Miller Woodlands
Miller Woodlands is located in the Central Till Plain natural region in Grant County. In the past, this property has undergone little disturbance. Areas that have undergone disturbance show signs of uneven-aged management. Where there has been no disturbance, there is large timber with little understory present. The timber has been utilized since Purdue University acquired the property in 1938. The property has hosted extension events in the past with a goal of getting the public involved in land management on their own properties.
Property Statistics
- Acres: 180 total, 155 forested, 25 acres planted to forest in 1991 and 2003
- Acquired: 1938
More About Miller Woodlands
- Examine regeneration responses to various cultural treatments (i.e. clearcut, crop trees) – 1981
- Effects of subcanopy treatments on natural and planted oak regeneration using shelterwood harvest – 1987
- Effect of deer exclusion on establishment and natural regeneration plantings – 2006
- White oak enrichment plantings in forest openings – 2024/2025
- There is underground tile that drains the crop field to the south. This was repaired in 2010.
- Fire has not been on the property since about 1942.
- Demonstration tree plantings used for education outreach efforts – 2006
Please contact the property manager for a copy of this property’s management plan.
Property Manager:
Don Carlson
Southeast-Purdue Agricultural Center (SEPAC)
4425 East 350 North
Butlerville, IN 47223
Cell: 812.798.2764
- Directions
- Research Property Maps: 2003 Tree Planting Acres; 1992 Tree Planting Acres; 1991 Tree Planting Acres; Compartment 1-4 acres
- Aerial photo