Forest Ecology, Silviculture & Soils Laboratory (FESSL)

The Forest Ecology, Silviculture and Soils Laboratory (FESSL) provides facilities and equipment for the measurements and analyses supporting the varied research interests of the associated departmental faculty. The facility supports the work of forestry as well as wildlife and aquaculture faculty and students. Various pieces of field and laboratory equipment are available to aid students in their research endeavors.
This lab is located in the David C. Pfendler Hall of Agriculture on the Purdue University campus.
Research faculty
Lab Location & More About Our Research
Department of Forestry & Natural Resources
715 W. State Street
West Lafayette IN 47907-2061
Learn about our nine Research Areas and meet our world-class faculty members.
Allied research centers seek to support and enhance the research and partnership enterprise at Purdue University. The centers are valued and encouraged as they create a venue for faculty to come together to pursue common goals. Forestry and Natural Resources faculty and staff are involved in six centers at the University.
The Department of Forestry and Natural Resources maintains an impressive collection of state-of-the-art research and education facilities. These labs, green houses, and educational facilities are a fundamental component that enables our faculty and students to learn, make new discoveries, and engage our clients in using these discoveries to sustain our nation’s ecosystems and natural resources.