Hairy Vetch


Hairy Vetch

Vicia villosa Roth

Longevity: Winter Annual

Palatability: Medium

Winter Hardiness: Fair-Poor

Drought Tolerance: Fair

Cool or Warm Season: Cool

Bloat Hazard: Yes

Use and Comments: Included with small grains for a forage, winter cover crop in southern Indiana; AY-247

Distribution in U.S.: Midwest and South Central

Height: 3-7 feet

Inflorescence: Blue-violet; 20-32 florets in long racemes

Leaves: Pinnately multifoliolate terminating in a tendril; small, pointed stipules; pubescent leaflets elliptical to lance shaped

Roots: Taproot

Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained

Fertility: Medium

pH: 5.8-6.5

Color: Mottled-brown, black, gray

Shape: Spherical; short hilum

Pounds per Bushel: 60

Seeds per Pound: 20,000

Seeding Rate: 20-30 pounds PLS per acre

Seeding Date (Indiana): Aug 1 - Oct 1

Emergence Time (Days): 14

Optimum Germ. Temp. (F): 70°

Hairy Vetch Seeds

Longevity: Winter Annual

Palatability: Medium

Winter Hardiness: Fair-Poor

Drought Tolerance: Fair

Cool or Warm Season: Cool

Bloat Hazard: Yes

Use and Comments: Included with small grains for a forage, winter cover crop in southern Indiana; AY-247

Distribution in U.S.: Midwest and South Central

Height: 3-7 feet

Inflorescence: Blue-violet; 20-32 florets in long racemes

Leaves: Pinnately multifoliolate terminating in a tendril; small, pointed stipules; pubescent leaflets elliptical to lance shaped

Roots: Taproot

Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained

Fertility: Medium

pH: 5.8-6.5

Color: Mottled-brown, black, gray

Shape: Spherical; short hilum

Pounds per Bushel: 60

Seeds per Pound: 20,000

Seeding Rate: 20-30 pounds PLS per acre

Seeding Date (Indiana): Aug 1 - Oct 1

Emergence Time (Days): 14

Optimum Germ. Temp. (F): 70°

Hairy Vetch Seeds