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College of Agriculture News

watermelons sliced in half longways, stacked in the back of a truck. Bees drink the juice off of one open fruit

One man’s watermelon waste is another man’s bioplastic treasure

Purdue research team uses a computer on top of a drone to gather data

Purdue researchers acquire and analyze data through AI network that predicts maize yield

Grzegorz Buczkowski looks at carpenter ants

Whether foe or friend, carpenter ants are in your trees this fall

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The front facade of Pfendler Hall

FNR Welcomes New Faces to Faculty, Staff

The Purdue Department of Forestry and Natural Resources includes many new faces for the 2024-25 school year, including three new faculty members...

close up of brown mushrooms with white fuzz on the edges

More than mushrooms—what do the mycologists at Purdue study?

Mushrooms, whether eaten, used medicinally or in art, are deeply intertwined with global cultures. But they actually constitute a small piece of...

Purdue College of Agriculture.

Digital Ag Van: Purdue Extension’s Mobile Educational Powerhouse

Purdue Extension is revolutionizing agricultural education with its innovative Digital Ag Van


Ag Boilers Abroad: Microbial marvels in Germany

Planning your next trip abroad? Learn about key strategies and experiences through the adventures of students and faculty in the Ag Boilers Abroad...

a woman on a chair

Alumni Spotlight: Morgan Thayer

Morgan Thayer received her bachelor’s and doctoral degrees from the Purdue Animal Sciences Department, and she is currently working for ADM...

Cale Bigelow, professor of horticulture in Purdue University’s Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, spraying herbicides on dandelions

Expert tips from Cale Bigelow and The Purdue Turf Team on preparing your lawn for fall

Even if the summer heat is still lingering, autumn is just around the corner. To help you get a jumpstart on cool-weather lawn care, Cale Bigelow,...

Emma Johnson holds an antenna as she conducts a radio telemetry survey on pronghorns in Oklahoma.

FNR Field Report: Emma Johnson

Emma Johnson, a senior wildlife major, spent the summer working as a pronghorn field technician on the Oklahoma Pronghorn Project. In her position,...

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