Extension Personnel
Purdue Extension: Knowledge to Go
1-888-EXT-INFO or 1-888-398-4636
Extension Personnel

John Bonkowski D.P.M.
Plant & Pest Diagnostic Lab - Plant disease diagnosis and management recommendations

Dr. Tom Creswell
Plant & Pest Diagnostic Lab - Plant disease diagnosis and management recommendations

Dr. César Escalante
Vegetable Diseases - Statewide vegetable extension; foliar diseases of cucurbits including MELCAST: soilborne diseases of watermelon

Dr. Bill Johnson
Weed Science - Biology and management of herbicide resistant weeds, weed management in no-till systems, winter annual weed management and interactions with SCN, weed management and N accumulation by weeds in glyphosate-resistant corn

Dr. Gerald (Lee) Miller

Dr. Darcy Telenko
Field Crop Pathology - Management of soilborne and foliar pathogens of agronomic crops

Dr. Fred Whitford
Purdue Pesticide Programs - Extension outreach; pesticide safety education; pesticide registration; regulations; insurance; environmental and safety audits, Indiana Extension history