Insect Biology Undergraduate Capstone Registration
To complete your IBIO capstone, you must complete 4 credits of capstone research and 1 credit capstone forum. You need to register for ENTM 49310 (2cr) during the first semester in which you are working on your project, register for ENTM 49320 (2cr) during the second semester in which you are working on your project, and register for ENTM 49390 (1cr) during the semester in which you plan to present your capstone project.
ENTM 49310: By the beginning of the semester, you need to fill out the Capstone Agreement form and send to You and your mentor both need to sign the Capstone Agreement. You will be unable to register for your first semester of capstone research until this form is signed and sent to Amanda.
ENTM 49320: By the beginning of the semester, you need to fill out the Capstone Project Outline form and send to You will be unable to register for your second semester of capstone research until this form is filled out and sent to Amanda.
Capstone Agreement - Fillable PDF Capstone Project Outline - Fillable PDF
Please see below for more information about the ENTM 49390 (capstone forum). Email if you have any questions.
Insect Biology Undergraduate Capstone Forum
Spring 2025
Students will be required to report their capstone research results using a scientific poster format. Posters must be uploaded to Brightspace, as well as printed and displayed during the Spring Semester 2025 Undergraduate Capstone Forum at 3:45 pm on Thursday, May 1.
Successful completion of the capstone experience (ENTM 49310 and ENTM 49320), including a scientific poster presentation summarizing the capstone project, is a departmental requirement for graduation. The quality and organization of the poster, and the student’s ability to answer questions and engage the audience will be evaluated using the UCC Written and Oral Communication rubrics, respectively. Please see the ENTM 49390 syllabus for further information. All students planning to participate in the Semester Capstone Forum should be enrolled in ENTM 49390 during the corresponding semester.
Questions concerning the capstone requirements should be directed to:
Amanda Wilson
Academic Advisor | Department of Entomology
Ph: (765) 494-9061
View all previous capstone summaries here