Feldun Purdue Agricultural Center (FPAC)

Size and Topography

  • Nearly 900 acres in Lawrence County near Bedford, including about 400 acres of pasture
  • Limestone-derived soils characteristic of this part of south central Indiana
  • Old limestone quarry and fragipan soil


Moses Fell Dunn, a highly regarded lawyer and member of the state legislature, gave 520 acres to Purdue University in 1914, 360 acres of which was used to by the university to establish Indiana’s first “experiment station” outside of Tippecanoe County.
The Indiana Beef Evaluation Program’s Bull Test Station at FPAC was started in November 1976 at the Pioneer Beef Cattle facility near Tipton and later moved to Purdue University’s Lynnwood Farm at Carmel. It has been located at FPAC since 1989.

Contact Us

Jon Leuck
Director, Purdue Agricultural Centers and Project Coordinator
615 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Phone: (765) 494-8368
Email: leuckj@purdue.edu​

Alex Helms
Assistant Director, Purdue Agricultural Centers
615 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Phone: (765) 494-8367
Email: leuckj@purdue.edu​

Brad Shelton
Superintendent, Feldun Purdue Agricultural Center
1117 State Road 458
Bedford, IN 47421
Phone: (812) 279-8554
Email: sheltonb@purdue.edu

Nick Minton, Ph.D.
Indiana Beef Evaluation Program
1117 State Road 458
Bedford, IN 47421
Phone: (812) 279-4330
Email: nminton@purdue.edu


  • The Indiana Beef Evaluation Program (IBEP) Bull Test Station, an important link between Purdue Agriculture and Indiana’s beef cattle industry
  • Concrete, gravity-fed water tanks downstream from pond
  • Demonstration of watering systems, grazing techniques, and beef cow production practices​ 

Current Research

Research at FPAC focuses on commercial beef cattle breeding and management. Scientists in the Department of Animal Sciences use most of the pasture for a cattle herd that is part of a long-range genetics study. Other research has included studies of growth, yield, and cutting alternatives for upland central hardwoods and grazing research. Agronomic field studies with row crops are limited, with roughly 140 acres of soybeans and 140 acres of corn, soybeans and wheat.

In addition to scientists from the Department of Animal Sciences, researchers from the Departments of Agronomy, Forestry and Natural Resources, and Entomology conduct research at FPAC.


Feldun-Purdue Marks a Century of Service

PAC Events

PAC Events

farmers on edge of field during training day
2024 Field Days & Training Events

The Purdue Agricultural Centers (PACS) will be offering public field days, workshops, and other events in 2024. These events provide educational opportunities for commodity producers, crop/livestock advisers, and others seeking knowledge in crop...

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