenure as county extension agent in Rush County (1943 to 1966) endeared him to the farmers, homemakers, and 4-Hers of the community. He truly devoted his total existence to his people. Most every night, after an extension meeting was over, you could find the lights on in the courthouse. There was Clarence Spuller, writing a news release on the day’s happenings, and getting things organized for the next day. Clarence graduated from the Purdue School of Agriculture in 1929. He taught vocational agriculture for a year then returned to Purdue to work for his Master's Degree, which he earned in 1932. He then taught vocational agriculture again until 1936 when he joined the Farm Security Administration in Vincennes. His organizational skills were an example to be emulated throughout the nation. His Rush County Extension Committee consisted of about 100 people from all segments of the community. He made extensive use of people in all his programs. He was a farmer's county agent, too. He was a respected technologist in the crops, hogs, and beef cattle for which Rush County is so famous. In one typical year, Spuller assisted in carrying out 340 meetings, helped 62 farmers with overall farm plans, and provided specific aid to 1851 farmer problems. In 1966, Clarence Spuller was transferred to Plymouth, Indiana where he led an active and effective program for community development in northwestern Indiana. He retired in July, 1972. We thank Clarence Spuller for a full life - full because he gave it to others.
Marion H. Stackhouse (1984) - Marion Stackhouse, a farmer from Westfield, received a B.S. degree from Purdue University in 1947 after serving as a field artillery officer in World War II. He currently serves as president of Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc., having been elected to that position in 1976. Before, Stackhouse served 14 years as director of the organization's commodity department. Earlier he served as a Farm Bureau field man in northeastern Indiana and as a vocational agriculture teacher in Kosciusko County. During his years as head of Indiana Farm Bureau, the organization's program of service to farmers has been strengthened significantly. A national affairs committee was established and an administrative department head was hired for the women's program. A family advisory service and a commodity promotion workshop were established. Indiana Farm Bureau joined with Indiana Farm Bureau Cooperative Association and several other U.S. co-ops to invest in an international grain trading company. He has served as a member of the dairy, swine and beef advisory committees to the State Board of Health, the executive committee of Indiana Pork Producers, and the Purdue Dean of Agriculture's Advisory Council"" among many other functions. While serving. Indiana agriculture in many ways Stackhouse has retained his active interest in farming, has encouraged young farmers and has joined his family in carrying on their leadership in local church and community affairs.
William J. Stadelman (1999) - William J. Stadelman is respected worldwide as an expert and a leader in the poultry industry. He has been called ""a giant in his field"" by Purdue food science department head Phil Nelson and ""the father of scientific applications in the poultry food industry"" by Ken May, technical advisor of the National Broiler Council. His impact on the poultry products industry ill Indiana, and truly that of the world, is far-reaching. Stadelman graduated from Washington State University with a B.S. in agriculture in 1940. He earned a master's degree in wildlife management and a Ph.D. in biochemistry, both from Pennsylvania State University in 1942 and 1948, respectively. He is professor emeritus of animal sciences at Purdue, having been an active faculty member from 1955 to 1983. ""Bill was a ""student's teacher,"" both at the undergraduate and graduate levels,"" recalls Earl Butz, Purdue dean emeritus of agriculture. ""He was an inspirer and an innovator,"" And he was prolific in both his teaching and research efforts. Stadelman trained 47 researchers personally. Today, more than 75% of the researchers working on poultry products in the U.S. can trace their training back to him. His students have assumed management and leadership positions in academia and industry. ""The poultry industry has benefited from his superior research, his role as an educator, and his expertise in the fields of egg nutrition, egg products and poultry meat products,"" said Franklin Perdue, chairman of Perdue Farms, Inc.'s executive committee. ""His distinct research and service to agriculture over the years have been beyond the call of duty and are recognized internationally. "" Stadelman held numerous national and international leadership positions within his profession. He served as president of the Poultry Science Association (PSA) in 1977 and was on the executive committee from 1973 to 1979. He was chairman of the division on Refrigerated and Frozen Foods of the Institute of Food Technologists (lFT) from 1973 to 1975. He was chairman of the Indiana Section of 1FT in 1973. And, from 1971 to 1973 he was the international president of the food science honorary Phi Tau Sigma. Throughout his career he provided exemplary service and support to Indiana producers and processors. ""Dr. Stadelman has always been there for us, whether it was a problem or an opportunity,"" said Maple Leaf Farms president Terry Tucker. ""He has worked closely and outstandingly with Maple Leaf Farms on many projects and problems related to production and processing of our products, development of new products, and involvement in various food safety issues."" Stadelman's accomplishments have been honored many times by his peers. He was elected a fellow of three organizations: the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1963); the Institute of Food Technologies (1971); and the Poultry Science Association (1976). The Indiana State Poultry Association awarded him the Golden Egg award in 1976 and elected him to an honorary life membership in 1981. The Indiana Section of 1FT gave him its Service award in 1979 and its Scientific Achievement award in 1980. In 1992 he was elected to the American Poultry Hall of Fame. ""It is no surprise that Indiana is a leader in egg and poultry products,"" says Nelson. ""Dr. Stadelman has been at the center of teams that have made this happen. Bill has touched each Indiana processor and has been a national and world champion for their value added products. There is no question that Dr. Stadelman has left his mark on Indiana and the world.
Gary G. Standiford (2010) - Gary Standiford is co-owner of SDF Farms, a grain farming operation based in Tippecanoe County, Indiana, and co-owner of DCI Development LLP, a commercial real estate development corporation. A native of Daviess County, Standiford graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Food Science in 1960. After graduating from Purdue, Standiford worked for FMC Corporation as a Senior Application Engineer. In 1965 he joined his wife Connie’s family in their farming operation, Daugherty Farms, and relocated to Tippecanoe County. Under his and Connie’s leadership, the farming operation transitioned out of its livestock enterprises and grew the grain production to include specialty grains and increased production into three counties. Standiford grew the farm by adopting new technology. He has some of the first GPS yield data collected in Indiana and he was one of the first growers in the state to take delivery of seed corn in bulk containers. He has been a cooperator with Purdue University, seed companies and other entities to test new technologies on his farm. As Lafayette’s growth extended toward their farming operation, Standiford set up a real estate development company to manage the growth and to develop the property along the corridor of 350 South. As both the farming and real estate businesses have grown, Standiford has brought the next generation of family members into the operation in various roles to insure the continuity of the family’s businesses. Standiford has served the agricultural and Lafayette communities in many roles. He is founder and past president of the Tippecanoe County Grain Producers Association and has served on the Ag Committee of the Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce. While serving on the Tippecanoe County Extension Board, he served on the committee to establish the county demonstration plots and he served as a member of the Building Commission for the Tippecanoe County Extension Office. He also served on the Building Commission for the Tippecanoe County Jail. As a member of a statewide committee of the Indiana Soybean Association Board, he helped to establish the state’s soybean check-off program. He is a former member of: Lafayette Coop Advisory Council; Vocational-Agriculture Adult Education Advisory Council; Farm Credit Services Tippecanoe County Advisory Board; and the Wea Township Advisory Board. As a member of the board of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association from 1991 to 2009, Standiford founded the very successful Area IX Wabash Bash Golf Outing. The outing now draws more than 200 golfers; has a waiting list for participants; and has significantly raised the visibility of Purdue Ag Alumni in the community. At the time the outing was established, Purdue Agriculture was strategically increasing international study experiences for students, so Standiford directed the event’s proceeds to scholarships for Purdue agriculture students to study abroad. Standiford is active in the Stidham United Methodist Church where he is a member of the Board of Trustees and the Jasper Stidham Endowment.
Lawrence W. Stauffer (2006) - Lawrence Stauffer is a veterinarian in private practice in Carroll County, Indiana. A graduate of Perry High School in Lake County, Ohio in 1954 and came to Purdue to study farm management, vegetable production and pre-veterinary medicine. He received his B.S. degree in Horticulture Sciences in 1958. (Purdue did not have a School of Veterinary Medicine at that time.) After five years of service in the U. S. Army Transportation Corps, Stauffer returned to Purdue and received his D.V.M. degree in 1967. Immediately after vet school, Stauffer worked in Goshen, New York in a dairy cattle and race horse practice. In December 1968 he purchased the practice of Dr. E. S. Emerson in Delphi, and has made his career in that community and in that practice. Stauffer is a committed practitioner of veterinary medicine who has given selflessly to support his profession and his community. In the 1970’s he worked with the late Dr. John Bush in developing the pseudorabies vaccine that was produced and distributed by Norton Laboratories, thus making a significant contribution to the swine industry and to Carroll County, the largest swine producing county in Indiana. Stauffer is described by his nominators as “an old time practitioner of veterinary medicine,” delivering service to his community, his county and his state “out of a sense of duty with minimal regard for whether or not it is profitable.” Though not as profitable as clinic treatment of sick animals, he continues to make farm calls to treat livestock, a practice that is becoming more of a rarity in the veterinary profession. His professional service includes membership for 8 years on the Indiana State Board of Veterinary Examiners, including serving as chairman; member of the Indiana Controlled Substances Advisory Committee; member of the Indiana Swine Health Advisory Committee during the pseudorabies eradication effort; member for more than 10 years of the Advisory Committee to the Purdue Animal Disease and Diagnostic Laboratory; and member of the district, Indiana and the American Veterinary Medical Associations. He is a strong advocate of 4-H and youth, and for the past 15 years has coordinated and led the team of practitioners who provide care to animals at the Indiana State Fair. In this role he has been instrumental in implementing the Fair’s drug testing program for all livestock species, and the microchip identification of champions, that has deterred widespread use of illegal substances in Indiana State Fair shown livestock. He receives no compensation for this service. Stauffer has served his community in many roles, as well. He is a member of Delphi Presbyterian Church. He has served as an elected Board Member for the Delphi Community School Corporation for two consecutive four year terms and has served as board chairman. He served three terms on the Carroll County Extension Board, and was its president. Currently Stauffer is a member of the Carroll County Board of Health, serves as the Carroll County Veterinarian, and provides the county with a low cost shelter for unwanted and stray animals. In 2001 Stauffer was elected into the Carroll County Agriculture Hall of Fame, a select group of agricultural producers and business people who have contributed significantly to making Carroll County a better place to live ad raise a family.
Jane Ade Stevens (2011) - Jane Ade Stevens is an “agricultural doer”, as one nominator stated. She currently works as the Senior Director of Programs for Indiana Soybean Alliance, Indiana Corn Marketing Council, and Indiana Corn Growers Association. She has also been called upon to serve as the Interim Executive Director for these groups. Jane graduated from Purdue with a B.S in Agriculture and was a member of the first graduate class from the Indiana Agricultural Leadership Program. Jane has committed her professional career to serving agriculture. Her career has been one of communicating the importance of Indiana agriculture; of promoting Indiana farmers and their products; and defending agriculture against opposition groups of modern farming practices. One of the aspects that draw people to Jane is how passionate she is with sharing agriculture’s story with the non-agriculture public. Jane has exhibited this passion through her extensive career in agriculture. She has led producer trade missions to other countries to promote Indiana’s agricultural commodities. These missions also developed farmer spokespersons to educate fellow farmers on the importance of foreign markets and trade. When Jim Moseley was appointed Assistant Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment for the USDA, Jane was his first choice as Chief of Staff. Jane has also contributed to the Indiana State Fair by managing the Pioneer Our Land Pavilion and the Agriculture/Horticulture Building Exhibits. Her passion has also led her to help others spread the message and importance of agriculture. She has spent countless hours working with members of 4-H, FFA, the Indiana Ag Leadership Program, and the Center for Agricultural Heritage and Science to develop leaders for the future. Jane also helps Indiana livestock producers develop skills to defend their right to operate using modern agricultural practices. This was so important to her that she founded the Indiana Livestock Alliance. Additionally she gives her time and service to numerous organizations dedicated to communication within agriculture. She is a member of the American Association of Agricultural Editors, National Farm Broadcasters Association, and Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow as well as various leadership boards.
Allison E. Stewart (1951) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
A. C. Stewart (1957) - Mr. Stewart was born on a Rush county farm in 1888. His rearing took place on a farm a short distance from Greensburg in Decatur County. Because of the stress of financial difficulties, Mr. Stewart’s formal education was limited to grade school. He has, however, been an excellent example in what can be done by those willing to educate themselves. The present Stewart farm was purchased in 1920. At that time it was a run down, dilapidated, tract of land. He proved to himself and many others that good management, good fertilization, and good seeds could prosper the depleted and rundown areas of that community. His farm has been the sight of many extension schools and demonstrations for that area. This has resulted in the selling of improvement programs to many in that area. Perhaps Mr. Stewart’s outstanding contributions have been in the field of seed corn improvement. He was a pioneer in the production of hybrid seed in Indiana. Not only have the efforts of his corn production been appreciated as seed but they have won ribbon after ribbon in national and international competition. His character is above reproach, his industry equal to any, and his community contributions a monument to his philosophy.
L. L. Stewart (1961) - LEWIS L. STEWART, Frankfort, born on a farm near Battleground, graduated from the Purdue School of Agriculture in 1925. He taught vocational agriculture for short spans at Montmorenci and Klondike before moving to Crawfordsville. There, he taught for seventeen years and developed one of the most comprehensive vocational agriculture departments in the state. In 1945, he returned to his first love--farming. He rented a large farm near Kirklin and launched a large scale purebred Hampshire Swine operation. In 1954, he purchased a 330-acre farm near Frankfort. He now produces 3000 to 3500 purebred Hampshires a year. About half of these are sold for breeding stock. His production practices are recognized to be among the most progresssive and efficient in the land. Many a farmer, writer, and educator has journeyed to his farm to see how it's done. ""Lou"" has served as a state director for our Purdue Ag Alumni Association and as state president from 1952 to 1955. He was president of the Indiana Hampshire Breeders Association, was one of the prime promoters of the Swine Evaluation Station and one of the founders of the swine health program for Indiana. The Certificate of Distinction is our way of recognizing an outstanding farmer and agricultural leader, L. L. ""Lou"" Stewart.
R. B. Stewart (1961) - Robert Bruce Stewart, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees from July 1, 1933 to July 1, 1935, served as controller of the University since November 1925. During that period he became a recognized leader among the business officers of colleges and universities of the state and nation. After graduation from the Carlton County, MN schools he taught in the Houghton, MN public schools. He later served as a const accountant before enrolling at the University of Wisconsin. He graduated from Wisconsin in 1923 and three years later obtained his masters degree. From 1923 to 1925 he was a business manager and teacher in Albion College, Albion, MI. In addition to serving on various boards at Purdue, he taught classes in accounting. Mr. Stewart served as past president of state and national associations of college and university business officers. He was also the secretary-treasurer of the Purdue Research Foundation; secretary-treasurer of Better Homes, Inc.; and treasurer of the Ross-Ade Foundation. He was a former secretary-treasurer of the Varsity Realty Corporation of Lafayette; president of Food Shippers Dispatch, Inc.; director of Standard Life Insurance Company; director of the Purdue Student Housing Corporation; and president of the Central Presbyterian Church Realty Company.
Dr. Albert P. Stewart (1967) - ""Singing is one of the outward manifestations of happiness, so it follows naturally that a singing world will be a happy world."" - Dr. Albert P. Stewart In the case of Dr. Albert P. Stewart, West Lafayette, Indiana, we won't talk about theoretical beliefs, abstract academic training, or basic research motives. We will talk about love for people, a deeply ingrained faith in mankind, a clear-cut ideal, and a man who drives hard to achieve his goal. From Forest, Indiana to Hollywood's Palladium, from Llangoll en, Wales to Alma, Michigan, from the Indiana Society of Chicago to obscure community concerts, people have been made a little happier by the Purdue Varsity Glee Club. The Glee Club is not just a glee club - it is the characterization of the goals and the ideals of Al Stewart. Without the other, neither would be the same, but together they epitomize the ultimate in musical joy. The son of a Methodist minister, Dr. Stewart attended Purdue and DePauw Universities. In 1960, he received an Honorary Doctor of Music from DePauw. In 1933, he joined the Purdue staff as director of the Purdue Musical Organizations. He developed this rather obscure extracurricular area into one of the nations great musical organizations - all in the midst of a large technical and scientific university. Tell people that Purdue does not have a school of music - they won't believe you. The Purdue Musical Organizations now embraces The Famous Varsity Glee Club, The Purduettes, The Collegiate Singers, The University Choir, music teachers, specialty acts, and a host of other unselfish ventures. There's no doubt about it, the world is a happier place because of the work of Dr. Albert P. Stewart.
