Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication Strategic Plan
Download the Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication Strategic Plan for 2016-2021
(PDF 534KB)
GOAL 1: Educate Tomorrow's Professionals
Empower all learners with breadth and depth of knowledge, skills, and practices that contribute to professional careers and communities, bearing societal impact in the multiple contexts of AFNR.
Strategic Initiatives
- Increase recruitment, access, and retention of future professionals-undergraduate and graduate populations-especially urban, first-generation, and underrepresented minority students with capacity to engage youth and adult audiences in STEM areas in support of the value of the Purdue Experience.
- Integrate the development of multicultural competence with discipline-based skills to collaborate with people of different cultures into all class, co-curricular, and study-abroad experiential student learning opportunities.
- Enhance faculty, academic staff, and graduate student development, recognition, and support for teaching and learning to enrich undergraduate and graduate students' professional development.
- Develop students across the College of Agriculture with 21st century skills required to effectively engage, successfully influence, and positively impact communities.