Perennial Ryegrass


Perennial Ryegrass

Lolium perenne L.

Longevity: Annual or Perennial

Palatability: Very High

Winter Hardiness: - to F

Growth Habit: Bunchgrass

Drought Tolerance: Poor

Cool or Warm Season: Cool

Use and Comments: Low to medium-yielding, cool season pasture, hay and turf; quick establishment

Distribution in U.S.: Primarily in the southeast and the Northwest

Height: 12-24 inches

Inflorescence: Spike; 35 spikelets per spike; 6-10 florets per spikelet

Culm: Flat, wiry

Leaves: Sparse leaves on culms; underside glossy; auricles present; ligule difficult to see; cross section of leaf blade V-shaped

Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained

Fertility: Medium-High

pH: 5.6-6.2

Color: Tan

Shape: Oblong; rachilla flat and wedged shaped, not knobbed

Other Characteristics: Awns usually absent

Pounds per Bushel: 24

Seeds per Pound: 227,000

Seeding Rate: 15-20 pounds PLS per acre

Seeding Date (Indiana): Mar 1 - May 1 or Aug 1 - Sept 1

Emergence Time (Days): 14

Optimum Germ. Temp. (F): 60°-75°

Perennial Ryegrass Seeds

Longevity: Annual or Perennial

Palatability: Very High

Winter Hardiness: - to F

Growth Habit: Bunchgrass

Drought Tolerance: Poor

Cool or Warm Season: Cool

Use and Comments: Low to medium-yielding, cool season pasture, hay and turf; quick establishment

Distribution in U.S.: Primarily in the southeast and the Northwest

Height: 12-24 inches

Inflorescence: Spike; 35 spikelets per spike; 6-10 florets per spikelet

Culm: Flat, wiry

Leaves: Sparse leaves on culms; underside glossy; auricles present; ligule difficult to see; cross section of leaf blade V-shaped

Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained

Fertility: Medium-High

pH: 5.6-6.2

Color: Tan

Shape: Oblong; rachilla flat and wedged shaped, not knobbed

Other Characteristics: Awns usually absent

Pounds per Bushel: 24

Seeds per Pound: 227,000

Seeding Rate: 15-20 pounds PLS per acre

Seeding Date (Indiana): Mar 1 - May 1 or Aug 1 - Sept 1

Emergence Time (Days): 14

Optimum Germ. Temp. (F): 60°-75°

Perennial Ryegrass Seeds