Gilman C. Stewart (1985) - Gilman Stewart is a 1939 graduate of the School of Agriculture, and received an honorary doctorate of agriculture in 1974. John Stewart is a 1941 graduate of the school, and also received an honorary doctorate in 1974. After World War II, the brothers formed a partnership with their father, Arthur, to farm and continue the seed business Arthur had founded in 1918. Stewart Seeds, Inc., was incorporated in 1976, and produces hybrid seed corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, barley and small grain seeds for sale throughout the Corn Belt, and export to foreign nations. The two families also maintain an outstanding herd of registered Angus cattle. The Stewarts have been outstanding supporters of Greenburg and Decatur County where the family farm is located. They are active in their church, the county Farm Bureau Cooperative Association, the Decatur County Bank Board of Directors, and the Decatur County Extension Committee. Gilman has served as State Fair Board president.
John A. Stewart (1985) - John serves on the national board of the American Soybean Association, is a life member of the Indiana Crop Improvement Association, and has served many years on the Agricultural Alumni Seed Improvement Association. John is also a member of the Purdue Board of Trustees, and serves on the School of Agriculture Dean’s Advisory Committee. Gilman served as the first president, 1974-76, of the Indiana 4-H Foundation after reorganization in 1969. He also served as director and president of the American Angus Association. Both Stewarts have been recognized by many awards and honors. In 1972 they were nominated to the Purdue Livestock Hall of Fame. They have received the Decatur County Extension Certificate of Distinction and the Greensburg Chamber of Commerce “Community Service Award.” Both were named Indiana Prairie Farmer Master Farmers in 1974.
Kevin Still (2022) - By the early 1990s, farmer-owned cooperatives could boast of a century of progress. But financial fault lines were showing, and Kevin Still knew it. Kevin Still is a visionary who has the incredible ability to lead in the agribusiness industry. Co-Alliance Cooperative has thrived because of Kevin’s strategic direction and innovative ideas. A former general manager of Pulaski County Co-op, Still was president and chief executive of Midland Co-op from 1989 to 2002. He engineered a series of mergers and consolidations that created Co-Alliance, which he has led since 2002. Such mergers and consolidations are very challenging to execute. A billion-dollar corporation and one of the nation’s larger farmer-owned input supply cooperatives, Co-Alliance is based in Avon, Indiana, and has more than 1,000 employees and 80-plus locations in Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio. It deals in energy, agronomy, grain marketing and swine/animal nutrition. Early on, Kevin realized that farmer-owned cooperatives were going to need to adapt and grow if they were to remain competitive in a rapidly changing agricultural business environment. Change was essential if these farmer-owned businesses were to continue to provide the benefits to farmers that they had made possible for decades. Still’s roots were planted in the Drummer silty clay loam soil of Illinois, but his unrivaled passion for agriculture, service and leadership has a long and remarkable history here in Indiana. Kevin is completely devoted to the progress of agriculture and to the success of America’s farmers. He is fervent about giving Co-Alliance farmer-owners a consistent voice and representing the ag and energy industries enthusiastically. Even though Still is a University of Iowa graduate, he truly exemplifies what it means to be a Boilermaker. He seeks to improve or enhance something or someone to its full potential. He has been assertive toward innovative ideas that have moved the Indiana agricultural industry forward.
William Stinson (2004) - Bill Stinson served on Gov. Evan Bayh’s administrative staff before being named as the Executive Director of the Indiana State Fair. He graduated from Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH. Although Bill has no agricultural background, he is truly dedicated to the progress and growth of the Indiana State Fair. Under his direction, the fair and fairgrounds has shown steady improvement. He was able to secure a bond sale shortly after September 11, 2001 that has since gone on to improve the West Pavilion, the East Pavilion, and refurbishing the 4-H Boys Dorm and 4-H Exhibit Hall. Bill has also worked to update and beautify the Pioneer Village “The Showplace of Our Early Heritage to Agriculture”. Before his appointment, the fairgrounds and the fair itself were in a dilapidated state. However with Stinson at the helm the State Fairgrounds is a beautiful place that hosts events year round. The Fair itself has more exhibits, parades, livestock shows, and increasingly larger crowds. As an administrator he is sensitive to his staff’s individual skills and gifts. He allows them to utilize their gifts for the benefit of the team. He considers himself as a member of the team, not the taskmaster. Other organizations have recognized his talents and have appointed him to serve on the International Association of Fair and Expos Security Committee. Fairs and expos across the country have implemented his ideas to protect their patrons. Stinson has worked hard to promote the agriculture industry and earned the respect of countless Hoosiers along the way.
Martin Stob (1992) - Stob, a professor of animal sciences, is a 1949 graduate in animal husbandry, and also earned a master's and doctorate degrees in reproductive physiology at Purdue. He was cited for his teaching and counseling work, and for his teaching and research. Former students cited Stob for providing a stimulating environment, enlightening discussion, and for ""his genuine interest in his subject and his enthusiasm for teaching."" Four times he was•honored by the student government and the School of Agriculture as the best agriculture teacher and the Purdue Debris once named him one of the most popular professors. He was named best counselor by the school and the university, and was honored by FarmHouse fraternity, Omicron Delta Kappa and Reamers. He was elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Stob has spent 49 years as a student and teacher at Purdue, and will retire in May. He has authored some 44 scientific papers on anabolic steroid hormone research and plant estrogens. At Purdue, Stob has served as chairman of an ad hoc committee on graduation requirements and Cl;lfriculum revision, and chairman of the university's educational policy committee. In the Department of Animal Science Stob has served as chairman for the IX Biennial Symposium on Animal Reproduction, the Animal Science Resource Center, the course and curriculum revision committee, and coordinator of the Animal House. He chaired the department's teaching committee, and served as the department's teaching coordinator. He has also served on the Cattle Feeders Day and the Farm Science days Committees. Stob has served on the university's Animal Care Committee, Student Freedom Responsibility and Integrity Committee, as an elected member of the Purdue University Senate where he served as chairman of the Educational Policy Committee, and as chairman of the subcommittees on ROTC and for revision of the academic calendar. He has also served as a faculty member of the Student Advisory Board for the Division of Recreation Sports. Stob is a member of a number of honorary societies, and has served as an advisor to a number of student organizations as well as FarmHouse Fraternity. He is also listed in Who's Who in Amenca.
Donald H. Strietelmeier (1992) - Strietelmeier was cited for his soil and water conservation efforts, on his farm and with many local, area and state boards, committees and organizations. Strietelmeier farms over 600 acres in Bartholomew County where he has reduced erosion to ""T by 2000"" standards. He has built a number of erosion control structures, tile systems, and grassy waterways, and uses chisel plowing, notillage farm methods, pasture seeding, winter cover crops and crop rotations. Strietelmeier has also provided community leadership. Strietelmeier served as state president of the Indiana Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors, as supervisor and all other offices with the Bartholomew County Soil and Water Conservation District, and continues to serve as an assistant supervisor. He served as state president of the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, and was responsible for initiating the ""No Fall Tillage of Soybean Stubble"" campaign. In 1983 Strietelmeier was appointed to the Governor's Soil Resources Study Commission, which originated the ""T by 2000"" program. He was also appointed to the Governor's Commission on Water Management and served as chairman of the region's Water Quality Policy Advisory committee. He serves on the Department of Environmental Management Solid Waste Board, the steering committee of Soil and Water Conservation Partners, Inc., and is chairman of the Soil and Water Study Committee for the Indiana Agriculture Institute. He served as the first chairman of the Bartholomew County Drainage Board, and continues to serve as vicechairman. He has served as president of the Bartholomew County Farm Bureau, the chairman of the Bartholomew County Modern Farmers. He served on the Bartholomew County Extension Board, and has made many trips to Washington, D.C., to meet with congressmen and congressional committees on soil conservation. Strietelmeier has been honored several times for his conservation work. He received the Rural Service Award from the Bartholomew County Chamber of Commerce, the Indiana Rural Development Award, and the Gilman O'Neal Outstanding Conservation Farmer Award. Twice he received the Q.G. Noblitt Memorial Award for Conservation of Natural Resources.
Terry D. Strueh (2009) - Terry Strueh retired in 2008 as Vice President of Governmental Relations for Purdue University, capping a 39-year career at the university. A native of Vanderburgh County, Strueh graduated from Purdue University in 1969 with a B.S. in Agriculture. Strueh began his Purdue career as a county extension agent for the Purdue Cooperative Extension Agent upon his graduation from Purdue. He served for seven years (1969-76) with Purdue Extension before entering administration for Purdue’s College of Agriculture. In 1997 he was named Director of Agricultural Services and Regulation, with responsibilities as a liaison for the regulatory functions that report to the Dean of Agriculture, including of the Office of the State Chemist, as well as the Animal Disease and Diagnostic Laboratory. He served as the Dean of Agriculture’s representative to Indiana’s commodity organization boards, and represented Indiana on regional and national department of agriculture professional organizations. In this role, Strueh was also the College of Agriculture’s liaison to Purdue’s Office of State (now Governmental) Relations, and was Purdue Agriculture’s chief representative to members of the Indiana General Assembly. It was in this role that Strueh worked on behalf of the agriculture industry and Purdue University, helping legislators understand the impact of various legislation and regulations on Indiana agriculture and the state’s colleges and universities. He worked extensively with the Purdue Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching (PCARET), and during his tenure PCARET became a model for CARET organizations across the country, with an extensive network of volunteers and activity at the local, district, state and national levels on behalf of Purdue Agriculture. In 1992, Strueh left the College of Agriculture to become Purdue’s Director of State Legislative Services, continuing his work providing information to members of the Indiana General Assembly on behalf of Purdue. In 1996 he was named Assistant Vice President for State Relations, and in 1999 became Vice President for State (later, Governmental) Relations, the position he held until his retirement. As Vice President, Strueh was responsible for coordinating relationships and communication with the Indiana Congressional delegation and the legislative and executive branches of Indiana state government. He also served as the university liaison with the Indiana Commission for Higher Education. Strueh’s professional activities include serving as a delegate to the Second World Food Conference of the United Nations at The Hague, Netherlands (1972). In 1973 he was a member of the advisory panel of world food issues for the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. He was active in the Midwest Association of State Departments of Agriculture (MASDA), serving successively as secretary-treasurer, vice president and president from 1977-80, and served the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) as vice-president and president in 1991 and 1992, respectively. He was a member of NASDA’s standing committees on Marketing and Agricultural Development, Plant Industry, and Dairy, Food and Drug. Strueh was appointed to the USDA Meat and Poultry Inspection Advisory Committee from 1987-89, and has served on federal government advisory committees for the FDA, EPA and Bureau of the Census. He also chaired the US States-Canadian Provinces Agriculture Accord. Currently, he is serving as a member of the Midwestern Higher Education Compact (term of appointment 2008-12), where he is a member of the Executive Committee. His community service includes an extensive list of activities on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and FarmHouse Fraternity. He served the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association in many capacities, including treasurer, vice president (1986-88) and president (1988-90). In 1989 he was selected to chair the search committee for the Executive Secretary when Mauri Williamson announced his retirement. Williamson credits Strueh for the important role he played in orchestrating a successful transition in the association’s leadership. Strueh served on the board of directors of the Purdue Alumni Association (1990-92), and has been active and held a number of offices at the Immanuel United Church of Christ in Lafayette. In 1975 Strueh was honored by the Purdue chapter of FarmHouse Fraternity with the Snyder Award for his contributions to the growth and development of the fraternity. Indiana Farm Bureau honored him in December 2008 with the President’s Distinguished Service Award for his career of service to the university, the farmers of Indiana and the whole agricultural community.
Ned H. Stump (2005) - Ned Stump was the first vocational agriculture teacher at the newly formed Prairie Heights Community School Corporation in 1963, a position he held for 37 years until retiring in 2000. A native of Noble County, Stump graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Agricultural Education in 1961. After serving in the U.S. Air Force, Stump returned to Indiana, accepted the Prairie Heights teaching position and began graduate studies at Purdue, receiving his M.S. in 1965. The crown jewel of Stump’s educational career was the “land laboratory” that he developed on the 230-acre Prairie Heights School Farm in LaGrange and Steuben counties, judged by many to be the state’s most outstanding outdoor laboratory. Stump used the farm and woodlands to develop numerous environmental and agricultural learning opportunities for students. In addition to the usual crop, livestock, forestry and wildlife management activities, Stump’s students established a full scale community agriculture museum, used timber proceeds to build a community center, and developed and conducted a full curriculum of outdoor safety programs for all 5th through 8th graders. Conservation education was emphasized, as students worked with the Soil Conservation Service to develop a long-range land use plan. For more than 32 years, Stump recorded data daily as an observer for the National Weather Service, with students using the data to work on a number of weather projects. Stump was active in numerous state and national educational and vocational organizations, and was president of the Indiana Vocational Association (1996) and the Indiana Vocational Agriculture Teachers (1972) and Vice President of the Environmental Education Association of Indiana. He served on the boards of the Indiana FFA Foundation, the National Agricultural Hall of Fame. He has served numerous community organizations, and has been president of the LaGrange County 4-H Association (4 terms), the Stroh Lions Club (2 terms), chairman of the LaGrange County Board of Zoning Appeals, and vice president of the LaGrange County Community Foundation. For 35 years he has served as Oliver Lake Conservation Camp Director and Advisor, and for 42 years he has served in numerous capacities as a teacher, musician and choir member of Apostolic Temple Church. Stump had an exemplary career in education, and his many honors include: National Vocational Agricultural Teachers Association Outstanding Professional Activities (1973), Honorary State FFA degree (1975), Honorary American Farmer Degree (1976), Indiana Environmental Conservation Teacher of the Year (1983); “Proven Sire” Teacher of Teachers Award (1990); Prairie Heights Teacher of the Year (1997) and the Holm Award from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2000). He received Distinguished Service Awards from both the Indiana FFA Foundation (1991) and the Indiana FFA (1996).
Alan L. Sutton (2008) - Alan Sutton is Professor of Animal Sciences at Purdue University where he has served on the faculty since 1971. Sutton received his B.S. and M.S. from Iowa State University. He earned his Ph.D. from Cornell University in. Sutton is known nationally as a pioneer and an active leader in the relatively young field of nutrient management. His research has focused on determining management practices to utilize animal manures as a resource and to minimize the threat of pollution from animal manures. In his early career he worked to identify factors affecting nutrient composition of manures and the effect of manure application rates and methods on soils and crop production. He did on-farm studies with cooperators to get “real life” data for his studies. Recent research has focused on diet manipulation to reduce nutrient outputs and to reduce odor emissions from manure. One nominator said of Sutton that he had “helped establish Purdue University as one of the “places to go” for key environmental research and extension.” Sutton’s extension programs have focused on communicating current information on nutrient management to producers, consultants, industry, and other extension professionals. Among his most notable extension publications is the national curriculum on waste management he and Dr. Don Jones developed with USDA, EPA, NRCS, MWPS, LPES and many land grant universities. While on sabbatical with NRCS, Sutton assisted in developing the Nation Conservation Practice 592 (Feed Management Standard) and produced a series of technical fact sheets for its implementation. He is currently co-leader of a project to develop a curriculum for implementation of the 592 Standard. As a counselor, Sutton serves as academic advisor to 20 to 25 students per year. For eight years he has been co-instructor for the Animal Industry Travel Study course, and he guest lectures in the department’s swine, poultry and dairy production courses. He teams with Professor Don Jones to teach ASM 333, Farmstead Planning, a popular class that addresses planning for efficiency as well as nutrient management, storage, disposal, and budgeting methods. Sutton also serves as an advisor to the Animal Sciences Ambassadors. His service to Purdue students extends outside the classroom, as well. Since 1972 Sutton has served as a House Advisor to Fairway Cooperative, a housing unit for Christian men that currently houses between 55 and 60 students. Sutton’s professional memberships and service activities are numerous. He is a member and past board member of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS); past chair of the Environment, Waste Management and Ecosystem committee of the Federation of Animal Science Societies; current member of the National Pork Board’s Environment Committee; domain editor of Environmental Stewardship for the Pork Information Gateway of the U.S. Pork Center of Excellence; and is a cooperator with the Livestock and Poultry Learning Center. He has helped establish the National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management, and he frequently is called upon to lead regional and national committees and task forces and to provide Congressional briefings on nutrient management. Sutton’s work has been recognized internationally, and he has given invited presentations in at least 13 countries. Sutton was a member of a team that established an Environmental Center for Livestock Waste Management in Taiwan. Sutton has been recognized with numerous awards including the ASAS Animal Management Research Award (1996), Indiana Pork Producers Association Meritorious Service Award (2003), USDA Foreign Agricultural Service International Honor Award (2000), Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence In Educational Service To Rural People of Indiana (2002), and the Purdue University College of Agriculture Team Award (2005). He is active in Covenant Presbyterian Church where he currently serves on the Missions Committee, and has served as an elder, member of the board of directors for the youth ministry, Parents of Teens class and Harrison High Young Life ministry. He is also an advisor to Purdue Campus Crusade for Christ.
