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Visionaries: A part of nature from Day One

"I remember growing up, walking in the forests, and realizing the potential of this natural resource," said Eva Haviarova, associate professor of forestry and natural resources. "There is something so peaceful about being in nature and recognizing the potential of its resources."

These childhood walks were one way Haviarova's parents connected her to nature. As she grew older, Haviarova realized that she had a different response to wood than she had to other materials, especially with furniture.

"Unlike other design materials, people tend to have stronger emotion toward wood," she said. "We have a sensory response to wood. Even the raw material can be a work of art."

And like many works of art, Haviarova believes wood has more potential than any other material.

"Every piece of wood is different, it has its own design, texture, and sound engrained in it," she said. "Before I do anything with a piece of wood, I think of the thousands of potential things I could do and then pick the one that highlights the material."

This idea has translated into her research, too. Haviarova helps create school furniture in developing countries. She researches chair joints to find ways to make them last longer and she uses leftover materials for repurposing projects.

"Wood is a very renewable resource," said Haviarova. "Once a piece of furniture has grown old, you can re-create it and make it into something else."

For Haviarova, sharing the potential of wood with others is another reward of her work.

"There is so much potential with wood," Haviarova said. "We just have to see it and use it."

Meet the Filmmaker/Blogger
Laine Barth Laine Barth
About Visionaries

This blog and video are part of the Visionaries series, which highlights the work and lives of researchers in the Purdue University College of Agriculture. The content for this series is created by the students of ASEC 280 (Digital Storytelling).

Explore other videos and blogs created by our student-filmmakers

Videos are also available on the Purdue Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication YouTube channel

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