Northeast Purdue Agricultural Center (NEPAC)
Size and Topography
- Four parcels totaling about 472 acres, including 367 tillable acres in Whitley County between Fort Wayne and Columbia City
- Rolling and level topography typical of northeastern Indiana, unlike any other part of the state
- Soils are the Morley-Glynwood and the Morley-Rawson Associations, which consist of loam, sandy loam, and clay loam soils
Established in 1991, NEPAC is the newest Purdue Agricultural Center. Recognizing the agricultural importance of the northeast part of the state, Purdue has acquired four tracts of land for a long-awaited research center. The first tract, given in trust by Denzil Schrader in 1989, is 160 acres and is called the Schrader Farm in his memory. When Denzil Schrader convinced his neighbor, Merle Kyler, of the need for such a center, Kyler also gave part of his land. The 85 acre Kyler Farm lies two miles to the west of the main headquarters. The third piece was a 185 acre farm one mile north of the Kyler Farm that Purdue purchased at public auction from the estate of Harvey Lawrence, a Whitley County farmer. The fourth and final parcel was then purchased in 2018 from the Myer family. This farm is located across the road from the Lawrence farm.
Contact Us
Jon Leuck
Director, Purdue Agricultural Centers, and Project Coordinator
615 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053
Phone: 765-494-8368
Alex Helms
Assistant Director, Purdue Agricultural Centers
615 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053
Phone: 765-494-8367
Chris Lake
Northeast-Purdue Agricultural Center, Superintendent
4821 East 400 South
Columbia City, IN 46725
Phone: 260-244-7290 (also fax)
- Diagnostic Training Center, site of annual training for Commercial Pesticide Applicators, Certified Crop Advisors, and farmers
- A pond near the office and constructed wetlands about two miles west of the office used for pond and environmental management workshops
- Timber parcels jointly managed with the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
- Precision agricultural equipment, GPS and AutoSteer technology
- Plots of corn, soybeans, wheat, and alfalfa used for tours, special training events, and annual field days
current Research
Agricultural research conducted at NEPAC transfers more readily to area farmers than that conducted on the flat black prairie soils of west central Indiana or the soils of other regional PACs. Farmers near NEPAC want to know how a particular practice or management system is going to work on their farm. Research therefore has focused on row-crop production. Current research includes projects related to fertility; insect, weed, and disease control; corn, and soybean production trials; and tillage systems.
Researchers in the Departments of Agronomy, Botany and Plant Pathology, Entomology, and Agricultural and Biological Engineering are currently conducting research at NEPAC.
- 2024 Research Projects (PDF)
- 2023 Research Projects (PDF)
- 2022 Research Projects (PDF)
- Nitrogen Management Guidelines
- Agronomy Department
- Field Crops IPM
- Purdue Extension
- A Model of Decision-Making & Information Flows for Information-Intensive Agriculture
- Purdue Plant & Pest Diagnostic Lab
- NEPAC Automatic Weather Station
- Indiana Ag Connection
- Purdue Crop Diagnostic Training & Research Center
- King Corn, the Corn Grower's Guidebook
- National Agricultural Statistics Service
- Hoosier Ag Today
- The Kernel
- Panoramic View of NEPAC
- September 10, 2025 - Field Day
- For more information contact Chris Lake at 260-244-7290 or
- DPAC - Davis-Purdue agricultural Center
- FPAC - Feldun-Purdue Agricultural Center
- NEPAC - Northeast-Purdue Agricultural Center
- PPAC - Pinney-Purdue Agricultural Center
- SEPAC - Southeast-Purdue Agricultural Center
- SIPAC - Southern Indiana-Purdue Agricultural Center
- SWPAC - Southwest-Purdue Agricultural Center
- TPAC - Throckmorton-Purdue Agricultural Center
PAC Events
PAC Events

The Purdue Agricultural Centers (PACS) will be offering public field days, workshops, and other events in 2024. These events provide educational opportunities for commodity producers, crop/livestock advisers, and others seeking knowledge in crop...
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