Mission statement

The Department of Botany and Plant Pathology promotes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging. We will advance diversity and inclusiveness in all facets of the department so that every department member feels valued, respected, and confident in their pursuits. We view diversity in thought, background, and experience as core elements of our department. The DEIB committee leads efforts to educate and engage our community by demonstrating the value that emerges from diversity in culture, race, religion, age, sex/gender, sexual orientation and disability. The department adopts proactive measures and inclusive policies to meet all of our mission goals and fuel growth of the Botany and Plant Pathology community.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Resource


Conflict Resolution

Self Care

Equity and Ethics


Our Committee

Dan Szymanski (Chair)

Josephine Brigham
Lisa Klein
Leandro Silva

Gyeong Mee Yoon
Lei Zhang






Harassment refers to any behavior, communication, or content that is intended to or has the effect of intimidating, threatening, or causing distress to individuals or groups. This includes but is not limited to verbal abuse, derogatory comments, unwanted advances, or any other form of unwelcome or offensive behavior.

Purdue University works to create a campus environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. All Botany and Plant Pathology (BPP) employees in a supervisory role are mandatory reporters and a resource of support for instances of harassment. BPP faculty will ensure that all individuals in a supervisory position in labs are aware of university harassment policies. Purdue has a dedicated Title IX Office that handles complaints related to sexual harassment, sexual violence, and gender-based discrimination. This provides resources and support to individuals who have experienced harassment and ensures that complaints are promptly and thoroughly investigated.

Identifying whether you are experiencing harassment can sometimes be challenging, especially if the behavior is subtle or if you're unsure whether it crosses a line. Here are some signs that may indicate you are experiencing harassment (but are not limited to):

  • Repeated Unwanted Behavior: If someone is repeatedly engaging in behavior toward you that you find unwelcome.
  • Feeling Uncomfortable or Unsafe: If interactions with a person or group consistently leave you feeling uncomfortable, unsafe, or anxious.
  • Targeted Behavior: If you feel singled out or targeted because of who you are.
  • Power Dynamics: If someone is using their position of power to intimidate, coerce, or belittle you.
  • Persistent Contact: Harassment can involve persistent attempts to contact you, despite your expressed desire for them to stop.
  • Threats or Intimidation: If someone is making threats, using intimidation tactics, or engaging in behavior that makes you fear for your safety or well-being.
  • Impact on Daily Life: If the behavior is impacting your ability to function in your daily life, such as causing emotional distress, affecting your work or relationships, or leading to physical symptoms like stress or anxiety, it's important to take it seriously.

Dealing with harassment can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to address the situation and protect yourself. Here are some strategies for dealing with harassment:

Remember that you are not alone, and there are people and resources available to help you navigate this challenging situation. Don't hesitate to reach out for support and take action to protect yourself from further harm.

  • Set boundaries: Communicate to the person that their actions are unwelcome , be assertive and specific about what behaviors are unacceptable.
  • Talk to someone: Reach out to friends, family members, or colleagues whom you trust and feel comfortable. This can provide emotional support and help you in the situation.
  • Report the Harassment: Depending on the context, consider reporting the harassment to Purude Title IX Office. They can provide resources, guidance, and assistance tailored to your needs.
  • Practice Self-Care: Dealing with harassment can be emotionally taxing, so it's important to prioritize self-care. Take time to engage in activities that help you relax and recharge, and consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor if needed.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is the process of ending a dispute and reaching an agreement that satisfies all parties involved. Since conflict is an essential part of being human, effective conflict resolution is not designed to avoid disagreements. Instead, conflict resolution skills are used to facilitate discussions, increase understanding and control emotional responses (North Central College, 2019). Conflict resolution is a vital step to foster a diverse and inclusive team. Diversity and inclusion are ethical and social goals. However, they also come with challenges, such as misunderstandings, biases, and disagreements. Managing conflicts arising from diversity and inclusion policies at the workplace is critical to creating a positive work environment that values and respects the differences among employees (Babatunde et al., 2023).  

