White Dutch Clover
White Dutch Clover
Trifolium repens L.
Longevity: Perennial
Palatability: Very High
Winter Hardiness: Good
Drought Tolerance: Poor
Cool or Warm Season: Cool
Bloat Hazard: Yes
Use and Comments: Pasture only; extremely low yielding
Distribution in U.S.: Eastern half
Height: 3-10 inches
Inflorescence: Head consisting of 20-100 florets; slightly smaller than ladino clover floret; mostly white floret sometimes lightly tinged with pink
Leaves: Palmately trifoliolate; serrations most conspicuous midway between tip and base; inverted V-shaped "water mark" not always evident; small, pointed stipules; leaflet smaller than ladino clover
Growth Habit: Stoloniferous
Drainage: Poorly Drained
Fertility: Medium
pH: 6.8-6.5
Color: Yellow or sometimes reddish; browing with age
Shape: Heart
Pounds per Bushel: 60
Seeds per Pound: 800,000
Seeding Rate: 2-4 pounds PLS per acre
Seeding Date (Indiana): Jan 1 - May 1 or Aug 1 - Sept 1
Emergence Time (Days): 10
Optimum Germ. Temp. (F): 70°
Longevity: Perennial
Palatability: Very High
Winter Hardiness: Good
Drought Tolerance: Poor
Cool or Warm Season: Cool
Bloat Hazard: Yes
Use and Comments: Pasture only; extremely low yielding
Distribution in U.S.: Eastern half
Height: 3-10 inches
Inflorescence: Head consisting of 20-100 florets; slightly smaller than ladino clover floret; mostly white floret sometimes lightly tinged with pink
Leaves: Palmately trifoliolate; serrations most conspicuous midway between tip and base; inverted V-shaped "water mark" not always evident; small, pointed stipules; leaflet smaller than ladino clover
Growth Habit: Stoloniferous
Drainage: Poorly Drained
Fertility: Medium
pH: 6.8-6.5
Color: Yellow or sometimes reddish; browing with age
Shape: Heart
Pounds per Bushel: 60
Seeds per Pound: 800,000
Seeding Rate: 2-4 pounds PLS per acre
Seeding Date (Indiana): Jan 1 - May 1 or Aug 1 - Sept 1
Emergence Time (Days): 10
Optimum Germ. Temp. (F): 70°