C. E. Swain (1964) - CHARLES E. SWAIN, INDIANAPOLIS, State Conservationist for the U. S. Soil Conservation Service began his career in conservation in 1929 following his graduation from Purdue with a degree in forestry. He has never left that demanding and rewarding field. After five years with the Indiana Department of Conservation, Ed joined the newly formed Soil Conservation Service. Since that time, he has worked as an Administrator for two years, as an Area Conservationist in Illinois and Wisconsin for six years, and then back to Indiana as Assistant State Conservationist. He then served as an Assistant Regional Director before returning again to Indiana as State Conservationist in 1954. Swain's leadership, vision, and good judgment, and his dedication to the sound principle of the community approach to good conservation has gained him the loyalty and supportof all his professional and lay compatriots. Consequently, conservation in Indiana has moved progressively forward to achieve the lofty ideal of the conservation of our natural resources for all mankind. For his efforts in the cause of conservation, Ed Swain received, in 1962, the Superior Service Award from U.S. Department of Agriculture and this last year was elected a fellow in the Soil Conservation Society of America. Serving an ideal is good. Serving this ideal in the fashion that Ed Swain has is worthy the Certificate of Distinction of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association.
William E. Swern (2000) - Bill Swern has been a champion of the conservation of soil and water not only in his life's work, but also in his lifestyle as he has actively promoted the conservation con-cepts in which he believes. His leadership in conservation activities and community service continues 20 years after his retirement through his prolific volunteer activities. Swern received his B. S. in Agriculture from Purdue University in 1949. From 1950 to 1980 he served with the USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS). For 25 years he was a soil conservationist, and for the final five years he was the coordinator of the Arrow Head Country Resource Conservation and Development (RC & D) Area, Inc. Swern was an innovator in conservation practices; the Pulaski County Recycling Operation that he helped organize in 1974 is the oldest such program in t) state and has been used as a guide by other communities. Recognizing the need for multi-coun efforts to protect the water quality and other natural resources of the Tippecanoe River Basi Swern took the initiative to organize citizens in the affected counties (initially four, although t] area now includes ten counties), and in 1975 USDA approved establishment of the Arrow He. RC & D area and appointed Swern coordinator. According to Indiana State Conservation: Robert Eddleman, ""Many of the county urban development and conservation programs acro the state are modeled after Bill's early work. ... The impact of his farsightedness is tremendous In 1980 Swern retired from' SCS and returned to his family farm in Rockville where he h had tremendous impact as a volunteer, particularly in the areas of conservation and youth dev( opment. He has served the Parke County SWCD as an associate supervisor and in promoting i youth education programs. He serves on the forestry committee of the Sycamore Trails RC & where he has developed outdoor laboratory and classroom activities. His service to Parke Coun 4-H is extensive, having served for 10 years as photography project leader, as an instructor photography camp, as a chaperone for week-long exchange programs and as a volunte producer of slide shows and video programs that promote 4-H activities. Swern is a former board member of the Rockville Rotary Club and has co-chaired the club's annual pancake breakfast at the annual Covered Bridge Festival. He is an active mem¬ber and has twice served as a trustee of the Rockville United Methodist Church. His other active member¬ships-Swern doesn't know any other kind-include: International and Hoosier Chapters of the Soil and Water Conservation Society (trea- surer, historian and administrative secretary of the Hoosier Chapter); Parke County Ag Day Committee (treasurer); Rockville School Improvement Committee; Parke County Camera Club; Parke County Woodworkers (hosted International Woodworkers Conference, 1987); Parke County Historical Society (board member); Parke County Park Board; and the Neysville Community Reunion committee. In 1984 Parke County SWCD honored Swern as its Conservation Farmer of the Year. He received the Soil and Water Conservation Society's Hoosier Chapter Service Award in 1988, and in 1991 he was named Parke County 4- H Leader of the Year. The Indianapolis Star selected Swern as a recipient of its prestigious George Award for outstanding volunteer service in his community.
John B. Swisher (2014) - John B. Swisher is the founder, chairman and CEO of JBS United in Sheridan, Indiana. Swisher graduated from the University of Illinois in 1951 with a B.S. in animal science. He went to work for his grandfather's feed business, Charles Swisher and Son, in Danville, Illinois. But Swisher had an idea for a different kind of feed company that would market high quality feed directly to farmers at a competitive price with a sales force that was knowledgeable and honest. It was an unknown model in the 1950s, but today all major U.S. nutrition companies, and many around the world, employ these principles. In 1955, Indianapolis packer Stark and Wetzel contracted with Swisher to start a feed division and agreed to let him try his idea. But a year later, the company decided to back out of the feed venture, and Swisher was left with a young family and no job. Convinced that he had a good idea, Swisher borrowed $25,000 from his parents and his mother-in-law and launched United Feeds, now known as JBS United. Through dedication to sound business principles and his skill as a salesman, Swisher built JBS United into an international company with a number of proprietary products. JBS United is also one of the world's largest swine research organizations in the world. The company produces feed for more than 10 million U.S. swine at seven locations throughout the Midwest. When founded, JBS United focused on one species, swine, but today makes products for major animal production entities in swine, dairy, layers, broilers, and horses. Another of the company's innovations is its financial records program. The system was established to report and manage the costs of pork production in confined feeding conditions, a new trend in the 1970s when the company built its first nutrition research farm. The information from the system was used by the JBS United sales force to help customers adopt more profitable practices. As a result of its popularity, the system was commercialized and distributed among the company's customers. Now in addition to research on applied animal nutrition, Swisher hasled his company to apply the same principles to grain merchandising and pork production. Swisher's service to the industry includes six years on the board of directors of the Indiana Pork Producers; six years as the Indiana delegate on the National Pork Producers Council; and four years on the board and one year as chairman of the Indiana Institute of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition (now Agrllnstitute). Swisher is a former member of the Purdue Agriculture Dean's Advisory Council, and he served four years on the board of the Indiana 4-H Foundation. He has been engaged with at least ten service organizations in Sheridan. He has served North Minster Presbyterian Church as an elder and has been president of the Royal Pine Civic Association. The many awards and honors bestowed on Swisher include Indiana Pork Producers' Meritorious Service for both Producer (1972) and Industry (2006); University of Illinois Alumni Association Award of Merit (1985); Ernst and Young National Entrepreneur of the Year, Manufacturing and Distribution (2004); Indiana Business Hall of Fame from Junior Chamber of Commerce (2007); Business Leader of the Year from Indiana Chamber of Commerce (2009); AgriVision Award from Indiana Lt. Gov. Becky Skillman (2009); the first annual John B. Swisher Swine Industry Leadership Award (2009); and Sagamore of the Wabash from Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels (2010). In 1997, Purdue University awarded him an Honorary Doctor of Agriculture degree.
Robert W. Taylor (2006) - Bob Taylor is a professor of Agricultural Economics at Purdue, where he has distinguished himself as a teacher, a counselor and an extension specialist in farm management. A native of New York, Taylor received his B. S. in 1956 from Cornell University. He received his graduate degrees at Purdue, earning an M.S. in 1959 and a Ph.D. in 1963, both in Agricultural Economics. Taylor has spent his entire professional career as a member of the Purdue Agricultural Economics faculty. Since 1962 he has taught over 30,000 students. He lived in Brazil as part of Purdue’s international project at Vicosa and has taught farm management in Portuguese in both Brazil and Portugal. In his role as an extension specialist, he has helped numerous Indiana farm families with farm management issues that often involve sensitive interpersonal relationships. Understanding the complexities of combining business and family is his specialty, and his sensitive and caring manner provides the perfect platform for reaching these farm family business partners and helping them to become happier and more productive in their farming enterprises. An engaging teacher with a dynamic delivery, Bob Taylor’s impact on students can be summed up in the sentence, “He reaches them.” One colleague said “he has a gift to make each situation a teachable moment and handles each of these with warmth.” All his nominators spoke to his ability to touch students where they are, and help them reach beyond that point to achieve their maximum potential. One nominator asked, “Why would I take time to write about a professor I had in class 33 years ago? Because Bob Taylor is one of those rare individuals who not only touched my life, but changed it forever.” As one of his many student mentoring activities, for many years Taylor has met weekly with students who are on academic probation, with the objective of helping them alter their approach to academic situations and giving them tools to change their behavior. A colleague reports that Taylor has a 100% success rate with these students remaining academically eligible and continuing their enrollment at Purdue. He is a faculty advisor to the Farm Management Club, where he has led a tour group to Brazil for the past several years during Spring Break, providing an international experience to many students who would not have considered traveling or studying abroad prior to their involvement with Taylor. Taylor is a long-time volunteer at the Pioneer Farm and Home Show at the Indiana State Fair, and is a founding advisor of the Homesteaders, a student group to whom he teaches woodworking skills that they display at the show. He served on the board of directors of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association for 10 years (1994 to 2004), including a two-year term as President from 2000 to 2002. Taylor is an active member of Evangelical Covenant Church of Lafayette where he teaches a junior high Sunday School class. Taylor’s many awards over the years include outstanding teacher awards from Purdue’s College of Agriculture (1970 and 1976), the Purdue student body (1970), Purdue University (1980), and two awards from the American Agricultural Economics Association (1970 and 1980). He has also been named Purdue’s Outstanding Counselor (1985), Outstanding Professor by Alpha Gamma Rho (1982), and an honorary member of Golden Key National Honor Society (1983). In 1991 he received the Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence In Educational Service To Rural People of Indiana, and in 1999 Purdue named him as an inaugural member of its Book of Great Teachers. In 2001 the Purdue Alumni Association presented Taylor with the Special Boilermaker Award in recognition of his significant contributions to improving the quality of life and betterment of the educational experience for Purdue students. In 2004, he received the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists Association’s Career Award and was named a Fellow of the Purdue Teaching Academy.
Beth A. Theobald (2014) - Beth Theobald graduated from Purdue University in December 1980 with a B.S. in horticulture. She then embarked on a career as the vocational agriculture teacher and FFA advisor for Delphi Community School Corporation (DCSC), a position she has held for more than 32 years. In 1986 she earned her M.S. in Education from Purdue, and in 1995 she completed Purdue's Leadership Development Program. Four years ago, she launched a business as co-owner of BeBe's Flowers. Theobald grew up on a farm in Jamestown and participated in the agriculture program at Western Boone High School, and both experiences contributed to her success as she entered what was then an entirely male profession. She's followed in the footsteps of many legendary agriculture teachers who build programs that impact hundreds of students, but Theobald has simultaneously blazed a pathway and served as a role model and mentor for the women who followed her. Because she was successful, she had credibility with the young teachers, both men and women, who followed her. And because she was a woman, other women could see that this profession was indeed one that offered opportunities for them. At DCSCTheobald has been an innovator and a problem-solver. Her superintendent calls her a "master teacher" and "the most caring person I have seen in K-12 education:' She created a career internship program to place seniors in local businesses. Under her leadership, Workplace Readiness and Peer Tutoring programs were initiated. She wrote the curriculum for Workplace Readiness, a class designed for the Indiana Department of Education, and she recently wrote a curriculum for agricultural education offerings in that area. Peer Tutoring is a course that allows agriculture students to share agriculture lab courses with elementary students. Professional service has been the hallmark ofTheobald's career. As a member of the Delphi Community Teachers Association, she haschaired the Alternative School, Sick Bank, Discussion, Professional Development, and Tech Prep committees. She has served the Indiana Association of Agricultural Educators (IAAE) as District V Director, as evaluator for ag education license exam, as a member of the curriculum development committee and as the state mentoring coordinator. As the leader of the state mentoring program, Theobald made changes to better meet the needs of inexperienced teachers, resulting in more active membership from this group. She has served the Purdue Youth Development and Agricultural Education (YDAE) Department as a member of the Agricultural Education Advisory Board and as a laboratory site for Education Block I and II. Theobald has served on a YDAE faculty search committee and, for two semesters, while YDAE was searching for a new assistant professor in agricultural education, she was an instructor in the department. She has hosted more than 60 early field experience students to help them explore teaching careers, and 22 student teachers have gained experience under her direction. Theobald was a founding member of the Delphi City Parks Board and has served on the advisory board for the White County Soil and Water Conservation District. She has served White County 4-H as a member of the swine committee and as the superintendent of the flower project. Awards Theobald has won include: IAAE Outstanding Agricultural Educator and District V Outstanding Agriculture Department; National Association of Agricultural Educators state and national Mentoring Award; Indiana Trails Cooperative Teacher of the Year, Program of the Year and Leadership Award; Purdue YDAE Mentoring Award and Purdue-IAAE Honorary Member. The Indiana FFA Association awarded Theobald an Honorary Hoosier Farmer Degree.
Darrel Thomas (2018) - Some people in Putnam County likely don’t think of Darrel Thomas as an Extension Director and 4-H Youth Educator, even though he held those roles for 31 years. After all, he retired in 2001. Instead, they might associate the Certificate of Distinction recipient with the Putnam County Council. A member since 2001, he has been president since 2010. “He works hard to ensure that all have a voice,” says William Dory, mayor of Greencastle, the county seat. “He listens and considers input from a wide range of individuals and organizations. He has mastered the nuances of the budget process for local units of government, and Mr. Thomas has been willing to share his expertise with others in Putnam County and around the state.” He’s also known for his work with the Putnam County Community Foundation, where he is a member of the Finance Committee. The foundation set up the Darrel Thomas 4-H Scholarship in his honor. Then there’s Putnam County’s Agricultural Day, which draws more than 400 community members. For 30-plus years, Thomas has filled the “coffee man” role. In 2000, he created SPARK, a six-week, three-day-a-week, three-hour-a-day program for elementary students. The Summer Program of Awareness and Recreation for Kids is now run by the city park board, which Thomas used to head; more than 100 youth participate. Scores of fourth-graders have gone to a Mini Farm Fest, a hands-on experience that Thomas began in 1985. The People Pathways Committee has converted abandoned rail lines into more than 10 miles of trails, and Thomas has been involved from the beginning. The P.I.E. Coalition—the acronym stands for Prevention, Intervention and Education—is a coordinating council that has provided more than $250,000 to Putnam County programs that address issues of drug abuse, smoking and alcoholism. Thomas was its first president. The Putnam County Leadership Academy Committee was created in 1993, and Thomas led it for two years. He was inducted into the Leadership Hall of Fame in 1995. Thomas has long been an advocate for the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association. He’s been president of the Greencastle group since 2001, and was a regional vice president for four years and state president for two years. “For over 30 years he quietly and humbly earned the respect of many, from all corners of the county,” Mayor Dory says. “Unknown to him, I have long considered him a role model for public service.” This and that • Assistant Fountain County Extension Agent, 1968-1969; Putnam County Extension Agent/Educator, 1970-2001. • Distinguished Service Award from the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents, and Career Award from the Indiana Extension Educators Association. • Indiana State University — bachelor’s degree (Recreation) in 1968; master’s (Educational Media) in 1975. Active with the Putnam County Purdue Club. • U.S. Navy Reserves, 1968-1972, with a tour in Vietnam. • When the Putnam County Museum held a benefit roast for Thomas, “People lined up to say good things,” says a Greencastle civic volunteer who also recalled “some very funny experiences that we will not share.”
