


Medicago sativa L.

Longevity: Perennial

Palatability: Very High

Winter Hardiness: Good

Drought Tolerance: Good

Cool or Warm Season: Cool

Bloat Hazard: Yes

Use and Comments: Hay, silage, pasture, green manure crop.

Distribution in U.S.: Northern half; increasing acreage in the Southeast

Height: 15-36 inches

Inflorescence: Raceme consists of 5 to 20 florets commonly purple but some may be blue, yellow, and cream.

Leaves: Pinnately trifoliolate (three leaflets per leaf); serrations on tip of leaflets; stipules have teeth, lobes and sharp pointed tips. Some varieties have a multifoliate charactersitic as seen in the following image.

Roots: Long, deep taproot.

Drainage: Well Drained

Fertility: High

pH: 6.6-7.2

Color: Yellow to greenish-yellow, browning with age

Shape: Kidney

Alfalfa Seeds

Longevity: Perennial

Palatability: Very High

Winter Hardiness: Good

Drought Tolerance: Good

Cool or Warm Season: Cool

Bloat Hazard: Yes

Use and Comments: Hay, silage, pasture, green manure crop.

Distribution in U.S.: Northern half; increasing acreage in the Southeast

Height: 15-36 inches

Inflorescence: Raceme consists of 5 to 20 florets commonly purple but some may be blue, yellow, and cream.

Leaves: Pinnately trifoliolate (three leaflets per leaf); serrations on tip of leaflets; stipules have teeth, lobes and sharp pointed tips. Some varieties have a multifoliate charactersitic as seen in the following image.

Roots: Long, deep taproot.

Drainage: Well Drained

Fertility: High

pH: 6.6-7.2

Color: Yellow to greenish-yellow, browning with age

Shape: Kidney

Alfalfa Seeds