BCHM IT Resources

Agriculture Information Technology 

Justin Bryant | Academic IT Specialist | BCHM 225 | On-site hours

  • Monday - Friday | 1pm - 5pm

Dio Chavez | Desktop Analyst | BCHM 225 | On-site IT support hours 

  • Monday | 8am - 11am
  • Wednesday | 1pm - 5pm
  • Friday | 8am - 11am

For IT Help outside of our office hours:

 Phone (Best for time sensitive requests)

-       765-494-4000 or 1-888-226-2438 (toll free)


-       Visit https://service.purdue.edu/

-       Sign in with your career account credentials

-       Click on Submit a Request to Purdue IT

-       Fill in the required fields 

o   Requestor(If you are signed in, it will already have your information prefilled)

o   Title (Brief description of the issue)

o   Description(Description of the issue being experienced in more detail. I do recommend including the computer name)

o   Optional: you can add a screenshot under attachments

-       Click Submit



-       https://boilerbot.purdue.edu/

o   This can be used if you are encountering issues with Duo, Microsoft MFA, or need your password reset.

                  NOTE: If you are a Mac user who needs their career account password changed, please use Enterprise Connect on your Purdue-managed Mac (The icon for this looks like a key and is located on the menu bar) to not cause issues with your Keychain.

 To Report Phishing emails:

The following link gives instructions, suggestions, and tips.