Anson S. Thomas (1950) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Harold L. Thompson (2012) - A native of Paoli, Harold Thompson received his B.S. in Agricultural Education from Purdue University in 1971 and subsequently earned 30 hours of graduate credit in agricultural education, also from Purdue. Thompson’s career spanned almost 40 years with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS, formerly known as the Soil Conservation Service). The first 18 years of his career was spent providing technical assistance to producers in soil and water conservation systems mostly in southwest Indiana. For 19 years, until his retirement in 2007, Thompson served on the Indiana NRCS Leadership Team in various Assistant State Conservationist positions. While serving in county level positions, Thompson became known for his ability to coordinate the resources of NRCS with other state and local agencies, including those in neighboring states, to complete successful conservation projects in watershed protection, flood prevention and to protect the highly erodible soils of southwest Indiana. He led a team that completed approximately 25 Rural Abandoned Mine Projects, including a $300,000 project in the city of Boonville that was a collaboration of personnel from the city, a hospital, a school board, the SWCD, and state and federal agencies, and which was named National Rural Abandoned Mine Project of the Year in 1990. During the implementation of the 1985 Farm Bill, Thompson developed and implemented procedures, including group planning activities for farmers and the Soil and Water Action Team (SWAT), that expedited the determinations of Highly Erodible Land (HEL) on more than 114,000 tracts covering over two million acres of HEL in Indiana, helping farmers know the status of their land in meeting Farm Bill requirements. He earned a special achievement award for this effort. As a field employee of NRCS, Thompson received Outstanding Performance Awards three times (1981, 1984 and 1988) and a Special Act Award (1985). As a member of the NRCS Leadership Team, he was actively involved in review of national policy and procedures and he advocated for local leadership of soil and water conservation efforts. As a result of his efforts, all watershed coordinators in the state have the opportunity to take an advanced facilitator course taught by NRCS, and it was his leadership that led to the formation of the White River Resource Conservation and Development Council in 2001 and he insured NRCS staff support of the council’s grassroots organization. He provided NRCS leadership to the 1994 USDA Reorganization Act and the implementation of the 1996 Farm Bill. In his leadership role, Thompson earned Outstanding Performance ratings (1991, 2006), Sustained Superior Performance Awards (2003, 2005) and Special Act Awards (1998 and 1999). Thompson has served the conservation profession in many roles. A 42-year member of the Hoosier Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, he has been a director (six years), and president (1998), as well as chair of the Chapter Membership, Soil and Water Resources and Chapter Development committees. He chaired the Society’s international meeting in 2002 which brought more than 800 conservationists to Indiana. In 1999 he was NRCS’s representative on the planning committee for the 10th Annual International Soil Conservation Organization Conference and planned and conducted tours to introduce participants to natural resource management problems in the US Corn Belt. He is a longtime member and past-president of the Indiana Forage Council. In retirement he works as the Agricultural Liaison for the Big Walnut and Eagle Creek Watershed projects, and has planted nearly 100 oak trees at Camp Camby, a church camp where he had volunteered, to help restore the floodplain forest. In his community, Thompson has served for 30 years as a volunteer, certified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and for over 15 years has been the “camp nurse” for the Wayne Township 4-H Camp. He has served on the Wayne Township (Marion County) 4-H Advisory Board (since 1995, president for three terms); Marion County 4-H and Agricultural Fair Board (two terms); and since 1997 he has been an Earth Team volunteer with the Hoosier Heartland Resource Conservation and Development Council where he gave over 150 hours of volunteer service in 2007. Thompson also volunteers for the Plant a Million Trees project, Rural Entrepreneur Network program, and the Angel Food project and the annual Child Safety Day through his church. Thompson’s professional achievements have been recognized numerous times from NRCS, as cited previously. In 2009, the Soil and Water Conservation Society recognized his long-term effective service to the Society and to soil and water conservation by honoring him as one of three persons worldwide elected a Fellow of the Society.
Dave Thompson (1948) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Robert L. Thompson (2009) - Robert Thompson holds the Gardner Endowed Chair in Agricultural policy at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. A native of New York, he graduated from Cornell University with a B.S. in Agricultural Economics in 1967. He continued his studies at Purdue University, earning both his M.S. and Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics in 1969 and 1974, respectively. From his roots on a New York dairy farm, Thompson launched a career in agricultural development and public policy that has literally reached all the corners of the world. Following graduation from Cornell, he was a volunteer agriculturalist with the International Voluntary Services, Inc. in Laos, working primarily with Lao extension programs for rice farmers. His master’s and doctoral research were on Brazilian exchange rate policy and agricultural development, respectively. After earning his graduate degrees, he joined the Purdue agricultural economics faculty where he spent 19 years, culminating in six years as Purdue’s Dean of Agriculture (1987-1993). He took leave from Purdue from 1983 to 1987 to serve first as the senior staff economist for the President’s Council of Economic Advisors (1983-85) and as the USDA Assistant Secretary for Economics (1985-87). In these capacities, he played an instrumental role in writing the 1985 Farm Bill and preparing for the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations. He left Purdue to become president and chief executive officer of Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, serving there from 1993-1998, when he left to join the staff of the World Bank. At Winrock he led efforts to refocus the mission on increasing agricultural productivity and rural employment, while protecting the environment. Through speeches in more than 40 countries, he heightened awareness of Winrock’s work, and increased grants and contract support from $24 million to $32 million in three years. At the World Bank he served as Senior Advisor, Sector Strategy and Policy (1998-1999); Director of Rural Development (2000-02) with responsibility for the Bank’s worldwide programs in agriculture, forestry and rural development; and as Senior Advisor, Agricultural Trade Policy (2002). For two years, he consulted with government agencies and agribusiness on strategic vision for world agriculture, and served as Chairman of the International Food and Agricultural Trade Policy Council and as a Senior Fellow, National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy. He was named to his current position as the Gardner Chair at the University of Illinois in 2004. He carries on an active program of classroom and extension education in public policy, and he serves on the USDA-USTR Agricultural Policy Advisory Committee for Trade and on the International Food and Agricultural Trade Policy Council. Thompson left his mark on Purdue Agriculture, where as dean he led the grassroots campaign to secure an additional $4 million in recurring state appropriations for agricultural research and extension. Student enrollment grew almost 40 percent, to over 2300 in 1992-93. He had the unenviable task of leading the College through an era of shrinking budgets, and he strategically repositioned the College’s programs, downsizing 20% of campus faculty and 15% of field extension staff. He led an expanded media relations and public affairs program to heighten the profile of Purdue Agriculture, which enhanced student placement and private fund raising. Annual giving to the College grew from $600,000 per year to over $7 million per year during his tenure. He also organized the successful internationalization of the College’s programs curriculum, significantly increasing study abroad and international internships for students, overseas sabbaticals by faculty, and research linkages with laboratories all over the world. When he began this effort, only a handful of Purdue Agriculture students were studying abroad. Because of his efforts, Purdue’s College of Agriculture remains a leader on the Purdue campus in providing significant international experiences, and Thompson’s original goal of having 25% of the College’s graduates study abroad before graduation has been realized. Thompson has served on a number of corporate boards, including: Kincannon and Reed agribusiness search firm (1997-98); Terra Industries, Inc. (1997-98; Audit Committee); Vigoro Corporation (1993-96; co-chair, Public Policy Committee); PSI Resources/PSI Energy (1988-94; Audit Committee); National Cooperative Bank (1985-97; chair, Finance Committee 1995-97); Rabobank North American Agribusiness Advisory Committee (1998-2003); and Land O’Lakes (Advisory Director, 2006-present). Thompson has received a number of academic honors, most notably: first recipient of Purdue University’s Agricultural Research Award for cumulative contributions in previous ten years (1982); Honorary Doctor of Science, Pennsylvania State University (1999); and Honorary Doctor of Laws, Dalhousie University (1999). Other leadership and service awards include: Honorary Empire Farmer Degree, New York FFA (1986); Outstanding Alumni Award, Cornell University College of Ag and Life Sciences (1988); USDA Superior Service Award (1989); Chicago Farmers’ Agriculturalist of the Year (1992); National 4-H Alumni Award (1992); Indiana Wildlife Federation’s Agriculture Conservation Awards (1993); USDA Justin Smith Morrill Memorial Award (1995); Centennial Honor Roll, national Alpha Zeta (1997); Agricultural Vision Award, National Forum for Agriculture (1997); Humanitarian Award, American College of Nutrition (1999). In 1993, Indiana Governor Evan Bayh named him a Sagamore of the Wabash for his service as Dean of Agriculture.
Paul G. Thurston (1984) - Paul Thurston is a Madison County farmer. The Thurston farm includes 1,200 acres, beef cattle feeding operation, some Angus beef cows and a farrow-to-finish hog operation. Eight to 10 times per year local, state and international groups visit the Thurston farm. Thurston has been a friend of Extension for many years. He was on the committee that established the by-laws for the' State Extension Research and Support Committee and served on that committee, being its first chairman in 1977. He was on the Indiana State .Fair Board and served as president in 1975. In Madison County he has served as president of the 4-H Association and the County Farm Bureau Co-op Board. In addition, he has held all the offices of the Eastern Indiana Livestock Breeders Association. He is a director and past president of the Indiana Beef Cat¬tlemen’s. Association and has served on national committees of this' organization. He is' also active in his church, as president of the board and a Sunday school teacher, the Masonic Lodge, Indianapolis Scottish Rite and the Alexandria Monroe School Board.
S. Richard "Rick" Tolman (2012) - S. Richard “Rick” Tolman is Chief Executive Officer of the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), St. Louis, MO. Tolman graduated in 1976 from Brigham Young University with a B.S. in Agricultural Economics. In 1978, he earned his M.S. in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University. As a graduate research assistant at Purdue University, he assisted in the analysis and reporting of selected research projects sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Prior to joining NCGA in September, 2010, Tolman served for nine years as the Executive Director of the U.S. Grains Council (USGC), a non-profit organization that promotes the use of U.S. barley, corn, sorghum and related products worldwide. At USGC, Tolman was responsible for the international offices and programs, including establishing long-range feed grains export targets and addressing foreign trade issues. Prior to assuming responsibility for international operations, Tolman supervised all phases of internal and external communications and membership services for the Council. Before joining the Council in 1982, Tolman was marketing planning manager for the Advanced Harvesting Systems Group at International Harvester Co., where he developed marketing and pricing strategies and guided market research. Tolman also worked as a market research analyst for the Gehl Co., a farm equipment manufacturer in West Bend, WI. Under Tolman’s leadership, NCGA has grown in numerous ways including membership, checkoff funds, size and stature of the annual Commodity Classic, and in market opportunities for corn farmers. He led the NCGA Corn Board in its strategic plan in 2006 to call for production of 15 billion bushels of corn, 5 billion of which can be used for the production of 15 billion gallons of ethanol by 2015. This plan was instrumental in the energy legislation signed by President George W. Bush in 2007. Tolman has worked on several fronts to bring agriculture commodity groups together to speak with a united voice. In 2007, the Commodity Classic, the combined tradeshow and convention of NCGA and the American Soybean Association, brought the National Association of Wheat Growers on board, due in large part to Tolman’s leadership. In late 2010, Tolman spearheaded the establishment of the U. S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA), which brought together over 50 farm and ranch organizations and six major agribusiness industry partners with a mission to build consumer trust in today’s agriculture, chairing the temporary steering committee that formed the coalition. He currently chairs the CEO Advisory Committee of USFRA. Tolman serves the agricultural industry through a number of appointments and organizations. He serves on the Board of the Waterways Council, Inc., and recently finished a term on the Executive Committee of the Field to Market Sustainability Group, an organization he helped to found. In addition, he has served on the USDA Agricultural Trade Advisory Committee for grains and oilseeds and as Chairman for the Midwest Area River Coalition. Tolman is a member of the Society of Industrial Leaders and is an expert on agriculture for the Gerson Lehrman Group Councils and the Guidepoint Global Group. He also has served as a guest researcher with the Japan Science and Technology Agency. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Anne Veneman appointed Tolman to the USDA Agricultural Trade Advisory Committee for grains and oilseeds. Other organizations with which he has been active include: Farm and Industrial Equipment Institute, the Canadian Farm and Industrial Equipment Institute, the National Agri-Marketing Association, Agricultural Relations Council, National Barley Improvement Council and the American Agricultural Economics Association. Tolman is active in Boy Scouts of America (BSA), currently serving as the varsity coach for BSA Team 893 in Wildwood, MO. He has served as Scout Master, Troop Committee member, Merit Badge Councilor, Institutional Representative, Cubmaster, and Cub Committee Chair. For 12 consecutive years he was an adult leader for Boy Scout summer camp. He and his three sons are all Eagle Scouts, and he has mentored many other young men to attain Eagle. Tolman is trained and certified as a volunteer Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) member for St. Louis County. Tolman is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and served for five years as the ecclesiastical head of his local congregation as Bishop, Franklin Ward. His focus as Bishop was on youth and youth counseling. In 2008 Tolman was recognized by the National Agri-Marketing Association with its highest honor, Agribusiness Leader of the Year. In 2011 BBI International, producer of globally recognized bioenergy events and trade magazines, presented Tolman with its High Octane Award in recognition of his industry leadership and effective advocacy of ethanol and his ongoing work and commitment on behalf of the ethanol industry.
Kip Tom (2023) - Leesburg, IN
After decades of multiple roles in support of agriculture on local, state, national and international levels, Kip Tom was prepared in 2019 when he was appointed U.S. ambassador to the Rome-based United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture.
Through 2021, Ambassador Tom oversaw the United States' second-largest budget in international organizations, working with nearly 200 nations on food programs, ag policy, emergency assistance, safety standards, agriculture, fisheries, forests, and rural development financing. Tom's efforts included implementing efficiencies, a Certificate of Distinction nominator wrote, and he "successfully ensured the activities conducted under his oversight complemented and enhanced U.S. objectives".
It all started in northeast Indiana at Leesburg-based Tom Farms, a 10th-generation Kosciusko County farming operation known for innovation and operational excellence. Tom is chairman of the family's business that operate across northern Indiana.
His international agricultural promotion work began with Farmers Feeding the World. He has been a board member for the Farm Foundation and the Farm Journal Foundation. He traveled to Afghanistan and Iraq as part of a joint task force (Department of Defense, Farm Journal Foundation, Buffet Foundation) to advance agricultural production. Today he continues his efforts as founder of GlobalAg, a consulting firm. His board memberships have included Indiana Economic Development Corp., Indiana Chamber of Commerce, and Forum for American and the World.
Another nominator noted Tom's "diligent efforts to modernize agriculture and increase sustainability". In June 2019, in Rome, the ambassador spoke at a Food and Agriculture Organization seminar about the digital divide. "I have had the priviledge," he said, "of living in an age when knowledge has expanded at an exponential rate....Across the developing world, many are still farming like our ancestors have for centuries. We must not only help lift small farmers out of poverty and subsistence farming by giving them the tools to embrace business principles and grow their frams as we have in the developed economies. But we must also work collectively as an industry to assure that domestic and international policies allow farmers around the world to have access to innovations to feed a growing and hungry world."
Mark Townsend (2011) - Mark Townsend believes in public service and exhibits that belief in everything he does. He is the manager and part owner of Townsend Farms, a 2,400 sow operation and 2,200 acre crop farm in Grant and Blackford counties. Mark graduated from Purdue with a B.S. in Agricultural Economics and went on to do graduate studies at the University of Illinois. As many know, farming can be an unpredictable profession. Since 1979 when Mark became the manager there has been cyclical market turmoil and record low prices in the swine business. Many other Indiana hog farmers decided there were better, less challenging ways to earn a living and exited the business. However, Mark and Townsend Farms persevered to be one of the few remaining independent hog producers in Indiana. This is a testament not only to Mark’s dedication to agriculture but also to his management and leadership skills. Along with his duties on the farm, Mark has made an effort to impact agriculture in other ways. In the 1990’s he served on the Indiana Commission for Agriculture and Rural Development. Mark was a key contributor to the development of the strategic plan for Indiana agriculture. Mark was also appointed in chairman of the state committee of the American Stabilization and Conservation Service. In this position, his personality and compassionate leadership approach helped people work together . He built relationships with each employee in the ASCS state office that became the hallmark of his service there. He has also served on the Indiana Pork Advocacy Coalition and graduated from the third class of the Indiana Agricultural Leadership Program. Mark has become an integral part in his community since returning from his graduate studies. He is on the For Blackford County Board of Directors, a group that serves as a catalyst for new projects to improve Blackford County. Additionally Mark has served as president of the Blackford County United Way Board of Directors and of the Grand-Blackford Mental Health Center Board of Directors. Mark has also been a member of the Purdue University Board of Trustees twice; once as a student and again in 2004. Now Mark has chosen to take on a new challenge by becoming a member of the Blackford County School Board.
W.Wayne Townsend (1989) - Townsend, 62, was honored for his leadership in professional agricultural organizations, civic interests and government. A native of Grant County, he is a 1951 graduate of Purdue, earning a bachelor’s degree in general agriculture. He farms 1,387 acres and manages a 700-sow farrow-to-finish confinement operation. Townsend served in the Indiana House of Representatives in 1959-60, and 1963-66. He was elected to an Indiana Senate seat in 1970, and held that office until 1986. He was the Democrativ gubernatorial candidate in 1984. Townsend is a director of Summit Bank, Marion, chairman of the Finance Committee, First Friends Church, Marion, and a member of the Rotary Club. He served as chairman of the Rural Division of Grant County United Fund. He is a member of both the Indiana Farm Bureau an the Farmer’s Union, and has been a member of the Indiana Farm Policy Study Group since 1960. He is a past president of Grant County Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association, and a past director of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association. He has also served as trustee of Earlham College.
