Nelson-Stokes-Lewman Woodland
The Nelson-Stokes-Lewman Property is in the Central Till Plain natural region in Putnam county. Because this property has multiple different forest types, it has held a variety of research projects, extension events, and land management objectives since acquisition in 1960. The majority of this property is not easily accessed, as it has hilly terrain and erosion is a constant issue. The future of this property is to continue active land management, research projects, and provide educational opportunities to the public.
Property Statistics
- Acres: 162
- Acquired: 1960
More About Nelson-Stokes-Lewman Woodlands
- Forest soils – 1990s
- Regeneration openings – 2001
- Tree mortality using TSI (Timber Stand Improvement) – 2008
- Midstory removal – 2009
- Overstory removal impact on regeneration – 2011
- Northern Red Oak underplantings – 2018
- Raccoon Creek access on northern edge of woodlands
- 2023 Indiana Society of American Foresters Chapter property visit
Please contact the property manager for a copy of this property’s management plan.
Property Manager:
Don Carlson
Southeast-Purdue Agricultural Center (SEPAC)
4425 East 350 North
Butlerville, IN 47223
Cell: 812.798.2764