Publication / Acknowledgement Policy

No matter how small a portion of your published work involved electron microscopy, it is important that you include a reference in your papers, posters, etc. to acknowledge that electron microscopy was completed at the PEMC. Below is a default text you can use in the acknowledgments portion of your papers.  It includes our Facility RRID, which is a unique identifier for the PEMC that allows us to easily search for all papers that have used our core.  

Electron microscopy was performed using instrumentation in the Purdue Electron Microscopy Center (RRID:SCR_022687).


Why is Acknowledgement important? 

The PEMC is chiefly funded by money from grants.  In order to continue to purchase cutting-edge equipment to allow you to perform the high-quality research that you need, we have to put in grant proposals.   One of the primary questions in many grants we apply for is “How many papers have been published using data from your core facility?”  By including a reference to us in your papers, you allow us to make more robust applications, allowing us to obtain funds that enable the purchase of new microscopes and accessories.

Additional information

Inclusion of PEMC staff on publications is not assumed when a sample is submitted. Inclusion is not expected for providing routine sample preparation and imaging.

Inclusion as a co-author on a publication is appreciated and may be requested if the investigator requests staff be involved in data interpretation, input in experimental design, and participation in manuscript preparation. Such request for authorship should be made and agreed to by all parties prior to beginning these additional activities. In turn, no staff member should be included as a co-author without their permission and their having the opportunity to review a manuscript prior to submission.

The recovery of expenses through the Core cost recovery system does not exclude the possibility for authorship for core research personnel. Similarly, investigators are expected to pay all charges incurred in the PEMC and this is independent of authorship on resulting publications.



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