William D. Treese (1987) - William Treese Sr., Vincennes, a Cooperative Extension Service crop specialist and agronomy teacher at Vincennes University, was cited for his service to southwestern Indiana farmers and Vincennes University agriculture students. As the university, he teaches crop production and soil science, and advises over 1—students. As an extension agronomist, he advises farmers, extension agents and agribusiness men on general field and horticulture crop production. Treese earned B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in agricultural education at the University of Missouri. He taught vocational agriculture in high schools, and agronomy at Northwest Missouri State University, Marysville, before joining the Purdue faculty in 1975.
John Trott (2011) - John Trott is a former director of the Purdue Agricultural Centers and Assistant to the Director of the Office of Agricultural Research Programs. Before taking those positions he worked as an Extension Educator. John graduated from Purdue with a B.S. and an M.S. in agriculture. As Director of the Purdue Agricultural centers, John developed and coordinated plans for site-specific research with departments in the College of Agriculture. He was also responsible for recruiting, hiring, and evaluating the eight farm superintendents and the general management of the farmland. In his position as Director he improved the coordination between the Research Stations and the Extension Service to benefit Indiana agriculture. As an Assistant to the Director of the Office of Agricultural Research Programs, he provided administrative assistance to various agricultural councils across the state. He also assisted the director in overseeing the departmental research facilities and identifying linkages between the departmental farms. He represented the Dean and the Director very well in any situation they asked him to take on. John also impacted Indiana agriculture through his work with the Extension Service. As the Public Policy agent in St. Joseph County he coordinated and directed a program that maintained educational programs for over 40,000 participants. During his years there, over 8,500 youth participated in 4-H, making it the second largest 4-H program in the state. While working in Monroe County, John initiated the “Farmers Breakfast” where farmers met with business people to help them understand farming operations. In Marshall County he started a 4-H Community Development program to bring youth into the community decision making process. The leadership experience John gained from his career is also shared with agricultural and community organizations. He has been president of the Agriculture/Community Development section of the Indiana Extension Agents Association, member of the Indiana 4-H Foundation Board of Directors, and led tours of Washington D.C. for Purdue’s CARET group. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of PEFCU and the Lafayette Rotary Club.
Chester E. Troyer (1967) - In this day of an advanced technical agriculture, it is unusual to find a true pioneer. We have just such a man in Chester E. Troyer, LaFontaine, Indiana. He started a seed corn business in 1908. He was cited World Corn King in 1920, 1927, 1932 and 1939. When hybrid corn appeared on the agricultural horizon, Troyer adapted his seed business to the new situation. He sold the first hybrid seed corn in Indiana in 1929. He continued by developing his own hybrids based on inbreeds of his own making. His inbred lines soon became nationally famous in the seed industry. His business was not his entire life, however. He was one of the organizers and president for ten years of the Seed Certification Service. He was president of the Indiana Hybrid Growers for ten years. He exhibited at over 500 shows and fairs where he won over 2000 champion, first, and second place ribbons. In addition, he judged over 500 grain shows. For his technological leadership, his productive excellence, and for his loyalty to a better agriculture we are pleased to present the Certificate of Distinction to Chester E. Troyer.
F. Thomas Turpin (1991) - Turpin, a graduate of Washburn University, Kansas, and Iowa State University, Iowa, where he studied biology and entomology, joined the Department of Entomology faculty in 1971 as an assistant professor. He conducts research into the biology and control of insects that infest corn. He has served as president, vice president, and a member of the board of directors of the agricultural alumni association, and has served on the Fish Fry program committee since 1976. He was a developer of the Latta Games, a college bowl to increase awareness of agriculture among high school students. Turpin teaches two courses, promoting entomology with humor and originality. He developed a cartoon character, Bug Scout, which is used to teach and promote pest management concepts among farmers; he developed and authors a newspaper column about insects, “On Six Legs,” which is published in over 50 newspapers, and he helped originate the Linnaean Games, now a national contest, to increase student involvement in Entomology Society of America meetings. Turpin gives some 100 talks a year to audiences of all ages, and participates in the School of Agriculture’s “Professors in the Classroom” outreach programs, the county extension serviced People Power Programs, and he annually judges entomology exhibits at county and state fairs. Turpin is a member of Who’s Who in the Midwest, American Men of Science, Gamma Sigma Delta and Alpha Zeta honorary societies, and received the North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Award of Merit and served on the governing board. He is the society’s president-elect.
Horace S. Tyler (1990) - Horace S. Tyler, a native of rural Remington, is an assistant to the dean of agriculture and assistant professor of agricultural communications who will retire in March. He is in charge of developing information programs aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of agriculture and food production, processing and marketing systems. He is program coordinator to the Indiana Agriculture Leadership Program, and chairman of the County Ag Day organizations for the Indiana Ag Day Committee. A veteran of World War II where he served in the Army Medical Corps in the China-Burma-Indiana Theater. After the war he returned to Indiana to complete a baccalaureate in agricultural economics in 1950. He also completed a master’s degree in extension education at Colorado State University in 1966. Tyler worked two years for the Cooperative Extension Service as an assistant agricultural agent in Gibson County. He returned to the campus as assistant agricultural agent in Gibson County. He returned to the campus as a broadcast information specialist with the Department of Agricultural Information. Twice, he served as acting head of the department, and also manager of the department’s teaching, training, research and evaluation. Tyler was appointed assistant to the dean of agriculture in 1977, and helped to organize to state’s first Agricultural Leadership Training program which was funded by the Indiana Institute of Food and Agriculture. He continues to serve as the coordinator. He also served as state chairman of Agriculture Day. Tyler served as secretary, vice president and president of the Agricultural Alumni Association. He served on the board of directors and on committees for Operation Brainpower, Project Agriventure, and the Fish Fry. Tyler is a 38-year member of the Agricultural Communicators in Education (ACE), and has served as a national director. He received the organization’s Pioneer Award. A former member of the National Association of Farm Broadcasters, Tyler has served as a state representative. He has also received the Career Award for Excellence from the Cooperative Extension Specialists Association, and the Distinguished Service Award from Epsilon Sigma Phi. He is an FFA Honorary State Farmer. Tyler is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Zeta and Ceres honorary societies, and the Masonic Lodge.
J. William "Bill" Uhrig (2012) - J. William “Bill” Uhrig retired in 2000 as Professor of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University. Uhrig was raised on a diversified grain and livestock farm in Raymond, IL and earned his B.S. in General Agriculture in 1954 from Iowa State University, where he was enrolled in U.S. Air Force ROTC and served in Air Force Reserves. Upon graduation, Uhrig entered active duty, earned his pilot’s wings and attained the rank of 1st Lieutenant before completing his military service in 1957. He returned to his family farm as a partner until the early 1960s when he returned to Iowa State for additional training in farm marketing, earning his Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics in 1965. Uhrig joined the Iowa State faculty as an Extension economist. After a one-year leave to serve with the Farmers Grain Dealers Association of Iowa, Uhrig joined the Purdue faculty in 1967 as an associate professor and Extension economist, and made his mark over a 33-year career as an educator and grain marketing economist. During his Purdue career, he worked a year in 1975 as a Research Associate with Cook Industries Inc. at Memphis, TN, and for six months in 1990 with Wharton Economic Forecasting Associates at Bala Cynwyd, PA. Uhrig’s career was marked by a number of innovations in educational program delivery. He was the co-developer of Purdue’s Top Farmer Crop Workshop, and organized Purdue's schools for: Agricultural Banking, Farm Income Tax and Marketing on IHETS TV. Uhrig developed a farm marketing video series which was offered via closed circuit television, one of the first such offerings by an agricultural economics department in the U. S., an innovation that helped him leverage his time and meet the increasing demand for his programs. He developed AGEC 420, the undergraduate Grain Marketing course, which he taught for 20 years, often with enrollment of over 150, touching thousands of students. He served as major professor for 15 graduate students, and served on numerous graduate committees. Uhrig was an active member of the American Agricultural Economics Association, and helped organize the Outlook section at the Association’s annual meeting, in addition to making numerous presentations at those meetings over the years. Uhrig served on the North Central Region Extension Marketing Committee. He was a frequent, invited presenter at key conferences across the nation including numerous presentations at USDA’s annual Agricultural Outlook conference in Washington, DC, and the North Central Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management. Uhrig routinely sought ways to make outlook information more accessible and, as a result, helped launch outlook programs at the Farm Progress Show and at Ohio’s Farm Science Review. He wrote extensively on outlook and risk management for farm media publications such as Prairie Farmer, Farm Journal, Farm Futures, Successful Farming and Agri-Finance, establishing a reputation for Purdue as a go-to source for information on these topics. He has been an active member of the St. Thomas Aquinas Center at Purdue since joining the faculty in 1967, and has served as a board member, lector and greeter. He coordinates a major fundraiser each year for the Center on behalf of the men of St. Thomas Aquinas. Uhrig has been recognized with a number of honors for his contributions. The American Agricultural Economics Association presented him with its Professional Excellence Award (1982) and its Premier Forecaster Award for Crop Production and Prices (1989-1990 and 1994-1995). In 1982 he received the Senior Recognition Award from the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists Association (PUCESA). USDA awarded him its Superior Service Award in 1988 as a member of Purdue’s Drought Response Team. In 1996, Indiana Governor Evan Bayh named him a Sagamore of the Wabash.
Howard M. Unger (2000) - Talk to someone who knows Howard Unger, and you are bound to hear the word "respect" used many times in the conversation-respect for his management skills, respect for his volunteer leadership, respect for his character and his ideals, and respect for the career that has touched so many people. But most of all you will hear about respect for the man who, according to Sullivan County extension educator Larry Watson, ""believes in family values and is concerned about the progress of future generations in agriculture. "" Unger graduated from Purdue University in 1960 with a B. S. in Animal Husbandry. After serving in the Army, Unger and his wife Sallie started their Sullivan County farm with 20 Hereford cows and 200 rented acres. Over the years the Unger's purchased land and grew their operation that today includes 2,900 acres, of which 2,600 acres are in crops that, depending on market demand, include white corn, popcorn, green beans, dent corn, wheat and double crop soybeans. The cattle operation grew, too, to include a herd of 100 registered Simmental cows. In 1982 Unger raised the top selling heifer at the Indiana Simmental State sale, Amber On, who was a Grand Champion at the Indiana State Fair and at the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado, and produced two National Western Grand Champion bulls. In 1990, Unger sold the entire herd of cow-calf pairs to a single buyer, reserving only 20 replacement heifers. The present cow herd consists of 100 black commercial and 50 registered Angus cows. Unger is active in a number of industry organizations including: Sullivan County Cattlemans Association (president, 1987-88); Indiana Beef Cattle Association (officer, including president in 1995); Indiana and American Simmental Associations; the American Angus Association; Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc. (director for 10 years); Sullivan County Sheep Association; and the Indiana Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. Unger was a charter member of the Hoosier Beef Congress Commit-tee and announced the show for 10 years. He was the director of the cattle barn at the Indiana State Fair 1988 to 1990. Unger's community service activities are extensive. He served for five years as a trustee of Lincoln Christian College and was vice president of the board. He served for seven years on the Indiana State Fair Board, serving as president, vice-president and secretary¬treasurer. Unger was a member of the Purdue Agriculture Dean's Advisory Council for 4 years. He belonged to the Producers Marketing Association for four years and served as president. He is a member of the Shaker Prairie Christian Church and has taught Sunday School there for 31 years. He has served on the boards of First Bank and Trust (12 years), Southwest School Corporation (12 years, 3 as president and 3 as secretary), Open Arms Christian Home (4 years), Sullivan County Extension (6 years), and the Sullivan County Fair (10 years). Unger is chairman of the Sullivan County Community Foundation and has served on the county's Plan Commission, long range planning committee, and Land Use Development Commission. He also belongs to the Scottish Rite, Elks and LG.G.F. Unger was Sullivan County's Outstanding Young Farmer in 1970, and in 1992 was named a Master Farmer by Indiana Prairie Farmer magazine. He hosted the Indiana Farm Management Tour in 1996. The Purdue Royal in 1996 was dedicated to him. Unger was named to the Indiana Livestock Breeders Hall of Fame in 1997.
Melvin F. Vance (2010) - Melvin Vance was an agriscience educator in Montgomery County schools for 32 years, retiring in 1992. A native of Harrison County, Vance graduated from Purdue University in 1960 with a B.S. in Agricultural Education. He received his M.S. in Guidance Counseling from the University of Kentucky in 1967. Vance began his teaching career at Waynetown High School, and later served as North Montgomery High School and Northridge Middle School following school consolidation. Through 40 years of service to the agriculture community, Mel Vance has been active in education, volunteerism, cultivating new ideas and growing people in knowledge and leadership of agriculture and agriscience. He developed the first horticulture program at North Montgomery High School, and he was instrumental in developing agriscience curriculum at the inception of Northridge Middle School. He worked with administrators to require agriscience classes for all seventh graders and took on the role of middle school vocational agriculture teacher during the first few years of the new consolidated school. During his career, Vance provided service to his profession through numerous activities and organizations. He taught adult education at Waynetown High School (1960-66); served as Chapter Advisor for the Indiana Young Farmer’s Association (1970-1992); and as Chapter Advisor to the North Montgomery High School FFA (1973-1992). He also was instrumental in organizing a Singles Young Farmer Chapter in Montgomery County. Under his leadership, the Young Farmers Chapter organized fund raising efforts for the Heart Fund and developed the Ag Shop Program which enabled them to sponsor adult welding classes at the high school. Vance has also volunteered with the state and national FFA organizations to evaluate applications for State Proficiency Awards and judging Career Development Events. He also served as a cooperating teacher with Purdue University to assist in the training of student teachers. Vance’s community service is extensive, as well. He has been a 4-H leader and volunteer judge for many competitions. For the past nine years he has worked with the Montgomery County Soil and Water Conservation District and Montgomery County Extension as a participant in the annual Ag Field Day event for 4th graders. For 30 years, Vance owned a fruit/vegetable and tree farm, and became active in the local merchants association, serving as secretary for many years and establishing a college scholarship for local students. He has been active in the Master Gardener program, and taught adult workshops at his farm on landscaping, fruit tree care and evergreen care. He has also been active in Pheasants Forever (1990-2002; banquet sponsor and officer) and the Sycamore Trails Resource Conservation and Development Council, which serves a nine-county area in West Central Indiana. Vance has served two terms as Wayne Township Trustee, and is a certified Level One Assessor who serves on the county’s tax board of appeals and has assisted county officials with property reassessment. His church leadership at Christian Union Church and First United Methodist of Crawfordsville includes almost 50 years as a Sunday School teacher, lay speaker, service to the Gideon ministry and several other leadership roles. He has filled in for several churches while they conducted pastoral searches. Vance’s honors include: Honorary Hoosier Farmer Degree, Indiana FFA (1982); Advisor of the Year, Indiana Young Farmer’s Association (1983); Indiana Agriscience Teacher of the Year, National FFA (1991); and Montgomery County Friend of Agriculture Award (2006).
John W. VanNatta, Sr. (1959) - John W. VanNatta, Sr., Battleground, is a pioneer in many ways. A 1902 graduate of Purdue University, he has been a leader in the beef cattle business for more than fifty years. In the early part of the century, he and two brothers operated a 100,000 acre ranch in Texas where they ran 8,000 to 10,000 brood cows. He has been in the Hereford business in Indiana from 1909 to the present. VanNatta Herefords have a nationwide reputation in the show ring. They have appeared in major shows throughout the country and have won champion steer awards at the International Livestock Exposition and at the Denver Stock Show. They have also won championships at the Kentucky, Nebraska, and Indiana State Fairs and the Kansas City Royal. VanNatta is a charter member of the National Livestock and Meat Board, a Director of the American Hereford Association, and has served on the Indiana Livestock Sanitary Board. He has been president of the Lafayette Production Credit Association for eighteen years. John VanNatta has truly been a pioneer and a leader in the profession of agriculture. To him, our thanks for a life devoted to a worthy cause.
