Scholarships and Awards

Scholarships can be awarded at the university, college, or departmental level. You can view a full list of scholarships and application information on the College of Agriculture Scholarship website. Applications for most scholarships become available in the fall semester on October 1.

Department Scholarships 

J. R. Mitchell, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Amount: varies

Eligible applicants are  ​Indiana Residents enrolled in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology.

Botany and Plant Pathology Undergraduate Scholarship
Amount: varies

Eligible applicants are students enrolled in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. 

Pamela S. Mow Scholarship
Amount: varies

This scholarship was established in 2019 to honor the legacy of Pam Mow's incredible 27-year career with the goal to support exceptional Botany & Plant Pathology undergraduate students. 

Edna DeGennaro Scholarship
Amount: varies

Eligible applicants are students studying botany and plant pathology in the University’s College of Agriculture. 


Here you can find resources for financial aid and scholarships for Purdue University students. 

Rrenew your Purdue Bound Scholarship, or view the Purdue Promise requirements below.

The Division of Financial Aid is excited to introduce ScholarshipUniverse, a new tool that makes finding and applying for both Purdue scholarships and external scholarships easier.

Student Awards

Outstanding Student

One student from each grade level (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), will be selected as the department Outstanding Students. These four students will move on for consideration in the college level Outstanding Student awards.

Nominations occur once a year between the fall and spring semesters. For more information, contact Lisa Klein and keep an eye out for an email detailing the process between the fall and spring semester.

Best Undergraduate Poster

Undergraduate level research posters can be submitted to the annual Department Research Showcase and are judged by a group of faculty and/or graduate students. The top student receives a cash award and certificate.