Hatch and Grants

Hatch, Animal Health, and McIntire-Stennis Research Projects

The Hatch Act of 1887 authorized federal formula funding, which must be matched with state funding to support research in agriculture, food, nutrition, and related fields at the nation’s land grant institutions. In addition to Hatch funds, Purdue University receives federal formula funding for Animal Health research and McIntire‐Stennis for forestry research.
Hatch, Animal Health, and McIntire-Stennis research projects offer a unique overview of individual, departmental, and team research at Purdue University. They document the university’s commitment to partnership with other land grant universities, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the state of Indiana. Purdue University faculty in the College of Agriculture, College of Veterinary Medicine, and selected Departments in the College of Health and Human Sciences who have a research appointment of 20 percent or more are required to submit a five-year plan of research. These five-year plans must be peer reviewed under the direction of the office of Agricultural Research and submitted to USDA-NIFA for final review and approval.

The five-year Hatch project initiations, annual reports, and final reports are managed electronically via NIFA’s new Reporting System (NRS). NRS is NIFA’s formula project initiation and reporting system, building on and replacing the REEport system. The NRS Website can be accessed by clicking here. ARGE will submit new Hatch projects electronically through NRS, however faculty will need to prepare online and submit an Annual Progress Report plus a Final Report at the end of the 5-year period.

The office of Agricultural Research is responsible for ensuring that Purdue University faculty members comply with Hatch peer-review procedures and for the quality of reporting submitted to NRS.

Grant project initiations, annual reports and final reports are managed electronically via the Research, Education, and Extension project online reporting tool (REEport). REEport is NIFA’s grant project initiation and reporting system, building on and replacing the CRIS web forms system. It implements the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR), a standard progress report format that all Federal research agencies are required to use for research grant reporting. Access REEport Website.


The following resource documents may be helpful to faculty members:  

Hatch and NIFA’s Reporting System (NRS)

New Hatch McInt​ire Stennis or Animal Health Projects Multistat​e (Regional) Projects Annual Reporting USDA-NIFA Online Reporting Portal

Grants and REEport

Grants Annual and Final Reporting USDA-NIFA Online Reporting Portal for Grants  

For more information contact:

Ron Turco
Associate Dean and Director for Agricultural Research and Graduate Education
Phone: 765-494-8362

Julie Estrada
Administrative Assistant
Agriculture Research and Graduate Education
Phone: 765-494-6047