Michael Veenhuizen (2022) - More than 15 years ago, a group charged with revising Indiana’s livestock and poultry rules thought it wise to do what dozens of councils, area plan commissions and zoning boards have done: Ask Mike Veenhuizen what he thinks. His technical expertise and practical approach represented the interests of Indiana farmers well by tempering the opinions of academics and lawyers. Those opinions often looked good on paper but would be tough to implement in the real world. His years of experience were a good reality check for proposed rule language. Since 1994, Veenhuizen has been president of Livestock Engineering Solutions Inc., earning a national reputation while providing site planning, design expertise and professional consultancy for all aspects of manure handling. Mike understands complex and contentious issues and can help people understand potential long-term impacts. His ability to help farms obtain permits and operate in an environmentally sustainable manner has been invaluable to Indiana’s livestock industry. The detail and precision of his plans and work stood up to any and all scrutiny by those who would try to prevent farms from being developed. Mike’s integrity is beyond reproach. Mike doesn’t design facilities that would be placed in questionable or wrong locations. He works to find suitable alternatives, if need be. Mike is always professional, and utilizes the latest science to support his position and stands his ground in the face of stiff opposition. He has endeared himself to livestock producers because of his steadfast support of their right under the law to raise animals in compliance with the laws of the state.
Donald B. Villwock (2002) - Don Villwock graduated from Purdue University in 1972 with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics. He returned to his native Knox County and established a grain farming operation that today includes 2,500 acres of specialty grains, including white corn, popcorn, seed soybeans. His “hobby” of farm policy, as he calls it, has led Villwock to become active in numerous agricultural organizations and countless leadership roles. Villwock was a member of the Indiana Ag Leadership’s first class. From 1984 to 1989, he served as Senator Richard Lugar’s Agricultural Liaison. From 1989 to 1993 he was Indiana’s State Executive Director of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS). From 1998 to 2001, he served as Vice President of Indiana Farm Bureau, and in December 2001 that organization elected him as its President. In January 2002 he was elected to the Board of Directors of the American Farm Bureau Federation. Don has held leadership positions in most every organization to which he’s belonged. A glance at his resume shows that two of the primary beneficiaries of Don’s time and talent have been Farm Bureau and the Purdue School of Agriculture, two organization that he has served in numerous ways from local committees and leadership to national advocacy activities. Back in Knox County he has served as director of the Vincennes Chamber of Commerce, president of the Knox County Farm Bureau and as master of the Edwardsport Masonic Lodge. At the state level, his leadership has included, among many others: Vice Chairman of the Indiana Grain Indemnity Board and service on the board of directors of both the Indiana Soybean Growers Association and the Indiana Corn Growers Association. He chaired the Indiana Institute of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition. From 1990 to 1992 he served as president of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association, presiding over a critical transition in leadership that occurred with the retirement of longtime executive secretary Mauri Williamson. He served as Purdue’s representative on the National Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching (CARET) Committee, and since 1984 he has been a trustee of the Farm Foundation’s Bennett Agricultural Roundtable. From 1997 to 2001, he served on USDA’s 21st Century Commission on Agriculture, studying agricultural policy and making recommendations for the farm bill legislation that is now being formulated in Congress. Don’s tireless activities, mostly on behalf of agriculture, have been recognized with numerous awards. He received the Knox County Chamber of Commerce’s 2001 Community Service Award. He has been honored by the National Ag Alumni & Development Association with its Volunteer Service Award for his activities on behalf of Purdue. He was a member of the first class of our own Distinguished Agricultural Alumni. And, he’s been named a Sagamore of the Wabash, a Purdue Old Master and an Indiana Prairie Farmer Master Farmer. Nominator Chuck Connor, now the White House advisor on agricultural policy, called Don “one of the very brightest and thoughtful minds in America today on complex food and food and farm issues” and sums up Don’s professional and personal endeavors when he said that Don is “fully dedicated to improving the lives of farmers and all who live and reside in rural America.” Don, for your service to the agricultural profession above and beyond the call of duty, it is my pleasure to award you this day, the Purdue Ag Alumni Association’s Highest Award, the Certificate of Distinction.
Norman J. Volk (1958) - Dr. Norman J. Yolk was born Jan. 16, 1901 at Ocanto Falls, Wisconsin, descendant of a pioneer family. He received his first six years of education in a small country school in Maple Valley, graduated from the eighth grade at Ocanto Falls and in June, 1919, received a diploma from Ocanto Falls high school. With money earned from the sale of some 30 colonies of bees and sale of snap beans and cucumbers, he entered the University of Wisconsin. In the summer of 1923 he received the B.S. degree from that University, a year later the M.S. degree and in 1932 the Ph.D. degree, also from that University. He went to work as a control chemist with Texas A & M College in September, 1924. Two years later Yolk joined the research staff of the United Fruit Company in Central America. Before he left the tropics in 1936 he had become head of the company's research department. His explorations covered practically every large river valley in Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama and Jamaica and in some areas of Nicaragua and British Honduras. He then became soil chemist at the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station and was made head of the department of agronomy and soils at Alabama Polytechnic Institute in 1941. In October, 1944, he came to Purdue University as head of the department of agronomy. In April, 1945, he was named associate director of the Purdue Agricultural Experiment Station. In 1958 Yolk was named director of the AES and associate dean of agriculture. A Fellow of the American Society of Agronomy and past president of the Soil Science Society of America, Yolk was an advisor to the War Food Administration during World War II. He was elected one of the ten leading fertilizer chemists in the United States in 1945. He is the author of 41 publications in his area of major specialization, soil chemistry. He married Lois Nancy Gaskell of Duluth, Minn. They have two sons, Richard James, and Eugene Russell.
James Vorst (2011) - Dr. James Vorst has served agriculture well as an undergraduate teacher and advisor at Purdue University in the Agronomy Department for forty years. During those forty years he taught Crop Production and other courses to over 10,000 students and advised 20 graduate students, preparing them for successful careers in agriculture. He earned his B.S. and M.S. from The Ohio State University and a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska. Jim Vorst has made a tremendous impact on the agriculture industry in Indiana. Within the classroom, his grasp of agronomic knowledge allowed him to connect agronomy with other disciplines in agriculture as well as with business and other sciences. He has the unique ability to communicate and connect with a variety of students by adjusting the content and delivery to each situation. He fights for education and defends what he feels is the best solution to benefit students in the long run. Jim does not believe that education stops outside the classroom. He helped lay the groundwork for the Certified Crop Advisor program, whose membership includes over 13,000 agriculturalists in the United States and Canada. The CCA program has significantly impacted crop production by increasing productivity and responsible management. Although Jim is retired from Purdue he is leading the expansion of the CCA into Southeast Asia and soon will be working in with Argentina. NRCS has also recognized Jim’s philosophy of education and asked him to develop educational guidelines for Technical Service Providers that worked nationwide. The recognition he has received is a testament to his dedication and talent for education. At Purdue he is listed in the Purdue Book of Great Teachers, has received the University Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, and the Outstanding Teacher in Agronomy four times. He also has been awarded the USDA Food and Agricultural Science Excellence in Teaching Regional Award. Along with his service to his profession, he has provided a great service to his community. Jim was on the Tippecanoe County 4-H Fair planning committee and took responsibility for the sheep show for many years. He is a member of Farm Bureau, Kiwanis, Lions Club, and the Benton Central FFA advisory board. If that isn’t enough, he is a member of St. Charles Catholic Church in Otterbein where he recently helped build all the sanctuary furniture.
Henry (Hank) A. Wadsworth (2004) - “Henry,” the father said, “it’s the Depression. We live on this small New York dairy farm and we don’t have a lot of money. But you will always have food.” The son, who was Henry only to his parents and Hank to everyone else, is now 73. In his role as chairman of the Food Finders Food Bank in Lafayette, Ind., Hank Wadsworth is now making that same promise to thousands of Hoosiers who depend on the food bank on a daily basis. Last year, the food bank distributed more than 2.5 million pounds of food to 180 food pantries in 16 north-central Indiana counties. However, distributing food to food pantries was not what Wadsworth had planned in 1999 when he retired as the director of Purdue Extension. But before the journey with Food Finders began, Wadsworth had an impressive career in the Cooperative Extension Service. After college (Cornell BS ’56, MS ’58, PhD ’62), he worked in the Purdue Department of Agricultural Economics as an Extension specialist in farm management and community development from 1962 to 1973. Wadsworth moved back to Indiana and was the Extension director from 1983 to 1999. He also served as an Indiana State Fair director for those 16 years. He has been a volunteer for the museum at Historic Prophetstown and a trustee at Federated Church. He does all of this, as well as his Food Finders obligations, while overseeing his small farm outside of Attica.
Edna Troth Walker (1976) - Edna Troth Walker, Orleans, Indiana, has been retired from the State 4-H Club staff for several years now. But the principles she taught, the speeches she gave, and the thousands of young people she inspired remain as an eternal monument to her veracity, her impeccable character, and her complete devotion to improving the lives of all those young people that knew her. Edna graduated from the Purdue School of Home Economics in 1923. After graduation, she taught home economics at Salem, then, in 1928, was appointed home demonstration agent in Vanderburgh County. Two years later, she joined the State 4-H Club Office where she remained until her retirement in 1961. The glamorous part of Mrs. Walker's life was the public appearances that we all know about. However, she was just as diligent and just as dedicated to the workaday tasks that confronted her. She was especially proficient in the development of leaders and served on several state and national committees in that area. She wrote many leaders manuals for extension agents, 4-H Club leaders, as well as many of the project manuals used by 4-Hers. She was one of the originators of the district 4-H leadership schools sponsored by the Rotary clubs. Edna was well known as a speaker for many conferences and meetings around the state, but had a national reputation as well. She has spoken for the National 4-H Club Congress, the Southern Agricultural Workers Conference, and for state 4-H conferences in many other states. Retirement seems to have accelerated Mrs. Walker to even greater activity. She is or has been a member of the Orleans Town Library Board, Vice-President of the Orange County Red Cross, and Chairman of the County Red Cross Bloodmobile Program. She is especially active in the work of her Church where she has worked as financial secretary, choir member, Sunday School teacher, and member of many committees. She is very active in judging 4-H projects, and has been a judge of various competitions at the Indiana State Fair for twelve years. In 1973, she was appointed to the State Commission on Aging and Aged by Governor Bowen. She is one of only two women on that fourteen member body. And she still has time for plenty of leisure activities such as reading, sewing, and literature collection. Purdue spirit never seems to wane. She and Mr. Walker attend all the Purdue home football games as well as Rose Bowl games whenever the rare opportunity presents itself. Edna Troth Walker, we thank you for a life full of devotion to the good life, and, more importantly, to giving that good life to others. You richly deserve this Certificate of Distinction.
E. R. Walley (1946) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Richard H. Ward (1992) - Ward, a 1943 graduate in agricultural economics, was cited for outstanding farm management practices as a progresssive and innovative farmer and hog producer, and for contributions to agriculture and Purdue, and to his community. After serving in the Navy during World War II, Ward then returned to the family farm in Montgomery County. He is now president of R&R Farms, Inc., Edgewood Farms, Inc., and Myrtle Ward Farms, Inc. Twice his farms were selected for the Indiana State Farm Management Tours sponsored by Purdue. He has served as president of the Indiana State Farm Management Association, Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association, and he Montgomery County Historical Society. Ward is an active member of the American and Indiana Society of Farm Management and Rural Appraisers, the Montgomery County and State Chambers of Commerce, a board member of the Montgomery County Community Foundation and the county's Cultural Foundation. He served as a director of the Montgomery County Farm Bureau some 20 years. Since 1972 Ward has served as the chairman of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Trust Fund, and has served on the Dean's Advisory Committee, and the Purdue President's Council, and is a member of the John Purdue Gold Coat Club. He is also a 30-year member of the Linden Masonic Lodge, and the Kiwanis• Club. He was named an Indiana Prairie Farmer Master Farmer in 1971.
Rex J. Warner (2002) - Rex Warner graduated from Purdue with a bachelor’s degree in Agronomy in 1964 and received his master’s in Education Administration from Central Michigan University in 1969. Upon his graduation from Purdue, he began what would be a 31 year career with the Purdue Cooperative Extension Service. Rex served as a county educator for several counties and as extension director in Newton County before being named to the state 4-H staff in 1976. At the state office he was responsible for Animal Science Youth programs. Rex retired in 1995 in order to begin a second career and fulfill his lifelong dream of building a children’s church ministry as the youth pastor of Victory Christian Center. In his role as Youth Development Specialist in the State 4-H/Youth Department, Rex provided program leadership to the more than 30,000 youth enrolled in livestock projects. He was key in the development of the extremely popular Animal Science Workshop, a joint effort of the departments of 4-H/Youth and Animal Sciences, a program that attracts 300-400 students annually and has been replicated by many other land grant universities. In the area of curriculum development, he introduced electronic assisted learning tools and developed educational kits that were adopted nationally. Rex’s nominators note how he always kept the young people he served at the forefront of his program development, always asking “is this program about better animals or making better kids?” When youth livestock competitions became fraught with unethical and sometimes illegal practices, Rex took the leadership in implementing meaningful show ring ethics in youth livestock shows at the Indiana State Fair. When the International Association of Fairs and Expositions developed its National Code of Show Ring Ethics, the program Rex helped implement in Indiana was often cited as an example of the right way to conduct youth competitions. Rex has served his profession in numerous leadership roles. He was a Purdue University Senator representing the School of Agriculture, and he served as president of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialist Association. He’s served on many state committees including those for Junior Pork Day, Hoosier Horse Fair and Seminars, 4-H Curriculum Review Task Force, the state Commission on Farm Animal Care, and the Indiana Ag In the Classroom Steering Committee. In his present career as Children’s Pastor of Victory Christian Center, Rex has spearheaded an effort to provide transportation for church members and numerous underprivileged children. He runs a Bible School for more than 200 children that involved more than 20 volunteer teachers. With his wife and co-pastor Nell, he edits a monthly newsletter “Kids for Jesus” and he founded a care club of the same name that has about a dozen clubs meeting in members’ homes. He initiated an incentive program for the children, “Victory Bucks,” that recognizes children for their accomplishments, their community service and their involvement of others in the church’s activities. Rex’s efforts have not gone unnoticed by others, as he’s received many awards and recognition for his contributions. His extension peers honored him with both their junior and senior career awards during his career at Purdue. He was chosen as a national Mott Educational Intern. The national Association of Extension 4-H Agents cited him with their Distinguished Service Award, and Governor Evan Bayh named him a Sagamore of the Wabash. Rex, for your service to the agricultural profession above and beyond the call of duty, it is my pleasure to award you this day, the Purdue Ag Alumni Association’s Highest Award, the Certificate of Distinction.
Samuel H. Washburn (1981) - Samuel H. Washburn is a master farmer. Born in lafayette, he attended Kentland public schools, graduated Magna Cum laude from Hanover College, and received his Master of Science degree in agricultural economics from Purdue in 1959. In the ensuing 25 years, his career has become an authentic model of the successful practitioner of the art and science of modern farm management. Mr. Washburn's wide-ranging activities in behalf of agriculture have earned him the profound respect of colleagues at the state, national, and international levels. He has served as president of the Indiana Beef Cattle Association, the Indiana Beef Evaluation Program Incorporated, and the Indiana livestock Breeders Association. At the national level, he has been president of the National Cattlemen's Association, National lamb Feeders AssociC1tion, and the American Shropshire Registry Association. In 1982, President Reagan appointed Mr. Washburn to the President's Advisory Committee on Trade Negotiations. He has served on the Policy Advisory Committee of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. His advice and counsel as a trade consultant have been sought in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Sri lanka, Western Europe, Australia, Canada, and Mexico. Samuel Washburn's business is farming. The operation of his Spring Valley farm near Fowler, Indiana, which specializes in the production of purebred beef cattle, corn soybeans, and asparagus, has served as an ideal laboratory site for visiting Purdue agriculture students. He has remained close to Purdue University in many ways including his participation in the Old Masters Program in 1983. Purdue University proudly salutes Samuel H. Washburn for his enormous contributions to the field of agriculture.
Ralph Watkins (1978) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Russell Weaver (1986) - Russell Weaver, Route 2, Vevay, and his three sons operate an 825-acre dairy farm where they milk 108 cows and feed 65 beef cows, and raise hay, corn and tobacco. He has served as president of the Southeast Purdue Agricultural Center advisory committee, and as a member of the Extension-Research Support Committee represented to the committee in Washington, D.C. in 1982 he received the “Friend of Extension” award. He has served as president of the County Farm Bureau nine years and was a voting delegate to the State Farm Bureau Convention. He also served as director of the Dearborn County Farm Bureau Co-op Association. Weaver has served on the county planning and zoning commission, the School Building Committee, and the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation County Committee. He has also been an active member of the American Dairy Association, the National Milk Producers and the Co-op Milk Company, and the state and national Mideast Dairy Improvement Association. Weaver is a lay speaker and chairman of the pastor-parish Board at his church.
