Panicum virgatum L.
Longevity: Perennial
Palatability: Medium
Winter Hardiness: Good
Growth Habit: Bunchlike, short rhizomes
Drought Tolerance: Good
Cool or Warm Season: Warm
Use and Comments: High-yielding, warm season pasture and hay, wildlife cover
Distribution in U.S.: Great Plains and Midwest
Height: 3-6 feet
Inflorescence: Open panicle
Culm: Round
Leaves: Small nest of hair where blade attaches to sheath
Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained
Fertility: Low-Medium
pH: 5.4-8.2
Color: Floret shiny greenish-tan; bare caryopsis gray
Shape: Pointed column
Other Characteristics: --
Pounds per Bushel: 40
Seeds per Pound: 389,000
Seeding Rate: 5-8 pounds PLS per acre
Seeding Date (Indiana): Apr 15 - May 30
Emergence Time (Days): 21
Optimum Germ. Temp. (F): 60°-70°
Longevity: Perennial
Palatability: Medium
Winter Hardiness: Good
Growth Habit: Bunchlike, short rhizomes
Drought Tolerance: Good
Cool or Warm Season: Warm
Use and Comments: High-yielding, warm season pasture and hay, wildlife cover
Distribution in U.S.: Great Plains and Midwest
Height: 3-6 feet
Inflorescence: Open panicle
Culm: Round
Leaves: Small nest of hair where blade attaches to sheath
Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained
Fertility: Low-Medium
pH: 5.4-8.2
Color: Floret shiny greenish-tan; bare caryopsis gray
Shape: Pointed column
Other Characteristics: --
Pounds per Bushel: 40
Seeds per Pound: 389,000
Seeding Rate: 5-8 pounds PLS per acre
Seeding Date (Indiana): Apr 15 - May 30
Emergence Time (Days): 21
Optimum Germ. Temp. (F): 60°-70°