Join our friends and colleagues as they discuss the latest in Agronomy.

All seminars take place Mondays at 2:30pm unless noted otherwise.

  In-person seminars will meet in LILY 2-425.

  Zoom links for virtual attendance and online-only seminars will be shared closer to their scheduled date.

 February 16th

Dr. Ignacio Ciampitti

Kansas State University

"Advancing Digital Agriculture for Improving Agronomic Decisions"

NOTE: Seminar takes place Friday, February 16th at 3:00, still in LILY 2-425

Flyer   Seminar Recording

 February 26th

Dr. Michael Kantar

University of Hawaii

"Gender Bias in Scientific Publishing"

Flyer   Seminar Recording

 March 8th

Dr. Jeffrey Habben

Corteva Agriscience

Distinguished Agriculture Alumni - Special Seminar

A View from Industry: Using Biotechnology to Improve the Yield of Maize

NOTE: Special inclusion celebrating Dr. Jeff Habben for being named a Distinguished Agriculture Alumni. Dr. Habben graduated with his PhD in 1989 from the Department of Agronomy.
Seminar takes place Friday, March 8th from 11am - Noon in LILY 2-425.

Seminar Abstract   Seminar Recording

 April 1st

Dr. Tony Greenburg

Bayesic Research

"Delightful computational tricks for efficient analyses of large biological data sets"

NOTE: This seminar will take place at 9:30am on April 1st

Flyer   Seminar Recording

 April 1st

Dr. Gebisa Ejeta

Purdue University

Distinguished Professor Review & Reception - Order of the Griffin Presentation

NOTE: Special inclusion celebrating Dr. Ejeta, and honoring him with the Order of the Griffin for his contributions to Purdue University.
Event takes place Monday, 1st at 3:00 in STEW 218.

More Details   Live Stream