Herrmann Reserve and Herrmann Tract

Herrmann Tract landscape

The Herrmann Reserve was donated by Eugenia Ann Herrmann as part of her final will to use the location for educational purposes in the Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources Department. She desired the property to be used as a nature reserve with an emphasis on reforesting the land. She further desired her 80-acre property, known as the Herrmann Tract, to be used to support the Herrmann Reserve efforts.

Both of these properties are located in the Central Hill Plain natural region in Jay County. Since Purdue acquired the land, there has been a valiant effort to convert tillable acres into tree plantings and native warm season grass plantings. Along this journey, has come opportunities for extension education and research. The Herrmann Tract is being managed by the Davis Purdue Agricultural Center to pursue research opportunities while providing financial support to the Herrmann Reserve.

Property Statistics

  • Acres: 133 in the Reserve; 80 in the Tract
  • Acquired: 2012

More About Herrmann Reserve and Herrmann Tract

  • Tree improvement research focused on black cherry, white oak, and black walnut
  • Native warm season grass planting research focused on the planting density and species composition with and without fire management
  • Mixed species planting for research on competition and overall vigor of trees as well as symbiotic relationships among trees
  • Hardwood Tree Improvement Research Center (HTIRC) and Purdue University research on progeny trials and growth comparisons between species

  • Property is bisected by State Highway 67 and parallel to railroad tract

Herrmann Reserve

Tree Plantings:

2013: 6.8 acres mixed hardwoods planted
2014: 1 acre white oak planted
2015: 1 acre white oak planted
2016: 2.5 acres black walnut planted
2019: 19.8 acres mixed hardwood demonstration site
2020: 12 acres white oak and mixed species planted for research
2020: 20 acres mixed hardwood demonstration site

Native warm season grass plantings:

2014: 9 acre research plot
2020: 3 acre demonstration plot

Native forest:

7 acres mixed hardwoods
6.5 acres bottomland hardwoods along the drainage ditch

Shelterwood forest:

2.6 acres

Water features:

0.5 acre pond
3,000+ feet of drainage ditch

Tillable acres:

26 acres

Herrmann Tract – Managed by Davis PAC

Native forest:

5 acres

Tillable acres:

75 acres

Please contact the property manager for a copy of this property’s management plan.

Herrmann Reserve Property Manager:
Don Carlson
Phone: 812.798.2764

Herrmann Tract Superintendent:
Jeff Boyer-DPAC Superintendent
Phone: 765.468.8125
Email: jboyer@purdue.edu

The Herrmann Reserve is located along State Highway 67, 1.5 miles southwest of Redkey, IN.

The Herrmann Tract is located on the east side of State Highway 1, 2 miles south of Redkey, IN.

Hermann tree planting in 2020. Photo by Don Carlson. Hermann tree planting in 2020. Photo by Don Carlson.
Hermann tree planting in 2023. Photo taken by Don Carlson. Hermann tree planting in 2023. Photo taken by Don Carlson.
Ariel view of the Herrmann Reserve
Ariel view of the Herrmann Tract

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