Agronomy Club
Who We ARE
Students with a passion for Agronomy and the Agriculture industry. Many of our members have farming backgrounds, some aren't majoring in agriculture at all. Anyone with an interest in Agronomy is welcome to join!
What We Do
We are a very active club. Our weekly meetings are composed of business and/or speakers, tours and activities. The business matters may be planning for national or regional meetings, outreach activities or our monthly work sessions. Work sessions include preparing teaching aids for outreach educational programs, FFA, 4-H, Scouts, and other educational institutions.
Service Projects
We host High School/middle school Soil and Crops Invitational contests/CDEs. We provide educational activities and give away popped corn at Purdue's Annual Spring Fest. We serve at the Ag Alumni Fish Fry. We participate in local food and clothing drives and adopt children for Christmas gift giving. This past Valentine's Day we made and distributed cards at the Indiana Veterans Home. As part of SASES we perform community service projects at regional and national meetings and compete in various competitions with other land grant colleges in the nation.
How to Join
Come to our meetings!! Regular meetings are Wednesdays starting at 5:45 in Lilly Hall. Check the schedule to insure place or program for the weekly meeting. Our dues are $25.00 per year which includes membership in the National affiliate of the Students of Agronomy Soils and Environmental Science (SASES).
Why Join
- Your membership in SASES provides professional, leadership and networking opportunities.
- You are involved and learn about the Agronomy, the Agronomy Department and its members.
- You can travel locally and nationally.
- You make lifelong friends.
Educational & Training Supplements Order Form
here to access our order form. Please send the completed form to Sherry Fulk-Bringman at
sherryfb@purdue.edu. Please contact Sherry if you have any questions or concerns. No phone orders please.