Faculty affiliated with the Natural Resources and Environmental Science program represent a wide range of disciplines at Purdue. The following faculty members teach in the NRES program, provide research opportunities and mentor NRES students.
Shalamar Armstrong
Click to learn more about Shalamar Armstrong and their area of interest.
Laura Bowling
Click to learn more about Laura Bowling and their area of interest.
Sylvie Brouder
Click to learn more about Sylvie Brouder and their area of interest.
Richard Grant
Click to learn more about Richard Grant and their area of expertise.
Beth Hall
Cliff Johnston
Click to learn more about Cliff Johnston and their area of expertise.
Eileen Kladivko
Click to learn more about Eileen Kladivko and their area of expertise.
Linda Lee
Siddhartho (Sidd) Paul
Click to learn more about Siddhartho Paul and their area of expertise.
Yichao Rui
Click to learn more about Yichao Rui and their area of expertise.
Darrell Schulze
Gary Steinhardt
Click to learn more about Gary Steinhardt and their area of expertise.
Jeffrey Volenec
Click to learn more about Jeffrey Volenec and their area of interest.
Diane Wang
Roland Wilhelm
Click to learn more about Roland Wilhelm and their area of expertise.