World Class Faculty

FNR is organized and staffed to deliver programs addressing the land-grant mission of learning, discovery and engagement in natural resources. The department boasts 31 tenure-track, two clinical and two research faculty members. Faculty expertise covers the core disciplines to deliver undergraduate degrees in Aquatic Sciences, Forestry and Wildlife. In addition, FNR faculty have strong expertise in interdisciplinary ecology, natural resources social science and wood products.

FNR faculty conduct research in aquatic sciences, digital natural resources, ecology of natural systems, forest science, genetics, hardwood products innovations, natural resource social sciences, quantitative ecology and wildlife science. According to Google Scholar, 16 of 34 FNR faculty members have more than 2,000 citations, 17 have an h-index over greater than 20 and 17 have an i10 index of greater than 40. FNR faculty were ranked #6 in scholarly performance for scientific publications among university fisheries and wildlife programs in the United States in 2016, and #11 in scholarly performance of scientific publications among university forestry programs in 2018. 

FNR prides itself on having a global dimension to its research and teaching programs. FNR faculty members have served as primary investigators or co-PIs on international research projects ranging from

  • Hyperspectral monitoring of tree stress in Italy
  • eDNA monitoring research on Mexican gray whales
  • Field research on Pacific sea turtles in Costa Rica
  • Conducting international extension with the School Furniture for Developing Countries project
  • Conducting forest regeneration research in Sweden
  • Examining co-producing environmental conservation and social equity in Bolivia
  • Examining toxicity of nanoplastics to fish
  • Conducting research at the Charles Darwin Foundation in the Galapagos Marine Reserve.

The Extension program in FNR consists of a blend of faculty and professional staff working in six discipline areas: forest management, natural resources sustainability, wildlife, wood products, urban forestry and aquatic sciences. Twenty-five percent of the department's Extension capacity is in faculty appointments.

FNR faculty also are nationally and internationally recognized as evidenced by their participation as editors for peer-reviewed scientific journals as well as in leadership positions in professional societies.Faculty members have served in graduate committee membership roles at international universities from South Africa to the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia and Spain, to Canada, Ethiopia, Chile and Australia.

In addition, four research centers are led by members of the FNR faculty - the Center for Global Soundscapes, Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant, and Tropical Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center.

In The State

Purdue's Forestry and Natural Resources program is ranked #1 in the state of Indiana.

Award rings
Award-Winning Research

FNR boasts three of the last four College of Agriculture Research Award winners.

Scholarly Performance of Scientific Publications

FNR is ranked #6 in Scholarly Performance of Scientific Publications among Fisheries and Wildlife Research Programs. 

In The State

Purdue's Forestry and Natural Resources program is ranked #1 in the state of Indiana.

Award rings
Award-Winning Research

FNR boasts three of the last four College of Agriculture Research Award winners.

Scholarly Performance of Scientific Publications

FNR is ranked #6 in Scholarly Performance of Scientific Publications among Fisheries and Wildlife Research Programs. 

More About Our World Class Faculty

Three faculty in FNR hold endowed chairs. 

  • Dr. Doug Jacobs - Fred M. van Eck Chair of Forest Biology (since 2012)
    The van Eck chair is the first named professorship in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resource’s history and was made possible by an endowment established through a gift from the Fred M. van Eck Forest Foundation for Purdue University.

  • Dr. Songlin Fei - Dean's Chair of Remote Sensing, College of Agriculture (since 2020)

The University Faculty Scholars program is intended to recognize outstanding mid-career faculty who are on an accelerated path for academic distinction.

Eligibility includes faculty who hold the rank of tenured associate or full professor who have been in rank for no more than fives years and new hires at this academic level if appointed with tenure. 

Faculty will be considered for the Showalter Faculty Scholar award if their expertise is in the environment (including air and water quality); biochemistry and molecular biology; disease prevention, diagnosis, progression, treatment and control; new technologies for food production, preservation, distribution and safety; or medical and biophysical instrumentation including the analysis of large datasets. 

FNR faculty have earned numerous awards at the department, college and university level as well as nationally and internationally. A full list of faculty awards is available. FNR faculty listed below have earned outstanding teacher awards at Purdue. 




  • College of Agriculture Richard L. Kohls Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher - Dr. Elizabeth Flaherty
  • Teaching Leadership Award - Dr. Elizabeth Flaherty; Faculty Learning Community for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in Natural Resource Sciences.






