Join our department, colleagues and friends as we engage with special guests and move Purdue FNR forward in natural resources.

All seminars take place Mondays at 3:30 pm EST.

These in-person seminars are held in WSLR-116, Roy L. Whistler Hall of Agricultural Research, 170 S. University Street, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907. 


A date tile with the date February 10th.


DR. William Beatty

Alaska Science Center, USGS
Research Wildlife Biologist


"Adapting to a Changing Arctic: Research Insights on Pacific Walrus Ecology and Conservation"
Hosted by Dr. Liz Flaherty


Date tile of the date February 17th.


Dr. Gunnar Kramer

Iowa State University
Assistant Professor | Natural Resource Ecology and Management


Tracking Migratory Songbirds to Inform Conservation
Hosted by Dr. Patrick Ruhl


A date tile of the date February 24th.


DR. kai zhu

University of Michigan
Associate Professor


“Plant Biodiversity Responses to Climate Change: Contrasting Implications from Forests & Grasslands
Hosted by Dr. Songlin Fei


Date tile with the date March 3rd.


DR. rick Relyea

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Professor, David M. Darrin ‘40 Senior Endowed Chair and Acting Head of Earth & Environmental Sciences


Freshwater Salinization: From Ecology & Evolution to Real-World Solutions”
Hosted by Dr. Jason Hoverman


Date tile of the date March 3rd.


DR. Jessica Rudnick

USDA Forest Service
Research Social Scientist


"Incorporating Social Well-Being indicators in Ecosystem-Based Management"
Hosted by Dr. Stuart Carlton & Dr. Zhao Ma


Date tile of the date April 7th.


Dr. Jason Meyer

White Oak Initiative
Executive Director


"The White Oak Initiative: Opportunities & Impact"
Hosted by Dr. Brian MacGowan


 Date tile of te date April 14th.



Dr. Wendy Beauvais

Purdue University
Assistant Professor | College of Veterinary Medicine 


"Infectious Disease Spillover Risks from Livestock to Wildlife Case Study: Saiga Saiga Tatarica”
Hosted by Dr. Pat Zollner


Date tile of date April 28th.


Dr. Marta Venier

Indiana University
Assistant Professor | Paul H. O’Neill School of Public & Environmental Affairs


"The Ins & Outs of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Great Lakes: The Role of Atmospheric Deposition”
Hosted by Dr. Tyler Hoskins & Dr. Marisol Sepulveda

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