Gladden Memorial Woodl​and​​​

Gladden Memorial Woodl​and​​​ forest banner

Gladden Memorial Woods is located in the Bluegrass natural region in Scott County. Historically, this property has been protected from common abuses in the past such as overharvesting, grazing, and incorrect land use practices involving skidding trails and stream crossings. It has been heavily used for education programs for private landowners in the past as a result of the request from the previous landowner. Any income derived from this property is used for scholarships to fund Purdue University forestry student education.

Property Statistics

  • Acres: 106
  • Acquired: 1979

More About Gladden Memorial Woodl​and​​​

  • Herbicide use on controlling black locust in tree plantings – 2003
  • Exotic invasive plant control
  • Regeneration research

  • Stucker Ditch is located on the southern boundary. It was previously dredged and has changed the course of the natural drainage
  • Large swamp chestnut oak (Quercus montana) trees on property

Please contact the property manager for a copy of this property’s management plan.

Property Manager:
Don Carlson

Southeast-Purdue Agricultural Center (SEPAC)
4425 East 350 North
Butlerville, IN 47223
Cell: 812.798.2764

Non-native invasive species control in 2006 using a UTV and a sprayer casting a thin layer of herbicide over the affected area. Photo by Don Carlson. Non-native invasive species control in 2006 using a UTV and a sprayer casting a thin layer of herbicide over the affected area. Photo by Don Carlson.
Non-native invasive species removal using front blade of a log skidder in 2006. Photo by Don Carlson. Non-native invasive species removal using front blade of a log skidder in 2006. Photo by Don Carlson.
Brian Beheler felling white ash (Fraxinus americana) in an ash salvage harvest in 2005. Photo by Don Carlson. Brian Beheler felling white ash (Fraxinus americana) in an ash salvage harvest in 2005. Photo by Don Carlson.
Ariel map of Gladden Memorial Woodland

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