Student Organizations

Student organizations will expand your college experience, helping you build a personal network with Purdue FNR peers, industry professionals and alumni. Participating in a student organization will provide you with opportunities to receive valuable insight on job prospects, industry news, internships and unique experiences.

Listed below are student organization officers, meeting times, office hours and links to club websites. For more information, feel free to contact a club officer or faculty advisor. For more information about student organizations view: Purdue Student Organizations/Clubs. Check out FNR Study Abroad, College of Ag Study Abroad, honors and leadership opportunities.

For student organization meeting dates contact the officers listed below.

American Fisheries Society​ aims to provide training, hands-on experience and professional development of students seeking jobs in fisheries and aquatic sciences fields. Members also promote scientific research, sustainable management and community engagement on aquatic resources valued by the public.

Purdue American Fisheries Society (AFS) identityOfficers​ Club Email

FNR Ambassadors are student volunteers who share their passion for the department and Purdue with visitors to campus. Whether the visit is from a prospective student, alumnus, tour group, or one of the department’s many stakeholders, ambassadors assist in providing visitors with useful information, answering questions about the department’s programs, and showcasing the caring and inclusive atmosphere that is a hallmark of FNR.


Forest Products Society is a world leader in technical information transfer to further the socially beneficial use of wood and fiber resources. Society members represent a broad range of professional interests, including private and public research and development, industrial management and production, marketing, education, government, engineering, and consulting.

Purdue Forest Products Society (FPS)Officers

The Graduate Student Council (GSC) purpose is to promote coordination and cooperation among the FNR graduate student body as well as share concerns with department leadership.

Graduate Student Council Officers

The purpose of the Purdue Student Society of Arboriculture is to advance the science, technology, education, and practice of urban forestry, arboriculture, and related fields and to use the knowledge and skill of the profession to benefit the members and society.

Purdue Student Society of Arboriculture (PSSA)Officers

Club Email

The mission of Society of American Foresters is to advance the science, education, technology, and practice of forestry; to enhance the competency of its members; to establish professional excellence; and to use the knowledge, skills, and conservation ethic of the profession to ensure the continued health and use of forest ecosystems and the present and future availability of forest resources to benefit society.

Purdue University Forestry & Natural Resources continues to receive accreditation by the Society of American Foresters (SAF) Committee on Accreditation (COA), which determines if the degree program option meets SAF accreditation standards for mission, goals and objectives, program organization and administration, students, parent-institution support, curriculum, and faculty. FNR has also received the Society of American Foresters' accreditation of postsecondary degree-granting programs in forestry, urban forestry, natural resources and ecosystem management, and forest technology.

Society of American Foresters (SAF)Officers

Club Email

The mission of the Student Chapter of Environmental Education​ is to provide Purdue University students with opportunities to educate Indiana citizens, including youth, landowners, and other stakeholder groups about natural resources.

Student Chapter of Environmental Education (SCEE)Officers

The mission of The Wildlife Society is to enhance the ability of wildlife professionals to conserve diversity, sustain productivity, and ensure responsible use of wildlife resources for the benefit of society. Student members have opportunities to practice using wildlife techniques, meet wildlife professionals, and participate in excursions to gain hands-on wildlife experience.

The Wildlife Society (TWS)Officers

The FNR Undergraduate Student Council (StuCo) is comprised of the cabinet, the president of each departmental club, a representative elected from each departmental club, overall sophomore representative, and an overall freshmen representative. If you would like to purchase FNR Merchandise contact the Student Council Officers (StuCo).​
Undergraduate Student Council Officers
The Council’s purpose is to promote coordination and cooperation among students, student organizations and faculty in the Department of Forestry & Natural Resources. It is composed of president, vice president, ​secretary, treasurer, and representatives from each departmental student organization and the freshman and sophomore classes.

FNR Student Organization News

Purdue TWS president Celia Parton and master's student Emma Johnson accept the plaque for North Central Region Student Chapter of the Year at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference.
Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society Named North Central Region Chapter of the Year

The Purdue student chapter of The Wildlife Society was named as the North Central Region’s...

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Noah Haas holds a large snapping turtle; Noah holds a largemouth and smallmouth bass; Noah Haas holds a large bullfrog
FNR Field Report: Noah Haas

Noah Haas, a junior majoring in aquatic sciences – fisheries, worked as a crew leader for...

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The Wildlife Society students hold a plaque for overall conclave winner; a student holds radio telemetry equipment; students hold binoculars while birding
Purdue TWS Hosts North Central Section Conclave

The Purdue Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society welcomed fellow students from across the...

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Dr. Pat Zollner, Garrison Sickbert, Lucas Wilson, captain Alex Dudley, Anne Talbot and Dr. Elizabeth Flaherty posed with The Wildlife Society Quiz Bowl Champions plaque and their first place prize, a painting of a viceroy, Kentucky's state butterfly.
Purdue TWS Wins 2023 Quiz Bowl Title

The Purdue Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society won the 2023 Quiz Bowl title at The Wildlife...

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Purdue student chapter of the American Fisheries Society receiving the Most Active Student Subunit Award , also pictured electrofishing
Purdue AFS Student Chapter Honored by North Central Division

The Purdue Student Chapter of the American Fisheries Society has earned the Most Active Student...

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The Purdue Quiz Bowl Team: Alex Dudley, Evan Kinnevan, Anne Talbot, Ashlanna Murray and Lauren Wetterau participating in the event at the TWS Conference in Spokane in November.
Quiz Bowl Team Places Third at TWS Conference

The Purdue student chapter of The Wildlife Society Quiz Bowl team finished third nationally at...

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