Capstone Course or Experience (0-3 credits)

Baccalaureate degree plans of study must include a capstone course or experience. Capstone course credits also may be used to fulfill core curriculum requirements or departmental requirements or electives.

In a capstone experience, students will be challenged to integrate their accumulated knowledge, and technical and social skills in order to identify and solve a problem relevant to issues encountered by professionals in their chosen discipline, and to communicate the results of their efforts to their peers. In doing so, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to adapt to professional situations. It is hoped that this experience will stimulate students' appreciation of the need for lifelong learning and initiate professional and personal liaisons.

The College of Agriculture faculty has approved capstone courses and experiences which are integrated as part of each Agriculture major curriculum requirements. The list of courses includes:

  • (4) ABE 48500 (Agricultural and Biological Engineering Design)
  • (3) ABE 48600 (Agricultural Engineering Design)
  • (4) ABE 55600 (Biological and Food Process Design)
  • (4) AGEC 41100 (Farm Management)
  • (3) AGEC 42700 (Advanced Agribusiness Marketing)
  • (3) AGEC 43000 (Agricultural and Food Business Strategy)
  • (4) AGEC 43100 (Advanced Agri-Sales and Marketing)
  • (1-6) AGEC 49900 (Thesis)
  • (3) AGRY 48500 (Precision Crop Management) 
  • (1) AGRY 49800 (Agronomy Senior Seminar) and (3) AGRY 58500 (Soils and Land Use)
  • (1) AGRY 49800 (Agronomy Senior Seminar) and (3) AGRY 51200 (Integrated Turfgrass Systems)
  • (1) AGRY 49800 (Agronomy Senior Seminar) and (1-3) pre-approved faculty supervised research, an Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) project, or an industry or government internship.
  • (1) ANSC 48100 (Contemporary Issues in Animal Sciences) and one production/management course selected from ANSC 44000, ANSC 44100, ANSC 44200, ANSC 44300, ANSC 44400, ANSC 44500, or ANSC 44600
  • (2) ASEC 34100 (Curriculum Development in Agricultural Education)
  • (3) ASEC 48000 (Agricultural Communication Capstone Seminar)
  • (3) ASM 49500 (Agricultural Systems Management)
  • Three credits earned by completion of BCHM 49800 (Research in Biochemistry) or BCHM 49801 (Head Start to Biochemistry Research)
  • Three credits earned in BCHM 49900 (Honors Thesis in Biochemistry)
  • (1) BCHM 49000 (Undergraduate Seminar) and (3) BCHM 49800 (Research in Biochemistry)
  • (1) BCHM 49000 (Undergraduate Seminar) and (3) BCHM 49801 (Head Start in Biochemistry Research)
  • (1) BCHM 49000 (Undergraduate Seminar) and (3) BCHM 49900 (Honors Thesis in Biochemistry)
  • (1) BTNY 49700 (Undergraduate Seminar) and (1-3) BTNY 49800 (Research in Plant Science), or with prior approval of the Botany and Plant Pathology faculty, a study abroad, course project, supervised internship, or other supervised work-related experience equivalent to BTNY 49700 and BTNY 49800.
  • (10) EDCI 49800 (Supervised Teaching of Agricultural Education)
  • (1) ENTM 49200 (Capstone Experience in Entomology I) and (1) ENTM 49300 (Capstone Experience in Entomology II)
  • (1) ENTM 49390 (Insect Biology Capstone Forum)
  • (1) EPCS 40100 (Senior Participation in EPICS) or (2) EPCS 40200 (Senior Participation in EPICS)
  • (3) FNR 40800 (Natural Resources Planning)
  • (3) FNR 43300 (Grand Challenges in Forest Managment)
  • (3) FNR 44700 (Population Dynamics)
  • (3) FNR 45700 (Practical Fisheries Managment)
  • (3) FNR 45800 (Advanced Marine Biology)
  • (3) FNR 48410 (Sustainable Wood and Furniture Design Manufacturing)
  • (1-6) FNR 49900 (Thesis)
  • (3) FNR 58600 (Urban Ecology)
  • (3) FS 44300 (Food Processing III)
  • (1) HORT 42700 (Horticulture Capstone)
  • (4) HORT 43500 (Developing an Ag Startup)
  • (3) IT 48300 (Facility Design for Lean Manufacturing)
  • (5) LA 42600 (Capstone Course in Landscape Architecture)
  • (1-3) NRES 41000 (Research in Natural Resources and Environmental Science)
  • (1) NRES 42000 (Environmental Internship Reporting)
  • (2) NRES 49700 (Current Topics in Environmental Sciences)
  • (1) SFS 35100 (SFS Capstone Project)