Graduate Council of Agriculture

Graduate Council of Agriculture

Jane Frankenberger

Jane Frankenberger

Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Carson Reeling

Carson Reeling

Agricultural Economics
Linda Pfeiffer

Linda Pfeiffer

Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication
Laura Bowling

Laura Bowling

Zoltan Machaty

Zoltan Machaty

Animal Sciences
Scott Briggs

Scott Briggs

Sharon Kessler

Sharon Kessler

Botany and Plant Pathology
Ian Kaplan

Ian Kaplan

Laramy Enders

Laramy Enders

Owen Jones

Owen Jones

Food Science
Michael Jenkins

Michael Jenkins

Forestry and Natural Resources
Ying Li

Ying Li

Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Linda Lee

Linda S. Lee

Agricultural Research and Graduate Education
Zachary Brown

Zachary Brown

Office of Multicultural Programs