Feldun Purdue Agricultural Center (FPAC)
Feldun PAC is in the Shawnee Hills natural region in Lawrence County, containing a total of 882 acres, with 224 acres in forest. This is a mature woods with a long data base history dating back to the early 1950's.
- Forest Inventory
- Total acres: 882
- Forest Acres: 224
Property Details
- Nearly 900 acres in Lawrence County near Bedford, including about 600 acres of pasture
- Limestone-derived soils characteristic of this part of south central Indiana
- Old limestone quarry and fragipan soil
Purdue Agricultural Centers
Superintendent, Property Manager, Maps & More About Our Research
Brad Shelton
Superintendent, Feldun-Purdue Agricultural Center (FPAC)
1117 State Road 458
Bedford, IN 47421
Phone: (812) 279-8554
Email: sheltonb@purdue.edu
Don Carlson
Southeast-Purdue Agricultural Center (SEPAC)
4425 East 350 North
Butlerville, IN 47223
Cell: 812.798.2764
View our nine research areas along with our world-class faculty, Research Areas.
Purdue centers seek to support and enhance the research and partnership enterprise at Purdue University. The centers are valued and encouraged at Purdue as they create a venue for faculty to come together to pursue common goals. Forestry and Natural Resources have faculty and staff involved in six centers here at the University.
The Department of Forestry and Natural Resources maintains an impressive collection of state-of-the-art research and education facilities. These labs, green houses, and educational facilities are a fundamental component that enables our faculty and students to learn, make new discoveries, and engage our clients in using these discoveries to sustain our nation’s ecosystems and natural resources.