Southeast Purdue Agricultural Center (SEPAC)
Size and Topography
- Largest of the PACs, with 2,430 acres located six miles east of North Vernon in Jennings County
- A timber base of approximately 1,600 acres
- A variety of soil types but primarily silt loam soils common in southeastern Indiana—hard to manage, poorly drained, low organic matter
- Highly erosive soils with no-till farming practices used on most of the cropland
Contact Us
Jon Leuck
Director, Purdue Agricultural Centers and Project Coordinator
615 Mitch Daniels Blvd
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053
Phone: (765) 494-8368
Alex Helms
Assistant Director, Purdue Agricultural Centers
615 Mitch Daniels Blvd
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053
Phone: (765) 494-8367
Joel Wahlman
Superintendent, Southeast-Purdue Agricultural Center
4425 East 350 North
Butlerville, IN 47223
Phone: (812) 458-6977
- 1,100-square-foot conference room for education and training
- Shop
- Soil drainage and water quality stations
- Modern field machinery
- Pesticide-handling facility
- Equipment storage buildings
- Grain bins
- Crop sample dryers
- Walk-in cooler
- Annual hunting permits and public access for hikers, bird-watchers, mushroom hunters, etc.
- Public tours highlighting farming techniques and agriculture
- Purdue Extension Wildlife Specialist based at SEPAC
Current Research
SEPAC hosts practical agronomic and forestry research concentrated in pest management, nutrient management, variety performance, precision farming, soil conservation, soil drainage, water quality, forest management, and wildlife management.
Researchers from the Departments of Agronomy, Botany and Plant Pathology, Entomology, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, and Forestry and Natural Resources conduct studies at SEPAC. Approximately 50 research projects involving more than 30 professors, graduate students, and technicians are ongoing at SEPAC at any one time.
Additional information, resource documents, and links related to:
- 2024 Research Projects (PDF)
- 2023 Research Projects (PDF)
- 2022 Research Projects (PDF)
- Jennings County Extension
- Historical Research in Jennings County
- SEPAC Automatic Weather Station
- Woody Biomass Harvestion at Purdue University
Various maps are used to identify different areas of SEPAC. Boundaries, field names, soil types etc. are shown on the maps below.
- Farm Map (PDF)
- Soils (PDF)
- Access by Permit (PDF)
- North Woodlands (PDF)
- South Woodlands (PDF)
- Farm Service Agency Maps (PDF)
- Experimental Drainage Plots (Source: Purdue Agronomy Drainage Research)
- Interpreting Nitrate Concentration Levels (PDF: 2.20 MB)
- Nitrate Leaching into Tile Drains (PDF: 129 KB)
- March 20, 2025 | Southeast Purdue Agricultural Center - Cover Crop Field Day
- August 26, 2025 | Southeast Purdue Agricultural Center - Field Day
- For more information contact Joel Wahlman at (812) 458-6977 or
- DPAC - Davis-Purdue agricultural Center
- FPAC - Feldun-Purdue Agricultural Center
- NEPAC - Northeast-Purdue Agricultural Center
- PPAC - Pinney-Purdue Agricultural Center
- SEPAC - Southeast-Purdue Agricultural Center
- SIPAC - Southern Indiana-Purdue Agricultural Center
- SWPAC - Southwest-Purdue Agricultural Center
- TPAC - Throckmorton-Purdue Agricultural Center
PAC Events
PAC Events

The Purdue Agricultural Centers (PACS) will be offering public field days, workshops, and other events in 2024. These events provide educational opportunities for commodity producers, crop/livestock advisers, and others seeking knowledge in crop...
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