“AgDay,” America’s longest-running nationally syndicated daily agricultural TV news program, hosted by Clinton Griffiths, recently filmed on Purdue’s West Lafayette campus in preparation for its Purdue Agriculture-themed college roadshow.
The show featured an agricultural markets focused panel with professors from Purdue’s College of Agriculture including James Mintert, Daniel Quinn and Ariana Torres.
The show also highlighted a wide breadth of research including a discussion on emerging protein sources and a behind-the-scenes look at the Department of Food Science’s Sensory Evaluation Laboratory with Andrea Liceaga, Associate Professor of Food Science and the lab’s manager.
Katy Martin Rainey, Professor of Agronomy, Director of the Purdue Soybean Center and co-founder of Progeny Drone Inc., joined co-researchers Keith Cherkauer, Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, and Vincent Seal, Research Geneticist, to discuss the usage of drone imagery to aid in increasing soybean yield.
John Evans, Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, discussed a collaborative project between the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering and John Deere to autonomously offload grain during harvest.
The complete show aired locally on CBS WLFI TV-18, nationally on over 100 channels plus RFD-TV, and online at Farm Journal’s AgWeb.com, on Friday, Sept. 15.
About AgDay TV
On the air for nearly four decades, AgDay is the newscast of record for American agriculture. Along with providing the nation’s farmers and ranchers with the latest news, weather and business headlines, AgDay reaches out to every household with the story of American agriculture, featuring the people and places unique to the industry and small-town America. In addition to hosting AgDay, Clinton Griffiths serves as editor of Farm Journal and was the 2019 Farm Broadcaster of the Year.