The Agriculture Leadership and Professional Development Program (AgLeadPro) is a flexible, personalized program to prepare you for a career and enhance your leadership development. The program focuses on competencies from Purdue's Steps to Leaps initiative and the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) competencies. These include:
- Well-Being
- Grit/Persistence
- Career and Self Development
- Leadership
- Critical Thinking
- Teamwork
- Connections and Networks
- Communication
- Professionalism
- Technology
CertIficate steps
- The student signs up for the certificate with their academic advisor or by emailing
- The student takes AGR 29000: Introduction to Agriculture Leadership, an online asynchronous course, which introduces the student to the 10 competencies and programs they can participate in at Purdue.
- The student completes 10 activities revolving around the competencies and submits reflections on their experience.
To enroll in the AgLeadPro certificate, students must:
- Currently be pursuing an undergraduate degree in the College of Agriculture
- Have completed at least 1 semester
- Transfer and Ag Pathway students must have earned at least 12 credits at a 2- or 4- year institution
- Have at least 3 semesters remaining
Certificate & Course Flyers

AgLeadPro combines interactive learning with real-world applications.
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