Explain the four step process of conflict resolution: 1) Understand the issue, 2) Know your objectives, 3) Discuss alternatives, 4) Agree on action. Also, explain other approaches such as Thomas-Kilmann (TKI) Conflict Model, Dual Concern Model of conflict resolution, etc. 

Conflict can emerge due to various factors, including disparities in personalities, communication approaches, cultural upbringings, values, anticipations, and objectives. While certain conflicts serve as constructive catalysts for creativity, innovation, and personal growth, others can be detrimental, fostering animosity, antagonism, and skepticism. Successfully navigating conflicts requires a thorough comprehension of their origins and consequences, coupled with an avoidance of assumptions or biases stemming from stereotypes or prejudices. Provide examples, descriptions of situations that can lead to conflict at the workplace. For example: Poor Communication, Different Values, Different interests, Scarce Resources, Personality differences, Disagreements, etc. 

Self Care

Encountering and dealing with discrimination can have negative effect on one’s mental and physical health. Below are common effects of discrimination.

  • Feeling a sense of being a community “outsider”
  • Perception of self as “less than”
  • Pressure to represent one’s community or to defy stereotypes.
  • Experience of anxiety, depression, anger, and a sense of helplessness. 
  • Physical symptoms, including decreased sleep quality/fatigue and change of appetite.
  • Often feeling left out or out of place in social settings.
  • Often feeling confused about whether what you experienced was discrimination.

A healthy mental state positively affects your personal growth and success. Outside conflicts such as discrimination or experiencing harassment can negatively affect your personal growth and success. Finding ways to cope and improve your mental state is important when working towards a positive lifestyle.

Below are some ideas of what you can do to cope with distress brought about by discrimination.

  • Inform your support system & ask for additional support
  • Work to embrace your strengths and identity
  • Decide what response is right for you
  • Speak up when you are ready
  • Take time to learn about yourself and your needs
  • Be sure you are meeting your physical needs (eating/hydrating/exercise/sleep)
  • Continue doing things that you enjoy 
  • Take “brain breaks” to give yourself permission to think about other things
  • Recognize and admit when you need more coping assistance

Your mental health is a major factor that affects your overall wellbeing. Taking care of your wellbeing is the first step in fighting against outside conflicts. Find ways that worked for you to take care of your mental and physical health. 

The National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH) encourages those experiencing distressing symptoms like the ones below to seek professional help as soon as possible.

  • Sleep disruption (not enough/too much)
  • Changes in appetite/weight
  • Difficulty completing basic daily tasks
  • Feeling Helpless or nothing can go right
  • Inability to concentrate
  • New loss of interest in activities you once found rewarding
  • Uncontrollable feelings of irritability, frustration, or restlessness
  • Thoughts of self-harm or harm to others

You can learn more about getting help on Purdue’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) website or the NIMH website. You can also learn about finding support  and locating mental health services  in your area on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) website.

Equity and Ethics in the classroom and lab

Fairness and equity is a central mission of the Botany and Plant Pathology Department. We are committed to creating an environment in which all participants can thrive as they learn, make new discoveries, and publish research findings. All faculty and research scientists in the department ensure that every individual, regardless of their level of experience or background receive fair credit for their accomplishments. Continued success on these fronts requires good communication, proper training, and an awareness of the acceptable norms of behavior in a research setting. Skills in conflict resolution are also needed. Useful resources in this domain are provided below.

If there is a conflict regarding a grade, students are required to initiate a conversation with the instructor. If the disagreement cannot be resolved there is a defined procedure for grade appeals that is designed to ensure grading is done fairly. Graduate students have similar rights and resources linked to the Graduate Council with grading disputes that  relate to examination committee decisions.

The BPP department encourages all undergraduate majors to join a lab and get a real-life research experience in the plant sciences. The BPP faculty that serve as undergraduate student mentors can help you find a lab that aligns with your research interests.

Success in a research setting requires an understanding of the norms of behaviors and how credit is assigned. Research often involves collaborations with one or more labs and decisions about authorship for publications are not simple. There are excellent resources that provide guidance about the ethical and equitable conduct of research.  Purdue Grad 612 is a course with training on fair and ethical research.