Reed Canarygrass


Reed Canarygrass

Phalaris arundinacea L.

Longevity: Perennial

Palatability: Low

Winter Hardiness: Good

Growth Habit: Sod, Rhizomatous

Drought Tolerance: Good

Cool or Warm Season: Cool

Use and Comments: High-yielding, cool season pasture (immature stages only), hay, soil conservation; AY-60

Distribution in U.S.: Northern half

Height: 24-72 inches


Drainage: Very Poorly Drained

Fertility: Medium-High

pH: 5.8-8.2

Color: Bare seed shiny gray to olive brown; often covered by lemma and palea

Shape: Oblong and pointed at base

Other Characteristics: Two hairy bristles at base of seeds (most rubbed off during commercial handling)

Pounds per Bushel: 44-48

Seeds per Pound: 533,000

Seeding Rate: 6-8 pounds PLS per acre

Seeding Date (Indiana): Mar 1 - May 1 or Aug 1 - Sept 1

Emergence Time (Days): 21

Optimum Germ. Temp. (F): 70°-85°

Reed Canarygrass Seeds

Longevity: Perennial

Palatability: Low

Winter Hardiness: Good

Growth Habit: Sod, Rhizomatous

Drought Tolerance: Good

Cool or Warm Season: Cool

Use and Comments: High-yielding, cool season pasture (immature stages only), hay, soil conservation; AY-60

Distribution in U.S.: Northern half

Height: 24-72 inches


Drainage: Very Poorly Drained

Fertility: Medium-High

pH: 5.8-8.2

Color: Bare seed shiny gray to olive brown; often covered by lemma and palea

Shape: Oblong and pointed at base

Other Characteristics: Two hairy bristles at base of seeds (most rubbed off during commercial handling)

Pounds per Bushel: 44-48

Seeds per Pound: 533,000

Seeding Rate: 6-8 pounds PLS per acre

Seeding Date (Indiana): Mar 1 - May 1 or Aug 1 - Sept 1

Emergence Time (Days): 21

Optimum Germ. Temp. (F): 70°-85°

Reed Canarygrass Seeds