Digital Agriculture Resources toolbox

Spreadsheets come in many sizes and shapes and are a computational tool used for an unbelievable number of quantitative decisions. We presume farms and agribusinesses use them extensively whether the user does the programming or just uses pre-set configurations of tools.

red-toolbox-icon.pngWe have compiled a list of more than 30 spreadsheets created at Purdue University on topics of field crops, fertilizer recommendations, economics, data management, animal agriculture, and more. 

While the list is below, we have also put together a spreadsheet toolbox (well just a spreadsheet listing spreadsheets if you can imagine that) that you can access through Google and search by category and topic. This list will grow over time so be sure to check back often. 


Source: Purdue University

While many of these spreadsheets have some “slick” features like data validation and are protected, you can still unprotect and customize these per your spreadsheet skill level. There is an assortment of Excel spreadsheets and GoogleSheets.

So you know … of course you download the Excel spreadsheets to use them locally on your computer. For the GoogleSheets, you’ll need to make a copy (file / make a copy, under your Google account) so you can edit and use them. The links provided just give you “view” access.

For those wanting or needing a primer on spreadsheets, here is one related to problem-solving (the basis of those tools) and another regarding data analysis.

We have also compiled an app listing with direct links to these apps on iTunes or Google Play.