​Workshop Schedule

Monday,  October 26    
Theme: What's leaving the treated field?

9:00       Technical Instructions & Opening Remarks    
9:10        Overview of tiered approach used by EPA - Trip Hook, EPA
9:20        What is the EPA model(s) and concepts for…? - Trip Hook, EPA
9:50        Breakout Group Discussion    
10:05       Break
10:20       State-of-the-science on hydrology and erosion: How are these processes represented in a widely used soil erosion model? - Dennis Flanagan, USDA-ARS
10:40       Representation of hydrology, erosion, and transport processes in the SWAT+ watershed model - Jeff Arnold, USDA-ARS
11:00       Wetland Species Risk Assessment - An Industry Perspective - Eric Henry, BASF; Mark Thomas, Bayer Crop Science; Pat Havens, Corteva Agriscience
11:15        Breakout Group Discussion
11:40        Discussion report outs
11:55        Wrap up of Day 1


Tuesday, October 27
Theme: Wetland as a receiving water body

9:00       Technical Instructions & Opening Remarks
9:10        Novel hydrology and water quality of wetlands in agricultural landscapes - Sara Winnike-McMillan, Purdue
9:30        Ecological perspectives on pesticides and other agricultural contaminants within agricultural headwater streams - Rocky Smiley, USDA-ARS
9:50        Breakout Group Discussion
10:15       Break
10:30       Restoring Wetland Habitat on Private Lands in Ohio, through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program - Lori Stevenson, FWS
10:50       Privately-Owned Wetlands Improve Water Quality In The Mid-South - Scott Manley, Ducks Unlimited
11:10        Breakout Group Discussion
11:35        Discussion Report Outs    
11:50        Wrap up of Day 2


Wednesday, October 28
Topic: Best Management Practices and Mitigation

9:00       Technical Instructions & Opening Remarks
9:10        Assessment Tools and Mitigation Methods for Contaminant Losses to Wetlands – An NRCS Perspective - Chris Coreil, NRCS
9:30       VFS Effectiveness to Mitigate Pesticides: Mechanistic Analysis with VFSMOD - Rafael Muñoz-Carpena, University of Florida
9:50       What does the future of hydrologic/water quality modeling hold? - Bernie Engel, Purdue
10:10       Break    
10:25      Breakout Group Discussion
10:50      Discussion Report Outs    
11:00       Workshop Consensus Statement Development
11:55       Closing Remarks and Next Steps