  • Richard Kohl's Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award - Dr. Jeff Dukes
  • Inducted into Purdue's Book of Great Teachers - Dr. John "Barny" Dunning


The Purdue Agricultural Research Award is the highest honor given to mid-career faculty members - those with less than 18 years experience beyond the PhD - for excellence in applying scientific principles to solve important research problems. Recipients have, through their research, made significant contributions to agriculture, natural resources, and the quality of life of Indiana citizens. 

2011 - Andrew DeWoody. Dr. DeWoody received the award for his research in genetics, which has covered a wide range of life - from land mammals to aquatic life to birds. He has created methods to understand mating systems in fish and developed tests that allow scientists to more easily study endangered or threatened species through DNA.

2018 - Maria "Marisol" Sepulveda. Dr. Sepulveda received the award for her research examining the non-lethal effects of contaminants in the environment. 

2019 - Songlin Fei. Dr. Fei received the award for his research into critical ecological problems and leadership of the integrated Digital Forestry initiative. 

2020 -Tomas Höök. Dr. Höök received the award for his research into fish and fisheries ecology in the Laurentian Great Lakes and leading the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant program. 

Center for Global Soundscapes; Directed by Dr. Bryan Pijanowski.
The Discovery Park Center for Global Soundscape’s mission is to support discovery, learning and engagement activities that lead to the preservation of Earth’s natural acoustic heritage. From soundscapes in the desert, the tropics, to vernal ponds of the estuaries, and the planet’s megacities, the Center for Global Soundscapes is advancing our knowledge of nature and society.

Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center; Directed by Dr. Matt Ginzel
The mission of the HTIRC is to advance the science and application of tree improvement, management, and protection of hardwood forests, with emphasis in the Central Hardwood Forest Region (CHFR). With fifteen plus partners this research includes: developing hardwood (oak and walnut) molecular markers for use in determination of genetic quality and population structure of current natural forests and plantations; developing vegetative and tissue culture propagation technologies for use in genomics research and mass propagation systems for superior trees; develop nursery guides for production of quality seedlings and forest management guides for regeneration and reforestation of degraded agricultural land and riparian zones; and conducting research on breeding and selection programs for black walnut, black cherry and northern red oak.
Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant; Directed by Dr. Tomas Höök
IISG research, outreach and education efforts bring the latest science to southern Lake Michigan residents and decision makers and empower them to secure a healthy environment and economy. IISG continues to be a leader in the region on aquatic invasive species control, pollution prevention and Great Lakes literacy, and has developed decision tools that help communities grow while protecting natural resources.
The TropHTIRC is a collaborative research, development and extension partnership. Established in 2010, TropHTIRC’s mission is to advance the science of tropical hardwood tree improvement, regeneration, and conservation genetics. Our goal is to develop and disseminate knowledge to foster sustainable tropical hardwood forestry, production of forest products, restoration, and maintenance of genetically diverse ecosystems. We work with a diversity of partners to increase knowledge and develop strategies for breeding, conservation, utilization, silviculture, and marketing of tropical hardwoods. 

FNR Faculty Making Headlines

brown coffee beans scattered across a gray marble countertop
Coffee companions—why Colombian coffee farmers are planting legumes

Asking Colombians Hernán González-Osorio and Cristian Salinas how the coffee they get...

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Two grain towers with corn leaves in the foreground
No increase in dust explosion incidents last year, decrease in injuries

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Nine U.S. grain dust explosions in 2024 caused two injuries and no...

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Ashley Higdon and Dr. Barny Dunning birding; a white oak grove; a white-tailed deer
FNR's Most Read Stories of 2024

2024 was a productive year for Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources across the three land grant...

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A collage of the 2024 FNR Alumni/Career Award Recipients. Top row (Left to right): Dr. John Kershaw, BJ Meadows, Dr. Jacob Goheen. Bottom row (L to R): Dr. Ken Kellner, Dr. Joe Robb, Dr. Zackary Delisle
FNR Announces 2024 Six Career Award Recipients

John A. Kershaw Jr. and Betty Jane “BJ” Meadows were selected as Lifetime Achievement...

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An overhead photo of the HTIRC's elite white oak orchard at Richard G. Lugar Farm
HTIRC Partners with Tree Pro to Distribute Hardwood Seedlings

The Purdue Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center has signed a commercial partnership...

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Southern Live Oak mature tree pictured next to a seedling
Research Aims to Assist with Southern Live Oak Restoration

How do planting density, fertilizer and mulch affect the growth of southern live oak restoration...

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