Matthew E. Welsh (1974) - All segments of the economy benefit when governmental leadership operates in a fair minded, dedicated manner. Just such was the case with Matthew E. Welsh of Vincennes and Indianapolis, former governor of Indiana. Governor Welsh has a long and distinguished career in public service beginning before World War II as a member of the General Assembly. He served in the Navy in that war, then returned to the Legislature as a member of the Senate representing Knox and Daviess counties. He was minority leader of the Senate for two terms. He co-authored legislation to broaden the base for tax assessments for land used for non-agricultural purposes. Matthew Welsh served as governor of Indiana from 1961 till 1965, and showed understanding and support of agriculture as a major part of our economy. He was instrumental in eliminating political patronage from the Office of the State Veterinarian, and from the State Soil and Water Conservation Committee. Likewise, he placed the Department of Natural Resources on a merit system. Governor Welsh was a loyal and enthusiastic fan of the Indiana State Fair, and was active in its operation. He gave aggressive leadership to the School reorganization Commission an action that was extremely important to many rural communities. He also led a revision of the tax distribution statutes to the advantage of both local schools and the state universities. The Indiana Vocational Technical School was initiated during Welsh's Reign. Welsh is an active Churchman, and is a member of the board of the Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. He is a member and former chairman of the board of Vincennes University. Governor Welsh, we salute you for a life so rich in public service, and so devoted to the great state of Indiana.
Phares L. White (1951) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Kaye H. Whitehead (2005) - Kaye Whitehead operates Seldom Rest Farms, a 3,300-acre grain, hay and hog operation near Muncie in Delaware County, in partnership with her husband. A native of Kentucky, Whitehead received a B.S. in Animal Science from the University of Kentucky in 1975. She has been farming in Indiana since 1977 and has worked as a tireless advocate for livestock and production agriculture. She is a graduate of Class I of the Indiana Agricultural Leadership Program. Seldom Rest Farm is described by one nominator as “economically, environmentally and politically sustainable.” The Whitehead family hosted the Indiana Farm Management Tour in 1993. Whitehead’s volunteer service to agriculture spans numerous local, state and national organizations. An active member of Indiana Farm Bureau (IFB), she has served as the Delaware County Farm Bureau president since 1990 and was co-chair of the 1996 Farm Bill Task Force and chaired the Department of Agriculture Task Force in 2003-2004. She has been a member of the Delaware County Pork Producers for 29 years and has served as an officer and member of the board of directors. She served two terms as the president of the Indiana Pork Producers Association, and was on the executive committee for six years. She was a member of Senator Dan Quayle’s agricultural advisory committee from 1985 to 1987 and served as chairman of Congressman David McIntosh’s ag advisory committee for 1994 to 2000. From 1997 to 2001 she served on the National Pork Board, an advisory group to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. From 1994 to 1996 she was on the agriculture advisory committee of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. She was a member of the Purdue University Agriculture Dean’s Advisory Council from 2000 to 2004. In 2004 she was a member of the Federal Meat Export Council. Whitehead has been actively involved in community service, as well. She has been on the board of Ball Memorial Hospital since 1999. She has served as board member (8 years) and president of the Delaware County Sheriff’s Merit Board and board member (10 years) and chair of the Minnetrista Cultural Center. Her honors include: Delaware County Farm Bureau Woman of the Year (1984); Indiana Jaycees Outstanding Young Farmer 1st runner-up (1985); Indiana Outstanding Young Pork Producer (1985); Pork Magazine’s Pork Marketer of the Year (1985); Delaware County Farm Bureau Woman of Achievement (1989); Indiana Prairie Farmer Master Farmer (1987); and Sagamore of the Wabash (1987).
William E. (Bill) Whitehead (2005) - Bill Whitehead operates Seldom Rest Farms, a 3,300-acre grain, hay and hog operation near Muncie in Delaware County, in partnership with his wife. Whitehead graduated in 1962 from the Purdue Ag Winter Shortcourse. He returned home to farm with his father, and later his wife and son joined him in the farming operation. Whitehead utilizes no-till planting, modern manure management, and detailed production records for crops and livestock to insure the farms sustainability. The Whitehead family hosted the Indiana Farm Management Tour in 1993. One nominator says that Whitehead was always equally receptive to hosting small local groups as he was international visitors and statewide management groups. Whitehead has served extensively in leadership of agricultural organizations. He is a charter member of the Delaware/Blackford County Pork Producers, and has served on the board of directors and in every officer’s position, as well as State Director. He is an active Farm Bureau member, and has chaired the livestock and the legislative and resolutions committees for the Delaware County Farm Bureau, and has served on the livestock and legislative committees of Indiana Farm Bureau. He has served on numerous committees for the Indiana Pork Producers Association, including the chairmanship of the check-off committee, and in 1980 he was elected as IPPA president. From 1994 to 2000 he served on the agricultural advisory committee for Congressman David McIntosh. He has served as a board member, and in every officer’s position, of the Delaware County chapter of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association. His community service includes chairing the E.K. Keesling Scholarship Committee since 1984. And in 16 years of service on the Liberty-Perry School Corporation Board, he held every leadership office. Whitehead’s honors for his community service and agricultural achievements include: Delaware County Jaycees Outstanding Young Farmer (1978); Indiana Outstanding Young Pork Producer (1978); National Pork Producers Pork All-American (1980); Verne C. Freeman Outstanding Purdue Ag Winter Course Alumnus (1986); Indiana Prairie Farmer Master Farmer (1987); Liberty-Perry School Board Distinguished Service Award (1998); and Sagamore of the Wabash (1987).
Charles (Shorty) Whittington (2007) - Shorty Whittington is the owner of several transportation and agricultural businesses including Grammer Industries, Inc. and Integrity BioFuels, LLC. Whittington received a B.S. degree in Agricultural Sciences from Purdue University in 1968. The flagship of Whittington’s business holdings is Grammer Industries, Inc., a trucking and transportation company he founded in 1977 in southeast Indiana. Grammer Industries specializes in the transportation of hazardous materials for agricultural and industrial purposes, including NH3 (anhydrous ammonia). Whittington has positioned Grammer as an industry leader in service and safety. The company has developed and conducts safety and emergency training programs for fire departments and other clients, and also provides emergency response services for hazardous material recovery and clean-up. Whittington also owns Vickery Transportation, based in Vickery, Ohio, which specializes in the transportation of hazardous waste materials. A third company, Seymour Transportation, leases semi-tractors and trailers, including the largest privately owned fleet of MC3331 transport trailers used to transport NH3 or propane. In 2006 Whittington launched Integrity BioFuels, LLC, the first continuous flow biodiesel processing plant in Indiana. The plant is based in Morristown, Indiana and has a capacity of 5 million gallons per year with plans to double and triple the plant’s capacity through “modular” expansion. The plant operates with no emissions and no wastewater discharge and has a patent pending on its processing design. Whittington is a national leader in the transportation industry, particularly in the area of hazardous materials, and numerous trade organizations and government regulatory groups have sought his expertise. He has represented the commercial agricultural transportation industry at the White House, before Congress and at national conferences including the recent USDA/DOE Advancing Renewable Energy Conference. He represented The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) on the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) task force charged with developing regulations for the compressed gas transportation industry that would provide guidelines for a safer method of offloading transports, a rule making process that could have resulted in severe economic impact for the industry. He also was a key member of a joint committee convened by USDA and the Agricultural and Food Transporters Conference (AFTC) to address homeland security in food and agricultural transportation. The committee’s work produced the USDA/AFTC Guide for Security Management Practices in Transporting Agricultural and Food Commodities, as well as a companion AFTC Resource Directory for security practices in this transportation sector. Whittington is an advocate for the use of biofuels to promote national security, and his truck fleet was among the first in Indiana to run on biodiesel. Whittington’s service to state and national trade organizations is extensive. He has served as the southeast chapter president of the Indiana Motor Truck Association (IMTA) and has been the state Secretary, Vice Chairman and Chairman. Currently he serves on the IMTA board of directors and is on the Executive Committee. He is a founding member of the AFTC, which is part of the American Trucking Associations (ATA) and the only national organization that represents the interests of commercial transporters of ag commodities, food, forest products and minerals. He served as chairman of the AFTC Board of Directors for over five years, giving leadership that grew the organization to more than 500 members. He is active in TFI and serves on its Transportation Council. An active member of the American Trucking Associations, he is one of four Vice-Chairmen, serves on the Executive Committee, and is set to become Chairman of the Board of ATA in 2009. He will become the first commercial agricultural transporter to serve as ATA’s Chairman. He also serves on ATA’s Safety Policy, Hours of Service, and Environmental Policy committees. He also serves on the board of directors of the National Tank Truck Carriers, Inc. (NTTC), the trade association of ATA. Whittington is also a founding investor and board member of Midwest Ag Finance, Inc., a financial services company serving Indiana and surrounding states. Among his many awards, Whittington has received both the Outstanding Service Award and the Founders Award from the Agricultural and Food Transporters Conference (AFTC).
Robert K. Wichmann (1988) - Robert K. Wichmann, Tipton, Indiana corporate vice president of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, is the kind of person that we could very well use as a definition of the Ag Alumni Certificate of Distinction. His successful life in agricultural business and in the community represents professionalism in its true definition. Bob graduated from Purdue’s School of Agriculture with a major in agronomy in 1959. He has worked with Pioneer since completion of his undergraduate studies. He advanced steadily from district sales manager through general sales manager of the firm’s Eastern Division, to executive vice president and president of that Eastern Division, then on to corporate vice president of the entire company. Along the way, Wichmann found time to graduate from Harvard Business School Advanced Program, and Cornell’s Agribusiness Executive Program> Under Bob Wichmann’s innovative leadership, the Eastern Division of Pioneer has consistently led the company in profits. His program of intensive training and evaluation of their 1,400 farmer dealers, has, in goodly measure, been responsible for the success of this division. Wichmann has led his company along a progressive community path. Pioneer has contributed substantially to the Robert Woods Agricultural Scholarships and helped establish the Center for Agricultural Business at Purdue Under his leadership, the firm supposed a Rural Issues Forum, the Indiana Institute of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition, and are active boosters of 4-H Clubs, public libraries and other public services in the Tipton community. Bob Wichmann is a young, dynamic and progressive leader in the professional agribusiness community. He is worthy of this award. One more note of interest, Bob Wichmann was a member of the famous Milan basketball team that won the state championship in 1954. In every sense, he is a real “Hoosier.”
Claude H. Wickard (1941) - Wickard served as Secretary of Agriculture under President Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1940 to 1945. Wickard was born on his family farm in Carroll County, Indiana, near Camden. He graduated from Purdue University in 1915, with a bachelor's degree in agriculture, and was chosen as ""Master Farmer of Indiana"" in 1927 for his improvements in stock feeding and farming. Elected to the Indiana Senate in 1932, he was appointed as Undersecretary of Agriculture. When Henry A. Wallace resigned as Secretary of Agriculture in 1940 to run for Vice-President of the United States, Wickard succeeded to the post. During World War II, Wickard headed the War Foods Administration, promoting increased farm production as a matter of patriotism. Wickard resigned in 1945 to become chief of the Rural Electrification Administration, until 1953.
Ralph Wilcox (1976) - Too often, we think of our principal resource in terms of the soil and the corn, the soybeans, the wheat, and the forage that it produces. Not always true. Just as real are the forests, the streams, the lakes, and the prairies that are the product of our bountiful land. The preservation, development, and proper utilization of these natural resources require a man with idealism, vision, and dedication. Just such a man is Ralph F. Wilcox, Indianapolis, Indiana. He graduated from Forestry School at Mont Alto, Pennsylvania in 1925. While attending Cornel! University a year later, he commuted to Indiana for several months to serve as Assistant State Forester succeeding Charles Deam, the famous botanist. Ralph Wilcox was an evangelist. He worked hard for additional funds with which he could purchase desperately needed forest lands and establish forest nurseries. After serving in the Air Force in World War II, he returned to Indiana as State Forester. He inaugurated a program of district foresters to direct state forest lands as well as conduct the many forestry conservation and improvement programs of the department. His pioneering effort was the forerunner of a system of public lands that includes eleven State Forests covering 140,000 acres. Ralph Wilcox was a farmer. His crops were stately forests, quiet streams, and abundant wildlife, and, most importantly, happy people who enjoy the serenity of the deep forest, and the life renewing beauty of the land in its natural state. In the words of former Governor Ralph Gates "I know of no man who gave more unselfishly of himself in behalf of the Indiana Forestry Department." For that, we extend this Certificate of Distinction to you, Ralph Wilcox.
Maurice L. Williamson (1990) - Williamson, a native of rural Economy, is executive secretary of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association, but will retire this year. During his 37 years at that post he has become one of the best known alumni directors in the nation, and his programs have been copied by many other land-grant colleges. Programs include the Fish Fry and Science Forecast, which is an annual meeting of the association; the Pioneer Farm and Home Show at the Indiana State Fair, a repository for over 200,000 agricultural artifacts; the Gala Week Pancake Breakfast, an alumni reunion held each spring; the Senior Chili Supper which honors outstanding seniors in the Schools of Agriculture and Veterinary Science; the Ag Fall Roundup which brings delegate couples to the campus for orientation meetings; and more than 60 Purdue Ag Alumni chapters throughout the state. Williamson is a popular after-dinner speaker, and has traveled more than a million miles throughout the state to present more than 100 speeches a year to alumni meetings and other organizations. His theme always includes references to the history of the family farm in the United States, and is laced with humor and optimism. Williamson is a founding member and past president of the National Agricultural Alumni and Development Association, and is a member of the board of Directors for the national Agricultural Hall of Fame. He has served as a director of the Tippecanoe Battlefield Historical Corporation, Farm Life Experience at Indianapolis, and the Food and Agricultural Advisory Council of the White River Park Commission. He has received the Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence in Educational Service to Rural People of Indiana, and the Sigma Delta Chi Leather Medal for Service to Purdue. Williamson has been named a Sagamore of the Wabash and Kentucky Colonel, and received a Distinguished Service Award from the National Agricultural Alumni and Development Association. He has also served as a director of the National Association of Living Historical Museums. He was named an honorary master farmer by the Indiana Prairie Farmer magazine. He is a member of the Lafayette Rotary Club, the Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, Alpha Zeta and Farmhouse fraternities, Epsilon Sigma Phi extension service honorary, and the John Purdue Club. He is president of the Class of ’50 which is raising funds to build a new high-technology lecture hall on campus. Williamson will retire from Purdue in June, and continue living in West Lafayette. He plans to continue association with Purdue, the Pioneer Farm Show and other activities, and help his son, David, with the family farm in Wayne County. Williamson completed a baccalaureate degree in animal science at Purdue in 1950. He returned to the campus three years later to lead the agricultural alumni association.
Thomas E. Wilson (1951) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Guy H. Wilson (1953) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Paul O. Wilson (1954) - Paul O. Wilson, Chicago, was born in Vigo County in 1894. He attended Prairie Creek High School, graduating in 1913. He served as a First Lieutenant in the artillery during World War 1. After his discharge, he entered Purdue University's School of Agriculture and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1922. After graduation, he served successfully as County Agent in Vanderburgh County for three years. He later became manager of the Cincinnati Livestock Producers Association, and then was advanced to the position of Secretary and General Manager of The National Livestock Producers Association with offices in Chicago. He has served in this capacity for more than 20 years. This is the largest livestock marketing agency on this continent, and has branch offices throughout the livestock producing areas of this country. Mr. Wilson, through his strong and effective leadership, has been a great factor in bringing the Producers Association to their present level of importance and service. P. O. Wilson has always taken a keen interest in all organizations that help to promote the interests of the meat animal business. He is a trustee of the Executive Board of the American Institute of Cooperation, a trustee of the Foundation of Agricultural Cooperatives, a director of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, a member of the Executive Committee of the National Institute of Animal Agriculture, and an Advisor to the Secretary of Agriculture.
