
LDCP Students

Mentoring Programs

Mentoring Programs

Animal Sciences Mentor Program: This program connects freshmen in animal sciences with upperclassmen to enhance their first-year experience in the department. Mentors will invite mentees to the depa​rtmental activities.

Emily Mauzy Vogel Sophomore Leadership Retreat (EMV)

Peer Mentor Program: Students from university residences help incoming freshmen of underrepresented groups to succeed personally and academically at college by pairing them with a peer mentor who will foster the development of  self-esteem and personal achievement skills in the mentees. 

Campus Activities

Agricultural Council: Ag Council is a group of student leaders in the College of Agriculture that coordinates student life activities, scholarship and student club recognition, and serves as a liaison to more than thirty agricultural option clubs.

Ag Ambassadors: In addition to Ag Ambassadors, many departments and other colleges have envoys or ambassadors who organize and lead outreach, student life, and alumni and industry relations activities and serve as representatives of their program to the public.

BGR - Boiler Gold Rush: Team leaders are current Purdue students who facilitate team-building activities and guide participants to all BGR activities and programs. Most importantly, team leaders answer the new students’ questions, share their personal and academic experiences, and help new Boilermakers get acclimated to their surroundings. Applications available late January or early February.

Boiler Volunteer Network: Get involved in servi​ce-learni​ng activities that help the Greater Lafayette community through volunteer opportunities offered all year long. Service-learning activities can range from single activities to reoccurring community services.

Old Masters: Through this program, ten exceptional persons who have made significant contributions to their own fields visit Purdue University to share their expertise with our students. Look for information in the fall.

Purdue Student Activities and Organizations: With more than 725 student organizations at Purdue, students enjoy many opportunities to build friendships and rewarding experiences. Getting involved shrinks the university to the size of the campus model in the Purdue Memorial Union.  Getting the most out of your time at Purdue means getting involved.  Take your first step toward participation by viewing the listings here. It's likely that there is a student organization just waiting for you.

PSG - Purdue Student Government: PSG represents the student body by advocating student concerns to students, faculty, community members, administrators, and alumni. In other words, PSG is the voice of the student body.

PSUB - Purdue Student Union Board: PSUB provides a variety of programs and services that enrich and entertain. PSUB also provides students with leadership development and serves as the voice of Purdue students in cooperative management of the Purdue Memorial Union.