Science-i, a transparent and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) web platform for international research collaboration, empowers ensemble research projects of everyone, especially under-represented and under-privileged people from across the world.
Jingjing Liang, FACAI co-director, is the founder and chief science officer and Science-i.
Science–i welcomes our first 200 resident scientists! Our members feature a broad range of expertise areas, and come from 50+ countries around the world.
Please see https://science– for details. If you would like to become a member of Science–I, please contact us for a complimentary full membership invitation!
Science–i welcomes our new Science Advisors and Community Advisors, and thanks to their service and guidance!
Please see https://science– for the list of advisors.
We now accept nominations for both Science Advisors and Community Advisors. All nominations will be evaluated based on areas of expertise, and the principals of equity and inclusion. Advisors will be
offered to serve a three–year term, with potential for extension.
Please visit for details.