Harold H. Wilson (2005) - Harold Wilson has been a successful grain and hog farmer in Miami County for almost 60 years, and while doing that has had a tremendous positive influence on his home community and many agricultural organizations. Wilson graduated from Purdue University with a B. S. in Agricultural Economics in 1951. He served four years in the U.S. Army, then returned to the farm and took over as principal manager, as his father had passed away while Harold was a student at Purdue. A consummate manager, Wilson’s farrow-to-finish hog operation has remained essentially the same size for 30 years, yet the data collected and analyzed by his feed company consistently ranks it among the most profitable in their database. Wilson has been an ardent conservationist. He served 16 years on the board of the Miami County Soil and Water Conservation District, and for 8 years on the board of the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, two of them as president. From 1972 to 1975 he served on the National Association of Conservation Districts board, and for three years was on U. S. Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz’s Soil and Water Advisory Committee. For 20 years, until 1991, he was on the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Soil Conservation Board, and served six years as its chairman. He served 12 years, until 2004, on the Miami County Farm Bureau board of directors and is currently director of policy development and a delegate to the state convention. He helped organize the Miami County Pork Producers, and he was a principal creator/implementer of Miami County Ag Industry Day which brings together the local business and agricultural communities to learn about and gain appreciation for each other’s positions. He’s an active supporter of the Miami County 4-H Fair, and has been the swine show announcer for decades. Other community activities include service on the boards of: Dukes Memorial Hospital (6 years); Peru Civic Center (6 years); and Peru Trust Company (17 years). He served on the Peru Community School Board for three years, two as president. He is a trustee of Erie United Methodist Church, where he’s been active for more than 60 years. He is a certified lay minister in the United Methodist Church, and was District Lay Leader for 10 years. He continues to be a delegate to the annual North Indiana Conference of United Methodist Men. But Wilson’s true passion is for Purdue, and particularly Purdue Agriculture. He has always sought out Purdue expertise to improve his management practices and efficiencies, as well as his physical facilities. In the mid 1990’s he allowed his swine herd to be a teaching opportunity for the School of Veterinary Medicine. As a volunteer for Purdue, he has been tireless. He served 12 years on the local Purdue Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching (P-CARET), and was president of Area VIII P-CARET for two years. He was on the board of the Purdue Ag Alumni Association for 16 years, and was president from 1998 to 2000. He is a long-time member of the association’s seed committee, and served for 10 years on the board of the Ag Alumni Seed Improvement Association. He also served a two year term on the board of the Purdue Alumni Association. In 1984 he received Indiana Prairie Farmer’s Master Farmer Award, and two Indiana governors, Governor Bowen in 1979 and Governor Orr in 1988, have named him a Sagamore of the Wabash.
Tom Wiltrout (2017) - Tom Wiltrout has left the Dow AgroSciences global headquarters in Indianapolis, but only literally. His influence lingers in room after room, and likely will do so for years to come. “Tom’s personal moral standards and relationship skills, together with his intelligence and experience of a life dedicated to agriculture, has delivered so much value — not only in business and technology development, but also in developing and motivating a whole generation of new leaders who will shape the future of this industry,” a former Dow chief executive officer said. Former colleagues consider him a catalyst for driving innovation forward for an industry that must soon feed 9 billion people. That’s high praise for a Kosciusko County native with bachelor’s (Forestry, 1975) and master’s (Weed Science, 1976) degrees from Purdue University who spent the first half of his four-decade career on the agrochemical side of the business, when DowElanco was the name. Eventually he became a pre-eminent leader in seeds and traits development and advancement. “Tom Wiltrout helped shape the current seed and biotechnology landscape in the marketplace today,” said one of his nominators. “Tom, who has unrivaled strategic understanding of the seed and biotech industry, also has the rare ability to clearly communicate it. His vision and strategic thinking were key drivers of the seeds and biotech business in Dow AgroSciences, and he was a catalyst for the (company) investments in research and acquisitions in Indiana and around the world.” Risa DeMasi once headed the American Seed Trade Association board. “His thoughtful contributions and leadership during his tenure on the Board of Directors for ASTA were instrumental as we developed the strategic plan which guides our activities today,” she said. “It was an honor to serve with him and to have the opportunity to learn from him. I’m better for knowing Tom.” Wiltrout oversaw the corn and technology business for Dow AgroSciences during the development of Herculex traits. This innovative trait enables top-performing corn hybrids to reach their maximum yield potential by combining high-yielding genetics with consistent, season-long control of European corn borer, corn rootworm, western bean cutworm, black cutworm and fall armyworm. Wiltrout’s leadership during the first commercial product launch helped shape many strategic decisions. He also led efforts on negotiating agreements and development of SmartStax, a widely used corn technology that offers reduced refuge requirements of only 5 percent in the Corn Belt. His work took him to every corner of the world as he advanced agricultural technology through collaboration, negotiation, and trust-building. Wiltrout was known as a hard and passionate, yet fair, negotiator of agreements. “We were able to develop critical collaborations for Dow AgroSciences and huge future value for farmers with major companies,” a former CEO said, “thanks to the respect, trust and knowledge that Tom has earned in this industry.” A seed company colleague who has served on boards with Wiltrout put it this way: “Tom’s knowledge of the world seed industry is as strong as anyone I know. His ability to process current events and how they might affect the future is typically where most of our conversations end up. He is really good at working through possible outcomes. He is one of the best strategy guys I know.” An increasingly important focus for the industry and consumers is healthy oils. “Tom really helped shape the industry,” a colleague recalls, referring to canola and sunflower products. “He was involved in the first commercial product launch and led/was involved in many of the strategic decisions on how companies invested and aligned themselves across the industry.” A colleague who served with Tom on the board of directors for AgrIInstitute, a leadership development organization, recalled Wiltrout’s contributions as the group was at a pivotal point of rebranding. “Tom has an uncanny ability to cast vision for a group,” the board member said. • Retired from Dow AgroSciences in 2014; his last position was Global Seeds, Traits and Oils Strategy Leader. Previously: Biotechnology Platform: Global Business Leader — Corn; Director and Project Success Leader (insect resistance product); General Manager, United AgriSeeds. For DowElanco Specialty Products: Manager, Marketing Services, Marketing. For Elanco Specialty Products: Manager, New Products, District Sales, Communications, Market Research. • Member of these and other boards: Illinois Foundation Seeds Inc., Mertec LLC, Verneuil Semences, Seed Genetics Inc., and Barenbrug Seeds, The Netherlands. • Recipient of the College of Agriculture’s Distinguished Alumni Award in 2009.
Ted Woehrle (2004) - Ted Woehrle has had an unprecedented in Turf Science since graduating from Purdue University in Agronomy. He began his career as Golf Course Superintendent at Point-O-Woods Golf Club in Benton Harbor, MI. From there he moved to the Beverly Country Club in Chicago, the Oakland Country Club in Bloomfield Hills, MI, and is currently the Superintendent of The Orchards Golf Club in Washington, MI. In total, Ted has been the host superintendent for 9 PGA and U.S. Golf Association tournaments. Ted was elected to the board of directors of the GCSAA and served as their President in 1977. He has also helped to organize and facilitate educational sessions at the Midwest Turf Conference held at Purdue. He gives lectures and speaks to Turf students to pass his experience and knowledge of his profession to future turf scientists. Additionally, he works with the Greater Detroit chapter of the GCSAA, establishing and editing their newsletter and hosting golf outing fund raisers. He has mentored over 30 young superintendents and interns during his 47 years in turf science. Ted Woehrle has set an outstanding example in his field for others to aspire toward.
Robert E. Wood (1951) - The Ag Alumni office has no biographical information on this award winner. If you have information you are willing to share, please contact our office at (765) 494-8593.
Maurice Woodward (1973) - It’s always gratifying to find a busy farmer who finds the time to lend his talents to his profession, and to his community. Maurice Woodward, McCordsville, Indiana is that kind of man. Maurice graduated from the Purdue School of Agriculture in 1926, and operates a 420 acre farm with his son Joe (also a Purdue graduate). He is a certified seed producer. He is a leader in many cooperative efforts. He became a director of the Hancock County R.E.M.C. in 1945, and has served as its president since 1962. For many years, he has served as a director of the Indiana Statewide Rural Electric Cooperative. He has served as a director of the Hancock County Farm Bureau Cooperative since 1950, and was its president for four years of that time. In 1951, Maurice helped organize the Hancock Rural Telephone Cooperative, and has served as its president from 1951 until 1972. And Maurice Woodward serves his community in other ways, too. He is active in the Mt. Comfort Methodist Church, and has worked as a trustee of the Hancock County Memorial Hospital. He hardly ever misses a Hancock County Purdue Ag meeting. That’s something good to say about a man. We consider Maurice Woodward to be a most worthy recipient of this award.
Shirley A. Woody (2000) - Described as a lifelong friend and promoter of agriculture and of Purdue University, Shirley Woody believes in the Cooperative Extension Service's philosophy of extending information and putting knowledge to work, according to Boone County Extension Director Doug Akers. And as a volunteer advocate of agriculture she became a leadership role model for Indiana farm women and literally took her message of education and leadership to rural women around the world. A native of Boone County, Woody attended Purdue University for two years and farmed with her husband Jon near Lebanon until their retirement a few years ago. Woody was a competent partner in the farming operation (that's her driving the combine in the picture below), but she carved out a niche all her own providing volunteer leadership to many organizations. Even retirement didn't last long for Woody, who has resumed activity in her volunteer work for agriculture. Woody volunteered with the Boone County Extension Service for more than 30 years. She began her association with Extension as a 10 year 4-H member, where she became the first woman to serve as president of the Boone County Junior Leaders. Woody served on the Boone County Extension Board, was president of the Boone County Extension Homemakers Association and served as treasurer or the Boone County Fair Board. She was secretary-treasurer of the county 4-H Council and helped establish a fund raising program for county 4-H that is still in use today. She was also an active member of the Dover Christian Church.
Oren A. Wright (1975) - It seems that everything that Oren A. Wright, Greenwood, touches receives his indelible impression. His nomination, submitted by the Johnson County Purdue Ag Chapter, listed twenty significant organizations in which Wright has held responsible positions. They are listed here: Elder of Mt. Pleasant Christian Church - 20 years. - Director of Union Bank and Trust Company. - Past-president of Greenwood Lions Club. - President of Johnson County 4-H and Agricultural Fair Association for 11 years. - Past-president, Johnson County Livestock Breeders Association. - Chairman of Johnson County Republican Central Committee - 19 years. - Now serving his eighth year as an Indiana State Fair Board Director. - President of Indiana State Fair in 1974. - Former president, Indiana Holstein Association. - President, Indiana Rambouillet Association. - Past-president, Indiana Livestock Breeders Association. - Member, Hall of Fame of the Indiana Livestock Breeders Association. - Member, Governor's Study Committee to establish the Purdue Veterinary School. - Director, American Sheep Production Council. - Past-president, American Rambouillet Sheep Association. - Past-president, American Dorset Sheep Association. - Farm Director, American Dairy Association. - Member, USDA Sheep Production Study Committee. Oren operates a 550-acre farm in Johnson and Owen counties and maintains outstanding flocks of Rambouillet and Dorset sheep. He has shown many national champions in both breeds. He is also a nationally recognized sheep judge. Selfishly speaking, the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association thanks Oren Wright for being the instrumental force in the establishment of the Pioneer Farm Museum at the Indiana State Fair which houses our collection of agricultural artifacts. Agriculture thanks you, too, Oren!
John Wright (1997) - In his professional career and community activities, John Wright has shown many people the importance of agriculture in daily existence. ""Probably one of John's greatest contributions in his life is working with our youth,"" one of his nominators said. ""John started out teaching agriculture in local schools, became a high school principal, and later taught many years at Ball State. ... John has been a positive influence on several generations of youth, and I know of no one more respected than John nor do more humble then John."" A 1951 graduate of Purdue's Ag School, Wright went on to earn masters and doctor’s degrees at Doll State University He taught vocational agriculture classes, was an FFA advisor and principal. He worked full time in Career Services at BSU from 1967 to 1991 and part time from 1994 to the present. A state leader for the Purdue Council for the Advancement of Research, Extension and Teaching (P-CARET), Wright co-chaired the committee for legislative contacts and represented the group three times in Washington, D.C. In his P-CARET leadership roles at the county, area and state levels, Wright has been effective at communicating the importance of the Cooperative Extension Service and research to legislators and citizens. He has been a tireless supporter of 4-H. According to a nominator: ""I know he has spent 48 years as a 4-H leader and done a marvelous job mentoring boys and girls into their mature, adult lives."" He also served on the fairboard for 1J years, chairing a committee that raised funds to build a 4-H Community Building at the fairgrounds, and chaired the Kiwanis state committee that assists with 4-H Junior Leader Conference. For his unflagging support of Extension programs, Wright was named’ a ""Friend of Extension” in 1987.
Joseph E. Yahner (1988) - Jos. E. Yahner, West Lafayette, has devoted his professional life to the most precious commodity that exists on this earth – the land. His quiet but effective leadership in improving attitudes and awareness of this primary natural resource, and his positive programs to influence the preservation and proper use of the land is our reason for issuing this Certificate of Distinction to him. Yahner is a 1954 Purdue school of agriculture graduate. He earned his master’s and doctor’s degrees at Oregon State University. He returned to Purdue in 1963 as professor of agronomy and extension agronomist. Yahner has been particularly active in advocating responsible non-farm use of the land. He has worked closely with county authorities, conservationists, land planners and contractors to implement practices that improve stream quality, effective waste disposal, and to reduce erosion associated with construction projects. He has worked closely with the State Board of Health in developing and activating regulations that have materially upgraded the proper installation of effective waste disposal systems in homes, subdivisions and industrial complexes. Yahner’s leadership resulted in the establishment of the Purdue On-Site Waste Disposal Project that has been a major influence in the education and research associated with waste and the land. He developed a computer program for site evaluation and septic system design that will soon be available through county extension offices for general use. Yahner also has pioneered a computer system to store and process soil maps for analytical use in determining erosion hazard, septic system of land evaluation is being used for land assessment purposes that is far more equitable than older methods. Yahner is a people person, too. For years he headed up the 4-H and Future Farmers of America soil judging program. He has taught soil and water conservation classes and conservation camps.
Vance O. York (1998) - Vance York is truly a Pioneer. After graduating from Purdue in 1952, York began a 42-year career with Pioneer Hi-Bred International as district sales representative in Mt. Vernon, Ind. York retired in 1996, but not before accumulating a resume full of professional achievements. From 1957-63, York was the editor of KERNELS magazine. From 1963-73, the Odon, Ind. native was Pioneer’s manager of agronomy services, conducting 30-50 meetings per year with farmers to discuss corn growing techniques. Until his retirement, he was manager of Pioneer’s product management group (1989-96) in Des Moines. “Vance was a very dedicated Pioneer employee for 42 years. Besides his contributions to Pioneer, Vance made considerable contributions to Indiana agriculture and to the seed industry,” according to Pioneer vice president Bob Wichmann. Indeed. York is past president of three agricultural organizations. York has directed the Indiana Future Farmers Association (FFA) Foundation, Indiana Seed Trade Association, and the American Forage and Grassland Council. He is also a past board member of the Indiana Crop Improvement Association and co-chair of the Indiana 4-H Foundation Corporate Development Council. York received the Merit Award from the American Forage and Grassland Council. The FFA honored his dedication and service with the Honorary American Farmer and Honorary Hoosier Farmer awards, as well as the Distinguished Service Award. Currently the treasurer and manager of York Farms Inc. of Worthington, Ind, York is active in the Pioneer Village held annually at the Indiana State Fair. “Vance York is one of my most effective volunteers,” says Mauri Williamson, Pioneer Village director. “He is there almost every day. He expects nothing in return, except the opportunity to be an ongoing force in the agriculture that he loves so much. You can absolutely count on Vance York when there is a job to be done.” As a member of the Des Moines Choral Society, York fulfilled a dream in 1995 of singing in New York’s famed Carnegie Hall. He currently sings first tenor in the Indianapolis Scottish Rite Chorus. York married Reba Strickler in 1951. They currently live in Zionsville, Ind., and have three children and seven grandchildren.
Ernest C. Young (1949) - Professor Young did pioneering work in establishing courses and organizing research in management, prices, and finance. His foresight resulted in a major breakthrough for research and education in farmwork simplification. "Doc" Young joined the Purdue staff in 1921 as an assistant in Farm Management and Extension. In 1929, he participated in planning and organizing the Purdue Graduate School, becoming Assistant Dean in 1933, Dean in 1942, and Vice Pres-ident for Research in 1961. His peers recognized his administrative skills by electing him President of the American Farm Economics Association in 1938, American Vice President of the International Conference of Agricultural Economist, 1941-1952, and College Vice President of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers for several terms. "Doc" served as a member of numerous commissions and as a director on a number of important boards. Through his efforts, the Rockefeller Foundation provided a substantial grant to investigate applications of industrial engineering techniques to agriculture. Dr. Young was made a Fellow in the American Farm Economics Association in 1961. Upon his retirement in 1963, he was made Dean Emeritus of the Graduate School. B.S. Grove City College (Pa.), 1914; Ph.D. Cornell, 1921; LL.D. (Hon.) Grove City College, 1948; Dr. Agr (Hon.) Purdue, 1964.