Explanation of sector/category and its importance in the context of the department and DEIB
Research excellence is a central mission of the department of BTNY and we strive to maintain an
environment in which all participants can thrive as they learn, make new discoveries, and
publish research findings. All faculty and research scientists in the department operate in a way
that ensures that every individual, regardless of their level of experience or background??, will
have equal opportunities to conduct research, contribute the intellectual environment of the
lab, and receive fair credit for their accomplishments. The department promotes career
development in the area of scientific research, and recognizes the synergistic value of diverse
scientific skill sets and perspectives in the research enterprise. The importance research
excellence in BTNY extends across national boundaries. The entire scientific community and the
continued trust from the general public relies on the accuracy and completeness of published
research. Each faculty member is committed to maintain an environment in which the
necessary training and mentoring is provided to promote career development. The purpose of
this web resource to provide links to resources that can assist with success and support
researchers if there are instance in which an individual experiences or observes instances of
research misconduct.

Training: ensuring that the research is certified. Below are resources to help you ensure that
you have conducted the required training: CITI training courses, lab safety? Others?
Data management resources: As the types and amount of data generated as part of the
modern research enterprise the challenges for accurate recordkeeping mount. These resources
provide guidance for best practices and infrastructure for scientific record keeping.
Scientific communication: Scientifiic communication takes the forms of poster presentations,
oral presentations, and written publications. Success comes from hard work and continued
Research misconduct: Data falsification, fabrication, and plagiarism constitute research
misconduct and does harm to everone involved in the research. Definitions, resources, and
advice for how to respond if you experience or suspect research misconduct are provided.
Icons for each along the bottom of the page with the titles above the icon.

Learning materials in the space of Research integrity, ORI Introduction to the Responsible
Conduct of Research, Nicholas H. Steneck
Online training for Purdue Researchers
CITI online course in Responsible Conduct of Research: The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative
provides online training related to research ethics.
Courses in research ethics:
GRAD 61200 - Responsible Conduct Of Research. 1 credit. Overview of values, professional standards,
and regulations that define responsible conduct in research. Students learn the values and standards of
responsible research through readings and lecture/discussion and practice application of these values
and standards to research situations through class discussion of case studies from life sciences research.
Students must be registered for M.S. or Ph.D. thesis research in their home department. Typically offered
Fall Spring.
Research misconduct:
Avoiding plaigiarism:
Purdue polices