Purdue Electron Microscopy Center

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The Purdue Electron Microscopy Center (PEMC) provides Purdue researchers access to state-of-the-art electron microscopy instrumentation and provides service, consultation, and training to assist scientists in achieving their research objectives.  The staff in the PEMC come from a wide range of scientific backgrounds, allowing the Center to provide guidance to a broad group of researchers.  There are both self-use and service options available. The PEMC contains research equipment for use by students, faculty, postdocs, and service staff.

The PEMC is a campus-wide core facility with equipment and microscopes in three separate buildings—Whistler, Birck, and Armstrong. 

Technology in the EM Center includes transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and dual SEM/ Ion beam systems. There are 11 electron microscopes in the EM Center, each with unique capabilities. This variety of microscopes provides access to analytical techniques like energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX/EDS), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS).  Equipment is available for sample preparation, including focused ion beam, cryo SEM, ultramicrotomy, critical point drying, sputter coating, and ion polishing.  Staff in the Center provide expertise in a wide range of specialized preparation and analytical techniques and are always happy to help.

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Join the EM Center Team to receive updates for specific microscopes.  Turn on notifications for the microscopes you use, and turn them off for the ones you don't.

Click here to join the EM Center Microsoft Team




Projects begin with a discussion. This is usually between the facility director and the researcher and ideally their mentor/PI. The goal of the discussion is to talk over the science questions of the project. Instrumentation needs and protocols come after that discussion. 

To get started with a project please fill in a service request on our ilab page. You can find the form here.

The first decision is will the work be done independently or as a service. If independent, then we will arrange training. Training is always one-on-one at a mutually agreeable time. Also the training is carried out with the user's real samples. If service will be used then we will arrange which facility staff member will do the work and schedule receipt of samples.

Please send any questions/comments/concerns regarding the content on this page to snbienz@purdue.edu.