Davis Purdue Agricultural Center (DPAC)
Size and Topography
- 703 acres in northwestern Randolph and southwestern Jay Counties, including 522 tillable acres and 100 managed forested acres (known as the Herbert Davis Forestry Farm)
- A variety of soil types but mostly fine-textured, heavy clay soils (Blount/Pewamo) commonly found in east central Indiana - gently rolling, hard to manage, poorly drained, low organic matter
Contact Us
Jon Leuck
Director, Purdue Agricultural Centers, and Project Coordinator
615 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053
Phone: 765-494-8368
Email: leuckj@purdue.edu
Alex Helms
Assistant Director, Purdue Agricultural Centers
615 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053
Phone: 765-494-8367
Email: helms0@purdue.edu
Jeff Boyer
Davis-Purdue Agricultural Center (DPAC), Superintendent
6230 North State Road 1
Farmland, IN 47340-9340
Phone: 765-468-7022
Fax: 765-468-8125
Email: jboyer@purdue.edu
- Mapped timber stand
- Constructed wetland used for educational programs for landowners and K-12 groups
- 30+/-acre field with drainage tile designed specifically for managing the seasonal water table
- GPS technology in use since the 1990s
- Equipment and resources conducive to field-scale work, rather than small-plot research
- Purdue Ag Center Automated Weather Station Data
- Panoramic UAV Views of the Davis Purdue Ag Center
- Videos and Photos of the Davis Purdue Ag Center
Current Research
Researchers at DPAC study soil fertility, crop diseases, weed control, insect problems, site-specific agriculture, controlled drainage and drainage water analysis, old-growth timber stands/wildlife interactions, and variable-rate fertilizer applications in corn, soybeans, and winter wheat.
The Purdue Agriculture departments involved in research at DPAC include Agronomy, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Agricultural Economics, Forestry and Natural Resources, and Entomology.
- 2024 Research Projects (PDF)
- 2023 Research Projects (PDF)
- 2022 Research Projects (PDF)
- August 26, 2025 | Davis Purdue Agricultural Center - Field Day
- For more information contact Jeff Boyer at 765-468-7022 or jboyer@purdue.edu
- DPAC - Davis-Purdue agricultural Center
- FPAC - Feldun-Purdue Agricultural Center
- NEPAC - Northeast-Purdue Agricultural Center
- PPAC - Pinney-Purdue Agricultural Center
- SEPAC - Southeast-Purdue Agricultural Center
- SIPAC - Southern Indiana-Purdue Agricultural Center
- SWPAC - Southwest-Purdue Agricultural Center
- TPAC - Throckmorton-Purdue Agricultural Center
Davis PAC General Video Information
PAC Events
PAC Events

The Purdue Agricultural Centers (PACS) will be offering public field days, workshops, and other events in 2024. These events provide educational opportunities for commodity producers, crop/livestock advisers, and others seeking knowledge in crop...
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