Purdue University Herbaria Staff History
Herbaria Staff

Dr. M. Catherine Aime
Botany and Plant Pathology
Director of Purdue Herbaria
| Professor of Mycology
765.494.0363 (fax)

Dr. Scott McAdam
Botany and Plant Pathology
Curator of Vascular Plants
| Associate Professor
765.494.0363 (fax)

Dr. D. Rabern Simmons
Botany and Plant Pathology
Curator of Fungi
765.494.0363 (fax)
- Joseph C. Arthur (PUR Director 1887–1915)
- George B. Cummins (PUR Director 1938–1970)
- Joe F. Hennen (Curator 1968–1970; PUR Director 1971–1986; Herbaria Director 1986–1995)
- R. Greg Thorn (Curator 1995–1996)
- Anthony L. Swinehart (Curator 1997–1998)
- Markus Scholler (curator 1999–2002)
- Gregory E. Shaner (curator 2003–2008)
- M. Catherine Aime (Herbaria Director 2012–Present)
- Scott McAdam (Curator 2017–Present)
- D. Rabern Simmons (Curator 2022–Present)