Standards to Be Maintained

Minimum Credit Hours on Plan of Study

  • Master's Thesis Option: 24 credits minimum in course work; 6 credits minimum thesis research (FNR 698)
  • Master's Non Theses Option: 30 credits minimum in course work
  • PhD: 90 credits minimum is required, of which 24 credits minimum is course work in addition to credits required for the Master's degree; 15 credits minimum thesis research (FNR 699)

Minimum Cumulative Grade Index
Graduate students whose accumulative index drops below 3.0 will be notified in writing that they have one semester to re-establish a minimum 3.0 accumulative index. Should they fail to improve their accumulative index to 3.0 during the probationary semester, they will be dropped from the graduate program. However, students who feel that their case involves extenuating circumstances may appeal to the Departmental Graduate Committee for an additional semester on probation. No further appeal will be allowed if accumulative average has not reached 3.0 at end of second probationary period. Students on assistantships will be continued on support for the first probationary semester only. Assistantships, if any, will be discontinued for students granted a second probationary semester with no assurance of renewed support even though they achieve the accumulative 3.0 index during the second probationary semester.

GRAD 612 Responsible Conduct in Research
All incoming students are required to enroll in GRAD 612, Responsible Conduct in Research, for one credit hour in either the fall or spring semester within their first year in the graduate program.

FNR 679 Forest Resources Seminar
Every graduate student with a major in the Department will be required to register for either 0 or 1 credit in FNR 679 during every semester that he/she is in residence on the campus. If there is an unavoidable conflict, a note from the major professor must be obtained to be excused for the semester.

Forestry 679 (Forest Resources Seminar) may be scheduled for either 0 or 1 credit per semester; this is to be decided at the time of registration. If one credit is scheduled, a report is given during the semester; 0 credit requires attendance only.

Candidates for the master's degree must earn at least one credit in the Forest Resources Seminar. At least two credits are required of doctoral candidates.

With registration for zero credit, the grade of "satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory" will be given for attendance and active participation. If registration is for 1 credit, letter grades will be based upon the conclusions of the professor in charge of the seminar, guided by evaluation sheets of those in attendance and consultation with the student's major professor.

FNR 598 Theory & Application of Natural Resources Extension Programming
All FNR graduate students should are required to enroll in FNR 598 Theory & Application of Natural Resource Extension Programming within their first two semesters. This is a half-semester, one credit course taught in the second half of the spring semester each year. More information about the course can be found on the graduate extension section of our graduate information page.