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Purdue Digital Forestry Students

Purdue digital forestry students win first prize in 2024 Annual GeoChallenge

A team of digital forestry graduate students from Purdue University won first prize in the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote...

Purdue TWS president Celia Parton and master's student Emma Johnson accept the plaque for North Central Region Student Chapter of the Year at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference.

Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society Named North Central Region Chapter of the Year

The Purdue student chapter of The Wildlife Society was named as the North Central Region’s Student Chapter of the Year for 2024. The honor,...

A photo of a wildfire provided by Blake Stanton.

FNR Alumni Assist During Wildlfire Season

Wildfire season can extend from five to more than seven months in length, occurring mostly in the summer and fall in the Western United States,...

The Unfinished Block P statue on the Purdue campus

FNR Names 2024 Service Award Recipients

The Purdue Department of Forestry and Natural Resources honored five individuals for their outstanding service in 2024. Dr. Zhao Ma, Liz Jackson,...

Walt Beineke stands next to one of the space sycamores he planted on his property.

FNR Remembers Professor Emeritus Walt Beineke

Dr. Walt Beineke, a 1960 forestry alumnus and a faculty member for more than 30 years, passed away on Jan. 13. Beineke joined the faculty in 1964 ...

Leaves from an American elm tree

FNR Extension Most Viewed Videos from 2024

Videos on the Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources Extension YouTube channel received more than 359,000 views in 2024. In this story we...

Woman standing in a forest in front of a tree holding smart phone toward the tree and the screen shows the tree

New iForester application puts tree knowledge in the public’s pockets

Imagine you’re a landowner with dozens or hundreds of mature hardwood trees — not a stretch, since the majority of forestland in the...

Mary Beth Adams stands in front of a sign publicizing her visit to Nanjing Normal University in China.

Distinguished Alumna Adams Travels to China for Scientific Exchange Opportunity

Dr. Mary Beth Adams, a 2016 Purdue Distinguished Agricultural Alumni Award honoree and 2020 Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources Lifetime...

15 Black Vultures scavenge a calf carcass at Southern Indiana Purdue Agriculture Center while one Turkey Vulture waits vigilantly in the background.

Researchers Study Competitive Behaviors Between Black Vultures, Turkey Vultures

Aristotle Onassis once said I have no friends and no enemies – only competitors. A well-known proverb also says that birds of a feather flock...

Ashley Higdon and Dr. Barny Dunning birding; a white oak grove; a white-tailed deer

FNR's Most Read Stories of 2024

2024 was a productive year for Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources across the three land grant mission areas of teaching, research and extension....

Student holding bird

From campus to the great outdoors, a student takes flight

It’s a typical Thursday on Purdue’s campus, and Gabby Dennis is getting ready for class. While most students throw on sweats and grab a...

Maple Syrup

Sugar sweet: Making maple syrup

Warm, fluffy buttermilk pancakes. A comfort classic that rouses us from our slumber into the kitchen for breakfast. Along with a golden pat of...

A collage of the 2024 FNR Alumni/Career Award Recipients. Top row (Left to right): Dr. John Kershaw, BJ Meadows, Dr. Jacob Goheen. Bottom row (L to R): Dr. Ken Kellner, Dr. Joe Robb, Dr. Zackary Delisle

FNR Announces 2024 Six Career Award Recipients

John A. Kershaw Jr. and Betty Jane “BJ” Meadows were selected as Lifetime Achievement Award honorees. Jacob Goheen was named as the FNR...

Jingjing Liang and Javier Gammara at the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization

Purdue forest ecologist enhances global effort to solve environmental challenges with AI

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has tapped the expertise of Purdue University’s Jingjing Liang for a new...

An overhead photo of the HTIRC's elite white oak orchard at Richard G. Lugar Farm

HTIRC Partners with Tree Pro to Distribute Hardwood Seedlings

The Purdue Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center has signed a commercial partnership agreement with Tree Pro to distribute select...

Close-up of Hunsoo Song in front of the pink blossoms of a crabapple tree

Hunsoo Song, the civil engineer who speaks (in algorithms) for the trees

Fire, metal, water, earth and wood. In South Korean tradition, these five elements explain personalities, relationships and even material...

Southern Live Oak mature tree pictured next to a seedling

Research Aims to Assist with Southern Live Oak Restoration

How do planting density, fertilizer and mulch affect the growth of southern live oak restoration plots in maritime forests? A recently published...

Hellbender in the wild

Restoring Indiana's Hellbenders

The eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) is a large, fully aquatic salamander whose nicknames include snot otter, water...

2018 master's alumnus Daniel Bird sits at a computer; the cover art Bird created for the special Indigenous Wildlife Management in North America issue of The Journal of Wildlife Management

Master's Alum Daniel Bird Contributes to Indigenous Wildlife Management Journal Issue

Daniel Bird, who was raised on the Santo Domingo-Kewa Pueblo Reservation in New Mexico and is an enrolled tribal member, created the cover art and...

in Martell forest, Morgan furze rests her hand on a tree, lines of trunks and green leaves fill the background

Journey along the sugar highway with the new tree physiology lab at Purdue

Hold a leaf up to the light, and the branching network of veins stands out against the thinner, brighter background. Like blood circulating through...

Kaitlyn Young sets up a motus tower; a red-eyed vireo and a yellow warbler

Motus Towers Detect, Track Variety of Bird Species

Purdue FNR installed Motus towers, which pick up the signature of radio transmitters on a variety of wildlife species as they travel through the...

Hand-held device with a screen displaying colored thermal camera images

Purdue wildlife and aviation programs collaborate on deer population study

An outbreak of often-fatal epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) afflicted more than 500 white-tailed deer in Indiana’s Allen, Porter and...

Jong Yoon Jeon

Jong Yoon Jeon - Graduate Ag Research Spotlight

Jong Yoon Jeon credits his father with inspiring a love of the outdoors by showing Jong Yoon areas beyond their home in metropolitan Seoul, South...

A hickory tree on Trail 1 at Turkey Run State Park; Trail 4 at Turkey Run State Park; Trail 5 at Shade State Park

FNR Field Report: Donatella Mudica

Freshman wildlife major Donatella Mudica spent the last summer before coming to Purdue as a seasonal interpretive naturalist at Turkey Run and...

Identifying zooplankton under a microscope in the Freshwater Ecology Lab; a walleye under a microscope at the Aquaculture Research Lab; A largemouth bass Katie caught hook and line sampling.

FNR Field Report: Katie Buckles

Katie Buckles, a senior wildlife major minoring in aquatic sciences, worked as a technician at the Purdue Aquaculture Research Lab and as a lab...

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