Explore the trends in Food Services Sales based on a sample of debit and credit card transactions in this dashboard. The location of the debit/credit cardholder is based on the cardholder’s address in the financial institution’s records. 

The Top 10 Merchants by Sales, Top Sales by State and Zip, Sales per Capita by State, Sales by Week and Merchant are available based on a date and merchant choice. The Top 10 Merchants display the Merchant and Total Sales in the order of ranking. The Top Sales by State and Zip display the Merchant, State, Total Sales and the Sales per Capita. The map visual gives in-depth detail on the Sales per Capita by State and a drill down to the zip code level. The zip code level drill-down is available via the map visual (right-click or hover) and, Top Sales by State and Zip table visual.  

The zip code level drill down displays a map with zip code and Sales per Capita for the zip code for the chosen state. The table provides Merchant, Zip, City, Total Sales and Sales per Capita on the side ranked by highest Sales per Capita. 


The user selects the date range and the merchant to explore the Sales per Capita by State, Top Sales by State and Zip, Top 10 Merchants by Sales and a sample of Sales by Week and Merchant. The Sales per Capita is displayed by State on the map visual. The Top Sales and the Top 10 Merchants by Sales tables are ranked by sales. The user can change the sort order on both tables as needed for a more in-depth review. On selecting a state in the visual, the user can drill down to the zip code level which displays the Sales by Capita by zip code on a map visual and more detailed information in the table. The drill-through feature is available via the map visual (right-click or hover) and, Top sales by State and Zip table visual. 


Date: Data available from 1/3/2015. 

Sales per capita: Divide Total Sales by Population.

Top 3 Merchants by Sales: Total Sales ranked by Merchant

Top Sales by State: Total Sales and Sales per Capita by Merchant and State


CFDAS; Facteus; U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, December 2021.


The Center for Food Demand Analysis & Sustainability (CFDAS) at Purdue University and the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University. 


Annapurni Subramaniam, Jayson Lusk and Jian Yu

May 4, 2023

Data & Resources