Welcome to our Undergraduate Program
Purdue’s Department of Forestry and Natural Resources is one of the nation's leading natural resource programs. Our world-class expertise in forestry, wildlife, fisheries and aquatic sciences, natural resources social science, and interdisciplinary ecology is helping solve some of the most important natural resource problems around the globe. Learn more about FNR: About Us.
FNR majors join a departmental ecosystem that emphasizes preparing for careers in outdoor professions.
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Aquatic Sciences
Focus areas: Fisheries & Aquaculture Marine & Freshwater Biology
Digital Natural Resources
Courses include: Remote Sensing Of Land Resources, Introduction To Uncrewed Aircraft System Operations, Remote Sensing Analysis And Applications
Forest Ecosystems
Courses include: Dendrology, Forest Soils, Introduction to Ecology and Evolution, Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management, Tree Physiology
Furniture Design
Courses include: Furniture Development, ID And Basic Properties of Wood & Furniture Product Development, Sustainable Wood Products
Urban Forestry
Courses include: Arboriculture Practices, Urban Forest Issues & Urban Ecology, Soil Science, Insects of Urban Landscapes, Spatial Ecology
Wildlife Science
Courses include: Wildlife in America, Ecology & Systematics of Fishes, Amphibians & Reptiles/Mammals & Birds
Wood Products Manufacturing Technology
Courses include: Sustainable Wood Products Manufacturing, ID & Basic Properties of Wood & Furniture Design & Manufacturing
Aquatic Sciences:
Courses include: Marine Biology, The World's Forests & Society, Ecology & Systematics of Fishes, Amphibians & Reptiles, Environmental Science and Conservation
Marine & Freshwater Biology
Courses include: Ecology & Systematics of Mammals & Birds, Marine Biology, Natural Resource Information Management, Aquatic Sampling Techniques
Forest Management
Courses include: Environmental Science & Conservation, Natural Resources Information Management, Dendrology, Fundamental Remote Sensing, Forestry Practicum
Forest Science
Courses include: Environmental Science And Conservation, Natural Resource Information Management, Dendrology, Forest Ecosystems, Natural Resources Measurement
Sustainable Biomaterials
Courses include: Intro To Environmental Policy, Sustainable Wood Products Manufacturing, Identification And Basic Properties Of Wood, Sustainable Wood Products, Furniture Design And Manufacturing
Urban Forestry Concentration
Courses include: Applied Insect Biology, The World’s Forests And Society, Landscape-Level Planning, Quantitative Methods For Resource Mgmt., Spatial Ecology, Forest Resources Management
Growing in Your Student Experience
The cost varies depending on factors such as where a student chooses to live, travel expenses, food costs, enrollment in a specific program, scholarships, etc.
The Department of Forestry and Natural Resources conducts a placement survey of our graduates.
Purdue FNR is dedicated to connecting students, alumni and employers. The job board is a great resource for all of our students.
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Forestry students have been retreating to the woods for over 80 summers, gaining first-hand knowledge and practical field experience no classroom lecture can match. And while many schools are scaling back their summer camp programs, Purdue has expanded the program to include students majoring in aquatic sciences and wildlife. Take a journey through Summer Practicum, Facebook Post Cards from Summer Practicum.
Marine Biology Practicum presents students with expanded opportunities to use field techniques to sample and report on marine habitats and organisms. The course emphasizes the proper care and use of field sampling gear and identification of fish and invertebrates samples from exposed shore, lagoon, and estuary habitats. Follow the Marine Biology Practicum on Facebook.

World Class Faculty
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See student stories, photos and videos on Instagram @Purdue FNR, Facebook Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources, X @PurdueFNR and YouTube Purdue FNR.