Graduate Extension Student Resources
Potential Outlets Guide (Form FNR-GC10)
Examples on how to fill out Form FNR-GC10:
Publications (List all published or in press articles in extension or popular outlets)
- MacNeil, J., A.C. Currylow, R.N. Williams, and B.J. MacGowan. 2013. Forest Management for Reptiles and Amphibians: a technical guide for the Central Hardwoods Region. Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service Publication, FNR-480.
- Kraushar, M., G. Nice, Z. Lowe, R. Chapman, and B.J. MacGowan. 2011. Control of Canada thistle in CRP and other noncrop acreage. Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service Publication, FNR-436W.
- MacGowan, B.J. and J. Caudell. 2011. Feral hogs in Indiana – what it means for you. Woodland Steward, 20(2):12-13.
Presentations (List all oral and poster presentations to research, teaching, outreach, or popular audiences)
- MacGowan, B.J. 2008. Mammals of Indiana. Harrison County Master Naturalists Program, Corydon, IN, Attendance: 30. Oral presentation.
- MacGowan, B.J. 2013. Identification, Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage Around the Yard and Home. Ohio River Valley Woodlands and Wildlife Workshop, Clifty Falls State Park, IN; Attendance: 48. Oral presentation.
- MacGowan, B.J. and R.N. Williams. 2014. Novel Models for Integrating Extension and Education. Purdue College of Agriculture, Academic Council, West Lafayette, IN; Attendance: 18. Oral presentation.
Workshops (List any workshops you helped organize, facilitate, judge)
- Role: Judge; Title: Indiana 4H Wildlife Habitat Education Program; Sponsor: Purdue University FNR and YDAE; Location: West Lafayette, IN; Date: September 28, 2013; Attendance: 96.
- Role: Organizer; Title: Conservation and Management of Bobwhite Quail in the Midwest; Sponsor(s): Indiana Chapter of TWS, Purdue FNR; Location: Madison, IN; Date: September 28-29, 2010; Attendance: 56.
Websites (List websites and what role – contributed content, developer/programmer)
- Role: Contributed Content; Title: Everything Wildlife,
Podcasts (List all published podcasts for extension)
- Title: What is Extension?; Sponsor(s): Purdue FNR; Series: Got Nature?,; Date: April 2014.
Helpful Publications and Resources
- Bunting-Howarth, et al. 2013.Fundamentals of a Sea Grant Extension Program, 2nd ed. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Sea Grant College Program, Silver Spring, MD.
- FNR. 2012. Extension and outreach requirements for graduate study in FNR. Pages 41-42 in Graduate Student Policy Manual, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- NASULGC. 1999. Returning to our roots: The engaged institution. New York, NY: National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, Office of Public Affairs.
- Powell-Taylor, E., Steele, S., and Douglah, M. 1996. Planning a program evaluation. University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Publication G3658-1, Madison, WI.
- W. K. Kellogg Foundation. 2001. W. K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide. Battle Creek, MI.